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Graphing Data with R

by John Jay Hilfiger

It's much easier to grasp complex data relationships with a graph than by scanning numbers in a spreadsheet. This introductory guide shows you how to use the R language to create a variety of useful graphs for visualizing and analyzing complex data for science, business, media, and many other fields. You'll learn methods for highlighting important relationships and trends, reducing data to simpler forms, and emphasizing key numbers at a glance.Anyone who wants to analyze data will find something useful here--even if you don't have a background in mathematics, statistics, or computer programming. If you want to examine data related to your work, this book is the ideal way to start.Get started with R by learning basic commandsBuild single variable graphs, such as dot and pie charts, box plots, and histogramsExplore the relationship between two quantitative variables with scatter plots, high-density plots, and other techniquesUse scatterplot matrices, 3D plots, clustering, heat maps, and other graphs to visualize relationships among three or more variablesExamine an idealized SDN framework for controllers, applications, and ecosystems

Foundations of Geometric Algebra Computing

by Dietmar Hildenbrand

The author defines "Geometric Algebra Computing" as the geometrically intuitive development of algorithms using geometric algebra with a focus on their efficient implementation, and the goal of this book is to lay the foundations for the widespread use of geometric algebra as a powerful, intuitive mathematical language for engineering applications in academia and industry. The related technology is driven by the invention of conformal geometric algebra as a 5D extension of the 4D projective geometric algebra and by the recent progress in parallel processing, and with the specific conformal geometric algebra there is a growing community in recent years applying geometric algebra to applications in computer vision, computer graphics, and robotics. This book is organized into three parts: in Part I the author focuses on the mathematical foundations; in Part II he explains the interactive handling of geometric algebra; and in Part III he deals with computing technology for high-performance implementations based on geometric algebra as a domain-specific language in standard programming languages such as C++ and OpenCL. The book is written in a tutorial style and readers should gain experience with the associated freely available software packages and applications. The book is suitable for students, engineers, and researchers in computer science, computational engineering, and mathematics.

Introduction to Geometric Algebra Computing: Computing with Circles and Lines (Computer Vision Series)

by Dietmar Hildenbrand

From the Foreword: "Dietmar Hildenbrand's new book, Introduction to Geometric Algebra Computing, in my view, fills an important gap in Clifford's geometric algebra literature…I can only congratulate the author for the daring simplicity of his novel educational approach taken in this book, consequently combined with hands on computer based exploration. Without noticing, the active reader will thus educate himself in elementary geometric algebra algorithm development, geometrically intuitive, highly comprehensible, and fully optimized." --Eckhard Hitzer, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan Geometric Algebra is a very powerful mathematical system for an easy and intuitive treatment of geometry, but the community working with it is still very small. The main goal of this book is to close this gap with an introduction to Geometric Algebra from an engineering/computing perspective. This book is intended to give a rapid introduction to computing with Geometric Algebra and its power for geometric modeling. From the geometric objects point of view, it focuses on the most basic ones, namely points, lines and circles. This algebra is called Compass Ruler Algebra, since it is comparable to working with a compass and ruler. The book explores how to compute with these geometric objects, and their geometric operations and transformations, in a very intuitive way. The book follows a top-down approach, and while it focuses on 2D, it is also easily expandable to 3D computations. Algebra in engineering applications such as computer graphics, computer vision and robotics are also covered.

The Power of Geometric Algebra Computing: For Engineering and Quantum Computing

by Dietmar Hildenbrand

Geometric Algebra is a very powerful mathematical system for an easy and intuitive treatment of geometry, but the community working with it is still very small. The main goal of this book is to close this gap from a computing perspective in presenting the power of Geometric Algebra Computing for engineering applications and quantum computing. The Power of Geometric Algebra Computing is based on GAALOPWeb, a new user-friendly, web-based tool for the generation of optimized code for different programming languages as well as for the visualization of Geometric Algebra algorithms for a wide range of engineering applications. Key Features: Introduces a new web-based optimizer for Geometric Algebra algorithms Supports many programming languages as well as hardware Covers the advantages of high-dimensional algebras Includes geometrically intuitive support of quantum computing This book includes applications from the fields of computer graphics, robotics and quantum computing and will help students, engineers and researchers interested in really computing with Geometric Algebra.

