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Life, Animated: A Story of Sidekicks, Heroes and Autism

by Ron Suskind

What if you were trapped in a Disney movie? In all of them, actually from Dumbo to Peter Pan to The Lion King -- and had to learn about life and love mostly from what could be gleaned from animated characters, dancing across a screen of color? Asking this question opens a doorway to the most extraordinary of stories. It is the saga of Owen Suskind, who happens to be the son of one of America's most noted writers, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Ron Suskind. He's also autistic. The twisting, 20-year journey of this boy and his family will change that way you see autism, old Disney movies, and the power of imagination to heal a shattered, upside-down world.

Life After High School: A Guide for Students with Disabilities and Their Families

by Christina Cacioppo Bertsch Susan Yellin

*Bronze Medal Winner in the Education / Academic / Teaching Category of the 2011 IPPY Awards** Bronze Medal Winner in the 2010 BOTYA Awards Education Category *Graduating high school and moving on to further education or the workplace brings with it a whole new set of challenges, and this is especially true for students with disabilities. This useful book provides a complete overview of the issues such students and their families will need to consider, and outlines the key skills they will need in order to succeed once they get there. The authors describe the legal landscape as it applies to students with disabilities in the USA, and how to obtain the proper disability documentation to ensure that the student receives the right support and accommodations in college. Focusing specifically on the issues that affect students with disabilities, they offer advice on everything from dealing with college entrance exams and the college application process, to selecting the right college, visiting the campus, and achieving medical and financial independence away from home. A list of further resources guides students and their families towards additional sources of information and support, and stories of students with disabilities who have made the transition from high school to further education or the workplace are included throughout. This accessible and thoroughly readable book offers help and support to students with disabilities of all kinds, and their families, both before and during the transition to life after high school.

A Life after Deafness

by George B. Joslin

Novel about a deaf woman escaping from her domineering parents and finding love, marriage, and parenthood.

Life After Deaf: My Misadventures in Hearing Loss and Recovery

by Noel Holston

From a renowned media critic to a man with sudden and full hearing loss, Noel Holston ran the gauntlet of diagnoses, health insurance, and cochlear implant surgery. On a spring night in 2010, Noel Holston, a journalist, songwriter, and storyteller, went to bed with reasonably intact hearing. By dawn, it was gone, thus beginning a long process of hearing-restoration that included misdiagnoses, an obstinate health-insurance bureaucracy, failed cochlear-implant surgery, and a second surgery that finally worked. He negotiated the gauntlet with a wry sense of humor and the aid of his supportive wife, Marty. Life After Deaf details his experience with warmth, understanding, and candor. It&’s the story not only of his way back to the world of the hearing, but of a great marriage that weathered serious testing. Their determination and resilience serve as a source of inspiration for all.Life After Deaf is not just for the more than forty million people in the United States alone who cope with some form of hearing loss, but is also for their wide circles of friends, family, caregivers, and audiologists. This highly readable book will be an invaluable guide and source of hope for the large number of baby boomers now handling hearing loss.

