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Showing 11,826 through 11,850 of 28,176 results

Livro de receitas: Descubra e experimente novos hambúrgueres recheados e de dar água na boca

by Michael Stone Fabielle Cruz

Descubra uma variedade de pratos emocionantes com o guia surpreendente das melhores 50 melhores receitas de hambúrguer. Dentro deste livro de receitas, você aprenderá a fazer alguns dos mais deliciosos pratos de hambúrguer que irão rivalizar com alguns dos restaurantes de hambúrguer mais populares, como o McDonald's ou o Burger King; com a ajuda de mais de 50 receitas de hambúrgueres que impressionarão mesmo os mais seletos dos comedores, como um hambúrguer de guacamole, um hamburguer Caprese ou mesmo um cremosíssimo cheddar. O seguinte livro de receitas lhe dará algumas ideias novas e manterá a grelha acesa. Algumas são excelentes receitas para as crianças tentarem também. De amantes de carne para vegetarianos, há um hambúrguer neste livro de receitas para você! Então vamos ligar a grelha ou puxar a frigideira e vamos cozinhar!

Livre de recettes sans céréales : 30 recettes saines pour le cerveau, sans céréales et sans gluten !

by The Blokehead

La recherche de bons conseils diététiques nous laisse souvent confus et dépassés. Il y a toujours des personnes qui s'opposent à un programme diététique que l'on pense être bon pour nous. Pour nous faciliter la vie, voici quelques conseils d'introduction simples et directs. Il peut y avoir des restrictions concernant l'utilisation de gluten et de céréales, mais c'est parce qu'un régime sans gluten est beaucoup plus sain et plus gratifiant, en particulier pour les personnes atteintes de certaines conditions médicales. Même avec la restriction du gluten et des céréales, on constatera que créer une recette saine, variée et délicieuse est très simple. La récompense sera un corps plus sain et une silhouette plus attrayante. Qui ne voudrait pas de ça ?

Livre de recettes pour de délicieux hamburgers (Burger Recettes)

by Jonathan Taylor Florence Barnichon Luron

En avez-vous assez des traditionnels hamburgers produits de façon industrielle par les chaînes de restauration rapide ? Cherchez-vous l’inspiration pour créer les plus excitants burgers de la Terre ? Les hamburgers sont une façon agréable de se faire plaisir en mangeant, c’est pourquoi ils sont si populaires. Dans ce livre de recettes, vous allez apprendre à cuisiner de somptueux et délicieux hamburgers. Il y en a pour tous les goûts : pour les amateurs de viande ou les végétariens, classiques ou créatifs, simples ou élaborés. Parcourez le site et achetez-le maintenant ! Votre famille et vos amis vous en remercieront !

Livre de recettes gagnant du ruban bleu du comté

by Amber Richards

Préparez la meilleure nourriture primée dans votre propre maison pour votre famille et vos amis. Rempli de recettes éprouvées, authentiques et faites maison qui font vibrer les papilles gustatives et se révèlent parfaitement à chaque fois. Les livres de recettes gagnants du ruban bleu de la foire du comté seront de nouveaux éléments essentiels dans votre collection de recettes. Les recettes ont été recueillies auprès des gagnants du ruban bleu ou du grand prix lors de foires de comté et d'État à travers le pays. Ils ont impressionné les juges; maintenant, ils impressionneront vos amis! Plus de 100 délicieuses recettes remplissent ce livre de cuisine avec des plats principaux, des casseroles, des plats de légumes, des salades et des soupes. Ne manquez jamais d'idées sur ce que vous voulez préparer pour le dîner. Rassemblez tous les livres de cuisine de la série pour de la bonne nourriture. Des tartes aux salades; friandises aux casseroles; et des biscuits aux plats principaux, vous pouvez cuisiner comme un lauréat du ruban bleu! Ceci est le premier livre de la série, procurez-vous le vôtre maintenant.

