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Showing 16,176 through 16,200 of 54,425 results

Online-Marketing-Intelligence: Kennzahlen, Erfolgsfaktoren und Steuerungskonzepte im Online-Marketing

by Dennis Ahrholdt Goetz Greve Gregor Hopf

Dieses Buch bietet eine bislang einzigartige Übersicht über Kennzahlen der wichtigsten Online-Marketinginstrumente verbunden mit einer fundierten Betrachtung der Instrumente und Erfolgszusammenhängen aus empirischen Forschungsergebnissen.Aufgrund der Fülle an verfügbaren Instrumenten und Daten fehlt dem Marketing-Management häufig ein Überblick, mit welchen Kennzahlen sich der Erfolgsbeitrag ihrer Online-Marketing-Aktivitäten bestmöglich messen und dokumentieren lässt. Somit fällt auch die Entscheidung zur Ausgestaltung der Online-Marketing-Aktivitäten schwer: Das Verständnis über Erfolgszusammenhänge ist häufig nur rudimentär vorhanden. Die Autoren beschreiben über 150 Kennzahlen, die in unterschiedlichen Kontexten und entlang der Customer Journey eingesetzt werden können. Sie geben auch Hilfestellungen für die Entwicklung einer Online-Marketing-Intelligence. Das Ziel: trotz zunehmender Komplexität der Online-Marketing-Instrumente eine bestmögliche Budgetallokation zu erreichen. Auch dafür haben sie aus empirischen Forschungsergebnissen instrumentspezifische Erfolgszusammenhänge und -Faktoren für den Business-Alltag extrahiert.Der Praktiker findet in diesem Buch eine Fülle von Handlungsempfehlungen für sein Online-Marketing, um es – auch unter Berücksichtigung empirisch identifizierter Erfolgszusammenhänge – auf state-of-the-art Niveau zu betreiben.

Online-Marketing-Intelligence: Erfolgsfaktoren, Kennzahlen und Steuerungskonzepte für praxisorientiertes Digital-Marketing

by Dennis Ahrholdt Goetz Greve Gregor Hopf

Dieses Buch bietet für den Einsatz und die Ausgestaltung vielfältiger Online-Marketing-Instrumente und deren Erfolgsmessung konkrete Hilfestellung. Die Autoren haben dazu eine bislang einzigartige Übersicht über die Kennzahlen für die wichtigsten Instrumente im Digital-Marketing zusammengestellt. Sie beschreiben über 170 Online-Marketing-KPIs, die in unterschiedlichen Kontexten und entlang der Customer Journey eingesetzt werden können. Damit geben Sie Hilfestellungen für eine leistungsfähige Online-Marketing-Analytics. Das Ziel: trotz zunehmender Komplexität im Performance-Marketing eine bestmögliche Attribution und kontinuierliche Optimierung zu erreichen.Ebenso wichtig: die Betrachtung der einzelnen Instrumente basiert auf Ergebnissen von über 200 empirischen Forschungsarbeiten. Macher und Entscheider im Marketing erhalten damit sowohl Sicherheit über Wirkzusammenhänge, aber auch neue Ideen für die Erfolg versprechende Ausgestaltung ihrer Marketinginstrumente und Marketingkampagnen.Die Autoren richten damit insgesamt eine Online-Marketing-Intelligence für die Praxis aus, indem sie in umfangreicher und innovativer Form handlungsorientiertes Online-Marketing-Wissen zusammenstellen. Sie finden in diesem Buch eine Fülle von wertvollen Empfehlungen und Tipps, um ihr Online-Marketing auf state-of-the-art Niveau zu betreiben und im Wettbewerb zu bestehen. Die 2. Auflage ist vollständig überarbeitet, praxisorientiert präzisiert und erhält mehrere neue Kapitel und Abschnitte - bspw. zu einer Erfolgskontrolle, die Online-Marketing-Instrumente übergreifend betrachtet, zum Influencer-Marketing, zu einem praxiserprobten Ablaufschema für Suchmaschinenoptimierung, oder ortsgebundenes Mobile-Marketing; ferner wurden über 20 weitere Kennzahlen und innovative Tipps sowie neueste Erkenntnisse aus weiteren über 30 empirischen Forschungsarbeiten ergänzt.Aus dem InhaltKPIs und Erfolgsfaktoren für Display-Marketing, Suchmaschinen-Marketing, Social-Media-Marketing, Influencer-Marketing, E-Mail-Marketing, Mobile-Marketing, Website- bzw. Online-Shop-MarketingÜbergreifende Betrachtung von Online-MarketingaktivitätenAnwenderfreundlich aufbereitete Zusammenstellung der wesentlichen Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung für die PraxisOriginelle Tipps für Erfolg versprechendes Online-MarketingEmpfehlungen für den Aufbau einer Online-Marketing-Intelligence

