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Frankenturkey (Bone Chillers #4)

by Betsy Haynes

[from the back cover] ""Kyle and Annie want to celebrate Thanksgiving like the Pilgrims. They want to wear stovepipe hats, bake their own pies--even raise their own turkey. Then they meet Frankenturkey! Frankenturkey is big. Frankenturkey is bad. Frankenturkey is mad. If Kyle and Annie don't watch out, Frankenturkey will eat them for Thanksgiving dinner." RL 4 IL 008-012 A great early chapter book with 25 short chapters. Fans of this book will love the author's other books in the Bookshare collection. From the Bone Chillers series look for #1 Beware the Shopping Mall, #2 Little Pet Shop of Horrors, and #3 Back to School, with more to come. There are individual books like The Great Mom Swap and many books from The Fabulous Five series.

Frankensteins Katze: Wie Biotechnologen die Tiere der Zukunft schaffen

by Emily Anthes

Schöne neue Tierwelt?Fluoreszierende Fische, die bei UV-Bestrahlung leuchten. Delfine mit künstlichen Flossen. Zu Robotern umfunktionierte Käfer, die vom Militär auf Spionagemissionen ausgesandt werden können. Innig geliebte Haustiere, die man mithilfe ihrer DNA wieder auferstehen lässt.Forscher in aller Welt sind bereits dabei, solche Wesen in die Welt zu setzen. Mancher Weg führt von der Petrischale geradewegs ins Zoogeschäft. Dieses Buch wagt einen – beunruhigenden, aber zugleich faszinierenden – Blick in die High-Tech-Menagerie der nahen Zukunft. Erfinden wir das Tierreich gerade neu? Zu welchem Zweck: um menschliche Launen oder Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen? Spielen wir uns in der Biotechnologie oder Technobiologie zum Schöpfer auf? Wenn sich Kühe gentechnisch so verändern ließen, dass sie keine Schmerzen mehr empfinden – könnten solche Tiere unser schlechtes Gewissen beim Fleischverzehr beruhigen?Die Wissenschaftsjournalistin Emily Anthes ist um die Welt gereist, um die Fauna der Zukunft kennenzulernen, vom schottischen Geburtsort des Klonschafes Dolly über die Forschungsstätten, in denen Lebewesen technisch aufgerüstet werden, bis zu einer „Pharm“ für Hühner, die bei der Krebsbekämpfung helfen sollen. Frankensteins Katze nimmt Sie mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch ein wundersames und oft bizarres Wissenschaftsgebiet – und stellt kritische Fragen.Emily Anthes berichtet von den verrückteren Seiten der Tier-Biotechnologie. NatureGeistreich und gut recherchiert. The New York TimesFaszinierend, scharf beobachtet und ein wenig beängstigend. New Scientist_____Schon seit Jahrhunderten verändern wir unsere tierischen Begleiter: Wir haben Hunde gezüchtet, die jagen oder Schafe hüten, Kühe mit verbesserter Milchleistung, Hauskatzen, die genau wie Tiger aussehen, und kleine Schweine, die in eine Handtasche passen. Aber jetzt hat eine neue Phase der Manipulation tierischer Organismen begonnen, in der uns die Wissenschaft einen immer vielfältigeren Werkzeugkasten für das „Basteln“ mit dem Leben bereitstellt. Emily Anthes führt uns in eine Welt zwischen Petrischale und Zoohandlung, zwischen Bauernhof und Militärlabor, in der Biotechnologen die Zukunft unserer pelzigen und gefiederten Freunde und unserer Nutztiere gestalten.Es gibt eine Katze, die grün leuchtet, wenn man sie mit UV-Licht bestrahlt. Den geliebten Familienlabrador lassen wir durch Klonen wieder auferstehen. In Tiefkühlzoos wird die Erbsubstanz zahlreicher seltener Tiere archiviert, schwer verletzte Tiere können mit Prothesen wieder ein fast normales Leben führen, Kühe, Schweine und Hühner werden mit Krankheitsresistenzen ausgestattet. Die Manipulationen gehen über die Biologie hinaus. Seehunde schwimmen mit eingepflanzten Sensoren durch die Meere, um Umweltbedingungen zu messen und Daten zu übermitteln, Ratten werden für militärische oder humanitäre Zwecke ferngesteuert, mit Roboterschaben soll im Unterricht neurobiologisches Wissen vermittelt werden.Anthes berichtet von Begegnungen mit Wissenschaftlern, Naturschützern, Ethikern und Unternehmern. Und sie stellt kritische Fragen: Welchen Nutzen haben die vorgenommenen Veränderungen? Soll alles, was möglich ist, auch getan werden? Welche Konsequenzen hat die neue Macht der Biotechnologie für unsere Tierwelt? Und was verraten uns die neu geschaffenen Kreaturen über uns selbst? Frankensteins Katze beleuchtet diesen abenteuerlichen Weg, auf dem Science Fiction-Vorstellungen zu Realität werden, und geht den Verheißungen und Gefahren dieser Entwicklungen nach.

