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A Life Lived Remotely

by Siobhan McKeown

What happens when we take our lives online? How are we being changed by immersion in the internet? How do we know the difference between work and life when one seems to blend into the other?Part memoir, part theory, A Life Lived Remotely tells the story of a transition to the digital age. It follows the author's journey through remote work, framing it within the exponential growth of the internet and the rapid spread of neoliberalism. It examines how we are being changed by the internet, how we experience that change, and at the anxieties and issues that arise. A moment's pause in a world of fast-paced communication, it provides a critical reflection on what it means to come of age along with the internet.

The Life Informatic

by Dominic Boyer

News journalism is in the midst of radical transformation brought about by the spread of digital information and communication technology and the rise of neoliberalism. What does it look like, however, from the inside of a news organization? In The Life Informatic, Dominic Boyer offers the first anthropological ethnography of contemporary office-based news journalism. The result is a fascinating account of journalists struggling to maintain their expertise and authority, even as they find their principles and skills profoundly challenged by ever more complex and fast-moving streams of information. Boyer conducted his fieldwork inside three news organizations in Germany (a world leader in digital journalism) supplemented by extensive interviews in the United States. His findings challenge popular and scholarly images of journalists as roving truth-seekers, showing instead the extent to which sedentary office-based "screenwork" (such as gathering and processing information online) has come to dominate news journalism. To explain this phenomenon Boyer puts forth the notion of "digital liberalism"-a powerful convergence of technological and ideological forces over the past two decades that has rebalanced electronic mediation from the radial (or broadcast) tendencies of the mid-twentieth century to the lateral (or peer-to-peer) tendencies that dominate in the era of the Internet and social media. Under digital liberalism an entire regime of media, knowledge, and authority has become integrated around liberal principles of individuality and publicity, both unmaking and remaking news institutions of the broadcast era. Finally, Boyer offers some scenarios for how news journalism will develop in the future and discusses how other intellectual professionals, such as ethnographers, have also become more screenworkers than fieldworkers.

Life in Death: My Animated Films 1976-2020

by Dennis Tupicoff

Death—the very word is resonant with emotion, imagery, and meaning. It is the ultimate life-event that all living things will eventually experience; as such, it comes as no surprise that death is often a popular theme of literature, art, games, cinema, music, and even animation. Dennis Tupicoff, world-renowned animator, writer, and producer, is an expert on the narrative application of death in animation. Take a journey with Tupicoff as he goes in-depth into the many themes, associations, and practices found in film and especially animation. Life in Death: My Animated Films 1976–2020 explores death as it relates to experience, storytelling, theory, and narrative. The examples in the very readable text are organized into three broad categories: cartoon, documentary, and hybrids of various types. KEY FEATURES Explores death as a narrative theme within cinema and animation Biographical insight into Dennis Tupicoff’s works and how the subject of death impacted these completed award-winning films Special online access to Dennis Tupicoff’s animated works In-depth exploration into ten of Dennis Tupicoff’s most influential animations

Life in 50mm: The Photographer's Lens

by Tanya Nagar

The 50mm lens is for photography purists. It's cheap to buy, light to carry and gets amazing results. It also makes even the greatest photographers try just that little bit harder to frame the perfect image. As a result, it's the first thing anyone buys after their camera. Life in 50mm shares the greatest photos - and the personal experiences that led to them - from some of today's leading photographers. It also explains why they chose to reject complicated modern zooms and express themselves through the 50mm prime in the first place.

Life in 50mm: The Photographer's Lens

by Tanya Nagar

The 50mm lens is for photography purists. It's cheap to buy, light to carry and gets amazing results. It also makes even the greatest photographers try just that little bit harder to frame the perfect image. As a result, it's the first thing anyone buys after their camera. Life in 50mm shares the greatest photos - and the personal experiences that led to them - from some of today's leading photographers. It also explains why they chose to reject complicated modern zooms and express themselves through the 50mm prime in the first place.

Life Finds a Way: What Evolution Teaches Us About Creativity

by Andreas Wagner

How the principles of biological innovation can help us overcome creative challenges in art, business, and scienceIn Life Finds a Way, biologist Andreas Wagner reveals the deep symmetry between innovation in biological evolution and human cultural creativity. Rarely is either a linear climb to perfection--instead, "progress" is typically marked by a sequence of peaks, plateaus, and pitfalls. For instance, in Picasso's forty-some iterations of Guernica, we see the same combination of small steps, incessant reshuffling, and large, almost reckless, leaps that characterize the way evolution transformed a dinosaur's grasping claw into a condor's soaring wing. By understanding these principles, we can also better realize our own creative potential to find new solutions to adversity.Ultimately, Life Finds a Way offers a new framework for the nature of creativity, enabling us to better adapt, grow, and change in art, business, or science--that is, in life.

