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Lydia Maria Child: A Radical American Life

by Lydia Moland

Now in paperback, a compelling biography of Lydia Maria Child, one of nineteenth-century America’s most courageous abolitionists. By 1830, Lydia Maria Child had established herself as something almost unheard of in the American nineteenth century: a beloved and self-sufficient female author. Best known today for the immortal poem “Over the River and through the Wood,” Child had become famous at an early age for spunky self-help books and charming children’s stories. But in 1833, Child shocked her readers by publishing a scathing book-length argument against slavery in the United States—a book so radical in its commitment to abolition that friends abandoned her, patrons ostracized her, and her book sales plummeted. Yet Child soon drew untold numbers to the abolitionist cause, becoming one of the foremost authors and activists of her generation. Lydia Maria Child: A Radical American Life tells the story of what brought Child to this moment and the extraordinary life she lived in response. Through Child’s example, philosopher Lydia Moland asks questions as pressing and personal in our time as they were in Child’s: What does it mean to change your life when the moral future of your country is at stake? When confronted by sanctioned evil and systematic injustice, how should a citizen live? Child’s lifetime of bravery, conviction, humility, and determination provides a wealth of spirited guidance for political engagement today.

Lydia Ginzburg's Prose

by Emily Van Buskirk

The Russian writer Lydia Ginzburg (1902-90) is best known for her Notes from the Leningrad Blockade and for influential critical studies, such as On Psychological Prose, investigating the problem of literary character in French and Russian novels and memoirs. Yet she viewed her most vital work to be the extensive prose fragments, composed for the desk drawer, in which she analyzed herself and other members of the Russian intelligentsia through seven traumatic decades of Soviet history. In this book, the first full-length English-language study of the writer, Emily Van Buskirk presents Ginzburg as a figure of previously unrecognized innovation and importance in the literary landscape of the twentieth century.Based on a decade's work in Ginzburg's archives, the book discusses previously unknown manuscripts and uncovers a wealth of new information about the author's life, focusing on Ginzburg's quest for a new kind of writing adequate to her times. She writes of universal experiences--frustrated love, professional failures, remorse, aging--and explores the modern fragmentation of identity in the context of war, terror, and an oppressive state. Searching for a new concept of the self, and deeming the psychological novel (a beloved academic specialty) inadequate to express this concept, Ginzburg turned to fragmentary narratives that blur the lines between history, autobiography, and fiction.This full account of Ginzburg's writing career in many genres and emotional registers enables us not only to rethink the experience of Soviet intellectuals, but to arrive at a new understanding of writing and witnessing during a horrific century.

Lydia Cassat Reading the Morning Paper: A Novel

by Harriet Scott Chessman

Harriet Scott Chessman takes us into the world of Mary Cassatt's early Impressionist paintings through Mary's sister Lydia, whom the author sees as Cassatt's most inspiring muse. Chessman hauntingly brings to life Paris in 1880, with its thriving art world. The novel's subtle power rises out of a sustained inquiry into art's relation to the ragged world of desire and mortality. Ill with Bright's disease and conscious of her approaching death, Lydia contemplates her world narrowing. With the rising emotional tension between the loving sisters, between one who sees and one who is seen, Lydia asks moving questions about love and art's capacity to remember. Chessman illuminates Cassatt's brilliant paintings and creates a compelling portrait of the brave and memorable model who inhabits them with such grace. Lydia Cassatt Reading the Morning Paper includes five full-color plates, the entire group of paintings Mary Cassatt made of her sister.

Lydia: A Novel

by Lois T. Henderson

Bestselling author Lois Henderson weaves the brief New Testament account of Lydia, the seller of purple in Acts 16:14, into a colorful and biblically accurate novel. Creatively filling in the gaps and vividly portraying this drama of faith and salvation, the author tells a story that pulses with excitement, while giving us a fascinating look at the life and times of ancient Macedonia. Lydia was a successful and influential businesswoman in Philippi--a beautiful town thriving under Roman rule. But more significantly, she was the seeker after truth who became Paul's first Christian convert in Europe. It was her home that nurtured the church of Philippi, whose members were later referred to by Paul as his "joy and crown." And it was to her home that Paul and Silas came after their miraculous release from prison. The author's familiarity with the period adds authenticity to the story, supplying true-to-history details of everyday life and sparkling dialogue for the very human characters. Dramatic and gripping, Mrs. Henderson's narrative portrays Paul's impact on one part of the Roman world as seen by the first Christian to carry the Message through Europe and westward. "Through the pages of Lydia, the reader steps into the New Testament town of Philippi to experience the conflicts and joys of her newfound faith in God. Mrs. Henderson has written a convincing account of Lydia's salvation and her subsequent ministry of hospitality to Paul and his fellow travelers."--Virtue Lois T. Henderson is the popular and respected author of such biblical novels as Ruth, Hagar, and Abigail. She is much in demand as a lecturer and has written numerous articles and short stories for Guideposts, Reader's Digest, Redbook, Woman's Day, and Family Circle.

