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Zahnarztpraxis - erfolgreiche Übernahme und Gründung: Betriebswirtschaft, Steuer, Gesellschaftsrecht, Berufs- und Zulassungsrecht (Erfolgskonzepte Zahnarztpraxis & Management)

by Götz Bierling Harald Engel Daniel Pfofe Wolfgang Pütz Dietmar Sedlaczek

Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen alle Informationen, um die Übernahme beziehungsweise Neugründung Ihrer Zahnarztpraxis strategisch optimal zu planen. Was muss lang-, mittel- und kurzfristig beachtet werden? Für fast alle Zahnärzte ist irgendwann der Zeitpunkt gekommen, an dem sie sich niederlassen und auf eigenen Beinen stehen wollen. Dies kann aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen erfolgen und stellt den Praxisinhaber in spe vor viele organisatorische Herausforderungen. Warum sollte man sich schon frühzeitig Gedanken um die eigene Praxis machen? Ganz einfach: Die Vielschichtigkeit der Praxisübernahme und der Praxisneugründung wird häufig unterschätzt, denn diese gestalten sich nicht mehr so einfach wie noch vor einigen Jahren. Sie sind infolge immer umfangreicher werdender rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen ein inzwischen sehr komplexes Konstrukt. Gerade die Attraktivität der zukünftigen Praxis zu steigern und so ihren Wert zu sichern ist nur mit einer frühzeitigen Planung möglich. Sie sind daher als Praxisinhaber in spe gefordert, sich rechtzeitig auf Ihre neue Praxis vorzubereiten und frühzeitig mit den Herausforderungen auseinanderzusetzen. Denn die Praxisübernahme sowie die Praxisneugründung können besonders dann scheitern, wenn man sich zu spät mit dieser Thematik beschäftigt. Dieses Buch richtet sich daher an alle zukünftigen Praxisinhaber, gleichgültig ob sie eine eigene Praxis haben werden oder den Beruf mit anderen Zahnärzten gemeinsam ausüben wollen, und soll ihnen den Weg für eine erfolgreiche Praxisübernahme oder Praxisneugründung weisen. Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater und Betriebswirte haben dieses Buch gemeinsam erarbeitet, um dem Leser so ausführliche und umfassende Einblicke aus den verschiedenen Perspektiven zu vermitteln. Entscheiden Sie sich dazu, die Ratschläge dieses Buches zu berücksichtigen, so steht Ihrer erfolgreichen Praxisübernahme oder Praxisneugründung nichts mehr im Wege.

Zahnarztpraxis - erfolgreiche Abgabe: Betriebswirtschaft, Steuer, Gesellschaftsrecht, Berufs- und Zulassungsrecht (Erfolgskonzepte Zahnarztpraxis & Management)

by Götz Bierling Harald Engel Daniel Pfofe Wolfgang Pütz Dietmar Sedlaczek

Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen alle Informationen, um die Abgabe Ihrer Zahnarztpraxis strategisch optimal zu planen. Was muss lang-, mittel- und kurzfristig beachtet werden? Irgendwann ist der Zeitpunkt gekommen, an dem jeder Zahnarzt seine Praxis oder seine Praxisanteile abgeben wird. Dies kann aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen erfolgen und stellt den Praxisinhaber oftmals vor viele organisatorische Herausforderungen.Warum sollte man sich also jetzt schon Gedanken um die eigene Praxisabgabe machen?Ganz einfach: Die Vielschichtigkeit der Praxisabgabe wird häufig unterschätzt und gestaltet sich nicht mehr so einfach wie noch vor einigen Jahren. Sie ist infolge immer umfangreicher werdender rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen ein inzwischen sehr komplexes Konstrukt. Gerade die Attraktivität der eigenen Praxis zu steigern und so ihren Wert zu sichern ist nur mit einer frühzeitigen Planung möglich. Sie sind daher als Praxisinhaber gefordert, sich rechtzeitig auf die Praxisabgabe vorzubereiten und frühzeitig mit den Problemen auseinanderzusetzen. Denn die Praxisabgabe kann insbesondere dann scheitern, wenn man sich zu spät mit diesem Thema beschäftigt. Dieses Buch richtet sich daher an alle Zahnärzte, gleichgültig ob sie eine eigene Praxis haben oder den Beruf mit anderen Zahnärzten gemeinsam ausüben, und soll ihnen den Weg für eine erfolgreiche Praxisabgabe weisen. Rechtsanwälte, Steuerberater und Betriebswirte haben dieses Buch gemeinsam erarbeitet, um dem Leser so ausführliche und umfassende Einblicke aus den verschiedenen Perspektiven zu vermitteln. Entscheiden Sie sich dazu, die Ratschläge dieses Buches zu berücksichtigen, so steht Ihrer erfolgreichen Praxisabgabe nichts mehr im Wege.

Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen: Zwischen Marktprinzipien und Kommunikation

by Kristin Nicolaus

Kristin Nicolaus erarbeitet in diesem Buch eine diskursdemokratische Perspektive auf Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen (PES). Sie rückt die Kommunikationen und Möglichkeiten der Partizipation in den Mittelpunkt und analysiert – mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse – 18 Entstehungsprozesse von PES in Deutschland und Großbritannien. Aus der empirischen Untersuchung ergeben sich Erkenntnisse, die bisher kaum Beachtung fanden und Aussagen darüber treffen, wie vielfältig PES zustande kommen und welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen Kontexte darauf nehmen. Die gewonnenen Einsichten setzen sich von bisher vorherrschenden Funktionslogiken ab und erweitern so das Bild von Zahlungen für Ökosystemdienstleistungen.

Zabar's: A Family Story, with Recipes

by Lori Zabar

The fascinating, mouthwatering story (with recipes!) of the immigrant family that created a New York gastronomic legend: &“The most rambunctious and chaotic of all delicatessens, with one foot in the Old World and the other in the vanguard of every fast-breaking food move in the city" (Nora Ephron, best-selling author and awardwinning screenwriter).When Louis and Lilly Zabar rented a counter in a dairy store on 80th Street and Broadway in 1934 to sell smoked fish, they could not have imagined that their store would eventually occupy half a city block and become a beloved mecca for quality food of all kinds. A passion for perfection, a keen business sense, cutthroat competitive instincts, and devotion to their customers led four generations of Zabars to create the Upper West Side shrine to the cheese, fish, meat, produce, baked goods, and prepared products that heralded the twentieth-century revolution in food production and consumption. Lori Zabar—Louis&’s granddaughter—begins with her grandfather&’s escape from Ukraine in 1921, following a pogrom in which several family members were killed. She describes Zabar&’s gradual expansion, Louis&’s untimely death in 1950, and the passing of the torch to Saul, Stanley, and partner Murray Klein, who raised competitive pricing to an art form and added top-tier houseware and appliances. She paints a delectable portrait of Zabar&’s as it is today—the intoxicating aromas, the crowds, the devoted staff—and shares behind-the-scenes anecdotes of the long-time employees, family members, eccentric customers, and celebrity fans who have created a uniquely American institution that honors its immigrant roots, revels in its New York history, and is relentless in its devotion to the art and science of selling gourmet food.


by Joseph Jaffe Maarten Albarda

The world has changed. Everyone keeps reminding marketers and advertisers about the never ending and accelerating forces of technology disruption, consumer changes, and innovation evolution in the marketing world today. Sounds exciting except for the fact that we're doing absolutely nothing about it. Zero. Simply put, under current operating conditions, the advertising industry will not be able to sustain itself and without taking action, is likely to result in severe to catastrophic outcomes- from financial underperformance to job loss to even a collapse of the current media ecosystem.The solution? The Marketing Model can be fixed by slashing your ad budget, and investing in the Z.E.R.O. framework:ZealotsEntrepreneurshipRetentionOwned Assets

Z Corp.

by Matthew C. Lieb Joseph B. Lassiter

Tom Clay, president of Z Corp., and founder/CEO Marina Hatsopolous must decide between using a direct sales force or using a value-added reseller to begin selling the company's new 3-D printing prototype manufacturing system.

Yvonne of the Amoskeag Textile Mills

by Alice Daley Noyes

Yvonne's life was never dull at Aunt Madeline's boarding house. There were all the boarders who came in for breakfast and supper and Yvonne had to help. There were lunches to deliver every day to the boarders and to Yvonne's papa, a loom fixer at the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company.

