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Showing 201 through 225 of 100,000 results

Alternative Acquisition Models and Financial Innovation: Special Purpose Acquisition Companies in Europe, and the Italian Legal Framework (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)

by Daniele D’Alvia Ettore Maria Lombardi Yochanan Shachmurove

This is the first book written in English on special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) in the context of European and Italian financial law, introducing the topic with a general overview on the European stage. It is also the first book on European financial regulations of SPACs. As such, it is a groundbreaking reference text for SPAC studies at the international level. Alternative Acquisition Models and Financial Innovation: Special Purpose Acquisition Companies in Europe, and the Italian Legal Framework offers the most comprehensive overview of the current international financial regulations of SPACs in the EU and UK compared to the main legal system where SPACs originated—the US. This edited book is focused on finding a European legal framework for SPACs by discovering whether the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) or the Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive (UCITS) are applicable to them and why, as well as identifying the objectives of financial regulation of SPACs in the EU, US and UK. Essentially, the edited collection explores soft law and self-regulation instances against the state-based Westphalian approaches centred on hard law instances; describes practical examples of SPACs in Italy and Europe; and analyses the limits and perspectives of such investment vehicles on the Italian capital market as well as their possible uses as forms of shadow banking and venture companies at international levels.

Alteryx Designer: Simplify And Automate Your Analytics

by Joshua Burkhow

Analytics projects are frequently long, drawn-out affairs, requiring multiple teams and skills to clean, join, and eventually turn data into analysis for timely decision-making. Alteryx Designer changes all of that. With this low-code, self-service, drag-and-drop workflow platform, new and experienced data and business analysts can deliver results in hours instead of weeks.This practical book shows you how to master all areas of Alteryx Designer quickly. Author and Alteryx ACE Joshua Burkhow starts with the basics of building a workflow, then introduces more than 200 tools for working with intermediate and advanced analytics functionality. With Alteryx Designer's all-in-one toolkit, you'll migrate from legacy analytics software or Excel with ease.Ready to work with data quickly and efficiently? This guide gets you started.Learn the fundamentals of cleaning, prepping, and analyzing data with Alteryx DesignerInstall, navigate, and quickly become competent with the Alteryx Designer layout and functionalityConstruct accurate, performant, reliable, and well-documented workflows that automate business processesLearn intermediate techniques using spatial analytics, reporting, and in-database toolsDive into advanced Alteryx capabilities, including predictive and machine learning toolsGet introduced to the entire Alteryx Analytic Process Automation (APA) Platform

The Amazon Incubator: Grow Your Business or Hatch a New One

by Lesley Hensell

The real story about how to be a successful seller on Amazon, from a leading consultant. Amazon is the most powerful business incubator in the history of the world. Unfortunately, where there is great opportunity, get-rich-quick schemes abound. Most available books about selling on Amazon peddle a dream that is unattainable for sellers. They promise riches at the cost of only five hours a week, or a long-term income for an initial investment of just $1,000.The Amazon Incubator is different. This book instead offers realistic, sustainable strategies for building a long-term, profitable business on Amazon. Whether sellers are burgeoning entrepreneurs or own the ecommerce channel at an established brand, they will benefit from the strategic thinking and in-depth Amazon know-how delivered in an easily digestible format. The reader will be guided through exercises to define their goals, determine their product set, and execute like a champ. The Amazon Incubator is written in short, easy-to-digest chapters that include case studies and real-world examples of Amazon seller success and failure. Readers will better identify with and understand the information when case studies are included. In addition, each chapter includes a brief summary at the end, as well as suggested action steps, so it can easily be used as a tool for the reader to share with teammates and business associates.

