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Showing 36,701 through 36,725 of 54,487 results

Make Money While You Sleep: How to Turn Your Knowledge into Online Courses That Make You Money 24hrs a Day

by Lucy Griffiths

What if you could earn money doing what you love?What if you could live more and work less?What if you could Make Money While You Sleep?You can!Forget the old ways of unhealthy working hours and pressing pause on your life until retirement - especially in uncertain economic times. In Make Money While You Sleep, Lucy Griffiths, passive income strategist and coach, will share how you can create a course-based business that works 24 hours a day for you while you get on with the business of living your life.Packed with advice, knowledge and refreshing honesty, Lucy will take you through the process of course creation: from inspiration to getting it done, to actually selling it!* Learn how to stand out in an increasingly content-saturated world by using a proven system that turns your ideas into a bestselling brand. * Package up your expertise and sell your courses on repeat. * Learn how to position yourself as an expert in your industry and harness the power of social media and YouTube to upscale your business. Now is the time to take your digital course idea and turn it into a money-making machine!

Make Money While You Sleep: How to Turn Your Knowledge into Online Courses That Make You Money 24hrs a Day

by Lucy Griffiths

What if you could earn money doing what you love? What if you could live more and work less? What if you could Make Money While You Sleep?You can!Forget the old ways of unhealthy working hours and pressing pause on your life until retirement - especially in uncertain economic times. In Make Money While You Sleep, Lucy Griffiths, passive income strategist and coach, will share how you can create a course-based business that works 24 hours a day for you while you get on with the business of living your life.Packed with advice, knowledge and refreshing honesty, Lucy will take you through the process of course creation: from inspiration to getting it done, to actually selling it!* Learn how to stand out in an increasingly content-saturated world by using a proven system that turns your ideas into a bestselling brand. * Package up your expertise and sell your courses on repeat. * Learn how to position yourself as an expert in your industry and harness the power of social media and YouTube to upscale your business. Now is the time to take your digital course idea and turn it into a money-making machine!(P)2021 Hodder & stoughton Limited

Programming Windows Presentation Foundation

by Ian Griffiths Chris Sells

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) (formerly known by its code name "Avalon") is a brand-new presentation framework for Windows XP and Windows Vista, the next version of the Windows client operating system. For developers, WPF is a cornucopia of new technologies, including a new graphics engine that supports 3-D graphics, animation, and more; an XML-based markup language (XAML) for declaring the structure of your Windows UI; and a radical new model for controls. Programming Windows Presentation Foundation is the book you need to get up to speed on WPF. By page two, you'll have written your first WPF application, and by the end of Chapter 1, "Hello WPF," you'll have completed a rapid tour of the framework and its major elements. These include the XAML markup language and the mapping of XAML markup to WinFX code; the WPF content model; layout; controls, styles, and templates; graphics and animation; and, finally, deployment. Programming Windows Presentation Foundation features: Scores of C# and XAML examples that show you what it takes to get a WPF application up and running, from a simple "Hello, Avalon" program to a tic-tac-toe game Insightful discussions of the powerful new programming styles that WPF brings to Windows development, especially its new model for controls A color insert to better illustrate WPF support for 3-D, color, and other graphics effects A tutorial on XAML, the new HTML-like markup language for declaring Windows UI An explanation and comparison of the features that support interoperability with Windows Forms and other Windows legacy applications The next generation of Windows applications is going to blaze a trail into the unknown. WPF represents the best of the control-based Windows world and the content-based web world; it's an engine just itching to be taken for a spin. Inside, you'll find the keys to the ignition.

