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Showing 31,351 through 31,375 of 55,784 results

High-Performance Algorithms for Mass Spectrometry-Based Omics (Computational Biology)

by Fahad Saeed Muhammad Haseeb

To date, processing of high-throughput Mass Spectrometry (MS) data is accomplished using serial algorithms. Developing new methods to process MS data is an active area of research but there is no single strategy that focuses on scalability of MS based methods. Mass spectrometry is a diverse and versatile technology for high-throughput functional characterization of proteins, small molecules and metabolites in complex biological mixtures. In the recent years the technology has rapidly evolved and is now capable of generating increasingly large (multiple tera-bytes per experiment) and complex (multiple species/microbiome/high-dimensional) data sets. This rapid advance in MS instrumentation must be matched by equally fast and rapid evolution of scalable methods developed for analysis of these complex data sets. Ideally, the new methods should leverage the rich heterogeneous computational resources available in a ubiquitous fashion in the form of multicore, manycore, CPU-GPU, CPU-FPGA, and IntelPhi architectures. The absence of these high-performance computing algorithms now hinders scientific advancements for mass spectrometry research. In this book we illustrate the need for high-performance computing algorithms for MS based proteomics, and proteogenomics and showcase our progress in developing these high-performance algorithms.

High-Orders Motion Analysis: Computer Vision Methods

by Yan Sun

This book shows how different types of motion can be disambiguated into their components in a richer way than that currently possible in computer vision. Previous research of motion analysis has generally not yet considered the basic nature of higher orders of motion such as acceleration. Hence, this book introduces an approximation of the acceleration field using established optical flow techniques. Further, acceleration is decomposed into radial and tangential based on geometry and propagated as a general motion descriptor; this book shows the capability for differentiating different types of motion both on synthesized data and real image sequences. Beyond acceleration, the higher orders of motion flow and their continuant parts are investigated for further revealing the chaotic motion fields. Naturally, it is possible to extend this notion further: to detect higher orders of image motion. In this respect, this book shows how jerk and snap can be obtained from image sequences. The derived results on test images and heel strike detection in gait analysis illustrate the ability of higher-order motion, which provide the basis for the following research and applications in the future. We hope that the publication of this book will bring a new perspective to researchers and graduate students in the field of video analysis in computer vision.

High Order Nonlinear Numerical Schemes for Evolutionary PDEs

by Rémi Abgrall Héloïse Beaugendre Pietro Marco Congedo Cécile Dobrzynski Vincent Perrier Mario Ricchiuto

This book collects papers presented during the European Workshop on High Order Nonlinear Numerical Methods for Evolutionary PDEs (HONOM 2013) that was held at INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Talence, France in March, 2013. The central topic is high order methods for compressible fluid dynamics. In the workshop, and in this proceedings, greater emphasis is placed on the numerical than the theoretical aspects of this scientific field. The range of topics is broad, extending through algorithm design, accuracy, large scale computing, complex geometries, discontinuous Galerkin, finite element methods, Lagrangian hydrodynamics, finite difference methods and applications and uncertainty quantification. These techniques find practical applications in such fields as fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, nonlinear solid mechanics, and others for which genuinely nonlinear methods are needed.

High-Order Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods for Solving Some Partial Differential Equations (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Ulziibayar Vandandoo Tugal Zhanlav Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar Alexander Gusev Sergue Vinitsky Galmandakh Chuluunbaatar

The monograph is devoted to the construction of the high-order finite difference and finite element methods for numerical solving multidimensional boundary-value problems (BVPs) for different partial differential equations, in particular, linear Helmholtz and wave equations, nonlinear Burgers’ equations, and elliptic (Schrödinger) equation. Despite of a long history especially in development of the theoretical background of these methods there are open questions in their constructive implementation in numerical solving the multidimensional BVPs having additional requirement on physical parameters or desirable properties of its approximate solutions. Over the last two decades many papers on this topics have been published, in which new constructive approaches to numerically solving the multidimensional BVPs were proposed, and its highly desirable to systematically collect these results. This motivate us to write thus monograph based on our research results obtained in collaboration with the co-authors. Since the topic is importance we believe that this book will be useful to readers, graduate students and researchers interested in the field of computational physics, applied mathematics, numerical analysis and applied sciences

High Noon: The Inside Story of Scott McNealy and the Rise of Sun Microsystems

by Karen Southwick

The story of Sun Microsystems, the famous IT company, that grew from scratch and became a leader in the computer industry. It also reveals the strategies they adopted to become leaders.