Franka: A Guide Dog

by Walter Johnson

When the Allen family discovered they would be going to South America for a year, they had to make a hard decision. What would they do with Franka their beautiful German Shepherd dog. The two kids Joe and Joan write the Seeing Eye and Franka is accepted into the program. Dan, Franka's trainer, is very impressed with the intelligence of Franka. When Jane Wilson arrives at the Seeing Eye for training, Dan knows Franka is the dog for her. Jane and Franka train and graduate andjane goes on to be a lecturer on guide dogs and other topics. Good historical perspective of the Seeing Eye, and the training at the school at the time. Good children's book, but good for all ages.

Frank and the Bad Surprise

by Martha Brockenbrough

Frank the cat has it good: Tons of toys, unlimited Whiskies™ and space and quiet to stretch and nap and think and write.Then his people bring home a box. A box with something unexpected inside. A puppy.A puppy who doesn't know the rules of naps. A puppy who slobbers and tackles and barks.This won't do.Frank will just have to find a better home. Should be easy, right?

Frank and Tank: Stowaway (I Can Read Level 1)

by Sharon Phillips Denslow

Captain Frank and First Mate Tank are ready for another exciting adventure at sea!Frank (an otter) and Tank (a hippopotamus) are best friends and captain and first mate of the tugboat Stinky Sue. And on their latest voyage, they discover an extra crewmate—a stowaway! Curtis hides aboard the tugboat during his class field trip. Good thing he does, because Frank and Tank need extra help when they are called to rescue a pirate ship. No boat too big, no boat too small, the Stinky Sue will save them all!Frank and Tank: Stowaway is told through simple, declarative sentences with an emphasis on phonics, and colorful (and silly!) illustrations will delight newly emerging readers interested in adventure, the ocean, harbors, and friendship.Frank and Tank: Stowaway is a Level 1 I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.Phonics teaches children the relationship between letters and the sounds they make. A child who has mastered these relationships has an excellent foundation for learning to read and spell. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, a child who has learned phonics has a method to recognize familiar words and "decode" unfamiliar ones.

Frank and Tank: Foggy Rescue (I Can Read Level 1)

by Sharon Phillips Denslow

Frank and Tank are captain and first mate of the tugboat the Stinky Sue. Their exciting adventures at sea are told through simple, declarative sentences with an emphasis on phonics. A very funny Level 1 ICR series about friendship, boats, and community, this is a perfect choice for newly independent readers ready for a very short story with an exciting plot.Fog rolls in suddenly, and now Captain Frank (an otter) and First Mate Tank (a hippo), onboard their sturdy tug, the Stinky Sue, are lost at sea. Things can seem spooky in the fog, and the two friends must rely on each other to get home and stay cheerful! The fourth funny book in the Level 1 I Can Read series about friendship, boats, and community that features strong phonics elements and silly full-color illustrations.