Programming WPF, 2nd Edition

by Ian Griffiths Chris Sells

If you want to build applications that take full advantage of Windows Vista's new user interface capabilities, you need to learn Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). This new edition, fully updated for the official release of .NET 3.0, is designed to get you up to speed on this technology quickly. By page 2, you'll be writing a simple WPF application. By the end of Chapter 1, you'll have taken a complete tour of WPF and its major elements.WPF is the new presentation framework for Windows Vista that also works with Windows XP. It's a cornucopia of new technologies, which includes a new graphics engine that supports 3-D graphics, animation, and more; an XML-based markup language, called XAML, for declaring the structure of your Windows UI; and a radical new model for controls.This second edition includes new chapters on printing, XPS, 3-D, navigation, text and documents, along with a new appendix that covers Microsoft's new WPF/E platform for delivering richer UI through standard web browsers -- much like Adobe Flash. Content from the first edition has been significantly expanded and modified. Programming WPF includes:Scores of C# and XAML examples that show you what it takes to get a WPF application up and running, from a simple "Hello, Avalon" program to a tic-tac-toe gameInsightful discussions of the powerful new programming styles that WPF brings to Windows development, especially its new model for controlsA color insert to better illustrate WPF support for 3-D, color, and other graphics effectsA tutorial on XAML, the new HTML-like markup language for declaring Windows UIAn explanation and comparison of the features that support interoperability with Windows Forms and other Windows legacy applicationsWPF represents the best of the control-based Windows world and the content-based web world. Programming WPF helps you bring it all together.

C#. Programowanie. Wydanie VI

by Ian Griffiths Matthew Adams Jesse Liberty

Najlepszy podr?cznik po?wi?cony C#!W dzisiejszych czasach szczególnš popularno?ciš cieszš si? j?zyki programowania pozwalajšce na pisanie kodu ?atwego do przenoszenia mi?dzy platformami, poniewa? nikt nie ma czasu na pisanie kilku wersji jednej aplikacji. C# to uniwersalny j?zyk, który bez trudu spe?nia ten wymóg. Dzi?ki swej elastyczno?ci, wydajno?ci oraz mocnemu wsparciu spo?eczno?ci zdoby? on uznanie programistów. Jego wybór to strza? w dziesištk?!Ten bestsellerowy podr?cznik pozwoli Ci b?yskawicznie pozna? wszystkie niuanse j?zyka C# 4.0. Najnowsze wydanie zosta?o zaktualizowane o nowo?ci w C# oraz zawiera opis tego j?zyka i platformy .NET. W trakcie lektury nauczysz si? tworzy? skomplikowane programy przy u?yciu technik programowania obiektowego i funkcjonalnego. Ponadto sprawdzisz, jaki potencja? kryje j?zyk zapyta? LINQ oraz jak przesy?a? komunikaty za pomocš Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Dodatkowo poznasz mo?liwo?ci C# w zakresie tworzenia aplikacji internetowych w technologii Silverlight. Nauka C# jeszcze nigdy nie by?a tak przyjemna!Pisz z?o?one programy z u?yciem technik programowania obiektowego oraz funkcjonalnegoPrzetwarzaj du?e kolekcje danych dzi?ki wbudowanym w j?zyk zapytaniom LINQKomunikuj si? przez sie? za pomocš Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)Poznaj zalety technik programowania dynamicznego, dost?pnych w C# 4.0Twórz interaktywne aplikacje Windows z Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)Twórz bogate aplikacje internetowe z wykorzystaniem mo?liwo?ci Silverlight oraz ASP.NETWykorzystaj potencja? j?zyka C#!Ian Griffiths jest autorem kursu WPF oraz instruktorem w firmie Pluralsight, specjalizujšcej si? w prowadzeniu kursów Microsoft .NET. Pracuje tak?e jako niezale?ny konsultant. Jest wspó?autorem ksiš?ek "Windows Forms in a Nutshell", "Mastering Visual Studio .NET" oraz "Programming WPF", wydanych przez wydawnictwo O"Reilly.Matthew Adams jest kierownikiem do spraw tworzenia aplikacji w firmie Digital Healthcare Ltd. oraz autorem wielu artyku?ów i publikacji dotyczšcych znaczenia .NET w przemy?le informatycznym.Jesse Liberty jest starszym kierownikiem programu Microsoft Silverlight. Jest doskonale znany w ?rodowisku jako jeden z czo?owych ekspertów oraz autor bestsellerowych ksiš?ek, takich jak "Programming C# 3.0" (O"Reilly) oraz "ASP.NET 3.5. Programowanie" i "ASP.NET 2.0 i Ajax".