High-Level Verification

by Sorin Lerner Sudipta Kundu Rajesh K. Gupta

Given the growing size and heterogeneity of Systems on Chip (SOC), the design process from initial specification to chip fabrication has become increasingly complex. This growing complexity provides incentive for designers to use high-level languages such as C, SystemC, and SystemVerilog for system-level design. While a major goal of these high-level languages is to enable verification at a higher level of abstraction, allowing early exploration of system-level designs, the focus so far for validation purposes has been on traditional testing techniques such as random testing and scenario-based testing. This book focuses on high-level verification, presenting a design methodology that relies upon advances in synthesis techniques as well as on incremental refinement of the design process. These refinements can be done manually or through elaboration tools. This book discusses verification of specific properties in designs written using high-level languages, as well as checking that the refined implementations are equivalent to their high-level specifications. The novelty of each of these techniques is that they use a combination of formal techniques to do scalable verification of system designs completely automatically. The verification techniques presented in this book include methods for verifying properties of high-level designs and methods for verifying that the translation from high-level design to a low-level Register Transfer Language (RTL) design preserves semantics. Used together, these techniques guarantee that properties verified in the high-level design are preserved through the translation to low-level RTL.

High-Level Models of Unconventional Computations: A Case Of Plasmodium (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #159)

by Krzysztof Pancerz Andrew Schumann

This book shows that the plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum can be considered a natural labelled transition system, and based on this, it proposes high-level programming models for controlling the plasmodium behaviour. The presented programming is a form of pure behaviourism: the authors consider the possibility of simulating all basic stimulus–reaction relations. As plasmodium is a good experimental medium for behaviouristic models, the book applies the programming tools for modelling plasmodia as unconventional computers in different behavioural sciences based on studying the stimulus–reaction relations. The authors examine these relations within the framework of a bio-inspired game theory on plasmodia they have developed i.e. within an experimental game theory, where, on the one hand, all basic definitions are verified in experiments with Physarum polycephalum and Badhamia utricularis and, on the other hand, all basic algorithms are implemented in the object-oriented language for simulations of plasmodia. The results allow the authors to propose that the plasmodium can be a model for concurrent games and context-based games.

High Level Models and Methodologies for Information Systems

by Pedro Isaias Tomayess Issa

In this book the authors introduce and explain many methods and models for the development of Information Systems (IS). It was written in large part to aid designers in designing successful devices/systems to match user needs in the field. Chief among these are website development, usability evaluation, quality evaluation and success assessment. The book provides great detail in order to assist readers' comprehension and understanding of both novel and refined methodologies by presenting, describing, explaining and illustrating their basics and working mechanics. Furthermore, this book presents many traditional methods and methodologies in an effort to make up a comprehensive volume on High Level Models and Methodologies for Information Systems. The target audience for this book is anyone interested in conducting research in IS planning and development. The book represents a main source of theory and practice of IS methods and methodologies applied to these realities. The book will appeal to a range of professions that are involved in planning and building the information systems, for example information technologists, information systems developers, as well as Web designers and developers--both researchers and practitioners; as a consequence, this book represents a genuinely multi-disciplinary approach to the field of IS methods and methodologies.

High-level Estimation and Exploration of Reliability for Multi-Processor System-on-Chip

by Zheng Wang Anupam Chattopadhyay

This book introduces a novel framework for accurately modeling the errors in nanoscale technology and developing a smooth tool flow at high-level design abstractions to estimate error effects, which aids the development of high-level fault-tolerant techniques. In total, the book presents 6 solutions for reliability estimation (3 for fault injection and 3 for analytical estimation) and 5 techniques for reliability exploration (3 for architectural level and 2 for system-level). It also presents a survey of state-of-the-art problems and solutions, offering insights into reliability issues in digital design and their cross-layer countermeasures.

High Impact Marketing That Gets Results

by Ardi Kolah

This book will help you to use tried and tested no-fuss marketing methods to boost awareness of your brand among new and established customers. We'll give you the confidence to segment your market and customers so you can choose the right strategies for your business, products and services. You'll learn how to avoid costly mistakes with effective research and a practical marketing plan as well as how to use online marketing, PR, direct mail, promotions and other tools to run effective marketing campaigns that deliver measurable results. Jargon free, accessible, no detailed knowledge required, signposts the reader to all the important bits. The GURU is out of the BOTTLE!

