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Hand Shadow Fun

by Frank Jacobs Henry Bursill

Discover the age-old art of hand shadows! Children and adults around the world delight in hand shadows, and this little activity book shows how to perform the ancient art. Learn how to entertain friends and family with shadow pictures of a bird, bunny, elephant, and other figures. Detailed illustrations, accompanied by charming verses, depict the formation of 28 images using only hands and fingers.

Hallyu 2. 0: The Korean Wave In The Age Of Social Media

by Sangjoon Lee Abé Markus Nornes

Collectively known as Hallyu, Korean music, television programs, films, online games, and comics enjoy global popularity, thanks to new communication technologies. In recent years, Korean popular culture has also become the subject of academic inquiry. Whereas the Hallyu's impact on Korea's national image and domestic economy, as well as on transnational cultural flows, have received much scholarly attention, there has been little discussion of the role of social media in Hallyu's propagation. Contributors to Hallyu 2. 0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media explore the ways in which Korean popular cultural products are shared by audiences around the globe; how they generate new fans, markets, and consumers through social media networks; and how scholars can analyze, interpret, and envision the future of this unprecedented cultural phenomenon.


by Susan Jacoby

Since childhood, Susan Jacoby, the New York Times bestselling author of The Age of American Unreason, was sure that her father was keeping a secret. At age twenty, just before beginning her writing career as a reporter for the Washington Post, she learned the truth: Robert Jacoby, a Catholic convert with a Catholic wife, was also a Jew. In Half-Jew, Jacoby grapples with the hidden identity cloaked by the persona of a successful accountant and member of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in East Lansing, Michigan--and with the secrets and lies that had marked her family's history for three generations on two continents. Beginning in 1849 when her great-grandfather arrived in America as a political refugee, Jacoby traces her lineage through the lives of her great-uncle Harold, the distinguished astronomer whose map of the constellations is etched on the ceiling of Grand Central Terminal; her uncle, the bridge champion Oswald Jacoby, her aunt Edith, also a Catholic convert and eventually a reformer within the church; and, of course her father himself. At the core of story is the psychic damage that accrues across generations when people conceal their true ethnic and religious origins. Featuring a new afterword, Half-Jew is a meticulously researched, emotionally poignant examination of the dark legacy of European and American anti-Semitism as well as a tender-hearted account of a daughter coming to understand her father, herself, and her family's true legacy.

Hair of the Dog to Paint the Town Red: The Curious Origins of Everyday Sayings and Fun Phrases

by Andrew Thompson

400 intriguing, entertaining, and often hilarious etymological journiesEnglish is filled with curious, intriguing and bizarre phrases. This book reveals the surprising, captivating and even hilarious origins behind 400 of them, including:• Read between the Lines• Cat Got Your Tongue?• Put a Sock in It• Close, but No Cigar• Bring Home the Bacon• Caught Red-Handed• Under the Weather• Raining Cats and DogsPerfect for trivia and language lovers alike, this entertaining collection is the ultimate guide to understanding these baffling mini mysteries of the English language.

Had I Known

by Joan Lunden

A Survivor's StoryIn Had I Known, the former host of Good Morning America, health advocate, international speaker, mother of seven, grandmother of two, and New York Times bestselling author Joan Lunden speaks candidly about her battle against breast cancer, her quest to learn about it and teach others, and the transformative effect it has had on her life.With a large extended family counting on her, giving up was not an option. After Joan announced her diagnosis of Stage 2 Triple Negative Breast Cancer on Good Morning America, people all over the country rallied around her as she went into warrior mode. Joan appeared on the cover of People magazine bald, showing the world her brave resolve and that breast cancer does not need to define you.Joan's illness has changed her in profoundly unexpected ways and has redefined her values--and, most of all, her health. Following a new clean and healthy way of eating, Joan became her own best advocate by taking control of her nutrition, which helped combat the adverse side effects of chemotherapy.Uncharacteristically vulnerable, irreverent, and straight from the heart, Had I Known is a deeply personal and powerful story of pain, persistence, and perseverance in which Joan openly evaluates her decision to go public with her battle, involving shaving her head, wig shopping, reconnecting with her viewers, rediscovering her purpose, and ultimately realizing that sometimes you have to look back to move forward.

