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Showing 54,226 through 54,250 of 54,396 results

Virtual Private Networks, Second Edition

by Mike Erwin Charlie Scott Paul Wolfe

This book explains how to plan and build a Virtual Private Network (VPN), a collection of technologies that creates secure connections or "tunnels" over regular Internet lines. It discusses costs, configuration, and how to install and use VPN technologies that are available for Windows NT and Unix, such as PPTP and L2TP, Altavista Tunnel, Cisco PIX, and the secure shell (SSH). New features in the second edition include SSH and an expanded description of the IPSec standard.

UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

by Arnold Robbins

The bestselling, most informative Unix reference book is now more complete and up to date. Not a scaled-down quick reference of common commands, UNIX in a Nutshell is a complete reference containing all commands and options, with descriptions and examples that put the commands in context. For all but the thorniest Unix problems, this one reference should be all you need. Covers System V Release 4 and Solaris 7.

Understanding the Linux Kernel, 2nd Edition

by Daniel P. Bovet Marco Cesati

The new edition of Understanding the Linux Kernel takes you on a guided tour through the most significant data structures, many algorithms, and programming tricks used in the kernel. The book has been updated to cover version 2.4 of the kernel, which is quite different from version 2.2: the virtual memory system is entirely new, support for multiprocessor systems is improved, and whole new classes of hardware devices have been added. You'll learn what conditions bring out Linux's best performance, and how it meets the challenge of providing good system response during process scheduling, file access, and memory management in a wide variety of environments.

The Cathedral & the Bazaar, Revised Edition

by Eric S. Raymond

The Cathedral & the Bazaar is a must for anyone who cares about the future of the computer industry or the dynamics of the information economy. This revised and expanded paperback edition includes new material on open source developments in 1999 and 2000. Raymond's clear and effective writing style accurately describing the benefits of open source software has been key to its success.

SVG Essentials

by J. David Eisenberg

Scalable Vector Graphics -- or SVG -- is the new XML-based graphics standard from the W3C that will enable Web documents to be smaller, faster and more interactive. This insightful book takes you through the ins and outs of SVG, from the basics to more complicated features. Whether you're a graphic designer looking for new tools, or a programmer creating and managing graphics, this book provides a solid foundation.

SQL in a Nutshell

by Kevin Kline

SQL in a Nutshell is a practical and useful command reference to the latest release of the Structured Query Language (SQL99). For experienced SQL programmers, analysts, and database administrators, it's a handy key to each of the SQL commands and its use in both commercial (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Oracle 8 i ) and open source (MySQL, PostgreSQL 7.0) implementations. SQL in a Nutshell is also a great learning resource for novice and auxiliary SQL users.

Solaris 8 Administrator's Guide

by Paul Watters

This guide covers all aspects of deploying Solaris as an enterprise-level network operating system, with a focus on e-commerce. Written for experienced network administrators who want an objective guide to networking with Solaris, the book covers installation on the Intel and Sparc platforms, and instructs you how to setup Solaris as a file server, application server, and database server.

sed & awk Pocket Reference, Second Edition

by Arnold Robbins

The sed & awk Pocket Reference is a handy, quick reference guide to frequently used functions, commands, and regular expressions used for day-to-day text processing needs. This book is a companion to both sed & awk, Second Edition and Effective awk Programming, Third Edition.

Securing Windows NT/2000 Servers for the Internet

by Stefan Norberg

In recent years, Windows NT and 2000 systems have emerged as viable platforms for Internet servers, but securing Windows for Internet use is a complex task. This concise guide simplifies the task by paring down installation and configuration instructions into a series of security checklists for security administration, including hardening servers for use as "bastion hosts," performing secure remote administration with OpenSSH, TCP Wrappers, VNC, and the new Windows 2000 Terminal Services.


by David Brownell

This concise book gives you information you need to effectively use the Simple API for XML (SAX2), the dominant API for efficient XML processing with Java. With SAX2, developers have access to information in XML documents as they are read without imposing major memory constraints or a large code footprint. SAX2 gives you the detail and examples required to use SAX2 to its full potential.

Samba Pocket Reference

by David Collier-Brown Robert Eckstein Peter Kelly

This book describes all the options for Samba's configuration file in quick-reference format. It also contains command-line options and related information on the use of the Samba daemons and the utilities in the Samba distribution. System administrators who are familiar with Samba and want a handy reminder of how to administer it without the bulk of a full-sized book will find this pocket reference invaluable.

Python Programming on Win32

by Mark Hammond Andy Robinson

Despite Python's increasing popularity on Windows, Python Programming on Win32 is the first book to demonstrate how to use it as a serious Windows development and administration tool. This book addresses all the basic technologies for common integration tasks on Windows, explaining both the Windows issues and the Python code you need to glue things together.

Programming Web Services with XML-RPC

by Edd Dumbill Joe Johnston Simon St. Laurent

XML-RPC, a simple yet powerful system built on XML and HTTP, lets developers connect programs running on different computers with a minimum of fuss. Java programs can talk to Perl scripts, which can talk to ASP applications, and so on. With XML-RPC, developers can provide access to functionality without having to worry about the system on the other end, so it's easy to create web services.