Life Engineering: Machine Intelligence and Quality of Life

by Hubert Osterle

Machine Intelligence is changing every aspect of our lives. Internet traffic and sensors in households, cars, and wearables provide data that oligopolistic companies collect and use to extract patterns of human behavior. Further, active digital assistants are taking over more and more of our everyday decisions. Humanity is on the verge of an evolutionary leap and it is time to determine if this development will benefit people’s wellbeing or will just mean the accumulation of capital and power with no regard for quality of life. This book integrates the perspectives of various disciplines that are striving to establish resilient foundations – computer science, economics and social sciences, political science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, ethics and religion – in order to clarify a number of positions and, as a result, objectify the discussions. Written by Hubert Osterle, a researcher working at the interface of these disciplines, the book promotes debate on the future of man and machine, on happiness and evolution and on the major changes brought about by digital technology. Last but not least, it is a manifesto calling for a new – integrated – discipline to be founded: life engineering.

Life by Algorithms: How Roboprocesses Are Remaking Our World

by Hugh Gusterson Catherine Besteman

Computerized processes are everywhere in our society. They are the automated phone messaging systems that businesses use to screen calls; the link between student standardized test scores and public schools’ access to resources; the algorithms that regulate patient diagnoses and reimbursements to doctors. The storage, sorting, and analysis of massive amounts of information have enabled the automation of decision-making at an unprecedented level. Meanwhile, computers have offered a model of cognition that increasingly shapes our approach to the world. The proliferation of “roboprocesses” is the result, as editors Catherine Besteman and Hugh Gusterson observe in this rich and wide-ranging volume, which features contributions from a distinguished cast of scholars in anthropology, communications, international studies, and political science. Although automatic processes are designed to be engines of rational systems, the stories in Life by Algorithms reveal how they can in fact produce absurd, inflexible, or even dangerous outcomes. Joining the call for “algorithmic transparency,” the contributors bring exceptional sensitivity to everyday sociality into their critique to better understand how the perils of modern technology affect finance, medicine, education, housing, the workplace, food production, public space, and emotions—not as separate problems but as linked manifestations of a deeper defect in the fundamental ordering of our society.

Life Beyond Likes: Logging Off Your Screen and Into Your Life

by Isa Watson

With so much of our lives lived online, we&’ve never been more connected—or disconnected from what&’s most important to us.It&’s time to let go of our curated online worlds and get beyond our need for likes.For all that we think we&’re getting out of social media, we&’re also getting duped. The perfection echo chamber oftentimes makes us feel like we&’re getting left behind. The truth is, life is messy, but curated online fabulousness makes it hard to let our true selves show, and it impedes our ability to have real, meaningful connections. Depression, anxiety, and suicide are also on the rise, and the virtual world is partially to blame, affecting our self-worth, our friendships, and the way we choose to navigate our real lives. As the founder and CEO of Squad, an app company built on connectedness, Isa Watson knows firsthand why we need to learn how to be more genuine. The digital world is her lifeblood, but it&’s also been an Achilles&’ heel: She struggled privately with some of the biggest challenges life can throw at you, while online she seemed to be living her best life—earning high-profile accolades, taking fabulous trips, and partying with the likes of many big name celebrities. It took a personal crisis to make her realize that she needed to change.In Life Beyond Likes, she gets real, sharing practical guidance on:Getting over the addiction to likes, and letting your true self shineRecognizing your own damaging habits and developing healthy onesDetermining when a friendship has run its courseGetting comfortable with discomfort in order to make real connectionsDrawing from a wealth of experiences including being the youngest published chemist in the world, working as executive in the upper echelons at JPMorgan Chase, and founding her own company, Isa helps readers better understand what constitutes success, identify what&’s really important, and achieve a balance between the curated online world and the enriching, emotionally nourishing world right in front of us.