Hacking the Future: Privacy, Identity, and Anonymity on the Web

by Cole Stryker

Is anonymity a crucial safeguard—or a threat to society? “One of the most well-informed examinations of the Internet available today” (Kirkus Reviews). “The author explores the rich history of anonymity in politics, literature and culture, while also debunking the notion that only troublemakers fear revealing their identities to the world. In relatively few pages, the author is able to get at the heart of identity itself . . . Stryker also introduces the uninitiated into the ‘Deep Web,’ alternative currencies and even the nascent stages of a kind of parallel Web that exists beyond the power of governments to switch it off. Beyond even that is the fundamental question of whether or not absolute anonymity is even possible.” —Kirkus Reviews “Stryker explains how significant web anonymity is to those key companies who mine user data personal information of, for example, the millions of members on social networks. . . . An impassioned, rational defense of web anonymity and digital free expression.” —Publishers Weekly

Hacker States (The Information Society Series)

by Luca Follis Adam Fish

How hackers and hacking moved from being a target of the state to a key resource for the expression and deployment of state power.In this book, Luca Follis and Adam Fish examine the entanglements between hackers and the state, showing how hackers and hacking moved from being a target of state law enforcement to a key resource for the expression and deployment of state power. Follis and Fish trace government efforts to control the power of the internet; the prosecution of hackers and leakers (including such well-known cases as Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Anonymous); and the eventual rehabilitation of hackers who undertake “ethical hacking” for the state. Analyzing the evolution of the state's relationship to hacking, they argue that state-sponsored hacking ultimately corrodes the rule of law and offers unchecked advantage to those in power, clearing the way for more authoritarian rule. Follis and Fish draw on a range of methodologies and disciplines, including ethnographic and digital archive methods from fields as diverse as anthropology, STS, and criminology. They propose a novel “boundary work” theoretical framework to articulate the relational approach to understanding state and hacker interactions advanced by the book. In the context of Russian bot armies, the rise of fake news, and algorithmic opacity, they describe the political impact of leaks and hacks, hacker partnerships with journalists in pursuit of transparency and accountability, the increasingly prominent use of extradition in hacking-related cases, and the privatization of hackers for hire.

Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous

by Gabriella Coleman

Here is the ultimate book on the worldwide movement of hackers, pranksters, and activists that operates under the non-name Anonymous, by the writer the Huffington Post says "knows all of Anonymous' deepest, darkest secrets."Half a dozen years ago, anthropologist Gabriella Coleman set out to study the rise of this global phenomenon just as some of its members were turning to political protest and dangerous disruption (before Anonymous shot to fame as a key player in the battles over WikiLeaks, the Arab Spring, and Occupy Wall Street). She ended up becoming so closely connected to Anonymous that the tricky story of her inside-outside status as Anon confidante, interpreter, and erstwhile mouthpiece forms one of the themes of this witty and entirely engrossing book.The narrative brims with details unearthed from within a notoriously mysterious subculture, whose semi-legendary tricksters--such as Topiary, tflow, Anachaos, and Sabu--emerge as complex, diverse, politically and culturally sophisticated people. Propelled by years of chats and encounters with a multitude of hackers, including imprisoned activist Jeremy Hammond and the double agent who helped put him away, Hector Monsegur, Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy is filled with insights into the meaning of digital activism and little understood facets of culture in the Internet age, including the history of "trolling," the ethics and metaphysics of hacking, and the origins and manifold meanings of "the lulz."

The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-Making in the Network Society

by Michiel De Lange Martijn De Waal

This open access book presents a selection of the best contributions to the Digital Cities 9 Workshop held in Limerick in 2015, combining a number of the latest academic insights into new collaborative modes of city making that are firmly rooted in empirical findings about the actual practices of citizens, designers and policy makers. It explores the affordances of new media technologies for empowering citizens in the process of city making, relating examples of bottom-up or participatory practices to reflections about the changing roles of professional practitioners in the processes, as well as issues of governance and institutional policymaking.

