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Identification of Pathogenic Social Media Accounts: From Data to Intelligence to Prediction (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Hamidreza Alvari Elham Shaabani Paulo Shakarian

This book sheds light on the challenges facing social media in combating malicious accounts, and aims to introduce current practices to address the challenges. It further provides an in-depth investigation regarding characteristics of “Pathogenic Social Media (PSM),”by focusing on how they differ from other social bots (e.g., trolls, sybils and cyborgs) and normal users as well as how PSMs communicate to achieve their malicious goals. This book leverages sophisticated data mining and machine learning techniques for early identification of PSMs, using the relevant information produced by these bad actors. It also presents proactive intelligence with a multidisciplinary approach that combines machine learning, data mining, causality analysis and social network analysis, providing defenders with the ability to detect these actors that are more likely to form malicious campaigns and spread harmful disinformation. Over the past years, social media has played a major role in massive dissemination of misinformation online. Political events and public opinion on the Web have been allegedly manipulated by several forms of accounts including “Pathogenic Social Media (PSM)” accounts (e.g., ISIS supporters and fake news writers). PSMs are key users in spreading misinformation on social media - in viral proportions. Early identification of PSMs is thus of utmost importance for social media authorities in an effort toward stopping their propaganda. The burden falls to automatic approaches that can identify these accounts shortly after they began their harmful activities. Researchers and advanced-level students studying and working in cybersecurity, data mining, machine learning, social network analysis and sociology will find this book useful. Practitioners of proactive cyber threat intelligence and social media authorities will also find this book interesting and insightful, as it presents an important and emerging type of threat intelligence facing social media and the general public.

Information and Elections

by R. Michael Alvarez

R. Michael Alvarez examines how voters make their decisions in presidential elections. He begins with the assumption that voters have neither the incentive nor the inclination to be well-informed about politics and presidential candidates. Candidates themselves have incentives to provide ambiguous information about themselves, their records and their issue positions. Yet the author shows that a tremendous amount of information is made available about presidential candidates. And he uncovers clear and striking evidence that people are not likely to vote for candidates about whom they know very little. Alvarez explores how voters learn about candidates through the course of a campaign. He provides a detailed analysis of the media coverage of presidential campaigns and shows that there is a tremendous amount of media coverage of these campaigns, that much of this coverage is about issues and is informative, and that voters learn from this coverage. The paperback edition of this work has been updated to include information on the 1996 Presidential election. Information and Electionsis a book that will be read by all who are interested in campaigns and electoral behavior in presidential and other elections. "Thoughtfully conceptualized, painstakingly analyzed, with empirically significant conclusions on presidential election voting behavior, this book is recommended for both upper-division undergraduate and graduate collections. " --Choice R. Michael Alvarez is Associate Professor of Political Science, California Institute of Technology.

The Map in the Machine: Charting the Spatial Architecture of Digital Capitalism

by Luis F. Alvarez Leon

Digital technologies have changed how we shop, work, play, and communicate, reshaping our societies and economies. To understand digital capitalism, we need to grasp how advances in geospatial technologies underpin the construction, operation, and refinement of markets for digital goods and services. In The Map in the Machine, Luis F. Alvarez Leon examines these advances, from MapQuest and Google Maps to the rise of IP geolocation, ridesharing, and a new Earth Observation satellite ecosystem. He develops a geographical theory of digital capitalism centered on the processes of location, valuation, and marketization to provide a new vantage point from which to better understand, and intervene in, the dominant techno-economic paradigm of our time. By centering the spatiality of digital capitalism, Alvarez Leon shows how this system is the product not of seemingly intangible information clouds but rather of a vast array of technologies, practices, and infrastructures deeply rooted in place, mediated by geography, and open to contestation and change.

Instant PhoneGap

by Gustavo De Alvarez

Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. This is a guide that starts with the basics of a PhoneGap mobile application along with top features to enable you to build your own PhoneGap mobile application.This book is ideal for those who want to develop mobile apps but do not want to learn a new SDK for every phone on the shelf. You should have basic knowledge of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS or any programming language.