Yun Hi Nahin Ban Jata Koi Elon Musk: यूँ ही नहीं बन जाता कोई एलन मस्क

by Parag Mahajan

एलन मस्क के नाम से आज कौन परिचित नहीं है! दुनिया के सफल व सबसे धनी उद्यमियों की सूची, जिसमें बिल गेट्स, मार्क जुकरबर्ग और जेफ बेजोस जैसे लोगों के नाम शामिल हैं, बिना एलन मस्क के पूर्ण नहीं हो सकती। व्यवसाय की दुनिया में सफलता की चाह रखनेवाली आज की युवा पीढ़ी के लिए एलन मस्क आदर्श हैं। क्या आप भी एलन मस्क के जैसे सफल व धनी उद्यमियों की सूची में शामिल होना चाहते हैं? उनकी सफलता के गूढ़ रहस्यों को जानना, उन्हें जीवन में अपनाना चाहते हैं? उनकी कार्यशैली/ नीतियों व विचारों का उपयोग करके किस तरह आप अपने भाग्य को बदल सकते हैं, यह पुस्तक यही बताती है। ‘यूँ ही नहीं बन जाता कोई एलन मस्क’ पुस्तक में आप सफल उद्यमियों व लीडरों के उन गुप्त भेदों को जानेंगे, जिन्हें अपनाकर आपका नाम भी सबकी जुबान पर सफलता का पर्याय बन जाएगा। उनके चरित्र की विशेषताएँ व आदतें और भी बहुत से ऐसे अध्याय पढ़ने को मिलेंगे जो सफलता की आवश्यक शर्त हैं। उभरते उद्यमियों, व्यवसायियों व विद्यार्थियों के लिए उपयुक्त प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में पेशे से इंजीनियर मस्क की सफलता को उनकी पृष्ठभूमि, शुरुआती कॅरियर, असफलताओं व नौकरी से निकाले जाने के साथ-साथ उनके उन विचारों, जिन्होंने उन्हें सफलता के शिखर तक पहुँचाया, के माध्यम से प्रतिबिंबित किया गया है, जो हर पाठक-वर्ग के लिए प्रेरणास्रोत है।

Yummy: Delivering Value to Venezuela

by Ayelet Israeli Carla Larangeira Jenyfeer Martinez Buitrago

By June 2021, Yummy had become Venezuela's first and largest food delivery app and last-mile logistics company. In Caracas, the nation's capital, Yummy held a 55% market share, while operations in other cities had already started to take place, including in three of the country's most populous ones. But this did not come without challenges - it had been a hectic year since the operations were launched in April 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out - with the direst one being the difficult task of raising money to start and grow a business in Venezuela, a country that ranked among the worst globally for doing business. However, the startup has just gained admission to an American seed money startup accelerator, allowing Yummy to attract institutional investors and to explore potential growth avenues. With a board meeting approaching, the company's CEO, Vicente Zavarce, reflected with co-founders on the possibilities that lay ahead. Should Yummy keep expanding geographically to other cities in Venezuela or even branch out into other countries, either in Latin America or worldwide? Should the company instead grow by expanding to new verticals, leveraging its customer base by offering additional services such as ride-sharing or financial services? And what would be the right sequence for these activities if Yummy's new vision was to become a super app?

Yum! China

by Mary Shelman David E. Bell

Since the first KFC opened in China in 1987, Yum--under Sam Su's leadership--had built the largest restaurant company by far in mainland China. Averaging one new restaurant opening a day for the past five years, in 2010 Yum ran over 3,600 restaurants in 650 cities and employed over 250,000 people, many of them college students in their first jobs. In the third quarter of 2010, Yum China's revenues surpassed U.S. revenues for the first time and many analysts expected that Yum's China business--driven by a rapidly growing middle class--would be twice as large as its U.S. business within five years. But before rushing out to open thousands more stores, Su wondered what the company should do to forestall some of the problems plaguing the fast food industry in the West.

Yum! Brands, Inc: A Corporate Do-Over

by Frances X. Frei Amy C. Edmondson Eliot Sherman James Weber

Describes the successful turnaround of the restaurant company Yum! Brands after its spin off from PepsiCo and covers how the company's leadership planned and executed on virtually every dimension of the employee experience. The main dilemma centers on what the company should do in terms of multibranding--housing two brands in one physical location.

