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Mobile Media Making in an Age of Smartphones

by Marsha Berry Max Schleser

With the rise of smartphones and the proliferation of applications ("apps"), the ways everyday media users and creative professionals represent, experience, and share the everyday is changing. With the overlay of location-based services, these experiences and representations are providing new social, creative, and emotional cartographies. This collection discusses the prospects of the proliferation of mobile and digital filmmaking opportunities, from videographic citizen journalism to networked, transmedia collaborative filmmaking and photography, and the embedding of filmmaking and photography in social media practice. The contributors reflect on emergent creative practices as well as digital ethnographies of new visualities and socialities associated with smartphone cameras in everyday life.

Mobile Web Browsing Using the Cloud

by Byung Chul Tak Guohong Cao Bo Zhao

This brief surveys existing techniques to address the problem of long delays and high power consumption for web browsing on smartphones, which can be due to the local computational limitation at the smartphone (e.g., running java scripts or flash objects) level. To address this issue, an architecture called Virtual-Machine based Proxy (VMP) is introduced, shifting the computing from smartphones to the VMP which may reside in the cloud. Mobile Web Browsing Using the Cloud illustrates the feasibility of deploying the proposed VMP system in 3G networks through a prototype using Xen virtual machines (in cloud) and Android Phones with ATT UMTS network. Techniques to address scalability issues, resource management techniques to optimize the performance of the VMs on the proxy side, compression techniques to further reduce the bandwidth consumption, and adaptation techniques to address poor network conditions on the smartphone are also included.

Mobile WiMAX Systems: Performance Analysis of Fractional Frequency Reuse

by Mohammed Khalid Fadhil Abid Yahya

This book presents new models to enhance both capacity and coverage area in WiMAX FFR cellular network by considering the effect of interference of 18 base stations on the cell border users. The concepts provide a solid scientific base for analyzing and understanding WiMAX technology. This book enables the audience or researchers to understand the concept of the FFR technique. These basic concepts represent the important features of WiMAX technology which have been used to create new algorithms.

Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization

by Henning Schulzrinne Ashutosh Dutta

This book provides a common framework for mobility management that considers the theoretical and practical aspects of systems optimization for mobile networks.In this book, the authors show how an optimized system of mobility management can improve the quality of service in existing forms of mobile communication. Furthermore, they provide a theoretical approach to mobility management, as well as developing the model for systems optimization, including practical case studies using network layer and mobility layer protocols in different deployment scenarios. The authors also address the different ways in which the specific mobility protocol can be developed, taking into account numerous factors including security, configuration, authentication, quality of service, and movement patterns of the mobiles.Key Features:Defines and discusses a common set of optimization methodologies and their application to all mobility protocols for both IPv4 and IPv6 networksApplies these technologies in the context of various layers: MAC layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer covering 802.11, LTE, WiMax, CDMA networks and protocols such as SIP, MIP, HIP, VoIP, and many moreProvides a thorough analysis of the required steps during a mobility event such as discovery, network selection, configuration, authentication, security association, encryption, binding update, and media directionIncludes models and tables illustrating the analysis of mobility management as well as architecture of sample wireless and mobility test beds built by the authors, involving inter-domain and intra-domain mobility scenariosThis book is an excellent resource forprofessionals and systems architects in charge of designing wireless networks for commercial (3G/4G), LTE, IMS, military and Ad Hoc environment. It will be useful deployment guide for the architects wireless service providers. Graduate students, researchers in industry and academia, and systems engineers will also find this book of interest.

Molecular Communications and Nanonetworks

by Barış Atakan

This book will introduce the concept of molecular communications and nanonetworks. The publication addresses why nanoscale communication is needed for the sophisticated nano and biotechnology applications. The text introduces the frontier applications of the molecular communication and nanonetworks. The book examines the molecular communication types called active, passive, and gap junction molecular communications. The author presents the molecular transmitter, receiver, encoding and decoding mechanisms used in these systems. Discussing the molecular communication system model and looking at the unique characteristics of practical molecular communication systems and these chemical reactions and their effects on the communication performance. Finally, the book examines the point-to-point, broadcast, and multiple-access molecular channel and shows two promising application examples of the nanonetworks. The first application example is the body area nanonetworks used in nanomedicine. the second nanonetwork application example, i. e. , NanoSensor Networks (NSNs) with Molecular Communication.

