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The Lure: Still More Stories of Families, Fishing, and Faith

by William J. Vande Kopple

They say that a fisherman never runs out of stories. Lucky for readers of this book, William J. Vande Kopple wants to do more than regale us with tales of the one that got away. In this winsome collection, Vande Kopple spins fifteen funny, poignant yarns out of his experience as a father, angler, and believer. From its haunting opening vignette to more expansive recollections of road trips, family reunions, and solitary forays into nature, Vande Kopple effortlessly perceives the connections between families, fishing, and faith. He is steadfast in his faith yet comfortable with doubt (see the starkly untidy ending of "Not a Hair Shall Fall," in which he and his son wrestle with both a big fish and the question of God's providence). He is contagiously exuberant yet mindful of the vicissitudes of aging (Have I waited too long? he wonders after a much-delayed fishing trip with his father in "Time Is Tapping on My Forehead"). He is an able raconteur whose spirits are never dampened for long (in "Longing," he promises never to drive up to Canada on a whim again to fish-until the locals tell him about a river he just has to try). Fishermen and their longsuffering friends and family members will relish Vande Kopple's latest book. So, too, will nature lovers of all stripes-particularly those who know the beauty of the pristine wildernesses of Michigan and Northwestern Ontario. In any case, whether or not readers share Vande Kopple's love for fishing, these stories are sure to catch those who are angling for a good story!

Lupita Nyong'o (Influential People)

by Stephanie Watson

When Lupita Nyong'o was a young girl, she didn't think she could be a famous actor. Now she is an Academy Award winner. Learn more about her rise to stardom!

Lunch with the FT: A Second Helping

by Lionel Barber

Lunch with the FT has been a permanent fixture in the Financial Times for almost 30 years, featuring presidents, film stars, musical icons and business leaders from around the world.The column is now a well-established institution, which has reinvigorated the art of conversation in the convivial, intimate environment of a long and boozy lunch.This new and updated edition includes lunches with:Elon MuskDonald TrumpHilary MantelRichard BransonZadie SmithNigel FarageRussell BrandDavid GuettaYanis VaroufakisJean-Claude JunckerGwyneth PaltrowRebecca SolnitJordan PetersonChimamanda Ngozi AdichieAnd more...

Lunch with the FT

by Lionel Barber

A selection of Financial Times interviews with high-profile figures in business, politics, the arts, science and more. <P><P> From film stars to politicians, tycoons to writers, dissidents to lifestyle gurus, Lunch with the FT gathers fifty-two fascinating interviews conducted at the unforgiving proximity of a restaurant table. <P> The list of people who have participated in this popular feature since 1994 reads like an international Who's Who of our times. Meet the rich and famous, the weird and the brilliant, the brave and the virtuous, all brought to you by the Financial Times' global network of columnists and correspondents. <P> This book brings you right to the table to decide what you think of Angela Merkel or Martin Amis, George Soros or Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, Angelina Jolie or Jimmy Carter. Meet not just oligarchs and royals, but the co-founder of Apple, the codiscoverer of DNA, the tycoon who will pay African presidents to quit, and one of the Arab world's most notorious sons. <P> Every interview is illustrated with a drawing of its subject, making this collection as visually impressive as it is enlightening and fun to read.

Lunch With Jan Wong

by Jan Wong

A collection of stories about celebrities from her column.

Lunch With a Bigot: The Writer in the World

by Amitava Kumar

To be a writer, Amitava Kumar says, is to be an observer. The twenty-six essays in Lunch with a Bigot are Kumar's observations of the world put into words. A mix of memoir, reportage, and criticism, the essays include encounters with writers Salman Rushdie and Arundhati Roy, discussions on the craft of writing, and a portrait of the struggles of a Bollywood actor. The title essay is Kumar's account of his visit to a member of an ultra-right Hindu organization who put him on a hit-list. In these and other essays, Kumar tells a broader story of immigration, change, and a shift to a more globalized existence, all the while demonstrating how he practices being a writer in the world.