High-Impact eportfolio Practice: A Catalyst for Student, Faculty and Institutional Learning

by Bret Eynon Laura M. Gambino

At a moment when over half of US colleges are employing ePortfolios, the time is ripe to develop their full potential to advance integrative learning and broad institutional change. The authors outline how to deploy the ePortfolio as a high-impact practice and describe widely-applicable models of effective ePortfolio pedagogy and implementation that demonstrably improve student learning across multiple settings. Drawing on the campus ePortfolio projects developed by a constellation of institutions that participated in the Connect to Learning network, Eynon and Gambino present a wealth of data and revealing case studies. Their broad-based evidence demonstrates that, implemented with a purposeful framework, ePortfolios correlate strongly with increased retention and graduation rates, broadened student engagement in deep learning processes, and advanced faculty and institutional learning. The core of the book presents a comprehensive research-based framework, along with practical examples and strategies for implementation, and identifies the key considerations that need to be addressed in the areas of Pedagogy, Professional Development, Outcomes Assessment, Technology and Scaling Up. The authors identify how the ePortfolio experience enhances other high-impact practices (HIPs) by creating unique opportunities for connection and synthesis across courses, semesters and co-curricular experiences. Using ePortfolio to integrate learning across multiple HIPs enables students reflect and construct a cohesive signature learning experience. This is an invaluable resource for classroom faculty and educational leaders interested in transformative education for 21st century learners.

High-Impact Design for Online Courses: Blueprinting Quality Digital Learning in Eight Practical Steps

by Bethany Simunich Andrea Gregg Penny Ralston-Berg

High-Impact Design for Online Courses introduces higher education professionals to an eight-step course design model that leverages the unique considerations of online and hybrid modalities at each stage in the process. Though relevant to and informed by instructional designers and educational technologists, this book is specifically geared toward faculty who lack the administrative and technical supports they need to thrive in the new normal. Each chapter includes step-by-step guidance on learner analysis, course structure, appropriate activities and assessments, continuous improvement, and other key elements of a successful digital course. Teachers across disciplines and levels of experience will come away newly inspired and motivated with fresh insights into planning and drafting, practical tips for pedagogy and design, opportunities for self-reflection and course revision, and implications for learner-centered delivery.

High Impact Data Visualization with Power View, Power Map, and Power BI

by Adam Aspin

Take business intelligence delivery to a new level that is interactive, engaging, even fun, all while driving commercial success through sound decision making. Do this through the power of visualization using this updated edition covering new features and added support for visualization in Excel 2016, and describing the latest developments in Get & Transform and DAX. The example data set has also been updated to demonstrate all that Microsoft's self-service business intelligence suite is now capable of. High Impact Data Visualization in Excel with Power View, 3D Maps, Get & Transform and Power BI, 2nd Edition helps in harnessing the power of Microsoft's flagship, self-service business intelligence suite to deliver compelling and interactive insight with remarkable ease. Learn the essential techniques needed to enhance the look and feel of reports and dashboards so that you can seize your audience's attention and provide them with clear and accurate information. Also learn to integrate data from a variety of sources and create coherent data models displaying clear metrics and attributes. Power View is Microsoft's ground-breaking tool for ad-hoc data visualization and analysis. It's designed to produce elegant and visually arresting output. It's also built to enhance user experience through polished interactivity. Power Map is a similarly powerful mechanism for analyzing data across geographic and political units. Get & Transform lets you load, shape and streamline data from multiple sources. Power Pivot can extend and develop data into a dynamic model. Power BI allows you to share your findings with colleagues, and present your insights to clients. High Impact Data Visualization in Excel with Power View, 3D Maps, Get & Transform and Power BI, 2nd Edition helps you master this suite of powerful tools from Microsoft. You'll learn to identify data sources, and to save time by preparing your underlying data correctly. You'll also learn to deliver your powerful visualizations and analyses through the cloud to PCs, tablets and smartphones. Simple techniques take raw data and convert it into information. Slicing and dicing metrics delivers interactive insight. Visually arresting output grabs and focuses attention on key indicators. What You Will Learn Produce designer output that will astound your bosses and peers. Drive business intelligence from Excel using BI in the Cloud. Gather source data from corporate and public sources. Integrate charts, maps, and tables to deliver visually stunning information. Discover new insights as you chop and tweak your data as never before. Adapt delivery to mobile devices. Outshine competing products and enhance existing skills. Who This Book Is For Any Power BI Desktop, Excel or SharePoint user. Business Intelligence developers, power users, IT managers, finance experts, and more can use this book to outshine the competition by producing high-impact business intelligence reporting on a variety of devices from a variety of sources.