Frank and Beans and the Scary Campout (I Can Read! #Level 2)

by Kathy-Jo Wargin

A Lesson in Knowing God is Always with You. Frank and Beans are camping in the backyard. But when the sun goes down, Frank hears all kinds of scary noises. And Beans is so scared he runs right out of the tent! What will Frank do now that he's alone? Picture descriptions present.

Frank and Beans and the Grouchy Neighbor (I Can Read! #Level 2)

by Kathy-Jo Wargin

A Lesson in Forgiveness. Frank can't wait to go fishing--until he finds out Mr. Granger is going too. And Mr. Granger doesn't like dogs! When Beans gets excited, it seems like the trip is ruined. Will Beans be forgiven?

Frank and Beans and S'more Trouble (I Can Read! #Level 2)

by Kathy-Jo Wargin

A Lesson in Patience. Frank loses his temper with the family cat and now poor S'More has run away. Does Frank have the patience he will need to bring her home?

Frank and Beans (I Can Read! #Level 2)

by Kathy-Jo Wargin

A Lesson in Caring and Kindness. Frank's neighbor has puppies, and boy, does Frank want one! But by the time his parents say yes, the puppies are all gone. Will Frank ever get the dog he wants?

Frances Frog's Forever Friend (Animal Antics A to Z)

by Barbara deRubertis

Frances Frog is very funny! But sometimes she is a little foolish. Her favorite friend, Felicity Fox, helps Frances learn what it means to be a good friend . . . a forever friend!

Fran the Fire Ant

by Chris Jones Danny Resner

Fran is a fire ant with a very important job—she’s a nurse ant! When the nest’s queen lays eggs, it’s the nurse ants’ job to raise the eggs into larvae and pupae so they grow up to become healthy worker ants to help build and run the nest.

Framing the Marshal

by Sharee Stover

Proving his innocence may cost him his life… After a brutal attack, US marshal Riker Kastell regains consciousness only to find a murdered gang member in his mudroom. Even worse, Eliana Daines—his ex-sweetheart—has a DNA program that pinpoints him as the murderer. And Eliana&’s technology has them both targeted by criminals. Now he and his K-9 must protect Eliana…and find the killer who looks just like Riker before they become the next victims.From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

Framed (Swindle #3)

by Gordon Korman

The hilarious third SWINDLE book - now in paperback! Griffin Bing's new principal doesn't like him. And Griffin doesn't like the boot camp football atmosphere the new principal has brought. Griffin manages to stay out of trouble -- until a Super Bowl ring disappears from the school's display case, with Griffin's retainer left in its place. Griffin has been framed! Unfortunately, the Man doesn't have a Plan - and everything his team tries to find out who really took the ring backfires. Griffin ends up in an alternate school, then under house arrest, and finally with an electronic anklet - with no way to prove his innocence! Griffin smells a rat - but will he be able to solve the mystery in time?

Fraidy Cats (Scholastic Reader, Level 2)

by Stephen Krensky

Will these fraidy cats EVER get to sleep?The Fraidy Cats let their imaginations run wild one dark and noisy night. They imagine all sorts of scary things--from wild elephants to hungry wolves! With Stephen Krensky's easy-to-read text and Betsy Lewin's eye-catching artwork on every page, kids will keep turning the pages of this leveled reader!The new edition of this best-selling Scholastic Level 2 Reader features brand-new cover artwork from best-selling illustrator, Betsy Lewin.

