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Zenefits Board of Directors (A)

by Lynn Sharp Paine Will Hurwitz

In early 2018, the time seemed right for Zenefits investor and director Lars Dalgaard to reflect on whether Zenefits had the right board of directors to shepherd the company through its next stages of growth. For the company whose name combined the words "benefits," reflecting its human resources technology products, and "zen," loosely defined as a state of calm, the past few years were not entirely zen. Once heralded as one of the fastest growing software start-ups ever, the 5-year old company quickly achieved "unicorn" status-a term given to an elite handful of privately-held start-ups valued at $1 billion or more. But leadership and legal issues that emerged in 2015 had threatened to undermine its success and compelled Zenefits to appoint new board members, hire new executives, reformulate its business model, and transform its corporate culture and philosophy. With those changes in place, Dalgaard now turned his attention once again to the board. Did Zenefits have the board it needed to navigate the next stages of growth as it sought to further distance itself from its rocky past and focus on its future potential?

Zen Your Work: Create Your Ideal Work Experience Through Mindful Self-Mastery

by Karlyn Borysenko

Use mindfulness techniques to handle toxic stress in the workplace and to create your ideal professional experience from the inside out.While working in a particularly toxic environment, Karlyn Borysenko came to this liberating realization: she couldn't control other people, but she could control herself, her perspective, and her actions. Now an organizational psychologist, consultant, and executive coach, Borysenko shows us how to bridge the gap between where we are now and what will bring us the most professional success and happiness. We must achieve self-mastery--by accepting responsibility for our actions, understanding our innate work style, and discerning when and how to push outside our comfort zone. In Zen Your Work, Borysenko shows us how to set personal goals that allow us to focus our energy and create measures of success that aren't affected by the cynicism, competitiveness, or narcissism of others. Borysenko teaches us to apply mindfulness techniques in a highly practical way to achieve professional success, create game-changing relationships (even with the most negative people in the office), decrease stress, and enjoy a better work/life balance.

The Zen of Steve Jobs

by Caleb Melby Forbes LLC

An illustrated depiction of Steve Jobs' friendship with Zen Buddhist Kobun Chino Otogawa and the impact it had on Jobs' career Apple cofounder Steve Jobs (1955-2011) had such an enormous impact on so many people that his life often took on aspects of myth. But much of his success was due to collaboration with designers, engineers and thinkers. The Zen of Steve Jobs tells the story of Jobs' relationship with one such person: Kobun Chino Otogawa. Kobun was a Zen Buddhist priest who emigrated to the U.S. from Japan in the early 1970s. He was an innovator, lacked appreciation for rules and was passionate about art and design. Kobun was to Buddhism as Jobs was to the computer business: a renegade and maverick. It wasn't long before the two became friends--a relationship that was not built to last. This graphic book is a reimagining of that friendship. The story moves back and forward in time, from the 1970s to 2011, but centers on the period after Jobs' exile from Apple in 1985 when he took up intensive study with Kobun. Their time together was integral to the big leaps that Apple took later on with its product design and business strategy. Told using stripped down dialogue and bold calligraphic panels, The Zen of Steve Jobs explores how Jobs might have honed his design aesthetic via Eastern religion before choosing to identify only what he needs and leave the rest behind.

The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue

by Chris Brogan Shama Hyder

Freshly Updated Edition of the Ultimate Primer and How-To Guide for Social Media MarketingFive years ago, the first edition of The Zen of Social Media Marketing became a global bestseller. Three years after that, the updated edition helped even more marketers and executives navigate the sometimes-stressful world of social media. Now, this new, up-to-date edition offers timely insight to the ways social media has changed and how best to market in it.Whether you use social media now or not, people are already talking about your company online. By becoming part of the conversation in a more meaningful way, you can start connecting directly to your customers and clients and finding new ones right away with ease and efficiency.Social media marketing isn't like traditional marketing-and treating it that way only leads to frustration and failure. In The Zen of Social Media Marketing, Shama Hyder, social media expert and president of The Marketing Zen Group (, teaches you the "Zen" of using social media tools to find your own marketing nirvana.With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan and new and updated content on content marketing, email marketing, the importance of mobile, social advertising, and more, the newest edition of The Zen of Social Media Marketing gives you:A comprehensive overview of why social media works and how to use it to drive traffic to your website and fan pageA proven process to attract followers and fans and convert them into customers and clientsThe latest social media trends and step-by-step guidelines for sites and apps such as Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Imgur, LINE, and more All new information on why, when, and how to use online advertisingInnovative tips for mobile designEssential advice on content marketing and targeted tactics to enhance your SEOWhy self-expression is the true driver of social media use and how to leverage it for your businessInsights from dozens of leading online marketers and entrepreneurs, with strategies for success