More Awesome Than Money

by Jim Dwyer

The David-versus-Goliath effort to build a revolutionary social network that would give us back control of our personal data In June of 2010, four nerdy NYU undergrads moved to Silicon Valley to save the world from Facebook. Their idea was simple--to build a social network that would allow users to control the information they shared about themselves instead of surrendering it to big business. Their project was called Diaspora, and just weeks after launching it on Kickstarter, the idealistic twenty-year-olds had raised $200,000 from donors around the world. Profiled in the New York Times, wooed by venture capitalists, and cheered on by the elite of the digital community, they were poised to revolutionize the Internet and remap the lines of power in our digital society--until things fell apart, with tragic results.The story of Diaspora reaches far beyond Silicon Valley to today's urgent debates over the future of the Internet. In this heartbreaking yet hopeful account, drawn from extensive interviews with the Diaspora Four and other key figures, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jim Dwyer tells a riveting tale of four ambitious and naive young men who dared to challenge the status quo.

More Awesome Than Money

by Jim Dwyer

David versus Goliath in Silicon Valley--an epic attempt to take back the Internet Their idea was simple. Four NYU undergrads wanted to build a social network that would allow users to control their personal data, instead of surrendering it to big businesses like Facebook. They called it Diaspora. In days, they raised $200,000, and reporters, venture capitalists, and the digital community's most legendary figures were soon monitoring their progress. Max dreamed of being a CEO. Ilya was the idealist. Dan coded like a pro, and Rafi tried to keep them all on track. But as the months passed and the money ran out, the Diaspora Four fell victim to errors, bad decisions, and their own hubris. In November 2011, Ilya committed suicide. Diaspora has been tech news since day one, but the story reaches far beyond Silicon Valley to the now urgent issues about the future of the Internet. With the cooperation of the surviving partners, New York Times bestselling author Jim Dwyer tells a riveting story of four ambitious and naÏve young men who tried to rebottle the genie of personal privacy--and paid the ultimate price.

Motor Speech Disorders

by Anja Lowit Nick Miller

Motor speech disorders are a common accompaniment of a whole range of neurological conditions, from stroke, brain injury and Parkinson's disease through to many rarer conditions. This book aims to aid understanding of the nature of motor speech disorders from a cross-language perspective, in contrast to the largely English-centric nature of research and practice recommendations to date. The book looks not just at how these motor speech disorders are assessed and treated in other countries, but also examines how underlying speech impairments differ according to the language someone speaks. The book studies the underlying neurological, neurophysiological and neurophonetic characteristics of motor speech disorders in different language contexts, and discusses the implications these have for clinical rehabilitation. This significantly adds to debates around the theoretical understanding and clinical management of motor speech disorders.

Multidimensional Queueing Models in Telecommunication Networks

by Agassi Melikov Leonid Ponomarenko

The increasing complexity of telecommunication networks requires us to develop adequate mathematical models. We must find their characteristics, optimize them subject to chosen criteria, and develop the corresponding control algorithms. Multidimensional queueing models are used to design and optimize modern and next-generation networks (NGN). The central problem of the related mathematical theory is to apply multidimensional and large-size queueing models to improve efficiency. In this book new methods are successively developed and applied to solve related problems. The book is recommended for researchers engaged with the mathematical theory of telecommunications traffic.

Multilingual Aspects of Signed Language Communication and Disorder

by David Quinto-Pozos

Inquiry into signed languages has added to what is known about structural variation and language, language learning, and cognitive processing of language. However, comparatively little research has focused on communication disorders in signed language users. For some deaf children, atypicality is viewed as a phase that they will outgrow, and this results in late identification of linguistic or cognitive deficits that might have been addressed earlier. This volume takes a step towards describing different types of atypicality in language communicated in the signed modality such as linguistic impairment caused by deficits in visual processing, difficulties with motor movements, and neurological decline. Chapters within the book also consider communication differences in hearing children acquiring signed and spoken languages.

