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Second Star to the Right

by A. F. Henley

Be it unrequited fascination with his straight best friend or impossible fantasies of rekindled interest with his heartbreaking ex, Mason has no clue why the perfect connection seems to keep slipping through his fingers. When another lonely holiday seems like too much weight to shoulder, Mason gives up on romance and seeks out the next best thing -- rented company. Jack is everything a person could want in an escort: willing, hot, and built like an angel.Mason can't resist. After all, who wouldn't be interested in a guy who loves kid's movies, is a self-professed Peter Pan, and has no problem throwing caution to the wind at a moment's notice. But then interest quickly blooms into a whole new emotion -- an emotion that Mason knows far too well, especially when Jack has no interest in returning it, preferring to keep his heart safely tucked away in Neverland.

Night Scenery

by Emery C. Walters

It begins with a fading odor and darkness. Lights out, dark as night. Outside the college building, there are flames, lumps of metal and flesh, and no one moving. When Asher finds his car, he's surprised it works and he drives aimlessly, trying in vain for a radio station, any sign of life.Recovering his wits, he parks at a truck stop and loads up with things that might be useful. In the dark, someone runs into him and urges him to flee. The thought of maybe having to repopulate the world doesn't appeal to either of them -- Asher is gay, and Sandy isn't sure what she/he/they are.Sandy knows a place they might hole up while the world dies around them. It's a cabin that belongs to a friend who might be there.Sandy's friend Wade turns up the next day when there's light, again. Are Wade and Sandy an item or just friends? Asher feels like odd man out, but survival is their first priority. Can relationships be sorted out, later?


by A. F. Henley

At thirty-six, Ian feels done with the world. When a night at a bar goes as poorly as expected, he wants only to return home to be miserable in peace. Instead, he encounters Jordan. Hot, young, and interested, Jordan is everything Ian's ever wanted and nothing he believes himself capable of actually obtaining.Jordan has enough going on in his life trying to scrape together a living for himself and his autistic son. When he meets Ian, all he wants is a brief, erotic moment and nothing else.But fate throws them together again and again, and Ian finds himself determined to do whatever it takes to give their story a happy ending -- no matter what secrets Jordan's past has waiting for him.

A Thankful Heart

by Shawn Lane

It’s the beginning of November and Fabian is looking to make plans to visit his family with his lawyer boyfriend, Michael, for Thanksgiving week. But when Fabian shows up at Michael’s office during the workday, Michael is rude and unreceptive to the idea, so Fabian breaks up with him.Making the trip to San Jose by himself, Fabian is welcomed home by his loving Italian family who are just eager for him to come home for good. Fabian is set to make the best of Thanksgiving, single and all, but maybe a special visit will help to make his heart thankful once more.

One Man's Junk

by David Connor E. F. Mulder

Julian Junk was often teased about his last name and his father's occupation as a garbageman. Mackensie Keller grew up privileged and spoiled. As teens, Junk and Mickey make plans for their future, but when Mickey is sent off to boarding school, he tells Junk their parents are probably right -- they just don't belong together.Back in town ten years later, Mickey is all grown up. He and Junk reconnect as adults, but so much was said, and so much has changed. Though he asks for forgiveness, which Junk grants, though old romantic feelings are quickly rekindled, Mickey is reluctant to bring a new man into his young daughter's life after his last relationship's failure. He's also harboring a secret, one that threatens to spoil upcoming Thanksgiving plans.Once Junk discovers the source of Mickey's dilemma, he devises a crafty plan to make everything right. Will it work out? Will Mickey accept his help, and can the two of them make a go of it with so much stacked against them?