Hack Attack: The Inside Story of How the Truth Caught Up with Rupert Murdoch

by Nick Davies

Since 2006, award-winning investigative journalist Nick Davies has worked tirelessly — determined, driven, brilliant — to uncover the truth about the goings on behind the scenes at the News of the World and News International. This book brings us the definitive, inside story of the whole scandal.In Hack Attack: The Inside Story of How the Truth Caught Up with Rupert Murdoch, Nick Davies reveals how he worked with a network of lawyers, politicians, and celebrities to expose the facts and to stand up to Rupert Murdoch, arguably one of the most powerful men in the world; how News International attempted to protect itself with lies and threats and money; how the police and the press regulators failed; how the prime minister ended up with the wrong man inside his office. This book discloses in detail for the first time the full extent of crimes committed by the corporation and other Fleet Street papers, and probes the relationship between Murdoch and his network with government. It is also a thrilling, nail-biting account of an investigative journalist’s journey, showing us how the quest unfolded, and is a shining example of the might of good journalism. This is not simply a story about journalists behaving badly, this is a story about power and truth.Ambitious, comprehensive, gripping, essential — Hack Attack is the definitive book about the biggest scandal of our age. There will be no other book like it.

Hablar de todo y no saber de nada: Las tertulias y la nueva política

by Joan López

El papel de la tertulia española en el mundo mediático y político: ¿fuente de información o intoxicación mediática? Las tertulias fueron en el pasado un género minoritario creado con la voluntad de ofrecer información complementaria acerca de los temas de actualidad. Sin embargo, el feroz mundo mediático del siglo XXI ha obligado a las tertulias a cambiar de formato hasta convertirlas en un espectáculo que se emite en horas de máxima audiencia. Al conquistar la parrilla televisiva, las tertulias han derivado en puro entretenimiento dónde la opinión y la confrontación ideológica parecen ser los ingredientes del éxito. ¿Quién determina la línea editorial de los programas?¿La tertulia es fuente de información o es intoxicación mediática?¿Existe el tertuliano libre?¿Cómo se llega a ser tertuliano?¿Cómo se preparan las tertulias?¿Qué pasa en las cadenas de televisión pública? En este fascinante ensayo, Joan López analiza el papel de la tertulia en nuestro país mediante una serie de capítulos divulgativos y polémicos que ponen en entredicho su contribución efectiva al debate público ya que parecen regirse más por el sesgo ideológico que marcan sus respectivas cadenas que por una voluntad honesta de análisis de la actualidad política y social.

Hablan los chinos. Historias reales para entender a la futura potencia del mundo: Historias Reales Para Entender A La Futura Potencia Del Mundo

by Ana Fuentes

Una obra coral resultado de una magnífica labor periodística que desentraña los misterios de un país desconocido aún hoy para Occidente. Un disidente torturado por la policía, un joven millonario nacionalis­ta, un emigrante que cruza el país en busca de trabajo, un viejo maes­tro de kung-fu que ha dejado de entrenar por la contaminación, una campesina que se prostituye para pagar la educación de su hijo... ¿Quiénes son los chinos? La periodista Ana Fuentes, que ha sido corresponsal de la Cadena SER en Pekín, recoge en Hablan los chinos el testimonio en primera persona de ciudadanos que han decidido romper su silencio y hablar de la realidad de su país -su relación con la familia, con el poder, con el resto del mundo-. Historias reales de individuos de distinto nivel cultural y poder adquisitivo que impactan por lo insólito, que emocionan y que ponen fin a muchos clichés. Una obra coral resul­tado de una magnífica labor periodística que desentraña los miste­rios de un país desconocido aún hoy para Occidente. China ha crecido vertiginosamente en los últimos años hasta convertirse en la segunda economía mundial. En 2008 fue sede de los Juegos Olímpicos, su puesta de largo ante la comunidad internacional entre censura, represión de los activistas y unos niveles de corrupción desorbitados. Una China tan nueva como milenaria que trata de superar los traumas del colonialismo extranjero, las hambrunas del Gran salto hacia delante y las atrocidades de la Revolución Cultural. «Ganarme su confianza no fue fácil: algunos nunca habían dirigido la palabra antes a un extranjero. Tras meses intensos de charlas, paseos y alguna persecución policial acabaron hablándome abiertamente de sus metas y de sus frustraciones. Éste es el resultado». Ana Fuentes