Ambition Monster: A Memoir

by Jennifer Romolini

&“Entertaining and highly relatable.&” —The New York Times &“As hilarious as it is heart-wrenching…[A] gift of storytelling, and an act of reclamation.&” —Ashley C. Ford, New York Times bestselling author A deeply personal memoir about workaholism, the addictive nature of ambition, and the humbling process of picking yourself up when the world lets you down—an anti-girlboss tale for our times for readers of Drinking: A Love Story and Uncanny Valley.After years of relentlessly racing up the professional ladder, Jennifer Romolini reached the kind of success many crave: a high-profile, C-suite dream job, a book well-received enough that reporters wanted to know the secrets to her success, and a gig traveling around the country giving speeches on &“making it.&” She had a handsome and clever husband, a precocious child. But beneath this polished surface was a powder keg of unresolved trauma and chronic overwork. It was all about to blow. Written with self-deprecation and wit, Ambition Monster is a gutsy and powerful look at workaholism and the addictive nature of achievement, the lingering effect of childhood trauma, and the failures of our modern rat race. This is a Cinderella story of success and a brutal appraisal of the cost of capitalism—perfect for people pleasers, overachievers, and those whose traumas have driven them to strike for &“goodness,&” no matter the cost. With its timely and resonant deconstructing of the American Dream, Ambition Monster is a singular excavation of selfhood, an essential interrogation about the way we work, and an inspiring and affirming call to always bet on yourself.

America vs. Americans: How Capitalism Has Failed a Capitalist Nation and What We Can Do About It

by Eric Wade

In America vs. Americans, Eric Wade presents American Laborism, a revolutionary new economic system, where the greatest commodity isn&’t cash, it&’s work.Capitalism is broken. Despite its successes, capitalism gives us the largest wealth gap in American history, failing Social Security, a weak currency, and a looming threat of AI destroying our workforce. We need a new system—one built around people rather than capital. A system that values each person&’s unique contribution, ingenuity, and hard work—their labor. A system in which the greatest commodity isn&’t cash; it&’s work. And a system in which Americans at every level of society and government are working together. We need American Laborism, a revolutionary new system that presents a workable, low-tax form of capitalism for those who want it—and a dignified, healthy, happy, and fulfilled life for everyone else. Under American Laborism, if you&’re happy with the current capitalist system, great! Carry on—but you&’ll get to do it with a smaller government, fewer regulations, better-educated employees, and lower taxes. And if capitalism hasn&’t worked out as well for you, you get access to unlimited free education and training, guaranteed housing and food, and a sound asset-backed currency. Everybody wins! American Laborism isn&’t just a replacement for capitalism. It&’s an upgrade. Every American has the right to live a life of dignity, to contribute, and to ensure that their basic needs are respected by their society. American Laborism can improve the lives of every American by bringing the least among us up . . . without bringing anyone else down. It&’s time to heal our nation. It&’s time for American Laborism.

American Flannel: How a Band of Entrepreneurs Are Bringing the Art and Business of Making Clothes Back Home

by Steven Kurutz

&“I can confidently say this will be one of my favorite books of 2024.&” —Stephen King, bestselling author (and onetime millworker)&“American Flannel is a wonderful book--surprising, entertaining, vivid and personal, but also enlightening on the largest questions of America's economic and social future.&” —James Fallows, co-author of Our Towns The little-engine-that-could story of how a band of scrappy entrepreneurs are reviving the enterprise of manufacturing clothing in the United States. For decades, clothing manufacture was a pillar of U.S. industry. But beginning in the 1980s, Americans went from wearing 70 percent domestic-made apparel to almost none. Even the very symbol of American freedom and style—blue jeans—got outsourced. With offshoring, the nation lost not only millions of jobs but also crucial expertise and artistry. Dismayed by shoddy imported &“fast fashion&”—and unable to stop dreaming of re-creating a favorite shirt from his youth—Bayard Winthrop set out to build a new company, American Giant, that would swim against this trend. New York Times reporter Steven Kurutz, in turn, began to follow Winthrop&’s journey. He discovered other trailblazers as well, from the &“Sock Queen of Alabama&” to a pair of father-son shoemakers and a men&’s style blogger who almost single-handedly drove a campaign to make &“Made in the USA&” cool. Eye-opening and inspiring, American Flannel is the story of how a band of visionaries and makers are building a new supply chain on the skeleton of the old and wedding old-fashioned craftsmanship to cutting-edge technology and design to revive an essential American dream.

