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La mirada del historiador

by José Álvarez Junco

Santos Juliá ocupa un lugar central en la historiografía española contemporánea. Es autor de varios libros fundamentales, ha animado y coordinado trabajos colectivos y se ha convertido en uno de los historiadores más respetados dentro y fuera de nuestro país. Es un riguroso divulgador, crítico y polemista y, además, un creador de opinión. A lo largo de su carrera ha abordado los grandes temas de nuestra historia contemporánea. Y lo ha hecho de una manera personal y valiente. Un claro ejemplo, en definitiva, de coraje cívico. El resultado es una obra sólida, original e independiente, capaz de abrir nuevos caminos en el ámbito de la investigación y de generar un abundante caudal de reflexiones. En este libro, coordinado por José Álvarez Junco y Mercedes Cabrera y deliberadamente plural, convergen autores procedentes del ámbito de las ciencias sociales, la historia y el periodismo que han realizado un personal homenaje trazando una serie de semblanzas y analizando los temas centrales de la obra de uno de nuestros grandes intelectuales.

Black and White

by Richard Williams

The fascinating, revealing, and in-depth memoir of Richard Williams, a self-made businessman, tennis coach, and father to two of the greatest athletes of all time--Venus and Serena Williams.Richard Williams had a grand plan for his daughters long before either of them was born, and he went so far as to write a plan for his family's future. His mind was set on raising two of the greatest women champions in professional tennis. Arguably, he executed his plan with laser-like precision. But the source of his vision and the method behind it have remained relatively unknown--until now. In this inspiring memoir, he reveals the full story of his stubborn determination to beat the odds and fulfill his dreams for his family.Born into poverty in Shreveport, Louisiana in the 1940s, Richard was blessed by a strong, caring mother who remained his lifelong hero, just as he became hero to Venus and Serena later on. From the beginning of his life, Richard's mother taught him to live by the principles of courage, confidence, commitment, faith, and love. He passed the same qualities on to his daughters, who grew to love their father and value the lessons he taught them, contrary to public rumors. "I still feel really close to my father," says Serena. "We have a great relationship. There is an appreciation. There is a closeness because of what we've been through together, and a respect."A self-made man, Richard has walked a long, hard, exciting, and ultimately rewarding road for seventy years, surmounting the many challenges to raise a loving family and two of the greatest tennis players who ever lived. Black and White is the extraordinary story of that journey and the indomitable spirit that made it all possible.

Winslow Homer: American Passage

by William R. Cross

The definitive life of the painter who forged American identity visually, in art and illustration, with an impact comparable to that of Walt Whitman and Mark Twain in poetry and prose—yet whose own story has remained largely untold.In 1860, at the age of twenty-four, Winslow Homer (1836–1910) sold Harper’s Weekly two dozen wood engravings, carved into boxwood blocks and transferred to metal plates to stamp on paper. One was a scene that Homer saw on a visit to Boston, his hometown. His illustration shows a crowd of abolitionists on the brink of eviction from a church; at their front is Frederick Douglass, declaring “the freedom of all mankind.”Homer, born into the Panic of 1837 and raised in the years before the Civil War, came of age in a nation in crisis. He created multivalent visual tales, both quintessentially American and quietly replete with narrative for and about people of all races and ages. Whether using pencil, watercolor, or, most famously, oil, Homer addressed the hopes and fears of his fellow Americans and invited his viewers into stories embedded with universal, timeless questions of purpose and meaning.Like his contemporaries Twain and Whitman, Homer captured the landscape of a rapidly changing country with an artist’s probing insight. His tale is one of America in all its complexity and contradiction, as he evolved and adapted to the restless spirit of invention transforming his world. In Winslow Homer: American Passage, William R. Cross reveals the man behind the art. It is the surprising story of a life led on the front lines of history. In that life, this Everyman made archetypal images of American culture, endowed with a force of moral urgency through which they speak to all people today.Includes Color Images and Maps

Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson

by Harold Winfield Kent

Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson: the life of the Rev. Dr. Charles McEwen Hyde, including a discussion of the open letter of Robert Louis Stevenson.

Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson

by Harold Winfield Kent

Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson: the life of the Rev. Dr. Charles McEwen Hyde, including a discussion of the open letter of Robert Louis Stevenson.

