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Guide to Cross-Cultural Communication

by Sana Reynolds Deborah Valentine

This concise, practical book will help you communicate successfully in culturally diverse workplaces at home and abroad.

A Guide to Best Practice in Special Education, Health and Social Care: Making the System Work to Meet the Needs of Children, Young People and Their Families

by Rona Tutt Paul Williams

A Guide to Best Practice in Special Education, Health and Social Care explores and explains the changes in governmental policies across the education, health and social care services, and what they mean for young individuals, parents and professionals. In a period of significant change, many practitioners need to understand the government’s plans for bringing about a more efficient, effective and sustainable system to meet the needs of young people and their families. Without trawling through reviews, green papers, white papers and bills, this book not only explains the significance of recent events, but provides practical examples, in the form of conversations and case studies, about how parents and professionals are making change happen. With decades of experience, Rona Tutt and Paul Williams delve deep into the separate origins of the three strands – the SEND Review, the review of children’s social care, and the Health and Care Act 2022. The book explores how pupils in different types of schools can have their needs met more effectively; how to make better use of available resources; and how to create a culture of mutual respect across all the three services.A Guide to Best Practice in Special Education, Health and Social Care not only fills in gaps in readers’ knowledge about the working of all three services, but provides innovative examples of how change is happening at ground level. People of all age groups working in schools and seeking to enhance their knowledge will find it to be an essential read. It will also be of interest to parents and professionals from across health and social care.

Guide to Analysis of Language Transcripts

by Kristine S. Retherford

Guide to Analysis of Language Transcripts is now in its third edition This updated text is more reader-friendly and includes analysis practice on CD-ROM, too. Through the use of this comprehensive text readers learn classic semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic analysis. The opening chapter thoroughly explains the collection and transcription of conversation speech samples. The GALT presents hundreds of helpful example utterances (with full explanations) plus four transcriptions for analysis.

A Guide for Newspaper Stringers (Routledge Communication Series)

by Margaret Davidson

First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Guide d'utilisation des logiciels de reconnaissance vocale : comment taper plus vite en dictant, par Barbara Watkinson

by Barbara Watkinson

Saviez-vous qu'un logiciel de dictée peut vous aider à écrire votre livre jusqu'à 3 fois plus vite ? Vous souhaitez écrire un roman plus rapidement et plus efficacement ? Si la réponse est oui, alors cet ouvrage est pour vous ! Ce guide contient d’innombrables stratégies pour dicter votre roman, le tout dans le confort de votre salon et sans toucher un clavier ! Voici les thèmes abordés dans le livre : Comment se lancer Comment préparer et établir un plan Les meilleures applications de reconnaissance vocale Comment utiliser un logiciel de dictée pour publier un roman ET BIEN PLUS ENCORE ! Si vous voulez apprendre à écrire votre roman en parlant, alors ce livre est pour vous !

Guía práctica de pragmática del español

by María Elena Placencia Xose A. Padilla

Guía práctica de pragmática del español es un texto introductorio en español. Ofrece introducciones accesibles a una importante variedad de teorías y conceptos imprescindibles en el campo de la pragmática del español. El libro contiene 22 capítulos divididos en seis secciones que cubren: actos de habla, formas de tratamiento, cortesía y descortesía, comunicación y persuasión, discurso digital, metodología en pragmática. Los diferentes capítulos incluyen ejemplos tomados de la comunicación cara a cara y en línea, lecturas (recomendadas y complementarias), y preguntas y actividades que toman como punto de partida diferentes variedades del español y diferentes contextos sociales, culturales y/o políticos en el mundo hispanohablante. Constituye un recurso valioso para estudiantes de pragmática y lingüística hispánica, tanto hablantes nativos como estudiantes de español avanzado.

