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Olla De Barro: Ricas Recetas De Cocción Lenta Que Son Deliciosas (Libro De Recetas De Cocina De Lujo)

by Addie Boundy

Me gustaría mencionar que incluí en este libro de cocina sólo aquellas recetas de olla de cocina lenta las cuales son justamente fáciles de cocinar, aunque tengo que admitir que la mayoría de ellas estarán listas en más de un par de horas. Esto es porque las recetas de comida lenta necesitan más tiempo de cocción en comparación con las clásicas. Pero la ventaja viene del hecho de que el proceso de comida lenta es más saludable y le agrega más sabor a tus comidas. Junto con una información básica de Crockpot express, este libro cubre buenas y deliciosas recetas para nutrir tu cuerpo. Las recetas se dividen en categorías incluyendo desayuno, vegetariano, pollo y aves de corral, carne, cerdo, mariscos, y postres. Todas las recetas incluyen información nutricional para que puedas hacer un seguimiento de tu ingesta de calorías, y cada una incluye algo saludable, ricos y naturales ingredientes que realmente benefician tu cuerpo. Otra meta mía fue incluir en este libro de cocina solamente la más popular de las recetas de cocina de olla lenta. ¿Què estás esperando? No esperes màs! Arrastra hacia arriba y haz click en el botón de compra ahora para comenzar el viaje a la vida de tus sueños.

Olla De Barro (Recetas Especiales): Sabrosas recetas de ollas de cocción lenta para personas ocupadas (Recetas especiales)

by Louise Schneider

Si estás buscando platos súper fáciles de preparar que sólo requieran meter los ingredientes en una olla de cocción lenta, no busques más. Este libro te ofrece recetas fáciles y deliciosas con cinco ingredientes o menos; ingredientes que seguro que tienes en tu despensa. Despídete de las complicadas listas de ingredientes que no se pueden pronunciar, o que ni siquiera puedes encontrar en tu supermercado. Las ollas de cocción lenta son prácticos aparatos de cocina que muchos subestiman. Ya es hora de volver a sacar tu olla de cocción lenta, quitárle el polvo y ponerla en uso. Nunca más podrás poner la excusa de que no tienes el tiempo suficiente para preparar platos sabrosos y saludables. Todo lo tienes que hacer es preparar los ingredientes y verterlos directamente en tu olla de cocción lenta, encenderla y dejar que haga el resto. Ah, y que no se me olvide mencionar los increíbles aromas que llenarán tu hogar cuando se acerque la hora de comer.- Este aparato de cocina tan especial te permite preparar cualquier plato que necesite un largo periodo de cocción, como la carne, el pollo, los asados, los pimientos rellenos, los cereales, etc. Al usar la olla de cocción lenta para cocinar, no perderás ninguna de las propiedades del plato que hayas preparado. ¿A qué estás esperando? ¡No esperes más! ¡Desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón de "comprar ahora" para comenzar este viaje hacia la vida que siempre has soñado!

Olla De Barro (Las Mejores Recetas): Deliciosas y Reconfortantes Recetas para Olla de Cocimiento Lento (Las Mejores Recetas)

by Alice Acheson

Las recetas son sencillas y fáciles de seguir con ingredientes baratos, frescos y de temporada cuando es posible, y están cargadas de sabor y de ricura para que usted pueda disfrutar del máximo sabor con mínimas calorías. Es muy saludable para todos ya que permite reducir el riesgo de cáncer, obesidad, diabetes y otros problemas de salud. Es bueno también para el tratamiento de la depresión, demencia y enfermedades cardiacas. El Recetario Mediterráneo para Olla de Cocimiento Lento puede ayudarle a planear sus comidas. La carne de res, pollo y pescado al estilo Mediterráneo son algunas de las deliciosas recetas disponibles en este libro. Puede disfrutar comidas frescas y deliciosas regularmente que le permitirán mejorar su salud. Las recetas para olla de cocimiento lento son apropiadas para usted y su familia entera, y utilizan ingredientes naturales que puede encontrar fácilmente en su supermercado o tienda local. También incluye una tabla de conversión en caso de que desee cambiar las porciones. ¡Yo creo que ver una foto de la receta terminada me ayuda a decidir lo que quiero preparar para la cena! Descubrirá una amplia variedad de deliciosas recetas de pollo para su olla de cocimiento lento que están acompañadas de fotografías. Se incluyen recetas para olla de cocimiento lento de pollo útiles para entradas, y almuerzos, y para sopas y estofados para la cena. ¡Obtenga su copia hoy haciendo clic en el botón en la parte superior de esta página!

