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Deep Learning Networks: Design, Development and Deployment

by Jayakumar Singaram S. S. Iyengar Azad M. Madni

This textbook presents multiple facets of design, development and deployment of deep learning networks for both students and industry practitioners. It introduces a deep learning tool set with deep learning concepts interwoven to enhance understanding. It also presents the design and technical aspects of programming along with a practical way to understand the relationships between programming and technology for a variety of applications. It offers a tutorial for the reader to learn wide-ranging conceptual modeling and programming tools that animate deep learning applications. The book is especially directed to students taking senior level undergraduate courses and to industry practitioners interested in learning about and applying deep learning methods to practical real-world problems.

DEI and Intersectional Social Identities at Work: A Communication Approach

by Donnalyn Pompper Tugce Ertem-Eray

This book equips readers—both students and communication practitioners—with the theoretical understanding and practical skills they need to support nonprofit and for-profit organizations to create and assess their diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and social identity intersectionality goals.Through applied examples of the insider activist role that the communication function plays, the book helps future and current professional communicators navigate organizations toward authentic relationship-building with internal and external audiences. It teaches that embracing DEI includes acknowledging social identity intersectionalities—recognizing that people possess multiple social identity dimensions of age, culture, ethnicity/race, faith/spirituality, gender, physical/psychological ability, sexual orientation, social class, and more. In order to illuminate the theory discussed in the book, each chapter includes thought-provoking situation-opportunity sidebars, discussion questions for drilling deeper into the issues at hand, and case studies with applied lessons about DEI issues.This is an ideal text for advanced undergraduates and graduate courses in organizational communication, strategic communication, marketing communication, human resources, and public relations, as well as for communication practitioners working in these subdisciplines.

A Democratic Approach to Religion News: Christianity and Islam in the British and Turkish Press

by Ahmed Topkev

This book introduces the first systematic and unified four-dimension democratic approach to newspaper religion reporting. It explores the coverage of faith, with a particular focus on Christianity and Islam, in the British and Turkish national press. The results of framing analysis, conducted through content analysis of 1,022 news articles, reveal that, in both countries, alongside the contrasting portrayals of the minority religions, even the dominant religions had a disproportioned employment of the four dimensions – spiritual, world life, political, and conflict. It contributes to scholarship not only empirically but also theoretically and methodologically, with its theoretical and methodological contribution surpassing its empirical findings. As such, it will transcend geographical and temporal boundaries, making it appealing and relevant to an international audience of academics, professionals, and students in the fields of journalism, religion, democracy, media, communication, society, and culture, as well as individuals from various backgrounds.

Der Wandel des Fleischessens im Spiegel medialer Öffentlichkeit: Eine Diskursanalyse über kollektive Wissensbestände von der Nachkriegszeit bis heute

by Verena Fingerling

Seit jeher löst Fleisch Kontroversen aus – sei es durch seine ressourcenintensive Gewinnung, die es zum Ausdruck für Wohlstand, Kraft und Gesundheit macht, oder sei es durch moralische Fragestellungen, die sich durch das Nutzen und Töten fühlender Lebewesen ergeben. Anhand des deutschen Leitmediums Der Spiegel setzt sich diese Arbeit mit Wandlungsprozessen öffentlicher Kommunikation über das Fleischessen auseinander. Für den Zeitraum der Jahre 1947 bis 2019 zeichnet sie nach, wie verschiedene Ernährungsdiskurse miteinander verschränkt sind, sich gegenseitig bedingen, befruchten und aufeinander beziehen und zeigt auf, welche Wissens- und Deutungselemente dabei zu verschiedenen Zeiten als relevant oder irrelevant in Erscheinung treten. Methodologisch basiert dies auf Konzepten der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse nach Keller und der Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring.

Desinformationsangriffe auf Unternehmen abwehren: Das dunkle Geschäft mit Fake News & Co und wie man sie bekämpft