.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell

by Ian Griffiths Matthew Adams

.NET Windows Forms are a powerful technology for building a large class of applications for the Windows .NET platform. They offer nearly the same power and flexibility of classic Win32 development, but for a fraction of the effort. The programming model is lean and streamlined, and many of the tedious details that developers used to have to spend time on are now dealt with automatically by the platform. .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell offers an accelerated introduction to this next-generation of rich user interface development. The book provides an all-inclusive guide for experienced programmers using the .NET Windows Forms platform to develop Windows applications, along with a compact but remarkably complete reference to the .NET Framework Class Library (FCL) Windows Forms namespaces and types. The authors present solid coverage of the fundamental building blocks, such as Controls, Forms, Menus, and GDI+, and enough detail to help you build your own fully featured reusable visual components so you can write visual component libraries as well as standalone applications. .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell aims to provide not just the practical information and advice required to get programs working, but also to communicate the rationale behind the various parts of Windows Forms' design. The authors show how the thinking behind the framework enhances your productivity substantially. The new framework allows you to guess correctly what "the Right Way" to do things is a majority of the time, even if you've never tried what you're doing before. No more digging around in documentation for days to try to find the bit of information you need to use one particular feature. Anyone who is involved in user interface development will appreciate the ease of creation and expanded capabilities provided by .NET Windows Forms, as well as the in-depth focus and straight-forward approach this book brings. Included on CD is an add-in that will integrate the book's reference directly into the help files of Visual Studio .NET.

C# 5.0. Programowanie. Tworzenie aplikacji Windows 8, internetowych oraz biurowych w .NET 4.5 Framework

by Ian Griffiths

Najlepszy podr?cznik po?wi?cony C#! W dzisiejszych czasach szczególn? popularno?ci? ciesz? si? j?zyki programowania pozwalaj?ce na pisanie kodu ?atwego do przenoszenia mi?dzy platformami. Nikt nie ma czasu na pisanie kilku wersji jednej aplikacji. C# to uniwersalny j?zyk, w którym bez trudu dokonasz tego dzie?a. Dzi?ki swej elastyczno?ci, wydajno?ci oraz mocnemu wsparciu spo?eczno?ci zdoby? on uznanie programistów. Taki wybór to strza? w dziesi?tk?!Ten rewelacyjny podr?cznik jest Twoim kluczem do poznania wszystkich niuansów j?zyka C# 5.0. Kolejne wydanie zosta?o zaktualizowane o wszystkie nowo?ci w C#. Znajdziesz tu kompletny opis j?zyka i platformy .NET. W trakcie lektury oprócz standardowych zagadnie? b?dziesz móg? sprawdzi?, jak tworzy? aplikacje dla systemu Windows 8 i interfejsu Metro. Ponadto b?yskawicznie opanujesz detale zwi?zane z programowaniem obiektowym, dynamicznym i statycznym okre?laniem typów oraz j?zykiem XAML. Ksi??ka ta jest uznanym kompendium wiedzy na temat j?zyka C#. Musisz j? mie?!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce:przygotujesz interfejs u?ytkownika zgodny z duchem Windows 8wykorzystasz wielow?tkowo?? w platformie .NETpoznasz podstawy programowania obiektowegoprzekonasz si?, jak LINQ mo?e u?atwi? Ci ?ycieopanujesz j?zyk C#Wykorzystaj potencja? j?zyka C#! Ian Griffiths jest autorem kursu WPF oraz instruktorem w firmie Pluralsight, specjalizuj?cej si? w prowadzeniu kursów Microsoft .NET. Pracuje tak?e jako niezale?ny konsultant. Jest wspó?autorem ksi??ek „Windows Forms in a Nutshell”, „Mastering Visual Studio .NET” oraz „Programming WPF”, wydanych przez wydawnictwo O’Reilly.