Online Marketing Inside Out: Reach New Buyers Using Modern Marketing Techniques

by Brandon Eley Shayne Tilley

Online Marketing Inside Out is an invaluable book for anyone wanting to market products or services online - whether or not marketing is part of your job description. Small-business entrepreneurs and web-site owners will benefit from this information-packed book, as will traditional marketers with little or no experience of online marketing. With so many potential customers online this book will show you how to reach and interact with them through podcasting, blogs, social networks, video, email, and contextual advertising. This book doesn't just cover the basics, it is inspiring reading for anyone looking for new ways to reach new and larger customer bases. You will learn about: The changing face of marketing The new frontier of PR and media Using your web site to generate income Getting the most from the search engine crowd Promote your message through socializing Implementing profitable email marketing campaigns Getting others to sell your products for you Spreading your message through online advertising. Editorial Reviews"Online Marketing Inside Out is a great bridge between what's come before in online marketing and what's coming up and worth checking out. " Chris Brogan"There's everything from social media to affiliate marketing to paid search knowledge there. Please do check it out. If you're hoping to use the Internet to promote your business, this book will come in handy." Jason Falls"Online Marketing Inside Out" is a top-notch resource on the basics of online marketing. It provides a firm foundation from which ecommerce marketers can launch campaigns, and it can serve as a good starting place for more in depth research about any of the topics it covers." Practical E-Commerce"If you've ever wanted to use social media to increase your traffic, set up your own affiliate program, or just explain the various online advertising options to clients, then Online Marketing Inside Out is a great starting point" Freelance Switch"I highly recommend Online Marketing Inside Out as a reference point for people who want to get started with their online marketing efforts and for experienced marketers who might need a solid checklist to compare their existing campaigns against." Cory Huff - Sparkplugging"Online Marketing Inside Out is a great book for those who want a no-hype understanding on the how and why of online marketing" Miles Burke"The book explains that successful marketing involves steps summed up as: attract, engage and transact. However, equally important to executing a successful campaign is understanding the medium, whether it's email or FaceBook or a setting-up an affiliate program. A successful campaign will use that that knowledge and measure the results." yyztech

Online Marketing for Your Craft Business: How to Get Your Handmade Products Discovered, Shared and Sold on the Internet

by Hilary Pullen

A highly focused guide to using social media and blogging to measurably impact on the sales and brand awareness of your handmade products to actively grow a craft business. Social media and craft marketing expert Hilary Pullen will help you develop a 360 degree strategy for online networking, outlining the resources and time you need to commit. She will take you through how to identify who you want to connect with, where you will connect with them and what type of things you want to share and say to them, all with relevant examples and case studies. You'll see that when properly planned and managed, you will learn to love blogging and social media as a fun tool that can enhance your creativity, and not be a time-wasting chore! Author Hilary Pullen is a digital marketing consultant and writes for which has over 60k monthly page views. Etsy - the world's largest online marketplace for selling crafts - now has more than 30 million members, with over 1 million new members joining each month. "I know what it takes first hand to market your crafts online and Hilary's book is one of the most detailed marketing books out there for creative business owners... If you are looking for a marketing guide to help your craft business thrive, then you need to pick up Hilary's book." --Timothy Adam, Handmadeology