Life and Its Future

by Josephine C. Adams Jürgen Engel

This book is aimed at those who wish to understand more about the molecular basis of life and how life on earth may change in coming centuries. Readers of this book will gain knowledge of how life began on Earth, the natural processes that have led to the great diversity of biological organisms that exist today, recent research into the possibility of life on other planets, and how the future of life on earth faces unprecedented pressures from human-made activities. Readers will obtain a perspective on the potential risks of chemical or nuclear warfare, and the ever-increasing risks from human activities that are causing pollution and climate change with global heating. Readers will also learn about ongoing research efforts to generate “designer lifeforms” through synthetic biology and applications of artificial intelligence. The book makes an integrated, up-to-date, overview of topics often considered as separate fields. It should be valuable to students, teachers, and people who are concerned about the future of life.

Life After Television

by George Gilder

Predicts that personal computers linked into a global network will soon replace television, and thereby overthrow the tyranny of mass media, renew individual power, and promote democracy worldwide. Urges American business to get on the ball with fiber optics. Reprinted from the 1990 edition published by Whittle Books. No index or bibliography.

Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy

by George Gilder

“Google’s algorithms assume the world’s future is nothing more than the next moment in a random process. George Gilder shows how deep this assumption goes, what motivates people to make it, and why it’s wrong: the future depends on human action.” — Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and Palantir Technologies and author of Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future. “If you want to be clued in to the unfolding future, then you have come to the right place. For decades, George Gilder has been the undisputed oracle of technology’s future. Are giant companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook the unstoppable monopolistic juggernauts that they seem, or are they dysfunctional giants about to be toppled by tech-savvy, entrepreneurial college dropouts?” — Nick Tredennick, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, QuickSilver Technolog Silicon Valley’s Nervous Breakdown The Age of Google, built on big data and machine intelligence, has been an awesome era. But it’s coming to an end. In Life after Google, George Gilder—the peerless visionary of technology and culture—explains why Silicon Valley is suffering a nervous breakdown and what to expect as the post-Google age dawns. Google’s astonishing ability to “search and sort” attracts the entire world to its search engine and countless other goodies—videos, maps, email, calendars….And everything it offers is free, or so it seems. Instead of paying directly, users submit to advertising. The system of “aggregate and advertise” works—for a while—if you control an empire of data centers, but a market without prices strangles entrepreneurship and turns the Internet into a wasteland of ads. The crisis is not just economic. Even as advances in artificial intelligence induce delusions of omnipotence and transcendence, Silicon Valley has pretty much given up on security. The Internet firewalls supposedly protecting all those passwords and personal information have proved hopelessly permeable. The crisis cannot be solved within the current computer and network architecture. The future lies with the “cryptocosm”—the new architecture of the blockchain and its derivatives. Enabling cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ether, NEO and Hashgraph, it will provide the Internet a secure global payments system, ending the aggregate-and-advertise Age of Google. Silicon Valley, long dominated by a few giants, faces a “great unbundling,” which will disperse computer power and commerce and transform the economy and the Internet. Life after Google is almost here. For fans of "Wealth and Poverty," "Knoweldge and Power," and "The Scandal of Money."

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by Max Tegmark

New York Times Best SellerHow will Artificial Intelligence affect crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human? The rise of AI has the potential to transform our future more than any other technology—and there&’s nobody better qualified or situated to explore that future than Max Tegmark, an MIT professor who&’s helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial. How can we grow our prosperity through automation without leaving people lacking income or purpose? What career advice should we give today&’s kids? How can we make future AI systems more robust, so that they do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, replacing humans on the job market and perhaps altogether? Will AI help life flourish like never before or give us more power than we can handle? What sort of future do you want? This book empowers you to join what may be the most important conversation of our time. It doesn&’t shy away from the full range of viewpoints or from the most controversial issues—from superintelligence to meaning, consciousness and the ultimate physical limits on life in the cosmos.

Lies of Omission: Algorithms versus Democracy

by Catherine DeSoto

A lie of omission—withholding needed information to correct a false belief. There is a sharp and more hostile divide emerging in the United States. The shift is documented by various polls, and the speed of the change is alarming. There are certainly contributing factors, but one factor is unique to the contemporary era: receiving the majority of our information via social media experiences. Media algorithms, and to some extent overt censorship, serve users curated content that is unlike what their neighbors receive.Lies of Omission brings together various perspectives on the causes and effects of the divided information streams. Psychology and neuroscience, combined with some historical jurisprudence, are woven together to spell out the dangers of the modern social media experience. Importantly, the human response can be understood as rooted in our psychology and neurochemistry. In part two of the book, eight hot button issues that have provoked deep divisions among American citizens are presented as well-researched, opposing-view chapters with a goal to lay bare the extent of the disinformation gap that we are living in. With the rise of ephemeral smart media, and the associated displacement of the permanently printed word, it is rare to have a clear idea of what persons who do not share our opinions actually believe, or why.The decimation of communal information sources is nearly complete. What can one do? One concrete step is to turn some of your attention away from curated, impermanent news and read a book. Read this book. Dr. Catherine DeSoto spells out why it is worth our time to be informed regarding the issues we care about: something your phone&’s curated media will never do for you. Open your mind to the quaint idea that one is not informed unless one understands the opposing view. Surprising all-new research regarding the political divide and the pandemic is included. Together with over 150 references, this book will be the definitive source documenting the effects of the media algorithm revolution.