Habla para que te escuchen: Descubre estrategias probadas para una comunicación eficaz en cualquier situación

by Cordell Henry

¡Mejore sus habilidades sociales para una comunicación eficaz con sus compañeros y en los negocios hoy mismo! ¿Se siente incómodo en situaciones sociales en las que la primera impresión es vital? ¿Le falta confianza y carisma en sus comunicaciones diarias, lo que le hace parecer distante y poco atractivo? Si es así, es posible que le falten algunas habilidades sociales cruciales que son esenciales para su supervivencia y éxito en este mundo. Cuando se trata de habilidades sociales, no hay nada mejor que contar con un conjunto de estrategias que han demostrado que le preparan para el éxito. De hecho, de esta manera, podrá aprender y descubrir una gran cantidad de aspectos interesantes sobre otras personas que no tendría la oportunidad de conocer si fuera demasiado tímido para acercarse a ellos en primer lugar. En este libro aprenderá: Las razones más comunes por las que la gente sufre de ansiedad social Cómo determinar su motivación para volverse más sociable Por qué es tan importante tener habilidades sociales El avance en las relaciones Cómo hablar con cualquier persona Consejos probados para atraer, sostener y pasar por una entrevista o eonversación con facilidad Las 5 claves secretas para una gran comunicación y relación Por qué somos animales sociales y qué significa eso Nueve estrategias para ser un mejor jugador social Tácticas de comunicación imprescindibles para lograr mayores conexiones Cómo hacer un seguimiento de las conversaciones ***BONUS*** Cómo dominar el arte de la presentación El papel de la tecnología y cómo ha afectado negativamente a nuestras habilidades de comunicación Estrategias para convertirse en un comunicador eficaz Cómo trabajar las relaciones de forma eficaz Descubra cómo usted es la clave de su propio éxito Y mucho más..

Habitus, Herkunft und Positionierung

by Klarissa Lueg

Klarissa Lueg geht der Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Herkunft und der Hierarchie im journalistischen Feld nach. Dabei wird grundsätzlich die Herkunft von ChefredakteurInnen und JournalistenschülerInnen und die Bedeutung dieser sozialen Herkunft für Berufszugang und Positionierungsstrategien erläutert. Es wird deutlich, dass nicht nur die Karrierewege der untersuchten Gruppen selbst ein herkunftsspezifisches Muster aufweisen, sondern dass auch die Verteilung und Zuweisung von Macht im journalistischen Feld eng mit der Herkunft ihrer TrägerInnen verbunden ist.

Habilidades de comunicación y escucha: Empatía + alto nivel + resultados

by Sonia Gonzalez

Hablar para ser escuchado.Para un liderazgo más asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicación. Empoderar al funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicación lleva a la empresa a un mayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince años como consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia González ha desarrollado una metodología muy práctica para lograr la claridad, fluidez y concreción de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales.Este libro, número tres de la serie Comunicación inteligente, expone la virtud superior de la gente inteligente, el escuchar. El escuchar es la capacidad de atender en forma dinámica, de desarrollar el "músculo" de guardar silencio o callar los pensamientos, para atender y entender al otro. Es mucho más que apenas oírlo, es poder escuchar no sólo lo que dice, sino lo que no dice pero lo transmite con el metalenguaje de sus actitudes, expresiones y gestos.

Habilidades de comunicación hablada

by Sonia Gonzalez

Vale más saber poco pero decirlo bien, que sabermucho y no tener idea de comunicarlo.Para un liderazgo más asertivo y de alto impacto, hay queempoderar a los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicación. Empoderaral funcionario en la asertividad de su comunicación lleva a la empresa a unmayor nivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince añoscomo consultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, SoniaGonzález ha desarrollado una metodología muy práctica para lograr la claridad,fluidez y concreción de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales.Estelibro, número dos de la serie Comunicacióninteligente, ofrece unametodología práctica, de comprobados resultados, que permite corregir las debilidadescomunes de los líderes en sus presentaciones. Con claves sencillas y aplicables,se efectuará un cambio extremo a la comunicación hablada, tanto en el fondo dequé se dice como en la forma de cómo se lo dice.

