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Australia Good Food Guide 2019

by Myffy Rigby

The 2019 edition of this acclaimed, highly trusted national guide – the home of the hats – reviews 500 restaurants around Australia and award the best eateries from Darwin to Hobart, Melbourne to Perth, and Sydney to Brisbane.The Age Good Food Guide was launched in 1979 and The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide followed five years later. With the addition of The Brisbane Times, The Canberra Times and WA Today, the Good Food Guide is Australia's most trusted restaurant guide, compiled and edited by respected, independent critics. Reviewers arrive unannounced, pay for their own meals and are stringent judges, looking at service, ambiance, the X factor and, of course, the food. Hats are awarded to the best of the best. To achieve a hat is a pinnacle of a chef's career and a restaurant's history, and the term ‘hatted’ has become part of the Australian lexicon.

Brumbies in the Mountains (Brumbies #5)

by Paula Boer

Ben's family farm, including Ben's horses, must be sold. Louise's family is moving overseas for her father's work. Meanwhile brumbies are being shot and the friends discover an orphan foal. While training Brandy for the mountain country race, Ben discovers illegal logging in the park. Once again Ben and Louise must fight to save the wild brumbies, their horses, and their dreams.

Brumbies in the Outback (Brumbies #4)

by Paula Boer

Ben and Louise discover that life on a remote cattle station is very different to their Snowy Mountains home. Missing her horse, Honey, Louise struggles to adapt to the outback. Ben has a graver concern: he is desperate to prove that Brandy, his stallion, is fit after a serious leg injury, otherwise he may be destroyed. From mustering and working cattle, to tracking and taming desert brumbies, both friends are challenged by their experiences.

Brumbies in the Mist (Brumbies #3)

by Paula Boer

Thawing snow threatens Crowhurst with flooding and the wild horses are missing from the mountains. As the community struggles to protect their homes, disaster strikes for the Naylors. Ben and Louise are separated, and are each trying to take care of their own brumby's troubles. The disappearance of the herds remains a mystery until the friends make a worrying discovery.

Brumbies in the Snow (Brumbies #2)

by Paula Boer

Taming a wild horse is no easy task, as Ben and Louise soon discover. Their progress is slowed by a runaway horse and a desperate search through the park for two lost hikers. Concern for an injured brumby adds to the complications. Follow the wild twists and turns of the Best Selling sequel Brumbies adventure, as Ben and Louise explore the High Country of Australia in winter and learn what it means to break in a brumby.

Brumbies (Brumbies #1)

by Paula Boer

When city girl Louise moves to the country, she discovers the mountain brumbies are to be killed for pet food. She and Ben, a local farm boy, determine to save as many of the wild horses as they can. Despite opposition, they arrange a muster, but nothing goes according to plan. Following in the hoof-prints of "The Silver Brumby" and "The Man from Snowy River", this horse-packed adventure encounters challenges through some of the toughest territory in Australia.

Frederick Whirlpool VC: Australia's Hidden Victoria Cross

by Alan Leek

Frederick Whirlpool’s Victoria Cross is displayed near the entrance to the Hall of Valour at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. It was the first VC pinned to an Australian uniform, yet almost nothing was known about its enigmatic recipient. Two acts of valour during the Indian Mutiny, won him the Victoria Cross, but 17 severe sword wounds ended his career. Arriving in Victoria in 1859, he became a volunteer rifleman and school teacher. His VC was presented in Melbourne in 1861. He was an applicant to join the Victoria Police, but a corrupt recruitment process and unsolicited political interference prevented it. Repulsed by fame, he fled and hid his cross from the world. Fragments of his story were known, but since 1895, they have been tainted by error, guesswork and in one recent British work, pure fantasy. This work solves an old mystery. It reveals his true identity and early life in Ireland before joining the East India Company Army. To understand his service, the Central Indian campaign under Sir Hugh Rose, is examined in some detail, something that has not been done before. The real horrors of that campaign are revealed to show their devastating impact on this sensitive man. Rich sources reveal his anguished story. Humphrey James&’ reasons for changing his identity and leaving his family forever, are unearthed. His life in Australia is revealed, showing his fall, firstly from policing and then teaching, in NSW. He undoubtedly struggled with his demons and believed that he was destined for eternal damnation. The passage of his Victoria Cross, after his death was unknown before it appeared on the market in 1927. Its movements and those of his Indian Mutiny medal with its Central India clasp, are now revealed&’ This fascinating story fills huge gaps in the narrative of this ordinary man, whose life is deserving of factual interpretation. It is a story of heroism, suffering and failure, but the forgotten man will triumph in its telling. His sad life ended as a recluse in 1899, and he was buried in an unmarked grave in Windsor. The only mourner who attended his funeral left a thread, which has allowed painstaking research to uncover the true story of this sad and purposefully enigmatic hero.