American Phoenix

by Sarah S. Kilborne

The incredible story of nineteenth-century millionaire William Skinner, a leading founder of the American silk industry, who lost everything in a devastating flood--and his improbable, inspiring comeback to the pinnacle of the business world In 1845 a young, penniless William Skinner sailed in steerage class on a boat that took him from the slums of London to the United States. Endowed with rare knowledge in the art of dyeing and an uncanny business sense, he acquired work in a fledgling silk mill in Massachusetts, quickly rising to prominence in the nation's new luxury industry. Soon he opened his own factory and began turning out one of the bestselling silk brands in the country. Skinner was lauded as a pioneer in the textile industry and a manufacturer who knew no such word as fail. His business grew to sustain a bustling community filled with men, women, and children, living and working in the mill village of "Skinner-ville," producing the country's most glamorous, fashionable thread. Then, in 1874, disaster struck. Hundreds of millions of gallons of water burst through a nearby dam, destroying everything in its path, including Skinnerville. Within fifteen minutes, Skinner's entire life's work was swept away, and he found himself one of the central figures in the worst industrial disaster the nation had yet known. In this gripping narrative history, Skinner's great-great-granddaughter, Sarah S. Kilborne, tells an inspiring, unforgettable American story--of a town devastated by unimaginable catastrophe; an industry that had no reason to succeed except for the perseverance of a few intrepid entrepreneurs; and a man who had nothing--and everything--to lose as he struggled to rebuild his life a second time. None of Skinner's peers who lost their factories in the Mill River Flood withstood the shock of their losses, but Skinner went on to stage one of the greatest comebacks in the annals of American industry. As a result of his efforts to survive, he became one of the leading silk manufacturers in the world, leaving an indelible imprint on the history of American fashion and style. More striking still, this achievement would never have been possible if Skinner hadn't been ruined by the flood and forced, at age forty-nine, to start all over again, rebuilding everything with just one asset: the knowledge in his head. With masterful skill Kilborne brings to life an era when fabric was fashion, silk was supreme, factories were beacons of American success, and immigrants like Skinner with the secrets of age-old European arts possessed knowledge worth gold to Americans. Here is a story of ambition and desire, resilience and faith, disaster and survival. It is about making it, losing it, and then making it again despite the odds. An enthralling tale, American Phoenix offers a new twist on the American dream, reminding us that just when we thought the dream was over, it may have only just begun. *** FROM AMERICAN PHOENIX As the train slowed in its approach to the depot at the northern end of Skinnerville, one of Skinner's employees, John Ellsworth perhaps, awaited him on the platform. The depot was about a quarter mile from the house along a dark, unlit road. Thus when Skinner stepped down from the car and into the cold night air, he would have found both driver and horse all ready for the short jog home. The trip and this day were almost over, the anniversaries behind him, and a new year in the life of his marriage, his family, and his work was about to begin on the morrow. He was forty-nine years old, and the fabric of his existence had never been stronger. As he walked up the steps to his front door, there in the middle of Skinnerville, with the river flowing reliably behind him, the mill at rest across the way, the houses of his neighbors and employees all around, and a reunion with his wife and children just seconds ahead, there wasn't one clue, nor any sign, that the very next morning nearly everything in his world would be swept away.

The Burgoyne Diaries: The First Winter at Ypres with the Irish Rifles

by Gerald Achilles Burgoyne

These are the diaries of Gerald Achilles Burgoyne, wrote from the trenches just south of Ypres while he was with the Royal Irish Rifles in the Great War.The author's daughter, Claudia Davison, was not even born when these diaries were originally written and was only 12-years-old when her father died in 1936 after being bombed by the Italian Air Force while he and his mules were conveying a Red Cross unit in Ethiopia.Claudia found the diaries in a trunk full of personal effects when her mother died and, after showing them to a long-standing friend who loved the diaries, she sent them off to be published.Despite conditions of all-pervading mud, bitter cold and wind, let alone the bursting shells and the 'sipping' bullet, Burgoyne dispassionately recorded and drew what he saw. These vivid accounts, written on pages of a notebook, were almost daily sent back to his wife. Each day is a gem of interest, from the very first entry in November 1914 to the last in May 1915.The diaries end as abruptly as they begin. In May 1915 Burgoyne was wounded and sent back to England after a gruesome and abortive attack on the notorious Hill 60.Complete with maps and sketches drawn by Burgoyne at the time, this book is essential reading for all Great War enthusiasts and those wishing to learn more about the key conflicts that occurred in 1914 and 1915.