Outlined in Ink: Outlined In Ink

by Vivien Dean

Six years ago, Jarrett Kessel helped his best friend’s little brother deal with his family’s rejection when he came out. He saw potential in the tempestuous teenager. Talent. Then, they both moved on with their lives.Now, the FBI needs Jarrett’s help. Sketch artist Eli Locke is their only lead in finding a killer, but he’s nowhere to be found. Though the Feds are convinced Jarrett is the best way to lure him out, he’s not so sure. Until they show him the web comic Eli has created, with a superhero who bears a striking resemblance to Jarrett.When Eli gets an email out of the blue from the man who changed his life, he doesn’t even consider saying no to a meeting. Jarrett is even more amazing than he remembers, and the fact that he’s all right being the role model for the one thing that means the most to Eli is just icing on the cake. But the truth about the murder comes out, and even though he had nothing to do with it, Eli wants to run. It’s up to Jarrett to keep him from ruining his life for good, before the killer finds them both and does it first ...

The Chase and the Catch

by A. F. Henley

After one of his fans committed suicide, John lost everything: lover, confidence, drive. When he’s given a chance to get back on his feet, he’s happy to take it -- even if it's just writing an actor's biography. It might not be romance, or even fiction, but it's something, and there are worse people to work for than the charming, successful Parker Chase.That doesn't mean working for Parker is easy, however. A staunch supporter of living for the moment, Parker goes against everything John believes in. He feels out of place in every moment of Parker's Hollywood life, stuck in a game of wits that at times seems almost contrived.

Canine TLC

by Deirdre O’Dare

Wounded warrior Gary Sanchez gets a new lease on life from a visiting therapy dog while in the Veteran’s Administration hospital to recover. He knows at once what he wants to do when he gets out and back on his feet. With the help of Angie, a very special rescue dog, he follows this dream -- smack into a young doctor with a major canine phobia and a hard-ass attitude.Mirmar has struggled and suffered to get his MD and build a life in his adopted homeland. Childhood trauma has left him with a deep fear of dogs. When he sees one in his hospital, he’s ready to kick some serious butt. However, the man on the end of the leash is another matter entirely. What is it about the handsome Latino that draws him like a magnet?Can these two bridge their differences and find a way to fill the aching empty spot in their lives with each other? Only Angie knows for sure.

But by the Grace of Dog

by A. F. Henley

Thom Baron has been struggling with social anxiety his entire life. He's taken the medications, gone to the therapists, followed the programs, and concluded his best life is a solitary one. When he comes across a dog in obvious need at his local market, it rekindles the desire to have some company around. It may come with a dishevelled coat, a notched ear, and a refusal to respond to anything but its given name "Ugly," but it could still be a friend.However, Thom's new fur buddy has no such need to keep to itself and immediately befriends the man Thom has secretly coveted since he moved in -- Justin, Thom's gorgeous, bright-eyed neighbour. No matter how Thom tries to evade the man, the dog keeps drawing them back into each other's lives, and it doesn't take Thom long to recognize it's simply pursuing the demands of Thom's own heart. With the dog giving him the courage to try, Thom reaches out to return the love being offered.Until a stranger shows up insisting the dog is his and demanding its immediate return ... a loss Thom knows will take all of his efforts and newfound confidence with it.

The Gift

by A. F. Henley

Doren was born with a powerful gift -- a gift he's managed to use to put him well on his way to becoming a star. But there is more to that gift than just musical talent, and as careful as Doren is to hide that fact, there are some who know of the power behind the sound, and all the ways they could abuse it.August's goal in life is simple: make an impact in the music industry. An opportunity to work as the personal assistant to Doren seems to be exactly the kind of break he needs to accomplish that goal.But all too often in life, simple becomes just another complication, especially when there are people whose goal is even simpler: destroy and dominate.

Star Bright

by Shelly Greene

Rafi Reyes figures going along with a fake-dating stunt is only fair after Julian Gault saves his life. The young actor is famously cold and snotty, and Rafi's rock band is falling apart in the wake of betrayal. A shiny new romance might be just what both their reputations need. It's too bad they don't actually like each other, but they'll both benefit -- a softer public image for Julian, revenge against his ex for Rafi.But as they navigate public events, attend red-carpet premieres, and play cat-and-mouse with paparazzi together, Rafi gets to know a different Julian than he expected -- one who defends horses, takes care of his troubled cousin, and has Rafi's back against his dysfunctional family. Rafi starts to hope he and Julian have something real together.But Julian has secrets more painful than Rafi can imagine. With Julian's powerful and controlling uncle scheming to turn them against each other, their relationship must become something much deeper if it -- and possibly either of them -- are to survive.