Programming C# 10: Build Cloud, Web, And Desktop Applications

by Ian Griffiths

C# is undeniably one of the most versatile programming languages available to engineers today. With this comprehensive guide, you'll learn just how powerful the combination of C# and .NET can be. Author Ian Griffiths guides you through C# 10.0 and .NET 6 fundamentals and techniques for building cloud, web, and desktop applications.Designed for experienced programmers, this book provides many code examples to help you work with the nuts and bolts of C#, such as generics, LINQ, and asynchronous programming features. You'll get up to speed on .NET 6 and the latest C# 9.0 and 10.0 additions, including records, enhanced pattern matching, and new features designed to remove "ceremony" to improve productivity.Understand how .NET has changed in the most recent releases, and learn what it means for application developmentSelect the most appropriate C# language features for any taskLearn when to use the new features and when to stick with older onesExamine the range of functionality available in .NET's class librariesLearn how you can apply these class libraries to practical programming tasksExplore numerous small additions to .NET that improve expressiveness"Unlike books that focus on Visual Studio and technologies that interact with C#, this one covers the core language, and mastery of this core is essential to successfully building good software. It covers important concepts followed by generous code examples to explain them. Itâ??s thorough, detailed, and gets at the nooks and crannies of the language rarely covered elsewhere. It's a complete course on C#."--Jeremy MorganSoftware/DevOps engineerIan Griffiths has worked in various aspects of computing, including computer networking, embedded real-time systems, broadcast television systems, medical imaging, and all forms of cloud computing. Ian is a Technical Fellow at endjin, and a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies. Heâ??s the author of several O'Reilly books and has written courses on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and TPL Tables. Technology brings him joy.

Programming C# 12: Build Cloud, Web, And Desktop Applications

by Ian Griffiths

C# is undeniably one of the most versatile programming languages available to engineers today. With this comprehensive guide, you'll learn just how powerful the combination of C# and .NET can be. Author Ian Griffiths guides you through C# 12.0 and .NET 8 fundamentals and techniques for building cloud, web, and desktop applications.Designed for experienced programmers, this book provides many code examples to help you work with the nuts and bolts of C#, such as generics, LINQ, and asynchronous programming features. You'll get up to speed on .NET 8 and the latest C# 11.0 and 12.0 additions, including generic math, new polymorphism options, enhanced pattern matching, and new features designed to improve productivity.This book helps you:Understand how .NET has changed in recent releases and learn what it means for application developmentSelect the appropriate C# language features for any taskLearn when to use the new features and when to stick with older onesExamine the range of functionality in .NET's class librariesApply these class libraries to practical programming tasksExplore numerous small additions to .NET that improve expressiveness

Programming C# 5.0: Building Windows 8, Web, and Desktop Applications for the .NET 4.5 Framework

by Ian Griffiths

<p>C# has become one of the most versatile programming languages available. With this comprehensive guide, you&#8217;ll learn just how powerful the combination of C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5 can be. Author Ian Griffiths guides you through C# 5.0 fundamentals and teaches you techniques for building web and desktop applications, including Windows 8-style apps.</p>

Programming C# 8.0: Build Cloud, Web, and Desktop Applications

by Ian Griffiths

C# is undeniably one of the most versatile programming languages available to engineers today. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn just how powerful the combination of C# and .NET can be. Author Ian Griffiths guides you through C# 8.0 fundamentals and techniques for building cloud, web, and desktop applications.Designed for experienced programmers, this book provides many code examples to help you work with the nuts and bolts of C#, such as generics, LINQ, and asynchronous programming features. You’ll get up to speed on .NET Core and the latest C# 8.0 additions, including asynchronous streams, nullable references, pattern matching, default interface implementation, ranges and new indexing syntax, and changes in the .NET tool chain.Discover how C# supports fundamental coding features, such as classes, other custom types, collections, and error handlingLearn how to write high-performance memory-efficient code with .NET Core’s Span and Memory typesQuery and process diverse data sources, such as in-memory object models, databases, data streams, and XML documents with LINQUse .NET’s multithreading features to exploit your computer’s parallel processing capabilitiesLearn how asynchronous language features can help improve application responsiveness and scalability