Web Services, Formal Methods, and Behavioral Types

by Thomas Hildebrandt António Ravara Jan Martijn van der Werf Matthias Weidlich

This volumecontains the refereed joint proceedings of two initiatives that have beendevoted to the formal foundations of complex systems: the WS-FM:FASOCC 2014 andWS-FM/BEAT 2015 workshops. The 11th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods: FormalAspects of Services-Oriented and Cloud Computing, WS-FM 2014, took place inEindhoven, The Netherlands, in September 2014. The 12th International Workshopon Web Services, Formal Methods, and Behavioral Types, WS-FM 2015, took placein Madrid, Spain, in September 2015. The total of 8 papers presented in this volume was carefully reviewed andselected from 18 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named:expressiveness of behavioral models; service-oriented systems, and behavioraltypes.

Business Process Management: 17th International Conference, BPM 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 1–6, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11675)

by Thomas Hildebrandt Boudewijn F. van Dongen Maximilian Röglinger Jan Mendling

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2019, held in Vienna, Austria, in September 2019. The 23 full and 4 tutorial short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 115 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: foundations; engineering; and management.

Business Process Management Forum: BPM Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 1–6, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #360)

by Thomas Hildebrandt Boudewijn F. van Dongen Maximilian Röglinger Jan Mendling

This book constitutes the proceedings of the BPM Forum held during the 17th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2019, which took place in Vienna, Austria, in September 2019. The BPM Forum hosts innovative research which has a high potential of stimulating discussions. The papers selected for the forum are expected to showcase fresh ideas from exciting and emerging topics in BPM, even if they are not yet as mature as the regular papers at the conference. The 13 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 115 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: specification; execution; analytics; and management.

Privacy, Due Process and the Computational Turn: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology

by Mireille Hildebrandt Katja De Vries

Privacy, Due process and the Computational Turn: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology engages with the rapidly developing computational aspects of our world including data mining, behavioural advertising, iGovernment, profiling for intelligence, customer relationship management, smart search engines, personalized news feeds, and so on in order to consider their implications for the assumptions on which our legal framework has been built. The contributions to this volume focus on the issue of privacy, which is often equated with data privacy and data security, location privacy, anonymity, pseudonymity, unobservability, and unlinkability. Here, however, the extent to which predictive and other types of data analytics operate in ways that may or may not violate privacy is rigorously taken up, both technologically and legally, in order to open up new possibilities for considering, and contesting, how we are increasingly being correlated and categorizedin relationship with due process – the right to contest how the profiling systems are categorizing and deciding about us.

Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology

by Mireille Hildebrandt Antoinette Rouvroy

Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing interrogates the legal implications of the notion and experience of human agency implied by the emerging paradigm of autonomic computing, and the socio-technical infrastructures it supports. The development of autonomic computing and ambient intelligence – self-governing systems – challenge traditional philosophical conceptions of human self-constitution and agency, with significant consequences for the theory and practice of constitutional self-government. Ideas of identity, subjectivity, agency, personhood, intentionality, and embodiment are all central to the functioning of modern legal systems. But once artificial entities become more autonomic, and less dependent on deliberate human intervention, criteria like agency, intentionality and self-determination, become too fragile to serve as defining criteria for human subjectivity, personality or identity, and for characterizing the processes through which individual citizens become moral and legal subjects. Are autonomic – yet artificial – systems shrinking the distance between (acting) subjects and (acted upon) objects? How ‘distinctively human’ will agency be in a world of autonomic computing? Or, alternatively, does autonomic computing merely disclose that we were never, in this sense, ‘human’ anyway? A dialogue between philosophers of technology and philosophers of law, this book addresses these questions, as it takes up the unprecedented opportunity that autonomic computing and ambient intelligence offer for a reassessment of the most basic concepts of law.

Information, Freedom and Property: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology

by Mireille Hildebrandt Bibi van den Berg

This book addresses issues on the nexus of freedom of and property in information, while acknowledging that both hiding and exposing information may affect our privacy. It inquires into the physics, the technologies, the business models, the governmental strategies and last but not least the legal frameworks concerning access, organisation and control of information. It debates whether it is in the very nature of information to be either free or monopolized, or both. Analysing upcoming power structures, new types of colonization and attempts to replace legal norms with techno-nudging, this book also presents the idea of an infra-ethics capable of pre-empting our pre-emption. It discusses the interrelations between open access, the hacker ethos, the personal data economy, and freedom of information, highlighting the ephemeral but pivotal role played by information in a data-driven society. This book is a must-read for those working on the contemporary dimensions of freedom of information, data protection, and intellectual property rights.