A luz que nos ilumina: Superar tempos de incerteza

by Michelle Obama

Depois do sucesso de vendas e da crítica Becoming - a minha história, a ex-primeira-dama Michelle Obama regressa com um novo e inspirador livro onde partilha conhecimentos práticos e estratégias eficazes para mantermos a esperança e o ânimo apesar da enorme incerteza do mundo atual. Não há soluções fáceis nem respostas diretas para os grandes desafios da vida, mas Michelle Obama acredita que todos podemos desenvolver estratégias em que possamos apoiar-nos para navegar um mundo em mudança sem nos entregarmos à deriva. A luz que nos ilumina enceta um diálogo franco e honesto com os seus leitores acerca de um conjunto de problemas com que muitos nos debatemos: Como podemos construir relações sinceras? Como descobrir a força e a união nas nossas diferenças? Que ferramentas podemos usar para mitigar os nossos medos e incertezas? O que fazer quando tudo começa a tornar-se de mais? Michelle Obama oferece aos seus leitores uma série de reflexões e histórias inéditas sobre mudanças, desafios e poder, incluindo a sua convicção de que, quando nos iluminamos para o nosso semelhante, potenciamos a prosperidade do mundo à nossa volta., desvendando sentidos mais profundas e novos caminhos em direção ao progresso. Baseando-se na sua experiência quanto mãe, filha, esposa, amiga e primeira-dama, partilha os hábitos e princípios que lhe permitiram adaptar-se à mudança e superar inúmeros obstáculos - a mesma sabedoria que continua a ajudá-la a construir a história. Descreve as suas preciosas técnicas, como "ser gentil", "aspirar ao topo" e preparar uma "mesa de refeições" composta por amigos sinceros e mentores. Com o humor, a honestidade e compaixão que lhe são característicos, explora ainda questões relacionadas com a raça, o género e a visibilidade, encorajando o leitor a ir além do medo, a encontrar forças na sua comunidade e a viver sem medo. Quando aprendemos a reconhecer a nossa própria luz, temos a capacidade de a usar" escreve Michelle Obama. A Luz que nos ilumina inspira os leitores a refletirem sobre as suas vidas, a identificarem aquilo que lhes traz alegria e a encontrarem um sentido maior num mundo conturbado.

La luz del Guernica

by Adrienne Sharp

Una gran novela sobre la época imperial rusa y la llegada de la Revolución a partir de las vivencias de una prima ballerina que tuvo una relación con el último zar de Rusia. París, 1971. Me llamo Mathilde Kschessinska, y fui la bailarina rusa más importante de los escenarios reales. Pero el mundo en el que nací, el mundo para el que me educaron, ha desaparecido, y todos los actores que representaron papeles en él han desaparecido también: muertos, asesinados, exiliados, fantasmas andantes. Yo soy uno de esos fantasmas. Hoy en día, en la Unión Soviética está prohibido pronunciar mi nombre. Las autoridades lo han eliminado de sus historias del teatro. Tengo noventa y nueve años, una dama anciana con redecilla y cara de amargada, y sin embargo aún me siguen temiendo. Desde el París de los años setenta, a donde se vio forzada a emigrar tras la Revolución Rusa, Mathilde Kschessinska, prima ballerina del Ballet Imperial Ruso evoca su vida. Nacida en 1872 cerca de San Petersburgo, Mathilde ingresa en la academia de danza de su ciudad. A los 17 años celebra su fiesta de graduación con la presencia tradicional del Zar y su familia: se trata del primer encuentro entre Mathilde y el heredero, Nicolás. Un año después, ambos inician una relación que tendrá consecuencias trascendentales en el seno de la familia imperial, en especial para Nicolás, ya entronizado zar. Pero los acontecimientos históricos les darán alcance y sus destinos tomarán derroteros insospechados.A través de los propios triunfos y fracasos de Mathilde Kschessinska, conocemos unos acontecimientos que cambiaron el curso de la Historia. El declive del imperio de los Romanov, el estallido de la Revolución Rusa y la vida de los exiliados rusos son narrados aquí con gran poder evocativo.