Lie Algebraic Methods in Integrable Systems (Chapman And Hall/crc Research Notes In Mathematics Ser. #Vol. 415)

by Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury

Over the last thirty years, the subject of nonlinear integrable systems has grown into a full-fledged research topic. In the last decade, Lie algebraic methods have grown in importance to various fields of theoretical research and worked to establish close relations between apparently unrelated systems. The various ideas associated with Lie algebra and Lie groups can be used to form a particularly elegant approach to the properties of nonlinear systems. In this volume, the author exposes the basic techniques of using Lie algebraic concepts to explore the domain of nonlinear integrable systems. His emphasis is not on developing a rigorous mathematical basis, but on using Lie algebraic methods as an effective tool.The book begins by establishing a practical basis in Lie algebra, including discussions of structure Lie, loop, and Virasor groups, quantum tori and Kac-Moody algebras, and gradation. It then offers a detailed discussion of prolongation structure and its representation theory, the orbit approach-for both finite and infinite dimension Lie algebra. The author also presents the modern approach to symmetries of integrable systems, including important new ideas in symmetry analysis, such as gauge transformations, and the "soldering" approach. He then moves to Hamiltonian structure, where he presents the Drinfeld-Sokolov approach, the Lie algebraic approach, Kupershmidt's approach, Hamiltonian reductions and the Gelfand Dikii formula. He concludes his treatment of Lie algebraic methods with a discussion of the classical r-matrix, its use, and its relations to double Lie algebra and the KP equation.

Libros Infantiles: Silverford)

by Alex Anderson Nicol Pizarro

¿Te gusta Silverford? El mundo que conocemos va a cambiar para Siempre. El Señor Oscuro está a punto de liberar el cubo cósmico, la fuente de energía para todo el universo. Ahora el agente Jack, Steve y Notch deberán proteger el mundo de Silverford. Libro 1: La saga del cubo cósmico – La Tierra Misteriosa: Esta es la primera parte de las series del Agente de Silverford. Jack es elegido por Notch para una misión extremadamente secreta llamada “Proyecto Z”. Esta misión es muy peligrosa y no hay seguridad de que sea exitosa, pero la misión es esencial para el futuro del Mundo de Silverford. En esta saga, serán revelados secretos raros y oscuros de Silverford. Así que, ¿qué estás esperando? Libro 2: La saga del cubo cósmico – El valle de la Muerte: Esta es la segunda parte del “Diario de un Agente de Silverford”. En este libro seguimos en donde nos quedamos en la primera parte. Jack y su equipo enfrentan obstáculos y callejones sin salida pero continúan. Esta es la continuación de uno de los libros más controversiales e impresionantes jamás escritos sobre Silverford. Se revelaron muchos secretos en el primer libro y muchos se revelarán en este. Así que ¡A leer! Libro 3: La saga del cubo cósmico – El secreto de Notch: Esta es la tercera parte del “Diario de un Agente de Silverford”. Las aventuras de Jack se vuelven más peligrosas. El “proyecto Z” es cada vez más misterioso. Entérate cómo Jack y su equipo experimentan diferentes obstáculos. Giros inésperados te mantendrán en suspenso queriendo leer más. Libro 4: El cubo cósmico - La batalla del Oscuro: La saga del Agente de Silverford continúa en esta cuarta entrega, la más impresionante de Silverford jamás escrita. Las cosas toman un giro inesperado después de la llegada de una figura encapuchada. ¿Quién es? En este libro, resolverás este misterio y muchos más. ¿Serán ver

