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Legado del Outback: Una precuela de A Woman Under Series (4 #3)

by K'Anne Meinel

La señora Mary Carmen Valenzuela Pearson hereda medio rancho de ovejas, llamado estación en el Outback de Australia. Ya propietario de un rancho en el centro de California, esta herencia crea un gran dilema para el hispanoamericano. Decidiendo vender su rancho y viajar al Outback para ver lo que le ha dejado su tío, carga a sus hijos, sus primos y sus familias, y sus valiosos caballos y reserva un barco a Australia. El viaje tomará meses por agua y muchos meses más por tierra para llegar desde Sydney a la estación. Siga mientras Carmen decide a dónde pertenece realmente y si esta estación del Outback se convertirá en parte de su legado.

Esplendor del Outback: Una precuela de A Woman Under Series (7 #5)

by K'Anne Meinel

Nada en la vida de Mel Lawrence podría haberla preparado para vivir en el interior de Australia. Ella encuentra que crear su nueva vida y establecer una estación de ovejas lejos de la sociedad de élite en la que se esperaba que viviera era extremadamente satisfactorio. Tiene una esposa, una hija y un sueño que nunca imaginó que desearía, y eso es todo lo que necesita. ¿Será capaz de aferrarse a la felicidad que encontró después de buscarla durante tanto tiempo?

La nueva frontera del amor (Norteamérica Salvaje #2)

by Dorothy Wiley

¡NOVELA GALARDONADA CON LA MEDALLA DE ORO POR LOS LECTORES! Una novela conmovedora y atrapante ambientada en 1797 en la romántica frontera norteamericana. El capitán Sam Wyllie ha perdido demasiado en la Guerra de la Independencia y está decidido a salvaguardar su corazón. Cuando conoce a la viuda Catherine Adams, Sam se compromete a protegerla de los peligros de la vida en la frontera, pero ¿podrá protegerse a sí mismo de los peligros del amor? La Guerra de la Independencia Norteamericana dejó al Capitán Sam curtido en la batalla. Su único miedo es el amor. Su valiente pero frío corazón desafía el peligro... y el amor. Está decidido a empezar de nuevo con sus hermanos en el lejano Oeste, en el nuevo estado de Kentucky. Convertida en viuda recientemente en el Sendero Salvaje, el único temor de Catherine es vivir sin amor. Sabe que debe volver a Boston con su padre acaudalado, pero teme que él la obligue a casarse de nuevo por prestigio y riqueza… no por amor. Atraída por la aguda inteligencia de Sam, su dura masculinidad y su ruda fachada de guerrero, llega a la conclusión de que el oeste le ofrece la oportunidad de conocer el amor verdadero. Pero fuerzas oscuras, un enemigo despiadado y un dolor secreto del pasado de Sam conspiran contra ellos. Catherine, que alberga sus propios secretos, está decidida a ayudar a este valiente guerrero vestido de piel de ante a despojarse de la armadura de su corazón. A pesar de la innegable atracción que existe entre ellos, Sam se niega a volver a arriesgar su corazón. Catherine no se da por vencida, creyendo que él podría ser tan apasionado en el amor como lo es por su país y su familia. Este emocionante romance histórico ambientado en el oeste combina acción, heroísmo y humor con el amor y una pasión tan fuerte y sublime como la misma naturaleza salvaje. Wiley, un

Mesto Rimpianto: "Un western che sembra un incrocio tra Lonesome Dove e Twin Peaks."