La luz de un alma atrapada: Alzheimer

by Jordi Morella

Ante una experiencia no deseada, la vida se vuelca a tu favor: eleva tu alma, te muestra quien eres en realidad y te brinda la oportunidad de crecer espiritualmente. <P><P>Solo depende de ti aprovecharla o no. Cuando algo tan poco deseado como una enfermedad grave nos afecta, ya sea directamente a nosotros o a un ser querido, las personas reaccionamos de distintas maneras y adoptamos actitudes diferentes: hay quien lo acepta y hay quien no, hay quien no quiere vivirlo de ninguna manera, y hay quien quiere sacar algo positivo de ello. <P><P>En este libro inspirador, el autor nos cuenta su experiencia de seis años con la enfermedad degenerativa de su madre, Alzheimer, y lo hace desde la voluntad de compartir cómo logró obtener un aprendizaje único y valioso a través del proceso de declive no deseado, en el que él también se vio inmerso como ser querido que estaba a su lado. <P><P>Con una visión espiritual y emocional, Jordi Morella cuenta cómo quiso ir más allá de los síntomas físicos para hallarlas causas del interior de la persona y así entender la enfermedad que avanzaba día a día, aceptarla y convertirla en energía positiva, en gratitud y en amor. <P><P> La luz de un alma atrapada es un testimonio valiente y conmovedor de quien ha vivido desde la plena consciencia y las ganas de comprender un proceso doloroso pero también vital.

The Luxe Life: Everyday Luxuries for Lovers of Beauty, Fashion & Food

by Fleur De Force

Every girl deserves a little bit of luxe in her life and top beauty and fashion vlogger Fleur de Force - Sunday Times bestselling author of The Glam Guide - knows exactly how to get it."Luxe living is all about becoming your best self - the one you've always wanted to be - and making it look effortless. It's about making every day feel special and knowing that a little bit of extra effort in any aspect of your life goes a long way. This is my lifestyle bible for girls who want to make The Luxe Life a reality, regardless of budget or time constraints."Packed with:- Inspiring fashion and beauty advice- Budget-friendly hosting hacks- Lifestyle tips to make your home a sanctuary- Creative and thoughtful DIY gift ideas- Over 30 must-have recipes to take you from brunch to dinner partyThe Luxe Life is the essential guide to wowing at every special occasion, and making every day special.

Luther’s Legacy: The Thirty Years War and the Modern Notion of ‘State’ in the Empire, 1530s to 1790s

by Robert Von Friedeburg

In this new account of the emergence of a distinctive territorial state in early modern Germany, Robert von Friedeburg examines how the modern notion of state does not rest on the experience of a bureaucratic state-apparatus. It emerged to stabilize monarchy from dynastic insecurity and constrain it to protect the rule of law, subjects, and their lives and property. Against this background, Lutheran and neo-Aristotelian notions on the spiritual and material welfare of subjects dominating German debate interacted with Western European arguments against 'despotism' to protect the lives and property of subjects. The combined result of this interaction under the impact of the Thirty Years War was Seckendorff's Der Deutsche Fürstenstaat (1656), constraining the evil machinations of princes and organizing the detailed administration of life in the tradition of German Policey, and which founded a specifically German notion of the modern state as comprehensive provision of services to its subjects.

Luther The Reformer: The Story Of The Man And His Career

by James M. Kittelson

Engaging and authoritative, Kittleson's important and popular biography is here ― represented with a new cover and new preface by the author. His single-volume biography has become a standard resource for those who wish to delve into the depths of the Reformer without drowning in a sea of scholarly concerns.

Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective

by Altmann

With the approach of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s inauguration of the Protestant Reformation and the burgeoning dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans opened under Pope Francis, this new edition of Walter Altmann’s Luther and Liberation is timely and relevant. Luther and Liberation recovers the liberating and revolutionary impact of Luther’s theology, read afresh from the perspective of the Latin American context. Altmann provides a much-needed reassessment of Luther’s significance today through a direct engagement of Luther’s historical situation with an eye keenly situated on the deeply contextual situation of the contemporary reader, giving a localized reading from the author’s own experience in Latin America. The work examines with fresh vigor Luther’s central theological commitments, such as his doctrine of God, Christology, justification, hermeneutics, and ecclesiology, and his forays into economics, politics, education, violence, and war. This new edition greatly expands the original text with fresh scholarship and updated sources, footnotes, and bibliography, and contains several additional new chapters on Luther’s doctrine of God, theology of the sacraments, his controversial perspective on the Jews, and a new comparative account with the Latin American liberation theology tradition.

Lute!: The Seasons of My Life

by David Fisher Lute Olson

Lute! presents the autobiography of one of college basketball's greatest coaches, Lute Olson. "It was love at first sight. . . . One day I picked up a basketball, and it never let me go."For fifty seasons Lute Olson taught young athletes the skills of basketball--and life. Starting as a high school coach, he worked his way to the top of the basketball world, winning more than a thousand games, a national championship, and a world championship, producing some of the NBA's biggest stars, and eventually being enshrined in the basketball Hall of Fame.Lute! is the story of his upbringing in Mayville, North Dakota, where he learned his famous work ethic and survival skills; the telling of the eighteen years it took to finally coach for a major college team; the fond memories of coaching famed players as well as the stories of bitter losses and breathtaking wins. This is his story, from recruiting in the big cities and the vast farmlands of the Midwest, to finally winning an NCAA championship. It's the inside-the-locker-room story of many extraordinary emotional moments that will live forever in basketball lore. "Lute! Lute! Lute!" The cheer by which the Arizona fans greet their coach before each game is the story of a man with a lifelong passion for a game. This book will take the reader inside the incredibly popular world of collegiate basketball, as seen through the eyes of a giant of the sport.But his is far more than a basketball story. Lute's partner for forty-seven years in building championship programs was his high school sweetheart, Bobbi, whose blueberry pancakes became as widely known in the basketball world as his own full head of white hair. While Lute was the taciturn coach, she became the player's mother-away-from-home. America got to meet her as she fought her way courtside through cheering fans after Lute's Arizona team had earned a trip to the Final Four, and on national television he swept her off her feet and the two of them whirled round and round in joy. It is a love story of a couple who together built a sports legend. Lute and Bobbi Olson were a team. The Arizona community loved her almost as much as he did---traditionally at the beginning of each game the Wildcat band greeted them with a cheer. Their almost half-century love affair ended with Bobbi's death from cancer. Lute explores how he dealt with her death, and how he moved forward to find a new love.This is the chronicle of one American boy's dream to become a great basketball coach--his achievements, his coaching strategies, and the wins and losses he faced as boy, man, and coach, but always with one constant in his life: the game of basketball. This is the story of fifty seasons in the life of Lute Olson.

Luta Implacável - Amor e Resistência na Alemanha Antes da Guerra

by Marcos Anilton Santos Marion Kummerow

Berlim, Alemanha, 1932. Em uma época de agitação política, um homem encontra a coragem de contra-atacar. O Dr. Wilhem "Q" Quedlin, engenheiro químico e inventor, vive em prol da ciência. Ter uma esposa não estava em seus planos, nem ser acusado de espionagem industrial. Mas a partir desses acontecimentos, a situação mudou. Presenciar a ascensão de Hitler ao poder desperta nele o desejo de evitar outra guerra que destruiria completamente seu país. Q toma a decisão consciente de lutar contra o que sabe que está errado, mesmo se lutar contra os nazistas signifique a morte certa para ele - e para todos que ele ama. Hilde Dremmer jurou nunca mais amar novamente. Mas após conhecer Q, quis dar uma segunda chance ao amor. Quando ele a revela seu plano de resistência, é Hilde que terá que escolher entre uma vida de segurança sem Q ou a ameaça constante de tortura, se apoiá-lo na luta contra a injustiça. Ela já havia presenciado muitos atos de violência do governo nazista para se indignar com aquele novo poder político, mas será que seria o suficiente para uma mulher viver uma vida incomum, permanecendo ao lado do homem que ama em uma época de total aflição? A história que ocorre pouco antes da eclosão da Segunda Guerra Mundial é baseada em fatos reais da luta de um casal pela felicidade, ao mesmo tempo que travavam uma guerra contra seus próprios líderes.