The Cool Part of His Pillow

by Rodney Ross

The mid-40s are that time in a gay man's life when his major paradigm shifts from sexy to Sansabelts. But when Barry Grooms's partner of twenty years is killed on Barry's forty-fifth birthday, his world doesn't so much evolve as it does explode.After navigating through the surreal conveyor belt of friends and family, he can't eat another casserole or swallow much more advice on what constitutes grief. Still numb, he leaves his homestore and design business in the care of others as he escapes to Key West, then New York. There he gets a thankless new job working for a crazy lady in a poncho, then has too many drinks with a narcissistic Broadway actor. Next it's a nude exercise class that redefines flop sweat, and from there he's on to a relationship with a man twenty years his junior.Yet no matter how great the retreat from the man he used to be, life's gravity spins Barry back to the small town where he grew up for one more ironic twist that teaches him how to say goodbye with grace.

A Matter of Time

by Emery C. Walters

Just finished with college, Jack Alder is on his way to beautiful Maui on a working vacation. Silently breathing a sigh of relief after his relationship with Salvador Moretti was revealed to his parents and Flossie, the girl next door who thought she was going to marry him, Jack has no idea that an adventure he could never have imagined awaits.Flirtatious steward Randy saves Jack’s life when their planes crashes. When Randy’s boyfriend dumps him, he convinces Jack to join him on a wild ride in an old car he buys.Along the way they meet Danny, who was rejected by his family for his sexuality, and Missy, who’s halfway toward becoming Mister. Will the four find romance with a little help from the spiritual realm?

A Timely Gift (2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers Ser.)

by Kris T. Bethke

Sometimes the right gift can be life-changing ...On the solstice, Rory’s grandfather gives him a pocket watch he claims will have Rory’s life sorted and his problems solved by Christmas. Rory starts out skeptical, but when he reconnects with an ex he never thought he’d see again, he has to admit there might be some holiday magic at work after all.Deacon’s life is in shambles, and he’s returned to Syracuse for a fresh start. Running into Rory again feels like much more than a coincidence, and neither of them can deny the passion between them is still smoldering. With the watch behaving oddly at just the right moments, Rory and Deacon might receive the gift of a lifetime ... if they’re willing to accept it.


by R. W. Clinger

This winter finds Kemp Trumble in a pickle along Lake Erie as he attempts to seek out some quiet time to finish writing his next best-selling thriller. Not only does he think the lumberjack next door is loud and annoying, but he also believes the stud alluring, a heavy distraction, and sexy.Kemp purposely tries to keep his distance from Jack Manwood, knowing they rub each other the wrong way. To no avail, Kemp seems to constantly run into Jack. No matter how much Kemp steers clear of the hot neighbor, Jack is always around, here and there, everywhere.Unpredictably, these two different men, one from the back woods and one from the city, find common ground: drinks at Timbers, manly hugs, and the annual Lumberjack Competition, which they both attend. But are Kemp and Jack's similarities strong enough to escalate their friendly relationship into boyfriendhood? Or will they remain separated by miles of lumber and broken hearts?

Hurricanes and Rainn

by Gavin Atlas

Rainn may fear tropical storms more than anything, but his love of flowers has landed him a gardening position on the Caribbean island of Dominica. Loneliness leads him to take tours with breathtakingly handsome local guide, Sam.Sam is taken with Rainn, but not at all with the planned hotel where Rainn works as a gardener. Windemere Resorts is quietly destroying Dominica’s natural beauty, and now Sam and his friends hope Rainn will help them obtain information they need to stop the hotel from being finished.Rainn wants Sam badly, but what if he’s being used? An out-of-season hurricane bearing down on the island makes his worst fear a reality, and now he must decide if he should break the law for Sam. Can he trust Sam with his heart and body?

