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Showing 49,476 through 49,500 of 64,690 results

Dostoevsky: The Mantle of the Prophet, 1871-1881

by Joseph Frank

This fifth and final volume of Joseph Frank's justly celebrated literary and cultural biography of Dostoevsky renders with a rare intelligence and grace the last decade of the writer's life, the years in which he wrote A Raw Youth, Diary of a Writer, and his crowning triumph: The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky's final years at last won him the universal approval toward which he had always aspired. While describing his idiosyncratic relationship to the Russian state, Frank also details Doestoevsky's continuing rivalries with Turgenev and Tolstoy. Dostoevsky's appearance at the Pushkin Festival in June 1880, which preceded his death by one year, marked the apotheosis of his career--and of his life as a spokesman for the Russian spirit. There he delivered his famous speech on Pushkin before an audience stirred to a feverish emotional pitch: "Ours is universality attained not by the sword, but by the force of brotherhood and of our brotherly striving toward the reunification of mankind." This is the Dostoevsky who has entered the patrimony of world literature, though he was not always capable of living up to such exalted ideals. The writer's death in St. Petersburg in January of 1881 concludes this unparalleled literary biography--one truly worthy of Dostoevsky's genius and of the remarkable time and place in which he lived.

Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time

by Joseph Frank

A magnificent one-volume abridgement of one of the greatest literary biographies of our timeJoseph Frank's award-winning, five-volume Dostoevsky is widely recognized as the best biography of the writer in any language—and one of the greatest literary biographies of the past half-century. Now Frank's monumental, 2,500-page work has been skillfully abridged and condensed in this single, highly readable volume with a new preface by the author. Carefully preserving the original work's acclaimed narrative style and combination of biography, intellectual history, and literary criticism, Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time illuminates the writer's works—from his first novel Poor Folk to Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov—by setting them in their personal, historical, and above all ideological context. More than a biography in the usual sense, this is a cultural history of nineteenth-century Russia, providing both a rich picture of the world in which Dostoevsky lived and a major reinterpretation of his life and work.

Dossier K: A Memoir

by Tim Wilkinson Imre Kertesz

The first and only memoir from the Nobel Prize-winning author, in the form of an illuminating, often funny, and often combative interview--conducted by the author of himself. Dossier K is Imre Kertész's response to the hasty biographies and profiles that followed his 2002 Nobel Prize, an attempt to set the record straight. But, as befits Kertész, it's a beautifully roundabout way of going straight: Kertész faces and interrogates himself about the issues and events that have long preoccupied him, while also dealing with the questions that really annoy him (such as, "Is your work autobiographical?"). The result is an extraordinary self-portrait, in which Kertész recounts memories of his childhood in Budapest; the years that lead up to the Second World War and his first encounters with anti-Semitism; the incredible forged record of his death in Buchenwald that may in fact have saved his life; his release from the camps and his return to his family; Hungary's Rákosi and Kádár regimes and the terror, hypocrisy, and absurdity they entailed; his thoughts about what other writers have written about the Holocaust; his two marriages; and his long development as a writer. This is a surprising and provocative autobiography that delves into questions about the legacy of the Holocaust, fiction and reality, and what Kertész calls "the wonderful burden of being responsible for yourself.

El dosier del rey (Mikel Lejarza #Volumen 2)

by Fernando Rueda

¿Estados Unidos y la CIA impulsaron a Juan Carlos I para conseguir el trono? ¿Tuvo algo que ver en la Operación Compás montada para evitar que la nieta de Franco y su marido Alfonso de Borbón le usurparan la sucesión? España, año 1980. El pueblo vive intensamente un cambio político plagado de conflictos, que no le permite ver en toda su dimensión cómo los servicios secretos de EEUU y sus aliados -entre los que se encuentra España- combaten encarnizadamente contra sus enemigos de la URSS y el Pacto de Varsovia. Las calles son el escenario de la Guerra Fría, en la que el espionaje español, controlado por militares, actúa demasiado pendiente de los intereses de la CIA, un servicio del que dependen hasta niveles insospechados. ETA ha decidido no asesinar durante las elecciones al Parlamento vasco. Mikel Lezarja, El Lobo, tiene que cumplir una extraña misión para la CIA que le molesta y no entiende: descubrir la doble vida de una alemana sospechosa de traición, a la que todos consideran culpable. Pronto comprenderá que en el mundo de las alcantarillas y el espionaje entre servicios secretos nada ni nadie es lo que parece. La crítica ha dicho...«Un thriller intenso y palpitante.»Todoliteratura «Una trepidante historia de espionaje ambientada en la España de 1980.»La voz de Galicia