by Uwe Wolff

Fake News ist für die allermeisten ein Begriff, den sie mit Politik und politischen Kampagnen in Verbindung bringen. Die verheerenden Auswirkungen sind bekannt (Brexit, Trump, AfD) Doch erst jetzt realisieren Unternehmen und Unternehmenslenker, dass auch sie Zielscheibe von Fake News werden können. Die ersten Unternehmen in Deutschland haben diese Desinformationsattacken bereits zu spüren bekommen. Die Folge: Wertverfall des Unternehmens, Aktienabstürze, Reputationsschaden sowie verunsicherte Mitarbeiter, Geschäftspartner und Banken. Die Ziele und Motive der Kommunikationsattacken sind vielfältig: Sie reichen von verärgerten Ex-Mitarbeitern, aggressiven Mitbewerbern bis hin zu Hedge-Fonds, die ein Unternehmen übernahmereif schießen wollen oder auf fallende Aktienwerte wetten. Den modernen Kommunikationsattacken steht ein wirkungsvolles und breit gefächertes Waffenarsenal im Bereich Internet und Social Media zur Verfügung, mit denen sich Fake News in Minutenschnelle Wirksam verbreiten lassen, sodass Unternehmen kaum mehr die Zeit haben, sich dagegen wirkungsvoll zu wehren. Dieses Buch richtet den Blick auf die neue Situation, in der sich die Unternehmen empfinden, und beschreibt die die empfindlichen Stellen. Es erläutert Kommunikationsattacken anhand von Beispielen und liefert zudem eine Handreichung für Unternehmen in Sachen Prävention und Detektion, aber auch im Abwehrkampf gegen gezielte unternehmensschädigende Informationsattacken.

Developing Your Communication Skills in Social Work

by Paula Beesley Melanie Watts Sarah Harlow

This book explores: · What is meant by communication skills · What communication skills are · What they look like in practice · The differences in communicating with service users and professionals, such as children, guardians, peers and emergency workers · Why they are important It includes a wide range of theories, multiple case studies, reflective tasks, and exercises. It will develop your critical thinking and reflection skills, and help you develop your own communication style. Presented in a chronological style which acts as a working tool that you can dip into and out of. Each chapter is structured in a way that encourages you to build on your knowledge, so it begins by taking you right back to basics to learn core theory and practice techniques before getting you to critically reflect on the use of different skills in different settings and with different service user groups. The end-of-chapter skills audits help you to reflect on what you have learnt, what your strengths are and what you need to work on more.

Developing Your Communication Skills in Social Work

by Paula Beesley Melanie Watts Sarah Harlow

This book explores: · What is meant by communication skills · What communication skills are · What they look like in practice · The differences in communicating with service users and professionals, such as children, guardians, peers and emergency workers · Why they are important It includes a wide range of theories, multiple case studies, reflective tasks, and exercises. It will develop your critical thinking and reflection skills, and help you develop your own communication style. Presented in a chronological style which acts as a working tool that you can dip into and out of. Each chapter is structured in a way that encourages you to build on your knowledge, so it begins by taking you right back to basics to learn core theory and practice techniques before getting you to critically reflect on the use of different skills in different settings and with different service user groups. The end-of-chapter skills audits help you to reflect on what you have learnt, what your strengths are and what you need to work on more.

Development Methodologies for Big Data Analytics Systems: Plan-driven, Agile, Hybrid, Lightweight Approaches (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

by Manuel Mora Fen Wang Jorge Marx Gomez Hector Duran-Limon

This book presents research in big data analytics (BDA) for business of all sizes. The authors analyze problems presented in the application of BDA in some businesses through the study of development methodologies based on the three approaches – 1) plan-driven, 2) agile and 3) hybrid lightweight. The authors first describe BDA systems and how they emerged with the convergence of Statistics, Computer Science, and Business Intelligent Analytics with the practical aim to provide concepts, models, methods and tools required for exploiting the wide variety, volume, and velocity of available business internal and external data - i.e. Big Data – and provide decision-making value to decision-makers. The book presents high-quality conceptual and empirical research-oriented chapters on plan-driven, agile, and hybrid lightweight development methodologies and relevant supporting topics for BDA systems suitable to be used for large-, medium-, and small-sized business organizations.

Developments and Advances in Defense and Security: MICRADS 2023 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #380)

by Álvaro Rocha Carlos Hernán Fajardo-Toro José María Riola Rodríguez

This book gathers the proceedings of the Multidisciplinary International Conference of Research Applied to Defense and Security (MICRADS 2023), held at Graduate School of the Colombian Air Force, in Bogota, Colombia, during July 6–8, 2023. It covers a broad range of topics in systems, communication, and defense; strategy and political–administrative vision in defense; and engineering and technologies applied to defense. Given its scope, it offers a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and students alike.