Olla De Barro: El Libro De Cocina Completo Para Comidas Caseras Fáciles Y Deliciosas

by Tao Zen

Los Crockpots realmente ofrecen un método de cocción versátil y estas recetas revelan cómo se puede usar la olla para cocinar una amplia selección de deliciosas comidas, ¡incluyendo un tazón de gachas de avena para el desayuno! Muchas de las recetas se pueden doblar o triplicar fácilmente para atender a grupos más grandes y al cambiar a la temperatura más baja, su olla de barro mantendrá su comida cocinándose suavemente hasta que usted esté listo para disfrutarla. Slow Cooker o Crock Pot es un sorprendente electrodoméstico de cocina con el que podrás combinar diferentes ingredientes saludables y deliciosos en sabrosas comidas. Y no necesita pasar muchas horas al día para crear estos platos. Todo lo que necesita es elegir una de las recetas del libro de cocina completa de la cocina lenta, cargar su cocina lenta y continuar haciendo su negocio. Este libro está diseñado para darle una introducción sobre la Olla de cocción lenta y el estilo de vida y proporcionarle recetas de cocción lenta que están llenas de sabor y buen gusto!

Olla De Barro (Cocina Rápida Y Sabrosa): Maravillosas Recetas de Cocción Lenta (Cocina rápida y Sabrosa)

by Claire Naylor

El libro de cocina para olla de cocción lenta tiene recetas para desayunos sabrosos, aperitivos agradables para el público, sopas satisfactorias, platos principales deliciosos y algunos platos y postres deliciosos. ¡Tendrás muchas opciones de comidas que encantará a toda la familia! ¿Que estas esperando? Haga una comida fácil de cocción lenta esta noche. Para aprovechar al máximo su olla de cocción lenta, lo importante es tener en cuenta que funciona de manera más efectiva cuando se trata de una preparación avanzada. Especialmente si tienes poco tiempo, preparar todos los ingredientes para tu comida cocinada a fuego lento la noche anterior será de gran ayuda. Algunos ingredientes, como las cebollas, producirán mejores resultados si están precocinados, pero todo se reduce a preferencias y sabor. Ponga todos los ingredientes preparados en su olla de cocción lenta la noche anterior, cubra el plato y déjelo en el refrigerador durante la noche. Por la mañana, saque la olla hasta que alcance la temperatura ambiente y luego esté listo para comenzar a cocinar

Olla De Acción Lenta : 20 Deliciosas Recetas Para Su Crockpot (Recetas Únicas Y Nutritivas)

by Howard Empson

La idea detrás es cocinarlo lentamente para conseguir una textura suave y de gran sabor. Pero debido a que esto requerirá muchas horas de cocción, usted podrá realizar otras tareas en su hogar mientras espera a que termine de cocinarse. Puede lavar la ropa o limpiar la casa, para cuando usted termine con estas tareas, su comida también estará lista para poner en la mesa. Ya no necesita gastar gran cantidad de dinero en comer en restaurantes para disfrutar el exquisito sabor de las recetas del mundo hechas en ollas de acción lenta. Estas recetas incluidas en este libro son muy fáciles de seguir y divertidas de preparar, por lo que no tendrá ninguna razón para no empezar con ellas de inmediato! Usted podrá tener su desayuno listo antes de despertar; podrá llevar su almuerzo al trabajo y recalentarlo allí; podrá tener platillos de fiesta esperando por usted en el congelador para la próxima fiesta a la que sea invitado. Usted ahorrara una gran cantidad de dinero y tiempo, y aun así tendrá una saludable comida casera increíblemente sabrosa. Pero no todas las comidas se congelan bien, o se recalientan correctamente, por lo que este libro le provee una gran variedad de sabrosas y sencillas recetas que son perfectas para hacer de antemano y congelar. Si esta listo para tomar las riendas y cambiar su vida para bien, este libro definitivamente lo guiara en la dirección correcta!