Dos vidas. Gertrude y Alice

by Janet Malcolm

¿Cómo lograron sobrevivir dos lesbianas judías en la Francia de Vichy durante la II Guerra Mundial? La historia de Gertrude Stein y Alice B. Toklas. En esta ocasión, la renombrada ensayista norteamericana Janet Malcom aborda la historia de la legendaria pareja de lesbianas expatriadas en Francia durante la II Guerra Mundial y de la tremenda imfluencia que Gertrude Stein y Alice B. Toklas ejercieron sobre la obra de grandes escritores como Hemingway, Ezra Pound y Faulkner. En el trabajo de Janet Malcolm, el biógrafo se convierte en un personaje más del libro y el proceso de escribir una biografía, de acumular hechos y documentación, se introduce en la narración como una historia más. El resultado: un relato brillante sobre una época, y una reflexión afilada sobre los mecanismos últimos del género biográfico.

Dos vidas

by Janet Malcolm

En esta ocasión, la renombrada ensayista norteamericana Janet Malcom aborda la historia de la legendaria pareja de lesbianas expatriadas en Francia durante la II Guerra Mundial y de la tremenda imfluencia que Gertrude Stein y Alice B. Toklas ejercieron sobre la obra de grandes escritores como Hemingway, Ezra Pound y Faulkner. En el trabajo de Janet Malcolm, el biógrafo se convierte en un personaje más del libro y el proceso de escribir una biografía, de acumular hechos y documentación, se introduce en la narración como una historia más. El resultado: un relato brillante sobre una época, y una reflexión afilada sobre los mecanismos últimos del género biográfico.

Dos Perros Y Una Maleta: Desorientados En Charentes

by Rosa Feijoo Andrade Sarah Jane Butfield

El título lo dice todo: Qué tenemos y dónde estamos. Estas memorias de viajes, secuela a Un vaso a medio llenar: nuestra aventura australiana, sigue nuestra proeza francesa del esfuerzo que hacemos por reconstruir nuestras vidas en otro nuevo país, después de haber pasado cuatro años y medio en Australia. Nuestra meta, o lo que esperamos lograr en el futuro inmediato, es enfocarnos a la positividad del presente de forma que podamos comenzar de cero, con un futuro optimista de vuelta en Europa. Nuestro objetivo principal es estar cerca a los hijos, dejando atrás como un recuerdo distante, las negras nubes de los desafíos que tuvimos que encarar en Australia. Viaja con nosotros desde que llegamos al suroeste rural francés, disfruta de mis reflexiones, pensamientos y observaciones acerca de mi familia, nuestro nuevo entorno y estilo de vida. Sigue el trayecto de mi carrera como escritora y cómo comenzamos nuestros proyectos de renovación mientras nos las arreglábamos con nuestra complicada familia. Una vez más, reiremos, lloraremos y disfrutaremos de la vida al máximo con la ayuda del sesgo positivo que le añadimos para darle más sabor al relato.

