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Showing 21,676 through 21,700 of 54,430 results

Didactics of Smart Pedagogy: Smart Pedagogy for Technology Enhanced Learning

by Linda Daniela

The focus on smart education has become a new trend in the global educational field. Some countries have already developed smart education systems and there is increasing pressure coming from business and tech communities to continue this development. Simultaneously, there are only fragmented studies on the didactic aspects of technology usage. Thus, pedagogy as a science must engage in a new research direction—smart pedagogy. This book seeks to engage in a new research direction, that of smart pedagogy. It launches discussions on how to use all sorts of smart education solutions in the context of existing learning theories and on how to apply innovative solutions in order to reduce the marginalization of groups in educational contexts. It also explores transformations of pedagogical science, the role of the educator, applicable teaching methods, learning outcomes, and research and assessment of acquired knowledge in an effort to make the smart education process meaningful to a wide audience of international educators, researchers, and administrators working within and tangential to TEL.

Die Maschine: Mensch und Technologie im digitalen Zeitalter

by Caja Thimm Thomas Christian Bächle

Die Maschine – Freund oder Feind? Selbstverständlich folgt darauf keine eindeutige Antwort, denn in den bekannten Deutungen des Verhältnisses zwischen den Maschinen und den Menschen findet sich immer beides. Spätestens mit der industriellen Revolution ist die Maschine zum Objekt sehr ambivalenter Bewertungen geworden. Sie symbolisiert Fortschritt und Erlösung und gilt doch zugleich als Ursache und Antreiber gesellschaftlicher Konflikte. Eine ähnliche Ambivalenz ist auch heute zu beobachten: Die Angst vor der Maschine ist nicht nur mit Themen wie dem Verschwinden der Arbeit verbunden, sondern mit dystopischen Vorstellungen vom vollständigen Untergang der Menschheit: Künstliche Intelligenz beherrscht menschliches Denken und Handeln, die Manipulationsmacht durch digitale Großkonzerne führt zu einem „Feudalismus 2.0“. Gerade weil die Angst vor den Maschinen und ihren sozialen und politischen Auswirkungen als Topos aus dem größeren Kontext des Mensch-Technik-Verhältnisses bekannt ist, kommt der mit diesem Band verfolgten Aktualisierung dieser Debatte ein wichtiger Stellenwert zu.Der InhaltDie Maschine: Metapher, Mythos, Objekt ● Der Mensch als „Gehirnmaschine“ ● Die schöne neue Cyborg-Welt im japanischen Anime ● Autonome Systeme, Roboter und ethische Implikationen ● Digitaler Feudalismus ● Computer gegen Arbeiter: Digitale Technologien und das Verschwinden der Arbeit ● „Hochinvasive Überwachung“ ● Autonome Waffensysteme und die Imagination menschlicher Kontrolle ● Internetsucht ● Die Digitalisierung menschlicher ReproduktionDie HerausgeberDr. Caja Thimm ist Professorin für Medienwissenschaft und Intermedialität in der Abteilung Medienwissenschaft des Instituts für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft der Universität Bonn.Dr. Thomas Christian Bächle ist Medienwissenschaftler und leitet am Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG) in Berlin das Forschungsprogramm „Die Entwicklung der digitalen Gesellschaft“.