Livre de recettes Dump Dîners: Mijoteuse)

by Sam Parker José S. Bernard

Dump Dîners liberée - recettes savoureuses pour vous ! Livre de recettes Dump Dîners Qu'est-ce qu'on mange? - Top recettes sans stress, Dump Dîners sans dégât. - Passez plus de temps en dégustant votre repas et moins de temps à le préparer ! Êtes-vous trop occupé pour bien manger ? Vous trouvez que vous mangez régulièrement des aliments malsains à emporter ? Voulez-vous trouver un moyen rapide et facile pour obtenir la nutrition dont votre corps a besoin? CE LIVRE DE RECETTES a été créé pour les gens comme vous qui sont OCCUPÉS, mais qui veulent toujours avoir un repas maison sans passer des heures à le préparer. La meilleure partie de ces recettes est que chaque recette peut être préparée avec très peu de temps et d'efforts ! Trouver le temps de faire un bon repas peut être presque impossible à cause de nos horaires chargés, nous finissent par manger dans les restaurants et les restos de restauration rapide finalement, qui ne sont pas seulement malsain, mais une perte d'argent ! Avec Le livre de recettes Dump Dîners : Délicieux Dump repas vous pouvez oublier la tracasserie de la préparation des repas de haute qualité avec très peu de temps. Si vous êtes à la recherche de délicieuses recettes quotidiennes qui ne soient pas trop compliquées ni chères - ce livre de cuisine est pour vous. Avez-vous profité de dump dîners ? Si non, vous perdez du temps ! Si vous êtes comme la plupart des gens, vous avez constamment des problèmes de temps, et cela se voit presque toujours dans les estomacs ! Heureusement, la solution à ce problème peut être toruvée avec dump dîners - simplement videz vos ingrédients et profitez ! Si vous cherchez des recettes de dîner simple et rapide tout en veillant à ce que votre famille obtient toujours des repas délicieux et nutritifs, ce livre de recettes est parfaite pour vous! N'atte

Livre de recettes de burgers maison

by Elisabeth Selman Martha Bolton

Si vous adorez les hamburgers et que vous voulez apprendre comment les cuisiner chez vous de a à z, vous avez trouvé le livre idéal. Qui ne salive pas à l’idée d’un burger juteux accompagné de tomates muries au soleil, de laitue et de ketchup dans un pain tout chaud? Parfaites en toutes saisons, ces recettes faciles à réaliser, vous permettront de briller lors de votre prochain barbecue entre amis ou en famille ou autour d’une plancha dominicale. Dans ce livre de recettes vous apprendrez comment réaliser de délicieux hamburgers dignes de rivaliser avec les plus grandes chaines de restauration rapide. Vous trouverez 25 recettes qui impressionneront même les plus difficiles, comme des burgers au guacamole, des burgers végétariens, au chèvre ou encore au Cheddar. Qu’attendez-vous? Cuisinons! Revenez au début et achetez votre livre dès maintenant!

Livre de recettes cétogènes à la mijoteuse

by Emma Wittman

Le régime Keto peut sembler complexe et technique; mais facilement, ce régime permet que votre corps se nourrit avec des aliments qu'il peut traiter plus facile. Notre corps humain est fait pour fonctionner en utilisant de la nourriture comme carburant, qui à son tour nous donne beaucoup d'énergie. Le régime Keto optimise cette méthode avec le résultat de nous donner plus d'énergie. Il y a quatre sources de carburant pour le corps: les glucides, les graisses, les cétones et les protéines. Avant de commencer un régime, vous devez discuter des avantages et des risques associés à l'alimentation avec votre médecin. Il est vraiment important de comprendre l'impact qu'un régime peut avoir sur votre corps et sur vos conditions médicales. Cela vous aidera à choisir un régime qui sera sure et donnera des résultats optimaux. S’alimenter dans un régime Keto n'est pas seulement s’alimenter avec un régime faible en glucides. Plutôt que de compter les glucides, veillez envisager de prendre conscience de votre corps et de comment il répond aux aliments que vous consommez. Aussi, vous alimentez-vous avec les nutriments dont vous avez vraiment besoin? Un régime cétogène est un changement soit dans le mode de vie que dans son état d'esprit.

Livre de recettes Air Fryer - Les 48 meilleures recettes de friteuse à air.

by Nancy Ross

VOUS VOULEZ APPRENDRE LES 48 PRINCIPALES RECETTES DE FRITEUSE À AIR AVEC DES INSTRUCTIONS ÉTAPE PAR ÉTAPE? Voici un aperçu de ce que vous apprendrez ... Les bases de la friteuse à air Petits-déjeuners faciles avec la friteuse à air Les déjeuners pour les jours où vous êtes occupé Dîners pour toute la famille Délicieux desserts pour terminer la journée Beaucoup plus!