Device-Edge-Cloud Continuum: Paradigms, Architectures and Applications (Internet of Things)

by Claudio Savaglio Giancarlo Fortino MengChu Zhou Jianhua Ma

This book focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of the “Device-Edge-Cloud continuum”, a development approach aimed at the seamless provision of next-generation cyber-physical services through the dynamic orchestration of heterogeneous computing resources, located at different distances to the user and featured by different peculiarities (high responsiveness, high computing power, etc.). The book specifically explores recent advances in paradigms, architectures, models, and applications for the “Device-Edge-Cloud continuum”, which raises many 'in-the-small' and 'in-the-large' issues involving device programming, system architectures and methods for the development of IoT ecosystem. In this direction, the contributions presented in the book propose original solutions and aim at relevant domains spanning from healthcare to industry, agriculture and transportation.

Dew Computing: The Sustainable IoT Perspectives (Internet of Things)

by Debashis De Samarjit Roy

This book discusses the dew computing paradigm with the evolution of future-generation technologies through the cloud and the Internet of Things in the scope of machine intelligence. Dew computing is an emerging paradigm that inherits a flexible and super-hybrid methodology to afford personal information to users with self-regulating internetwork connectivity. The contents conceptualize how the end-users can benefit from data analytics through intelligent data sensing, computing, analytics, and distributed scenarios using a dew-cloud computational framework over the Internet of Things environment. The main focus of this book is to bring all the related technologies into a single platform so that undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, academicians, and the industry can easily understand dew computing, future generations of cloud computing, machine intelligence, and representation learning in IoT-enabled technologies.

Dialogic Editing in Academic and Professional Writing: Engaging the Trace of the Other (Routledge Research in Writing Studies)

by Özüm Üçok-Sayrak Janie Harden Fritz Kristen Lynn Majocha

This book brings attention to the communicative process of editing as a dialogic experience that is attentive to the voice of the Other, and underlines an ethical turn for the editing process. The volume focuses on an essential, yet undertheorized, aspect of the communicative practice of editing by reading and receiving the voice of the Other and offering feedback towards assisting the text to find a voice without turning it to the voice of the editor. Utilizing the theoretical and philosophical frameworks of a diverse group of leading scholars and philosophers, contributors to this volume explore the editing process as connected to communication ethics that calls for a discernment of what matters. With its philosophical underpinnings, this book will especially be of interest to researchers and students in multiple disciplines in humanities and the social sciences including communication studies, dialogue studies, philosophy, literature, composition studies, education, history, anthropology, psychology, sociology, religious studies, and political science.

Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Foreign Language Education (Routledge Research in Audiovisual Translation)

by Noa Talaván Jennifer Lertola Alberto Fernández-Costales

This book offers an updated and comprehensive view of the possibilities of didactic audiovisual translation (didactic AVT or DAT) in language education, by presenting the methodological bases that support its pedagogical use at all levels of linguistic proficiency, as well as in different educational stages and contexts. The volume defines the main didactic AVT modes, accompanied by general recommendations, specific guidelines, complete sample lesson plans and sequences, and models for assessment. Didactic AVT is described in this book as an effective pedagogical resource that can improve students’ language competence and trigger core factors in education, such as learners’ motivation and engagement in language classes, their cognitive processes, their creativity, and the active use of ICTs in the classroom. From the perspective of educators, DAT provides a pool of multipurpose resources that may help them to enrich their classes from a pedagogical, linguistic and intercultural standpoint. This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in translation studies, particularly those interested in audiovisual translation and foreign language learning.

Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Foreign Language Education (Routledge Research in Audiovisual Translation)

by Noa Talaván Jennifer Lertola Alberto Fernández-Costales

This book offers an updated and comprehensive view of the possibilities of didactic audiovisual translation (didactic AVT or DAT) in language education, by presenting the methodological bases that support its pedagogical use at all levels of linguistic proficiency, as well as in different educational stages and contexts.The volume defines the main didactic AVT modes, accompanied by general recommendations, specific guidelines, complete sample lesson plans and sequences, and models for assessment. Didactic AVT is described in this book as an effective pedagogical resource that can improve students’ language competence and trigger core factors in education, such as learners’ motivation and engagement in language classes, their cognitive processes, their creativity, and the active use of ICTs in the classroom. From the perspective of educators, DAT provides a pool of multipurpose resources that may help them to enrich their classes from a pedagogical, linguistic and intercultural standpoint.This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in translation studies, particularly those interested in audiovisual translation and foreign language learning.