Die Unschuld der Maschinen: Technikvertrauen in einer smarten Welt

by Mario Donick

Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, worauf das menschliche Vertrauen in Technik basiert Tablet. Smartphone. GPS. In unserer zunehmend smarten und digitalen Gesellschaft sind wir permanent gezwungen, Technik zu vertrauen – im Kleinen wie im Großen. Im Kleinen vertraut man darauf, dass Technik so einfach wie in der Werbung funktioniert: einschalten und fertig. Im Großen muss man darauf bauen, dass Technik nur das tut, was sie soll. Doch je smarter Technik heute wird, desto undurchschaubarer ist ihre Funktionsweise. Deshalb beschäftigt sich Mario Donick in seinem Buch mit der Frage, was es mit dem Technikvertrauen der Menschen auf sich hat. Der Fokus seines Buches liegt auf den folgenden Aspekten:Wie können Menschen Technik (und den abwesenden Menschen dahinter) vertrauen?Wie gehen Menschen damit um, wenn ihr Vertrauen gefährdet ist?Was müssen Menschen tun, um in einer immer „smarteren“ Welt handlungsfähig zu bleiben?Das alles sind Fragestellungen, die aus Donicks Sicht immer wichtiger werden – insbesondere mit Blick auf die Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, die im Alltag an Komplexität gewinnt. Der Autor liefert Ihnen sowohl theoretische als auch praktische Impulse In fünf Kapiteln bringt Ihnen Mario Donicks Buch das Thema Technikvertrauen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln näher:Das erste Kapitel untersucht, was Technik überhaupt ist und welche Rolle Vertrauen sowie Wissen in diesem Zusammenhang spielen.Im zweiten Kapitel steht die Human-Computer-Interaction im Fokus: Welche Bedürfnisse muss Technik erfüllen und wie gehen Menschen hier mit Enttäuschungen um?Der Aufbau von Computern sowie ihre Programmierung sind das zentrale Thema des dritten Kapitels.Im vierten Kapitel untersucht Donick die Rolle des IT-Service als Problemlöser in der Technik-Mensch-Beziehung.Abschließend blickt der Autor im fünften Kapitel in die Zukunft und erörtert neue Techniktrends.Damit liefert Ihnen dieses Buch wertvolle theoretische und praktische Impulse zum Thema Technikvertrauen. Anhand praktischer Fallbeispiele lernen Sie, wie Sie „smarte“ Technik verstehen können. Zudem erfahren Sie, wie Sie erfolgreich mit dem technischen Kundendienst kommunizieren. Ideal für Menschen, die im Alltag auf Technik angewiesen sind und deren Funktionsweise besser verstehen wollen.

Digital: Wie Computer denken

by Jürgen Beetz

„Mehr ist anders“, sagte ein Nobelpreisträger und meinte damit das Phänomen der „Emergenz“ — dass bei einer Zunahme von Quantität eine neue Qualität, etwas grundsätzlich Neues entstehen kann.Genau dies führt der Autor am Thema „Digitalisierung“ vor: Der Computer, der nach einfachsten technischen Prinzipien funktioniert, wird zum mächtigen Werkzeug, ja „Denkzeug“. Milliarden Computer, miteinander vernetzt, schaffen erneut einen Qualitätssprung: die Entstehung eines weltweiten Informations-, aber auch Überwachungsnetzes. Und wir erleben eine technische Revolution, die vor allem durch die „Künstliche Intelligenz“ ausgelöst wird. Diese Entwicklung wird in einfacher Sprache und mit vielen konkreten Beispielen in diesem Buch verständlich dargestellt. Ausgehend von der technischen Funktionsweise klassischer Computer sowie neuronaler Netze wird die Modellierung der Wirklichkeit in Form von Daten und Prozessen beschrieben. Aufbauend auf diesem Verständnis wird ein Teil der mannigfaltigen Aspekte der digitalen Vernetzung anschaulich geschildert und bewertet. So lernen die Leser, wie Computer „denken“. Letztendlich geht es um die Frage, ob die Digitalisierung Segen oder Fluch der Menschheit sein wird. Die Antwort des Autors wird Sie überraschen.

Digital Art, Aesthetic Creation: The Birth of a Medium (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies)

by Paul Crowther

Is art created with computers really art? This book answers ‘yes.’ Computers can generate visual art with unique aesthetic effects based on innovations in computer technology and a Postmodern naturalization of technology wherein technology becomes something we live in as well as use. The present study establishes these claims by looking at digital art’s historical emergence from the 1960s to the start of the present century. Paul Crowther, using a philosophical approach to art history, considers the first steps towards digital graphics, their development in terms of three-dimensional abstraction and figuration, and then the complexities of their interactive formats.