Lunch in Paris: A Love Story, with Recipes

by Elizabeth Bard

In Paris for a weekend visit, Elizabeth Bard sat down to lunch with a handsome Frenchman--and never went home again. Was it love at first sight? Or was it the way her knife slid effortlessly through her pavé au poivre, the steak's pink juices puddling into the buttery pepper sauce? LUNCH IN PARIS is a memoir about a young American woman caught up in two passionate love affairs--one with her new beau, Gwendal, the other with French cuisine. Packing her bags for a new life in the world's most romantic city, Elizabeth is plunged into a world of bustling open-air markets, hipster bistros, and size 2 femmes fatales. She learns to gut her first fish (with a little help from Jane Austen), soothe pangs of homesickness (with the rise of a chocolate soufflé) and develops a crush on her local butcher (who bears a striking resemblance to Matt Dillon). Elizabeth finds that the deeper she immerses herself in the world of French cuisine, the more Paris itself begins to translate. French culture, she discovers, is not unlike a well-ripened cheese-there may be a crusty exterior, until you cut through to the melting, piquant heart. Peppered with mouth-watering recipes for summer ratatouille, swordfish tartare and molten chocolate cakes, Lunch in Paris is a story of falling in love, redefining success and discovering what it truly means to be at home. In the delicious tradition of memoirs like A Year in Provence and Under the Tuscan Sun, this book is the perfect treat for anyone who has dreamed that lunch in Paris could change their life.

Lunch in Paris: A Delicious Love Story, with Recipes

by Elizabeth Bard

Part love story, part cookbook, Lunch in Paris is a forthright and funny story of falling in love with a Frenchman and moving to the world’s most romantic city. From gutting her first fish to discovering the French version of Death by Chocolate, Elizabeth finds that learning to cook and building a new life have a lot in common.

Lunáticos viajantes: Las increíbles andanzas de Los Redondos en Uruguay

by Jorge Costigliolo

A 20 años de su último recital en Montevideo conoceremos la historia, anécdotas y protagonistas de una relación de amor, pasión y rock and roll. Desde su nacimiento a fines de los años 70 en la de La Plata Patricio Rey y sus redonditos de ricota se convirtieron en un fenómeno cultural casi exclusivo de Argentina, salvo por Uruguay. Este libro repasa a través de testimonios, historias, anécdotas, mitos, verdades y leyendas las veces de cómo, cuándo y de qué manera Los Redondos se vincularon con Uruguay.

Lunar Park (Vintage Contemporaries)

by Bret Easton Ellis

Imagine becoming a best-selling novelist, and almost immediately famous and wealthy, while still in college, and before long seeing your insufferable father reduced to a bag of ashes in a safety-deposit box, while afterAmerican Psychoyour celebrity drowns in a sea of vilification, booze, and drugs. Then imagine having a second chance ten years later, as the Bret Easton Ellis of this remarkable novel is given, with a wife, children, and suburban sobriety—only to watch this new life shatter beyond recognition in a matter of days. At a fateful Halloween party he glimpses a disturbing (fictional) character driving a car identical to his late father’s, his stepdaughter’s doll violently “malfunctions,” and their house undergoes bizarre transformations both within and without. Connecting these aberrations to graver events—a series of grotesque murders that no longer seem random and the epidemic disappearance of boys his son’s age—Ellis struggles to defend his family against this escalating menace even as his wife, their therapists, and the police insist that his apprehensions are rooted instead in substance abuse and egomania. Lunar Parkconfounds one expectation after another, passing through comedy and mounting horror, both psychological and supernatural, toward an astonishing resolution—about love and loss, fathers and sons—in what is surely the most powerfully original and deeply moving novel of an extraordinary career.