by Steve Vernon

“Un western che sembra un incrocio tra Lonesome Dove e Twin Peaks.” Bass Clayton è un cacciatore di taglie diventato ubriacone professionista. Silver Grimes è l’uomo che ha involontariamente trasformato Bass Clayton in un ubriacone, dopo che Bass ha accidentalmente sparato al braccio di Silver con un fucile calibro 8. Sally Jezebel ha un segreto che sta nascondendo ad entrambi. Le loro vite cambiano quando Newt Gallagher entra nel bar di Willy Jake a cavallo della scrofa premio di Pritcher Targate. Vi chiederete: fino a che punto può arrivare un uomo? DICONO DI STEVE VERNON “Questo genere ha bisogno di sangue nuovo e Steve Vernon è una vera trasfusione.” - Edward Lee, autore di FLESH GOTHIC e CITY INFERNAL “Steve Vernon è una specie di anomalia nel mondo della letteratura horror. È una delle nuove voci più fresche del genere, sebbene la sua carriera sia in piedi da vent’anni. Scrivendo con una rara padronanza e sicurezza, Steve Vernon può guidare i suoi lettori attraverso un’intera gamma di emozioni, dal terrore alla pietà, dalla repulsione alle risate.” - Cemetery Dance “Dotato di un bizzarro senso dell’umorismo, un enorme tasso di originalità, un fiuto per il rischio e una forte padronanza della caratterizzazione, Steve ha sicuramente le giuste capacità.” - Dark Discoveries “Steve Vernon è nato per scrivere. È un vero affare e siamo fortunati ad averlo.” - Richard Chizmar E anche mia madre pensa che io sia abbastanza figo.

Un nuovo inizio a Niobrara per il signor e la signora O’Malley (Vivere in America #1)

by Laurel A. Rockefeller

Darcy e Brigit avevano sempre sognato un nuovo inizio, e quando quest'oppotunità si presenta loro, non esitano ad intraprendere un lungo viaggio che li porterà dalla Contea di Mayo alla Valle del fiume Niobrara, nel nord est del Nebraska. Questa breve novella racconta del loro viaggio in treno per raggiungere la tappa finale, la cittadina di Randolph, dove i loro sogni e le loro speranze potranno presto realizzarsi.

La ragazza di Jesse

by Tara September

L'avvocato di successo del Texas, Reade Walker, maledice quella dannata canzone ogni volta che la sente, fin troppo consapevole dell'ironia dei suoi testi. Dopotutto, è stato segretamente e dolorosamente innamorato della ragazza di Jesse, Gwen, per quasi un decennio. È stato amore a prima vista per lui, ma purtroppo lei non è la sua ragazza. Appartiene all'unico uomo che lo ha tradito e conosce il segreto nascosto della famiglia di Reade. Eppure sembra che Reade non riesca ad amare nessuno tranne l'unica donna che non può avere. O potrebbe riuscire a farla sua? Quando il marito senatore di Gwen Clark scappa con il suo stagista e tutti i loro soldi, lo scandalo che ne segue sconvolge la sua vita. Abbandonata, senza un soldo e disperata per provvedere alla figlia di sei anni, Gwen non ha nessuno a cui rivolgersi se non Reade Walker. L'unico uomo che il suo cuore desidera disperatamente, ma il suo orgoglio teme di dover chiedere aiuto. Nonostante li abbia accolti nella sua casa, sembra che Reade riesca a malapena a stare nella stessa stanza con lei, figuriamoci sotto lo stesso tetto, nella stessa camera da letto. Ma Gwen è determinata a rimettere in carreggiata la sua vita. È giunto il momento di riscoprire i propri sogni... se solo riuscisse a impedire che il suo cuore dolorante si spezzi di nuovo.

La Hija del Demonio

by Mayara Cordeiro

En las recién debravadas tierras del estado del Colorado, Estados Unidos, vive Rebecca Zeigler, hija del pastor de su comunidad. Joven y romántica, ella en secreto sueña conocer el verdadero amor. Viviendo con su familia y otros colonos, ella conoce un forastero español; un hombre misterioso que marca la vida de todas las personas que cruzan su camino. Este libro aborda violencia sexual en contra de la mujer, armas de fuego y otros temas sensibles.

The Serpent's Head: A Science Fiction Western Adventure

by Bryan Young

A hired gun delivers frontier justice on a colony world. The man called Twelve is a hired gun, taking his laser pistol from planet to planet, hiring his services out to the highest bidder. He finds himself on Glycon-Prime, a new colony at the edge of space. On the hunt for work, Twelve blows into a small, frontier town—only to find a massacre. The only survivors? A trio of young children, devastated by the murder of their families. They are hellbent on hiring the gunslinger to get revenge on the leader of the vicious mutants responsible...the man known only as The Serpent&’s Head.