David Crockett His Life and Adventures

by S. C. Abbott

The story the life of a pathfinder.

Scottish Mandarin

by Shiona Airlie

Colonial administrator, writer, explorer, Buddhist, and friend to China's last emperor, Sir Reginald Johnston (1874-1938) was a distinguished sinologist with a tangled love and family life that he kept secret even from his closest friends. Born and educated in Edinburgh, he began his career in the colony of Hong Kong and eventually became Commissioner of the remote British leased territory of Weihai in northern China. He travelled widely and, during a break from colonial service, served as tutor and advisor to Puyi, the deposed emperor. As the only foreigner allowed to work in the Forbidden City, he wrote the classic account of the last days of the Qing Dynasty--Twilight in the Forbidden City'.


by Ernest Shackleton

Exemplary British expedition leader Sir Ernest Shackleton's (1874-1922) compelling account of his 1914 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition consisting of two ships, the HMS Endurance and the HMS Aurora. The goal of the expedition (which it failed to achieve, but not for want of perseverance) was to cross the Antarctic by dogsled, exploring unknown territory and making scientific observations along the way. The plan called for the Endurance, with Shackleton aboard, to establish a base on the shore of the Weddell Sea, while the Aurora did the same at the Ross Sea on the opposite side of the continent. It is a tribute to Shackleton's remarkable energy, his tireless persistence, and his admirable leadership qualities that all members of the Weddell Sea party survived the extraordinary hazards and dangers encountered by the expedition, as did all but three members of the Ross Sea party. Though overshadowed at the time by the outbreak of World War I, the feats of Shackleton and his companions in this expedition are now recognized as ranking among the most memorable in the annals of Antarctic exploration.

The Bonanza King: John Mackay and the Battle over the Greatest Riches in the American West

by Gregory Crouch

&“A monumentally researched biography of one of the nineteenth century&’s wealthiest self-made Americans…Well-written and worthwhile&” (The Wall Street Journal) it&’s the rags-to-riches frontier tale of an Irish immigrant who outwits, outworks, and outmaneuvers thousands of rivals to take control of Nevada&’s Comstock Lode.Born in 1831, John W. Mackay was a penniless Irish immigrant who came of age in New York City, went to California during the Gold Rush, and mined without much luck for eight years. When he heard of riches found on the other side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in 1859, Mackay abandoned his claim and walked a hundred miles to the Comstock Lode in Nevada.Over the course of the next dozen years, Mackay worked his way up from nothing, thwarting the pernicious &“Bank Ring&” monopoly to seize control of the most concentrated cache of precious metals ever found on earth, the legendary &“Big Bonanza,&” a stupendously rich body of gold and silver ore discovered 1,500 feet beneath the streets of Virginia City, the ultimate Old West boomtown. But for the ore to be worth anything it had to be found, claimed, and successfully extracted, each step requiring enormous risk and the creation of an entirely new industry.Now Gregory Crouch tells Mackay&’s amazing story—how he extracted the ore from deep underground and used his vast mining fortune to crush the transatlantic telegraph monopoly of the notorious Jay Gould. &“No one does a better job than Crouch when he explores the subject of mining, and no one does a better job than he when he describes the hardscrabble lives of miners&” (San Francisco Chronicle). Featuring great period photographs and maps, The Bonanza King is a dazzling tour de force, a riveting history of Virginia City, Nevada, the Comstock Lode, and America itself.

Mark Twain's Letters -- Volume 4 (1886-1900)

by Mark Twain

At the beginning of 1870, fresh from the success of The Innocents Abroad, Clemens is on "the long agony" of a lecture tour and planning to settle in Buffalo as editor of the Express. By the end of 1871, he has moved to Hartford and is again on tour, anticipating the publication of Roughing It and the birth of his second child. The intervening letters show Clemens bursting with literary ideas, business schemes, and inventions, and they show him erupting with frustration, anger, and grief, but more often with dazzling humor and surprising self-revelation. In addition to Roughing It, Clemens wrote some enduringly popular short pieces during this period, but he saved some of his best writing for private letters, many of which are published here for the first time.