Online Marketing for Busy Authors

by Fauzia Burke S. C. Gwynne

If You Want People to Read Your Book, Writing It Is Only the BeginningThere has truly never been a better time to be an author. For the first time, authors have direct access to the public via the Internet--and can create a community eagerly awaiting their book. But where do new authors start? How do they sort through the dizzying range of online options? Where should they spend their time online and what should they be doing?Enter Fauzia Burke, a digital book marketing pioneer and friend of overwhelmed writers everywhere. She takes authors step-by-step through the process of identifying their unique personal brand, defining their audience, clarifying their aspirations and goals, and setting priorities. She offers advice on designing a successful website, building a mailing list of superfans, blogging, creating an engagement strategy for social media, and more. By following Burke's expert advice, authors can conquer the Internet and still get their next manuscript in on time.

Online-Marketing (Studienwissen kompakt)

by Ralf T. Kreutzer

Alle Grundlagen des Online-Marketings vereint in einem BuchWenn Sie sich für Online-Marketing interessieren, ist dieses Buch genau richtig für Sie. Es führt Sie behutsam in die Grundlagen der Online-Werbung ein und erläutert verschiedene Gebiete dieses umfangreichen Themenkomplexes. Neben den unterschiedlichen Erfolgsfaktoren und Zielsetzungen im Online-Marketing stellt der Autor auch zahlreiche Instrumente zur Erfolgsmessung vor. Mit diesem umfassenden Grundlagenwerk erhalten Sie nicht nur eine Einführung in das Online-Marketing, sondern auch einen detaillierten Einblick in das E-Commerce im Allgemeinen. Die vorliegende zweite Auflage wurde umfassend überarbeitet und um die neuesten Entwicklungen im Online-Marketing ergänzt. Neu sind unter anderem ausführliche Kapitel zu Themen wie E-Mail-, Social-Media- und Suchmaschinenmarketing.Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung für Marketing-StudentenDer Autor legt großen Wert auf eine nachhaltige Wissensvermittlung, was sich in der didaktische Struktur des Werkes widerspiegelt. Es richtet sich insbesondere an Bachelorstudierende und Nebenfachstudenten des Studiengangs Marketing. Durch übersichtliche Lerneinheiten mit begleitenden Kontrollmodulen können sie das gelernte Wissen prüfen und vertiefen und sich so optimal auf Klausuren vorbereiten.Aber auch Angestellte in Werbeagenturen profitieren von der Expertise des Autors, da er nie den Praxisbezug zum Online-Marketing aus den Augen verliert. Dank vieler Leseempfehlungen können sich Interessierte spielend leicht tiefergehend mit den einzelnen Themen befassen.

Online Marketing

by Ralf T. Kreutzer

Alle Grundlagen des Online-Marketings vereint in einem BuchWenn Sie sich für Online-Marketing interessieren, ist dieses Buch genau richtig für Sie. Es führt Sie behutsam in die Grundlagen der Online-Werbung ein und erläutert verschiedene Gebiete dieses umfangreichen Themenkomplexes. Neben den unterschiedlichen Erfolgsfaktoren und Zielsetzungen im Online-Marketing stellt der Autor auch zahlreiche Instrumente zur Erfolgsmessung vor. Mit diesem umfassenden Grundlagenwerk erhalten Sie nicht nur eine Einführung in das Online-Marketing, sondern auch einen detaillierten Einblick in das E-Commerce im Allgemeinen. Die vorliegende zweite Auflage wurde umfassend überarbeitet und um die neuesten Entwicklungen im Online-Marketing ergänzt. Neu sind unter anderem ausführliche Kapitel zu Themen wie E-Mail-, Social-Media- und Suchmaschinenmarketing.Optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung für Marketing-StudentenDer Autor legt großen Wert auf eine nachhaltige Wissensvermittlung, was sich in der didaktische Struktur des Werkes widerspiegelt. Es richtet sich insbesondere an Bachelorstudierende und Nebenfachstudenten des Studiengangs Marketing. Durch übersichtliche Lerneinheiten mit begleitenden Kontrollmodulen können sie das gelernte Wissen prüfen und vertiefen und sich so optimal auf Klausuren vorbereiten.Aber auch Angestellte in Werbeagenturen profitieren von der Expertise des Autors, da er nie den Praxisbezug zum Online-Marketing aus den Augen verliert. Dank vieler Leseempfehlungen können sich Interessierte spielend leicht tiefergehend mit den einzelnen Themen befassen.