Olives in California's Gold Country

by Salvatore Manna Terry Beaudoin

The history of the olive in the Gold Country of Northern California is a story of the Spanish in the New World, of the Gold Rush, of immigrants from Italy and other Mediterranean countries, of bold pioneers, enterprising farmers and scientists, and of businessmen and businesswomen. Focusing on Calaveras County in the south and Placer County in the north, but also exploring the olive throughout most of Northern California, including olive havens such as Corning and Oroville, that story is told within these pages through rare and fascinating photographs. For those who wish to explore the olive in Northern California, whether its history, industry or technology, this volume provides both an appetizer and a satisfying entrée. As love of the olive grows, for the first time a book tells the tale of the olive tree, the king of trees, in the Mother Lode of California.

Oliver's Vegetables

by Vivian French

Do you like chips? Oliver does. In fact, he won't eat anything else - until he plays a game with his grandpa.Whatever vegetable Oliver finds in the garden, he must eat. On Monday, he pulls up carrots, on Tuesday, it is spinach . . .An excellent book for parents with slightly fussy children, which also introduces the days of the week. Other titles in this series:Oliver's Fruit SaladOliver's Milkshake

Oliver's Milkshake

by Vivian French

First it was his vegetables. Then it was his fruit. Now it's his milk - will Oliver ever like what's good for him? Spend a day on the farm with him and find out!Busy-body Auntie Jen is determined that Oliver shall drink his milk. But just how can she persuade him?Part of a bestselling series that has sold over 200,000 copies in the UK and export alone. Other titles in this series include Oliver's Fruit Salad and Oliver's Vegetables.

Oliver's Fruit Salad

by Vivian French

Oliver, star of Oliver's Vegetables, is back from his healthy week eating vegetables at his grandpa's house. Suddenly, the fruit at home doesn't seem quite good enough for Oliver. What is his mum to do?Other titles in this series:Oliver's Fruit SaladOliver's Milkshake

Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities Around the World

by Gil Marks

"A land of wheat and barley, of grape vines and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees and honey . . . you shall eat and be satisfied."?--Deut. 8:8-10A Celebration of Classic Jewish Vegetarian Cooking from Around the WorldTraditions of Jewish vegetarian cooking span three millennia and the extraordinary geographical breadth of the Jewish diaspora--from Persia to Ethiopia, Romania to France. Acclaimed Judaic cooking expert, chef, and rabbi Gil Marks uncovers this vibrant culinary heritage for home cooks. Olive Trees and Honey is a magnificent treasury shedding light on the truly international palette of Jewish vegetarian cooking, with 300 recipes for soups, salads, grains, pastas, legumes, vegetable stews, egg dishes, savory pastries, and more.From Sephardic Bean Stew (Hamin) to Ashkenazic Mushroom Knishes, Italian Fried Artichokes to Hungarian Asparagus Soup, these dishes are suitable for any occasion on the Jewish calendar--festival and everyday meal alike. Marks's insights into the origins and evolution of the recipes, suggestions for holiday menus from Yom Kippur to Passover, and culture-rich discussion of key ingredients enhance this enchanting portrait of the Jewish diaspora's global legacy of vegetarian cooking.

The Olive Tree: A Personal Journey Through Mediterranean Olive Groves (The Olive Farm Series)

by Carol Drinkwater

An olive farmer journeys through Spain, Italy, and North Africa to find the future of agriculture in an age of chemicals and climate challenges. Carol Drinkwater&’s beloved olive farm in the South of France was suffering badly from destructive pests and premature ripening. In a hunt for answers, she decided to set out on her own for a fact-finding tour of Spain, Italy, Morocco, and Algeria. In The Olive Tree, Carol recounts not only the agricultural education she gained during her travels, but the dangers she faced as terrorist bombs rocked one of her destinations and a group of beekeepers helped shepherd her through dangerous territory. Through it all, she confronts issues faced by farmers and non-farmers alike in today&’s world, from climate change to diminishing water reserves to the excessive use of chemicals. Ultimately, she will return to her land in Provence with a new appreciation for the urgency of these problems—and with an ingenious vision for the future shared with her by a brilliant group of olive growers . . .Praise for the Olive Farm series &“Vibrant, intoxicating and heartwarming.&” —Sunday Express &“Spellbinding . . . a must for anyone who dreams of moving to a kinder climate and starting a new life.&” —Choice