American Journal of Health Economics, volume 10 number 1 (Winter 2024)

by American Journal of Health Economics

This is volume 10 issue 1 of American Journal of Health Economics. The American Journal of Health Economics (AJHE) provides a forum for the in-depth analysis of health care markets and individual health behaviors. The articles appearing in AJHE are authored by scholars from universities, private research organizations, government, and industry. Subjects of interest include competition among private insurers, hospitals, and physicians; impacts of public insurance programs; pharmaceutical innovation and regulation; medical device supply; the rise of obesity and its consequences; the influence and growth of aging populations; and much more. The journal is published for the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), which is a professional, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in health economics research in the United States.

American Journal of Health Economics, volume 10 number 2 (Spring 2024)

by American Journal of Health Economics

This is volume 10 issue 2 of American Journal of Health Economics. The American Journal of Health Economics (AJHE) provides a forum for the in-depth analysis of health care markets and individual health behaviors. The articles appearing in AJHE are authored by scholars from universities, private research organizations, government, and industry. Subjects of interest include competition among private insurers, hospitals, and physicians; impacts of public insurance programs; pharmaceutical innovation and regulation; medical device supply; the rise of obesity and its consequences; the influence and growth of aging populations; and much more. The journal is published for the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), which is a professional, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting excellence in health economics research in the United States.

The Amp It Up Fieldbook: A Guide for Leaders, Teams, and Facilitators

by Frank Slootman

Hyper scale your organization with practical prompts and exercisesSnowflake's chairman and former CEO Frank Slootman, one of Silicon Valley’s most respected figures in tech leadership, has penned the Amp It Up Fieldbook to help leaders grow any organization by challenging the status quo every day, getting used to making conflicted trade-offs, avoiding incrementalism, refocusing resources to the only places where they count, and being uncompromisingly objective. Building on Slootman’s wildly successful book, Amp It Up, this fieldbook helps readers easily apply his conceptual first principles, mindsets, and tactical advice to their own organizations and careers. Readers will learn about: How to align people around first principles that guide change and execute with urgency and intensity every day Maximizing growth and scale without making expensive changes to talent, structure, or fundamental business models The three essential characteristics of great mission statements, and why Slootman chose Snowflake’s current mission statement, broken down word-by-word How to identify personal blind spots that keep us from achieving our best With firsthand insight gleaned from Slootman’s personal experience over three decades of building hyper-growth companies, the Amp It Up Fieldbook earns a well-deserved spot on the bookshelves of leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs looking to take their organizations and careers to the next level.

Analyse der 7. MaRisk-Novelle zum Umgang mit Klima- und Umweltrisiken: Schlussfolgerungen für mittelständische Banken im Licht der EZB-Anforderungen zur vollständigen E(SG)-Umsetzung (Business, Economics, and Law)

by Thomas Böhm

Die Europäische Zentralbank stellte in ihrer Mitteilung vom 02. November 2022 klar, dass alle Banken die regulatorischen Anforderungen zum Umgang mit Klima- und Umweltrisiken bis spätestens Ende 2024 vollständig erfüllen müssen. Mit der 7. Novelle hat die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) ESG-Risiken in ihre Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement (MaRisk) der Banken übernommen. In diesem Werk werden die aufsichtlichen ESG-Erwartungshaltungen von EZB, EBA und BaFin dargelegt und miteinander verglichen. Die Arbeit zeigt Ansätze auf, wie mittelständische Institute angemessen mit Klima- und Umweltrisiken in der Banksteuerung umgehen können. Dabei wird deutlich, dass in einer konsequenten institutsspezifischen Umsetzung, neben der Reduzierung möglicher Risiken, auch viele Chancen in Form neuer Geschäftsfelder, gesteigerter Ertragschancen und Imagegewinn liegen.