Online Machine Learning: A Practical Guide with Examples in Python (Machine Learning: Foundations, Methodologies, and Applications)

by Eva Bartz Thomas Bartz-Beielstein

This book deals with the exciting, seminal topic of Online Machine Learning (OML). The content is divided into three parts: the first part looks in detail at the theoretical foundations of OML, comparing it to Batch Machine Learning (BML) and discussing what criteria should be developed for a meaningful comparison. The second part provides practical considerations, and the third part substantiates them with concrete practical applications. The book is equally suitable as a reference manual for experts dealing with OML, as a textbook for beginners who want to deal with OML, and as a scientific publication for scientists dealing with OML since it reflects the latest state of research. But it can also serve as quasi OML consulting since decision-makers and practitioners can use the explanations to tailor OML to their needs and use it for their application and ask whether the benefits of OML might outweigh the costs. OML will soon become practical; it is worthwhile to get involved with it now. This book already presents some tools that will facilitate the practice of OML in the future. A promising breakthrough is expected because practice shows that due to the large amounts of data that accumulate, the previous BML is no longer sufficient. OML is the solution to evaluate and process data streams in real-time and deliver results that are relevant for practice.

Online-Lebensmittelhandel in Deutschland: Status quo – Zukunftsperspektiven – Expertenmeinungen

by Erika Leischner

Dieses Buch beleuchtet den Online-Lebensmittelhandel in Deutschland aus Anbieter- und Kundenperspektive, leitet Zukunftsprognosen ab und zeigt Konsequenzen für Handel und Hersteller. Trotz des Aufwinds während der Corona-Pandemie bewegen sich die Umsätze im Online-Handel mit Lebensmitteln noch auf relativ niedrigem Niveau; die Entwicklung verläuft jedoch turbulent und wird kontrovers diskutiert. Dieses Buch beschreibt den Status quo und regt zu Diskussionen an. Es bietet eine systematische Analyse einschlägiger Studien sowie aktuelle Erkenntnisse auf Basis qualitativer Interviews mit Experten aus Handel, Industrie und Wissenschaft.

Online Learning Networks for Pre-Service and Early Career Teachers

by Nick Kelly Marc Clarà Benjamin Kehrwald Patrick Alan Alan Danaher

How can we improve support for teachers as they negotiate the pathways into the profession? This books highlights how strong networks of connections with other teachers and with resources have been shown to make a big difference. Online learning networks are one way to help pre-service and early career teachers to foster these connections and the greater community of teachers has an interest in helping new teachers to enter the profession. New technologies have allowed teachers to be connected anywhere, anytime; this book discusses principles for the design and implementation of learning networks that can use this connectivity to improve support for beginning teachers. It addresses foundational principles of types of teacher communities (online and offline), types of knowledge relevant to beginning teachers, the idea of presence within a network and methodologies for studying and nurturing communities of teachers, providing recent examples of each.

The Online Learning Handbook: Developing and Using Web-based Learning

by David Stevens Alan Jolliffe Jonathan Ritter

A guide to developing Web-based learning materials. It provides advice, tools and techniques to help readers harness the potential of on-line methods of instruction and education. Taking a simple step-by-step approach, it proceeds from the basics through to operating computer-managed learning.

Online Learning For Dummies

by Susan Manning Kevin E. Johnson

Identify the best online program for you Get organized to succeed at learning at a distance Be the best learner you can be Get your best education online Whether you're a college student, adult learner, or professional in continuing education, some—and sometimes all—of your learning will happen in a virtual classroom. This book is your friendly guide to the fast-growing possibilities of this world, from choosing the right course and mastering the software to polishing up your online communication and study skills. Whatever you want from your study experience—school success, professional development, or just pursuing your passion—this is your road map to online educational success! Inside... Find the right course for you Prep successfully for classes Manage time online Apply for study funding Transfer credits Master the software Get the right hardware Develop online etiquette

Online Learning and Teaching with Technology: Case Studies, Experience and Practice

by Rob Walker David Murphy Graham Webb

In the 21st century technology has become an essential part of teaching and learning. This manual provides practical advice on teaching in a wide range of technologies, including the internet and multimedia packages. Using case studies to illustrate the key concepts, this book aims to promote student learning and understanding, and show educators how to use technology to motivate learners and encourage productive interaction.