Lost and Found

by Rick R. Reed

On a bright autumn day, Flynn Marlowe lost his best friend, a beagle named Barley, while out on a hike in Seattle’s Discovery Park.On a cold winter day, Mac Bowersox found his best friend, a lost, scared, and emaciated beagle, on the streets of Seattle.Two men. One dog. When Flynn and Mac meet by chance in a park the next summer, there’s a problem -- who does Barley really belong to? Flynn wants him back, but he can see that Mac rescued him and loves him just as much as he does. Mac wants to keep the dog, and he can imagine how heartbreaking losing him would be -- but that's just what Flynn experienced.A “shared custody” compromise might be just the way to work things out. But will the arrangement be successful? Mac and Flynn are willing to try it ... and along the way, they just might fall in love.

An Unexpected Love Volume 1

by Casper Graham

Seven friends, seven different personalities. They work and play together, never actively searching for love. However, love comes when one least expects it to. Follow the love journey of these seven friends as they navigate their way through romantic and familial relationships, friendships, and everything else life throws their ways.Contains the stories:A Blessing in Disguise: Javier Gisbert and Hugo Romero are stuck in a hotel in Saint Louis due to a blizzard. It’s cold outside, but their mutual lust at first sight keeps them warm and sated. Can they sustain their passion once they return home to San Francisco? Or will the heat fizzle away into nothingness?A Misunderstanding: Justin falls in love with Blake at first sight, but he discovers Blake already has someone special in mind. Blake is infatuated with Justin. Sadly, based on the conversation between Justin and his best friend Blake accidentally overhears, Justin is attracted to someone else. Blake can’t be with someone who can’t fully commit to him. Can the two men resolve their misunderstanding in the end?Destined: James Chan and Joshua Wallace are attracted to each other. They begin to go out on dates, and everything is fine initially, but Joshua doesn’t grasp the culture James is familiar with, which may potentially turn into the one thing that ends it all for them. Can they smooth things out in time? Or will their differences be too much after all?Never Left Behind: Calvin Maxwell likes older men. Someone like Turner Marsh. That’s a good thing because Turner likes him, too. However, when Turner’s ex-boyfriend hits on Calvin, their respective emotional baggage rise to the surface, threatening the survival of their relationship. Both Turner and Calvin have issues from their past, and this may spell the end of their relationship.

Sunset at Pencarrow (World Of Love Ser.)

by Lou Sylvre Anne Barwell

Kiwi Nathaniel Dunn is in a fighting mood, but how does a man fight Wellington’s famous fog? In the last year, Nate’s lost his longtime lover to boredom and his ten-year job to the economy. Now he’s found a golden opportunity for employment where he can even use his artistic talent, but to get the job, he has to get to Christchurch today. Heavy fog means no flight, and the ticket agent is ignoring him to fawn over a beautiful but annoying, overly polite American man.Rusty Beaumont can deal with a canceled flight, but the pushy Kiwi at the ticket counter is making it difficult for him to stay cool. The guy rubs him all the wrong ways despite his sexy working-man look, which Rusty notices even though he’s not looking for a man to replace the fiancé who died two years ago. Yet when they’re forced to share a table at the crowded airport café, Nate reveals the kind heart behind his grumpy façade. An earthquake, sex in the bush, and visits from Nate’s belligerent ex turn a day of sightseeing into a slippery slope that just might land them in love.

Dinner at Home

by Rick R. Reed

It only takes a few days for Ollie D'Angelo to lose his boyfriend, his job, and his home. Instead of mourning what he doesn't have, Ollie celebrates what he does: the freedom to pursue his real passion -- cooking. He begins Dinner at Home, a home-catering business, and it takes off.Late one night, Ollie catches Hank Mellinger, a streetwise hood down on his luck, about to rob his car. Ollie soon discovers that appearances aren't necessarily what they seem. Hank isn't a criminal caught red-handed, but a hungry young man trying to make a life for himself and the four-year-old niece he's trying desperately to take care of.Instead of calling the cops, Ollie offers Hank a job and a way to pull himself up by his bootstraps. Together, they discover they can really cook ... and that their shared passion for food just might lead to a passion for each other.