Analytische Prüfungshandlungen in der Abschlussprüfung: Einflussfaktoren auf die Verarbeitung von nicht-finanziellen Informationen (Auditing and Accounting Studies)

by Johannes Martens

In der Abschlussprüfung werden neben Informationen aus der traditionellen Analyse von finanziellen Daten zunehmend Informationen aus der Analyse von nicht-finanziellen Daten berücksichtigt. Die Nutzung von nicht-finanziellen Informationen ist hierbei kein neues Phänomen, jedoch ermöglichen jüngere datenanalytische Verfahren, wie z. B. Text-Data-Mining, die Auswertung bisher wenig beachteter, unkonventioneller Datenquellen, die zunehmend in die prüferische Urteilsfindung Eingang finden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird in dieser Arbeit aus einer verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Perspektive untersucht, welche Bedeutung nicht-finanzielle Informationen aus der Analyse von Wetter-, Strom- und Internetdaten zur Plausibilisierung der Umsatzerlöse im Rahmen einer analytischen Prüfungshandlung für Prüfer besitzen. Hierfür wird eine experimentelle Untersuchung mit Prüfern durchgeführt, die drei wesentliche Faktoren bei der Verarbeitung der nicht-finanziellen Informationen fokussiert: das Bedürfnis nach kognitiver Geschlossenheit, die Informationskonsistenz und der fraud-Risiko-Kontext. Die Ergebnisse deuten unter anderem auf einen Einfluss des Bedürfnisses nach kognitiver Geschlossenheit und der Informationskonsistenz hin. Die Befunde liefern interessante Einsichten für Prüfungspraxis und -forschung.

Anforderungen an unternehmerische Entscheidungen in einer dynamischen Welt (Business - Innovation - High Tech)

by Matthias Graumann Achim Burkhardt Thomas Wenger

Unternehmerische Entscheidungen profitieren vom Rückgriff auf wissenschaftliches Wissen. Es leitet nicht nur das methodische Vorgehen beim Treffen von Entscheidungen an, sondern stellt auch konkrete Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen zur Verfügung. Auf diese Weise unterstützt die Wissenschaft die Beantwortung praktischer Fragen, was die Autoren dieses Sammelbandes anhand zahlreicher Beispiele aus Organisation, Führung und Marketing illustrieren.

Animal Suffering and Public Relations: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Núria Almiron

Animal Suffering and Public Relations conducts an ethical assessment of public relations, mainly persuasive communication and lobbying, as deployed by some of the main businesses involved in the animal industrial complex – the industries participating in the systematic and institutionalized exploitation of animals. Society has been experiencing a growing ethical concern regarding humans’ (ab)use of other animals. This is a trend first promoted by the development of animal ethics – which claims any sentient being, because of sentience, deserves moral consideration – and more recently by other approaches from the social sciences, including critical animal studies. In this volume, we aim to start an entirely unaddressed discussion within the field of public relations: the need to problematize the ethics of persuasion when nonhuman animal suffering is involved, particularly the impact of persuasion and lobbying on compassion towards other animals in the cases of food, experimentation, entertainment and environment management. The books provides an interdisciplinary, theoretical discussion illustrated with international case studies from experts in strategic communication, public relations, lobbying and advocacy, animal ethics, philosophy of law, political philosophy and social psychology. This unique book merges the fields of critical public relations, animal ethics and critical animal studies and will be of direct appeal to a wide range of researchers, academics and doctoral students across related fields.

Animal Suffering and Public Relations: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Núria Almiron

Animal Suffering and Public Relations conducts an ethical assessment of public relations, mainly persuasive communication and lobbying, as deployed by some of the main businesses involved in the animal-industrial complex—the industries participating in the systematic and institutionalised exploitation of animals.Society has been experiencing a growing ethical concern regarding humans’ (ab)use of other animals. This is a trend first promoted by the development of animal ethics—which claims any sentient being, because of sentience, deserves moral consideration—and more recently by other approaches from the social sciences, including critical animal studies. In this volume, we aim to start an entirely unaddressed discussion within the field of public relations: The need to problematise the ethics of persuasion when nonhuman animal suffering is involved, particularly the impact of persuasion and lobbying on compassion towards other animals in the cases of food, experimentation, entertainment, and environmental management. This book provides an interdisciplinary, theoretical discussion illustrated with international case studies from experts in strategic communication, public relations, lobbying and advocacy, animal ethics, philosophy of law, political philosophy, and social psychology.This unique book merges the fields of critical public relations, animal ethics, and critical animal studies and will be of direct appeal to a wide range of researchers, academics, and doctoral students across related fields.