Los dos hemisferios de Lucca

by Bárbara Anderson

El viaje a India de un niño mexicano para reparar su cerebro con un tratamiento futurista. Bárbara Anderson narra con brutal franqueza el día a día de tener un hijo con discapacidad: los retos dentro y fuera de casa, las complicaciones de salud y de vida; los cambios de prioridades; el Everest de cada día al tener un hijo con -hasta ahora- un diagnóstico irreversible como es la parálisis cerebral infantil. La autora detalla cómo emprende un viaje a India con toda su familia para que Lucca sea uno de los primeros niños en someterse a un tratamiento de 28 días, dos ocasiones durante 2017 y otra en 2019, y los asombrosos resultados que vieron en él: una neurogénesis que arranca con el Cytotron, aparato creado por el científico indio Rajah Kumar. Como buen viaje de todo héroe, la historia no termina ahí: Bárbara, a quien no le gusta aceptar un no por respuesta, se embarca en una lucha para lograr impulsar el uso del Cytotron en México. Un vistazo a las posibilidades que se abren desde ahora para pacientes con parálisis cerebral y otras condiciones neurológicas además de otro tipo de enfermedades como el cáncer desde México, el punto más lejano en el mundo a Bangalore. "Un libro estremecedor, hermoso, y últimamente esperanzador. Los dos hemisferios de Lucca es la prueba de que la perseverancia y el empeño siempre tienen su recompensa, y de que el Cytotron marcará un cambio de paradigma para millones de personas a nivel mundial que sufren problemas de salud hasta ahora intratables. Una joya de historia." -Michael Rowe, director de cine.

Dos guerreros olmecas

by Antonio Velasco Piña

En este libro, Antonio Velasco Piña nos muestra cómo sería el guerrero espiritual que viviría en la Nueva Era. De Antonio Velasco Piña, el escritor más reconocido de la mexicanidad sagrada y autor de Regina. La historia de los herederos de una espiritualidad milenaria en México. A través de estas páginas, Antonio Velasco Piña plantea que nos encontramos en una etapa particular de la historia. Entramos a una Nueva Era, en la cual será posible que la realidad espiritual tenga un lugar relevante, a diferencia de las épocas en que los valores materiales determinan todo. En este proceso, la nación mexicana tiene un lugar trascendental, por ser el sitio donde puede formarse una nueva cultura cósmica, capaz de recoger diversas tradiciones milenarias e integrar el pasado prehispánico. Por ello, es necesaria una búsqueda interior que eleve la conciencia y defina todo un modelo de persona: el del guerrero espiritual, taly como se describe y retrata aquí. Para el autor de Regina, no se trata de un modelo abstracto, sino de personas reales, como las que muestra en este libro; personas capaces de encarnar los ideales de los guerreros olmecas, recorrer la ruta hacia lo sagrado y participar de la nueva conciencia.

Dos amigos (Two Friends): Susan B. Anthony y Frederick Douglass

by Dean Robbins

Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass chat over tea about their efforts to win rights for women and African Americans.Some people had rights, while others had none.Why shouldn't they have them, too?Dos amigos, Susan B. Anthony y Frederick Douglass, se reúnen a tomar el té y conversar sobresus similares historias en la lucha por los derechos de las mujeres y de los afroamericanos. La premisa de este intercambio particular entre ambos se basa en una estatua en su pueblo natal de Rochester, Nueva York, que muestra a los dos amigos tomando el té.Two friends, Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass, get together for tea and conversation. They recount their similar stories fighting to win rights for women and African Americans. The premise of this particular exchange between the two is based on a statue in their hometown of Rochester, New York, which shows the two friends having tea.

The Doryman's Reflection: A Fisherman's Life

by Paul Molyneaux

What happens when the oceans are emptied of all their fish? What happens when three hundred years of human knowledge and expertise disappear before the onslaught of the technology-driven world?The Doryman’s Reflection is simply the most accurate and eloquent account of what transpired in the New England fisheries over the past half century, as told by the people who lived it, including author Paul Molyneaux.Fishermen survive as relics, the last hunter-gatherers among us. Their boats, crammed with ropes and nets, carry the mystique of a nearly forgotten world ruled by the elements. Now an accomplished writer, Molyneaux as a young man journeyed to Maine with no experience and a dream of working on a boat. This is the story of his apprenticeship with Bernard Raynes, one of Maine’s last independent commercial fishermen.The Doryman’s Reflection speaks to those who want to know what really happened, and what will happen, on our oceans.Part coming-of-age memoir, part biography, it is a very personal account of what families in this dying but important industry face each day. Molyneaux shares his own history as a young man seeking the fisherman’s life in Maine and Alaska. Originally published in 2005, it has been thoroughly updated to cover the events of the past ten years.Told through the life of the colorful and engaging Bernard Raynes, The Doryman’s Reflection is alive and real and powerful-far from a dry, pedantic treatise on the economics of commercial fishing.