CSR und Digitalisierung: Der digitale Wandel als Chance und Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Alexandra Hildebrandt Werner Landhäußer

Dieses Buch ist ein Kaleidoskop unserer Gesellschaft und Zeit. Es besch#65533;ftigt sich mit Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken der gr#65533;#65533;ten Transformation der Geschichte: der Digitalisierung. Vorgestellt werden bahnbrechende neue Methoden zur nachhaltigen Steuerung der digitalen Transformation, neue Denkstile sowie neue Formen interdisziplin#65533;rer Zusammenarbeit - etwa mit Geistes-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaftlern, #65533;konomen, Informatikern, Psychologen, Philosophen und Vertretern der Kreativwirtschaft. Sie zeigen, dass Digitalisierung weder gef#65533;rchtet noch verehrt werden muss, denn es geht vor allem darum, ihre Rolle zu verstehen, um sie nachhaltig zu gestalten.

CSR und Digitalisierung: Der digitale Wandel als Chance und Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Alexandra Hildebrandt Werner Landhäußer

In der 2. Auflage des Buches "CSR und Digitalisierung" werden zwei Jahrhundertthemen zusammengeführt, die die wichtigsten Fragen unserer Zeit bündelnWie können wir ökologisch und sozial verantwortlich wirtschaften?Welche Rolle kann und soll die Digitalisierung dabei spielen? Die Digitalagenda ist die erste Strategie in Europa, die Digitalisierung und Umweltschutz konsequent miteinander verbindetDas vorliegende Buch ist allerdings auch eine Erweiterung der hier angesprochenen Themen, denn viele der vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen basieren auf „weichen“ Instrumenten. Gezeigt wird u. a., welche aktuellen Maßnahmen und Methoden zur nachhaltigen Steuerung der digitalen Transformation die besten Unternehmen und Organisationen einsetzen, aber auch, dass es heute neue Denkstile sowie neue Formen interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit braucht. Digitalisierung muss weder gefürchtet noch verehrt werden, denn es geht vor allem darum, ihre Rolle zu verstehen, um sie nachhaltig zu gestalten. Finden Sie Beiträge unter anderem von:Franz Alt, Wolfgang Schäuble, Judith Gerlach, Timotheus Höttges, Olaf Koch, Henning Kagermannm, Christian Seifert, Manuel Neukirchner, Jutta Rump

Daten- und Informationsqualität: Die Grundlage der Digitalisierung

by Knut Hildebrand Marcus Gebauer Michael Mielke

Dieses Buch war das erste deutsche Buch zum Thema Daten- und Informationsqualität und ist mittlerweile ein Klassiker. Es wurde für die fünfte Auflage um neue Inhalte erweitert, aktualisiert und an zahlreichen Stellen überarbeitet. Von Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern geschrieben, präsentiert es den aktuellen Stand aus Forschung und Anwendung und ist somit ein Muss für alle IT-Profis.

Daten- und Informationsqualität: Auf dem Weg zur Information Excellence

by Knut Hildebrand Marcus Gebauer Holger Hinrichs Michael Mielke

Das erste deutsche Buch zum Thema Daten- und Informationsqualität in der dritten, erweiterten Auflage. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und von Praktikern geschrieben, wird der aktuelle Stand aus Forschung und praktischer Anwendung präsentiert, in den wichtigen Facetten dieses wichtigen Themas. Ein Muss für alle IT-Profis.

