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Confederacy of Silence: A True Tale of the New Old South

by Richard Rubin

Discussion of the New South by a news correspondent on a Southern paper.

For the New Intellectual

by Ayn Rand

Essays describing Ayn Rand's philosophy.

Letters from the Desert

by Carlo Carretto

This book was originally written as a series of letters to friends. After joining The Little Brothers of Jesus, a community to working and living with the poorest of the poor, the author burned all addresses as kind of renunciation. This is a series of deeply personal meditations springing from his life in the Sahara. They are beautiful prayerful, and intensely human. The book is small, but well worth pondering.

The Triumph of John and Betty Stam

by Mrs Howard Taylor

John Stam was daring, courageous, unafraid of danger. Betty, his wife, was kind, gracious, a sensitive poetess. Together they made a lasting contribution to missionary endeavor in China. Bandits, illness, the threatening Chinese Communist force, problems of child-raising on a primitive mission field--all these threatened to choke John and Betty's confidence in the Lord. But the Stams' faith grew stronger under pressure. Even when martyred by Chinese Reds, they displayed an unshakeable trust in God. The Triumph of John and Betty Stam offers an inspiring story of dedication and sacrifice-even martyrdom. This book will give spiritual strength to all who take time to read its contents.

Fabre, Poet of Science

by Bernard Miall Georges Victor Legros

Fabre studied insects, taught about insects, and wrote prolifically about insects. His writing is beautiful and descriptive. He is author of "The Life of the Spider."

I Think God Wants Me To Be A Missionary: Issues to Deal With Long Before You Say, Good-bye!

by Neal Pirolo

Prompted by the high attrition rate of missionaries who do not first "count the cost" of cross-cultural ministry, Neal Pirolo offers this book to help candidates look closely at scores of issues that should be clarified long before they say, "Good-bye." In an easy-to-read style of dialogue, four young people represent thousands of people who are making the statement: "I Think God Wants Me to be a Missionary!" "I really enjoyed writing this book," Neal happily says, now that it is written. He continues, "It was a real challenge to become twenty-five people, each with their own personality and style of talking and praying. I related most easily with Jason. He's a happy-go-lucky guy about to graduate from high school. But one day, deep in his spirit.... "Then there is Helen, a most proper young lady who has been home schooled since kindergarten. She attends a church that is very active in missions. Her concern is.... Neal continues his reflections: "Kevin, graduating from college, has his own set of challenges, not the least being the embarrassment to him, his three college friends, as well as the whole church. You see, on one Sunday he walked into church with these three men, Nigerians, with skin as black as the good church peoples' Bibles! He realized--too late--that he probably should have given the church advanced notice. But, over the next several months, a lot is going to change.... "Kyle probably had the most difficult issues. Wonderfully, there is a young lady in his church. Just when they realized that their relationship was more than "just friends," they cannot remember. But for some time now there has been an unspoken agreement that wedding bells were in their future. But, one Sunday evening...." Middletown is where we want to discover truth and live in it. We will enter the lives of these four "missionary-hopefuls." In the first four chapters each person in turn goes to his pastor with a specific issue. However, as they face the one, others arise. In Chapters Five through Seven, then, the youth and their pastors and others become involved in the dialogue as these young people deal with scores of issues that should be considered long before they say, "Good-bye."

Woman at the Well

by Dale Sams Rogers

The growing up years and family life of Dale Evans Rogers.

Johann Gutenberg: the Inventor of Printing

by Victor Scholderer

This short book draws on legal documents surviving from the 15th century, in an attempt to piece together information about the life of the inventor of the printing press. When all is said and done, however, very little can actually be known about Gutenberg's life.

Atlantic High: A Celebration

by William F. Buckley Jr.

William F. Buckley Jr.'s account of his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in the sailboat Sealestial, Atlantic High is a work that everywhere evidences Buckley's love for sailing and good companionship. Infused with his inimitable wit and supported by a rich fund of anecdotes and observations, Atlantic High is truly a one-of-a-kind work.

The Americanization of Edward Bok: The Autobiography of a Dutch boy Fifty Years After

by Edward Bok

Edward William Bok (born Eduard Willem Gerard Cesar Hidde Bok) (October 9, 1863 – January 9, 1930) was a Dutch-born American editor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author. He was editor of the Ladies' Home Journal for 30 years (1889-1919). <P><P> Pulitzer Prize Winner

The Little Locksmith: A Memoir

by Katharine Butler Hathaway

First published in 1942 and reprinted here by the Feminist Press, this is the deeply honest memoir of Katharine Butler, who was disabled from childhood due to tuberculosis of the spine. Butler describes her bedridden childhood and her emergence as a teenager with a notably different-looking body. She writes openly of her longing for sexual love and her sense that it was forever denied to her because of her difference. Much of the book concerns the author's renovation of and hopes for a house in Castine on the coast of Maine, which she dreamed would become a house for children, artists, and lovers. Nancy Mairs' afterword provides fascinating information about the author's life.

Nimac Demo Test

by Bookshare

This title is for testing access to NIMAC-sourced titles, which are restricted to US Students who have an IEP.

The Rebel Within: Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank

by Ha-Joon Chang Joseph Stiglitz

Critique of the role and effectiveness of the World Bank.

Jackie Robinson: A Biography

by Arnold Rampersad

The extraordinary life of Jackie Robinson is illuminated as never before in this full-scale biography by Arnold Rampersad, who was chosen by Jack's widow, Rachel, to tell her husband's story, and was given unprecedented access to his private papers.

The Trials Of Radclyffe Hall

by Diana Souhami

Biography of the author of The Well Of Loneliness.

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