The Digital Big Bang: The Hard Stuff, the Soft Stuff, and the Future of Cybersecurity

by Phil Quade

Cybersecurity experts from across industries and sectors share insights on how to think like scientists to master cybersecurity challenges Humankind’s efforts to explain the origin of the cosmos birthed disciplines such as physics and chemistry. Scientists conceived of the cosmic ‘Big Bang’ as an explosion of particles—everything in the universe centered around core elements and governed by laws of matter and gravity. In the modern era of digital technology, we are experiencing a similar explosion of ones and zeros, an exponentially expanding universe of bits of data centered around the core elements of speed and connectivity. One of the disciplines to emerge from our efforts to make sense of this new universe is the science of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is as central to the Digital Age as physics and chemistry were to the Scientific Age. The Digital Big Bang explores current and emerging knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, helping readers think like scientists to master cybersecurity principles and overcome cybersecurity challenges. This innovative text adopts a scientific approach to cybersecurity, identifying the science’s fundamental elements and examining how these elements intersect and interact with each other. Author Phil Quade distills his over three decades of cyber intelligence, defense, and attack experience into an accessible, yet detailed, single-volume resource. Designed for non-specialist business leaders and cybersecurity practitioners alike, this authoritative book is packed with real-world examples, techniques, and strategies no organization should be without. Contributions from many of the world’s leading cybersecurity experts and policymakers enable readers to firmly grasp vital cybersecurity concepts, methods, and practices. This important book: Guides readers on both fundamental tactics and advanced strategies Features observations, hypotheses, and conclusions on a wide range of cybersecurity issues Helps readers work with the central elements of cybersecurity, rather than fight or ignore them Includes content by cybersecurity leaders from organizations such as Microsoft, Target, ADP, Capital One, Verisign, AT&T, Samsung, and many others Offers insights from national-level security experts including former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell The Digital Big Bang is an invaluable source of information for anyone faced with the challenges of 21st century cybersecurity in all industries and sectors, including business leaders, policy makers, analysts and researchers as well as IT professionals, educators, and students.

Digital Business: Business Algorithms, Cloud Computing and Data Engineering (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #21)

by Srikanta Patnaik Xin-She Yang Madjid Tavana Florin Popentiu-Vlădicescu Feng Qiao

This edited book presents contributions from three different areas: cloud computing, digital mess and business algorithms on a single platform, i.e. Digital Business. The book is divided into four sections: (i) Digital Business Transformation, (ii) Cloud Computing, (iii) IOT & Mobility, and (iv) Information Management & Social Media, which are part of a holistic approach to information management and connecting the value chains of businesses to derive more throughput in the entire business ecosystem. Digital business is a niche area of computer science and business management, and its dimension is vast – it includes technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobile platforms, big data applied in areas like ERP, data mining and business intelligence. Digital technologies have also challenged existing business models and will continue to do so. One of the key driving forces is the capacity of innovation and the commercialization of information and communication technologies.Providing insights into the new paradigm of digital business, the book is a valuable resource for research scholars, academics and professionals.

Digital Business Models: Concepts, Models, and the Alphabet Case Study (Progress in IS)

by Bernd W. Wirtz

The spread of the Internet into all areas of business activities has put a particular focus on business models. The digitalization of business processes is the driver of changes in company strategies and management practices alike. This textbook provides a structured and conceptual approach, allowing students and other readers to understand the commonalities and specifics of the respective business models. The book begins with an overview of the business model concept in general by presenting the development of business models, analyzing definitions of business models and discussing the significance of the success of business model management. In turn, Chapter 2 offers insights into and explanations of the business model concept and provides the underlying approaches and ideas behind business models. Building on these foundations, Chapter 3 outlines the fundamental aspects of the digital economy. In the following chapters the book examines various core models in the business to consumer (B2C) context. The chapters follow a 4-C approach that divides the digital B2C businesses into models focusing on content, commerce, context and connection. Each chapter describes one of the four models and provides information on the respective business model types, the value chain, core assets and competencies as well as a case study. Based on the example of Google, Chapter 8 merges these approaches and describes the development of a hybrid digital business model. Chapter 9 is dedicated to business-to-business (B2B) digital business models. It shows how companies focus on business solutions such as online provision of sourcing, sales, supportive collaboration and broker services. Chapter 10 shares insight into the innovation aspect of digital business models, presenting structures and processes of digital business model innovation. The book is rounded out by a comprehensive case study on Google/Alphabet that combines all aspects of digital business models.Conceived as a textbook for students in advanced undergraduate courses, the book will also be useful for professionals and practitioners involved in business model innovation, and applied researchers.