The Battle of Pozieres 1916 (Australian Army Campaigns #22)

by Meleah Hampton

The Battle of Pozières has reverberated throughout Australia’s military history, long regarded as a costly battle that produced little meaningful gain. Pozières was characterised by the most intense artillery bombardment the Australians had experienced in the war thus far and ‘the hell that was Pozières’ became the yardstick by which subsequent bombardments were measured. The 13th Battalion’s Frank Massey described men who became ‘blithering idiots … Crying and weeping and — absolutely useless as a fighting man.’ The object of the battle was Pozières Ridge, a low rise that offered a good view of the German positions. Heavily fortified, the ridge and the pulverised remains of the village were contested bitterly and, during its six-week campaign, 1st Anzac Corps advanced little more than two miles and suffered 23,000 casualties. Charles Bean wrote that ‘Australian troops … fell more thickly on this ridge than on any other battlefield of the war.’ However, the first phase of the campaign was very successful, securing the fortified ruins of Pozières and the German second line. But follow-up operations failed to capitalise and subsequent assaults merely nibbled away at enemy positions without making significant headway. Yet the Battle of Pozières marks a significant achievement not only for 1st Anzac Corps, but for the British Expeditionary Force. In a war in which any advance was hard won, the wresting of the high ground from the Germans was crucial. For the battered Allied forces, the capture of Pozières Ridge provided faint hope of an end to a catastrophic war.

The Battle of Menin Road 1917 (Australian Army Campaigns #20)

by Roger Lee

The Passchendaele Campaign of 1917 is associated with images of slimy, oozing mud: mud deep enough and glutinous enough to drown men, horses and equipment, mud so pervasive that it, rather than the enemy, defeated the British Army’s only major campaign in Belgium. While these images are certainly true for the opening and final months of the campaign, mud was not he defining experience for the infantry of the Australian First and Second Divisions when, for the first time in history, two Australian Divisions fought a battle side by side in the Battle of Menin Road. For them, the defining experience was a well planned, well-conducted attack that saw all the objectives achieved in very short time. Menin Road was the third of the series of battles that together made up the Passchendaele (Third Ypres) Campaign. Intended to capture the high ground of the Gheluvelt Plateau east of Ypres to protect the right flank of the British Army advancing to its north, it was a difficult assignment. Earlier British attempts to clear the Plateau had been repulsed with heavy losses. With overwhelming artillery and air support, sound preparation and with limited objectives, the attack on 20 September surpassed all expectations. It was a classic example of how well-prepared and well-supported infantry could take and hold ground. However, as is explained in the book, it was also a classic example of why this operational method was too slow and would never win the war on the Western Front.

The Future Keepers

by Nandi Chinna

The poems in The Future Keepers honour ecosystems and thecustodians of future ecologies. They navigate the poet's ownembodied experiences of change and succession – of family,community and place. From the research scientists, gardeners, birdsand plants of Kings Park, to the activism and ecosystems of the BeeliarWetlands, to the poet's own inherited landscapes, these poems evokemutuality and exchange in speaking of the gifts we receive from beingopen to encounters with other species, and the reciprocity that thesegifts imply.

Meet Me at the Intersection

by Ambelin Kwaymullina Rebecca Lim

Meet Me at the Intersection is an anthology of short fiction, memoir andpoetry by authors who are First Nations, People of Colour, LGBTIQA+ orliving with disability. The focus of the anthology is on Australian life asseen through each author's unique, and seldom heard, perspective.With works by Ellen van Neerven, Graham Akhurst, Kyle Lynch, EzekielKwaymullina, Olivia Muscat, Mimi Lee, Jessica Walton, Kelly Gardiner,Rafeif Ismail, Yvette Walker, Amra Pajalic, Melanie Rodriga, Omar Sakr,Wendy Chen, Jordi Kerr, Rebecca Lim, Michelle Aung Thin and AlicePung, this anthology is designed to challenge the dominant, homogenousstory of privilege and power that rarely admits ‘outsider' voices.

Kathleen O'Connor of Paris

by Amanda Curtin

What does it mean to live a life in pursuit of art? In 1906, Kathleen O’Connor left conservative Perth, where her famous father’s life had ended in tragedy. She had her sights set on a career in thrilling, bohemian Paris. More than a century later, novelist Amanda Curtin faces her own questions, of life and of art, as she embarks on a journey in Kate’s footsteps. Part biography, part travel narrative, this is the story of an artist in a foreign land who, with limited resources and despite the impacts of war and loss, worked and exhibited in Paris for over forty years. Kate’s distinctive figure paintings, portraits and still lifes, highly prized today, form an inseparable part of the telling.