High Impact Data Visualization in Excel with Power View, 3D Maps, Get & Transform and Power BI

by Adam Aspin

Take business intelligence delivery to a new level that is interactive, engaging, even fun, all while driving commercial success through sound decision making. Do this through the power of visualization using this updated edition covering new features and added support for visualization in Excel 2016, and describing the latest developments in Get & Transform and DAX. The example data set has also been updated to demonstrate all that Microsoft's self-service business intelligence suite is now capable of. High Impact Data Visualization in Excel with Power View, 3D Maps, Get & Transform and Power BI, 2nd Edition helps in harnessing the power of Microsoft's flagship, self-service business intelligence suite to deliver compelling and interactive insight with remarkable ease. Learn the essential techniques needed to enhance the look and feel of reports and dashboards so that you can seize your audience's attention and provide them with clear and accurate information. Also learn to integrate data from a variety of sources and create coherent data models displaying clear metrics and attributes. Power View is Microsoft's ground-breaking tool for ad-hoc data visualization and analysis. It's designed to produce elegant and visually arresting output. It's also built to enhance user experience through polished interactivity. Power Map is a similarly powerful mechanism for analyzing data across geographic and political units. Get & Transform lets you load, shape and streamline data from multiple sources. Power Pivot can extend and develop data into a dynamic model. Power BI allows you to share your findings with colleagues, and present your insights to clients. High Impact Data Visualization in Excel with Power View, 3D Maps, Get & Transform and Power BI, 2nd Edition helps you master this suite of powerful tools from Microsoft. You'll learn to identify data sources, and to save time by preparing your underlying data correctly. You'll also learn to deliver your powerful visualizations and analyses through the cloud to PCs, tablets and smartphones. Simple techniques take raw data and convert it into information. Slicing and dicing metrics delivers interactive insight. Visually arresting output grabs and focuses attention on key indicators. What You Will Learn Produce designer output that will astound your bosses and peers. Drive business intelligence from Excel using BI in the Cloud. Gather source data from corporate and public sources. Integrate charts, maps, and tables to deliver visually stunning information. Discover new insights as you chop and tweak your data as never before. Adapt delivery to mobile devices. Outshine competing products and enhance existing skills. Who This Book Is For Any Power BI Desktop, Excel or SharePoint user. Business Intelligence developers, power users, IT managers, finance experts, and more can use this book to outshine the competition by producing high-impact business intelligence reporting on a variety of devices from a variety of sources.

High-Impact Content Marketing: Strategies to Make Your Content Intentional, Engaging and Effective

by Purna Virji

Create meaningful engagement, drive conversion rates and boost customer retention with this crucial resource to unlocking the true potential of your content marketing strategy.In an era of user-generated, human-generated and machine-generated content, mistakes are increasingly costlier to make. And more difficult to recover from. To succeed in the highly competitive creator economy of today and the future, content marketers need to rethink their approach or go the way of the dinosaurs.High-Impact Content Marketing shows how to succeed by taking a simplified yet strategic approach to standing out and driving revenue impact. It covers time-proven strategies to create video, audio, social media and longer-form content that audiences will actually want to consume and how to do so in a genuinely inclusive way. It also shows how to master content distribution across channels such as websites, blogs, email and social media networks to maximize reach, engagement and impact. What makes High-Impact Content Marketing unique is how it weaves in behavioral science and adult learning principles to maximize and measure impact. It features easy-to-implement frameworks and actionable guides throughout as well as examples of best-in-class content marketing from the likes of Patagonia, Microsoft, Spotify and Google plus interviews with top industry experts from across the globe. Guidance is also included on how to align content with various stages of the customer journey. This is an essential blueprint for ensuring the long-term success of your content marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, build relationships and boost conversions.