Oracle Database 12c Backup and Recovery Survival Guide

by Francisco Munoz Alvarez Aman Sharma

The book follows a tutorial-based approach, covering all the best practices for backup and recovery. The book starts by introducing readers to the world of backup and recovery, then moves on to teach them the new features offered by Oracle 12c. The book is full of useful tips and best practices that are essential for any DBA to perform backup and recovery operations in an organization.This book is designed for Oracle DBAs and system administrators. The reader will have a basic working experience of administering Oracle databases. This book is designed for Oracle DBAs and system administrators.This book will become a reference guide and will also help you to learn some new skills, and give you some new ideas you never knew about, helping you to easily find the solution to some of the most well-known problems you could encounter as DBAs.

International Joint Conference: Seville, Spain, May 13th-15th, 2019 Proceedings (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #951)

by Francisco Martínez Álvarez Alicia Troncoso Lora José António Sáez Muñoz Héctor Quintián Emilio Corchado

This volume presents papers presented at CISIS 2019 and ICEUTE 2019, held in the beautiful and historic city of Seville (Spain) in May 2019.The 12th CISIS 2019 conference offered a meeting opportunity for academic and industry-related researchers form the various communities of computational intelligence, information security and data mining, and the need for intelligent, flexible behaviour by large, complex systems, especially in mission-critical domains, was the catalyst and the aggregation stimulus for the event. The book covers current topics such as cryptographic and data analytics solutions to fulfil least minimum privilege and endorse least minimum effort in information systems. The book also includes 15 papers from the 10th ICEUTE 2019, covering topics like new approaches to assess competencies and innovation in computer science education.

Data and Information in Online Environments: Second EAI International Conference, DIONE 2021, Virtual Event, March 10–12, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #378)

by Edgar Bisset Álvarez

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International Conference on Data Information in Online Environments, DIONE 2021, which took place in March 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. DIONE 2021 presents theoretical proposals and practical solutions in the treatment, processing and study of data and information produced in online environments, the latest trends in the analysis of network information, media metrics social, data processing technologies and open science. The 40 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 86 submissions. The papers are grouped in thematical sessions on evaluation of science in social networking environment; scholarly publishing and online communication; and education in online environments.

Lean Customer Development

by Cindy Alvarez

How do you develop products that people will actually use and buy? This practical guide shows you how to validate product and company ideas through customer development research--before you waste months and millions on a product or service that no one needs or wants.With a combination of open-ended interviewing and fast and flexible research techniques, you'll learn how your prospective customers behave, the problems they need to solve, and what frustrates and delights them. These insights may shake your assumptions, but they'll help you reach the "ah-ha!" moments that inspire truly great products.Validate or invalidate your hypothesis by talking to the right peopleLearn how to conduct successful customer interviews play-by-playDetect a customer's behaviors, pain points, and constraintsTurn interview insights into Minimum Viable Products to validate what customers will use and buyAdapt customer development strategies for large companies, conservative industries, and existing products

Lean Customer Development: Building Products Your Customers Will Buy

by Cindy Alvarez

How do you develop products that people will actually use and buy? This practical guide shows you how to validate product and company ideas through customer development research—before you waste months and millions on a product or service that no one needs or wants.With a combination of open-ended interviewing and fast and flexible research techniques, you’ll learn how your prospective customers behave, the problems they need to solve, and what frustrates and delights them. These insights may shake your assumptions, but they’ll help you reach the "ah-ha!" moments that inspire truly great products.Validate or invalidate your hypothesis by talking to the right peopleLearn how to conduct successful customer interviews play-by-playDetect a customer’s behaviors, pain points, and constraintsTurn interview insights into Minimum Viable Products to validate what customers will use and buyAdapt customer development strategies for large companies, conservative industries, and existing products

Lean Customer Development.