Guía para sobrevivir al presente: Atrapados en la era digital

by Santiago Bilinkis

Santiago Bilinkis aborda en su nuevo libro un tema central del presente: cómo esa supercomputadora de bolsillo que es el teléfono celular está afectando nuestras vidas. El impacto de las nuevas tecnologías sobre el cerebro, la educación, el trabajo y el uso del tiempo libre, bajo la mirada del autor de Pasaje al futuro. ¿Qué impacto tienen los aparatos digitales sobre nuestras vidas?¿Qué efectos produce su uso permanente en nuestros cerebros y los de nuestros chicos?¿Por qué pasamos tanto tiempo atrapados en las redes? Basta alzar la vista para corroborarlo: hoy vivimos mirando el celular. Y no es casual: científicos y empresas trabajan intensamente para aprovechar los últimos avances en neurociencia y psicología y profundizar la dependencia con sus sitios y aplicaciones. Con el objetivo de incrementar sus ganancias, las principales compañías de tecnología se encuentran en una guerra por conquistar nuestro tiempo. Y la están ganando: sin siquiera darnos cuenta, desbloqueamos el celular 120 veces al día. Esta es la primera vez que una herramienta, apenas comenzamos a usarla, empieza a usarnos a nosotros. ¿Cuál es el resultado de esta manipulación? Niños enchufados a las pantallas a edades cada vez más tempranas; redes sociales y aplicaciones de citas que vapulean la autoestima de adolescentes y adultos; numerosas personas que, enganchadas en un consumo maratónico de series, reducen al mínimo su descanso. La tentadora promesa de novedades permanentes esconde una trampa detrás de cada app, a menudo a costa de nuestros intereses prioritarios y hasta de nuestra salud. Develando los mecanismos que han convertido al celular en un objeto irresistible, Santiago Bilinkis propone en esta Guía para sobrevivir al presente una manera apasionante de desbloquear nuestra ingenuidad frente a los dispositivos. Y nos ofrece ideas para utilizar los aparatos digitales para conectarnos y vivir experiencias compartidas en vez de encerrarnos en nuestra propia pantalla. En definitiva, nos invita a recuperar el control sobre la vida personal, familiar y laboral, y así disfrutar de los beneficios y las oportunidades que brinda la tecnología sin quedar atrapados en ella.

Guía para principiantes. Hacer dinero con tu pequeña empresa en las redes sociales

by E2e Alex Nkenchor Uwajeh

Las redes sociales ofrecen gran variedad de posibilidades para pequeñas empresas. No solo son una forma barata de dar a conocer tu marca y tus productos, sino que son también una vía excelente para atraer nuevos clientes. La clave del éxito está en entender las diferentes formas de beneficiarte de cada red social.

La guía definitiva de las negociaciones

by Passos Dias Aguiar

Este libro resulta de un seminario con el mismo nombre que hace algunos años realizamos en diversas ocasiones para públicos muy distintos con considerable éxito. Por esta razón se presenta de forma informal en un lenguaje coloquial. No es texto académico, es una obra práctica destinada a quien busca asesoramiento, consejos y estrategias de aplicación inmediata en situaciones reales. Passos Dias Aguiar

Guia de uso do Software de Reconhecimento de Voz para escritores

by Barbara Watkinson

Guia de uso do Software de Reconhecimento de Voz para escritores, Como digitar mais rápido e Ditar no Windows e MAC por Barbara Watkinson Você quer escrever seu romance de forma mais rápida e eficaz? Se você respondeu sim, então este manual é para você! Você sabia que o software de ditado pode ajudá-lo a escrever seu livro até 3 vezes mais rápido? Este guia é possui toneladas de estratégias para ditar seu romance, tudo a partir do conforto da sua sala de estar e sem tocar no teclado! Aqui estão os tópicos que estão incluídos nesse livro: Como começar Como se preparar o esboço O melhor discurso para aplicativos de texto Como usar o software de ditado para publicar um romance + MUITO MAIS! Se você quer aprender a escrever seu romance falando, este livro é para você! -> Role até o topo da página e clique em adicionar ao carrinho para comprar instantaneamente Aviso Legal: Este autor e / ou proprietário (s) de direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou garantias sobre a exatidão, integridade ou adequação do conteúdo deste livro, e expressamente se isenta da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é apenas para referência. Gênero: COMPUTADORES / Documentação e Redação Técnica Gênero secundário: COMPUTADORES / Processamento de voz e áudio Língua: Português Brasil Contagem de palavra: 2422 Links de livros: Amazon