Die digitale Transformation der Automobilindustrie: Treiber - Roadmap - Praxis

by Uwe Winkelhake

Dieses Buch gibt umfassende und pragmatische Handlungsempfehlungen für die sich gerade in den letzten Jahren immer rasanter verändernde Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie. China hat sich zum Leitmarkt für E-Mobilität und für die Nutzung von autonom fahrenden Robtaxis, KI und Daten entwickelt. Die etablierten Hersteller müssen sich auf Basis klarer Zielsetzungen noch viel schneller verändern, um nicht den Anschluss zu verlieren und um die Pariser Klimaziele noch erreichen zu können. Die Industrie wandelt sich umfassend von einem fahrzeugfokussierten hin zu einem mobilitätsorientierten Geschäftsmodell. Mehr und mehr Prozesse, sogar ganze Geschäftsfelder werden KI-basiert automatisch ablaufen und mit neuen Technologien verändern sich Vertriebs- und Aftersales-Strukturen. Es entstehen immer mehr Daten, die auch neue, profitable Produkte ermöglichen. Die Umstellung auf E-Fahrzeuge mit entsprechendem Lade-Umfeld, die Nutzung von Mobilitätsservices anstelle Autobesitz, klimaneutralen Produktion und auch die Kreislaufwirtschaft sind beschleunigt anzugehen. Zu den weiterhin zwingend erforderlichen digitalen Transformationen und unter Beachtung der neuesten Entwicklungen gibt das Buch in der nun dritten vollständig überarbeiteten Auflage umfassende und pragmatische Antworten auf aktuelle Fragen: Wie sind neue Technologien strukturiert einzusetzen und wo wird KI zu erheblichen Änderungen führen? Wie ist die Transformation mit welchen Schwerpunktthemen anzugehen? Der Ausblick über das Jahr 2040 hinaus am Ende des Buches wurde erweitert und es werden die zu erwartenden Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt, gerade unter KI-Aspekten, betrachtet.

Dielectric Resonator Antennas: Materials, Designs and Applications

by Zhijiao Chen Jing-Ya Deng Haiwen Liu

Dielectric Resonator Antennas A detailed guide to dielectric-based techniques for antenna array design and construction Dielectric designs, which transmit electricity without conducting it, have in recent decades been increasingly incorporated into antenna arrays. The resulting Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) provide significant benefits over metal antennas, avoiding conduction loss and increasing efficiency. Dielectric elements can also be incorporated into metal antennas to improve performance. Dielectric Resonator Antennas provides an introduction to dielectric-based techniques for manufacturing antenna arrays. It supplies guidelines for identifying dielectric antenna designs (as opposed to metal ones), describes recent developments in dielectric antenna technology, and points toward potential areas of future growth and development. Readers will also find: Cutting-edge DRA applications in microwave and millimeter-wave communications Detailed discussion of array types including wideband, high-gain, high efficiency, and more Instructions for fabricating dielectric antenna arrays and assessing tolerance levels Dielectric Resonator Antennas is ideal for researchers and students in electrical engineering, as well as for engineers and others working in wireless communications.

Difficult Conversations Don't Have to Be Difficult: A Simple, Smart Way to Make Your Relationships and Team Better (Jon Gordon)

by Jon Gordon Amy P. Kelly

Help your team maximize their full potential by mastering tough conversations In Difficult Conversations Don’t Have to be Difficult: A Simple, Smart Way to Make Your Relationships and Team Better, bestselling author Jon Gordon and veteran human resources professional and executive coach Amy P. Kelly deliver an engaging and inspiring new take on how to make tough workplace conversations an asset in building a stronger team and organization. The book, written as a business fable, follows Ruth, the CEO of a successful multinational company who has been instructed by her board to prepare her company for sale. Along the way, she must lead an underperforming and dysfunctional team to set aside their differences and work together toward a common goal. This includes growing herself while elevating her team’s performance. As Ruth discovers the secret to unlocking extraordinary growth and productivity, you’ll learn about: The critically important conversations you need to have with your team to realize outstanding results Structuring, planning, and having the tough conversations your team members really need Ensuring your team walks away from difficult conversations more united, motivated, inspired, and positioned for optimal growth and performance Perfect for managers, executives, directors, and business leaders and their teams, Difficult Conversations Don’t Have to be Difficult is also a must-read for coaches, trainers, teachers, consultants, and other professionals doing their best to help others realize their full potential. Teams who read the book together will be equipped with a proven strategy and process to enhance communication performance and unity.