Livre de recettes: recettes, sauces, préparations et marinades délicieuses

by Raymond Allan Raphaël Garrouty

Le barbecue est un pilier de la gastronomie américaine, aux multiples traditions et régionnalismes. Pour rendre hommage au meilleur du barbecue à l'américaine, il fallait un livre de recettes à la hauteur. Mettez donc un barbecue à votre menu. Vous avez tout l'été pour passer à table en compagnie de votre famille et de vos amis. Ouvrez la porte, allumez le gril, et faites-vous plaisir en réalisant quelques-unes de nos fantastiques recettes au barbecue. Simple et abordable, ce livre de recettes s'adresse à tout le monde. Il propose également quelques variantes destinées aux végétariens, sans oublier les enfants. Grâce à ces recettes, le succès est garanti ! Impressionnez vos invités avec ces recettes faciles et délicieuses ! En voici que vous trouverez parmi d'autres : •Jolie petite marinade à l'ail et aux herbes •Marinade mystique (pour fajitas) •Marinade suprême pour bifteck •Marinade d'exception •Jolie petite marinade pour poulet au barbecue •Marinade légendaire pour grillade •et bien d'autres...

Livre De Cuisine Régime Cétogène: un guide détaillé complet pour perdre du poids

by Neal Ramsey

Si vous souhaitez découvrir les avantages d’un régime végétalien sain et perdre du poids rapidement sans renoncer à des repas appétissants, alors poursuivez votre lecture. Chaque recette a été conçue par le talent unique de Kyndra pour des aliments savoureux et contient des ingrédients complets, frais et à faible teneur en glucides qui sont faciles à trouver. Grâce à Craveable Keto, vous pourrez créer sans effort des plats rapides et délicieux qui sont tellement bons qu’il semblera que vous avez passé des heures à les préparer. Sortez de votre routine alimentaire et découvrez le grand cuisinier qui sommeille en vous, en apprenant comment approvisionner un garde-manger cétogène parfait ou comment préparer des pâtisseries à faible teneur en glucides.

Livre de Cuisine: Pour la Perte de Poids et l’Hypertension

by Karen Stewart Ivan

Ces dernières années, l’obésité, le diabète et l’hypertension artérielle ont été des problèmes graves et notables auxquels des millions de personnes font face tous les jours. Retrouver la forme pourrait sembler un processus exigeant, mais vous pouvez atteindre un poids santé ainsi qu’un mental et un esprit plus sains en entreprenant les premières démarches décrites dans ce livre. Tandis que vous allez déterminer et gérer votre santé, ce livre peut être utilisé comme un tremplin pour chercher vos idées et l’inspiration afin d’améliorer votre santé de manière efficace et rapide. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez un guide facile et rapide pour suivre le régime « Dash ». En outre, vous allez gagner 25 délicieuses recettes approuvées par le régime « Dash » qui vous seront utiles à améliorer votre pression artérielle ainsi qu’à perdre du poids de manière saine. Vous allez trouver des recettes pour le petit-déjeuner, pour les repas principaux ( déjeuner ou dîner ), mais aussi des plats d’accompagnement qui peuvent être consommés comme des snacks, et des desserts. Le régime « Dash » tient compte de la vie moderne et vous donne la liberté de choisir dans une certaine mesure, plutôt que limiter votre choix à des aliments sélectionnés. Vous pouvez manger des aliments sains : le mot « sains » ne doit pas être associé à quelque chose d’ennuyeux. Ce régime vous permet de choisir parmi de délicieux repas ! Vous irez prendre le contrôle de votre vie encore une fois, pour une vie la plus longue et la plus saine possible ! Vous avez la durée de votre vie entre vos mains ! Prenez soin de votre vie et suivez le régime « Dash » ! Si vous désirez commencer et apporter un changement permanent à votre style alimentaire, ce livre est une lecture indispensable !

Living with Emetophobia: Coping with Extreme Fear of Vomiting

by Linda Dean Nicolette Heaton-Harris

Emetophobia, the extreme fear of vomiting, can affect just about every aspect of sufferer's life, from everyday considerations (`what food will be 'safe' for me to eat?') to matters that involve making huge, potentially devastating decisions (`I can't have this baby, I can't face morning sickness'). Nicolette Heaton-Harris has first-hand experience of the phobia and its effects. She suggests strategies for coping with the high levels of anxiety that are intrinsic to the phobia, as well as pre-empting and avoiding anxiety attacks. The experiences of fellow sufferers of all ages, male and female, are shared throughout the book and a list of useful organisations providing further information and support services is also included. Living with Emetophobia is a must-have for anyone suffering from emetophobia, anyone living with an emetophobic as well as professionals treating or supporting people with emetophobia.