The Zen of Social Media Marketing

by Shama Kabani

The Ultimate Primer and How-To Guide for Social Media MarketingIn the two years since the first edition became a global bestseller, the world of social media has grown and changed enough to require an updated guide.Whether you use social media now or not, people are already talking about your company online. By becoming part of the conversation in a more meaningful way, you can start connecting directly to your customers and clients and finding new ones right away with ease and efficiency.Social media marketing isn't like traditional marketing--and treating it that way only leads to frustration and failure. In The Zen of Social Media Marketing, Shama Kabani, social media expert and president of The Marketing Zen Group (, teaches you the "Zen" of using social media tools to find your own marketing nirvana.With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan and updated content on Google+, online advertising, SEO, and more, the newest edition of The Zen of Social Media Marketing gives you:* A comprehensive overview of why social media works and how to use it to drive traffic to your website and fan page* A proven process to attract followers and fans and convert them into customers and clients* The latest updates and step-by-step guidelines for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and group-buying sites such as Groupon and LivingSocial* Tips on why, when, and how to use online advertising* Essential advice on content marketing and targeted tactics to enhance your SEO* New information on why self-expression is the true driver of social media use and how to leverage it for your business* Insights from dozens of leading online marketers and entrepreneurs, with strategies for success

The Zen of Fundraising

by Ken Burnett

If all that has ever been said and written about the art and science of fundraising could be distilled down to just what really matters--what fundraisers everywhere need to know--there would be only a small number of true gems deserving of the description, "nuggets of information."Leading international fundraiser Ken Burnett, author of the classic Relationship Fundraising, has identified and defined 89 such nuggets which he presents here as The Zen of Fundraising, a fun read, one-of-a-kind look into what makes donors tick and-more importantly-what makes them give.

Zen of Cloud: Learning Cloud Computing by Examples, Second Edition

by Haishi Bai

This book provides a comprehensive review of cloud philosophy, design principals, development trends as well as practical patterns to guide readers to understand, design and implement successful cloud-based solutions. This book provides both "hows" and "whys." It peers behind the buzz words such as machine learning, containers, and blockchains to help readers understand how to put those technologies into practical use. This unique book covers a broad spectrum of technologies of cloud computing.

The Zen Leader: 10 Ways to Go From Barely Managing to Leading Fearlessly

by Ginny Whitelaw

A guide to using pressure to be a better leader through principles of Zen Buddhism.Leaders today face nearly impossible tasks. Forced to do more with less, expand globally, innovate quickly, inspire broadly and—oh, yes—balance work and family. How can one manage all this pressure?The Zen Leader does not encourage you simply to “be peaceful.” Neither does it suggest you work harder, faster, or ignore the pressure. Quite the opposite: it’s about using the pressure to propel “flips” in consciousness that create transformational leaders, leaders who create the future with joy and enthusiasm, rather than drive themselves and their people to exhaustion.The Zen Leader guides you through ten “flips” that take you from barely managing to mastering change—not by doing more, zoning out, or pretending you have all the answers. Chapter by chapter, you’ll learn how to make the “flips” that reframe your life, your leadership, and your world. Discover how you can get out of your own way and realize the Zen Leader in you.Praise for The Zen Leader“The Zen Leader provides a calm and reassuring voice—telling us what is important about leadership and about ourselves. She distills leadership to its essence, and offers simple, easily understandable tools for any current or aspiring leader to understand, use, and build on his or her own natural gifts.” —David Dotlich, chairman of Pivot and coauthor of Why CEOs Fail; Head, Heart, and Guts; and other books on leadership“The chapter entitled “From Controlling to Connecting” will change how you interact with others, and will enrich your life. You will see the vision of what you want our world to be and help strengthen the business connections we all need.” —Blythe McGarvie, author of Shaking the Globe“Before you can effectively lead others, you must be able to control yourself first. Dr. Whitelaw invites us on a journey of self-discovery using easy-to-follow exercises. By learning to experience for yourself the power of a unified mind and body, you will begin to taste your full potential.” —David Shaner, author of The Seven Arts of Change