El libro de Mamá Cultiva Argentina

by Mamá Cultiva Argentina

Un grupo de madres y pacientes unidos por una problemática común creó la ONG Mamá Cultiva Argentina y convenció a los legisladores de la importancia de acceder a medicamentos producidos en base a extractos de la planta de cannabis para aliviar dolencias crónicas y severas padecidas por numerosos niños, jóvenes, adultos y ancianos de nuestro país. Valeria Salech irradia con naturalidad las virtudes ocultas en el significado de su nombre. De casualidad conocí su valor y valentía en 2017, pocos días antes de la sanción de la Ley 27350 de cannabis medicinal, en una gesta cívica librada por un pequeño colectivo de mujeres que reclamaron y convencieron a legisladores de ambas cámaras de que los prejuicios y la ignorancia solo aseguran más dolor. Para evitar que otras familias transiten por tenebrosos laberintos sin salida, Valeria fundó Mamá Cultiva Argentina, una ONG que logra contener, orientar, integrar y difundir experiencias que afectan a miles de personas en nuestro país. Con la necesidad creciente de compartir sus historias, Valeria recorre los padecimientos, las batallas y las conquistas de familias antes perturbadas por la tristeza, el dolor y la falta de perspectivas luminosas. Este libro cuenta la lucha de Valeria por su hijo Emiliano, quien a poco de nacer manifestó convulsiones frecuentes de alta intensidad, que nunca se detuvieron ante una calesita incesante de neurólogos apurados y fármacos ineficaces. Descartando el "no hay solución" como respuesta, Valeria se aferró a su valor y valentía para indagar en los potenciales beneficios del aceite de cannabis, y desde el primer día descubrió la calma, la sonrisa y la conexión de Emiliano con toda la familia. No fue magia ni fruto de una planta milagrosa: el cannabis posee moléculas capaces de apaciguar impulsos nerviosos mediante la activación de receptores presentes en el cerebro que evitan disparos descontrolados en nuestros circuitos neuronales. La historia de Valeria y de Mamá Cultiva Argentina es un ejemplo de valor y valentía, de aprendizaje y soberanía sanitaria, de la lucha por una salud más inclusiva, humanizada y desprejuiciada.

Library Services for Blind and Visually Impaired People

by Priya R. Pillai Neela J. Deshpande

This book deals with the implementation of Disability policy and its need, Details of Web accessibility and copyright issues and Assistive technology.

Liblouisxml User's and Programmer's Manual

by Viewplus Technologies Abilitiessoft

A user's and programmer's guide for Liblouisxml, a software component for translating XML into braille.

Liblouis User's and Programmer's Manual

by Abilitiessoft

A guide for users and programmers on Liblouis, an open-source braille translator and back-translator.

Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes: A Story about Losing with Grace

by Jane Whelen-Banks

Liam loves playing games. His favourite game is 'Woof Woof' which he loves to play with Daddy. When Liam collects all the bones and Daddy loses, he says 'Good game Liam'. When Daddy wins, he gets to shout 'Woof Woof - I win!'. Liam does not like it when he doesn't win. In Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes, lovable Liam learns that it is ok to feel disappointed if you don't win, but that it's not ok to moan or cry or throw things: sometimes you win and sometimes you don't. He learns how to become a good sport, and that makes him a real champ! Vibrant, colourful and lively, this book's positive messages and advice are ideal for young children wanting to understand social situations or how friendships work.

Liam Says "Sorry": Repairing an Encounter Gone Sour

by Jane Whelen-Banks

Liam has a wonderful big brother called Jamie. Liam and Jamie play lots of fun things together, like computer battle games, sword fighting and pillow boffing. Liam's favourite game though is wrestling. One day when they were wrestling, Jamie had Liam pinned on the ground. Liam got frustrated and whacked Jamie on the nose... Making mistakes goes hand in hand with learning. It is a fact of life to which none of us are immune. Yet it is not our mistakes but how we deal with them that truly defines who we are. In Liam Says "Sorry" Liam impulsively whacks his brother on the nose and ruins an otherwise joyful round of wrestling. Wanting desperately to resume the game and win favour with his brother, Liam accepts responsibility for his blunder and apologises. His brother forgives him, and apologises too - and the wrestling at last can be resumed. Good job Liam! Vibrant, colourful and lively, this book's positive messages and advice are ideal for young children wanting to understand social situations or how friendships work.

Liam Says "Hi": Learning to Greet a Friend

by Jane Whelen-Banks

This is Liam. Liam has lots of friends who love him and want to play with him. When we get together with friends, we greet them by looking at their face and saying, 'Hi'. We don't look down or look away and say nothing. We don't run off when friends arrive. They will think they don't want to play with us! Introductions can be awkward for many children. For some, however, making eye contact, and acknowledging another person by simply saying "hi" can be a constant challenge. In Liam Says "Hi" Liam manages to overcome his shyness and greet his friend at the door leading to an excellent play date. Vibrant, colourful and lively, this is a lovely, friendly storybook for explaining friendships to young children aged 4+.