Guía de Escritores para Usar el Software de Reconocimiento de Voz

by Barbara Watkinson

Como escritores, todos sabemos lo que puede ser un increíble software de dictado de herramientas. Nos permite escribir más rápido y evitar los peligros de RSI y un estilo de vida sedentario. Pero muchos de nosotros dejamos de dictar cuando nos damos cuenta de que no podemos obtener la precisión que necesitamos para ser verdaderamente productivos. Este libro cambia todo eso. Con casi dos décadas de uso del software Dragon en su haber y una gran cantidad de conocimiento interno de la industria del dictado, en el libro se revelará cómo sobrecargar su escritura y lograr una precisión de reconocimiento inmejorable desde el momento en que comienza a usar el software.

Guía de comunicación no sexista

by Instituto Cervantes

Nueva edición revisada y actualizada de una guía indispensable para lograr un trato lingüístico más igualitario y evitar el sexismo en el lenguaje «Las preguntas abiertas sobre el sexismo en los usos de un idioma son hoy algo que tiene que ver con la actualidad, con lo contemporáneo y con nuestro futuro. El Instituto Cervantes tomó conciencia de ello en 2011 y alentó la publicación de una Guía de comunicación no sexista. Establecer unas líneas de actuación que favorezcan la igualdad es uno de sus compromisos en la divulgación de las culturas españolas y en español. Un libro de este tipo no puede presentarse nunca como un manual o un manifiesto, sino como un conjunto de pautas y sugerencias experimentadas para lograr un trato lingüístico más igualitario, que visualice por igual a hombres y mujeres, así como para evitar y erradicar el sexismo del lenguaje. Para la institución que represento es imprescindible contar con esta guía porque forma parte decisiva de nuestra manera de pensar la cultura y de nuestras apuestas de futuro en favor de la libertad y la igualdad.» Luis García Montero, director del Instituto Cervantes

Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding: A Hardware Perspective

by Syed Mohsin Abbas Marwan Jalaleddine Warren J. Gross

This book gives a detailed overview of a universal Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding technique, known as Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding (GRAND), has been introduced for short-length and high-rate linear block codes. The interest in short channel codes and the corresponding ML decoding algorithms has recently been reignited in both industry and academia due to emergence of applications with strict reliability and ultra-low latency requirements . A few of these applications include Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, augmented and virtual Reality, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), the Internet of Things (IoTs), and Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC), which is an important use case for the 5G-NR standard. GRAND features both soft-input and hard-input variants. Moreover, there are traditional GRAND variants that can be used with any communication channel, and specialized GRAND variants that are developed for a specific communication channel. This book presents a detailed overview of these GRAND variants and their hardware architectures. The book is structured into four parts. Part 1 introduces linear block codes and the GRAND algorithm. Part 2 discusses the hardware architecture for traditional GRAND variants that can be applied to any underlying communication channel. Part 3 describes the hardware architectures for specialized GRAND variants developed for specific communication channels. Lastly, Part 4 provides an overview of recently proposed GRAND variants and their unique applications.This book is ideal for researchers or engineers looking to implement high-throughput and energy-efficient hardware for GRAND, as well as seasoned academics and graduate students interested in the topic of VLSI hardware architectures. Additionally, it can serve as reading material in graduate courses covering modern error correcting codes and Maximum Likelihood decoding for short codes.