Zen and the Art of Monetary Maintenance: The Fed's New Communication Style

by Ethan S. Harris

Ben Bernanke, the latest Fed chair, belongs to a generation of economists who believe in a fully transparent central bank, which means clearly conveying to the public its forecasts for the economy, its policy goals, and the rationale behind its policy choices. However, Bernanke is also likely to keep a much lower profile than his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, who became an economic guru. This chapter examines how Bernanke is changing the way the Fed presents itself to the public.

Zen and the Art of Making a Living: A Practical Guide to Creative Career Design

by Laurence G. Boldt

With today's economic uncertainties, millions of Americans realize they must seize control over their own career paths. They want work that not only pays the bills but also allows them to pursue their real passions. In this revised edition, Laurence Boldt updates and revises his revolutionary guide to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century workplace. The first part of this book helps readers to identify the work that they really want to do, while the second provides practical, active steps to finding or creating that work. Zen and the Art of Making a Living goes beyond inspiration, providing a proven formula for bringing creativity, dignity, and meaning to every aspect of the work experience.

Zeitwertbilanzierung und Wirtschaftsprüfung

by Matthias Weimann

Ziel der Jahresabschlussprüfung ist die Abgabe eines vertrauenswürdigen Urteils über die externe Rechnungslegung, um dieser damit Glaubwürdigkeit zu verschaffen. Allerdings konterkariert das gegenwärtige Zeitwertkonzept der IFRS diese Zielsetzung und stellt Wirtschaftsprüfer vor eine große Herausforderung. Dies zeigte sich auch in der Finanzkrise, da zeitwertbedingte Fehlbewertungen in Bankbilanzen von den Abschlussprüfern häufig nicht aufgedeckt wurden. Matthias Weimann analysiert jene Probleme aus prüfungs- und bilanztheoretischer Sicht, die mit der Prüfung von "fair values" einhergehen, und identifiziert geeignete Prüfungs- und Rechnungslegungsregelungen, um der Herausforderung bei der Prüfung beizulegender Zeitwerte zweckadäquat zu begegnen.

Zeitungsverlage zu neuem Wachstum führen: Strukturen vereinfachen, Qualität sichern, Märkte ausschöpfen

by Andreas Moring

Retten Sie Ihre Zeitung, indem Sie klassische Strukturen abschaffen<P><P><P> Neue Denkanstöße und Praxistipps für die digitale Welt Handfeste Handlungsempfehlungen - wissenschaftlich untermauert<P>Dieses Buch erklärt, wie Zeitungshäuser im medialen Konkurrenzkampf um Leser und Werbebudgets nachhaltig überleben können: mit Mut und radikalem Vereinfachungswillen. Der Autor fordert Zeitungsmacher auf, Print- und Online-Journalismus strikt zu trennen, die gedruckte Zeitung nur noch zwei- bis dreimal pro Woche erscheinen zu lassen und dabei konsequent auf inhaltliche Qualität und Konsistenz zu setzen. Denn nur so können Zeitungsverlage ihre Versprechen wie Information, Einordnung, Hilfestellung, Recherche, Aufklärung, Interessenvertretung, Unterhaltung und Dienstleistung noch wirtschaftlich darstellen. Lesen Sie, auf welchen Analysen und wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen diese Handlungsempfehlungen basieren, wie Sie diese selber in die Praxis umsetzen können und am Ende zu stabilem Wachstum kommen.