Liam Knows What To Do When Kids Act Snitty: Coping When Friends are Tactless

by Jane Whelen-Banks

Liam is a very talented boy. He can do lots of neat things, like tricks, tumbles and freaky faces. One day, Liam decided to impress his friend Sarah with a super-duper somersault on the couch. Sara said: 'So?' In Liam Knows What to do When Kids Act Snitty, lovable Liam finds out why his amazing feats of greatness are sometimes met with snide or snitty responses. He learns that when kids are snitty, it does not mean they don't like you, or that your tricks are boring, but that they haven't yet learnt how to be gracious and polite. Vibrant, colourful and lively, this book's positive messages and advice are ideal for young children wanting to understand social situations or how friendships work.

Liam Goes Poo in the Toilet: A Story about Trouble with Toilet Training

by Jane Whelen-Banks

'This is Liam. Every day Liam eats lots of good food. Each time Liam eats, his tummy gets fuller and fuller... and fuller... until Liam's tummy starts to stretch' Successful toilet training is a time of celebration for both parents and child. It marks the end of dirty diapers and a forward step in the development of a child. Fraught with both stress and triumph, the period of toilet training can take from days to months. For a typical child, learning to gain control over the body's internal stimuli can be at best challenging. For many children, however, these internal cues can be overwhelming and confusing, leading to both a frustrating and traumatic toileting experience. Liam Goes Poo in the Toilet illustrates the relationship between eating and excreting. It provides visual instructions on how to 'relax and push'. After much fanfare, Liam finally masters going `poo' in the toilet, and both he and Mum bask in the glory of a job well done.

LGBT-Q Teachers, Civil Partnership and Same-Sex Marriage: The Ambivalences of Legitimacy (Routledge Critical Studies in Gender and Sexuality in Education)

by Aoife Neary

The introduction of legislative structures for same-sex relationships provides a new lens for grappling with the politics of sexuality in schools and society. The emergence of civil partnership and same-sex marriage in Ireland brings to the fore international debates around public intimacy, religion in the public sphere, secularism and the politics of sexuality equality. Building on queer, feminist and affect theory in innovative ways, this book offers insight into the everyday negotiations of LGBT-Q teachers as they operate between and across the intersecting fields of education, religion and LGBT-Q politics. Neary illustrates the complexity of negotiating personal and professional identities for LGBT-Q teachers.

Leveraging Disability Sport Events: Impacts, Promises, and Possibilities (Disability Sport and Physical Activity Cultures)

by Laura Misener Gayle McPherson David McGillivray David Legg

This empirically-grounded text examines the policy, planning, development and implementation of disability sport events. It draws insights from a major international comparative study of different types of large multi-national sporting events: integrated events where able-bodied athletes and athletes with a disability compete alongside one another, and non-integrated events where athletes with a disability are separated by time but occurring in the same location. Guided by a critical disability studies perspective, the book highlights the strategic opportunity of sporting events to influence social change around community participation, and attitudes and awareness about disability more broadly. It also challenges assumptions about positive event legacies and suggests a need for a multi-lateral approach to planning. An important read for students, researchers and scholars in the fields of sport policy, sport development, disability sport, sport management, disability studies and event studies.

Leveling the Playing Field: Improving Technology Access and Design for People with Intellectual Disabilities

by Presidents Committee for People w/Intellectual Disabilities

The President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities is honored to advise the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services about the role of technology in improving the quality of life for people with ID and ensuring their full citizenship rights. A new generation of technologies continues to redefine, at an accelerated pace, how we all live, grow, and excel. The same should be true for people with ID. Access to technology is critical for people with ID to fully engage in the everyday life of our society.