La luna está en Duala: Y mi destino en el conocimiento

by Sani Ladan

La conmovedora historia real de un adolescente que cruzó todo un continente para seguir estudiando. Imagina que vives en un país que no te permite realizar los estudios necesarios para desarrollarte como individuo. Imagina que no tienes mayor sueño que ese, precisamente. Trata de imaginar ahora que, con quince años, con la mente fría y despierta del adulto que proyectas ser y el corazón cargado de los secretos e ilusiones del niño que eres todavía, te escapas de casa sin más fin que conseguir un propósito que comienza a truncarse y a volverse violento y deshumanizante desde la primera parada en el camino. Esta historia, tan real como lo es la injusticia en el mundo en que vivimos, es la mía. «Me recuerdo tumbado, mirando al cielo. Incluso en esas circunstancias era imposible no apreciar la belleza de las estrellas y de la luna llena en un cielo tan limpio y despejado. Por mi mente desfilaban las imágenes de cada miembro de mi familia, de cada amigo. Conecté de nuevo con mi realidad, que había dejado atrás cuando vivimos el ataque de Boko Haram en Nigeria. En ese preciso momento quise tirar la toalla, volver a casa y reunirme con mis padres, pero lo cierto era que estaba en un lugar donde, por mucho que gritara, nadie me escucharía, salvo los que estaban conmigo, igual o peor que yo. Entonces me acordé de que a mi madre le encantaba contemplar la luna, sobre todo cuando está llena. En casa se ponía, a veces, un cubo con agua en el patio para observar el reflejo que la luna dejaba en su interior. Pensé que, en ese instante, mi madre podría estar contemplando la misma luna que yo, pero en casa, en Duala. Así que me puse a hablar con ella, o al menos eso creía, a través de la luna».

Una luna

by Martín Caparrós

En la cumbre del género, Una luna. Diario de hiperviaje es uno de los libros que explican el claro predominio que tuvo la crónica en las últimas décadas. La idea del hiperviaje nace aquí: cuando Caparrós se da cuenta de que en veintiocho días -Una luna- ha recorrido ocho países en tres continentes, como quien cliquea los hipervínculos de una página web. Viajaba para contar historias de migraciones y destierros: desde ese muchacho que vio cómo se comían a su abuela en la frontera de Liberia hasta la muchacha embarazada vendida por su marido a un traficante en Moldavia, pasando por el mara salvadoreño avergonzado por haber violado a una mujer o la mujer zambiana contagiada de sida por un marido putañero y los diversos intentos de cruzar el Mediterráneo en botes torpes. En esta breve luna las historias se suceden y se entrecruzan, hiladas por el viaje y las reflexiones del cronista. Duranteaños, Caparrós prefirió no publicar este libro y lo reservó para sus amigos más queridos. Quizá tenía razón: Una luna es un objeto extraño, un contraste entre mundos, una trompada en la mandíbula, una cumbre del género. Críticas:«El mejor cronista actual de América Latina: un soberbio entrevistador, un viajero dotado de cultura enciclopédica y de una fina ironía».Roberto Herrscher, La Vanguardia «Martín Caparrós es un clásico, solo que nadie lo sabe. Caparrós es, hoy por hoy, el más importante escritor del periodismo narrativo: nuestro Capote, nuestro Kapuscinski».Jorge Fernández Díaz, La Nación«Caparrós es un maestro de la crónica».Juan Villoro, Reforma «Un perturbador sistemático, un sembrador de dudas».Francesca Lazzarato, Il Manifesto «Caparrós escolosal en esos terrenos resbaladizos donde las cosas dejan de encajar en los moldes correctos».Leila Guerriero, Babelia «Martín Caparrós, uno de los más geniales cronistas contemporáneos, depura de manera exquisita, emocionada, vibrante y distanciada una prosa de un poderío narrativo excepcional».Fernando R. Lafuente, ABC Cultural

The Lumley Autograph

by Susan Fenimore Cooper

A satirical work concerning the autograph collecting mania of the mid-nineteenth century.

Lulu in the Sky: A Daughter of Cambodia Finds Love, Healing, and Double Happiness

by Loung Ung

Concluding the trilogy that started with the bestselling memoir First They Killed My Father, Loung Ung describes her college experience and her first steps into adulthood, revealing her struggle to reconcile with her past while moving forward towards happiness. After the violence of the Khmer Rouge and the difficult assimilation experience of a refugee, Loung’s daily struggle to keep darkness, anger, and depression at bay will finally find two unexpected allies: the empowering call of activism, and the redemptive power of love. Lulu in the Sky is the story of Loung’s journey to a Cambodian village to reconnect with her mother’s spirit; to a vocation that will literally allow her to heal the landscape of her birth; and to the transformative influence of a supportive marriage to a loving man.