Space Cowboy

by Justin Stanchfield

Something deadly has awakened on the remote planet Aletha III, a nightmare creature that shouldn&’t exist, and no one except teenage cowboy Travis McClure believes it is real. Bored with his life on the terraforming project, herding cattle and doing homework, Travis longs for adventure but gets more than he bargains for when he is attacked by the creature. Now it&’s kill or be killed as Travis is forced to defend himself and the other terraformers against a threat they don&’t believe in. Armed only with his dad&’s old rifle he heads into the wilderness to track down the beast before it kills again. It&’s a deadly game and survival is the only prize.

Grace's Dream

by Agnes Alexander

Before the teacher could get the students inside when a sudden storm came up, a large limb fell across seven-year-old Grace Hunter's right ankle. Though the doctor was able to save her foot, she was left with a pronounced limp. As a child, though she had a crush on her friend Nelda's brother, she knew no man would ever love her because of her foot. When she reached her twentieth year, she still felt the same - no man would ever love her and she still loved Sheriff Lance Gentry. When a measles epidemic hits town Grace and Lance are forced to spend time together. Lance had always thought of Grace as his other sister until he noticed one day she was no longer a girl, but a beautiful woman. But not a woman for him. Yet when he thought of Grace in another man's arms his blood ran cold.

The Happy Family

by B. M. Bower

The Happy Family of the Flying U ranch in Montana were Bower's favorite characters. In this fun adventure, a lady from the city plans to help them "become better, truer men." She has a big job on her hands!

No Cowherders Wanted

by Robert E. Howard

I hear a gang of buffalo hunters got together recently in a saloon in Dodge City to discuss ways and means of keeping their sculps onto their heads whilst collecting pelts, and purty soon one of 'em riz and said, "You mavericks make me sick. For the last hour you been chawin' wind about the soldiers tryin' to keep us north of the Cimarron, and belly-achin' about the Comanches, Kiowas and Apaches which yearns for our hair. You've took up all that time jawin' about sech triflin' hazards, and plannin' steps to take agen 'em, but you ain't makin' no efforts whatsoever to pertect yoreselves agen the biggest menace they is to the entire buffalo-huntin' clan--which is Breckinridge Elkins!"

Waltz with the Lady

by Betina Lindsey

In the vast Wyoming Territory, they embraced a proud vision of life and love! In the years after the Civil War, Miss India Simms leaves the comforts of Boston to preach women's rights throughout the Wyoming Territory. The raw town of Cheyenne is a shock to the petite aristocrat and so is her guide, Gat Ransom. His rough-hewn appearance and quick, good-natured smile embodied the contradictions of the West. But his scarred, taut power set disturbing, unfamiliar feelings pounding through India's veins. India and Ransom ride the sweeping plains and towering forests, sharing a deep need for freedom and a sensuous promise. Only when they cast off their stubborn pride would they know the bliss of pure surrender and the fiery love that burns between them.

In the Shadow of the Mountains

by Rosanne Bittner

The triumphs and tragedies of Denver’s founding family as they carve out an empire in the American West—an epic saga from the beloved bestselling author. Bold, headstrong, and passionate, the indomitable Kirklands struggle to survive in a treacherous, hostile land. From penniless settlers to wealthy mine owners to Denver’s regal first family, together—and separately—they pursue their dazzling dreams of love and glory. Through the era of the covered wagon to the rise of the western railroad, from the gold rush years through the golden age of the American West, In theShadow of the Mountains is the breathtaking saga of a remarkable family who endured tragedy and hardship to build a glorious mountain empire. “Bittner is one of those writers whose talent has grown over the years.” —Publishers Weekly

Tame the Wild Wind

by Rosanne Bittner

Revenge drives a Sioux warrior into a storm of danger and desire in this historical western romance from the bestselling author of Sweet Mountain Magic. When Gabe Beaumont was forced to choose between the Sioux tribe of his mother and the white family of his father, his choice ended up costing him everything. Settlers murdered his Indian wife and child, and now revenge is all he lives for. Riding westward with a renegade Sioux band, he becomes Tall Bear, a warrior with a wounded soul—until a raid on a Wyoming stagecoach station brings him face-to-face with a feisty, red-haired beauty who could change his life . . . Now two independent spirits will move heaven and earth to be with each other—and to fight for love against the shadows and the danger that lurks in Gabe’s wild heart of the frontier. “Power, passion, tragedy and triumph are Rosanne Bittner’s hallmarks. Again and again, she brings readers to tears.” —RT Book Reviews