Notes of a Plenipotentiary: Russian Diplomacy and War in the Balkans, 1914–1917 (NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies)

by G. N. Trubetskoi

A prince in one of Russia's most exalted noble families, Grigorii N. Trubetskoi was a unique and contradictory figure during World War I. A lifelong civil servant and publicist, he began his diplomatic career in Constantinople, where he served as first secretary of the embassy there for several years. He became one of the leaders of an important political orientation among the liberals that began to express opposition to the tsar, not only on questions of political freedom and domestic political reform, but also by criticizing the tsar's foreign policy on nationalistic grounds. Trubetskoi possessed significant influence over Russian foreign policy and was instrumental in pushing the regime toward an aggressive annexationist stand in the Balkans. When the Russian ambassador to Serbia died suddenly in June of 1914, Trubetskoi was appointed as his replacement—situating him at the center of Russian diplomacy during the decisive period of Russia's entry into the war. His account of this period serves as an important reference for the study of the war's outbreak. Trubetskoi also discusses how he drafted the proclamation on Poland and gives a revealing account of its origins. A valuable source on the major historical problem of the entry of Turkey into the war, the narrative provides interesting details about agreements with Britain and France. Translated by Trubetskoi's granddaughter, Elizabeth Saika-Voivod, and featuring Trubetskoi's original photographs, this fascinating memoir provides an inside look at Russian foreign policies during crucial points of the war. It will appeal to scholars, students, and general readers interested in World War I and Russian history.

Profiles #1: The Civil War (Profiles #1)

by Scholastic

Find out how the key players from yesterday and today influenced and interacted with each other during the world's most important moments in this brand new full-color biography series. One event. Six people. It takes more than one person to bring about change and innovation. So much more than just your typical biography, Profiles focuses on six of the most prominent figures during the Civil War. This book includes all of the biographical information kids need to know (background, family, education, accomplishments, etc.) about Abraham Lincoln, George McClellan, Matthew Brady, Clara Barton, Robert E. Lee, and Frederick Douglass. Find out why they were so important to the war and each other. Photographs, maps, and quotes will be interwoven throughout the text.

Roughing It: The Authorized Uniform Edition

by Mark Twain

The Wild West as Mark Twain lived it In 1861, Mark Twain joined his older brother Orion, the newly appointed secretary of the Nevada Territory, on a stagecoach journey from Missouri to Carson City, Nevada. Planning to be gone for three months, Twain spent the next &“six or seven years&” exploring the great American frontier, from the monumental vistas of the Rocky Mountains to the lush landscapes of Hawaii. Along the way, he made and lost a theoretical fortune, danced like a kangaroo in the finest hotels of San Francisco, and came to terms with freezing to death in a snow bank—only to discover, in the light of morning, that he was fifteen steps from a comfortable inn. As a record of the &“variegated vagabondizing&” that characterized his early years—before he became a national treasure—Roughing It is an indispensable chapter in the biography of Mark Twain. It is also, a century and a half after it was first published, both a fascinating history of the American West and a laugh-out-loud good time. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Van Gogh on Art and Artists: Letters to Emile Bernard

by Vincent Van Gogh

These letters, written from 1887 to 1889, are among the most important and relevant sources of insight into van Gogh's life and art. 23 missives, accompanied by reproductions of a number of his major paintings and facsimiles from his letters, radiate their author's impulsiveness, intensity, and mysticism. Chronology. Select Bibliography. Index. 32 full-page black-and-white illustrations.

An Accidental archist: How the Killing of a Humble Jewish Immigrant by Chicago's Chief of Police Exposed the Conflict Between Law & Order and Civil Rights in Early 20th Century America

by Walter Roth

It was a bitter cold morning in March, 1908. A nineteen-year-old Jewish immigrant traversed the confusing and unfamiliar streets of Chicago-a one-and-a-half-hour-long journey-from his ghetto home on Washburne Avenue to the luxurious Lincoln Place residence of Police Chief George Shippy. He arrived at 9 a.m. Within minutes after knocking on the front door, Lazarus Averbuch lay dead on the hallway floor, shot no less than six times by the chief himself. Why Averbuch went to the police chief's house or exactly what happened after that is still not known. This is the most comprehensive account ever written about this episode that stunned Chicago and won the attention of the entire country. It does not "solve" the mystery as much as it places it in the context of a nation that was unsure how to absorb all of the immigrants flowing across its borders. It attempts to reconstruct the many different perspectives and concerns that comprised the drama surrounding the investigation of Averbuch's killing.