Lustige Katzengeschichten: Wahre Geschichten von lustigen Begebenheiten mit Katzen

by Leroy Vincent

Lustige Katzengeschichten ist ein Buch voller wahrer Geschichten aus dem echten Leben über die lustigen und peinlichen Erlebnisse von Menschen mit ihren geliebten Fellnasen. Dieses Buch ist ideal für alle, die sich an ihre Lieblingskatze erinnern. Sie werden lachen und vielleicht sogar sagen: „Das ist mir auch schon mal passiert!“

Lust for Life: The Story of Vincent Van Gogh

by Irving Stone

The Classic Biographical Novel of Vincent Van Gogh by the Master Storyteller of Our Times Since its initial publication in 1934, Irving Stone's Lust for Life has been a critical success, a multimillion-copy bestseller, and the basis for an Academy Award-winning movie. The most famous of all of Stone's novels, it is the story of Vincent Van Gogh-brilliant painter, passionate lover, and alleged madman. Here is his tempestuous story: his dramatic life, his fevered loves for both the highest-born women and the lowest of prostitutes, and his paintings-for which he was damned before being proclaimed a genius. The novel takes us from his desperate days in a northern coal mine to his dazzling years in the south of France, where he knew the most brilliant artists (and the most depraved whores). Finally, it shows us Van Gogh driven mad, tragic and triumphant at once. No other novel of a great man's life has so fascinated the American public for generations.

Lust And Wonder: A Memoir

by Augusten X. Burroughs

In chronicling the development and demise of the different relationships he's had while living in New York, Augusten Burroughs examines what it means to be in love, what it means to be in lust, and what it means to be figuring it all out. With Augusten's unique and singular observations and his own unabashed way of detailing both the horrific and the humorous, Lust & Wonder is an intimate and honest memoir that his legions of fans have been waiting for. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Lush Life: A Biography of Billy Strayhorn

by David Hajdu

Biography of jazz great Billy Strayhorn.

Lush Life: A Biography of Billy Strayhorn

by David Hajdu

Billy Strayhorn (1915-1967) was one of the most accomplished composers in American music, the creator of such standards as "Take the 'A' Train", yet all his life he was overshadowed by his friend and collaborator, Duke Ellington. Through scrutiny of Strayhorn's private papers and more than five hundred interviews, Hajdu revives Strayhorn as one of the most complex and tragic figures in jazz history.

Lush: A True Story, Soaked in Gin

by Gabrielle Fernie

'FRANK, FILTHY and FEROCIOUSLY FUNNY' Sunday Mirror'I loved every HONEST and HILARIOUS second!' Carrie Hope Fletcher 'Made me CACKLE OUT LOUD on every single page' Daisy BuchananLush (adj.) Very rich and providing great sensory pleasure (Oxford English Dictionary) (n.) A habitual drunkard (Oxford English Dictionary)Gabby and Emma have been best friends since primary school in Wales. Emma has a stable job, a nice home and has just got engaged. Gabby has had a succession of disastrous one-night stands and awful jobs since drama school . . . and she has just been diagnosed with scurvy. She has one year until the wedding to pull herself together and prove to her friends and family that she can be a proper grown-up.Described by Caitlin Moran as 'filthy, immoral and incredibly funny', Gabrielle Fernie's blog,, catalogued her life as a struggling actress with a taste for gin. Here, in her first book, she shares her most raucous stories with eye-watering honesty. It is a laugh-out-loud account of a young woman trying to find her place in the world.Readers love Lush:'Best book I have read for a very long time! Absolutely hilarious!' 'Thanks for making me laugh out loud on the tube like a weirdo and for making me miss my stop more than once''Moments of true absurdity partnered with genuinely touching stories of friendship in your twenties makes for an excellent read' 'I would recommend this book to anyone who's ever doubted themselves; as a little reminder that no matter how ridiculous your life seems to have become, Gabrielle Fernie's has always been hilariously and irrevocably far, far worse'