by Cindy Alvarez

Znaj klienta swego Zweryfikuj swoj? hipotez?, rozmawiaj?c z w?a?ciwymi osobami. Krok po kroku naucz si? prowadzi? skuteczne wywiady Customer Development. Rozpoznawaj zachowania klientów, ich problemy i ograniczenia. Na podstawie pozyskanych w ten sposób informacji zbuduj minimalnie satysfakcjonuj?cy produkt, który pozwoli Ci potwierdzi?, co klienci s? sk?onni kupi? i czego b?d? u?ywa?. Dostosuj techniki sk?adaj?ce si? na model Customer Development do potrzeb du?ych organizacji, konserwatywnych bran? i istniej?cych ju? produktów.Jak tworzy? produkty, które ludzie b?d? chcieli kupowa?? Bez wzgl?du na to, czy jeste? w?a?cicielem niewielkiej firmy czy pracownikiem wielkiego koncernu, zadajesz sobie to samo pytanie. Je?li szukasz niezawodnej metody badania potrzeb i preferencji klientów, dzi?ki której zaoszcz?dzisz wiele miesi?cy pracy oraz mnóstwo pieni?dzy, zapraszamy do ?wiata Lean Customer Development.To metoda id?ca o krok dalej ni? tradycyjne techniki marketingowe. Nie tylko pomo?e Ci pozna? potrzeby i preferencje klientów oraz zg??bi? user experience, ale zweryfikuje t? wiedz? na drodze eksperymentów naukowych. Dzi?ki odpowiedniemu po??czeniu otwartych wywiadów oraz szybkich i elastycznych technik badawczych dowiesz si?, jak zachowuj? si? Twoi potencjalni klienci, jakie problemy usi?uj? rozwi?za?, a tak?e co ich frustruje, a co jest przedmiotem ich zachwytów. Dowiedz si?, jak zmienia? zachowania konsumentów, tworzy? wielkie produkty i budowa? trwa?? firm?.Ksi??ki z serii Lean, serii, której redaktorem jest,​eriris.htm">Eric Ries, za?o?yciel ruchu Lean Startup. Niniejsza ksi??ka k?adzie nacisk na podstawowe aspekty metodologiczne i zawiera praktyczne przyk?ady, opracowane z my?l? o deweloperach, mened?erach i innych cz?onkach zespo?u Twojego startupu. Dzi?ki niej poznasz skuteczne narz?dzia i przyjmiesz sposób my?lenia sprzyjaj?cy podejmowaniu szybkich i m?drych decyzji.

Getting Started with Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.6

by Augusto Alvarez

A practical tutorial containing clear, step-by-step explanations of all the concepts required to understand the technology involved in virtualizing your application infrastructure. By taking the reader through relevant real world examples that can be put into practice immediately, this book provides an easy way to plan and design the implementation. Each topic is written defining a common need and developing the process to solve it using Microsoft App-V.This book is written for IT professionals and IT decision makers who want to explore the benefits of implementing and maintaining virtual applications. If you are a system administrator or a consultant who wants to implement and administer App-V, then this book is for you. The detailed steps provided for applying App-V in your organization will work as an easy guide for IT professionals in charge of the operations. It will also meet the expectations of readers who are looking for a simple way of handling their infrastructure and who want to reduce the costs of help desk supports issues.

Microsoft Application Virtualization Advanced Guide

by Augusto Alvarez

A practical tutorial containing clear, step-by-step explanations of all the concepts required to understand the technology involved in virtualizing your application infrastructure. Each chapter uses real-world scenarios so that the readers can put into practice what they learn immediately and with the right guidance. Each topic is written defining a common need and developing the process to solve it using Microsoft App-V. This book is for system administrators or consultants who want to master and dominate App-V, and gain a deeper understanding of the technology in order to optimize App V implementations. Even though the book does not include basic steps like installing App-V components or sequencing simple applications; application virtualization beginners will receive a comprehensive look into App-V before jumping into the technical process of each chapter.