The Forever Tree

by Rosanne Bittner

The bestselling author of Rapture’s Gold delivers a western historical romance of two worlds colliding in a storm of peril and passion. Will Lassater comes to California to build a logging empire, never expecting to fall in love with the golden land. Then he beholds Santana, an exotic Spanish beauty, and in her dark, luminous eyes he sees all that is beautiful and irresistible about the rich and fertile country—all that he wishes to possess yet does not fully understand. With every beat of her innocent heart, Santana knows that this tall, handsome, blue-eyed American is the only man she can ever love. But between Santana and Will stands a lifetime of tradition—and a powerful and ruthless Spanish don who vows to kill any man who dares to covet his intended bride. Now, as Will’s dream of Lassater Mills becomes a reality, he will risk everything to make Santana his own. And though love cannot protect them from vengeful enemies or the fires of change raging across the land, it may give them the strength to face an uncertain future, and—in the midst of tragedy—the courage to begin anew. “A poignant, touching story that will bring tears to your eyes! Rosanne Bittner proves time and time again that she is a master at her craft!” —Literary Times

Rapture's Gold

by Rosanne Bittner

The gold rush sparks a fiery passion in this smoldering historical western romance from the bestselling author of Tender Betrayal. At seventeen, strong-willed Harmony Jones has made it to Cripple Creek all by herself. Now all she needs to reach her inherited claim is a guide—and the only one she can find is the devastatingly handsome Buck Hanner. The challenge and dangers of searching for gold in the rugged Rocky Mountains force Buck and Harmony to recognize the strength and bravery each possesses—and the love they discover leads them to a much greater treasure. . . . &“Power, passion, tragedy and triumph are Rosanne Bittner&’s hallmarks. Again and again, she brings readers to tears.&” —RT Book Reviews


by Rosanne Bittner

A mesmerizing historical western novel of vengeance and passion from the bestselling author of Unforgettable. Luke McQuade travels to Kansas with revenge on his mind. He plans to bring the pro-slavery killer who murdered his father to brutal justice. But his mission is sidetracked when he meets a beautiful woman whose fiery nature matches his own. Valeria Walters is not one to be trifled with, and the simmering passion she feels for Luke, and that he feels for her, makes him question his bloody mission, and whether salvation and peace can exist instead in her arms. “Power, passion, tragedy and triumph are Rosanne Bittner’s hallmarks. Again and again, she brings readers to tears.” —RT Book Reviews

Comanche Sunset

by Rosanne Bittner

A mail order bride—and her heart—get ambushed in this moving historical western romance from the bestselling author of Sweet Mountain Magic. Mail order bride Jennifer Andrews heads to Texas ready for adventure. But when her stagecoach is attacked, the auburn-haired beauty wishes she had never left St. Louis. All at once the renegades are gone—and she is cradled in the strong arms of fellow passenger Wade Morrow. The handsome man has saved her life, and though they’re all alone on the vast Texas plains, she feels safer than she ever has before. Though Comanche blood runs in Wade Morrow’s veins, he was adopted by a white family as an infant and knows nothing of his Indian heritage. Still, something in him yearns for the wild, untamed land where he was born. So he heads to west Texas to join his past with his future. But when he ends up with Jennifer Andrews in his arms, he wants to harden his heart against the sweet desire she awakens—if only he could deny the passion they share . . . “Time after time, Rosanne Bittner brings a full-blown portrait of the untamed West to readers. Her tapestry is woven with authenticity, colorful characters, intense emotions and love’s power over every conceivable obstacle.” —RT Book Reviews