A Tramp Abroad

by Robert Gray Bruce Mark Twain Hamlin Hill

Cast in the form of a walking tour through Germany, Switzerland, France, and Italy, A Tramp Abroad sparkles with the author's shrewd observations and highly opinionated comments on Old World culture, and showcases his unparalleled ability to integrate humorous sketches, autobiographical tidbit, and historical anecdotes in consistently entertaining narrative.

Chronicle of the Narvaez Expedition

by Ilan Stavans Harold Augenbraun Alvar Nunez de Vaca Fanny Bandelier

This riveting true story is the first major narrative detailing the exploration of North America by Spanish conquistadors (1528-1536). The author, Alvar N&uacute&ntildeez Cabeza de Vaca, was a fortune-seeking Spanish nobleman and the treasurer of an expedition sent to claim for Spain a vast area of today's southern United States. In simple, straightforward prose, Cabeza de Vaca chronicles the nine-year odyssey endured by the men after a shipwreck forced them to make a westward journey on foot from present-day Florida through Louisiana and Texas into California. In thirty-eight brief chapters, Cabeza de Vaca describes the scores of natural and human obstacles they encountered as they made their way across an unknown land. Cabeza de Vaca's gripping account offers a trove of ethnographic information, including descriptions and interpretations of native cultures, making it a powerful precursor to modern anthropology. .

Elizabeth Packard

by Linda V. Carlisle

Elizabeth Packard's story is one of courage and accomplishment in the face of injustice and heartbreak. In 1860, her husband, a strong-willed Calvinist minister, committed her to an Illinois insane asylum in an effort to protect their six children and his church from what he considered her heretical religious ideas. _x000B__x000B_Upon her release three years later (as her husband sought to return her to an asylum), Packard obtained a jury trial and was declared sane. Before the trial ended, however, her husband sold their home and left for Massachusetts with their young children and her personal property. His actions were perfectly legal under Illinois and Massachusetts law; Packard had no legal recourse by which to recover her children and property. _x000B__x000B_This experience in the legal system, along with her experience as an asylum patient, launched Packard into a career as an advocate for the civil rights of married women and the mentally ill. She wrote numerous books and lobbied legislatures literally from coast to coast advocating more stringent commitment laws, protections for the rights of asylum patients, and laws to give married women equal rights in matters of child custody, property, and earnings. Despite strong opposition from the psychiatric community, Packard's laws were passed in state after state, with lasting impact on commitment and care of the mentally ill in the United States. _x000B__x000B_Packard's life demonstrates how dissonant streams of American social and intellectual history led to conflict between the freethinking Packard, her Calvinist husband, her asylum doctor, and America's fledgling psychiatric profession. It is this conflict--along with her personal battle to transcend the stigma of insanity and regain custody of her children--that makes Elizabeth Packard's story both forceful and compelling.

Emilia Pardo Bazán (Colección Españoles Eminentes #Volumen)