Simulating Science: Computer Simulations as Scientific Instruments (Synthese Library #479)

by Ramón Alvarado

This book provides a philosophical framework to understand computer simulations as scientific instruments. This is in sharp contrast to existing philosophical approaches on the subject, which have historically understood computer simulations as either formal abstractions or as broadly construed empirical practices. In order to make its case, the volume contains a thorough examination of conventional philosophical approaches as well as their respective limitations. Yet, also, unlike other accounts of computer simulations from the perspective of the philosophy of science, this book incorporates insights from the philosophy of technology and the history of science. Hence, the book offers philosophers of science, technologists and other researchers interested in the topic, a thorough overview of the philosophical issues regarding the design, development and deployment of computer simulations in science and science-based policy making.

Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems

by Rajeev Alur

A foundational text that offers a rigorous introduction to the principles of design, specification, modeling, and analysis of cyber-physical systems.A cyber-physical system consists of a collection of computing devices communicating with one another and interacting with the physical world via sensors and actuators in a feedback loop. Increasingly, such systems are everywhere, from smart buildings to medical devices to automobiles. This textbook offers a rigorous and comprehensive introduction to the principles of design, specification, modeling, and analysis of cyber-physical systems. The book draws on a diverse set of subdisciplines, including model-based design, concurrency theory, distributed algorithms, formal methods of specification and verification, control theory, real-time systems, and hybrid systems, explaining the core ideas from each that are relevant to system design and analysis.The book explains how formal models provide mathematical abstractions to manage the complexity of a system design. It covers both synchronous and asynchronous models for concurrent computation, continuous-time models for dynamical systems, and hybrid systems for integrating discrete and continuous evolution. The role of correctness requirements in the design of reliable systems is illustrated with a range of specification formalisms and the associated techniques for formal verification. The topics include safety and liveness requirements, temporal logic, model checking, deductive verification, stability analysis of linear systems, and real-time scheduling algorithms. Principles of modeling, specification, and analysis are illustrated by constructing solutions to representative design problems from distributed algorithms, network protocols, control design, and robotics.This book provides the rapidly expanding field of cyber-physical systems with a long-needed foundational text by an established authority. It is suitable for classroom use or as a reference for professionals.

Advances in Robot Kinematics 2022 (Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics #24)

by Oscar Altuzarra Andrés Kecskeméthy

This book reports on the latest scientific achievements on robot kinematics provided by the prominent researchers participating in the 18th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics ARK2022, organized in the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain. It is of interest to researchers wanting to know more about the latest topics and methods in the fields of the kinematics, control and design of robotic systems. The book brings together 53 peer-reviewed papers. These cover the full range of robotic systems, including serial, parallel, flexible mechanisms, and cable-driven manipulators, and tackle problems such as: kinematic analysis of robots, robot modelling and simulation, theories and methods in kinematics, singularity analysis, kinematic problems in parallel robots, redundant robots, cable robots, kinematics in biological systems, flexible parallel manipulators, humanoid robots and humanoid subsystems.

Intelligence of Things: AI-IoT Based Critical-Applications and Innovations

by Fadi Al-Turjman Anand Nayyar Ajantha Devi Piyush Kumar Shukla

This book presents recent technologies that explore artificial intelligence (AI) and its scope in Internet of Things (IoT) enabled areas for productivity and the betterment of society. The book aims at targeting audiences of several disciplines to share research, suggest solutions, and future trends in the field of AI using IoT. Rather than looking at the field from only a theoretical or only a practical perspective, this book unifies both aspects to give a holistic understanding of the AI paradigm for IoT. The book focuses on timely topics related to the field of AI enabled IoT applications at large. The book consists of four major parts: fundamentals, theoretical discussion, critical applications, and the learning algorithms. These contents shall include the basics, types, tools, and techniques of AI. Finally, applications of AI enabled IoT in several areas are presented including health, security, climate change, agricultural engineering, bioinformatics, biomedicine, smart applications, natural language processing, social and economic implications of AI enabled IoT, as well as robotics, sustainability, risk management, seismic data processing, smart grid management, text analysis, security, privacy, and ethics.