Daten- und Informationsqualität: Auf dem Weg zur Information Excellence

by Knut Hildebrand Marcus Gebauer Holger Hinrichs Michael Mielke

Die Verbesserung und Sicherung der Informationsqualität (IQ) wird in immer mehr Unternehmen als eigenständige und wichtige Managementaufgabe begriffen. IQ-Management ist mittlerweile ein elementarer Baustein in Systemintegrationsprojekten. Aber auch für laufende Prozesse mit heterogenen Daten und Nutzern ist eine hohe Informationsqualität die Grundvoraussetzung für funktionierende betriebliche Abläufe. Das erste deutschsprachige Buch zum Thema behandelt Daten- und Informationsqualität umfassend: von Definitionen zur Datenqualität über Methoden und Regelwerke für ihr Management bis hin zur Verankerung in der Organisation – mit Fallbeispielen aus zahlreichen Unternehmen. Im einführenden Kapitel erläutern die Autoren zunächst die Grundlagen. Sie stellen wissenschaftliche Modelle der Informationstheorie vor und erläutern die Rolle von Daten im Wissens- und Informationsmanagement und als Produktionsfaktor. Ein weiteres grundlegendes Kapitel widmet sich den verschiedenen Dimensionen der Informationsqualität. Anhand von 15 Begriffen und erläuternden Beispielen werden die IQ-Dimensionen wie beispielsweise Zugänglichkeit (accessibility), Umfang (appropriate amount of data) oder Glaubwürdigkeit (believability) präzise beschrieben. Dieses Kapitel ist zugleich Ergebnis der Arbeit einer Projektgruppe in der DGIQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informations- und Datenqualität). Im zweiten Teil des Buchs werden die Methoden, Tools und Techniken für das Management der Datenqualität erläutert. Dazu zählen unter anderem Datenqualitätsmetriken, Methoden wie Total Data Quality Management, die strukturierte Datenanalyse oder Maßnahmen wie Datenbereinigung. Der Band wurde für die vierte Auflage erweitert und an zahlreichen Stellen überarbeitet. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und von Praktikern geschrieben, präsentiert es den aktuellen Stand aus Forschung und Anwendung. Das Buch richtet sich an Unternehmensführungen, IT-Manager, beispielsweise in Banken und Versicherungen, und an alle Datenspezialisten. Ein Muss für alle IT-Profis.

In Silico Dreams: How Artificial Intelligence and Biotechnology Will Create the Medicines of the Future

by Brian S. Hilbush

Learn how AI and data science are upending the worlds of biology and medicine In Silico Dreams: How Artificial Intelligence and Biotechnology Will Create the Medicines of the Future delivers an illuminating and fresh perspective on the convergence of two powerful technologies: AI and biotech. Accomplished genomics expert, executive, and author Brian Hilbush offers readers a brilliant exploration of the most current work of pioneering tech giants and biotechnology startups who have already started disrupting healthcare. The book provides an in-depth understanding of the sources of innovation that are driving the shift in the pharmaceutical industry away from serendipitous therapeutic discovery and toward engineered medicines and curative therapies. In this fascinating book, you'll discover: An overview of the rise of data science methods and the paradigm shift in biology that led to the in silico revolution An outline of the fundamental breakthroughs in AI and deep learning and their applications across medicine A compelling argument for the notion that AI and biotechnology tools will rapidly accelerate the development of therapeutics A summary of innovative breakthroughs in biotechnology with a focus on gene editing and cell reprogramming technologies for therapeutic development A guide to the startup landscape in AI in medicine, revealing where investments are poised to shape the innovation base for the pharmaceutical industry Perfect for anyone with an interest in scientific topics and technology, In Silico Dreams also belongs on the bookshelves of decision-makers in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, technology, venture capital, and government.

Software Engineering Practice: A Case Study Approach (Chapman And Hall/crc Innovations In Software Engineering And Software Development Ser.)

by Thomas B. Hilburn Massood Towhidnejad

This book is a broad discussion covering the entire software development lifecycle. It uses a comprehensive case study to address each topic and features the following: A description of the development, by the fictional company Homeowner, of the DigitalHome (DH) System, a system with "smart" devices for controlling home lighting, temperature, humidity, small appliance power, and security A set of scenarios that provide a realistic framework for use of the DH System material Just-in-time training: each chapter includes mini tutorials introducing various software engineering topics that are discussed in that chapter and used in the case study A set of case study exercises that provide an opportunity to engage students in software development practice, either individually or in a team environment. Offering a new approach to learning about software engineering theory and practice, the text is specifically designed to: Support teaching software engineering, using a comprehensive case study covering the complete software development lifecycle Offer opportunities for students to actively learn about and engage in software engineering practice Provide a realistic environment to study a wide array of software engineering topics including agile development Software Engineering Practice: A Case Study Approach supports a student-centered, "active" learning style of teaching. The DH case study exercises provide a variety of opportunities for students to engage in realistic activities related to the theory and practice of software engineering. The text uses a fictitious team of software engineers to portray the nature of software engineering and to depict what actual engineers do when practicing software engineering. All the DH case study exercises can be used as team or group exercises in collaborative learning. Many of the exercises have specific goals related to team building and teaming skills. The text also can be used to support the professional development or certification of practicing software engineers. The case study exercises can be integrated with presentations in a workshop or short course for professionals.