Programming Visual Basic .NET

by Dave Grundgeiger

Targeted at experienced programmers, Programming Visual Basic .NET is the complete guide to application development using Visual Basic .NET. Starting with a sample application and a high-level map, the book jumps right into showing how the parts of .NET fit with Visual Basic .NET. Topics include the common language runtime, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, Web Forms, Web Services, and ADO.NET.

Programming Visual Basic for Palm OS

by Patrick Burton Matthew Holmes Roger Knoell

Programming Visual Basic for the Palm OS is the only book designed to help the Visual Basic desktop programmer to break into the Palm market. With Programming Visual Basic for the Palm OS , Visual Basic programmers can become Palm programmers almost over night.

Programming Python, 2nd Edition

by Mark Lutz

Programming Python focuses on advanced applications of Python. Endorsed by Python creator Guido van Rossum, it demonstrates advanced Python techniques, and addresses software design issues such as reusability and object-oriented programming. The enclosed platform-neutral CD-ROM has book examples and various Python-related packages, including the full Python Version 2.0 source code distribution.

XPath and XPointer

by John E. Simpson

Referring to specific information inside an XML document is a little like finding a needle in a haystack. XPath and XPointer are two closely related languages that play a key role in XML processing by allowing developers to find these needles and manipulate embedded information. By the time you've finished XPath and XPointer , you'll know how to construct a full XPointer (one that uses an XPath location path to address document content) and completely understand both the XPath and XPointer features it uses.

Secure Coding: Principles & Practices

by Mark G. Graff Kenneth R. Van Wyk

Despite their myriad manifestations and different targets, nearly all attacks on computer systems have one fundamental cause: the code used to run far too many systems today is not secure. Flaws in its design, implementation, testing, and operations allow attackers all-too-easy access. Secure Coding: Principles & Practices looks at the problem of bad code in a new way. This concise and highly readable book is packed with advice based on the authors' decades of experience in the computer security field.

PC Hardware in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition

by Robert Bruce Thompson Barbara Fritchman Thompson

Carefully researched and written, PC Hardware in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition is packed with useful and unbiased information, including how-to advice for specific components, ample reference material, and a comprehensive case study on building a PC. To the point yet complete, this book provides an enormous amount of timeless information intended for anyone who buys, builds, upgrades, or repairs PCs in a corporate, small business, or home setting.

Palm OS Programming: The Developer's Guide, 2nd Edition

by Julie Mckeehan Neil Rhodes

Palm OS Programming: The Developer's Guide , Second Edition shows intermediate to experienced C and C++ programmers how to build a Palm application from the ground up. The book follows up the success of our best-selling first edition with expanded coverage of the Palm OS, up to and including the latest version, 4.0. This book will set the standard for the next generation of Palm developers.

Palm OS Network Programming

by Greg Winton

Just in time for the wireless revolution comes the first complete guide to creating network applications for the Palm computing platform. Palm OS Network Programming covers the Palm Net Library and networking concepts such as transport protocols and client-server applications. Abundant examples illustrate how the many Palm-specific nuances relate to effective Palm network programming, so you learn to build truly well-designed connected Palm applications.

Oracle Web Applications: PL/SQL Developer's Introduction

by Andrew Odewahn

This book is an easy-to-understand guide to building Oracle8i (Oracle's "Internet database") Web applications using a variety of tools -- PL/SQL, HTML, XML, WebDB, and Oracle Application Server (OAS). It also covers the packages in the PL/SQL toolkit and demonstrates several fully realized Web applications. This book provides the jump-start you need to extend relational concepts to Web content and to make the transition from traditional programming to the development of useful Web applications for Oracle8i.

Oracle SQL: The Essential Reference

by David C. Kreines

Everything Oracle developers and DBAs need to know about standard SQL (Structured Query Language) and Oracle's extensions to it is in this single, concise reference volume. Quick-reference chapters investigate basic SQL elements, Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML), SQL functions, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, and Oracle SQL optimization and tuning. The book covers Oracle8 i, release 8.1.6.

Oracle SQL*Plus Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition

by Jonathan Gennick

The new 2nd edition of our Oracle SQL*Plus Pocket Reference includes many new features for Oracle9 i (e.g., COALESCE function, searched CASE expressions, new table join syntax, partition operations, MERGE statement, and syntax changes in existing SQL*Plus statements such as ACCEPT, DESRIBE, HELP, and SET) It also adds sections on basic SQL (a much-requested feature): INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT, and transaction management. The pocket reference size is especially appropriate for this particular subject, s

Oracle Security

by William Heney Marlene Theriault

This book covers the field of Oracle security from simple to complex. It describes basic RDBMS security features (e.g., passwords, profiles, roles, privileges, synonyms) and includes many practical strategies for securing an Oracle system, developing auditing and backup plans, and using the Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Security Server. Also touches on advanced security features, such as encryption, Trusted Oracle, and Internet and Web protection.

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