Machine Learning for Critical Internet of Medical Things: Applications and Use Cases

by Fadi Al-Turjman Anand Nayyar

This book discusses the applications, challenges, and future trends of machine learning in medical domain, including both basic and advanced topics. The book presents how machine learning is helpful in smooth conduction of administrative processes in hospitals, in treating infectious diseases, and in personalized medical treatments. The authors show how machine learning can also help make fast and more accurate disease diagnoses, easily identify patients, help in new types of therapies or treatments, model small-molecule drugs in pharmaceutical sector, and help with innovations via integrated technologies such as artificial intelligence as well as deep learning. The authors show how machine learning also improves the physician’s and doctor’s medical capabilities to better diagnosis their patients. This book illustrates advanced, innovative techniques, frameworks, concepts, and methodologies of machine learning that will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system.Provides researchers in machine and deep learning with a conceptual understanding of various methodologies of implementing the technologies in medical areas;Discusses the role machine learning and IoT play into locating different virus and diseases across the globe, such as COVID-19, Ebola, and cervical cancer;Includes fundamentals and advances in machine learning in the medical field, supported by significant case studies and practical applications.

Advanced Controllers for Smart Cities: An Industry 4.0 Perspective (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Fadi Al-Turjman Naveenbalaji Gowthaman

This book provides basic knowledge of advanced microcontrollers associated with large systems and devices. The book determines the feasibility of the advanced controllers from an Industry 4.0 perspective, which is associated with Integrated Internet of Things (IIoT) when developing larger smart cities. Also, it describes potential applications, key areas of Industry 4.0, and controlling applications with microcontrollers. Chapters include IoT with integrated control applications in smart city paradigm; agriculture, public safety, women and child care & welfare; healthcare, water management, government and administration; environmental impact, energy with management of information systems; and safety, education, transportation systems with advanced controllers.

Emerging Technologies for Battling Covid-19: Applications and Innovations (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #324)

by Fadi Al-Turjman Ajantha Devi Anand Nayyar

The book presents recent trends and solutions to help healthcare sectors and medical staff protect themselves and others and limit the spread of the COVID-19. The book also presents the problems and challenges researchers and academics face in tackling this monumental task. Topics include: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or drones that can be used to detect infected people in different areas; robots used in fighting the COVID-19 by protecting workers and staff dealing with infected people; blockchain technology that secures sensitive transactions in strict confidentiality. With contributions from experts from around the world, this book aims to help those creating and honing technology to help with this global threat.

AI-Powered IoT for COVID-19

by Fadi Al-Turjman

The Internet of Things (IoT) has made revolutionary advances in the utility grid as we know it. Among these advances, intelligent medical services are gaining much interest. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasing day after day in fighting one of the most significant viruses, COVID-19. The purpose of this book is to present the detailed recent exploration of AI and IoT in the COVID-19 pandemic and similar applications. The integrated AI and IoT paradigm is widely used in most medical applications, as well as in sectors that deal with transacting data every day. This book can be used by computer science undergraduate and postgraduate students; researchers and practitioners; and city administrators, policy makers, and government regulators. It presents a smart and up-to-date model for COVID-19 and similar applications. Novel architectural and medical use cases in the smart city project are the core aspects of this book. The wide variety of topics it presents offers readers multiple perspectives on a variety of disciplines. Prof. Dr. Fadi Al-Turjman received his PhD in computer science from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 2011. He is a full professor and research center director at Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for COVID-19 (Studies in Computational Intelligence #924)

by Fadi Al-Turjman

This book is dedicated to addressing the major challenges in fighting COVID-19 using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) – from cost and complexity to availability and accuracy. The aim of this book is to focus on both the design and implementation of AI-based approaches in proposed COVID-19 solutions that are enabled and supported by sensor networks, cloud computing, and 5G and beyond. This book presents research that contributes to the application of ML techniques to the problem of computer communication-assisted diagnosis of COVID-19 and similar diseases. The authors present the latest theoretical developments, real-world applications, and future perspectives on this topic. This book brings together a broad multidisciplinary community, aiming to integrate ideas, theories, models, and techniques from across different disciplines on intelligent solutions/systems, and to inform how cognitive systems in Next Generation Networks (NGN) should be designed, developed, and evaluated while exchanging and processing critical health information. Targeted readers are from varying disciplines who are interested in implementing the smart planet/environments vision via wireless/wired enabling technologies.