Annual Report on China’s Petroleum, Gas and New Energy Industry (Current Chinese Economic Report Series)

by China International United Petroleum & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Peking University

This book focuses on the global economy, oil industry, natural gas industry, hydrogen energy industry, and electricity industry in China under the Carbon Emission Peak Strategy and the whole world. It provides the overview of the China's energy economy development in 2022–2023 and has an in-depth analysis of the future development trends of the oil and gas and new energy industries. It aims to present Chinese insights on the development of the energy industry of China and the world.

Any Happy Returns: Structural Changes and Super Cycles in Markets

by Peter C. Oppenheimer

‘An in-depth but accessible analysis of the complex factors that impact structural changes in financial markets and investor opportunities.’ In Any Happy Returns: Structural Changes and Super Cycles in Markets, celebrated author Peter C. Oppenheimer delivers his much-anticipated follow-up to The Long Good Buy. The book discusses how structural changes in macroeconomic drivers, geopolitics, government policy and social attitudes all combine to drive secular super cycles that help to explain investor returns. The author focuses on what he calls the Post-Modern Cycle, what it's likely to look like, how it will unfold and what investors should focus on. You'll also find: An introduction to the history of cycles and structural ‘Super Cycles’, and what has driven them. A detailed analysis of Super Cycles since 1945, including the Post-War Boom, the Great Moderation, the post Global Financial Crisis and Pandemic era. The specific drivers of the emerging Post-Modern Cycle amid a higher cost of capital, bigger governments, more proactive industrial policy, greater regulation, and less globalisation. Oppenheimer focuses on the developments in technology and AI, and on efforts to de-carbonise economies, and how these might impact financial market returns and opportunities. An invaluable resource for students of economic and financial history, and for investors, Any Happy Returns is essential reading for anyone seeking insights into upcoming market conditions and returns.

AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics Premium, 2025: Prep Book with 4 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron's AP Prep)

by Frank Musgrave Ph.D. Elia Kacapyr Ph.D. James Redelsheimer M.A.

Be prepared for exam day with Barron&’s. Trusted content from AP experts!Barron&’s AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics Premium, 2025 includes in‑depth content review and practice. It&’s the only book you&’ll need to be prepared for exam day. Written by Experienced EducatorsLearn from Barron&’s‑‑all content is written and reviewed by AP expertsBuild your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent examsGet a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day‑‑it&’s like having a trusted tutor by your sideBe Confident on Exam DaySharpen your test‑taking skills with 4 full‑length practice tests–1 AP Micro exam and 1 AP Macro exam in the book, and 1 additional AP Micro exam and 1 additional AP Macro exam online–plus detailed answer explanations for all questionsStrengthen your knowledge with in‑depth review covering all units on the AP Microeconomics exam and the AP Macroeconomics examDetermine your strengths and areas for improvement by taking pretests (that cover frequently tested topics) for both subjectsReinforce your learning with multiple-choice and free-response review questions at the end of each chapter, all accompanied by clear answers and explanations and graphs where needed to better illustrate key conceptsRobust Online PracticeContinue your practice with 1 full-length AP Micro practice test and 1 full-length AP Macro practice test on Barron&’s Online Learning HubSimulate the exam experience with a timed test optionDeepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert adviceGain confidence with scoring to check your learning progress

Apotheke der Zukunft: Innovation – Digitalisierung – Hybride Versorgung (FOM-Edition)

by David Matusiewicz

Die Apotheke als Umschlagsplatz für Arzneimittel hat ausgedient. Internetapotheken, zunehmend digitalisierte Prozesse in der allgemeinen Gesundheitsversorgung (Stichwort E-Rezept), künftig vielleicht sogar personalisierte Medikamente aus dem 3D-Drucker, sind Entwicklungen, auf die das stationäre Apothekengeschäft reagieren muss, um wettbewerbsfähig bleiben zu können.Dieses Buch erläutert die unterschiedlichen Faktoren des Strukturwandels auf dem Apothekenmarkt, lotet die Chancen der Digitalisierung aus, stellt neue mögliche Apothekenmodelle vor, zeigt ausgewählte Start-up-Beispiele, gibt noch länger aktiven Apothekern und Apothekerinnen Tipps für eine Anpassung/Transformation an die zukünftigen Entwicklungen. Es werden ausbaufähige Chancen an den Schnittstellen Apotheke und ambulante Versorgung bzw. Apotheke und nachstationäre Versorgung skizziert, die Platz für neue zukunftsfähige Geschäftmodelle lassen.