The Olive Route: A Personal Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean (The Olive Farm Series)

by Carol Drinkwater

The author of acclaimed memoirs about life on a French olive farm explores the larger history and culture of the Mediterranean delicacy. Carol Drinkwater has a passion for olive trees and the fruit they bear—&“bitter berries&” that are transformed into savory delights and pressed into precious oil. Already intimately familiar with the fruit thanks to her olive farm in the South of France, she decided to travel throughout the Mediterranean basin—from Marseille to Malta, Israel to Tunisia—in a quest to learn about their ancient history, their spread throughout the world, and the tastes and traditions they represent. A culinary travelogue and a celebration of a humble, healthful food that inspires devotion among so many, The Olive Route is filled with unusual characters and fascinating anecdotes from &“a storyteller of great economy and deftness&” (The Telegraph). &“Drinkwater has a sharp eye for character, and the people who populate The Olive Route will not disappoint her fans.&” —The Independent

The Olive Oil & Sea Salt Companion: Recipes And Remedies From The Pantry (Countryman Pantry #0)

by Suzy Scherr

Stay home, save money, savor your food, and support a healthy lifestyle—all with these two pantry powerhouses! Olive oil and sea salt are staples in most homes. They’re the key to simple pastas, luscious cakes, and savory preserves. But their benefits don’t stop there! Did you know that this pair is packed with healthy potential? They can support digestion, help maintain healthy heart function, and help regulate weight. What’s more, they’re among the best ingredients for natural home remedies. As she did with ginger and turmeric, Suzy Scherr now unveils the secrets of olive oil and sea salt. From easy recipes to personal wellbeing, Scherr gives readers the tools they need to support the lifestyle they want. Combine the two to preserve foods and stock the shelves for self-sufficiency, mix up recipes for sunburn soothers and lip balm, or get cleaning with natural shoe polish and countertop scrubs. Whether readers want to use the oil and salt together or separately, this newest edition to the Countryman Pantry series helps them achieve a greener, healthier lifestyle.

The Olive Oil Enthusiast: A Guide from Tree to Table, with Recipes

by Skyler Mapes Giuseppe Morisani

A comprehensive, practical introduction to the often misunderstood world of olive oil—with recipes for appetizers, pasta, sauces, and desserts—from the founders and producers of the acclaimed EXAU Olive Oil brand.Humans have produced and enjoyed olive oil for thousands of years, but education about olive oil is woefully lacking. After meeting and falling in love with an American on holiday, then moving to the U.S., Giuseppe Morisani was shocked to discover that quality olive oil was not appreciated or even available in many parts of the United States. He was raised among his family&’s seaside olive groves in Calabria, Italy, so when he and his wife, Skyler Mapes, decided to demystify the industry, they moved to Calabria and began harvesting, producing, packaging, and exporting high-quality Italian olive oil. The Olive Oil Enthusiast is a clear, approachable guide to the world of olive oil, starting with a walk through the olive groves during growing season to harvesting the olives to the milling and production processes. There are tips for shopping for, tasting, using, and storing olive oil. Mapes and Morisani also include twenty recipes for dishes that showcase olive oil, such as Crocchette di Patate (fried potato croquettes), Pasta Aglio e Olio (pasta with garlic and olive oil), Olive Oil Brownies, and tasty Bruschetta.With charming illustrations and passionate author expertise, readers will discover a new appreciation for a classic ingredient.

The Olive Oil Diet: Nutritional Secrets of the Original Superfood

by Dr Simon Poole Judy Ridgway

Winner of the World Best Mediterranean Cuisine Book - the Dun Gifford Prize - in the Gourmand Best in World awards, also the National Best Diet Book in the 'for the public' category. 'Useful, attractive and captivating' Olive Oil TimesIs it true that two tablespoons of olive oil a day can halve your risk of heart disease and help sustain weight loss? Can olive oil kill cancer cells, fight Alzheimer's Disease, revive a failing heart and even turn off bad genes? The Olive Oil Diet takes an authoritative look at the science behind the headlines. Recent studies have shown that a diet based around olive oil will significantly improve your health, well-being and vitality. It will also help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid heart disease, stroke and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and dementia. All olive oils are not the same, however. This book also explores the effects of diverse varieties of olives, growing techniques and oil-production methods on the health-giving properties - and flavour - of different oils. With over 100 delicious recipes, it points the way to those extra virgin oils and food combinations that are likely to do you the most good.This fascinating journey to the heart of the Mediterranean reveals the extraordinary health secrets of nature's original superfood.