Online Learning and Community Cohesion: Linking Schools (Routledge Research in Education #98)

by Roger Austin Bill Hunter

National governments and multi-national institutions are spending unprecedented amounts of money on ICT on improving the overall quality of school learning, and schools are increasingly expected to prepare young people for a global economy in which inter-cultural understanding will be a priority. This book explores and analyzes the ways ICT has been used to promote citizenship and community cohesion in projects that link together schools in different parts of the world. It examines the theoretical framework behind such work and shows the impact of initiatives in the Middle East, Canada, the USA, England, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and elsewhere in the European Union. This is a critical examination of the technologies that have been deployed, the professional development that has been provided and an evaluation of what constitutes good practice, particularly in terms of what collaborative learning really means for young people. Many of these initiatives have enabled young people to develop more positive relations with culturally and religiously different neighbours, but this work has just begun. Continuing international tensions over matters of identity and faith require that we better understand the political context for such work so that we might shape future directions more deliberately and more clearly.

Online Learning Analytics (Data Analytics Applications)

by Jay Liebowitz

"In our increasingly digitally enabled education world, analytics used ethically, strategically, and with care holds the potential to help more and more diverse students be more successful on higher education journeys than ever before. Jay Liebowitz and a cadre of the fields best ‘good trouble’ makers in this space help shine a light on the possibilities, potential challenges, and the power of learning together in this work." —Mark David Milliron, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Executive Dean of the Teachers College, Western Governors University Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftereffects, we have begun to enter the "new normal" of education. Instead of online learning being an "added feature" of K–12 schools and universities worldwide, it will be incorporated as an essential feature in education. There are many questions and concerns from parents, students, teachers, professors, administrators, staff, accrediting bodies, and others regarding the quality of virtual learning and its impact on student learning outcomes. Online Learning Analytics is conceived on trying to answer the questions of those who may be skeptical about online learning. Through better understanding and applying learning analytics, we can assess how successful learning and student/faculty engagement, as examples, can contribute towards producing the educational outcomes needed to advance student learning for future generations. Learning analytics has proven to be successful in many areas, such as the impact of using learning analytics in asynchronous online discussions in higher education. To prepare for a future where online learning plays a major role, this book examines: Data insights for improving curriculum design, teaching practice, and learning Scaling up learning analytics in an evidence-informed way The role of trust in online learning. Online learning faces very real philosophical and operational challenges. This book addresses areas of concern about the future of education and learning. It also energizes the field of learning analytics by presenting research on a range of topics that is broad and recognizes the humanness and depth of educating and learning.

Online Learning

by Peterson's

How to Master Online Learning provides information about online degree programs, online certifications, and continuing education; advice on paying for online classes, software, and textbooks; and expert strategies for online learning success. Online learning continues to grow and evolve as the most popular form of distance learning. For the most comprehensive online learning guidance, including tips on making the most of your online learning experience, choose Peterson's How to Master Online Learning.

Online Language Teacher Education: TESOL Perspectives

by Liz England

More and more, ESL/EFL teachers are required by their employers to obtain a Master’s degree in TESOL. Thousands of ESL/EFL teachers are acquiring professional skills and knowledge through online and distance education instructional models. Filling a growing need and making an important contribution, this book is a forerunner in addressing some of the issues and problems for online distance learning and instructional delivery in TESOL and applied linguistics departments in universities around the world. Carefully addressing the complexity of the field, this volume includes primary research and case studies of programs where a variety of online distance models are used. Structured in a logical sequence, the readable and accessible content represents the collected expertise of leading language teacher educators. Each chapter brings the reader a better understanding and ability to apply knowledge about online distance TESOL education.