Digital Cinema: The Seduction Of Reality (Quick Takes: Movies and Popular Culture)

by Stephen Prince

Digital Cinema considers how new technologies have revolutionized the medium, while investigating the continuities that might remain from filmmaking’s analog era. In the process, it raises provocative questions about the status of realism in a pixel-generated digital medium whose scenes often defy the laws of physics. It also considers what these changes might bode for the future of cinema. How will digital works be preserved and shared? And will the emergence of virtual reality finally consign cinema to obsolescence? Stephen Prince offers a clear, concise account of how digital cinema both extends longstanding traditions of filmmaking and challenges some fundamental assumptions about film. It is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding how movies are shot, produced, distributed, and consumed in the twenty-first century.

Digital Creature Rigging: Wings, Tails & Tentacles for Animation & VFX

by Stewart Jones

In a follow-up book, which re-iterates the principles of “Digital Creature Rigging: The Art & Science of CG Creature Setup in 3ds Max”, and enhances their relativity with advanced wing, tail and tentacle setups. This book will discuss advanced rigging techniques in 3ds Max, while readers create a fish, octopus and a Game of Thrones style dragon! Key Features This is the next step in CG creature setups in 3ds Max. Although 3ds Max specific, the techniques and foundations will work for any 3D application. By following the step-by-step guides in this book, you can finish and complete a portfolioready. Each chapter will include an introduction and a summary, giving significance to the start and end of each chapter where our readers can rest! This book includes a companion website where chapter supplements and core files and documents could be easily accessed.

Digital Customer Experience: Mit digitalen Diensten Kunden gewinnen und halten (Edition HMD)

by Susanne Robra-Bissantz Christoph Lattemann

Die Digital Customer Experience rückt zunehmend in den Fokus, wenn es darum geht, Kunden einen besonderen Nutzen und ein besonderes Erlebnis zu versprechen, sie zufrieden zu stellen und zu binden. Sie ergänzt Produkte und Dienstleistungen und bietet dabei insbesondere im Kontakt zwischen Kunden und Anbietern digitale Services und Unterstützungsangebote. Hier setzt das Buch an: Der vorliegende Herausgeberband legt aus der theoretischen Perspektive der Service Dominant Logic die Grundlagen für die Betrachtung und Gestaltung einer Digital Customer Experience. Anschließend fokussieren die Autoren auf IT-gestützte Möglichkeiten, die persönliche Beziehung zwischen Kunde und Anbieter im stationären Einzelhandel durch digitale Dienste zu ergänzen. Besondere Betrachtungen einer mobilen oder mithilfe von virtueller Realität gestalteter Customer Experience sowie sozialer und kooperativer Konzepte schließen sich an. Ansätze zu Design und Rahmenbedingungen der Gestaltung einer Digital Customer Experience runden das Herausgeberwerk ab.Wie typisch für die Fachbuchreihe Edition HMD greifen die Beitragsautoren das Thema aus Sicht von Forschung und Praxis gleichermaßen auf.

Digital Discussions: How Big Data Informs Political Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series)

by Natalie Jomini Stroud Shannon McGregor

Big data raise major research possibilities for political communication scholars who are interested in how citizens, elites, and journalists interact. With the availability of social media data, academics can observe, on a large scale, how people talk about politics. The opportunity to study political discussions is also available to media organizations and political elites—examining how they make use of big data represents another fruitful scholarly trajectory. The scholars involved in Digital Discussions represent forward thinkers who aim to inform the study of political communication by analyzing the behavior of and messages left by citizens, elites, and journalists in digital spaces. By using a variety of methodological approaches and bringing together diverse theoretical perspectives, this group sheds light on how big data can inform political communication research. It is critical reading for those studying and working in communication studies with a focus on big data.