High Frequency Communication and Sensing: Traveling-Wave Techniques (Devices, Circuits, and Systems #35)

by Ahmet Tekin Ahmed Emira

High Frequency Communication and Sensing: Traveling-Wave Techniques introduces novel traveling wave circuit techniques to boost the performance of high-speed circuits in standard low-cost production technologies, like complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS). A valuable resource for experienced analog/radio frequency (RF) circuit designers as well as undergraduate-level microelectronics researchers, this book: Explains the basics of high-speed signaling, such as transmission lines, distributed signaling, impedance matching, and other common practical RF background material Promotes a dual-loop coupled traveling wave oscillator topology, the trigger mode distributed wave oscillator, as a high-frequency multiphase signal source Introduces a force-based starter mechanism for dual-loop, even-symmetry, multiphase traveling wave oscillators, presenting a single-loop version as a force mode distributed wave antenna (FMDWA) Describes higher-frequency, passive inductive, and quarter-wave-length-based pumped distributed wave oscillators (PDWOs) Examines phased-array transceiver architectures and front-end circuits in detail, along with distributed oscillator topologies Devotes a chapter to THz sensing, illustrating a unique method of traveling wave frequency multiplication and power combining Discusses various data converter topologies, such as digital-to-analog converters (DACs), analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and GHz-bandwidth sigma-delta modulators Covers critical circuits including phase rotators and interpolators, phase shifters, phase-locked loops (PLLs), delay-locked loops (DLLs), and more It is a significantly challenging task to generate and distribute high-speed clocks. Multiphase low-speed clocks with sharp transition are proposed to be a better option to accommodate the desired timing resolution. High Frequency Communication and Sensing: Traveling-Wave Techniques provides new horizons in the quest for greater speed and performance.

High Energy Efficiency Neural Network Processor with Combined Digital and Computing-in-Memory Architecture (Springer Theses)

by Jinshan Yue

Neural network (NN) algorithms are driving the rapid development of modern artificial intelligence (AI). The energy-efficient NN processor has become an urgent requirement for the practical NN applications on widespread low-power AI devices. To address this challenge, this dissertation investigates pure-digital and digital computing-in-memory (digital-CIM) solutions and carries out four major studies. For pure-digital NN processors, this book analyses the insufficient data reuse in conventional architectures and proposes a kernel-optimized NN processor. This dissertation adopts a structural frequency-domain compression algorithm, named CirCNN. The fabricated processor shows 8.1x/4.2x area/energy efficiency compared to the state-of-the-art NN processor. For digital-CIM NN processors, this dissertation combines the flexibility of digital circuits with the high energy efficiency of CIM. The fabricated CIM processor validates the sparsity improvement of the CIM architecture for the first time. This dissertation further designs a processor that considers the weight updating problem on the CIM architecture for the first time. This dissertation demonstrates that the combination of digital and CIM circuits is a promising technical route for an energy-efficient NN processor, which can promote the large-scale application of low-power AI devices.

High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)

by Vivienne Sze Madhukar Budagavi Gary J. Sullivan

This book provides developers, engineers, researchers and students with detailed knowledge about the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. HEVC is the successor to the widely successful H. 264/AVC video compression standard, and it provides around twice as much compression as H. 264/AVC for the same level of quality. The applications for HEVC will not only cover the space of the well-known current uses and capabilities of digital video - they will also include the deployment of new services and the delivery of enhanced video quality, such as ultra-high-definition television (UHDTV) and video with higher dynamic range, wider range of representable color, and greater representation precision than what is typically found today. HEVC is the next major generation of video coding design - a flexible, reliable and robust solution that will support the next decade of video applications and ease the burden of video on world-wide network traffic. This book provides a detailed explanation of the various parts of the standard, insight into how it was developed, and in-depth discussion of algorithms and architectures for its implementation.

High Efficiency Video Coding

by Mathias Wien

The video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) targets at improved compression performance for video resolutions of HD and beyond, providing Ultra HD video at similar compressed bit rates as for HD video encoded with the well-established video coding standard H. 264/AVC. Based on known concepts, new coding structures and improved coding tools have been developed and specified in HEVC. The standard is expected to be taken up easily by established industry as well as new endeavors, answering the needs of todays connected and ever-evolving online world. This book presents the High Efficiency Video Coding standard and explains it in a clear and coherent language. It provides a comprehensive and consistently written description, all of a piece. The book targets at both, newbies to video coding as well as experts in the field. While providing sections with introductory text for the beginner, it suits as a well-arranged reference book for the expert. The book provides a comprehensive reference for the technical details of the employed coding tools; it further outlines the algorithmic advances compared to H. 264/AVC. In addition to the technical aspects, the book provides insight to the general concepts of standardization, how specification text is written, and how these concepts apply to the HEVC specification.