Yum! Brands

by Jordan Siegel Christopher Poliquin

Yum!, the owner of KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell, asks what might be the lessons from its success in China for currently contemplated expansion into India and Africa. Also, the company contemplates whether Taco Bell can succeed abroad as part of a new expansion push. Also, the case asks what distance barriers are relevant for a fast food company specializing in part on fried chicken and Tex-Mex food.

Yugoslav Economists on Problems of a Socialist Economy

by Radmila Stojanovic

This title was first published in 1964

The Yugoslav Economic System (Routledge Revivals): The First Labor-Managed Economy in the Making

by Branko Horvat

First published in 1976, this book traces the development of the Yugoslav economy from the end of the Second World War to the beginning of 1975, which the author argues was a highly productive era of social innovation. Drawing on personal experience of the Revolution, the Partisan Liberation War and his time as a member of the Federal Planning Board as well as a comprehensive array of written sources, the author attempts to understand the development process, compare policy proclamations with achieved results, study the theories and ideas that led a to certain policy, distinguish the economic and political ingredients in decision making and analyses the causes of success and failure.

Yugoslav-American Economic Relations Since World War II

by Russell O. Prickett John R. Lampe Ljubisa S. Adamovic

Yugoslav-American Economic Relations Since World War II provides a comprehensive study of the economic relations between the United States and Yugoslavia over the past four decades. The authors recount how Yugoslavia and the United States, despite great differences in size, wealth, and ideology, overcame early misunderstandings and confrontations to create a generally positive economic relationship based on mutual respect. The Yugoslav experience demonstrated, the authors maintain, that existence outside the bloc was possible, profitable, and nonthreatening to the Soviet Union.The authors describe American official and private support for Yugoslavia's decades-long efforts at economic reform that included the first foreign investment legislation in 1967 and the first introduction of convertible currency in 1990 for any communist country. Also examined are the origins of Yugoslavia's international debt crisis of the early 1980s and the American role in the highly complex multibillion-dollar international effort that helped Yugoslavia surmount that crisis.In the past, U.S. support for the Yugoslav economy was proffered in part, the authors claim, to counter perceived threats from the Soviet Union and its allies. This may have enabled Yugoslavia to avoid some of the hard but necessary economic policy choices; hence, future U.S. support, the book concludes, will likely be tied more closely to the economic and political soundness of Yugoslavia's own actions.

The Yugo: The Rise and Fall of the Worst Car in History

by Jason Vuic

Six months after its American introduction in 1985, the Yugo was a punch line; within a year, it was a staple of late-night comedy. By 2000, NPR's Car Talk declared it "the worst car of the millennium." And for most Americans that's where the story begins and ends. Hardly. The short, unhappy life of the car, the men who built it, the men who imported it, and the decade that embraced and discarded it is rollicking and astounding, and one of the greatest untold business-cum-morality tales of the 1980s. Mix one rabid entrepreneur, several thousand "good" communists, a willing U.S. State Department, the shortsighted Detroit auto industry, and improvident bankers, shake vigorously, and you've got The Yugo: The Rise and Fall of the Worst Car in History.Brilliantly re-creating the amazing confluence of events that produced the Yugo, Yugoslav expert Jason Vuic uproariously tells the story of the car that became an international joke: The American CEO who happens upon a Yugo right when his company needs to find a new import or go under. A State Department eager to aid Yugoslavia's nonaligned communist government. Zastava Automobiles, which overhauls its factory to produce an American-ready Yugo in six months. And a hole left by Detroit in the cheap subcompact market that creates a race to the bottom that leaves the Yugo . . . at the bottom.

YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2020: A Common European Law on Investment Screening (CELIS) (YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions #2020)

by Steffen Hindelang Andreas Moberg

This book presents the very first, interdisciplinarily grounded, comprehensive appraisal of a future “Common European Law on Investment Screening”. Thereby, it provides a foundation for a European administrative law framework for investment screening by setting out viable solutions and evaluating their pros and cons. Daimler, the harbour terminal in Zeebrugge, or Saxo Bank are only three recent examples of controversially discussed company takeovers in Europe. The “elephant in the room” is China and its “Belt and Road Initiative”. The political will in Europe is growing to more actively control investments flowing into the EU. The current regulatory initiatives raise several fundamental, constitutional and regulatory issues. Surprisingly, they have not been addressed in any depth so far. The book takes stock of the current rather fragmented regulatory approaches and combines contributions from leading international academics, practitioners, and policy makers in their respective fields. Due to the volume’s comprehensive approach, it is expected to influence the broader debate on the EU’s upcoming regulation of this matter. The book is addressed to participants from academia as well as to representatives from government, business, and civil society.