Once Upon a Star

by Casper Graham

Zeke Wu is stranded on the road after his car suddenly breaks down. Then he meets a strange old man who invites him to have a cup of tea. That’s when his vision from the past grows stronger. He sees two men, Wayne and James, and though they feel familiar to him, he doesn’t recognize them at all. At least not at first.Sterling has been having dreams of Wayne and James for years now, but as he grows older, the dreams become more vivid, especially after an unexpected meeting with a strange old man who offers him a cup of tea. That’s when he discovers he’s Wayne’s reincarnation in this lifetime, and he has an overwhelming desire to locate James. Or who James is supposed to be presently.When they meet, Sterling feels an instant connection to Zeke, but it takes him a while to be sure that Zeke is the one he’s searching for. Moreover, Wayne and James’s love story ended in tragedy, and it seems his and Zeke’s love story may follow the same path.Will Sterling and Zeke get their happily ever after? Or are they doomed to follow in Wayne and James’s footstep?

I Heart Boston Terriers

by Rick R. Reed

Love at first sight can work for dogs as well as humans.When Aaron finds Mavis, an emaciated and timid Boston terrier, at a pet adoption fair, his heart goes out to her -- irrevocably.When Christian, who is manning the adoption fair for the Humane Society that fateful autumn Saturday, finds Aaron, his heart goes out to him -- irrevocably.I Heart Boston Terriers is all about embracing love, whether it's for someone who walks on four legs or someone who walks on two. The Boston terrier Mavis's journey back to wholeness and finding her forever home runs parallel to the story of two men finding each other at that perfect moment -- a moment that defies logic, propriety, and common sense.But then when do the dictates of love follow a rational course?Come along for a journey about a man and his dog and see how that journey teaches him the truth about love and making a caring connection that just might last a lifetime.

Romance on the Sea

by Emery C. Walters

Cruises are often taken for special occasions, and in this case, Lane and Roger are celebrating their divorce. Actually, they just didn't want to lose the deposit made in happier times. They agree not to get in each other's way if presented with any romantic or sexual opportunity.Roger goes right out looking for sex, but Lane isn't in a rush. With the unasked for help of a loose cat and an overly-precocious young lad, Lane bumps into Steve. After a few shared meals, shore tours, and a life-threatening storm that leaves the ship stranded in darkness, bumping turns to humping, and their relationship grows.Shipboard romances are iffy, though. Can theirs survive a pirate invasion, a disabled ship, and a slam-the-door argument?

The Tailor

by Kassandra Lea

Bartholomew Jay Westwood, or simply Jay, is a suit fanatic. They're easily his one indulgence. He owns one in every color, which makes it nearly impossible to pick one for an upcoming holiday party. The only one that seems suitable is white, and he originally bought it for a Halloween costume three years ago. But he can't quite bring himself to wear it and settles for another number from his vast collection.Unfortunately, tragedy strikes after he stops to pick up a last-minute gift. But the incident takes place outside his favorite suit shop, The Well-Dressed Man, and waiting inside is none other than expert tailor Walden Conway. He might have just the thing Jay needs, and it may be more than a suit.

All That You Do: All That You Do (Boys Of The Zodiac Ser.)

by Jamie Craig

Antique dealer Christopher Gleason isn't looking for love. He isn't even looking for a one-night stand. But when a young man with an innocent smile offers to buy him a drink one night, he accepts. He's even tempted to take it further, until he learns the innocence isn't an act. Though he can't deny his attraction, or the fact that he likes the young man quite a bit, Christopher puts him off. He'd rather be friends than risk hurting him.Gage Kimball fled Salt Lake City for Los Angeles with his guitars, what little money he had, and no friends. Raised in a devout Mormon family within a tightly knit community, he's never had the chance to be himself or explore his sexuality. Until now. Christopher supplies the emotional support Gage needs, but Gage wants more than friendship. Even at the risk of everything he has left.

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