Dorothy Wordsworth and Hartley Coleridge

by Nicola Healey

This book provides a reassessment of the writings of Hartley Coleridge and Dorothy Wordsworth and presents them in a new poetics of relationship, re-evaluating their relationships with William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge to restore a more accurate understanding of Hartley and Dorothy as independent and original writers.

Dorothy Vaughan: NASA's Leading Human Computer (Movers, Shakers, and History Makers)

by Deirdre R. Head

In 1949, Dorothy Vaughan became the first African American woman to lead a team at NASA's Langley Research Center. Her work as a mathematician was an important part of helping the United States explore space. Learn more about Vaughan's life as a famous mathematician!

Dorothy the Brave

by Meghan P. Browne

The empowering story of a real-life Rosie the Riveter who served as a Women Airforce Service Pilot.Dorothy Lucas yearned to discover all that she was capable of. After the devastating news of Pearl Harbor, her brothers joined the World War II war effort, but Dorothy wanted to do her part, too. So, she enlisted to serve as a Women Airforce Service Pilot (WASP). After hours of flight school and roaring engines, Dorothy and her fellow WASPs risked their lives towing targets in the air for the male fighter pilots in training. Through many mechanical scares and smoke-filled cockpits, Dorothy remained brave and committed to her job--defying gravity and defying the odds. With lyrical text from Meghan P. Browne and striking illustrations by Brooke Smart, Dorothy the Brave tells an untold story of a real-life Rosie the Riveter, and how women worked to keep America safe during a harrowing time.

Dorothy Parker

by Marion Meade

Marion Meade's engrossing and comprehensive biography of one of the twentieth century's most captivating womenIn this lively, absorbing biography, Marion Meade illuminates both the charm and the dark side of Dorothy Parker, exploring her days of wicked wittiness at the Algonquin Round Table with the likes of Robert Benchley, George Kaufman, and Harold Ross, and in Hollywood with S. J. Perelman, William Faulkner, and Lillian Hellman. At the dazzling center of it all, Meade gives us the flamboyant, self-destructive, and brilliant Dorothy Parker.This edition features a new afterword by Marion Meade.

Dorothy Day for Armchair Theologians

by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty

If theology is about more than books and libraries, lecture halls and dusty debates; if theology is instead about lived experience, especially the experiences of those living at the margins of society's care and concern; if, in short, theology is about the real needs of real people, then Dorothy Day was one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century. In spite of having no formal training in theology, Day's work and writing on behalf of the poor and oppressed bears eloquent testimony to the creativity and courage of her theological vision. Her journalism for the Catholic Worker and her advocacy for the poor, women, ethnic minorities, and others come together to form a consistent theology of the church and its ministry to the world. In this contribution to the Armchair Theologians series, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty demonstrates how Day's tireless work on behalf of the marginalized arose from and articulates a deeply theological commitment to the Reign of God and the dignity of all God's children. This book is the perfect introduction to the Day's remarkable life and powerful vision.

Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty

by Kate Hennessy

&“An intimate, revealing and sometimes wrenching family memoir of the journalist and social advocate who is now being considered for canonization&” (The New York Times), told with illuminating detail by her granddaughter.Dorothy Day (1897-1980) was a prominent Catholic, writer, social activist, and co-founder of a movement dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor. Her life has been documented through her own writings as well as the work of historians, theologians, and academics. What has been missing until now is a more personal account from the point of view of someone who knew her well. Dorothy Day:The World Will Be Saved by Beauty is a frank and reflective, heartfelt and humorous portrayal written by her granddaughter, Kate Hennessy.Dorothy Day, writes Hennessy, is an unusual candidate for sainthood. Before her conversion, she lived what she called a &“disorderly life,&” during which she had an abortion and then gave birth to a child out of wedlock. After her conversion, she was both an obedient servant and a rigorous challenger of the Church. She was a prolific writer whose books are still in print and widely read. Although compassionate, Hennessy shows Day to be driven, dogmatic, loving, as well as judgmental, in particular with her only daughter, Tamar. She was also full of humor and laughter and could light up any room she entered.An undisputed radical heroine, called &“a saint for the occupy era&” by TheNew Yorker, Day&’s story unfolds against a backdrop of New York City from the 1910s to the 1980s and world events spanning from World War I to Vietnam. This thoroughly researched and intimate biography provides a valuable and nuanced portrait of an undersung and provocative American woman. &“Frankly,&” says actor and activist Martin Sheen, &“it is a must-read.&”