You've Got To Be Kidding!

by Nan Demars

What to do when you're caught in the middle of an ethical dilemma at workIn today's super-stressed workplace, an ethical dilemma can come at you when you least expect it. Here's how to do the right thing without losing your integrity?or your job. You've GOT To Be Kidding will help you create an ethics-based workplace that's a joy to work in. This isn't the usual top-down, executive-only manual, but an approach to workplace ethics that's as relevant and accessible to employees as it is to managers and executives. From renowned workplace educator and author of You Want Me To Do What?, this book is filled with recognizable examples ripped from today's headlines that put ethical principles in concrete terms.Filled with recognizable examples that put ethical principles in concrete termsCovers such topics as topics as loyalty, confidentiality, security, office romance, harassment, social networking at work, harassment, workplace bullying, lying for your boss, and even Internet mischiefA practical manual for assessing, discussing, and resolving ethical dilemmas in the workplaceWith employees at all levels being held more accountable than ever before, You've GOT To Be Kidding gives businesses of all types and sizes a winning set of principles and practices to do business at the highest ethical level and serves as a guide for anyone who wants to do the right thing without losing their integrity or their job.

You've Got to Be Believed to Be Heard: The Complete Book of Speaking . . . in Business and in Life!

by Bert Decker

Are you uncomfortable—even afraid—about the prospect of speaking before a group of people? Do you have trouble getting your message across? When you speak, do others listen, or can you feel their attention wandering? Effective communication is essential in business and in everyday life. The most powerful communicators reach not just our minds but our hearts: They win our trust. You can learn to impress and persuade other people by following Bert Decker's program in You've Got to Be Believed to Be Heard. In this revised and updated edition of his bestselling book, he distills his expertise into a fresh new approach to speaking, with examples and how-to exercises that anyone can follow. Decker rounds out the behavioral focus of the first edition to include his powerful tool to organize content. Now you can learn to create focused, listener-based messages in half the time. Spend a few evenings with this complete book of speaking, and you will discover how to win the emotional trust of others—the true basis of communicating in any situation.You'll learn: · How to conquer "stage fright"· How to inject dynamic energy into your voice· Why eye contact helps win trust· When and how to use humor to make a point· A proven technique to eliminate "Umm" and "Ahh" from your speech· A process to quickly organize your thoughts into a focused message· How to move your communications from information to influence· How to make an impact and be yourself—to an audience of one or one hundred· Eight steps to transforming your communications experience

You've Got This!: The 5 Self-Coaching Keys You Need to Live Boldly & Accomplish Anything

by Will Matthews

Whether it is time to finally kick into a higher gear or simply time to reactivate and re-engage, the unique concepts in You’ve Got This! act as an accelerator for personal and business growth. This fun, impactful program for creating a fulfilling life takes a deep dive into five foundational elements: becoming grateful, being a warrior, mastering resiliency, reinventing yourself, and learning to trust and let go.

You've Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets For A Distracted World

by Paul Hellman

Every day at work, people do three things: talk, listen, and pretend to listen. That’s not surprising—the average attention span has dropped to 8 seconds. To get heard, says high-stakes communications expert Paul Hellman, you need to focus your message, be slightly different, and deliver with finesse.Through fast, fun, actionable tips, You’ve Got 8 Seconds explains what works and what doesn’t, what’s forgettable and what sticks. With stories, scripts, and examples of good and bad messages, the book reveals three main strategies:FOCUS: Design a strong message—then say it in seconds.VARIETY: Make routine information come alive. PRESENCE: Convey confidence and command attentionYou’ll discover practical techniques, including the Fast-Focus Method™ that the author uses with leadership teams; how to stand out in the first seconds of a presentation; and 10 actions that spell executive presence.Whether pitching a project, giving a speech, selling a product, or just writing your next email, with You’ve Got 8 Seconds you’ll get heard, get remembered, and get results.

You've Earned It, Don't Lose It: Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make When You Retire

by Suze Orman Linda Mead

Covering such topics as investment advice, trusts vs. wills, joint tenancy and gifting, durable power of attorney for health care, long-term care insurance, and early retirement--all which need to be understood for a successful retirement, Suze Orman puts together financial advice in the friendliest, most caring, and dramatic way ever, using stories of real people to demonstrate her points.