by Isabel Burdiel

Isabel Burdiel restituye la figura de la novelista española por excelencia, personalidad clave del siglo XIX. Emilia Pardo Bazán, una de las grandes novelistas del siglo XIX europeo, extraordinariamente popular y traducida en vida a numerosas lenguas, contribuyó de manera decisiva (como Clarín, Galdós y otros grandes de su época) al cambio de registro novelístico y a la construcción de la esfera cultural y del canon literario decimonónicos. Insertó abiertamente en la discusión pública la condición de las mujeres y sus derechos, con un enfoque tan moderno que no tiene igual entre las grandes escritoras del momento. Intelectual respetada, polémica y vituperada, excelente empresaria de sí misma, notable periodista, crítica e historiadora de la literatura -entre otras muchas facetas-. Se casó, tuvo hijos, se separó discretamente y vivió varias relaciones amorosas, entre ellas una célebre e intensa con Benito Perez Galdós. Fue una mujer repleta de contradicciones estéticas, emocionales y políticas que se sintió a la vez cosmopolita, europea e intensamente nacionalista española; reaccionaria y progresista; excéntrica y subversiva y amante del orden. Su su personalidad resulta tan contundente como esquiva y difícil de aprehender. El gran logro de Isabel Burdiel es dar cuenta magistralmente de esa multiplicidad, conectando y distinguiendo lo que escribió y lo que vivió, rastreando sus paradojas, sus decisiones, sus dudas, sus méritos y limitaciones, sus victoria, sus derrotas y, sobre todo, sus preguntas, que resuenan hoy "con una intensidad intelectual y emocional que la hacen plenamente contemporánea". ESPAÑOLES EMINENTES:Esta colección la forman una serie de biografías de destacadas personalidades españolas que por su excelencia moral o humanística destacaron en su época y siguen teniendo vigencia en la conciencia colectiva. Con ella se pretende analizar la historia de la cultura española a la luz de la ejemplaridad de determinados nombres que carecen todavía de una biografía verdaderamente moderna. El propósito es hacer una aportación real a este género y contribuir al conocimiento de nuestra historia a la vez que se traza la trayectoria de fi guras que por sus méritos sobresalientes y su general reconocimiento pueden ejercer una influencia vertebradora en la sociedad actual. La crítica ha dicho...«Isabel Burdiel elabora una biografía política, espléndidamente tramada, profunda y rica en detalles, y ofrece un gran fresco de un tiempo en el que el liberalismo doblegó a la Corona hasta obligarla a reconocer la necesidad de un compromiso con el Parlamento.»Santos Juliá, Babelia, sobre Isabel II «Isabel Burdiel disecciona ese periodo apasionante con rigor, atención a los detalles y a la complejidad de los hechos y un estilo que engancha, algo muy de agradecer.»Ángel Vivas, El Mundo, sobre Isabel II «Isabel Burdiel ha completado la obra de recuperación del personaje, que le ha venido ocupando en los últimos años. Y con su sensibilidad de historiadora y su nervio narrativo, nos ha devuelto una Isabel II mucho más comprensible, mucho más cercana, y muy alejada de caricaturas distorsionadoras y llenas de bajezas que aún circulan por muchos libros de supuesta historia.»Octavio Ruíz-Manjón, El Cultural de El Mundo, sobre Isabel II

The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal: Surnamed the Nabigator and its Results (Routledge Revivals)

by Richard Henry Major

Originally published in 1868, this book follows the life of Prince Henry, including chapters on the Siege of Tangier, the capture of Ceuta and the death of Prince Henry.

Miss Confederation: The Diary of Mercy Anne Coles

by Christopher Moore Anne Mcdonald

History without the stiffness and polish time creates. Canada’s journey to Confederation kicked off with a bang — or rather, a circus, a civil war (the American one), a small fortune’s worth of champagne, and a lot of making love — in the old-fashioned sense. Miss Confederation offers a rare look back, through a woman’s eyes, at the men and events at the centre of this pivotal time in Canada’s history. Mercy Anne Coles, the daughter of PEI delegate George Coles, kept a diary of the social happenings and political manoeuvrings as they affected her and her desires. A unique historical document, her diary is now being published for the first time, offering a window into the events that led to Canada’s creation, from a point of view that has long been neglected.

The Senator Next Door: A Memoir from the Heartland (Posthumanities Ser.)

by Amy Klobuchar

One of the U.S. Senate's most candid--and funniest--women tells the story of her life and her unshakeable faith in our democracyMinnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar has tackled every obstacle she's encountered--her parents' divorce, her father's alcoholism and recovery, her political campaigns and Washington's gridlock--with honesty, humor and pluck. Now, in The Senator Next Door, she chronicles her remarkable heartland journey, from her immigrant grandparents to her middle-class suburban upbringing to her rise in American politics.After being kicked out of the hospital while her infant daughter was still in intensive care, Klobuchar became the lead advocate for one of the first laws in the country guaranteeing new moms and their babies a 48-hour hospital stay. Later she ran Minnesota's biggest prosecutor's office and in 2006 was the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from her state. Along the way she fashioned her own political philosophy grounded in her belief that partisan flame-throwing takes no courage at all; what really matters is forging alliances with unlikely partners to solve the nation's problems.Optimistic, plainspoken and often very funny, The Senator Next Door is a story about how the girl next door decided to enter the fray and make a difference. At a moment when America's government often seems incapable of getting anything done, Amy Klobuchar proves that politics is still the art of the possible.

Biographical Memoirs: Volume 74

by National Academy of Sciences Staff

Memoirs of histories more distinguished figures

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