Applications of Block Chain technology and Artificial Intelligence: Lead-ins in Banking, Finance, and Capital Market (Financial Mathematics and Fintech)

by Mohammad Irfan Khan Muhammad Muhammad Attique Khan Nader Naifar

Today, emerging technologies offer a new pathway for advancing the economy in the fields of banking, finance, and capital markets. Blockchain applications play a crucial role in ensuring trust and security within these industries by relying on transparency and visibility through peer-to-peer networks. The banking industry has also witnessed increased operations speed, better transparency, efficiency enhancement, fraud extenuation at less cost while sharing real-time data between various parties. Thus, the adoption of blockchain in the Banking and Insurance industry is developing very fast. It has emerged as the commonly accepted default platform for the banking and insurance industry. This book explores how blockchain technology optimizes and integrates transactions and operations, facilitating easier access to information. This, in turn, has the potential to reduce communication costs and minimize minor data transfer errors. Additionally, the book delves into the current applications of blockchain technology in the financial industry, discusses its limitations, and outlines its future prospects for broader accessibility. This book is aimed at students and researchers in financial engineering and fintech and it can serve as a reference for identifying problem areas and their possible solutions.

Applied Building Physics: Ambient Conditions, Functional Demands, and Building Part Requirements

by Hugo S. Hens

While the first volume on building physics deals with the physical principles of heat, air and moisture behaviour of buildings, building structures and components, this second volume on applied building physics focuses on the question of what the desired performance of buildings consists of. To achieve this, knowledge of the external environmental effects and the internal live loads to which buildings are subjected is a necessary first step. Subsequently, the performance requirements and the physical correspondences are deepened with the determination of their physical parameters, at the levels of buildings, building structures and building components. Compared to the second edition, the discussion of criteria is not limited to thermal comfort, but also includes acoustic, visual and olfactory aspects. Likewise, the indoor air quality is considered in a broader way. Analyses and calculations result in sustainable buildings with a comfortable indoor climate from functional and durable building constructions. Compared to the second edition, the text for the third edition has been reorganised, corrected, revised and expanded where appropriate. A useful appendix for quick reference contains standard values of material properties for a wide range of building materials. The analyses and calculations described in this book result in sustainable buildings made of functional and durable building constructions, with comfortable and healthy indoor climate and air quality. Compared to the second edition the text in this third edition has been reshuffled, corrected, reworked and extended where appropriate.

Applied Statistics and Econometrics: Basic Topics and Tools with Gretl and R

by Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal

This accessible textbook introduces the foundations of applied econometrics and statistics for undergraduate students. It covers key topics in econometrics by using step-by-step examples in Gretl and R, providing a guide to using statistical software and the tools for econometric analysis in one self-contained resource. Taking a concise, non-technical approach, the book covers topics including simple regression and hypothesis testing, multiple regression with control variables and isolating effects, instrumental variables, dummy variables, non-linear effects, probability models, heteroskedasticity, time series analysis, and other applied statistical tools such as t-tests and chi squared tests. The book uses small data sets to easily facilitate students’ transition from manual statistical calculations to using and understanding statistical software, including step-by-step examples of regression analysis, as well as additional chapters to aid with econometric notation and mathematical prerequisites, and accompanying online exercises and data sets. This book will be a valuable resource for upper undergraduate students taking courses in introductory econometrics and statistics, as well as students in business administration and other fields of study in social sciences utilising quantitative methods. Graduate students may also benefit from the book.

