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Showing 16,851 through 16,864 of 16,864 results

Creating Signature Stories: Strategic Messaging that Persuades, Energizes and Inspires

by David Aaker

Stories are orders of magnitude which are more effective than facts at achieving attention, persuading, being remembered, and inspiring involvement. Signature stories—intriguing, authentic, and involving narratives—apply the power of stories to communicate a strategic message. Marketing professionals, coping with the digital revolution and the need to have their strategic message heard internally and externally, are realizing that a digital strategy revolves around content and that content is stories.Creating Signature Stories shows organizations how to introduce storytelling into their strategic messaging, and guides organizations to find, or even create, signature stories and leverage them over time. With case studies built into every chapter, organizations will realize the power of storytelling to energize readers, gain visibility, persuade audiences, and inspire action.

Comunicación femenina inteligente: Los 10 lenguajes de la mujer

by Sonia González A.

Un libro que te permitirá entender por fin, la forma en que se comunican las mujeres. A través de una exhaustiva investigación sobre el poder de la Comunicación Femenina Inteligente (CFI), la autora Sonia Gonzalez-Boysen, analiza los diez lenguajes en que se comunican las mujeres, cinco lenguajes brillantes: empatía - intuición - inspiración - multitareas - conexión emocional, y cinco lenguajes opacos: falta de concreción - complicada y compleja - tendencia a controlar - dependencia emocional - actitudes cambiantes y cíclicas.Este no es un libro escrito sólo para mujeres, sino acerca de ellas. A través de estas páginas cambiarás el paradigma sobre la comunicación femenina. Además, podrás disfrutar la amena narración de casos de éxito de mujeres que han marcado la historia con su comunicación, incluyendo el vibrante e impactante testimonio de la autora. Como valor agregado, encontrarás también las claves para el empoderamiento de la Comunicación Femenina Inteligente.Un libro necesario para: analizar la comunicación de las mujeres desde su propia perspectiva. Ser empáticos y ponerse en sus zapatos. Descubrir las fortalezas, impulsarlas y promoverlas de manera más intencional. Comprender las debilidades, y verlas como oportunidades para mejorar. Descifrar el código de la comunicación femenina. Empoderar la comunicación femenina para llevarla a un nuevo nivel de impacto. Tratar de entenderlas, sin fracasar en el intento.

Essentials of Mass Communication Theory

by Dr Berger Arthur A

This comprehensive resource on mass communication theory is structured around the key conceptual areas of text, audience, media, production and society. Using illustrations from popular genres - particularly film and television - Arthur Asa Berger combines his broad knowledge of the mass communications field with his unique ability to translate difficult theories and models into comprehensible terms and accessible language. He concludes with suggestions for further work and discussion plus an up-to-date bibliography, making this an excellent introduction for students of communication.

Media Analysis Techniques

by Dr Berger Arthur A

In the Fifth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, and hands-on guide to media criticism. He empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accepting the interpretations of others. The book first examines four techniques of media interpretation—semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory—that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, the book also includes a comprehensive glossary, study guides, and the author’s own illustrations.

Media Analysis Techniques (Commtext Ser. #No. 10)

by Dr Berger Arthur A

In the Sixth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger once again provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, hands-on guide to media criticism. The book empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accept how others interpret the media. Media Analysis Techniques begins by examining four techniques of media interpretation - semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory - that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, Media Analysis Techniques includes a glossary, study guides, and the author's own illustrations.

Media Analysis Techniques (Commtext Ser. #No. 10)

by Dr Berger Arthur A

In the Sixth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger once again provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, hands-on guide to media criticism. The book empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accept how others interpret the media. Media Analysis Techniques begins by examining four techniques of media interpretation - semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory - that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, Media Analysis Techniques includes a glossary, study guides, and the author's own illustrations.

Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

by Dr Berger Arthur A

Media and Communication Research Methods, Fourth Edition is a concise and practical text designed to give students a step-by-step introduction to conducting media and communication research. Offering real-world insights along with the author’s signature animated style, this text makes the discussion of complex qualitative and quantitative methods easy to comprehend. Packed with detailed examples and practical exercises, the Fourth Edition of this bestselling introductory text includes a new chapter on discourse analysis; expanded discussion of social media, expanded coverage of the research process, and more. Ideal for undergraduate and graduate students conducting research for the first time, this accessible text will help students understand, practice, and master media and communication research.

Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

by Dr Berger Arthur A

Media and Communication Research Methods, Fourth Edition is a concise and practical text designed to give students a step-by-step introduction to conducting media and communication research. Offering real-world insights along with the author’s signature animated style, this text makes the discussion of complex qualitative and quantitative methods easy to comprehend. Packed with detailed examples and practical exercises, the Fourth Edition of this bestselling introductory text includes a new chapter on discourse analysis; expanded discussion of social media, expanded coverage of the research process, and more. Ideal for undergraduate and graduate students conducting research for the first time, this accessible text will help students understand, practice, and master media and communication research.

Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

by Dr Berger Arthur A

This step-by-step introduction to conducting media and communication research offers practical insights along with Arthur Asa Berger’s signature lighthearted style to make discussion of qualitative and quantitative methods easy to comprehend. The Fifth Edition of Media and Communication Research Methods includes a new chapter on discourse analysis; expanded discussion of social media, including discussion of the ethics of Facebook experiments; and expanded coverage of the research process with new discussion of search strategies and best practices for analyzing research articles. Ideal for research students at both the graduate and undergraduate level, this proven book is clear, concise, and accompanied by just the right number of detailed examples, useful applications, and valuable exercises to help students to understand, and master, media and communication research.

Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

by Dr Berger Arthur A

This step-by-step introduction to conducting media and communication research offers practical insights along with Arthur Asa Berger’s signature lighthearted style to make discussion of qualitative and quantitative methods easy to comprehend. The Fifth Edition of Media and Communication Research Methods includes a new chapter on discourse analysis; expanded discussion of social media, including discussion of the ethics of Facebook experiments; and expanded coverage of the research process with new discussion of search strategies and best practices for analyzing research articles. Ideal for research students at both the graduate and undergraduate level, this proven book is clear, concise, and accompanied by just the right number of detailed examples, useful applications, and valuable exercises to help students to understand, and master, media and communication research.

Translating Popular Film

by Carol O'Sullivan 2011

A ground-breaking study of the roles played by foreign languages in film and television and their relationship to translation. The book covers areas such as subtitling and the homogenising use of English, and asks what are the devices used to represent foreign languages on screen?

Infodemia: Mentiras y verdades en tiempos de pandemia

by OjoPúblico .

Un e-book que investiga y esclarece las falsas informaciones nacidas en tiempos de pandemia El equipo de investigación de OjoPúblico presenta en este e-book un análisis minucioso de la información difundida en los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales sobre los impactos del COVID-19 para evitar la propagación de la desinformación que contamina a todos los peruanos y peruanas. Gracias al ejercicio del Factchecking, OjoPúblico logra desbaratar las noticias falsas y las contrapone con información verídica y data comprobada para evitar que las Fakenews sean la próxima pandemia.

Περί συγγραφής: Ηλεκτρονικά βιβλία, PLR και μπλόγκινγκ (Πώς να... #123)

by Όουεν Τζόουνς

Ελπίζω να βρεις τις πληροφορίες στο παρόν εγχειρίδιο βοηθητικές, χρήσιμες και επωφελείς. Οι πληροφορίες σε αυτό το ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο σχετικά με διάφορες μορφές συγγραφής είναι οργανωμένες σε 18 κεφάλαια περίπου 500-600 λέξεων το καθένα. Αυτό το ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο θα ενδιαφέρει όσους θέλουν να αναπτύξουν τις συγγραφικές δεξιότητές τους. Ως μπόνους, σου δίνω την άδεια να χρησιμοποιήσεις το περιεχόμενο στον δικό σου ιστότοπο ή στα δικά σου ιστολόγια και ενημερωτικά δελτία, αν και είναι καλύτερα να το ξαναγράψεις με δικά σου λόγια. Μπορείς επίσης να χωρίσεις το βιβλίο και να μεταπωλήσεις τα κεφάλαια. Το μόνο δικαίωμα που δεν έχεις είναι να μεταπωλήσεις ή να χαρίσεις το βιβλίο όπως το έλαβες.

書く技術: 電子書籍、PLRコンテンツ、ブログを (方法...シリーズ #123)

by オーウェン・ジョーンズ

本書『電子書籍、PLRコンテンツ、ブログを書く方法』をご購入いただきありがとうございます。 この本の内容があなたにとって有益なものであることを願っています。 さまざまな形態のコンテンツ執筆に関する本書の情報は、それぞれ千字ほどからなる十八の章にまとめてあります。 執筆能力を高めたい方々にとって、興味深い内容となっているはずです。 本書を購入して頂いたボーナスプレゼントとして、ご購入者様が本書の内容をご自身のウェブサイトやブログ、メールマガジンで自由に使用できる許諾を付与させて頂きます。もちろん、本書の内容をまずご自身の言葉で書き直すことができるのであれば、その方が良いでしょう。 本書の内容を分割して、記事を再販して頂いても構いません。実際のところ、ご購入者様に付与されていない唯一の権利は、本書を購入した内容のまま、再販したり誰かに譲渡したりすることだけです。 ご意見・ご感想がありましたら、本書の購入元へお伝えください。 最後にもう一度、本書をご購入いただいたことに感謝申し上げます。

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