Zeitmanagement für Juristen: Strukturiert durch den Tag - mehr Effizienz - mehr freie Zeit

by Jochen Theurer

Dieses Buch stellt Zeitmanagement-Strategien speziell für Juristen und Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer vor. Diese Berufsgruppen, die Standesregeln oder hohem wirtschaftlichen Druck ausgesetzt sind, klagen häufig über Zeitprobleme. Doch die üblichen Ratschläge zum Thema Zeitmanagement helfen ihnen aufgrund der besonderen beruflichen Anforderungen meist nicht weiter. Zudem sind die Zeitprobleme so individuell, dass eine „allgemeine“ Strategie nicht passt. Hier setzt dieses Buch an: Es vermittelt Juristen und Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern und Wirtschaftsprüfern das Wissen und erläutert die Werkzeuge, um selbständig Strategien für ihre persönlichen Zeitprobleme zu entwickeln und diese erfolgreich in ihrem beruflichen Alltag umzusetzen. Die überarbeitete 3. Auflage wurde um goldene Regeln zur sinnvollen Strukturierung des Arbeitstags, effiziente Arbeitstechniken für Textprogramme, Tipps für effektiveres Kommunizieren und ein Kapitel über schnelleres Lesen (Speed Reading) erweitert.

Zeitmanagement für Juristen: Strukturiert durch den Tag - mehr Effizienz - mehr freie Zeit

by Jochen Theurer

Dieses Buch stellt Zeitmanagement-Strategien speziell für Juristen und Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer vor. Diese Berufsgruppen sind Standesregeln und hohem wirtschaftlichen Druck ausgesetzt und klagen häufig über Zeitprobleme. Doch die üblichen Ratschläge zum Thema Zeitmanagement helfen ihnen aufgrund der besonderen beruflichen Anforderungen meist nicht weiter. Zudem sind die Zeitprobleme so individuell, dass eine „allgemeine“ Strategie nicht passt. Hier setzt dieses Buch an: Es vermittelt Juristen und Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern und Wirtschaftsprüfern das Wissen und die Werkzeuge, um selbstständig Strategien für ihre persönlichen Zeitprobleme zu entwickeln und diese erfolgreich in ihrem beruflichen Alltag umzusetzen. Die überarbeitete 4. Auflage wurde um Erfahrungen aus der Corona-Pandemie und ein Kapitel über Gesundheit und Körper erweitert.

Zeitmanagement für Führungskräfte: Wie arbeite ich als Führungskraft effektiv und effizient? (essentials)

by Alexander Häfner Sophie Hofmann

Mehr als 300 E-Mails im Posteingang, Teammitglieder, die auf dringendes Feedback warten, und wichtige Aufgaben, die seit Wochen liegen bleiben. So kann der Alltag von Führungskräften aussehen. Ohne einen effektiven und effizienten Umgang mit der eigenen Arbeitszeit wird Führung nicht gelingen. Das Buch gibt wissenschaftlich fundiert konkrete Anregungen für die tägliche Praxis.

Zeitmanagement bei der Abschlussarbeit: Perfektes Timing für die Bachelor- und Masterthesis (essentials)

by Kristina Folz

Dieses essential richtet sich an alle Studierenden, die ihre Abschlussarbeit – oder vielleicht auch ihre nächste Seminararbeit – ohne Zeitnot meistern möchten. Die Autorin gibt praktische Tipps und Anregungen zum Zeitmanagement, die sich leicht und ohne aufwendige Einarbeitung im Studienalltag umsetzen lassen. Sie erfahren unter anderem, wie Sie Ihren persönlichen „Thesisfahrplan“ aufstellen, wie Sie die Arbeitsbedingungen so optimieren können, dass Sie Zeit und Energie sparen, welche Zeitfresser beim wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten weit verbreitet sind und wie Sie sie vermeiden. Verständlich geschrieben, übersichtlich gestaltet und mit zahlreichen Übungen und Beispielen hilft Ihnen dieses essential dabei, die Abschlussarbeit erfolgreich und fristgerecht zu schreiben.​Die Autorin:Kristina Folz ist freie Redakteurin, Autorin und Lektorin für verschiedene Kunden und beschäftigt sich als solche regelmäßig mit Zeitmanagementmethoden sowie der Frage, wie man Zeitfresser aus dem Alltag verbannt. Zudem hat sie zwei Ratgeber zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten verfasst.