Habilidades de comunicación escrita

by Sonia Gonzalez

Escribir para ser leído.Para un liderazgo más asertivo y de alto impacto, hay que empoderara los profesionales en la competencia de la comunicación. Empoderar alfuncionario en la asertividad de su comunicación lleva a la empresa a un mayornivel de impacto en la rentabilidad de su negocio. Durante quince años comoconsultora de empresas del sector financiero y de multinacionales, Sonia Gonzálezha desarrollado una metodología muy práctica para lograr la claridad, fluidez yconcreción de la forma de comunicarse de los profesionales.Estelibro, número uno de la serie Comunicación inteligente, ofrececlaves prácticas para eliminar los bloqueadores comunes de la expresión escrita,tales como claves para ordenar las ideas; profundización para una transmisiónde ideas más asertiva y persuasiva; puntuación como clave de oro para alcanzarritmo y armonía de los textos; y casos concretos para apreciar el efecto sorprendente"antes y después" de los textos.

Gut verhandelt: Strategien, Taktiken und Methoden für erfolgreiche Verhandlungsführung

by Martin Heß

Das umfassende Buch von Martin Heß liefert sowohl Einsteigern als auch erfahrenen Verhandlern eine Vielzahl wertvoller Anregungen, um erfolgreich zu verhandeln, sei es im Business-Umfeld, als Vertreter einer Gruppe von Menschen, oder in eigener Sache im privaten Bereich. Das Buch verbindet theoretische Grundlagen aus Kommunikationspsychologie, Spieltheorie, Systemtheorie und Emotionspsychologie mit praktischen Tipps und Techniken, um den Leser auf ein höheres, professionelleres Niveau der Verhandlungsführung zu heben. Das Buch gliedert sich in zwei Teile: den Theorieteil, der den wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund des Verhandelns behandelt, und den Praxisteil, der bewährte Strategien, Taktiken und Methoden für erfolgreiche Verhandlungen präsentiert. Im Text finden die Leser Checklisten und Fragenkataloge zur professionellen Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Verhandlungen (inklusive Formulierungsvorschläge). Zudem wird ein Phasenmodell des Verhandelns vorgestellt, das als allgemeiner Orientierungsrahmen dient. Dieses Buch ist genau das Richtige für diejenigen, die einerseits wissenschaftlich gesicherte Erkenntnisse über Verhandlungen interessieren und gleichzeitig aber auch ganz praktische Ratschläge für Strategien, Taktiken und Formulierungen für ihre eigenen Verhandlungen finden wollen.

Guns, An American Conversation: How to Bridge Political Divides

by The Editors at Spaceship Media

Based on an article by Pulitzer Prize–winning reporters, the fascinating results of an important nationwide conversation about guns: Can complete strangers representing every point along the political divide engage in civil and productive discourse on the topic of gun control?As Americans, we spend a lot of time talking about guns. We have arguments, protests, declarations, and slogans about what kind of weapons can be sold and to whom. But the one thing we rarely have when it comes to firearms is a real conversation, and not just with members of our own tribe, but with people whose ideas don&’t align with ours. That is perhaps why the country is so divided when it comes to reducing gun violence. Guns, an American Conversation follows up on a handful of strangers—teachers and gun-rights advocates, hunters and police officers, mothers and fathers across the United States—brought together in a larger group of 150 people, for a month-long moderated Facebook group chat. The goal of the project—which expanded on earlier efforts—was to foster a civil, yet honest, dialogue between people whose backgrounds and beliefs led them to have opposing views on the issue. Not just a journalistic account, Guns attempts to map out common territory in a nation driven by profound divides. It includes sidebars, charts, and graphics that list additional information about gun control in the United States and provide the reader with tools to continue the discussion in their own lives. This book might not change your mind about gun control, but it will help you learn to cross divides in conversation.

The Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm 1990–1991 (Modern Warfare)

by Anthony Tucker-Jones

This photographic history of Operation Desert Storm vividly captures the drama and humanity of each stage of the conflict. In the early 1990s, the American military led a coalition of United Nations forces to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. With more than 180 color photographs, The Gulf War provides a remarkable visual account of the conflict, documenting the vast array of military equipment deployed by both sides in the air, at sea and on land. Author and military expert Anthony Tucker-Jones, who was an analyst for British Defense Intelligence at the time of the conflict, describes the armed forces that were ranged against each other, including troops, armored vehicles, artillery pieces and aircraft. He also offers a concise overview of key events, including the preliminary air campaign, the elimination of the Iraqi navy, the coalition's ground offensive, tank battles, the liberation of Kuwait City, and more.

Gulag Voices

by Jehanne M Gheith Katherine R. Jolluck

In this volume, the powerful voices of Gulag survivors become accessible to English-speaking audiences for the first time through oral histories, rather than written memoirs. It brings together interviews with men and women, members of the working class and intelligentsia, people who live in the major cities and those from the "provinces," and from an array of corrective hard labor camps and prisons across the former Soviet Union. Its aims are threefold: 1) to give a sense of the range of the Gulag experience and its consequences for Russian society; 2) to make the Gulag relevant to English-speaking readers by offering comparisons to historical catastrophes they are likely to know more about, such as the Holocaust; and 3) to discuss issues of oral history and memory in the cultural context of Soviet and post-Soviet society.

Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case against Julian Assange

by Kevin Gosztola

From an acclaimed independent journalist, this carefully-documented analysis of the government&’s case against Julian Assange and its implications for press freedom acts as a crucial, compelling guidebook to Assange&’s upcoming trial.The legal action against Julian Assange is poised to culminate in a trial in the United States in 2023, and this book will help the public understand the proceedings. The establishment media's coverage of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's extradition case has focused on his deteriorating health and what CBS News called his &“secret family,&” but most of this coverage failed to detail the complex issues at stake against Assange. Guilty of Journalism outlines how WikiLeaks exposed the reality of American wars, the United States government&’s unprecedented indictment against Assange as a publisher, and the media&’s role in persuading the public to &“shoot the messenger.&”This new book by Kevin Gosztola, who has spent the last decade covering Assange, WikiLeaks, and the wider war on whistleblowers, tells the full story based on testimony from dozens of witnesses. It examines abuses of power by the CIA and the FBI, including a spying operation that targeted Assange&’s family, lawyers, and doctors. Guilty of Journalism offers a balanced and comprehensive perspective on all the events leading up to what press freedom advocates have called the trial of the century.Guilty of Journalism is a joint production of The Censored Press and Seven Stories Press.

Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2010

by Nancy Muir Anita Verno

Learning how to use software should be a simple, straightforward, and engaging experience. The book has taken a step-by-step visual approach to teaching the key features of the Office programs, building knowledge in a logical and easy-to-follow way.

A Guide to Writing as an Engineer

by David Beer David Mcmurrey

Written for engineers, this book provides more than technical know-how and focuses on how to be an effective communicator. This new edition helps to eliminate the glitches that trip up the busy reader or listener, causing annoyance, confusion, or misunderstanding'so that their writing and speech are crystal clear. This text also focuses on the technical writing and speaking issues encountered in day to day work, writing reports, business letter, memoranda, proposals, emails, presentations, and more. The new edition includes new coverage of social media, including coverage of popular forms, best practices, dangers and ethics of using social media, and expanded coverage of informal communication.

Guide to Wireless Sensor Networks

by Isaac Woungang Subhas Chandra Misra Sudip Misra

Wireless communication technologies continue to undergo rapid advancement. In recent years, there has been a steep growth in research in the area of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In WSNs, communication takes place with the help of spatially distributed, autonomous sensor nodes equipped to sense specific information. WSNs can be found in a variety of both military and civilian applications worldwide. Examples include detecting enemy intrusion on the battlefield, object tracking, habitat monitoring, patient monitoring and fire detection. Sensor networks are emerging as an attractive technology with great promise for the future. However, challenges remain to be addressed in issues relating to coverage and deployment, scalability, quality-of-service, size, computational power, energy efficiency and security. This highly useful guide presents a comprehensive account of the fundamental concepts, new ideas and results in the field of WSNs.

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