Lulu: I Don't Want To Fight

by Lulu

This is the remarkable memoir of the small girl (5 foot 1 inch tall) with the huge voice. At the age of 15, in 1964, Lulu - born Marie Lawrie in Glasgow - was already a star with her international hit song 'Shout'. At 18 she stole hearts as an English schoolgirl to Sidney Poitier's teacher with the movie hit 'To Sir With Love'. At 21, she married a Bee Gee, Maurice Gibb, and tied as winner of the Eurovision Song Contest with 'Boom-Bang-a-Bang'. Yet in 1993 she reached No.1 with 'Relight My Fire' (with Take That). Nearly forty years at the top of the showbiz tree, Lulu has never been afraid to experiment with new trends, and her book reflects the daring that took a girl from a Glasgow tenement to international stardom - as 'To Sir With Love' says, 'from crayons to perfume'.I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT (the title of a song Lulu wrote and Tina Turner recorded) is the devastatingly candid autobiography of a singer who has never shirked from facing anything.

Lulu: I Don't Want To Fight

by Lulu

This is the remarkable memoir of the small girl (5 foot 1 inch tall) with the huge voice. At the age of 15, in 1964, Lulu - born Marie Lawrie in Glasgow - was already a star with her international hit song 'Shout'. At 18 she stole hearts as an English schoolgirl to Sidney Poitier's teacher with the movie hit 'To Sir With Love'. At 21, she married a Bee Gee, Maurice Gibb, and tied as winner of the Eurovision Song Contest with 'Boom-Bang-a-Bang'. Yet in 1993 she reached No.1 with 'Relight My Fire' (with Take That). Nearly forty years at the top of the showbiz tree, Lulu has never been afraid to experiment with new trends, and her book reflects the daring that took a girl from a Glasgow tenement to international stardom - as 'To Sir With Love' says, 'from crayons to perfume'.I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT (the title of a song Lulu wrote and Tina Turner recorded) is the devastatingly candid autobiography of a singer who has never shirked from facing anything.

Lullaby of Birdland

by George Shearing Alyn Shipton

British pianist George Shearing emigrated to the United States in 1947, going on to achieve success in an American jazz world impressed with the accomplishments of the blind musician. In his autobiography he narrates his childhood, his beginnings in music, and his activities and encounters in the world of jazz. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Lula of Brazil: The Story So Far

by Richard Bourne

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's dramatic life story has captured the imagination of millions, and his progressive politics have brought hope and excitement to Brazil--and the world. This compelling work is the first major English-language biography of the metalworker who became president of Latin America's largest and most powerful country. In a clearly written, vividly detailed narrative, Richard Bourne describes Lula's childhood hardships in an impoverished family, his days as a revered trade unionist, and the strike movement that brought down Brazil's military dictatorship. The book chronicles Lula's campaigns for the presidency, his first term in office beginning in 2002, a major corruption scandal, and his reelection in 2006. Throughout, Lula of Brazil connects this charismatic leader's life to larger issues, such as the difficulty of maintaining a progressive policy in an era of globalization. Brazil's contemporary history, parallels with other developing countries and other world leaders, the conservatism of Brazilian society, and other themes provide a rich backdrop for assessing the struggles, achievements, and failures of this major figure on both the Brazilian and the world stage.