Living with Crohn's & Colitis Cookbook

by Jessica Black Dede Cummings Sarah Choueiry

For the millions of people afflicted with irritable bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's and colitis, it can be a daily struggle to find nutritious meals that won't aggravate symptoms or cause a flare-up. The Living with Crohn's & Colitis Cookbook is your essential nutrition guide with over 100 recipes and meal plans expertly designed to improve daily functioning and help relieve symptoms of Crohn's and colitis.The Living with Crohn's & Colitis Cookbook contains everything you need to plan your meals, balance your diet, and manage your symptoms, including:* A guide to keeping a food journal* Sample meal plans* Tips for shopping for an IBD diet* Gentle and nutritious recipes to help soothe flare-ups...and much more!The Living with Crohn's & Colitis Cookbook features over 100 recipes, including Zucchini Buckwheat Banana Bread, Homemade Almond Milk, Dr. Lang's Healing Soup, Garlic-Herbed Scallops, Coconut Curry Chicken over Brown Rice, Mushroom Risotto with Cashews and Parmesan, Crabapple Walnut Cake, and many more. The book also features Paleo recipes.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Living with Bariatric Surgery: Managing your mind and your weight

by Denise Ratcliffe

Living with Bariatric Surgery: Managing Your Mind and Your Weight aims to help those who are considering bariatric surgery develop a psychological understanding of their eating behaviour and the changes needed in order to make surgery successful. It is also a resource for those who have undergone surgery to help them adapt to the physical, psychological and relationship adjustments that occur. Whilst the benefits of bariatric surgery are significant, the psychological challenges it presents for patients have been overlooked. This book will help patients develop a realistic view of bariatric surgery and the changes required. It incorporates the real-life experiences of people who have had bariatric surgery, showing how they have responded to the psychological and behavioural changes after surgery, and also features helpful psychoeducation, exercises and strategies to facilitate reflection and learning. Living with Bariatric Surgery will be an essential guide for anyone considering, preparing for or recovering from bariatric surgery, as well as health professionals working with these clients.

Living Wheat-Free For Dummies

by Rusty Gregory Alan Chasen

Your trusted guide to living wheat-freeWheat is one of the largest contributors to the nationwide obesity epidemic--and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health. Living Wheat-Free For Dummies exposes the harmful effects of wheat/grains, sugar, and vegetable oils and provides you with a user-friendly, step-by-step plan to navigate a new, wheat/grain-free lifestyle.This information-packed guide explains why you should eliminate the trifecta of wheat/grains, sugar, and vegetable oils, what this diet looks like, and how to smoothly transition into this new dietary way of living. Whether you suffer from a wheat allergy, intolerance to grains, or just want to cut out inflammation-causing foods from your diet, Living Wheat-Free For Dummies gives you the tools and tips to improve your overall health. You can also find forty plus delicious, easy, wheat/grain-free ideas for any meal and guidelines for dining out. 40-plus delicious, easy recipes that are free of wheat/grains, sugar, and vegetable oilsGuidelines for dining out wheat/grain-freePractical techniques for making the lifestyle a permanent changeExercise programs for all levels that maximize weight loss efforts and optimal health If you're looking to adopt a wheat/grain-free diet and lifestyle, this hands-on, friendly guide has you covered.

Living Well with Type 2 Diabetes: A Whole Person Understanding and Approach (Living Well)

by Dr John Gedney Pamela Myles-Hooton

A practical, self-help guide for living well with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) In the last forty years, we have seen an astounding rise in the prevalence of T2D in most countries. There are thought to be close to half a billion people affected worldwide. Traditionally thought of as a disease of mid-life and old age, both T2D and the metabolic markers of future disease are now increasingly being seen in young people, children and even infants. The burden of this disease is huge at all levels − for healthcare spend and for added risk of other medical problems. Other than its physical impacts, more than a third of people with T2D are said to experience psychological problems related specifically to the condition. We are now at a crossroads in understanding the science behind T2D with a more focused approach emerging. Research and practice are challenging the traditional way in which we approach and manage T2D − as well as better understanding how to prevent it altogether. By following the advice in this book, you will: · Better understand and be empowered to control your metabolic health · Learn how to prevent, reverse, or improve, and better manage your T2D Living Well self-help guides use clinically proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical.