Dorothy Day: Love in Action (People of God Series)

by Patrick Jordan

By any measure, Dorothy Day lived a fascinating life. She was a journalist, activist, single mother, convert, Catholic laywoman, and co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement. <p><p>A lifelong radical who took the gospels at their word, Dorothy Day lived among the poor as one of them, challenging both church and state to build a better world for all people. Steeped in prayer, the liturgy, and the spiritual life, she was jailed repeatedly for protesting poverty, injustice, and war. Through it all, she created a sense of community and remained down-to-earth and humanly approachable. <p><p> To have known Dorothy Day was to have experienced not only her charm and humanity, but the purposefulness of her life. In Dorothy Day: Love in Action, Patrick Jordan—who knew her personally—conveys some of the hallmarks of Day’s fascinating life and the spirit her adventure inspires. <p><p> People of God is a series of inspiring biographies for the general reader. Each volume offers a compelling and honest narrative of the life of an important twentieth or twenty-first century Catholic. Some living and some now deceased, each of these women and men has known challenges and weaknesses familiar to most of us but responded to them in ways that call us to our own forms of heroism. Each offers a credible and concrete witness of faith, hope, and love to people of our own day.

Dorothy Day: Dissenting Voice of the American Century

by John Loughery Blythe Randolph

The first full authoritative biography of Dorothy Day, American icon, radical pacifist, Catholic convert, and activist whom Pope Francis I compared to Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. After a middle-class Republican childhood and a few years as a Communist sympathizer, Dorothy Day converted to Catholicism and became an anomaly in American life for almost fifty years. As an orthodox Catholic, political radical, and a rebel who courted controversy, she attracted three generations of admirers. Day went to jail challenging the draft and the war in Vietnam. She was critical of capitalism and foreign policy, and as skeptical of modern liberalism as political conservatism. Her protests began in 1917, leading to her arrest during the suffrage demonstration outside President Wilson&’s White House. In 1940 she spoke in Congress against the draft and urged young men not to register. She frequented jail throughout the 1950s protesting the nuclear arms race. She told audiences in 1962 that President Kennedy was as much to blame for the Cuban missile crisis. She refused to hear any criticism of the pope, though she sparred with American bishops and priests who lived in well-appointed rectories and tolerated racial segregation in their parishes. Dorothy Day is the exceptional biography of a dedicated modern-day pacifist, the most outspoken advocate for the poor, and a lifelong anarchist. This definitive and insightful account explores the influence this controversial and yet &“sainted&” woman still has today.