The Olive Oil Diet: Nutritional Secrets of the Original Superfood

by Judy Ridgway Simon Poole

Winner of the World Best Mediterranean Cuisine Book - the Dun Gifford Prize - in the Gourmand Best in World awards, also the National Best Diet Book in the 'for the public' category. 'Useful, attractive and captivating' Olive Oil TimesIs it true that two tablespoons of olive oil a day can halve your risk of heart disease and help sustain weight loss? Can olive oil kill cancer cells, fight Alzheimer's Disease, revive a failing heart and even turn off bad genes? The Olive Oil Diet takes an authoritative look at the science behind the headlines. Recent studies have shown that a diet based around olive oil will significantly improve your health, well-being and vitality. It will also help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid heart disease, stroke and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and dementia. All olive oils are not the same, however. This book also explores the effects of diverse varieties of olives, growing techniques and oil-production methods on the health-giving properties - and flavour - of different oils. With over 100 delicious recipes, it points the way to those extra virgin oils and food combinations that are likely to do you the most good.This fascinating journey to the heart of the Mediterranean reveals the extraordinary health secrets of nature's original superfood.

Olive Oil and Vinegar for Life: Delicious Recipes for Healthy Caliterranean Living

by Theo Stephan

Blending the best of healthy West Coast living and New World flavors, The Olive Oil and Vinegar Cookbook is filled with delicious recipes for every occasion-each one created using Theo’s own certified organic olive oils and vinegars from her company, Global Gardens. With an emphasis on family, entertaining, and a sustainable engagement with the natural world, Theo has developed a delicious array of recipes to reawaken the palate while embracing the modern tastes of laid-back California living.Using the West Coast landscape as her inspiration, Theo offers 250 gorgeously photo-graphed recipes for every meal-including Amorous Avocado Soup, Lemon Veggie Chips, Pomegranate Pork BBQ, Triple Tangerine Dream, and so many more-including desserts using extra virgin olive oil. You’ll also find recipes and commentary from Chef Bradley Ogden, (awarded Best Chef of California by the prestigious James Beard Foundation), and from The Food Network regular and "Healthiest Chef in America,” Bill Wavrin. Learn the value of sea salt and seaweed, the truth about olive oil smoke points and how to use the right pans, plus ideas for healthy Caliterranean living no matter where home is. The Olive Oil and Vinegar Cookbook is an essential cookbook for health-driven foodies.

Olive Odyssey: Searching for the Secrets of the Fruit that Seduced the World

by Julie Angus

When Julie Angus visits her relatives in Syria, where they continue a centuries-old tradition of making olive oil, she understands that the olive is at the very core of who they are. Her curiosity piqued, she begins to wonder about the origins and history of this fruit that has meant so much to them. Angus, her husband, and their ten-month-old son embark on a Mediterranean voyage to retrace the route of the Phoenicians and discover who ate the first olive and learned to make oil from it, why it became such an influential commodity for many of the greatest civilizations, and how it expanded from its earliest roots in the Middle East. As they sail the dazzling waters of the Mediterranean, Angus and her husband collect samples from ancient trees, testing them to determine where the first olive tree originated. They also feast on inky black tapenades in Cassis, nibble on codfish and chickpeas creamed in olive oil in Sardinia, witness the harvesting of olives in Greece, and visit perhaps the oldest olive tree in the world, on Crete.