Living Well with Type 2 Diabetes: A Whole Person Understanding and Approach (Living Well)

by Pamela Myles-Hooton Dr John Gedney

A practical, self-help guide for living well with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) In the last forty years, we have seen an astounding rise in the prevalence of T2D in most countries. There are thought to be close to half a billion people affected worldwide. Traditionally thought of as a disease of mid-life and old age, both T2D and the metabolic markers of future disease are now increasingly being seen in young people, children and even infants. The burden of this disease is huge at all levels − for healthcare spend and for added risk of other medical problems. Other than its physical impacts, more than a third of people with T2D are said to experience psychological problems related specifically to the condition. We are now at a crossroads in understanding the science behind T2D with a more focused approach emerging. Research and practice are challenging the traditional way in which we approach and manage T2D − as well as better understanding how to prevent it altogether. By following the advice in this book, you will: · Better understand and be empowered to control your metabolic health · Learn how to prevent, reverse, or improve, and better manage your T2D Living Well self-help guides use clinically proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical.

Living Well With Pain And Illness: Using mindfulness to free yourself from suffering

by Vidyamala Burch

Vidyamala Burch has suffered with chronic pain for over 30 years due to congenital weakness, a car accident and unsuccessful surgery. She is now a wheelchair user. In this positive and reassuring new book, she identifies that it is our resistance to pain which causes it to be so distressing and miserable. We don't want it to be happening to us, and we wish we weren't experiencing it. LIVING WELL WITH PAIN AND ILLNESS is a practical guide to living with and managing chronic pain through the principle of mindfulness. By developing a calm awareness of your body and your pain, you can learn to let go of the frustration and suffering that you associate the pain with, and the pain will reduce.Vidyamala Burch uses easy-to follow breathing techniques and powerful mindfulness meditations which teach you how to live in the present moment. LIVING WELL WITH PAIN AND ILLNESS includes helpful illustrations, offers effective ways of managing chronic pain and is a must-read for all sufferers.

Living Well with Migraine Disease and Headaches: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You . . . That You Need to Know (Living Well)

by Teri Robert

For millions of Americans, Migraine disease, tension headaches, and other headaches are a debilitating part of every day. Teri Robert has been there—in fact, she experienced her first Migraine at age six. Now, in this groundbreaking holistic guide to the diagnosis and treatment of headaches and Migraine disease, she brings a patient-empowering message to all headache sufferers: you don't have to live with daily pain. She provides you with all the information you need to know about getting the help you need, including:Understanding side effectsTreatments for long-term reliefRisks and symptomsIdentification of the various types of headachesTraditional and alternative therapiesInformation on finding health care practitioners and supportNumerous case studies and expert advice

Living Well with Hemochromatosis: A Healthy Diet for Reducing Iron Intake, Managing Symptoms, and Feeling Great

by Anna Khesin

A Dietitian-Approved, Customizable Food Plan to Combat Iron OverloadAlso known as &“iron overload&” or &“bronze diabetes,&” hemochromatosis is one of the most common genetic disorders in the US. With no known cure and life-sapping symptoms, such as fatigue, joint pain, heart abnormalities, and skin discoloration, it can lead to very serious medical conditions and is without question a life-altering diagnosis. Living Well with Hemochromatosis is a friendly guide to taming your symptoms by taking total control of your diet. It offers an easy-to-understand overview of micronutrients, tips and tricks for identifying high-iron foods and limiting absorption, stories from others living with hemochromatosis, and simple and delicious recipes.From carnivores to vegans, this book offers something for all lifestyles. Recipes span from salads, side dishes, entrees, and smoothies, each with nutritional analysis.

The Living Well With Cancer Cookbook: An Essential Guide to Nutrition, Lifestyle and Health

by Fran Warde Catherine Zabilowicz

When authors Fran Warde and Catherine Zabilowicz met at the Maggie’s centre at Charing Cross Hospital in London, they quickly discovered they shared a passion for good food and healthy eating. They also realized that with their combined knowledge and experience – Fran as an acclaimed food writer, and Catherine as an experienced nutritional therapist working at Maggie’s – they could provide invaluable guidance for anyone living with cancer, their families and friends. The Living Well With Cancer Cookbook, published in support of the Maggie’s charity, is the result of Fran and Catherine’s collaboration. Aimed at helping readers through each stage of their journey – diagnosis, during and after treatment – this essential guide is packed with advice on nutrition and health and offers a range of delicious recipes. There are healthy twists on classic favourites and tempting new treats to try, with every ingredient considered for its health benefits. Positive and empowering, the book contains a wealth of information on the best food choices to make, and reveals why many scientists today believe that certain foods and a balanced diet are crucial in sustaining strength throughout treatment. Taking a holistic approach, this book also seeks to alleviate anxieties, such as those concerning weight-loss, loss of appetite and the changes in how food tastes. Above all, the simple, comforting recipes will help both experienced cooks and novices to create nutritious, easily adapted meals – from breakfast right through to dinner – each one designed to nourish and sustain.