Guerrilla P.R. 2.0

by Michael Levine

The world's most widely used and seminal introduction to public relations-now fully revised and updated for the 21st century with online strategies that work Every Fortune 500 corporation, movie star, and scandal queen knows that a good publicist is essential to building success and maintaining public support. But if you're a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or an undercapitalized beginner seeking an edge in a highly competitive arena, it's unlikely that you have your own high-powered publicist. Guerrilla P.R. 2.0 offers all the resources necessary to mount your own campaign and get the media exposure you need. In clear and concise language, Michael Levine, one of the top public relations counselors in the country, reveals the same procedures he uses every day to get press on major stars-and how those strategies can be utilized on little or no budget. You'll learn how to think like a publicist and map out the perfect strategy for success.

Guerrilla P.R.

by Michael Levine

The manifesto for waging a street-smart publicity campaign with no- or low-cost strategies from one of Hollywood's most successful publicists.

Guerrilla Nation: My Wars In and Out of Vietnam

by Michael Maclear

A celebrated journalist finds himself reporting on the savage war in Vietnam while in combat with his own network. In September 1969, Michael Maclear, the first Western television journalist allowed inside North Vietnam, was in Hanoi for major Canadian and U.S. networks. He recounted in gripping detail how an entire population had been trained for generations in guerrilla combat. His reporting that the North was motivated more by nationalism than Marxism was highly controversial.Later Maclear was taken blindfolded to a Hanoi prison for captive U.S. pilots, some of whom condemned the war. Nixon’s White House said the Canadian reporter was duped, and Maclear’s own network questioned him in those terms on air. Later, the network found reason to dismiss Maclear as a foreign correspondent.Recently, Maclear returned to Vietnam and interviewed surviving key figures from the war. In this book he includes startling new information on guerrilla tactics and delivers an impassioned argument for the necessity of journalistic impartiality and integrity.

Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 100 No-Cost, Low-Cost Weapons for Selling Your Work (Guerilla Marketing Press)

by Jay Conrad Levinson Rick Frishman Michael Larsen David L. Hancock

Because the battle begins before a book even hits the selves, an author needs every weapon to get ahead of the competition. Guerrilla Marketing for Writers is packed with proven insights and advice, it details 100 “Classified secrets” that will help autho

Guerrilla Marketing Field Guide

by Jay Levinson Jeannie Levinson

Build marketing momentum, outsmart your competitors, and win the long-term war for mindshare and sales in 30 maneuvers-all inside, battle-tested, and ready to employ.The Father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson, and Jeannie Levinson, President of Guerrilla Marketing International, deliver a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners plan to producing immediate marketing results without consuming your cash or wasting your time. From delivering a powerhouse elevator pitch to mastering media, each maneuver is a marketing mission accomplished.

Guerrilla Deal-Making: How to Put the Big Dog on Your Leash and Keep Him There (Guerilla Marketing Press)

by Jay Conrad Levinson Donald Wayne Hendon

Secrets that empower small business owners to take on the big dogs: “You will become a better deal-maker by reading this book.” —Jim Cathcart, author of Relationship SellingJay Conrad Levinson’s Guerrilla books have sold over thirty million copies—because he knows how individuals and small businesses can thrive even without unlimited financial resources. In this book, he and experienced international consultant Donald Wayne Hendon team up to share one hundred very powerful tactics to empower you in any negotiating situation—whether it’s conducting day-to-day business, buying and selling, or dealing with a boss, a local politician, a homeowners’ association, an insurance company, or bureaucrats at City Hall.“A comprehensive reference book that tells you when to be assertive, when to go on the defense, when to cooperate, and how to handle dirty tricks. I love it!” —Tony Alessandra, author of The Platinum Rule