Digital Economies at Global Margins (International Development Research Centre)

by Mark Graham

Investigations of what increasing digital connectivity and the digitalization of the economy mean for people and places at the world's economic margins.Within the last decade, more than one billion people became new Internet users. Once, digital connectivity was confined to economically prosperous parts of the world; now Internet users make up a majority of the world's population. In this book, contributors from a range of disciplines and locations investigate the impact of increased digital connectivity on people and places at the world's economic margins. Does the advent of a digitalized economy mean that those in economic peripheries can transcend spatial, organizational, social, and political constraints—or do digital tools and techniques tend to reinforce existing inequalities?The contributors present a diverse set of case studies, reporting on digitalization in countries ranging from Chile to Kenya to the Philippines, and develop a broad range of theoretical positions. They consider, among other things, data-driven disintermediation, women's economic empowerment and gendered power relations, digital humanitarianism and philanthropic capitalism, the spread of innovation hubs, and two cases of the reversal of core and periphery in digital innovation.ContributorsNiels Beerepoot, Ryan Burns, Jenna Burrell, Julie Yujie Chen, Peter Dannenberg, Uwe Deichmann, Jonathan Donner, Christopher Foster, Mark Graham, Nicolas Friederici, Hernan Galperin, Catrihel Greppi, Anita Gurumurthy, Isis Hjorth, Lilly Irani, Molly Jackman, Calestous Juma, Dorothea Kleine, Madlen Krone, Vili Lehdonvirta, Chris Locke, Silvia Masiero, Hannah McCarrick,Deepak K. Mishra, Bitange Ndemo, Jorien Oprins, Elisa Oreglia, Stefan Ouma, Robert Pepper, Jack Linchuan Qiu, Julian Stenmanns, Tim Unwin, Julia Verne, Timothy Waema

Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation: 4th International Conference, ICDEc 2019, Beirut, Lebanon, April 15–18, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #358)

by Rim Jallouli Mohamed Anis Bach Tobji Deny Bélisle Sehl Mellouli Farid Abdallah Ibrahim Osman

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Economy, ICDEc 2019, held in Beirut, Lebanon, in April 2019. The conference was founded in 2016 to discuss innovative research and projects related to the support role of Information System Technologies in the digital transformation process, business innovation and e-commerce. The 31 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The theme of ICDEc 2019 was “Digital Economy: Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation”. The papers were organized in topical sections named: digital transformation; e-finance; social media communication; intelligent systems; e-commerce and business analytics; e-learning and cloud education; e-commerce and digital economy; data science; digital marketing; and digital business model.

Digital Education: 6th European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOCs 2019, Naples, Italy, May 20–22, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11475)

by Mauro Calise Carlos Delgado Kloos Justin Reich Jose A. Ruiperez-Valiente Martin Wirsing

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Massive Open Online Courses, EMOOCs 2019, held in Naples, Italy, in May 2019. The 15 full and 6 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 42 submissions. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have marked a milestone in the use of technology for education. The reach, potential, and possibilities of EMOOCs are immense. But they are not only restricted to global outreach: the same technology can be used to improve teaching on campus and training inside companies and institutions. The chapter 'Goal Setting and Striving in MOOCs. A Peek inside the Black Box of Learner Behaviour' is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at

Digital Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects (Palgrave Studies of Entrepreneurship in Africa)

by Nasiru D. Taura Elvira Bolat Nnamdi O. Madichie

This pioneering collection seeks to understand why and how some digital enterprises in Africa progress while others firms either stagnate or regress. Using a range of detailed case studies, it addresses the challenges and barriers that are in place and how some outstanding digital firms deal with operating in a hostile business environment. While digital platforms have created equal access for small businesses, many digital entrepreneurs in Africa continue to struggle with local environments replete with corruption, and other economic inefficiencies. The contributions move the debate forward by addressing the challenges, opportunities, and prospects of digital enterprise in Africa. Placing special emphasis on how African new entrant digital firms are shaping the landscape and forging a new beginning for Africa, this book offers entrepreneurial perspectives to both researchers and policy-makers seeking to support and stimulate entrepreneurship in the new era.

Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime: 7th International Conference, Icdf2c 2015, Seoul, South Korea, October 6-8, 2015. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #259)

by Frank Breitinger Ibrahim Baggili

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, ICDF2C 2018, held in New Orleans, LA, USA, in September 2018. The 11 reviewed full papers and 1 short paper were selected from 33 submissions and are grouped in topical sections on carving and data hiding, android, forensic readiness, hard drives and digital forensics, artifact correlation.

Digital Forensics and Watermarking: 17th International Workshop, IWDW 2018, Jeju Island, Korea, October 22-24, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11378)

by Chang D. Yoo Yun-Qing Shi Hyoung Joong Kim Alessandro Piva Gwangsu Kim

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Watermarking, IWDW 2018, held on Jeju Island, Korea, in October 2018.The 25 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The contributions are covering the following topics: deep neural networks for digital forensics; steganalysis and identification; watermarking; reversible data hiding; steganographic algorithms; identification and security; deep generative models for forgery and its detection.

Digital Hand Lettering and Modern Calligraphy: Essential Techniques Plus Step-by-Step Tutorials for Scanning, Editing, and Creating on a Tablet

by Shelly Kim

For lettering enthusiasts of all levels, learn easy ways to develop and adapt hand lettering skills and techniques to a variety of digital platforms.Popular Instagram lettering artist and workshop instructor Shelly Kim (@lettersbyshells) offers lettering artists from beginner to advanced step-by-step instruction, along with ample photos and lettering examples. Start with lettering essentials that show how to create different styles of brush lettering with the right tools, how to connect letters to form words, form flourishes, and more.Then turn that unique calligraphy into lettering that you can use over and over again, just by digitizing it. Discover several options for creating digital lettering, each one clearly outlined and explained. Become familiar with tools and techniques that make the process fast and enjoyable.See how far you can take your digital lettering with fun projects for creating cards, name tags, adding foiling and more.In this book you’ll learn how to:Produce loose, bouncy lettering that adds style to any projectDesign meaningful quotes by learning a quick trick for great compositionsCreate digital files that give you numerous options for adding color and changing the shapes and sizes of lettersMake a custom digital lettering brush that you can use for unique calligraphyLetter on a tablet and learn the basics of Procreate and Apple PencilUse your lettering for great projects that incorporate digital and hands-on techniquesGet inspiration from stunning gallery pieces by Karin Newport of @ipadlettering and Myriam of @halfapxDigital Hand Lettering and Modern Calligraphy will guide you to the future of lettering!

Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Healthcare Applications: 10th International Conference, DHM 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26–31, 2019, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11582)

by Vincent G. Duffy

This two-volume set LNCS 11581 and 11582 constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management, DHM 2019, which was held as part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, in Orlando, FL, USA, in July 2019. The total of 1275 papers and 209 posters included in the 35 HCII 2019 proceedings volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 5029 submissions. DHM 2019 includes a total of 77 papers; they were organized in topical sections named: Part I, Human Body and Motion: Anthropometry and computer aided ergonomics; motion prediction and motion capture; work modelling and industrial applications; risk assessment and safety. Part II, Healthcare Applications: Models in healthcare; quality of life technologies; health dialogues; health games and social communities.

Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Human Body and Motion: 10th International Conference, DHM 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26–31, 2019, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11581)

by Vincent G. Duffy

This two-volume set LNCS 11581 and 11582 constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management, DHM 2019, which was held as part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, in Orlando, FL, USA, in July 2019.The total of 1275 papers and 209 posters included in the 35 HCII 2019 proceedings volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 5029 submissions. DHM 2019 includes a total of 77 papers; they were organized in topical sections named: Part I, Human Body and Motion: Anthropometry and computer aided ergonomics; motion prediction and motion capture; work modelling and industrial applications; risk assessment and safety.Part II, Healthcare Applications: Models in healthcare; quality of life technologies; health dialogues; health games and social communities.