Numerical Analysis Using R

by Graham W. Griffiths

This book presents the latest numerical solutions to initial value problems and boundary value problems described by ODEs and PDEs. The author offers practical methods that can be adapted to solve wide ranges of problems and illustrates them in the increasingly popular open source computer language R, allowing integration with more statistically based methods. The book begins with standard techniques, followed by an overview of 'high resolution' flux limiters and WENO to solve problems with solutions exhibiting high gradient phenomena. Meshless methods using radial basis functions are then discussed in the context of scattered data interpolation and the solution of PDEs on irregular grids. Three detailed case studies demonstrate how numerical methods can be used to tackle very different complex problems. With its focus on practical solutions to real-world problems, this book will be useful to students and practitioners in all areas of science and engineering, especially those using R.

WordPress 3 Plugin Development Essentials

by Everett Griffiths Brian Bondari

This book will provide an easy to understand, step-by-step approach to building your own WordPress plugins from scratch. We will construct a variety of plugins from the group up, demonstrating how to tap into a number of WordPress' development aspects, as well as how to prepare and release your plugin(s) to the public.This book is for WordPress users who want to learn how to create their own plugins and for developers who are new to the WordPress platform. Basic knowledge of PHP and HTML is expected, as well as a functional knowledge of how WordPress works from a user standpoint.

Head First C: A Brain-Friendly Guide

by Dawn Griffiths David Griffiths

Ever wished you could learn C from a book? Head First C provides a complete learning experience for C and structured imperative programming. With a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals, this guide not only teaches you the language, it helps you understand how to be a great programmer. You'll learn key areas such as language basics, pointers and pointer arithmetic, and dynamic memory management. Advanced topics include multi-threading and network programming--topics typically covered on a college-level course. This book also features labs: in-depth projects intended to stretch your abilities, test your new skills, and build confidence. Head First C mimics the style of college-level C courses, making it ideal as an accessible textbook for students. We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First C uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

Head First Kotlin: A Brain-Friendly Guide

by Dawn Griffiths David Griffiths

What will you learn from this book?Head First Kotlin is a complete introduction to coding in Kotlin. This hands-on book helps you learn the Kotlin language with a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals and teaches you how to think like a great Kotlin developer. You’ll learn everything from language fundamentals to collections, generics, lambdas, and higher-order functions. Along the way, you’ll get to play with both object-oriented and functional programming. If you want to really understand Kotlin, this is the book for you.Why does this book look so different?Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Kotlin uses a visually rich format to engage your mind rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multisensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works.

Excel Cookbook

by Dawn Griffiths

Filled with tips, tricks, and techniques, this easy-to-use book is the perfect resource for intermediate to advanced users of Excel. You'll find complete recipes for more than a dozen topics covering formulas, PivotTables, charts, Power Query, and more. Each recipe poses a particular problem and outlines a solution that you can put to use right away—without having to comb through tutorial pages.Whether you're a data analyst, project manager, or financial analyst, author Dawn Griffiths directs you straight to the answers you need. Ideal as a quick reference, Excel Cookbook is also perfect for learning how to work in a more efficient way, leading to greater productivity on the job. With this book, you'll jump in and get answers to your questions—fast.This cookbook shows you how to:Get the most out of Excel's featuresAddress complex data problems in the best way possibleCollect, manage, and analyze data from a variety of sourcesUse functions and formulas with ease—including dynamic array and lambda formulasAnalyze data with PivotTables, Power Pivot, and moreImport and transform data with Power QueryWrite custom functions and automate Excel with VBA

Head First Android Development

by David Griffiths Dawn Griffiths

What will you learn from this book?If you have an idea for a killer Android app, this book will help you build your first working application in a jiffy. You'll learn hands-on how to structure your app, design interfaces, create a database, make your app work on various smartphones and tablets, and much more. It's like having an experienced Android developer sitting right next to you! All you need is some Java know-how to get started.Why does this book look so different?Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Android Development uses a visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multi-sensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works.