La guerra moderna

by Martín Caparrós

Crónicas escritas a lo largo de la última década del siglo XX por un maestro del género. Escritas a lo largo de los años noventa, las crónicas reunidas en este libro continúan el recorrido que Caparrós inició con su Larga distancia. El turismo pedófilo en Sri Lanka -probablemente su relato más leído-, la mafia de la música tropical argentina, la comunidad de skinheads y neonazis en Berlín, el impresionante Museo del Holocausto en Washington, el carnaval de Río, la siempre fidelísima Habana, la guerra en la ex Yugoslavia y un recorrido por el país más aislado de la Tierra son solo algunos de los temas que, con su característico tono a la vez juguetón y erudito, ataca Caparrós, entre breves aguafuertes sobre Nueva York, donde entonces vivía. La guerra moderna es crónica en todo su esplendor, por uno de los maestros del género. Críticas:«Martín Caparrós es el cronista de viajes más importante de la lengua española. Si quisiéramos hacer un símil con la lengua anglosajona pensaríamos en Paul Theroux, quien también cultiva el libro de viajes y la novela, pero Caparrós me parece superior».Jorge Carrión, ABC Cultural«Caparrós es un maestro de la crónica».Juan Villoro, Reforma «Caparrós es colosal en esos terrenos resbaladizos donde las cosas dejan de encajar en los moldes correctos».Leila Guerriero, Babelia«Martín Caparrós, uno de los más geniales cronistas contemporáneos, depura de manera exquisita, emocionada, vibrante y distanciada una prosa de un poderío narrativo excepcional».Fernando R. Lafuente, ABC Cultural «El mejor cronista actual de América Latina: un soberbio entrevistador, un viajero dotado de cultura enciclopédica y de una fina ironía».Roberto Herrscher, La Vanguardia

Guardians of Discourse: Journalism and Literature in Porfirian Mexico

by Kevin M. Anzzolin

During Porfirio Díaz&’s thirty-year rule, Mexico dealt with the press in disparate ways in hopes of forging an informed and, above all, orderly citizenry. Even as innumerable journalists were sent to prison on exaggerated and unfair charges of defamation or slander, Díaz&’s government subsidized multiple newspapers to expand literacy and to aggrandize the image of the regime. In Guardians of Discourse Kevin M. Anzzolin analyzes the role and representation of journalism in literary texts from Porfirian Mexico to argue that these writings created a literate, objective, refined, and informed public. By exploring works by Porfirian writers such as Emilio Rabasa, Ángel del Campo, Rafael Delgado, Laura Méndez de Cuenca, and Salvador Quevedo y Zubieta, Anzzolin demonstrates that a primary goal of the lettered class was to define and shape the character of public life, establish the social position of citizens, and interrogate the character of civil institutions. These elite letrados—whom Anzzolin refers to as &“guardians of discourse&”—aimed to define the type of discourses that would buttress the transformed Mexico of the Díaz regime to forge a truly national literature that could be discussed among an expanded coterie of lettered thinkers. In addition, these Porfirian guardians hoped to construct an extensive and active public able to debate political and social issues via a press befitting a modern nation-state and create a press that would be independent, illuminating, and distinguished. Through an innovative look at Mexico&’s public sphere via literary fiction in the Porfirian era, Anzzolin contributes to our knowledge of Mexican and Latin American political, cultural, and literary history in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Guadalcanal Diary: Guadalcanal Diary, Invasion Diary, And John F. Kennedy And Pt-109

by Richard Tregaskis

#1 New York Times Bestseller: The definitive eyewitness account of one of the bloodiest and most pivotal battles of World War II. On August 7, 1942, eleven thousand US Marines landed on Tulagi and Guadalcanal Islands in the South Pacific. It was the first major Allied offensive against Japanese forces; the first time in history that a combined air, land, and sea assault had ever been attempted; and, after six months of vicious fighting, a crushing defeat for the Empire of Japan and a major turning point in the Pacific War. Volunteer combat correspondent Richard Tregaskis was one of only two journalists on hand to witness the invasion of Guadalcanal. He risked life and limb to give American readers a soldier's experience of the war in the Pacific, from the suffocating heat and humidity to the unique terror of fighting in tall, razor-sharp grass and in crocodile-infested jungle streams against a concealed enemy. In understated yet graceful prose, Tregaskis details the first two months of the campaign and describes the courage and camaraderie of young marines who prepared for battle knowing that one in four of them wouldn't make it home. An instant bestseller when it was first published in 1943 and the basis for a popular film of the same name, Guadalcanal Diary set the standard for World War II reportage. Hailed by the New York Times as "one of the literary events of its time," it is a masterpiece of war journalism whose influence can be found in classic works such as John Hersey's Hiroshima, Michael Herr's Dispatches, and Dexter Filkins's The Forever War. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Richard Tregaskis including rare images from the American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming.