Dorothy Dandridge: A Biography

by Donald Bogle

Available once again, the definitive biography of the pioneering Black performer—the first nominated for a Best Actress Academy Award—who broke new ground in Hollywood and helped transform American society in the years before Civil Rights movement—a remarkable woman of her time who also transcended it. “An ambitious, rigorously researched account of the long-ignored film star and chanteuse. . . . Bogle has fashioned a resonant history of a bygone era in Hollywood and passionately documented the contribution of one of its most dazzling and complex performers."—New York Times Book ReviewIn the segregated world of 1950s America, few celebrities were as talented, beautiful, glamorous, and ultimately influential as Dorothy Dandridge. Universally admired, she was Hollywood's first full-fledged Black movie star. Film historian Donald Bogle offers a panoramic portrait of Dorothy Dandridge’s extraordinary and ultimately tragic life and career, from her early years as a child performer in Cleveland, to her rise as a nightclub headliner and movie star, to her heartbreaking death at 42. Bogle reveals how this exceptionally talented and intensely ambitious entertainer broke down racial barriers by integrating some of America's hottest nightclubs and broke through Tinseltown’s glass ceiling. Along with her smash appearances at venues such as Harlem’s famed Cotton Club, Dorothy starred in numerous films, making history with her role in Otto Preminger’s Carmen Jones, playing opposite Harry Belafonte. Her performance earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress—the first Oscar nod for a woman of color.But Dorothy’s wealth, fame, and success masked a reality fraught with contradiction and illusion. Struggling to find good roles professionally, uncomfortable with her image as a sex goddess, coping with the aftermath of two unhappy marriages and a string of unfulfilling affairs, and overwhelmed with guilt for her disabled daughter, Dorothy found herself emotionally and financially bankrupt—despair that ended in her untimely death.Woven from extensive research and unique interviews, as magnetic as the woman at its heart, Dorothy Dandridge captures this dazzling entertainer in all her complexity: her strength and vulnerability, her joy and her pain, her trials and her triumphs.

Dorothy Brooke and the Fight to Save Cairo's Lost War Horses

by Grant Hayter-Menzies Monty Roberts

Born in June 1883 to an aristocratic Scottish family, Dorothy Gibson-Craig was brought up with dogs and horses. In 1926 she married Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Brooke, recipient of the Distinguished Service Order in World War I and a writer on equine culture. She followed her new husband to Cairo, where she discovered thousands of malnourished and suffering former British war horses leading lives of backbreaking toil and misery. Brought to the Middle East by British forces during the Great War, these ex-cavalry horses had been left behind at the war’s end, abandoned like used equipment too costly to send home. In Dorothy Brooke and the Fight to Save Cairo’s Lost War Horses Grant Hayter-Menzies chronicles not only the lives and eventual rescue of these noble creatures, who after years of deprivation and suffering found respite in Brooke’s Old War Horse Memorial Hospital, but also the story of the challenges of founding and maintaining an animal-rescue institution on this scale. The legacy of the Old War Horse Memorial Hospital and its founder endures today in the dozens of international Brooke animal-welfare facilities dedicated to improving the lives of working horses, donkeys, and mules across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The author, Grant Hayter-Menzies, is making a donation of 20% of the royalties from the book to The Brooke Hospital for Animals and 20% of the royalties to its affiliate in Egypt, Brooke Hospital for Animals (Egypt). Neither the author or the publisher receives any payment from Brooke or any other party in connection with sales of this book.The Brooke Hospital for Animals is a charity registered in England and Wales no. 1085760.

Dorothy Arzner: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)

by Martin F. Norden

Through dozens of interviews, a detailed chronology and filmography, and a selection of Dorothy Arzner’s own writings—including her unfinished autobiography—Dorothy Arzner: Interviews offers major insights into and an in-depth examination of the life and career of one of the few women to direct films during Hollywood’s Golden Age. A key figure in Hollywood for decades, she directed more studio films than any other woman in history. Her movies often focused on courageous women who must make difficult decisions to remain true to themselves—women not unlike Arzner herself, who once said that “all we can ever do in our work is write our own biography.”Dorothy Arzner (1897–1979) began her film career in 1919 as a script typist for the Famous Players-Lasky company, which later became Paramount Pictures. She quickly rose through the ranks to become a script supervisor, screenwriter, and editor before directing her first film, Fashions for Women, in 1927. After the release of her final Hollywood film, First Comes Courage, in 1943, Arzner changed directions in her professional life. She made several training films for the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps during World War II and directed many television commercials for Pepsi-Cola in the 1950s. She concluded her career by serving as a filmmaking instructor at the Pasadena Playhouse College of Theatre Arts and UCLA, where she helped launch the first wave of college-trained moviemakers.