The Multimediated Rhetoric of the Internet: Digital Fusion (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication #10)

by Carolyn Handa

This project is a critical, rhetorical study of the digital text we call the Internet, in particular the style and figurative surface of its many pages as well as the conceptual, design patterns structuring the content of those same pages. Handa argues that as our lives become increasingly digital, we must consider rhetoric applicable to more than just printed text or to images. Digital analysis demands our acknowledgement of digital fusion, a true merging of analytic skills in many media and dimensions. CDs, DVDs, and an Internet increasingly capable of streaming audio and video prove that literacy today means more than it used to, namely the ability to understand information, however presented. Handa considers pedagogy, professional writing, hypertext theory, rhetorical studies, and composition studies, moving analysis beyond merely "using" the web towards "thinking" rhetorically about its construction and its impact on culture. This book shows how analyzing the web rhetorically helps us to understand the inescapable fact that culture is reflected through all media fused within the parameters of digital technology.

Multiplayer: The Social Aspects of Digital Gaming (Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education)

by Thorsten Quandt Sonja Kröger

In the past decade, digital games have become a widely accepted form of media entertainment, moving from the traditional 'core gamer' community into the mainstream media market. With millions of people now enjoying gaming as interactive entertainment there has been a huge increase in interest in social multiplayer gaming activities. However, despite the explosive growth in the field over the past decade, many aspects of social gaming still remain unexplored, especially from a media and communication studies perspective. Multiplayer: Social Aspects of Digital Gaming is the first edited volume of its kind that takes a closer look at the various forms of human interaction in and around digital games, providing an overview of debates, past and present. The book is divided into five sections that explore the following areas: Social Aspects of Digital Gaming Social Interactions in Virtual Worlds Online Gaming Co-located and Console Gaming Risks and Challenges of Social Gaming This engaging interdisciplinary book will appeal to upper level students, postgrads and researchers in games research, specifically those focusing on new media and digital games, as well as researchers in media studies and mass communication.

My Salinger Year

by Joanna Rakoff

Poignant, keenly observed, and irresistibly funny: a memoir about literary New York in the late nineties, a pre-digital world on the cusp of vanishing, where a young woman finds herself entangled with one of the last great figures of the century. At twenty-three, after leaving graduate school to pursue her dreams of becoming a poet, Joanna Rakoff moves to New York City and takes a job as assistant to the storied literary agent for J. D. Salinger. She spends her days in a plush, wood-paneled office, where Dictaphones and typewriters still reign and old-time agents doze at their desks after martini lunches. At night she goes home to the tiny, threadbare Williamsburg apartment she shares with her socialist boyfriend. Precariously balanced between glamour and poverty, surrounded by titanic personalities, and struggling to trust her own artistic instinct, Rakoff is tasked with answering Salinger's voluminous fan mail. But as she reads the candid, heart-wrenching letters from his readers around the world, she finds herself unable to type out the agency's decades-old form response. Instead, drawn inexorably into the emotional world of Salinger's devotees, she abandons the template and begins writing back. Over the course of the year, she finds her own voice by acting as Salinger's, on her own dangerous and liberating terms. Rakoff paints a vibrant portrait of a bright, hungry young woman navigating a heady and longed-for world, trying to square romantic aspirations with burgeoning self-awareness, the idea of a life with life itself. Charming and deeply moving, filled with electrifying glimpses of an American literary icon, My Salinger Year is the coming-of-age story of a talented writer. Above all, it is a testament to the universal power of books to shape our lives and awaken our true selves. From the Hardcover edition.

Narrative Formen der Politik

by Wilhelm Hofmann Judith Renner Katja Teich

Die Politikwissenschaft thematisiert seit geraumer Zeit in den verschiedensten Zusammenhängen die diskursive Konstitution politischer Realität. Die Erkenntnis, dass Politik wesentlich eine diskursive Dimension hat, führt in fast allen Teildisziplinen zu einer ganzen Reihe von intensiv verfolgten Anschlussfragen. Im Kontext dieses Interesses an der diskursiven Konstruktion des Politischen wendet sich der vorliegende Band besonders der narrativen Dimension des Politischen und den Formen ihrer Erforschung zu. Er bietet eine erste Annäherung an das noch junge Forschungsfeld der narrativen Politiken und diskutiert den Mehrwert der Analyse narrativer Strukturen und des politischen Erzählens für die verschiedenen Teildisziplinen der Politikwissenschaft.