Grupo Prisa: Media Power in Contemporary Spain (Global Media Giants)

by Luis A. Albornoz Ana I. Segovia Núria Almiron

In one of the first English-language studies of Grupo Prisa, this book delivers a comprehensive and concise approach to the political, economic and social-cultural profile of one of the leading cross-media conglomerates in Europe, tracing its development from a single newspaper publisher in 1972. Prisa is now the world’s leading Spanish and Portuguese-language media group in the creation and distribution of content in the fields of culture, education, and information, producing content for more than twenty countries with global brands like El País (newspaper), Los 40 (radio), or Santillana (education). Using a critical political economy approach, the authors track Prisa’s journey to becoming a cross-media conglomerate, and examine how it mirrors the recent history of the economic and political developments in Spain. This concise and highly contemporary volume is ideal for students, scholars and researchers looking to further their understanding of a growing Spanish-language media power, or more generally interested in international communication and media industries.

Grüne Marketing-Kommunikation: Green Communication im Marketing-Mix nachhaltigkeitsorientierter Unternehmen

by Matthias Johannes Bauer Sarah Sobolewski

Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Leitfrage, welchen Einfluss Nachhaltigkeit auf die Kommunikationspolitik von Unternehmen im Rahmen des Green Marketings hat. Es wird erläutert, inwiefern die klassische und grüne Marketingkommunikation integriert werden können und wie Unternehmen konkret ihre grüne Marketing-Kommunikation umsetzen.​Kaum ein Bereich hat in den letzten Jahren so viel Aufmerksamkeit erfahren wie das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Der Klimawandel, Fridays for Future, Greta Thunberg und viele weitere Gründe haben dafür gesorgt, dass sich nicht nur Privatpersonen mit nachhaltigen Alternativen auseinandersetzen, sondern zunehmend auch Unternehmen. „Grün“ ist im Trend, und Nachhaltigkeit wird zunehmend zum Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen. Deshalb sollten sich Unternehmen ihre nachhaltige Unique Selling Proposition (USP) bewusst machen, sich strategisch danach ausrichten und dies auch bewusst kommunizieren. Seit einigen Jahren hat sich in diesem Kontext der Begriff „Green Marketing“, auch unter dem Begriff Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing zu finden, durchgesetzt. Durch den vorgeschlagenen Green Deal der Europäischen Union gewinnt das Konzept weiter an Relevanz, da die Unternehmen angehalten sind, sich mit einem nachhaltigen Re-Design ihrer Produkte zu beschäftigen. Unternehmen müssen im Rahmen des Green Marketings einen Spagat schaffen zwischen offensiver und dennoch glaubwürdiger Kommunikation.

Grundlagenwissen Medien für Journalisten

by Claudia Hangen

Der Band bietet eine kompakte Einführung in die Grundlagen der Medien insbesondere für Studierende mit dem Berufswunsch Journalismus und für Berufseinsteiger. Er behandelt die verschiedenen Ausbildungswege ebenso wie medienethische Fragen, ökonomische, medienrechtliche und medienpolitische Grundlagen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Veränderungen im Journalismus und den Medien durch Internet, Twitter, Facebook & Co, was die Autorin am Beispiel der Jasmin-Revolution in der arabischen Welt und der Krisen der New Economy 2001 und der Finanzkrise 2008/2009 veranschaulicht.

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