Applying a Systems Thinking Approach to the Construction Industry

by Michael Siebert

This book aims to shed light on why it is that so many well-meaning initiatives and government white papers have failed to have the expected impact in transforming the UK construction industry. Using the UK housing sector as a case study, Mike Siebert applies a Systems Thinking approach to tackling some of the shared 'Wicked Problems' faced by an industry that urgently needs to boost its productivity levels, build more sustainably and affordably, and generally improve its working practices. In an accessible and easy to read style, Siebert challenges the overall decision making and problem-solving approach adopted by the industry and seeks to put Systems Thinking front and centre to consider the core issues from multiple perspectives. Initially outlining the key stakeholders and the drivers and barriers to change, he then introduces Systems Thinking and explains using numerous examples of known issues what this approach could achieve. His central aim is to show how, if a Systems Thinking approach were to be applied to the UK housing industry’s problems, many of them could be resolved to the benefit of all the parties involved – government, housebuilders, material suppliers, the warranty industry, the design industry and the end users. These are shared problems, and they require shared solutions, but without first understanding these complex problems from the perspectives of all parties that need to benefit from the solutions being proposed, it is unlikely that those solutions will achieve the level of engagement needed for them to successfully meet their objectives.

Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility: Knowledge, Values, and Actions (Routledge Studies in Business Ethics)

by Stefan Markovic Adam Lindgreen Nikolina Koporcic Milena Micevski

Following recent growth of ethical consumerism, customers and other stakeholders increasingly pressure organizations to be socially responsible and minimize their negative impact on the environment. Accordingly, a plethora of firms have integrated corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the center of their business strategies and actions. Whilst this has resulted in many firms meeting their broader responsibilities toward society and the environment, some firms have used CSR in a manipulative and insincere way. As stakeholders become aware of such misuse of CSR, largely thanks to the rapid evolution of information technologies, they start to penalize firms by spreading negative word of mouth about them, and specifically about their CSR knowledge, values, and actions. Now, more than ever before, stakeholders are increasingly critical and cautious in their assessments of firms’ CSR knowledge, values, and actions. On this background, this edited volume sheds light on different internal and external perspectives spanning CSR knowledge, values, and actions. It shares theoretical, practical, and case-based insights on the broader topic and can be of interest to researchers, academics, practitioners, and advanced students in the fields of CSR and business ethics, knowledge management, strategy, and marketing.

AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Second Edition

by Anita Tull Yvonne Mackey Bev Saunder

This title has been submitted for approval by AQA.Motivate all learners to build their knowledge and skills so they can approach both practical and written assessments with confidence. Written by a leading author team, our new edition textbook has been specifically designed to provide comprehensive, accessible and engaging content for AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.- Easily deliver your course with structured and comprehensive coverage of the specification, supporting both specialist and non-specialist teachers- Enable students of all ability levels to progress, with accessible language, clear layout and photographs used throughout to bring the content to life- Help students understand the relevance of food science with revised content, including more scaffolding and guidance on how to apply their knowledge in the context of assessment- Build students' knowledge and skills with key term definitions, study tips and activities, including practical tasks to help them prepare for the NEA component- Consolidate learning with short practice questions that check understanding, plus exam-style questions to help students prepare for assessment, with all answers provided in the book

AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Second Edition

by Anita Tull Yvonne Mackey Bev Saunder

This title has been submitted for approval by AQA.Motivate all learners to build their knowledge and skills so they can approach both practical and written assessments with confidence. Written by a leading author team, our new edition textbook has been specifically designed to provide comprehensive, accessible and engaging content for AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.- Easily deliver your course with structured and comprehensive coverage of the specification, supporting both specialist and non-specialist teachers- Enable students of all ability levels to progress, with accessible language, clear layout and photographs used throughout to bring the content to life- Help students understand the relevance of food science with revised content, including more scaffolding and guidance on how to apply their knowledge in the context of assessment- Build students' knowledge and skills with key term definitions, study tips and activities, including practical tasks to help them prepare for the NEA component- Consolidate learning with short practice questions that check understanding, plus exam-style questions to help students prepare for assessment, with all answers provided in the book

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