Letting Go of Perfect: Empower Children to Overcome Perfectionism

by Jill L. Adelson Hope E. Wilson

Letting Go of Perfect gives parents and teachers the guidance and support they need to help children break free of the anxieties and behaviors related to perfectionism. This second edition:Explores a state of mind that manifests in unhealthy ways among kids and teens today—the need to be perfect.Features updated research on perfectionism, new strategies, and resources.Delineates the major types of perfectionism and provides practical tips.Explains how students can use their perfectionistic behaviors in a healthy way.Shares advice and stories from real parents, educators, and students.For children who believe their best is never good enough, perfectionism can lead to excessive guilt, lack of motivation, low self-esteem, depression, pessimism, obsessive or compulsive behavior, and a sense of rigidity. This engaging, practical book is a must-have for parents and teachers wanting to help children overcome perfectionism, raise self-confidence, lessen guilt, increase motivation, and offer a future free of rigidity.

Letters with Smokie: Blindness and More-than-Human Relations

by Rod Michalko Dan Goodley

Leave it to a dog to put the “human” back in “humanities” In September 2020, Rod Michalko wrote to friend and colleague Dan Goodley, congratulating him on the release of his latest book, Disability and Other Human Questions. Joking that his late guide dog, Smokie, had taken offense to the suggestion that disability was purely a human question, Michalko shared a few thoughts on behalf of his dog. When Goodley wrote back—to Smokie—so began an epistolic exchange that would continue for the next seven months. As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world and the realities of lockdown-imposed isolation set in, the Smokie letters provided the friends a space in which to come together in a lively exploration of human-animal relationships and to interrogate disability as disruption, disturbance, and art. Just as he did in life, Smokie guides. In these pages, he offers wisdom about the world, love, friendship, and even The Beatles. His canine observations of human experience provide an avenue into some of the ways blindness might be reconceptualized and “befriended.” Uninhibited by the trappings of traditional academic inquiry, Michalko and Goodley are unleashed, free to wander, to wonder, and to provoke within the bonds of trust and respect. Funny and thoughtful, the result is a refreshing exploration and re-evaluation of learned cultural misunderstandings of disability.

Letters to the Home Front: Positive Thoughts and Ideas for Parents Bringing Up Children with Developmental Disabilities, Particularly those with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

by John Clements

Bringing up a child with developmental disabilities, especially autism, presents many challenges for parents, and the focus of attention is almost invariably on the child. This practical and compassionate book looks at a range of issues from the parents' point of view - from whether their child really loves them, to challenging received wisdom on matters such as sensory integration and boarding school. The author's many decades of experience of working with families provide the basis for this practical support and help in thinking about and approaching some of the most difficult and intractable issues. One, often unvoiced, concern for parents is whether their children love or care about them. The first section of the book consists of three letters from young people to their parents, showing clearly that though they may never have been able to say so directly, they do love and appreciate their parents, and what they have done for them - a strong message for all parents in a similar situation. Clements goes on to look at how the parenting agenda changes over time, how to see beyond the diagnoses and the constant need to deal with immediate problems, to see the real people who make up the family, the impact on siblings, how to manage the system and the multiple professional agencies over long periods of time, and how to think about the offer of medication to control behaviour. An important section addresses some of the most distressing behavioural challenges: physical aggression, verbal abuse, long-term severe self-injury, property damage, and obsessions. Finally, Clements offers objective and open-minded reflections on received wisdom about two other unchallenged topics - sensory integration, and the usefulness or otherwise of boarding schools. The book is practical, compassionate, and above all, useful. It will be of ongoing use to parents, and equally useful to professionals working with families encountering the issues covered.

Letters to Sam: A Grandfather's Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life

by Daniel Gottlieb

Dr. Gottlieb is a nationally known psychologist. He has a private practice, a call-in radio show in Philadelphia's NPR affiliate, writes a regular column for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and authored several books. At age 33, he was in a car accident and became quadriplegic. He's been in a wheelchair since then. After healing, he returned to his profession. When his grandson was born, he began writing short letters to Sam, a method of passing on his wisdom. At about 14 months, Sam was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Grandpa's letters became even more important as Sam grows to age 4, when the book ends. The themes of the letters speak to everyone, disability is only one aspect of their lives. There are many gems of wisdom in here, much to ponder and absorb. It resonates with life lessons worth knowing and universal truths.