Library Transformation Strategies

by Jean-Philippe Accart

Libraries continually focus on adaptation and adopt different transformation strategies to achieve this goal. These strategies demonstrate a clear desire to stay in tune with the times, while retaining the basic principles that underpin their day-to-day work and ensure they continue to exist. This book is a complete synthesis, a helpful resource for librarians and information professionals that develops four major strategies. The first focuses on understanding the environment and society, with organizational changes affecting cultural institutions (public or private), and the emergence of the library space. The second shows how management methods evolve within them (participatory approach, benevolence, empathy) with an emphasis on project management. The third strategy focuses on the integration of new library tools to better reach audiences. Finally, the fourth develops an essential and indispensable aspect of library marketing. This book is a complete synthesis, a helpful resource for librarians and information professionals that develops four major strategies. The first focuses on understanding the environment and society, with organizational changes affecting cultural institutions (public or private), and the emergence of the library space. The second shows how management methods evolve within them (participatory approach, benevolence, empathy) with an emphasis on project management. The third strategy focuses on the integration of new library tools to better reach audiences. Finally, the fourth develops an essential and indispensable aspect of library marketing.Libraries continually focus on adaptation and adopt different transformation strategies to achieve this goal. These strategies demonstrate a clear desire to stay in tune with the times, while retaining the basic principles that underpin their day-to-day work and ensure they continue to exist. This book is a complete synthesis, a helpful resource for librarians and information professionals that develops four major strategies. The first focuses on understanding the environment and society, with organizational changes affecting cultural institutions (public or private), and the emergence of the library space. The second shows how management methods evolve within them (participatory approach, benevolence, empathy) with an emphasis on project management. The third strategy focuses on the integration of new library tools to better reach audiences. Finally, the fourth develops an essential and indispensable aspect of library marketing. Jean-

Library Information Technology and Networks

by Charles Grosch

Offers an historical perspective of the past 25 years of computers in libraries, profileing currently available processing systems according to their size and platform. The short- and long-term future of information technology in libraries.;College or university bookstores may order five or more copies at a special student price which is available from Marcel Dekker upon request.

Libraries and Google: New Google Applications And Tools For Libraries And Library Users

by William Miller Rita M. Pellen

Discover the benefits-and drawbacks-of Google® Google® has become a nearly omnipresent tool of the Internet, with its potential only now beginning to be realized. How can librarians effectively integrate this powerful search engine to provide service to their patrons? Libraries and Google® presents leading authorities discussing the many possibilities of using Google® products as effective, user-friendly tools in libraries. Google Scholar and Print are extensively explored with an eye toward offering an expanded view of what is and may be possible for the future, with practical insights on how to make the most of the product&’s capabilities.It seems certain that Google® is here to stay. Libraries and Google® comprehensively examines this "disruptive technology" that is seen as both a threat and an opportunity by both librarians and publishers. Both perspectives are explored in depth, along with practical applications of this and other Google® technology that may be new to librarians. Google® products and other more familiar research tools are compared for effectiveness and ease of use. The various unique needs of users and scholars are detailed and considered as a springboard for insightful discussion of the future role of librarians in today&’s world. Potential problems are closely examined, such as copyright issues of digitization, and privacy concerns sparked by its collection of personal information about its users. The book comprehensively explores the path libraries need to travel to benefit from the search tool, rather than being overwhelmed and destroyed by it.Topics in Libraries and Google® include: the viewpoint that Google® may make libraries obsolete new opportunities for libraries through using Google® products technical aspects of purchasing and implementing Google® search products with proprietary vendor databases testing the performance of Google Scholar and Print practical use of Google®&’s products personal privacy issues making digitized library resources more accessible digitization of copyrighted materials much, much more!Libraries and Google® is horizon-expanding reading for all librarians, library science educators and students, library administrators, publishers, and university presses.Volume 2 of Libraries and Google® is in preparation.Google® is a Registered Service Mark of Google, Inc., Mountain View, California. Libraries and Google® is an independent publication offered by The Haworth Press, Inc., Binghamton, New York, and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, endorsed, licensed, or otherwise approved by, Google, Inc.

Liblouisxml User's and Programmer's Manual

by Viewplus Technologies Abilitiessoft

A user's and programmer's guide for Liblouisxml, a software component for translating XML into braille.

Liblouis User's and Programmer's Manual

by Abilitiessoft

A guide for users and programmers on Liblouis, an open-source braille translator and back-translator.

LibGDX Game Development Essentials

by Juwal Bose

If you are a Java developer who wants to learn LibGDX and create great games, then this book is for you. To take full advantage of this book, you are expected to be familiar with Java or any other object-oriented language. Experience of using Eclipse will be very useful.