Lured by the American Dream: Filipino Servants in the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, 1952-1970 (Asian American Experience)

by P. James Paligutan

Starting in 1952, the United States Navy and Coast Guard actively recruited Filipino men to serve as stewards--domestic servants for officers. Oral histories and detailed archival research inform P. James Paligutan's story of the critical role played by Filipino sailors in putting an end to race-based military policies. Constrained by systemic exploitation, Filipino stewards responded with direct complaints to flag officers and chaplains, rating transfer requests that flooded the bureaucracy, and refusals to work. Their actions had a decisive impact on seagoing military’s elimination of the antiquated steward position. Paligutan looks at these Filipino sailors as agents of change while examining the military system through the lens of white supremacy, racist perceptions of Asian males, and the motives of Filipinos who joined the armed forces of the power that had colonized their nation. Insightful and dramatic, Lured by the American Dream is the untold story of how Filipino servicepersons overcame tradition and hierarchy in their quest for dignity.

The Lure of the East: A Curator's Fascinating Journey

by Marilyn Jenkins-Madina

The remarkable journey of one of the first women to become a curator of Islamic art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and an internationally recognized scholar in the field. As a girl growing up in Frenchtown, New Jersey, Marilyn Jenkins-Madina recalls first learning about the Egyptian pyramids in sixth grade. That discovery opened her mind to the possibility of not only learning more about worlds far removed from her small-town existence, but of actually experiencing them and living them. Throughout her life, opportunities to follow uncharted roads have presented themselves in ways that she has not dismissed. It has been the driving force in her career and her life. She became a curator of Islamic art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and an internationally recognized scholar in the field. She took more than 50 international trips, most of which were to the Middle East, at times and in locations where women were not exactly respected or welcomed in a capacity of authority. She came to enjoy an enduring friendship with Kuwaiti royalty. And, last but certainly not least, she became the wife and partner-in-adventure of a wonderful gentleman from Damascus who was a professor at Columbia University and also a Kurdish agha. From the banks of the Delaware to the shores of the Arabian Gulf and beyond, The Lure of the East: A Curator's Fascinating Journey is the story of her remarkable journey. Dr. Jenkins-Madina began her long curatorial career at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York in 1964. Having received her B.A. from Brown University in 1962, she continued to pursue her education while working at The Metropolitan Museum, earning both her M.A. and Ph.D. during this time. From her initial appointment as Curatorial Assistant, she rose through the ranks during her forty-year tenure as curator in the Department of Islamic Art and was named Curator Emerita upon her retirement in 2004. This memoir is meant to inspire others to dare to take their own road less traveled.

The Lure of Long Distances: Why We Run

by Robin Harvie

The stunning sequel to James Smythee(tm)s critically acclaimed literary sci-fi novel The Explorer. TWENTY YEARS following the disappearance of the infamous Ishiguro e" the first manned spacecraft to travel deeper into space than ever before e" humanity are setting their sights on the heavens once more. Under the direction of two of the most brilliant minds science has ever seen e" that of identical twin brothers Tomas and Mirakel Hyvnen e" this space craft has a bold mission: to study what is being called e~the anomalye(tm) e" a vast blackness of space into which the Ishiguro disappeared. Between them Tomas (on the ground, guiding the mission from the command centre) and Mira (on the ship, with the rest of the hand-picked crew) are leaving nothing to chance. But soon these two scientists are to learn that there are some things in space beyond our understanding. As the anomaly begins to test the limits of Mirae(tm)s comprehension e" and his sanity e" will Tomas be able to save his brother from being lost in space too?

The Lure and Legacy of Music at Versailles

by John Hajdu Heyer

Louis XIV and his court at Versailles had a profound influence on music in France and throughout Europe. In 1660 Louis visited Aix-en-Provence, a trip that resulted in political and cultural transformations throughout the region. Soon thereafter Aix became an important center of sacred music composition, eventually rivaling Paris for the quality of the composers it produced. John Hajdu Heyer documents the young king's visit and examines how he and his court deployed sacred music to enhance the royal image and secure the loyalty of the populace. Exploring the circle of composers at Aix, Heyer provides the most up-to-date and complete biographies in English of nine key figures, including Guillaume Poitevin, André Campra, Jean Gilles, François Estienne, and Antoine Blanchard. The book goes on to reveal how the history of political power in the region was reflected through church music, and how musicians were affected by contemporary events.

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