El negociador práctico: Cómo argumentar tus opiniones, defender tu punto de vista y triunfar en cualquie

by Steven P. Cohen

El negociador práctico brinda respuesta a una amplia gama de problemas de negociación que enfrentan las personas en diferentes países alrededor del mundo. De Stephen P. Cohen, exitoso consultor en el sector privado. Aprende cómo encontrar a tu negociador interior. <P><P>Conviértete en un experto de la negociación y aumenta tu confianza, destaca tus fortalezas y desarrolla estrategias. Ponerse de acuerdo con los demás puede ser muy complicado, sin embargo, es algo necesario en la vida diaria. El negociador práctico desmitifica lo complejo de la negociación, ofreciendo técnicas de acercamiento que cualquier persona puede utilizar, sin importar en qué situación se encuentre. <P><P>El negociador práctico ofrece respuesta a varias preguntas realizadas por alguien en busca de consejo. El enfoque del libro te ayudará a: evaluar tus intereses y fortalezas y encontrar maneras de construir sobre ellos; comprender la situación y sus posibilidades; aumentar tu confianza en el trato con los demás; desarrollar y aplicar estrategias sencillas y prácticas para incrementar tus intereses.

Negotiate Even Better Deals in a Week: Teach Yourself

by Peter Fleming

Sunday: Get your preparation rightMonday: Who will I meet?Tuesday: Higher-level techniquesWednesday: Exchanging proposals and trading concessionsThursday: Listening and consulting skillsFriday: The small printSaturday: Keep track of successful outcomes

Negotiating Genuinely: Being Yourself in Business

by Shirli Kopelman

We often assume that strategic negotiation requires us to wall off vulnerable parts of ourselves and act rationally to win. But, what if you could just be you in business? Taking a positive approach, this brief distills years of research, teaching, and coaching into an integrated framework for negotiating genuinely. One of the most fundamental and challenging battlegrounds in our work lives, negotiation calls on us to compete and cooperate to do our jobs well and achieve extraordinary results. But, the biggest challenge in a negotiation is to be strategic while also being real. Author Shirli Kopelman argues that this duality is both possible and powerful. In Negotiating Genuinely, she teaches readers how to reconcile the disparate hats that they wear in everyday life—with families, friends, and colleagues—bringing one "integral hat" to the negotiation table. Kopelman develops and shares techniques that illuminate this approach; exercises along the way help readers to negotiate more naturally, positively, and successfully.

Negotiating Success

by Jim Hornickel

How to execute win-win negotiations every time, in business and in life Negotiating Success provides expert guidance on how to improve strategies and outcomes in negotiating anything in professional and personal life. With a constant focus on the mind, body, and spirit of the professional negotiator, this easy-to- ready text brings a holistic approach to the hard and soft skills needed for ethical negotiations. The result is a better understanding of how to negotiate successfully for mutual benefit by all parties.Offers tips and tools, such as how to use positive psychology to unite your team, emotional intelligence for successful negotiation, and how to minimize conflictSpells out the six principles of ethical influenceWritten by Jim Hornickel, the founder of Bold New Directions, a transformational learning organization that provides training, coaching, retreats, and keynotes across the world, specializing in negotiation, leadership, communication, presentation, and corporate trainingNegotiating Success delivers an unparalleled blend of practical and explicit steps to take to achieve win-win negotiations, every time.

Neil McKenty Live: The lines are still blazing

by Catharine Mckenty Alan Hustak

Neil McKenty liked to argue just for the hell of it. During the 1970's and 80s he was one of Montreal's highest rated radio talk show hosts. At the peak of his career more than 75,000 people tuned in to CJAD to hear his show, Exchange. 'The basic exchange on Exchange, is not between the listeners and Neil McKenty," he once explained. "It is between the listeners. If the host sets up the chemistry, the show goes on its own momentum, and I am almost on the sidelines. On the other hand, I am in the entertainment business. If I bore my listeners, I'm dead." The material collected in this book focuses on the years he moderated, infuriated, provoked and entertained his listeners.