LibGDX Game Development By Example

by James Cook

Learn how to create your very own game using the libGDX cross-platform framework About This Book * Learn the core features of libGDX to develop your own exciting games * Explore game development concepts through example projects * Target games for major app stores quickly and easily with libGDX's cross-platform functionality Who This Book Is For This book is intended for those who wish to learn the concepts of game development using libGDX. An understanding of Java and other programming languages would definitely be helpful, although it is not a must. What You Will Learn * Create and configure a libGDX project to get started with making games * Get to grips with a simple game loop that will drive your games * Manage game assets to reduce code duplication and speed up development * Pack game assets together into single assets to increase your game's performance * Display textures on the screen and manipulate them with play input * Play various types of sounds that a game can generate * Design and modify a game user interface with libGDX's built-in tools * Develop a game that will run across various platforms In Detail LibGDX is a cross-platform game development framework in Java that makes game programming easier and fun to do. It currently supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, and HTML5. With a vast feature set on offer, there isn't a game that can't be made using libGDX. It allows you to write your code once and deploy it to multiple platforms without modification. With cross-platform delivery at its heart, a game can be made to target the major markets quickly and cost effectively. This book starts with a simple game through which the game update cycle is explained, including loading textures onto your screen, moving them around, and responding to input. From there you'll move on to more advanced concepts such as creating a formal game structure with a menu screen, adding a game screen and loading screen, sprite sheets, and animations. You'll explore how to introduce a font to optimize text, and with the help of a game that you'll create, you'll familiarise yourself with the 2D tile map API to create worlds that scroll as the characters move. In the final sample game of the book, you'll implement a basic version of an Angry Birds clone, which will allow you to use the physic library box2D that libGDX provides access to. An overview of exporting games to different platforms is then provided. Finally, you will discover how to integrate third-party services into games and take a sneak peak at the Social Media API to get a basic understanding of how it fits into the libGDX ecosystem. Style and approach With this book you'll learn game development with libGDX through example game projects. You'll finish the book with a thorough understanding of libGDX game development, along with completed games that you'll have built yourself.

Libgdx Cross-platform Game Development Cookbook

by David Saltares Marquez Alberto Cejas Sanchez

If you want to make cross-platform games without the hassle and dangers of writing platform-specific code, or If you are a game programmer who may have some experience with Java and you want to learn everything you need to know about Libgdx to produce awesome work, this is the book for you. To take full advantage of the recipes in this book, you are expected to be familiar with java with good game programming knowledge.

LibGDX Cross-Platform Development Blueprints

by Indraneel Potnis

Develop four exciting, cross-platform games using LibGDX with increasing complexity and understand its key concepts About This Book * Learn how to make a complete game from scratch using the LibGDX framework * Discover different aspects of game development, optimize them, and implement them in your games * This is a comprehensive guide packed with concepts that are covered in an incremental manner Who This Book Is For If you have a good grip of Java and want to explore its capabilities in game development, this book is for you. Basic knowledge of LibGDX is preferred, but is not mandatory. What You Will Learn * Set up the development environment and implement a very simple game type * Implement new features such as motion, sounds, and randomness by implementing a new game * Add music, physics, and menus to your games * Start the creation of a platformer game and apply optimisation techniques * Perform collision detection and manage the game assets * Render game levels designed in the tool and add enemies * Create multiple levels, enemy motion, and level transitions in the game In Detail LibGDX is a very popular open source game framework for the Java programming language. It features deployment to multiple platforms with the same code base and it is very fast. Its vast amount of features makes it very easy to learn and master game development without knowing the low-level details. LibGDX Cross-platform Development Blueprints teaches you the concepts of game development using the LibGDX framework as you make four complete games. You'll start with setting up the environment, then move on to advanced concepts such as collision detection, memory optimization, and more. The first game is Monty Hall, where you'll learn how to set up LibGDX and use simple graphics. Then, you'll get to know more about concepts such as animation, game sounds, and scoring by developing a Whack a Mole game. This will set up the base for a Bounce the Ball game, where you'll get to grips with advanced concepts such as movements and collisions based on physics. Finally, the Dungeon Bob game will help you understand player motion. This guide gives you everything you need to master game development with LibGDX. Style and approach This is an easy-to-understand guide, packed with examples and illustrations along the way. Complex areas are broken down into bite-size chunks and are explained in detail. The difficulty levels of games are built throughout the chapters.

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