Artificial Intelligence in IoT (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

by Fadi Al-Turjman

This book provides an insight into IoT intelligence in terms of applications and algorithmic challenges. The book is dedicated to addressing the major challenges in realizing the artificial intelligence in IoT-based applications including challenges that vary from cost and energy efficiency to availability to service quality in multidisciplinary fashion. The aim of this book is hence to focus on both the algorithmic and practical parts of the artificial intelligence approaches in IoT applications that are enabled and supported by wireless sensor networks and cellular networks. Targeted readers are from varying disciplines who are interested in implementing the smart planet/environments vision via intelligent wireless/wired enabling technologies.Includes the most up-to-date research and applications related to IoT artificial intelligence (AI);Provides new and innovative operational ideas regarding the IoT artificial intelligence that help advance the telecommunications industry;Presents AI challenges facing the IoT scientists and provides potential ways to solve them in critical daily life issues.

Artificial Intelligence of Health-Enabled Spaces

by Fadi Al-Turjman

Artificial Intelligence of Health-Enabled Spaces (AIoH) has made a number of revolutionary advances in clinical studies that we are aware of. Among these advances, intelligent and medical services are gaining a great deal of interest. Nowadays, AI-powered technologies are not only used in saving lives, but also in our daily life activities in diagnosing, controlling, and even tracking of COVID-19 patients. These AI-powered solutions are expected to communicate with cellular networks smoothly in the next-generation networks (5G/6G and beyond) for more effective/critical medical applications. This will open the door for other interesting research areas. This book focuses on the development and analysis of artificial intelligence (AI) model applications across multiple disciplines. AI-based deep learning models, fuzzy and hybrid intelligent systems, and intrinsic explainable models are also presented in this book. Some of the fields considered in this smart health-oriented book include AI applications in electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, computer engineering, education, cyber security, chemistry, pharmacy, molecular biology, and tourism. This book is dedicated to addressing the major challenges in fighting diseases and psychological issues using AI. These challenges vary from cost and complexity to availability and accuracy. The aim of this book is hence to focus on both the design and implementation aspects of AI-based approaches in the proposed health-related solutions. Targeted readers are from varying disciplines who are interested in implementing the smart planet/environments vision via intelligent enabling technologies.

The Cloud in IoT-enabled Spaces

by Fadi Al-Turjman

The Cloud in IoT-enabled Spaces addresses major issues and challenges in IoT-based solutions proposed for the Cloud. It paves the way for IoT-enabled spaces in the next generation cloud computing paradigm and opens the door for further innovative ideas. Topics include Cloud-based optimization in the IoT era, scheduling and routing, medium access, data caching, secure access, uncertainty, home automation, machine learning in wearable devices, energy monitoring, and plant phenotyping in farming. Smart spaces are solutions where Internet of Things (IoT)-enabling technologies have been employed towards further advances in the lifestyle. It tightly integrates with the existing Cloud infrastructure to impact several fields in academia and industry. The Cloud in IoT-enabled Spaces provides an overview of the issues around small spaces and proposes the most up-to-date alternatives and solutions. The objective is to pave the way for IoT-enabled spaces in the next-generation Cloud computing and open the door for further innovative ideas.

Cognitive Sensors and IoT: Architecture, Deployment, and Data Delivery

by Fadi Al-Turjman

This book presents the Cognitive Information Centric Sensor Network (CICSN) framework for the IoT. This framework is built on top of cognitive nodes, capable of knowledge representation, learning, and reasoning, along with an information-centric approach for data delivery. <P><P> It also discusses the most appropriate deployment strategy for these cognitive nodes under realistic assumptions that cares about the Quality of Information (QoI). In addition, it uses a QoI aware data delivery strategy, with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as the reasoning technique to identify data delivery paths that dynamically adapt to changing network conditions and user requirements.

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