Head First Android Development: A Brain-Friendly Guide

by David Griffiths Dawn Griffiths

What will you learn from this book?If you have an idea for a killer Android app, this fully revised and updated edition will help you build your first working application in a jiffy. You’ll learn hands-on how to structure your app, design flexible and interactive interfaces, run services in the background, make your app work on various smartphones and tablets, and much more. It’s like having an experienced Android developer sitting right next to you! All you need to get started is some Java know-how.Why does this book look so different?Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Android Development uses a visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multi-sensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works.

Head First Programming: A learner's guide to programming using the Python language (O'reilly Ser.)

by David Griffiths Paul Barry

Looking for a reliable way to learn how to program on your own, without being overwhelmed by confusing concepts? Head First Programming introduces the core concepts of writing computer programs -- variables, decisions, loops, functions, and objects -- which apply regardless of the programming language. This book offers concrete examples and exercises in the dynamic and versatile Python language to demonstrate and reinforce these concepts. Learn the basic tools to start writing the programs that interest you, and get a better understanding of what software can (and cannot) do. When you're finished, you'll have the necessary foundation to learn any programming language or tackle any software project you choose. With a focus on programming concepts, this book teaches you how to:Understand the core features of all programming languages, including: variables, statements, decisions, loops, expressions, and operators Reuse code with functions Use library code to save time and effort Select the best data structure to manage complex data Write programs that talk to the Web Share your data with other programs Write programs that test themselves and help you avoid embarrassing coding errors We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Programming uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

Head First Rails

by David Griffiths

Ready to transport your web applications into the Web 2.0 era? Head First Rails takes your programming -- and productivity -- to the max. You'll learn everything from the fundamentals of Rails scaffolding to building customized interactive web apps using Rails' rich set of tools and the MVC framework. By the time you're finished, you'll have learned more than just another web framework. You'll master database interactions, integration with Ajax and XML, rich content, and even dynamic graphing of your data -- all in a fraction of the time it takes to build the same apps with Java, PHP, ASP.NET, or Perl. You'll even get comfortable and familiar with Ruby, the language that underpins Rails. But you'll do it in the context of web programming, and not through boring exercises such as "Hello, World!" Your time is way too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Rails uses a visually rich format designed to take advantage of the way your brain really works.

CodeIgniter 1.7 Professional Development

by Adam Griffiths

This book is a practical guide that takes you through a number of techniques. Each chapter builds upon knowledge from the previous chapter. Step-by-step instructions with examples and illustrative screenshots ensure that you gain a firm grasp of the topic being explained. This book is written for advanced PHP developers with a good working knowledge of Object Oriented Programming techniques who are comfortable with developing applications and wish to use CodeIgniter to make their development easier, quicker, and more fun. Basic knowledge of CodeIgniter will be helpful. This book will suit developers who fall into three categories: Professional Developers - employees of a software house or organization with in-house software development, Freelance Developers - solo developers working in the industry on their own, Just-for-fun Developers - people working with PHP building web applications is their spare time for fun