Zeitlose Elemente der Führung: Psychologisch sicher führen im Wandel (essentials)

by Claudia Gerhardt

Beim „zeitlosen Führen“ geht es um weit mehr als Führung in flachen Hierarchien, die nur ein Merkmal aktueller Organisationsformen sind. Claudia Gerhardt erörtert in diesem essential aus dem Blickwinkel der Wirtschaftspsychologie die Frage, wie Führung in instabilen, unsicheren und womöglich fragilen Umfeldern – in der VUKA-Welt (Volatilität, Unsicherheit, Komplexität, Ambiguität) – gestaltet werden kann. Hierzu gibt die Autorin in der gebotenen Prägnanz Antwort und möchte zugleich zum Denken und Reflektieren über die führungsbezogenen Aufgaben anregen, die diese schnelllebige Zeit mit sich bringt.

Zeitarbeit erfolgreich verkaufen: Praxistipps für Arbeitgeberakquise, Recruiting und Bewerbermanagement

by Nicole Truchseß Markus Brandl

Dieses Buch ist eine kompakte Bedienungsanleitung für sämtliche vertrieblichen Situationen in der Zeitarbeitsbranche. Es zeigt, wie der Vertrieb von Zeitarbeit effizienter gestaltet werden kann und welche seriösen Akquisemöglichkeiten es gibt. Die Autoren behandeln die häufigsten Herausforderungen im Vertrieb, z.B. Planung der Akquise, Telefoneinsatz bei der Neukundengewinnung, Preisverhandlung und die Organisation von Bewerbergesprächen. Mit praxisnahen Musterdialogen und hilfreichen Umsetzungstipps.

Zeit- und Selbstmanagement

by Isabell Braumandl Birgit Dirscherl Silke Weisweiler

Termin- und Zeitdruck, Informationsüberflutung und Multitasking sind zum Massenphänomen geworden. Die Folge: Auch hoch motivierte Leistungsträger geraten an die Grenzen ihrer psychischen und physischen Belastbarkeit. Dieses Fachbuch für Weiterbildungsanbieter und Personalabteilungen bietet ein komplettes Trainingsprogramm: Hintergrundwissen zu Zeit- und Selbstkompetenz sowie pädagogischen Ansätzen, vollständige Moderationsanleitungen, Foliensätze und Arbeitsmaterialien. Ein Methodenbaukasten, der auch im individuellen Coaching einsetzbar ist.

Zeit des Wandels und der Initiative: Änderungen unterstützen - Gewohnheiten stabilisieren

by Klaus Konrad

Dieses Buch betrachtet Veränderung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und unterstützt in seinen Erläuterungen Menschen, die im beratenden sowie pädagogischen Kontext arbeiten. Im Zentrum stehen Theorien, Anwendungen und Beispiele rund um Veränderungen und Neu-Anfänge. Wir fangen immer wieder neu an. Wandeln, verwandeln, modellieren, modernisieren, ersetzen, variieren, fluktuieren sind Synonyme dafür, die uns im Alltag immer wieder begegnen. Sich wandeln und dynamisch zeigen liegt im Trend. Dazu passt das weithin sichtbare Bestreben nach Selbstoptimierung. Ungeachtet von Lebensalter und Ausbildung versuchen viele Menschen jederzeit ein neues Bild von sich zu entwerfen, und sei es auch nur virtuell.

ZEISS Group: Organize by Customer Culture?

by Willy Shih

How should ZEISS, the German manufacturer of precision optical and optoelectronic systems manage two historic businesses that operated fairly autonomously? The Industrial Quality Solutions (IQS) business sold measurement equipment to manufacturing companies in sectors like automotive and aerospace. The Research Microscopy Solutions (RMS) business sold into scientific research laboratories and industrial materials laboratories. The two units had many similar characteristics. Both served demanding customers in complex and competitive market segments, and the use of RMS microscopy products in materials research meant an increasing amount of cross-selling into IQS customers. Yet there were many differences in the sales processes, product development processes, and approaches to product and market planning. RMS and IQS had very different ways of working, and most team members would say that the organizational cultures and the customers were very different as well.