You've Been Played: How Corporations, Governments, and Schools Use Games to Control Us All

by Adrian Hon

How games are being harnessed as instruments of exploitation—and what we can do about it Warehouse workers pack boxes while a virtual dragon races across their screen. If they beat their colleagues, they get an award. If not, they can be fired. Uber presents exhausted drivers with challenges to keep them driving. China scores its citizens so they behave well, and games with in-app purchases use achievements to empty your wallet.Points, badges, and leaderboards are creeping into every aspect of modern life. In You&’ve Been Played, game designer Adrian Hon delivers a blistering takedown of how corporations, schools, and governments use games and gamification as tools for profit and coercion. These are games that we often have no choice but to play, where losing has heavy penalties. You&’ve Been Played is a scathing indictment of a tech-driven world that wants to convince us that misery is fun, and a call to arms for anyone who hopes to preserve their dignity and autonomy.

You've Been Framed

by Mark C. Tibergien Ray Sclafani

Reframe "wealth management" to achieve sustainable success in financial services You've Been FramedTM is a step-by-step guide for achieving ultimate profitability and sustainability for your financial advisory firm. Whether you're a savvy entrepreneur ready to dominate your competitors, or a more experienced advisor moving toward selling your practice, this guide will help you proactively reframe your business. You'll learn how to grow your pipeline of prospects, win the next generation of clients, and deepen your business so it can thrive without you--leaving you free to pursue what matters to you. Build your business on a holistic foundation of wealth management and assemble the team that will take you to the top as you develop a whole new perspective from which to offer your services. Transform your role from "directive advisor" to "trusted advocate." Completely shift the paradigm, and make yourself the de facto solution to your clients' wealth management issues. Whether it's the firm with which you're affiliated or the types of products and services you offer, you've been "framed." As a wealth management advisor, your clients have little understanding of what you do or why you do it. Even your team may have the wrong idea. This book helps you clarify and demonstrate the value of your knowledge and skills, so you can frame your work on your own terms. Build and showcase your enterprise value Renew client relationships and attract new demographics Become a leader with proven team-building tools Shift your role from advisor to advocate If you haven't effectively led discussions to co-create what your business stands for--and what differentiates it from competitors--you're losing talent, prospects, and business. You've Been FramedTM gives you the perspective you need to thrive in the new financial environment, and achieve sustainable success.

You've Been Chosen: Thriving Through the Unexpected

by Cynt Marshall

A relentlessly optimistic memoir by one of the most influential Black business leaders in America today, offering hope and practical guidance for navigating life&’s most difficult challenges&“Do you want to be lifted up? You have come to the right place.&”—Hoda KotbCynt Marshall has spent her entire life beating personal and professional odds while also helping everyone she meets see how they are uniquely equipped to thrive. Through it all, this self-described &“people person&” never stopped reaching out and built a reputation as an inspiring motivator and mentor in business and beyond. Marshall grew up in a northern California housing project with a violent father who once broke her nose, but also with a strong, devoted mother who kept her family fed and focused, reminding them, &“It&’s not where you live, but how you live.&” Heeding her mother&’s advice, Marshall excelled first at school and then in her professional life, overcoming overt and subtle racism to become, at forty, one of the first Black woman officers at AT&T, while also navigating both grief and joy as she started a family of her own. All that life experience prepared Marshall for the day when, at fifty-one, she was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, just one lymph node from stage 4. Overnight, her life changed, but her commitment to serve others did not. You&’ve Been Chosen offers what Marshall calls &“the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly parts&” of her journey through both cancer and everything that led up to it. Along the way, she tackles the tough questions we all face: What will I do with what I have been given? How will I respond to challenges with both grace and grit? Where will this new path take me if I keep moving? And how can I offer something good back to the world as a result? Cynt Marshall&’s deep faith and positivity will inspire and motivate you, and her story will help you see how all your experiences, even the hardest moments, can work together for something good, bringing you to positive places you&’d have never experienced otherwise. She shows you how to find your own &“voice of power&” and encourages you to remember—and believe—that you, too, have been equipped to walk your unique path with purpose. That you, too, have been chosen.

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