Living Vegetarian For Dummies

by Suzanne M. Babich

Vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian, whatever—you&’ll love your new, healthier diet Whether you&’re going totally meatless or just eating less meat, Living Vegetarian For Dummies is your source for practical info and advice on embracing the veg-head lifestyle. Lose weight, lower your cholesterol, reduce your carbon footprint, decrease your risk of heart disease and certain cancers—it&’s all possible when you turn to plants instead of animals to fuel you. We&’ve got pro tips on planning meals, ordering at restaurants, and balancing your dietary needs. Plus, recipes so delicious you&’ll wonder why you ever thought you needed meat in the first place. Discover the health and environmental benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle Transition away from a meat-centered diet with easy recipes and meal plans Find plant-based alternatives to your favorite meat products Get tips for navigating menus while eating out and replacing meat in your daily routineLiving Vegetarian For Dummies is for anyone who wants to learn more about what it means to be mostly or completely vegetarian. We make it easy to transition, with this fun and straightforward guide.

Living Vegetarian For Dummies

by Suzanne Havala Hobbs

Practical ways to explore and adapt a vegetarian lifestyleAre you considering a vegetarian diet for yourself or your family? Wondering if it's safe and how you'll get the right amount of nutrients? This authoritative guide has all the answers you need about living vegetarian, featuring healthful advice as well as delicious dishes involving vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy.Inside you'll find expert advice on adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, from creating a vegetarian shopping list and understanding the nutritional aspects of vegetarian eating, to using the right cooking supplies to vegetarian etiquette, eating out, and converting a kitchen-and your family's mindset-away from meat. You'll discover how to make it work when you're the only member of the house who is vegetarian, as well as how to support a family member, including a child.Provides the latest information on vegetarian diets as they relate to health, the environment, and other areas of our livesIncludes tips for gradually reducing your meat intakeExplains the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyleOffers dozens of new recipes designed to ease the transition from omnivore to vegetarianWhether you're a long-time vegetarian or just starting out, Living Vegetarian For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your guide to evaluating and enjoying a meat-free lifestyle.

Living Vegan For Dummies

by Alexandra Jamieson

The fun and easy way® to live a vegan lifestyle Are you thinking about becoming a vegan? Already a practicing vegan? More than 3 million Americans currently live a vegan lifestyle, and that number is growing. Living Vegan For Dummies is your one-stop resource for understanding vegan practices, sharing them with your friends and loved ones, and maintaining a vegan way of life. This friendly, practical guide explains the types of products that vegans abstain from eating and consuming, and provides healthy and animal-free options. You'll see how to create a balanced, nutritious vegan diet; read food and product labels to determine animal-derived product content; and stock a vegan pantry. You'll also get 40 great-tasting recipes to expand your cooking repertoire. Features expert guidance in living a vegan lifestyle and explaining it to friends and family Includes proper dietary guidelines so you can get the nutrition you need Gives you several action plans for making the switch to veganism Provides parents with everything they need to understand and support their children's choices With the tips and advice in Living Vegan For Dummies, you can truly live and enjoy a vegan way of life!

Living Vegan For Dummies

by Cadry Nelson

Vegan diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, demystified Living Vegan For Dummies provides a practical look at veganism for those who have already embraced the lifestyle, for anyone who is on the fence about trying it, or for those who want to understand the choices of the vegans in their midst. You’ll learn what it means to be vegan and why this animal-friendly diet is on the rise. Discover tasty vegan ingredients and easy recipes, money-saving tips, advice for talking to people about veganism, and ideas for dealing with the skeptics. If you’re ready to start transitioning to a vegan way of life, you’ll love this book’s simple action plans for making the switch—and making it stick. With this friendly Dummies guide, you’ve got answers to all your questions. Learn what veganism is, how it’s different from vegetarianism, and why people choose to “go vegan” Decide whether veganism is for you and get pointers on cutting out animal products Help friends and loved ones understand your dietary and lifestyle choices Get ideas for vegan cooking, eating out, and being vegan on a budgetLiving Vegan For Dummies is a valuable resource for anyone who practices or is considering veganism, as well as their friends and family who want to know more about the lifestyle.

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