LULA, biografia. Volume 1

by Fernando Morais

A história improvável de um homem que se tornou, simultaneamente, símbolo e agente de mudança de um dos maiores países do mundo. Além de juízos ou paixões, Lula da Silva está entre as maiores figuras políticas da história do Brasil. Oriundo da classe operária, opositor ativo e convicto de uma ditadura militar que sufocou a sociedade e a economia brasileiras entre 1964 e 1985, a sua história e as suas lutas confundem-se com as de um povo que, por duas vezes, o elegeu presidente da nação. A partir de dezenas de horas de depoimentos e com acesso direto e constante a Lula, Fernando Morais, exímio biógrafo, conduz o leitor de forma hábil pela história magnética e carismática de um homem que marcou um país. De uma infância e juventude de privações ao início da vida como operário e à aproximação ao movimento sindical, passando pelas greves históricas do ABC, pela fundação do Partido dos Trabalhadores e seu pelo ingresso, semretorno, no mundo da política, o primeiro volume de Lula relata os momentos charneira de um homem que se tornou, simultaneamente, símbolo e agente de mudança de um dos maiores países do mundo.

Lula and His Politics of Cunning: From Metalworker to President of Brazil

by John D. French

Known around the world simply as Lula, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva was born in 1945 to illiterate parents who migrated to industrializing Sao Paulo. He learned to read at ten years of age, left school at fourteen, became a skilled metalworker, rose to union leadership, helped end a military dictatorship—and in 2003 became the thirty-fifth president of Brazil. During his administration, Lula led his country through reforms that lifted tens of millions out of poverty. Here, John D. French, one of the foremost historians of Brazil, provides the first critical biography of the leader whom even his political opponents see as strikingly charismatic, humorous, and endearing. Interweaving an intimate and colorful story of Lula's life—his love for home, soccer, factory floor, and union hall—with an analysis of large-scale forces, French argues that Lula was uniquely equipped to influence the authoritarian structures of power in this developing nation. His cunning capacity to speak with, not at, people and to create shared political meaning was fundamental to his political triumphs. After Lula left office, his opponents convicted and incarcerated him on charges of money laundering and corruption—but his immense army of voters celebrated his recent release from jail, insisting that he is the victim of a right-wing political ambush. The story of Lula is not over.


by Fernando Morais

The first – and long-awaited – major biography of Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da SilvaLula is among the greatest political figures in Brazilian history. The only president in the country with a working-class background, combined with a party that was profoundly original in its roots, he exercised charismatic power and influence in a more lasting way than any other public figure in the republican period.Since 2011, Fernando Morais, one of Brazil's leading writers, has gained direct, frank and frequent access to Lula. To these dozens of hours of testimonies, he has added a reporter's flair and captivating prose to compose a biography that paints a picture in all its grandeur and complexity.In a narrative that makes use of flashforwards and flashbacks to maintain an electrifying pace, Morais goes from Lula's childhood to the annulment of his convictions, in 2021, passing through the new unionism, the ABC strikes, the foundation of the PT and the first election campaign.

Luke's Story: By Faith Alone

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye

Luke never met Jesus. Unlike the other Gospel writers, he never witnessed Jesus perform miracles or heard Him impart the Word that healed the souls of so many. No, his was a belief built on faith alone, like that of believers today. And his Gospel, filled with the stories of the Lord's divinity, speaks to the hearts of Christians everywhere. In Luke's Story, we follow him as he rises from Greek slave to university-educated physician. Along the way, he meets Saul of Tarsus, a formidable Hebrew debater who becomes both Luke's role model and greatest competitor. Luke is intrigued but skeptical when he hears tales of a man named Jesus who purportedly performs great miracles of healing. But the dramatic story of the conversion and redemption of Saul, now called Paul, and the miraculous healing of one of his own patients by prayer, irreversibly changes Luke's spiritual life. He pledges himself to Christ and makes the life-changing choice to write a Gospel based on years of interviewing believers about their conversions and listening to stories of the Lord's life from those who knew Him-most important, His mother, Mary. Luke wrote his Gospel to appeal to women, nonbelievers, and the disenfranchised. The result is scripture rich in the miraculous stories of Jesus that touches people all over the world today.