Zecca: The Mint of Venice in the Middle Ages

by Alan M. Stahl

Winner of the Professional/Scholarly Publishing Award in Economics from the Association of American PublishersWithin a few months of assuming the position of curator of medieval coins at the American Numismatic Society in 1980, Alan M. Stahl was presented with a plastic bag containing a hoard of 5,000 recently discovered coins, most of which turned out to be from medieval Venice. The course of study of that hoard (and a later one containing more than 14,000 coins) led him to the Venetian archives, where he examined thousands of unpublished manuscripts. To provide an even more accurate account of how the Zecca mint operated in Venice in the thirteenth through fifteenth centuries, Stahl commissioned scientific analyses of the coins using a variety of modern techniques, uncovering information about their content and how they had been manufactured. The resulting book, Zecca: The Mint of Venice in the Middle Ages, is the first to examine the workings of a premodern mint using extensive research in original documents as well as detailed study of the coins themselves. The first of the book's three sections traces the coinage of Venice from its origins in the ninth century as a minor, and unofficial, regional Italian coinage to its position at the dawn of the Renaissance as the dominant currency of Mediterranean trade. The second section, entitled "The Mint in the Life of Medieval Venice," illustrates the mechanisms of the control of bullion and the strategies for mint profit and explores the mint's role in Venetian trade and the emergence of a bureaucratized government. The third section, "Within the Mint," examines the physical operations that transformed raw bullion into coins and identifies the personnel of the mint, situating the holders of each position in the context of their social and professional backgrounds.Illustrated with photos of Venetian coinage from the world's major collections, Zecca also includes a listing of all holders of offices related to the medieval Venetian mint and summaries of all major finds of medieval Venetian coins.

Zebras and Cheetahs: Look Different and Stay Agile to Survive the Business Jungle

by Colby B. Jubenville Micheal J. Burt

Praise for Zebras and Cheetahs"It's not the big that eat the small. Today, it's the fast that eat the slow. Zebras and Cheetahs teaches you step by step how to run faster, to be agile in the business jungle, and to pounce on opportunity 10x quicker than your competitors."-GRANT CARDONE, New York Times bestselling author of Sell or Be Sold"Business is a game for everyone, and whether you're an entrepreneur, a small business owner, or a corporate executive, you need a guide. If you're striving for growth and profound leadership, the Zebra and Cheetah philosophy will not only guide you through the jungle alive, it will position you to be King."-JEFFREY HAYZLETT, global business celebrity, bestselling author, and sometime cowboy"A fresh and unique look at leaders-and how to become a better one."-RANDY GAGE, New York Times bestselling author of Risky Is the New Safe"Standing out by being decidedly different, agile, and resilient are three themes of utmost importance for business success today. This book will give you insights, strategies, and tactics for achieving all three-and much more."-MARK SANBORN, author of The Fred Factor and Fred 2.0"Growing a business is not easy or for the faint of heart. In Zebras and Cheetahs, Micheal and Colby offer a refreshing and entertaining take on how to see what you do differently, grow your leadership capabilities in new ways, and execute a growth plan."-Doug Tatum, author of No Man's Land: Where Growing Companies Fail; Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, MTSU Wright Travel Chair

Zebra Medical Vision

by Shane Greenstein Sarah Gulick


Zeal: Launching Personalized and Social Learning

by Christine An John J-H Kim

"Set in 2014, this case follows John Danner and his team at Zeal as they consider their product development strategy. In February 2013, serial entrepreneurs John Danner and Sanjay Noronha co-found Zeal, an education technology start up providing a web-based, mobile learning platform that helps students from Kindergarten to 8th grade build math and literacy skills based on Common Core State Standards through personalized learning plans. Having been a teacher and founder of a successful network of charter schools, Danner believes learning does not have to be limited to the classroom and wants to create a product that can connect students, parents, and teachers to facilitate individual student learning. Furthermore, he believes that offering a social, personalized learning tool can offer a fun way for students to learn and can also save time for teachers who want to provide differentiated instruction. Based out of the offices of the NewSchools Venture Fund in Palo Alto, Danner and Noronha work to rapidly develop the product with their founding team and their teacher partners at Rocketship Education, a K-5 charter school organization providing blended instruction combining technology and traditional methods. After several iterations, the Zeal team launches the latest version of Zeal in Fall 2014. While reflecting on their process to find product-market fit, Danner and his team wonder where to pivot next and seek an appropriate business model that considers their customer and user base. The case describes the student, parent, and teacher features offered by the evolving Zeal product, and how the team begins with a focus on personalized, peer-to-peer learning and, based on feedback, refines the product to add in-class features and create a teacher product. Students will have the opportunity to explore how an early SaaS start-up in the educational technology space can approach early product development, pilot in classrooms, and connect with different stakeholders."

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