High Dynamic Range Digital Photography For Dummies

by Robert Correll

Create amazing HDR photos with this full-color, plain-English guide Your secret is safe with us. Even if you don't have the latest high-end high dynamic range (HDR) camera equipment, you can still create striking images that appear as if you do with the tips, tricks, and techniques in this helpful guide. Discover how to use bracketing effectively, get the most out of a tripod, finesse your photos with Photoshop, and make it all go easier with this practical and inspiring book. Shines a light on HDR-what it is, how it's done, and what tools you need Walks you through how to take good photographs, from using the right settings to choosing good HDR subjects Demonstrates how to put all your images together in a single photo, including selecting the software, establishing workflow, and creating files Covers how you can clean up digital residue, how to create HDR in black and white, and much more Packed with beautiful and inspiring full-color HDR images to fire your imagination Get fresh ideas, avoid mistakes, and produce memorable images with this essential guide.

High Dimensional Neurocomputing

by Bipin Kumar Tripathi

The book presents a coherent understanding of computational intelligence from the perspective of what is known as "intelligent computing" with high-dimensional parameters. It critically discusses the central issue of high-dimensional neurocomputing, such as quantitative representation of signals, extending the dimensionality of neuron, supervised and unsupervised learning and design of higher order neurons. The strong point of the book is its clarity and ability of the underlying theory to unify our understanding of high-dimensional computing where conventional methods fail. The plenty of application oriented problems are presented for evaluating, monitoring and maintaining the stability of adaptive learning machine. Author has taken care to cover the breadth and depth of the subject, both in the qualitative as well as quantitative way. The book is intended to enlighten the scientific community, ranging from advanced undergraduates to engineers, scientists and seasoned researchers in computational intelligence.

High-Dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation: An Introduction to Random Matrix Theory (SpringerBriefs in Applied Statistics and Econometrics)

by Aygul Zagidullina

This book presents covariance matrix estimation and related aspects of random matrix theory. It focuses on the sample covariance matrix estimator and provides a holistic description of its properties under two asymptotic regimes: the traditional one, and the high-dimensional regime that better fits the big data context. It draws attention to the deficiencies of standard statistical tools when used in the high-dimensional setting, and introduces the basic concepts and major results related to spectral statistics and random matrix theory under high-dimensional asymptotics in an understandable and reader-friendly way. The aim of this book is to inspire applied statisticians, econometricians, and machine learning practitioners who analyze high-dimensional data to apply the recent developments in their work.

High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation

by Mohsen Pourahmadi

Methods for estimating sparse and large covariance matricesCovariance and correlation matrices play fundamental roles in every aspect of the analysis of multivariate data collected from a variety of fields including business and economics, health care, engineering, and environmental and physical sciences. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation provides accessible and comprehensive coverage of the classical and modern approaches for estimating covariance matrices as well as their applications to the rapidly developing areas lying at the intersection of statistics and machine learning.Recently, the classical sample covariance methodologies have been modified and improved upon to meet the needs of statisticians and researchers dealing with large correlated datasets. High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation focuses on the methodologies based on shrinkage, thresholding, and penalized likelihood with applications to Gaussian graphical models, prediction, and mean-variance portfolio management. The book relies heavily on regression-based ideas and interpretations to connect and unify many existing methods and algorithms for the task.High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation features chapters on:Data, Sparsity, and RegularizationRegularizing the EigenstructureBanding, Tapering, and ThresholdingCovariance MatricesSparse Gaussian Graphical ModelsMultivariate RegressionThe book is an ideal resource for researchers in statistics, mathematics, business and economics, computer sciences, and engineering, as well as a useful text or supplement for graduate-level courses in multivariate analysis, covariance estimation, statistical learning, and high-dimensional data analysis.

High-Dimensional and Low-Quality Visual Information Processing

by Yue Deng

This thesis primarily focuses on how to carry out intelligent sensing and understand the high-dimensional and low-quality visual information. After exploring the inherent structures of the visual data, it proposes a number of computational models covering an extensive range of mathematical topics, including compressive sensing, graph theory, probabilistic learning and information theory. These computational models are also applied to address a number of real-world problems including biometric recognition, stereo signal reconstruction, natural scene parsing, and SAR image processing.

High-Bandwidth Memory Interface

by Chulwoo Kim Junyoung Song Hyun-Woo Lee

This book provides an overview of recent advances in memory interface design at both the architecture and circuit levels. Coverage includes signal integrity and testing, TSV interface, high-speed serial interface including equalization, ODT, pre-emphasis, wide I/O interface including crosstalk, skew cancellation, and clock generation and distribution. Trends for further bandwidth enhancement are also covered.

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