Luis Vives

by Jose Luis Villacañas

El retrato de nuestro primer filósofo moderno. Ortega y Gasset, quizá distanciándose de su maestro Bonilla y San Martín, autor de una aparatosa biografía de Luis Vives, sentenció con su rotundidad característica que la vida del filósofo valentino se reducía a nacer, estudiar, escribir y morir. Sin embargo, Vives oculta una historia apasionante. Ni la pretenciosa biografía de Bonilla ni la minimalista descripción de Ortega dicen la verdad de Vives. Con el paso del tiempo, y dejando atrás las increíbles manipulaciones de la época de Franco, un grupo importante e internacional de estudiosos ha multiplicado el conocimiento sobre nuestro primer filósofo moderno. Recogiendo todo ese saber, esta biografía ordena la existencia de Vives como ejemplo de un tipo humano excepcional, que supo ver la constelación inaugural de la modernidad, en toda su problemática complejidad, con los ojos de un sefardita valenciano, perotambién con la mente de un humanista europeo. De este modo supo mantener con firmeza su intenso sentido de la filiación, de la concordia y la fidelidad a la patria, pero sin entregar su espíritu crítico y reformador. ------- La colección Españoles Eminentes la forman una serie de biografías de destacadas personalidades españolas que por su excelencia moral o humanística destacaron en su época y siguen teniendo vigencia en la conciencia colectiva. Con ella se pretende analizar la historia de la cultura española a la luz de la ejemplaridad de determinados nombres que carecen todavía de una biografía verdaderamente moderna. El propósito es hacer una aportación real a este género y contribuir al conocimiento de nuestra historia a la vez que se traza la trayectoria de fi guras que por sus méritos sobresalientes y su general reconocimiento pueden ejercer una infl uencia vertebradora en la sociedad actual.

Luis Suarez: Crossing the Line - My Story

by Luis Suarez

Luis Suárez was a young boy already in love with football by the time his family moved from the countryside to Uruguay's capital, Montevideo. The guile and trickery of the street kid made an impact with the country's biggest club, Nacional, before he was spotted by Dutch scouts who brought him to Europe.Suárez was lured from Ajax to Merseyside by another iconic number 7, Kenny Dalglish. From that moment, he terrorised Premier League defences, driving a resurgent Liverpool towards their most exciting top-flight season in 24 years.But there is another side to Luis Suárez: the naturally fiery temperament which drives his competitiveness on the pitch. There was the very public incident with Patrice Evra of bitter rivals Manchester United, and the biting of Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic.Then during the World Cup finals in Brazil, in a physical encounter against Italy, he bit defender Giorgi Chiellini on the shoulder. Banned from football for four months, derided by the press, he was marched out of the country.In the summer's final twist, he became one of the most expensive footballers of all time, moving from Liverpool to Barcelona. In his first season at the Nou Camp he helped Barca to La Liga and Copa del Rey titles, scoring 16 goals in 27 games.In Crossing the Line, Luis Suárez talks from the heart about his intriguing career, his personal journey from scrapping street kid to performer on football's biggest stage, and the never-say-die attitude that sometimes causes him to overstep the mark.(P)2014 Headline Digital

Luis Suarez: El Pistolero

by Luis Suarez

Luis Suárez was a young boy already in love with football by the time his family moved from the countryside to Uruguay's capital, Montevideo. The guile and trickery of the street kid made an impact with the country's biggest club, Nacional, before he was spotted by Dutch scouts who brought him to Europe.Suárez was lured from Ajax to Merseyside by another iconic number 7, Kenny Dalglish. From that moment, he terrorised Premier League defences, driving a resurgent Liverpool towards their most exciting top-flight season in 24 years.But there is another side to Luis Suárez: the naturally fiery temperament which drives his competitiveness on the pitch. There was the very public incident with Patrice Evra of bitter rivals Manchester United, and the biting of Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic.Then during the World Cup finals in Brazil, in a physical encounter against Italy, he bit defender Giorgi Chiellini on the shoulder. Banned from football for four months, derided by the press, he was marched out of the country.In the summer's final twist, he became one of the most expensive footballers of all time, moving from Liverpool to Barcelona. In his first season at the Nou Camp he helped Barca to La Liga and Copa del Rey titles, scoring 16 goals in 27 games.In Crossing the Line, Luis Suárez talks from the heart about his intriguing career, his personal journey from scrapping street kid to performer on football's biggest stage, and the never-say-die attitude that sometimes causes him to overstep the mark.

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