Difficult Death, Dying and the Dead in Media and Culture

by Sharon Coleclough Bethan Michael-Fox Renske Visser

This book responds to a growing interest in death, dying and the dead within and beyond the field of death studies. The collection defines an understanding of ‘difficult death’ and examines the differences between death, dying and the dead, as well as exploring the ethical challenges of researching death in mediated form. The collection is attendant to the ways in which difficult deaths are imbricated in power structures both before and after they become mediatised in culture. As such, the work navigates the many political and social complexities and inequalities ­– what might be deemed the difficulties – of death, dying and the dead. The book seeks to expand understandings of the difficulty of death in media and culture through a wide range of chapters from different contexts focused on literature, film, television, and in online environments, as well as several chapters examining news reportage of difficult deaths.

Digital Culture and Society

by Kate Orton-Johnson

This book provides a critical introduction to the ways in which digital technologies have enabled new types of interactions, experiences and collaborations across a range of platforms and media, profoundly shaping our socio-cultural landscapes. These discussions are grounded in classical sociological concepts; community, the self, gender, consumption, power and exclusion and inequality, to demonstrate the continuities that exist between sociological studies of ‘real’ world phenomena and their digital counterparts. Examining the various debates around methods in digital sociology in recent years, this book provides an accessible and engaging guide to using methodologies to study digital technology. From the moment we wake up until we go to bed, many of us constantly use digital technologies. Our mobile phones have become our maps, banks, newspapers and entertainment consoles. What′s more, they allow us to be constantly connected with the people in our lives. This book will equip you to analyse digital media in your own work. The book offers a broad guide to the various areas of our lives that are impacted by digital technology, from the virtual communities that we form on social media to the impact that digital technology has on our identity through a ′sociology of selfies′. With chapters on leisure, work, privacy and methods, this is an essential introduction for students in the areas of sociology, digital media, and cultural studies. Learning features include: - Annotated further reading in every chapter - Case studies that illustrate theory - Learning objectives and questions throughout - Historical and theoretical context in every chapter

Digital Culture and Society

by Kate Orton-Johnson

This book provides a critical introduction to the ways in which digital technologies have enabled new types of interactions, experiences and collaborations across a range of platforms and media, profoundly shaping our socio-cultural landscapes. These discussions are grounded in classical sociological concepts; community, the self, gender, consumption, power and exclusion and inequality, to demonstrate the continuities that exist between sociological studies of ‘real’ world phenomena and their digital counterparts. Examining the various debates around methods in digital sociology in recent years, this book provides an accessible and engaging guide to using methodologies to study digital technology. From the moment we wake up until we go to bed, many of us constantly use digital technologies. Our mobile phones have become our maps, banks, newspapers and entertainment consoles. What′s more, they allow us to be constantly connected with the people in our lives. This book will equip you to analyse digital media in your own work. The book offers a broad guide to the various areas of our lives that are impacted by digital technology, from the virtual communities that we form on social media to the impact that digital technology has on our identity through a ′sociology of selfies′. With chapters on leisure, work, privacy and methods, this is an essential introduction for students in the areas of sociology, digital media, and cultural studies. Learning features include: - Annotated further reading in every chapter - Case studies that illustrate theory - Learning objectives and questions throughout - Historical and theoretical context in every chapter

Digital Electronic Communications

by Julio César García-Álvarez

This book provides the basic concepts of electronic digital communication, applied to professional practice in communications engineering. The book begins with basic concepts of information theory and explains the need for digital communications, continuing with the basic schemes of digital communication prior to multiplexing, which applies to current digital communication networks, such as LTE, 5G and 6G. The book is intended for researchers, professionals, and second-year students of electrical engineering, electronics or telecommunications. It can also be useful to students in computer science, engineering physics or other disciplines who develop projects involving electronic communication systems.

Digital International Relations: Technology, Agency and Order (Routledge Studies in Conflict, Security and Technology)

by Corneliu Bjola Markus Kornprobst

This book analyses how digital transformation disrupts established patterns of world politics, moving International Relations (IR) increasingly towards Digital International Relations. This volume examines technological, agential and ordering processes that explain this fundamental change. The contributors trace how digital disruption changes the international world we live in, ranging from security to economics, from human rights advocacy to deep fakes, and from diplomacy to international law. The book makes two sets of contributions. First, it shows that the ongoing digital revolution profoundly changes every major dimension of international politics. Second, focusing on the interplay of technology, agency and order, it provides a framework for explaining these changes. The book also provides a map for adjusting the study of international politics to studying International Relations, making a case for upgrading, augmenting and rewiring the discipline. Theory follows practice in International Relations, but if the discipline wants to be able to meaningfully analyse the present and come up with plausible scenarios for the future, it must not lag too far behind major transformations of the world that it studies. This book facilitates that theoretical journey. This book will be of much interest to students of cyber-politics, politics and technology, and International Relations.