Astrostatistical Challenges for the New Astronomy (Springer Series in Astrostatistics #1)

by Joseph M. Hilbe

Astrostatistical Challenges for the New Astronomy presents a collection of monographs authored by several of the disciplines leading astrostatisticians, i.e. by researchers from the fields of statistics and astronomy-astrophysics, who work in the statistical analysis of astronomical and cosmological data. Eight of the ten monographs are enhancements of presentations given by the authors as invited or special topics in astrostatistics papers at the ISI World Statistics Congress (2011, Dublin, Ireland). The opening chapter, by the editor, was adapted from an invited seminar given at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2011) on the history and current state of the discipline; the second chapter by Thomas Loredo was adapted from his invited presentation at the Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V conference (2011, Pennsylvania State University), presenting insights regarding frequentist and Bayesian methods of estimation in astrostatistical analysis. The remaining monographs are research papers discussing various topics in astrostatistics. The monographs provide the reader with an excellent overview of the current state astrostatistical research, and offer guidelines as to subjects of future research. Lead authors for each chapter respectively include Joseph M. Hilbe (Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Arizona State Univ); Thomas J. Loredo (Dept of Astronomy, Cornell Univ); Stefano Andreon (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy); Martin Kunz ( Institute for Theoretical Physics, Univ of Geneva, Switz); Benjamin Wandel ( Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Univ Pierre et Marie Curie, France); Roberto Trotta (Astrophysics Group, Dept of Physics, Imperial College London, UK); Phillip Gregory (Dept of Astronomy, Univ of British Columbia, Canada); Marc Henrion (Dept of Mathematics, Imperial College, London, UK); Asis Kumar Chattopadhyay (Dept of Statistics, Univ of Calcutta, India); Marisa March (Astrophysics Group, Dept of Physics, Imperial College, London, UK).

Moodle 2.5 Multimedia Cookbook - Second Edition

by Silvina P. Hilar

With practical examples presented in the style of recipes, this book is designed for you to be able to dip in and out as you need, only using the multimedia options that you want at the time.This cookbook is designed specifically for teachers who want to begin creating interactive and engaging Moodle courses by utilizing the multimedia capabilities of Moodle.

The European Union as Guardian of Internet Privacy

by Hielke Hijmans

This book examines the role of the EU in ensuring privacy and data protection on the internet. It describes and demonstrates the importance of privacy and data protection for our democracies and how the enjoyment of these rights is challenged by, particularly, big data and mass surveillance. The book takes the perspective of the EU mandate under Article 16 TFEU. It analyses the contributions of the specific actors and roles within the EU framework: the judiciary, the EU legislator, the independent supervisory authorities, the cooperation mechanisms of these authorities, as well as the EU as actor in the external domain. Article 16 TFEU enables the Court of the Justice of the EU to play its role as constitutional court and to set high standards for fundamental rights protection. It obliges the European Parliament and the Council to lay down legislation that encompasses all processing of personal data. It confirms control by independent supervisory authorities as an essential element of data protection and it gives the EU a strong mandate to act in the global arena. The analysis shows that EU powers can be successfully used in a legitimate and effective manner and that this subject could be a success story for the EU, in times of widespread euroskepsis. It demonstrates that the Member States remain important players in ensuring privacy and data protection. In order to be a success story, the key stakeholders should be prepared to go the extra mile, so it is argued in the book. The book is based on academic research for which the author received a double doctorate at the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. It builds on a long inside experience within the European institutions, as well as within the community of data protection and data protection authorities. It is a must read in a time where the setting of EU privacy and data protection is changing dramatically, not only as a result of the rapidly evolving information society, but also because of important legal developments such as the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation. This book will appeal to all those who are in some way involved in making this regulation work. It will also appeal to people interested in the institutional framework of the European Union and in the role of the Union of promoting fundamental rights, also in the wider world.