The Official eBay Bible Second Edition

by Jim Griffith

America's official eBay Ambassador shares his humor, know-how, and matchless eBay expertise in this newly revised edition of the authoritative guide geared to both the beginning bidder and seller, as well as the professional entrepreneur. Whether it's just a desire to make some extra money, buy the latest set of golf clubs, or start a new business, people around the world "do it eBay." With a community of more than one hundred five million people around the world every day, eBay is the World's Online Marketplace. In this definitive resource, ultimate eBay insider Jim Griffith--A.K.A. Griff--tells you everything you need to know to become a successful buyers and seller and to navigate the changes and improvements being introduced to the eBay website in 2004-2005. In this indispensable manual--authorized by eBay and featuring the very latest formats, screen shots, protocols, and etiquette--the eBay Guru of online auctions provides a comprehensive blueprint for: Navigating the Web site and new eBay features Placing a bid Putting items up for sale Starting and running your own successful eBay business Plus: Changes and additions to eBay procedures and policies Tricks of the trade from successful eBay buyers and sellers Strategies for safe, secure, hassle-free eBay buying and selling Tips and shortcuts for even the most technologically challenged Case studies and success stories of people whose lives have been changed by eBay Whether you're a first-time user or an online pro, The Official eBay ® Bible is the only guide you need to shop and sell with the best of them.

The Official eBay Bible, Third Edition

by Jim Griffith

Jim ?Griff? Griffith, eBay?s official ambassador, presents the definitive sourcebook on all things eBay, for beginners to seasoned users alike. Uncle Griff, Dean of eBay Education, brings us the latest on all things eBay with the only officially endorsed and authorized guide to this phenomenal auction site. The Official eBay Bible has sold more than 150,000 copies in previous editions and eBay today is bigger than ever, with 203 million registered users and 541,000 official eBay stores nationwide. The Official eBay Bible, Third Edition is fully revised and totally updated with all of the latest changes to the site, making all previous books on eBay obsolete. Much more than a user?s guide, The Official eBay Bible, Third Edition includes the inspiring stories of real-life buyers and sellers, as well as tips and tricks on some of the powerful, but little-known aspects ofusing the site. This definitive sourcebook includes instructional plans for users of all levels, whether they?re running a small business through the site or simply enjoying it as a hobby. New features in the thirdedition include: a new streamlined organization, images of all the latest features and screens, and even more information for small-business owners. Packed with over seven hundred illustrations, The Official eBay Bible, Third Edition delivers the ultimate word on eBay, from an insider who has been there from the beginning.

Advances in Geocomputation: Geocomputation 2015--The 13th International Conference (Advances in Geographic Information Science)

by Daniel A. Griffith Yongwan Chun Denis J. Dean

This book contains refereed papers from the 13th International Conference on GeoComputation held at the University of Texas, Dallas, May 20-23, 2015. Since 1996, the members of the GeoComputation (the art and science of solving complex spatial problems with computers) community have joined together to develop a series of conferences in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland and the United States of America. The conference encourages diverse topics related to novel methodologies and technologies to enrich the future development of GeoComputation research.

Real-World Flash Game Development: How to Follow Best Practices AND Keep Your Sanity

by Christopher Griffith

Your deadline just got moved up. Your artist has never worked with Flash before. Your inner programmer is telling you that no OOP is a big Oops! Any Flash developer can share similar tales of woe. This book breaks down the process of Flash game development into simple, approachable steps. Never heard of a game loop before? No idea what a design pattern is? No problem! Chris Griffith gives you real-world expertise, and real-world code that you can use in your own games. Griffith has been building games in Flash long enough to know what works and what doesn't. He shows you what you need to know to get the job done. Griffith covers Flash for the everyday developer. The average Flash developer doesn't have luxurious timelines, employers who understand the value of reusability, or the help of an information architect to design a usable experience. This book helps bridge the gap for these coders who may be used to C++, Java, or C# and want to move over to Flash. Griffith covers real-world scenarios pulled from his own experiences developing games for over 10 years in the industry. The 2nd edition will include: completely new game examples on more advanced topics like 3D; more robust physics and collision detection; and mobile device coverage with Android platform development for us on phones and tablets. Also coverage of the new features available in Flash CS5, Flash Player 10.1, and AIR 2.0 that can be used for game development.The associated web site for the book: gets close to 1,000 visits a month. On the site, readers can find all the source code for the examples, news on industry happenings, updates and special offers, and a discussion forum to ask questions and share ideas.

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