Letters to Sam: A Grandfather's Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life

by Daniel Gottlieb

The author and radio host shares an inspiring collection of letters to his grandson about family, growing up, and living with disability.When his grandson was born, Daniel Gottlieb began writing a series of letters for Sam to read later in life. He planned to cover everything from dealing with your parents and handling bullies to falling in love and coping with death. Ever since a car accident left Daniel quadriplegic, he knew not to take anything for granted. He wrote the letters in case he wasn’t around to see Sam reach adulthood.Then, when Sam was only fourteen months old, he was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disability, a form of autism, and suddenly everything changed. Now the grandfather and grandson were bound by something more: a disability. And Daniel’s special understanding of what that means became invaluable. Letters to Sam is a lovingly written, emotionally gripping book that offers unique—and universal—insights into what it means to be human.

Let's Talk About Disabled People

by Pete A. Sanders

"Let's talk about" looks at subjects of specific interest to young children and asks and answers the questions they most frequently raise. The series covers issues which affect children's lives or which add to their growing awareness of the world. This book talks about people who are differently abled, and helps children to understand how they feel when they have a temporary disability such as a broken arm, might be how a person who is permanently disabled feels.

Let's Pretend We Never Met

by Melissa Walker

“I love how this book gets the fragile ecosystem that is middle school. There’s a purity to the voice that feels very real, very Judy Blume. Loved it!”—R. J. Palacio, author of WonderThe Thing About Jellyfish meets The Kind of Friends We Used to Be in this sweet, honest middle grade debut.If it were up to Mattie Markham, there would be a law that said your family wasn’t allowed to move in the middle of the school year. After all, sixth grade is hard enough without wondering if you’ll be able to make new friends or worrying that the kids in Pennsylvania won’t like your North Carolina accent.But when Mattie meets her next-door neighbor and classmate, she begins to think maybe she was silly to fear being the “new girl.” Agnes is like no one Mattie has ever met—she’s curious, hilarious, smart, and makes up the best games. If winter break is anything to go by, the rest of the school year should be a breeze.Only it isn’t, because when vacation ends and school starts, Mattie realizes something: At school Agnes is known as the weird girl who no one likes. All Mattie wants is to fit in (okay, and maybe be a little popular too), but is that worth ending her friendship with Agnes?

Let's Go Shopping: A Grammar Tales Book To Support Grammar And Language Development In Children (Grammar Tales)

by Jessica Habib

Pete and Jem are very helpful at the supermarket, but end up causing chaos with a tower of food on display. Targeting Subject-Verb-Object sentences and the conjunction ‘and’ for listing, this book provides repeated examples of early developing syntax and morphology which will engage and excite the reader while building pre-literacy skills and make learning fun, as well as exposing children to multiple models of the target grammar form. Perfect for a speech and language therapy session, this book is an ideal starting point for targeting client goals and can also be enjoyed at school or home to reinforce what has been taught in the therapy session.

Let’s Go In: My Journey to a University Presidency

by T. Alan Hurwitz

Alan Hurwitz ascended the ranks of academia to become the president of not one, but two, universities—National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology and Gallaudet University. In Let’s Go In: My Journey to a University Presidency, Hurwitz discusses the unique challenges he encountered as a Deaf person, and the events, people, and experiences that shaped his personal and professional life. He demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation for progressive leadership roles in higher education, and provides insights into the decision-making and outreach required of a university president, covering topics such as community collaboration, budget management, and networking with public policy leaders. He also stresses that assessing students’ needs should be a top priority. As he reflects on a life committed to service in higher education, Hurwitz offers up important lessons on the issues, challenges, and opportunities faced by deaf and hard of hearing people, and in doing so, inspires future generations of deaf people to aim for their highest goals.

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