Fractures in the Horse

by Ian Wright

Fractures in the Horse is a comprehensive contemporaneous reference on the subject. The first 15 chapters deal with principles such as: Bone structure and function, physiological aspects of adaptation, stress protection and ultrastructural morphology. The pathophysiology of fractures, including material features of bone failure, modes of fracture, loading characteristics, stress and strain. Fracture epidemiology including geographic, discipline and horse level incidence, risk factors and variants and predictability. Diagnostic imaging including radiography, ultrasonography, scintigraphy, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and positron emission tomography. Acute fracture management, pre-operative planning, anaesthesia and analgesisa, standing fracture repair and management of complications. Surgical equiptment and repair techniques, external coaptation and rehabilitaion. The following 22 chapter cover all clinically relevent fractures. Each describes the relevent anatomy, fracture types, incidence and causation, clinical features and presentation, imaging and diagnosis, acute fracture mangement, treatment options and techniques and documents available results: author’s recommendations are made throughout. Fractures in the Horse represents a state of the art text for all involved in equine veterinary medicine. It is a manual for surgeons, diagnosticians, residents and interns. It will serve as a reference text for veterinary practitioners for managing fractures and suspected fractures in the field, advising clients and decision making. Individual chapters will also be relevent to anaesthetists, surgery and imaging personnel.

Fracture Management for the Small Animal Practitioner

by Anne M. Sylvestre

Fracture Management for the Small Animal Practitioner offers practical strategies and helpful approaches for managing fractures in dogs and cats. • Contains all the information needed to successfully manage the most common fractures in dogs and cats • Emphasizes clinically oriented tips for treating fractures from experienced surgeons • Offers an abundance of color photographs to illustrate the techniques

Foxy and Egg

by Alex T. Smith

Egg rolls up to the house of the wicked Foxy DuBois. Foxy is always very kind to strangers and invites Egg in, but she's got a glint in her eye, and has devilish plans. The clues are there: recipe books, and pictures of fried eggs adorning her walls. Be careful, Egg!'If you're not in fits of giggles by the back endpaper, there's something wrong with you!' The BookbagThese crazy characters also star in their own fiction series- Foxy Tales.Alex T Smith is the World Book Day illustrator for 2014 and also the author of the internationally bestselling fiction series Claude, which was shortlisted for the Waterstone's prize and was part of the Richard and Judy Book Club.Follow Alex at and

Fox's Feud

by Colin Dann

It was fox who found her. Vixen heard his cry - an angry, baffled cry of distress. She found him standing over the body of Dreamer. She was dead . . . Another gripping adventure of the animals of Farthing Wood by award-winning author Colin Dann.The fox cub Dreamer has been killed in a vicious attack, and the animals n White Deer Park have no doubt who is responsible. The old fox Scarface, feeling his position threatened by the new arrivals, has lashed out savagely at a defenceless cub.Fox vows revenge. But are he and his young family a match for the formidable strength of Scarface and his clan? Yet again the animals must band together to avert disaster.

Foxly's Feast

by Owen Davey

To say that Foxly is hungry would be an understatement-he can't stop thinking about food! He's completely ravenous. So Foxly sets out to find something delicious and filling. First, he discovers a deserted bag of groceries. But will it be enough to fill this fox? It looks like he has something bigger in mind. Foxly approaches a group of roosters and hens, but he still does not chow down. Just what could this crafty fox be up to? Foxly is dreaming of a bigger and better feast, but who will be invited to join him-not as his supper but as his picnic guest?Foxly's Feast is a warm, wordless picture book about the delights of healthy eating and friends. Owen Davey's autumnal palate and expressive illustrations provide opportunities for even the tiniest readers to imagine what Foxly will do (or eat) next.