Digital Humanities and New Ways of Teaching (Digital Culture and Humanities #1)

by Anna Wing-bo Tso

This volume includes a variety of first-hand case studies, critical analyses, action research and reflective practice in the digital humanities which ranges from digital literature, library science, online games, museum studies, information literacy to corpus linguistics in the 21st century. It informs readers of the latest developments in the digital humanities and their influence on learning and teaching.With the growing advancement of digital technology, humanistic inquiries have expanded and transformed in unfathomable complexity as new content is being rapidly created. The emergence of electronic archiving, digital scholarship, digitized pedagogy, textual digitization and software creation has brought about huge impacts on both humanities subjects and the university curricula in terms of nature, scope and design. This volume provides insights into what these technological changes mean for all the stakeholders involved and for the ways in which humanities subjects are understood. Part 1 of this volume begins with a broad perspective on digital humanities and discusses the current status of the field in Asia, Canada and Europe. Then, with a special focus on new literacies, educational implications, and innovative research in the digital humanities, Parts 2-4 explore how digital technology revolutionizes art forms, curricula, and pedagogy, revealing the current practices and latest trends in the digital humanities.Written by experts and researchers across Asia, Australia, Canada and Europe, this volume brings global insights into the digital humanities, particularly in the education aspect. It is of interest to researchers and students of cultural studies, literature, education, and technology studies.The strongest point of this collection of work is that, it brings important concepts to the study of digital literacies, for example, looking at it from the perspective of new literacies, languages and education.Daniel Churchill, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong KongWith a rapidly growing advancement in digital tools, this book has made a relevant contribution by informing readers what the latest development of these tools are, and discusses how they can aid research, libraries, education and even poets across different continents. Samuel Kai-wah Chu, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

Digital Image Interpolation in Matlab (Wiley - IEEE)

by Chi-Wah Kok Wing-Shan Tam

This book provides a comprehensive study in digital image interpolation with theoretical, analytical and Matlab® implementation. It includes all historically and practically important interpolation algorithms, accompanied with Matlab® source code on a website, which will assist readers to learn and understand the implementation details of each presented interpolation algorithm. Furthermore, sections in fundamental signal processing theories and image quality models are also included. The authors intend for the book to help readers develop a thorough consideration of the design of image interpolation algorithms and applications for their future research in the field of digital image processing. Introduces a wide range of traditional and advanced image interpolation methods concisely and provides thorough treatment of theoretical foundations Discusses in detail the assumptions and limitations of presented algorithms Investigates a variety of interpolation and implementation methods including transform domain, edge-directed, wavelet and scale-space, and fractal based methods Features simulation results for comparative analysis, summaries and computational and analytical exercises at the end of each chapter Digital Image Interpolation in Matlab® is an excellent guide for researchers and engineers working in digital imaging and digital video technologies. Graduate students studying digital image processing will also benefit from this practical reference text.

Digital Image Processing using SCILAB

by Ashish M. Kothari Rohit M. Thanki

This book provides basic theories and implementations using SCILAB open-source software for digital images. The book simplifies image processing theories and well as implementation of image processing algorithms, making it accessible to those with basic knowledge of image processing. This book includes many SCILAB programs at the end of each theory, which help in understanding concepts. The book includes more than sixty SCILAB programs of the image processing theory. In the appendix, readers will find a deeper glimpse into the research areas in the image processing.

Digital Image Watermarking: Theoretical and Computational Advances (Intelligent Signal Processing and Data Analysis)

by Surekha Borra Rohit Thanki Nilanjan Dey

The Book presents an overview of newly developed watermarking techniques in various independent and hybrid domains <P><P>Covers the basics of digital watermarking, its types, domain in which it is implemented and the application of machine learning algorithms onto digital watermarking <P><P>Reviews hardware implementation of watermarking <P><P>Discusses optimization problems and solutions in watermarking with a special focus on bio-inspired algorithms <P><P>Includes a case study along with its MATLAB code and simulation results

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