Dorothea's War: The Diaries of a First World War Nurse

by Dorothea Crewdson

The evocative diaries of a young nurse stationed in northern France during the First World War, published for the first time. A rare insight into the great war for fans of CALL THE MIDWIFE.In April 1915, Dorothea Crewdson, a newly trained Red Cross nurse, and her best friend Christie, received instructions to leave for Le Tréport in northern France. Filled with excitement at the prospect of her first paid job, Dorothea began writing a diary. 'Who knows how long we shall really be out here? Seems a good chance from all reports of the campaigns being ended before winter but all is uncertain.'Dorothea would go on to witness and record some of the worst tragedy of the First World War at first hand, though somehow always maintaining her optimism, curiosity and high spirits throughout. The pages of her diaries sparkle with warmth and humour as she describes the day-to-day realities and frustrations of nursing near the frontline of the battlefields, or the pleasure of a beautiful sunset, or a trip 'joy-riding' in the French countryside on one of her precious days off. One day she might be gossiping about her fellow nurses, or confessing to writing her diary while on shift on the ward, or illustrating the scene of the tents collapsing around them on a windy night in one of her vivid sketches. In another entry she describes picking shells out of the beds on the ward after a terrifying air raid (winning a medal for her bravery in the process).Nearly a hundred years on, what shines out above all from the pages of these extraordinarily evocative diaries is a courageous, spirited, compassionate young woman, whose story is made all the more poignant by her tragically premature death at the end of the war just before she was due to return home.

Dorothea's War: The Diaries of a First World War Nurse

by Dorothea Crewdson

The evocative diaries of a young nurse stationed in northern France during the First World War, published for the first time. A rare insight into the great war for fans of CALL THE MIDWIFE.In April 1915, Dorothea Crewdson, a newly trained Red Cross nurse, and her best friend Christie, received instructions to leave for Le Tréport in northern France. Filled with excitement at the prospect of her first paid job, Dorothea began writing a diary. 'Who knows how long we shall really be out here? Seems a good chance from all reports of the campaigns being ended before winter but all is uncertain.'Dorothea would go on to witness and record some of the worst tragedy of the First World War at first hand, though somehow always maintaining her optimism, curiosity and high spirits throughout. The pages of her diaries sparkle with warmth and humour as she describes the day-to-day realities and frustrations of nursing near the frontline of the battlefields, or the pleasure of a beautiful sunset, or a trip 'joy-riding' in the French countryside on one of her precious days off. One day she might be gossiping about her fellow nurses, or confessing to writing her diary while on shift on the ward, or illustrating the scene of the tents collapsing around them on a windy night in one of her vivid sketches. In another entry she describes picking shells out of the beds on the ward after a terrifying air raid (winning a medal for her bravery in the process).Nearly a hundred years on, what shines out above all from the pages of these extraordinarily evocative diaries is a courageous, spirited, compassionate young woman, whose story is made all the more poignant by her tragically premature death at the end of the war just before she was due to return home.

Dorothea's War: The Diaries of a First World War Nurse

by Dorothea Crewdson

In April 1915, Dorothea Crewdson, a newly trained Red Cross nurse, and her best friend Christie, received instructions to leave for Le Tr port in northern France. Filled with excitement at the prospect of her first paid job, Dorothea began writing a diary. 'Who knows how long we shall really be out here? Seems a good chance from all reports of the campaigns being ended before winter but all is uncertain.'Dorothea would go on to witness and record some of the worst tragedy of the First World War at first hand, though somehow always maintaining her optimism, curiosity and high spirits throughout.The pages of her diaries sparkle with warmth and humour as she describes the day-to-day realities and frustrations of nursing near the frontline of the battlefields, or the pleasure of a beautiful sunset, or a trip 'joy-riding' in the French countryside on one of her precious days off. One day she might be gossiping about her fellow nurses, or confessing to writing her diary while on shift on the ward, or illustrating the scene of the tents collapsing around them on a windy night in one of her vivid sketches. In another entry she describes picking shells out of the beds on the ward after a terrifying air raid (winning a medal for her bravery in the process).Nearly a hundred years on, what shines out above all from the pages of these extraordinarily evocative diaries is a courageous, spirited, compassionate young woman, whose story is made all the more poignant by her tragically premature death at the end of the war just before she was due to return home.Read by Julia Barrie and Richard Burnip(p) 2015 Orion Publishing Group

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