Lawless Love

by Rosanne Bittner

A man ruled by his gun meets a woman led by her heart in a dazzling western historical romance from the bestselling author of Shameless. When Moss Tucker smells danger, he shoots it. When he needs shelter, he grabs it. And when he wants a woman’s touch, he buys it. But then he sees Amanda Boone’s sparkling azure eyes—an innocent beauty like her would never get involved with a law-breaking man like him. Chestnut-haired Amanda tries to keep her gaze on the vast frontier that flashes past her train window—but it keeps straying to the buckskin-clad stranger. Every inch of him is virile and strong. She knows it’s wrong to even think of his muscular arms crushing her soft curves in a fierce embrace. Yet she vows that before the trip is over he will be the one to tame her savage desire with his wild and lawless love. “Bittner’s characters spring to life . . . Extraordinary for the depth of emotion with which they are portrayed.” —Publishers Weekly


by Rosanne Bittner

The bestselling author of Lawless Love pens a heartfelt western historical novel of the promises we make—and the love that can come from breaking them. Orphaned at a young age, street-savvy Ally Mills and her brother Toby agree on one thing: sticking together no matter what. When their daring escape from an evil man leads to the dusty plains of Oklahoma, they find their chance to make their fortune. Disguised as husband and wife, they set out on a journey to claim their own land in a new town. Eagle-eyed army scout Ethan Temple sees through the fiery redhead’s disguise. Suspicious of the duo and drawn to Ally’s tenacious spirit, the striking half-Cheyenne marksman can’t help but keep watch over her. Ally made an unbreakable pact, but the longer Ethan stays at her side, the more terrifying her realization grows: She’s in love. And she must tell Ethan how she feels before he rides out of her life for good . . . “Sensual . . . with emotional intensity, heart-stopping action, bittersweet romance and passion!” —Romantic Times

Sweet Mountain Magic

by Rosanne Bittner

The bestselling author of Tame the Wild Wind delivers a western historical romance of a lonely trapper and a woman with a deep and wounded past. When Sage McKenzie comes across a wild-eyed beauty in obvious distress, his first instinct is to turn and flee like the native tribes who fear this “crazy woman.” As a man of the mountain, affairs of the heart are low priority. But her violet stare has him ensnared, and Sage knows he has to help her in any way he can. Taking this silent beauty as his new travel companion, Sage begins a journey to find out where she’s from and who took her away from her home and family. With her memory seemingly vanished, the girl known only as “White Deer” has a past she knows must be terrible—why else would she have erased it from her mind? But now, in the protective arms of Sage, she finds herself living for his gentle touch and ready to confront her deepest, darkest secrets.


by Rosanne Bittner

The heart knows no law in this sweeping historical western romance from the bestselling author of Comanche Sunset. After the brutal murder of their parents at the hands of American soldiers, Nina Juarez and her brother Emilio have learned to survive by any means necessary. Skilled with horses and not much else, the two make their name as outlaw wranglers. But Nina, weighed down with the guilt of their crimes and yearning to settle down, wants out of the business. After their next target, Nina’s headed for California or bust. When plans go awry, Nina finds herself at the mercy of an army officer on his last mission. She owed these gringos nothing, but now she owes the handsome Lieutenant Clay Youngblood her life. Clay, enchanted by his encounter with this Mexican beauty, does the unthinkable for a lawman—he lets her go free. Now Nina is caught between the law, her brother, and the only man capable of taming her heart. “A unique and wonderful story.” —Janelle Taylor, New York Times–bestselling author

Rodeo Red

by Maripat Perkins

A girl and her dog are happier than two buttons on a new shirt―until her new baby brother shows up. A rip-roarin' sibling tale perfect for story time!Rodeo Red and her hound Rusty are happier than two buttons on a new shirt—until Sideswiping Slim shows up.Red is sure that anyone who hollers that much will be hauled to the edge of town and told to skedaddle, but her parents seem smitten with the new addition to the family. So when that scallywag sets his eye on Rusty, Rodeo Red had better figure out a way to save her best friend in the whole world. Can a cowgirl make a bargain with a varmint?Author Maripat Perkins pairs Old West lingo with big laughs to tell this laugh-out-loud sibling story. Adorable illustrations by Caldecott Honor winner Molly Idle add to the fun.

Rebel Spurs

by Andre Norton

In 1866, only men uprooted by war had reason to ride into Tubacca, Arizona. So when Drew Rennie, newly discharged from Forrest's Confederate scouts, arrived leading everything he owned behind him--his thoroughbred stud Shiloh, a mare about to foal, and a mule--he knew his business would not be questioned. To anyone in Tubacca there could be only one extraordinary thing about Drew, and that he could not reveal: his name, Rennie.

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