Foxhunt! (Riding Academy #11)

by Alison Hart

Jina's thrilled to be bringing her roommates home with her for Thanksgiving break -- and for the annual Middlefield Foxhunt. She and Andie can't wait to ride to hounds, but Mary Beth is horrified: What about the poor fox? She and Lauren launch a full-scale protest against fox hunting -- and soon it's an all-out war at Middlefield!


by Claire Legrand

"A heart-pounding adventure."—Publishers Weekly (starred review)Orphan. Thief. Witch.A classic fantasy-adventure reminiscent of Howl's Moving Castle from New York Times–bestselling author Claire Legrand.Twelve-year-old Quicksilver lives as a thief in the sleepy town of Willow-on-the-River. Her only companions are her faithful dog and partner in crime, Fox—and Sly Boots, the shy boy who lets her live in his attic when it’s too cold to sleep on the rooftops. It’s a lonesome life, but Quicksilver is used to being alone. When you are alone, no one can hurt you. No one can abandon you.Then one day Quicksilver discovers that she can perform magic. Real magic. The kind that isn’t supposed to exist anymore. Magic is forbidden, but Quicksilver nevertheless wants to learn more. With real magic, she could become the greatest thief who ever lived. She could maybe even find her parents. What she does find, however, is much more complicated and surprising. . . .Acclaimed author Claire Legrand’s stunning and original novel explores the danger of lies and the power of truth, the strength found in friendship, and the value of loving and being loved . . . even if it means risking your heart. Full of magic, adventure, and an original and compelling cast of characters, Foxheart will appeal to fans of Neil Gaiman and Diana Wynne Jones.

Foxes (Worldlife Library)

by David Macdonald

Foxes, members of the wild dog family, have long been associated with intelligence and cunning, and they are an integral part of folklore. Worldwide they comprise a group of more than twenty species, all characterized by grace and adaptability. Because they are closely related to domestic dogs, they are seemingly familiar, yet their wildness makes them mysterious. Foxes is a comprehensive guide to the history, evolution, distribution, and social structure of foxes worldwide, from the red fox--the most widely distributed of any wild carnivore--to the Arctic fox--whose range encircles the North Pole--to Blanford's fox--a desert fox discovered in Israel. David Macdonald is Director of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at Oxford University and holds an A.D. White Professorship at Cornell University and a Senior Research Fellowship at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. He is acknowledged as a world expert on canids and is Chairman of the International United Commission for Nature Canid Specialist Group. Following a childhood fascination with wildlife, Macdonald's research on foxes began in 1972 with work that won the Zoological Society's Huxley Medal and has subsequently led him to publish papers on 15 different species of canid worldwide. He is also known for his documentary films and books, and has twice been awarded the Natural World Natural History Author of the Year Originally from Glasgow, David Macdonald lives with his wife and three children on their smallholding in Oxfordshire.


by Catherine J. Allen

Once there was a Quechua folktale. It begins with a trickster fox’s penis with a will of its own and ends with a daughter returning to parents who cannot recognize her until she recounts the uncanny adventures that have befallen her since she ran away from home. Following the strange twists and turnings of this tale, Catherine J. Allen weaves a narrative of Quechua storytelling and story listening that links these arts to others—fabric weaving, in particular—and thereby illuminates enduring Andean strategies for communicating deeply felt cultural values. In this masterful work of literary nonfiction, Allen draws out the connections between two prominent markers of ethnic identity in Andean nations—indigenous language and woven cloth—and makes a convincing case that the connection between language and cloth affects virtually all aspects of expressive culture, including the performing arts. As she explores how a skilled storyteller interweaves traditional tales and stock characters into new stories, just as a skilled weaver combines traditional motifs and colors into new patterns, she demonstrates how Andean storytelling and weaving both embody the same kinds of relationships, the same ideas about how opposites should meet up with each other. By identifying these pervasive patterns, Allen opens up the Quechua cultural world that unites story tellers and listeners, as listeners hear echoes and traces of other stories, layering over each other in a kind of aural palimpsest.

The Fox Wish

by Kimiko Aman Komako Sakai

This charming story follows two children who go looking for their jump rope and discover that a group of foxes have claimed it as an answer to their wish. With beautiful, classic illustrations and lyrical text, here is a subtle, sensitive piece of magic that proves to sisters, brothers, and foxes alike that the trusted familiar often lives right next to the truly extraordinary—if only you have the eyes to see it.

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