Mastering Google App Engine

by Mohsin Shafique Hijazee

Build robust and highly scalable web applications with Google App Engine About This Book * Get an in-depth look at how Google App Engine works under the hood * Design and model your application around Google's highly scalable distributed NoSQL datastore to unlock its full potential * A comprehensive guide to ensure your mastery of Google App Engine Who This Book Is For If you have been developing web applications in Python or any other dynamic language but have always wondered how to write highly scalable web applications without getting into system administration and other plumbing, then this is the book for you. No experience in writing scalable applications is required. What You Will Learn * Scale and develop your applications with Google App Engine's runtime environment * Get to grips with request handling mechanism and write request handlers * Deep dive into Google's distributed NoSQL and highly scalable datastore and design your application around it * Implement powerful search with scalable datastore * Perform long-running tasks in the background using task queues * Write compartmentalized apps using multi tenancy, memcache, and other Google App Engine runtime services * Handle web requests using the CGI, WSGI, and multi-threaded configurations * Deploy, tweak, and manage apps in production on Google App Engine In Detail Developing web applications that serve millions of users is no easy task, as it involves a number of configurations and administrative tasks for the underlying software and hardware stack. This whole configuration requires not only expertise, but also a fair amount of time as well. Time that could have been spent on actual application functionality. Google App Engine allows you develop highly scalable web applications or backends for mobile applications without worrying about the system administration plumbing or hardware provisioning issues. Just focus writing on your business logic, the meat of the application, and let Google's powerful infrastructure scale it to thousands of requests per second and millions of users without any effort on your part. This book takes you from explaining how scalable applications work to designing and developing robust scalable web applications of your own, utilizing services available on Google App Engine. Starting with a walkthrough of scalability is and how scalable web applications work, this book introduces you to the environment under which your applications exist on Google App Engine. Next, you will learn about Google's datastore, which is a massively scalable distributed NoSQL solution built on top of BigTable. You will examine the BigTable concepts and operations in detail and reveal how it is used to build Google datastore. Armed with this knowledge, you will then advance towards how to best model your data and query that along with transactions. To augment the powerful distributed dataset, you will deep dive into search functionality offered on Google App Engine. With the search and storage sorted out, you will get a look into performing long running tasks in the background using Google App Engine task queues along with sending and receiving emails. You will also examine the memcache to boost web application performance, image processing for common image manipulation tasks. You will then explore uploading, storing, and serving large files using Blobstore and Cloud storage. Finally, you will be presented with the deployment and monitoring of your applications in production along with a detailed look at dividing applications into different working modules. Style and approach This book is an in-depth guide where you will examine the problems in the context of highly scalable web applications. This book will take you through the libraries, services, and required configuration and finally puts everything together into a small web application that showcases all the capabilities of Google App Engine.

Getting started with Audacity 1.3

by Bethany Hiitola

Conversational and practical, this book is full of real life examples of where and how you would use the Audacity software. Not only does it give you task-based step-by-step instructions from installation to advanced audio editing techniques, it caters to the beginner to familiarize them with all the jargon, suggests recording equipment, it walks them through a simple sample project showing off everything Audacity can do. If you are new to audio recording and editing, and particularly using the Audacity software, this book is for you. It explains everything from common audio industry terms and software basics. Technical sound engineering details and jargon are omitted to keep the book friendly and easy to understand.

Inkscape 0.48 Essentials for Web Designers

by Bethany Hiitola

This book is written in a clear conversational style, which emphasizes a practical learn-by-doing approach. Packed with illustrations and examples, this book will make the task of using Inkscape simple and straightforward.This book is written for web designers who want to add attractive visual elements to their website. It assumes no previous knowledge of Inkscape. General familiarity with vector graphics programming is recommended but not required. It will also be a useful guide for experienced Inkscape users who want to learn how to apply their skills to website design.

Inkscape 0.48 Essentials for Web Designers: LITE

by Bethany Hiitola

This book is written in a clear conversational style, which emphasizes a practical learn-by-doing approach. Packed with illustrations and examples, this book will make the task of using Inkscape simple and straightforward. This book is written for web designers who want to add attractive visual elements to their website. It assumes no previous knowledge of Inkscape. General familiarity with vector graphics programming is recommended but not required. It will also be a useful guide for experienced Inkscape users who want to learn how to apply their skills to website design.

Inkscape Beginner’s Guide

by Bethany Hiitola

As part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, each chapter covers an aspect of working with Inkscape, with plenty of screenshots and practical examples. This book is intended for beginning graphic and web designers who want to expand their graphic software expertise. General familiarity with a graphics program is recommended, but not required.

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