Fish Song

by Caitlin Maling

Maling's new work is rich and diverse, exploring physical landscapes as well as historical and socio-cultural aspects of place. In her latest, deeply personal, collection Maling travels the coast of Western Australia writing about what the ocean provides—fish, livelihoods, sand and the ever-present sea breeze. In doing so she questions what poetry might offer by way of solace and reconnection in an age of climate change.

Bush and Beyond: Stories From Country

by Cheryl Kickett-Tucker Jessica Lister Tjalaminu Mia Jaylon Tucker

Grandparents are special, and the time you spend with them is special, too. This collection draws together four tales for younger readers from the Waarda series of Indigenous stories, first edited by acclaimed author Sally Morgan. These charming tales share some exciting, happy and even scary times exploring country in bush and beyond.

The Coves

by David Whish-Wilson

San Francisco, 1849: a place gripped by gold fever, swarming with desperate men come to seek their fortune. Among them are former convicts, Australians quick to seize control in a town without masters, a town for the taking. Into this world steps an Australian boy in search of his mother. Just twelve years old, and all alone in a time of opportunism, loyalty and violent betrayal, Samuel Bellamy must learn to become one of the Sydney Coves if he is to survive.

This Intimate War Gallipoli/Canakkale 1915: Icli Disli Bir Savas: Gelibolu/Canakkale 1915

by Mehmet Ali Celikel Robyn Rowland

"Very few collections bring home so powerfully the vulnerability of individuals in the face of history," writes Lisa Gorton of Robyn Rowland's powerful poems recording the experiences of soldiers, nurses and doctors, women munitions workers, wives, mothers, composers, painters and poets during the Gallipolli War,1915. It began with the Battle of Çanakkale and the defeat of the British navy. The land battle was hand-to-hand killing, the physical closeness of its soldiers unmasking the depersonalization of the propaganda of war. Importantly, the book finishes with a poem on women's friendship 100 years after the war, and the healing nature of love.

Accidents of Composition

by Merlinda Bobis

Is it the sun a hole sucking in a bird or Icarus about to singe the sun? Which composes which? The poet asks as she circumnavigates the globe, history, and an inner universe. When it responds, there's the small shudder, the sprawl of a spin, or the quiet before and after a full circle. The eyes catch a black bird close to an eerie sun. Instantly, a poem: an accident of composition. Or a tree, rock, light from a story heard, dreamt, read or remembered returns as if it were the only tree, rock, light in the planet. The poet is caught, returned to her first heart: poetry. After four novels, Merlinda offers poems from the stillness of contemplation to the spinning of tales, then to passage across different histories. Glass becomes eternal greens underwater, fish gossip about colonisation, a gumnut turns dissident, and the dreams of Captain Cook and Pigafetta circumnavigate the globe leaving a trail of blood, beads, and the scent of cloves. But in between, the poet hopes: ‘there could be accidents / of kindness here.'

The Battle of Polygon Wood 1917 (Australian Army Campaigns #19)

by Jonathan Passlow

Buoyed by the success of the 1st and 2nd Australian divisions in the Battle of Menin Road, the men of the 4th and 5th Australian divisions filed into the front line ready for the next phase of the battle. Ahead of them lay the blackened remnants of Polygon Wood, a desolate expanse of splintered stumps shattered by the devastating shellfire. The view across no man’s land revealed lines of German barbed wire and a criss-cross of heavily defended trenches. Here and there the Australians could also see solid concrete pillboxes dotted around the landscape. In the centre of the battlefield sat a huge man-made mound of earth — the Butte. Once the stop-butte for an old artillery range, this dominating feature was fortified with machine-guns, laced with barbed wire and riddled with tunnels and dugouts. The Battle of Polygon Wood was the second phase in the British forces’ advance on Passchendaele. Success at Polygon Wood would place Broodseinde Ridge within the Second Army’s reach. But the entire operation was almost blindsided by a German counter-attack on the eve of the battle. The critical situation on the Anzac Corps right was only saved by Pompey Elliott’s 15th Brigade whose desperate efforts to contain the German attack and seize the Second Army’s objectives turned a ‘fine success’ into a ‘splendid victory’. But, as author Jonathan Passlow describes in Polygon Wood 1917, this was a victory that was by no means assured and in which luck would play its part.

The Battles of Bullecourt: 1917 (Australian Army Campaigns #17)

by Dr David Coombes

In April-May 1917 the sleepy hamlet of Bullecourt in northern France became the focus of two battles involving Australian and British troops. Given the unique place in this nation’s military history that both battles occupy, surprisingly little has been written on the AIF’s achievements at Bullecourt. The First Battle of Bullecourt marked the Australians’ introduction to the latest battlefield weapon — the tank. This much-lauded weapon failed dismally amid enormous casualties. Despite this, two infantry brigades from the 4th Australian Division captured parts of the formidable Hindenburg Line with minimal artillery and tank support, repulsing German counter-attacks until forced to withdraw. In the second battle, launched with a preliminary artillery barrage, more Australian divisions were forced into the Bullecourt ‘meat-grinder’ and casualties soared to over 7000. Again Australian soldiers fought hard to capture parts of the enemy line and hold them against savage counter-attacks. Bullecourt became a charnel-house for the AIF. Many who had endured the nightmare of Pozières considered Bullecourt far worse. And for what? While Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig considered its capture ‘among the great achievements of the war’, the village that cost so many lives held no strategic value whatsoever.