Neoliberalism, Media and the Political

by Sean Phelan

Neoliberalism, Media and the Political examines the condition of media and journalism in neoliberal cultures. Emphasizing neoliberalism's status as a political ideology that is simultaneously hostile to politics, the book presents a critical theoretical argument supported by empirical illustrations from New Zealand, Ireland, the UK and the US.

Network Security

by André Perez

This book introduces the security mechanisms deployed in Ethernet, Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi), Internet Protocol (IP) and MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks. These mechanisms are grouped throughout the book according to the following four functions: data protection, access control, network isolation, and data monitoring.Data protection is supplied by data confidentiality and integrity control services. Access control is provided by a third-party authentication service. Network isolation is supplied by the Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. Data monitoring consists of applying rules to data in order to authorize its transfer or detect attacks.The chapters of the book cover cryptography, 802.1x mechanism, WPA mechanisms, IPSec mechanism, SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols, network management, MPLS technology, Ethernet VPN, firewalls and intrusion detection.

Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics: Attention and Deliberation in the Early Blogosphere (Rhetoric and Democratic Deliberation #10)

by Damien Smith Pfister

In Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics, Damien Pfister explores communicative practices in networked media environments, analyzing, in particular, how the blogosphere has changed the conduct and coverage of public debate. Pfister shows how the late modern imaginary was susceptible to “deliberation traps” related to invention, emotion, and expertise, and how bloggers have played a role in helping contemporary public deliberation evade these traps. Three case studies at the heart of Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics show how new intermediaries, including bloggers, generate publicity, solidarity, and translation in the networked public sphere. Bloggers “flooding the zone” in the wake of Trent Lott’s controversial toast to Strom Thurmond in 2002 demonstrated their ability to invent and circulate novel arguments; the pre-2003 invasion reports from the “Baghdad blogger” illustrated how solidarity is built through affective connections; and the science blog RealClimate continues to serve as a rapid-response site for the translation of expert claims for public audiences. Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics concludes with a bold outline for rhetorical studies after the internet.

Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics: Attention and Deliberation in the Early Blogosphere (Rhetoric and Democratic Deliberation)

by Damien Smith Pfister

In Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics, Damien Pfister explores communicative practices in networked media environments, analyzing, in particular, how the blogosphere has changed the conduct and coverage of public debate. Pfister shows how the late modern imaginary was susceptible to “deliberation traps” related to invention, emotion, and expertise, and how bloggers have played a role in helping contemporary public deliberation evade these traps. Three case studies at the heart of Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics show how new intermediaries, including bloggers, generate publicity, solidarity, and translation in the networked public sphere. Bloggers “flooding the zone” in the wake of Trent Lott’s controversial toast to Strom Thurmond in 2002 demonstrated their ability to invent and circulate novel arguments; the pre-2003 invasion reports from the “Baghdad blogger” illustrated how solidarity is built through affective connections; and the science blog RealClimate continues to serve as a rapid-response site for the translation of expert claims for public audiences. Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics concludes with a bold outline for rhetorical studies after the internet.

Networking Magic: How to Find Connections that Transform Your Life

by Rick Frishman Jill Lublin

Networking Magic is a revolutionary concept that shows you how to find the best in all aspects of life. Whether you're looking for the most lucrative job, the perfect soul mate, the leading medical specialist, or virtually anything else---this is the one book that gets you on the inside track to the top experts, the highest-quality services, and the least expensive products.

Networks and Communications (NetCom2013)

by Natarajan Meghanathan Dhinaharan Nagamalai Sanguthevar Rajasekaran

This book covers theory, methodology and applications of computer networks, network protocols and wireless networks, data communication technologies, and network security. The book is based on the proceedings from the Fifth International Conference on Networks & Communications (NetCom). The proceedings will feature peer-reviewed papers that illustrate research results, projects, surveys and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the diverse areas of computer networks & communications.

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