Online Language Education: Technologies, Theories, and Applications for Materials Development

by Fatemeh Nami

This book addresses the gap between Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) materials development and its theoretical considerations by offering a comprehensive look into theory, practice, and research on materials development and content authoring for language instruction/practice, drawing on the author’s personal experiences along with previous empirical/theoretical research in CALL materials development, content authoring, language teacher education, and e-learning. The book features four sections. In addition to highlighting related theoretical underpinnings, key concepts, linguistic-didactic functionalities and interaction scenarios in materials development, the volume will address the practical issues and considerations not only in the design, development, integration, and evaluation of the technology-enhanced materials development for language instruction but also the protection, usability, and access in authored and/or co-authored content. Furthermore, previous research findings and foci are addressed to highlight the research gaps and pedagogical implications for materials developers, policy makers, and language teachers. The book can help teachers, educators, and researchers overcome the aforementioned problem by providing a step-by-step guideline on how to effectively integrate technology and design and develop instructional materials for online language instruction and practice.

Online-Kommunikation für Verbände

by Ralf-Thomas Hillebrand

Strategische Website-Konzeption, treffgenaue PR-Maßnahmen, kluges Issue Management, Campaigning im Internet und authentischer Dialog mit der Commmunity wollen gelernt sein – gerade von Verbänden, die es oft mit unterschiedlichsten Zielgruppen zu tun haben. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie es geht, und erläutert, wie Verbände zielführend, nachhaltig und glaubwürdig mit ihren Stakeholdern im Netz kommunizieren können. Der Autor beschreibt fachlich fundiert, wie Sie die richtigen Maßnahmen entwickeln, diese direkt umsetzen und banale technische, aber auch schwerwiegende kommunikationsstrategische Fehler vermeiden. Anhand von ausführlichen User Storys, Use Cases und konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen werden die entscheidenden Stellschrauben und Fallstricke der Online-Verbandskommunikation erklärt. Ein wertvolles Buch für Kommunikationsverantwortliche in Verbänden, die ihre Zielgruppen noch besser erreichen wollen.

Online Investing Hacks

by Bonnie Biafore

For the geek who's an investor, and the investor who's a geek, we present Online Investing Hacks, 100 industrial-strength, bleeding edge tips, tools and techniques for analyzing and managing online portfolios. Individual investors have become more computer-literate and technology-dependent than ever before. Whether you're looking for suitable investments, studying alternatives, or managing your portfolios, you need data. The Internet can be a goldmine of financial data and research, but today's online investors also use spreadsheets, databases, and financial applications to select, study and manage investments. If your proficiency has grown to the point where you crave industrial-strength tips and tools to turbo-charge your efforts, this is the book for you. Online Investing Hacks covers:Screening Investments Collecting Data Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis Executing Trades Investing in Mutual Funds Portfolio Management Updating Stock Data Financial Planning Other books for managing online investing are either out of date, are for beginners and don't go beyond the most basic advice, or are so dull and boring they squeeze that last bit of fun out of the topic. Online Investing Hacks is for the customer who wants to know the latest techniques, to go beyond the basics, who gets jazzed by cool online tools and services, and who actually wants to have a bit of fun while trying to strike it rich (or at least not lose their shirt).

Online Intermediaries for Co-Creation

by Christoph W. Künne

This book investigates the powerful role of online intermediaries, which connect companies with their end customers, to facilitate joint product innovation. Especially in the healthcare context, such intermediaries deploy interactive online platforms to foster co-creation between engaged healthcare consumers and innovation-seeking healthcare companies. In three empirical studies, this book outlines the key characteristics of online intermediaries in healthcare, their distinct strategies, and the remaining challenges in the field. Readers will also be introduced to the stages companies go through in adopting such co-created solutions. As such, the work appeals for both its academic scope and practical reach.