Digital Literacy and Inclusion: Stories, Platforms, Communities

by Danica Radovanović

Amid the opportunities and challenges we face at the dawn of the fifth industrial revolution, Digital Literacy and Inclusion presents a carefully curated selection of case studies, theories, research, and best practices based on digital literacy as a prerequisite for effective digital inclusion.More than a dozen experts provide deep insights in stories, research reports, and geographical studies of digital literacy and inclusion models, all from a multi-disciplinary perspective that includes engineering, social sciences, and education. Digital Literacy and Inclusion also highlights a showcase of real-world digital literacy initiatives that have been adopted by communities of practice around the globe.Contributors explore myriad aspects and modalities of digital literacy: digital skills related to creativity, urban data literacy, digital citizenship skills, digital literacy in education, connectivity literacy, online safety skills, problem-solving and critical-thinking digital skills, data literacy skills, mobile digital literacy, algorithmic digital skills, digital health skills, etc. They share the principles and techniques behind successful initiatives and examine the dynamics and structures that enable communities to achieve digital literacy efficiently and sustainably. Their practical solutions, propositions, and findings provide theoretically grounded and evidence-based facts that inform interventions intended to ensure that all citizens have and can enhance their digital literacy while meaningfully and responsibly participating in the digital economy and society.The ideas and histories in this book will appeal to scholars and researchers in the social sciences, engineering, education, sustainable digital technologies, and transformation, and will also be of interest to practitioners in industry, policy, and government.

Digital Media and Innovation: Management and Design Strategies in Communication (Media Management and Economics Series)

by Richard A. Gershon

This fully updated second edition explores the importance of innovation and innovative thinking for the long-term success of today’s leading media, telecommunications, and information technology companies.The book takes an in-depth look at how smart, creative companies have transformed today's digital economy by introducing unique and highly differentiated products and services. This edition provides a detailed overview of intelligent networks and analyzes disruptive business models and processes from companies involved in social media, artificial intelligence, the metaverse, smart cities, and robotics among other emerging areas. From Apple to Zoom, this book considers some of the key people, companies, and strategies that have transformed the communication industries. Exploring the power of good ideas, this book goes inside the creative edge and looks at what makes such companies successful over time.Digital Media and Innovation is suited to advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in media management, media industries, communication technology, and business management and innovation, and provides up-to-date research for media and business professionals.

Digital Opportunities in African Businesses (International Finance Corporation Research Series)

by Marcio Cruz

Adoption of digital technologies is widely acknowledged to boost productivity and employment, stimulate investment, and promote growth and development. Africa has already benefited from a rapid diffusion of information and communications technology, characterized by the widespread adoption of mobile phones. However, access to and use of digital technology among firms is uneven in the region, varying not just among countries but also within them. Consequently, African businesses may not be reaping the full potential benefits offered by ongoing improvements in digital infrastructure. Using rich datasets, Digital Opportunities in African Businesses offers a new understanding of the region’s incomplete digitalization—namely, shortfalls in the adoption and effective use of digital technology by firms to perform productive tasks. The research presented here also highlights the challenges in addressing incomplete digitalization, finding that the cost of machinery, equipment, and software, as well as the cost of connectivity to the internet, is significantly more expensive in Africa than elsewhere. Digital Opportunities in African Businesses outlines ways in which the private sector, with support from policy makers, international institutions, and regulators, can help bring down these costs, stimulating more widespread digitalization of the region’s firms, thereby boosting productivity and, by extension, economic development. This book will be relevant to anyone with an interest in furthering digitalization across Africa. ------------------------------------------- It is clear that new digital technologies are opening up new opportunities for economic growth. But will African firms be able to take advantage of them? If so, how? To gain traction on these questions, we first need careful empirical research on what firms are currently doing, and rigorous thinking about what is getting in the way of greater adoption. This book delivers on both dimensions. It marries carefully collected new evidence with thoughtful, no-nonsense analysis of firm behavior and how markets are evolving. It is highly recommended reading for researchers and policymakers alike. — Eric Verhoogen, Professor of International and Public Affairs and of Economics, Columbia University

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