The Olive and the Caper: Adventures in Greek Cooking

by Susanna Hoffman

This is the year "It's Greek to me" becomes the happy answer to what's for dinner. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the upcoming epic Troy, the 2004 Summer Olympics returning to Athens--and now, yet another reason to embrace all things Greek: The Olive and the Caper, Susanna Hoffman's 700-plus-page serendipity of recipes and adventure.In Corfu, Ms. Hoffman and a taverna owner cook shrimp fresh from the trap--and for us she offers the boldly-flavored Shrimp with Fennel, Green Olives, Red Onion, and White Wine. She gathers wild greens and herbs with neighbors, inspiring Big Beans with Thyme and Parsley, and Field Greens and Ouzo Pie. She learns the secret to chewy country bread from the baker on Santorini and translates it for American kitchens. Including 325 recipes developed in collaboration with Victoria Wise (her co-author on The Well-Filled Tortilla Cookbook, with over 258,000 copies in print), The Olive and the Caper celebrates all things Greek: Chicken Neo-Avgolemeno. Fall-off-the-bone Lamb Shanks seasoned with garlic, thyme, cinnamon and coriander. Siren-like sweets, from world-renowned Baklava to uniquely Greek preserves: Rose Petal, Cherry and Grappa, Apricot and Metaxa.In addition, it opens with a sixteen-page full-color section and has dozens of lively essays throughout the book--about the origins of Greek food, about village life, history, language, customs--making this a lively adventure in reading as well as cooking.

Olive: 101 Stylish Suppers

by Janine Ratcliffe

This great-value cookbook is for people who want to enjoy good food at home - with no hassle and without expensive restaurant bills. Including speedy and economical weekday ideas and entertaining inspiration, olive: 101 Stylish Suppers is a must for foodies.olive is the stylish monthly magazine for food lovers. As well as easy, seasonal recipes, restaurant recommendations and food-focused travel, olive features ethical shopping guidance, unpretentious wine advice and expert cooking tips and techniques from leading chefs Gordon Ramsay and MasterChef's John Torode.

Olive: 101 Smart Suppers

by Lulu Grimes

Readers of BBC's Olive magazine will love these delicious, sophisticated supper recipes, designed to impress everyone around the dinner table. It's always nice to treat yourself to something special and the food experts at Olive magazine have come up with 101 failsafe recipes, each accompanied by a full-colour picture so you that you can create that extra-special dish with ease. You'll never be stuck for meal ideas with this handy little cookbook.

Olive: 101 Seasonal Treats

by Lulu Grimes

As Olive readers know, food is best enjoyed when it is in season and this handy little cookbook will inspire you to get cooking all year round. 101 Seasonal Treats provides ideas for every time of year so that you can create a culinary feast with ease and flair. Each recipe is accompanied by a full-colour picture ensuring winning results every time.

Olive: 101 Quick-Fix Dishes

by Janine Ratcliffe

You don't need to slave for hours to dish up fresh and fabulous food. Easy, no-fuss meals that look fantastic can be on the table in 30 minutes or less. In olive 101 quick fix dishes, you'll find loads of inspiring speedy suppers like Lamb cutlets with almond tabbouleh, Spring greens and blue cheese risotto and Salmon cakes with lemon mayo or, if you're in a sweeter kind of mood, why not try Summer berry fools or Toffee banana puffs? Split into clearly defined chapters, including main meals, starters and puds, you can quickly track down the dish you want. Each recipe is accompanied by a full-colour photo so you can cook with complete confidence.olive is the magazine for modern foodies. As well as easy recipes, restaurant reviews and foodie travel guides, olive features the food issues that matter, insider shopping advice, unpretentious wine recommendations and respected columnists such as superchef Gordon Ramsay and MasterChef's John Torode. Find out more at

Olive: 101 Global Dishes

by Janine Ratcliffe

With once-exotic ingredients now readily available, eating around the globe has never been so easy. Spicy curries, mouth-watering pizzas and chargrilled kebabs are all at the top of our favourite food lists, so whether you want to re-create food eaten on your travels, or just be inspired to try something new, olive 101 global dishes has classics from every country. From Moroccan tuna kebabs with couscous, to Five spiced roast duck breast and Lamb saag, with this collection of recipes we've got it covered. Each recipe is accompanied by a full-colour photo so you can cook with complete confidence. olive is the magazine for modern foodies. As well as easy recipes, restaurant reviews and foodie travel guides, olive features the food issues that matter, insider shopping advice, unpretentious wine recommendations and respected columnists such as superchef Gordon Ramsay and MasterChef's John Torode. Find out more at

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