The Battles Before: Case Studies of Australian Army Leadership After the Vietnam War (Australian Military History #3)

by David Connery

Much of Australia’s military history literature focuses on battles and the way generals plan and prosecute an action or campaign. But what do generals do when they are not fighting battles? The Battles Before examines the role of senior leaders in preparing an army for war — fighting bureaucratic battles, mobilising forces for operations, or preparing for a future that is impossible to anticipate. The five cases examined in this book focus on strategic leadership and describe how major organisations grapple with political, strategic, economic and cultural change over time. The first three case studies analyse a series of pivotal moments in the history of the Australian Army: the dramatic downsizing that followed the Vietnam War, the seminal 1985 Dibb Review, and the build-up to the East Timor intervention in 1999. Further cases describe planning within a large organisation, particularly the way senior leaders grapple with the demands of multiple operations while facing significant impetus for force modernisation. The final chapter focuses on the crucial role of the Army&’s leadership in developing the next generation of leaders. The book concludes with a series of insights into the study of command in peacetime and its relevance to wartime command, particularly given the challenges that face peacetime commanders who operate within considerable constraints. The Battles Before uses recently declassified documents and interviews with key participants in a meticulous examination of a 30-year period characterised by profound and far-reaching change. This was a period that would reshape the Australian Army.

Kites in the Sky

by Atem

Kites in the Sky distills the wisdom of one lifetime, asking questions, pondering possibilities and embracing simplicity. These humble thought-children, born from love and based on haiku, will give rest to your heart.

Great Australian Scandals and Dust-ups

by Eamon Evans

From a convict with a taste for human flesh to frozen berries with the taste of hepatitis, and from the Packer family's constant brawling to the time Malcolm Fraser turned up in a hotel lobby, dazed and wearing nothing but a tiny hotel towel. Featuring quirky illustrations and Eamon Evans' signature wit, this brilliant, laugh-out-loud follow-up to 2015's Great Australian Urban Legends is an ideal Christmas read.

Murder at Myall Creek

by Mark Tedeschi

One of the most shocking murder trials in Australia's legal history, and the tribulations of the man who conducted it 'A deeply moving account of a massacre that is a stain on our nation's soul - and the prosecutor who brought the perpetrators to justice'. Peter FitzSimons In 1838, eleven convicts and former convicts were put on trial for the brutal murder of 28 Aboriginal men, women and children at Myall Creek in New South Wales. The trial created an enormous amount of controversy because it was almost unknown for Europeans to be charged with the murder of Aborigines. It would become the most serious trial of mass murder in Australia's history. The trial's prosecutor was the Attorney General of New South Wales, John Hubert Plunkett. It proved to be Plunkett's greatest test, as it pitted his forensic brilliance and his belief in equality before the law against the combined forces of the free settlers, the squatters, the military, the emancipists, the newspapers, and even the convict population. From the bestselling author of Kidnapped and Eugenia, Murder at Myall Creek follows the journey of the man who who arguably achieved more for modern-day civil rights in Australia than anyone else before or since.

A Backward Glance

by Beverley Cowcher

A beautiful and gentle story of a branch of the Mainland family, beginning with their early years in Australia. After establishing their roots in country Victoria, the family migrated to the farming community of Narrogin, in Western Australia, and finally lived in Dunsborough and Busselton, which were very different then from the towns we know today.A story of love, laughter, and sadness told with humour and self-deprecation as it journeys through a family's history. Full of unsung heroes and real people doing everything they can to make life wonderful for their families and children, while contributing as much as they could to the fabric of the communities they were living in.This is a story that will make you laugh and cry, and will leave you feeling better about the world.

Laugh, You Buggers, Laugh: Selected poems (1967-1979) and the life and times that inspired them

by Nigel Gray

Laugh, You Buggers, Laugh is no ordinary collection of poems. Nigel Gray led an extraordinary life in extraordinary times. He was a political activist and performance poet in the UK during the days of rage and hope, flower power and free love, radical social change and political upheaval that typified the 1960s and 70s. He travelled on political forays to Southeast Asia, Africa, Ireland, and mainland Europe. This is a selection of poems from that time set in a context that explains the situations and experiences that inspired them. Nigel Gray, an Irish-born West Australian, is the multi-award-winning author of a hundred published books for adults and children.

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