Online Intercultural Exchange: Policy, Pedagogy, Practice (Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication #15)

by Tim Lewis Robert O'Dowd

This volume provides a state of the art overview of Online Intercultural Exchange (OIE) in university education and demonstrates how educators can use OIE to address current challenges in university contexts such as internationalisation, virtual mobility and intercultural foreign language education. Since the 1990s, educators have been using virtual interaction to bring their classes into contact with geographically distant partner classes to create opportunities for authentic communication, meaningful collaboration and first-hand experience of working and learning with partners from other cultural backgrounds. Online exchange projects of this nature can contribute to the development of learner autonomy, linguistic accuracy, intercultural awareness, intercultural skills and electronic literacies. Online Intercultural Exchange has now reached a stage where it is moving beyond individual classroom initiatives and is assuming a role as a major tool for internationalization, intercultural development and virtual mobility in universities around the globe. This volume reports qualitative and quantitative findings on the impact of OIE on universities in Europe and elsewhere and offers comprehensive guidance on using OIE at both pedagogical and technological levels. It provides theoretically-informed accounts of Online Intercultural Exchanges which will relevant to researchers in Computer Assisted Language Learning, Computer-Mediated Communication, or Virtual Education. Finally, contributors offer a collection of practitioner-authored and practically-oriented case studies for the benefit of teachers of foreign languages or in other subject areas who wish to engage in developing the digital literacy and intercultural competences of their learners.

The Online Informal Learning of English

by Geoffrey Sockett

Young people around the world are increasingly able to access English language media online for leisure purposes and interact with other users of English. This book examines the extent of these phenomena, their effect on language acquisition and their implications for the teaching of English in the 21st century.

Online Impulse Buying and Cognitive Dissonance: Examining the Effect of Mood on Consumer Behaviour

by Giovanni Mattia Alessio Di Leo Ludovica Principato

Consumers’ beliefs and attitudes towards online sales significantly influence buying behavior on the internet. However, the impact of these thoughts and beliefs on the decision to make an online purchase is not direct. It can be moderated by the emotions experienced while browsing an e-commerce website. Impulse buying in particular is influenced by a number of factors, for example how stimulating the e-shopping platform is, and how easy it is to click on the cart a certain product, for instance a smartphone. But what happens after an online impulse buy is made? Often the customer can regret the purchase and in the throes of anxiety, look for reasons to justify the choices made. Consumer behaviour scholars and pyschologists call this phenomenon cognitive dissonance, and certain individuals are more sensitive than others in developing this than others.This book offers a deep investigation around online impulse buying and subsequent cognitive dissonance. Specifically, the authors present a research case study of a group of millenials who are shopping for smartphones to study whether an initial positive state can reduce the onset of cognitive dissonance in consumers. Based on substantial research and a sample of 212 impulsive millennial buyers, the book provides a comprehensive, but simple and synthetic framework of impulse buying, cognitive dissonance and positive affect state, highlighting their relationships.

Online Harms and Cybertrauma: Legal and Harmful Issues with Children and Young People

by Catherine Knibbs

This vital, sensitive guide explains the serious issues children face online and how they are impacted by them on a developmental, neurological, social, mental health and wellbeing level. Covering technologies used by children aged two through to adulthood, it offers parents and professionals clear, evidence-based information about online harms and their effects and what they can do to support their child should they see, hear or bear witness to these events online. Catherine Knibbs, specialist advisor in the field, explains the issues involved when using online platforms and devices in family, social and educational settings. Examined in as non-traumatising a way as possible, the book covers key topics including cyberbullying; cyberstalking; pornography; online grooming; sexting; live streaming; vigilantism; suicide and self-harm; trolling and e-harassment; bantz, doxing and social media hacking; dares, trends and life-threatening activities; information and misinformation; and psychological games. It also explores the complex overlap of offline and online worlds in children and young people’s lives. Offering guidance and proactive and reactive strategies based in neuroscience and child development, it reveals how e-safety is not one size fits all and must consider individual children’s and families’ vulnerabilities. Online Harms and Cybertrauma will equip professionals and parents with the knowledge to support their work and direct conversations about the online harms that children and young people face. It is essential reading for those training and working with children in psychological, educational and social work contexts, as well as parents, policy makers and those involved in development of online technologies.

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