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Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)

by Sirkku Aaltonen Areeg Ibrahim

This study of Egyptian theatre and its narrative construction explores the ways representations of Egypt are created of and within theatrical means, from the 19th century to the present day. Essays address the narratives that structure theatrical, textual, and performative representations and the ways the rewriting process has varied in different contexts and at different times. Drawing on concepts from Theatre and Performance Studies, Translation Studies, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies, and Diaspora Studies, scholars and practitioners from Egypt and the West enter into dialogue with one another, expanding understanding of the different fields. The articles focus on the ways theatre texts and performances change (are rewritten) when crossing borders between different worlds. The concept of rewriting is seen to include translation, transformation, and reconstruction, and the different borders may be cultural and national, between languages and dramaturgies, or borders that are present in people’s everyday lives. Essays consider how rewritings and performances cross borders from one culture, nation, country, and language to another. They also study the process of rewriting, the resulting representations of foreign plays on stage, and representations of the Egyptian revolution on stage and in Tahrir Square. This assessment of the relationship between theatre practices, exchanges, and rewritings in Egyptian theatre brings vital coverage to an undervisited area and will be of interest to developments in theatre translation and beyond.

Code-Choice and Identity Construction on Stage: Code-choice in Identity Construction on Stage (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)

by Sirkku Aaltonen

Code-Choice and Identity Construction on Stage challenges the general assumption that language is only one of the codes employed in a theatrical performance; Sirkku Aaltonen changes the perspective to the audience, foregrounding the chosen language variety as a trigger for their reactions. Theatre is ‘the most public of arts’, closely interwoven with contemporary society, and language is a crucial tool for establishing order. In this book, Aaltonen explores the ways in which chosen languages on stage can lead to rejection or tolerance in diglossic situations, where one language is considered unequal to another. Through a selection of carefully chosen case studies, the socio-political rather than artistic motivation behind code-choice emerges. By identifying common features of these contexts and the implications of theatre in the wider world, this book sheds light on high versus low culture, the role of translation, and the significance of traditional and emerging theatrical conventions. This intriguing study encompassing Ireland, Scotland, Quebec, Finland and Egypt, cleverly employs the perspective of familiarising the foreign and is invaluable reading for those interested in theatre and performance, translation, and the connection between language and society.

Indian Politics Thinker: भारतीय राजनीति विचारक

by नेशनल पेपरबैक्स ओम् गाबा

भारतीय राजनीति-चिंतन की परंपरा पश्चिमी परंपरा से भी पुरानी है, और इसमें बहुत सारे ओजस्वी विचार भरे हैं। परंतु इसके अध्ययन को यथोचित महत्त्व नहीं मिल पाया है। देखा जाए तो आधुनिक युग में पश्चिमी सभ्यता के अभ्युदय के कारण साधारणतः पाश्चात्य राजनीति-चिंतन को ही भूमंडलीय बौद्धिक परंपरा के प्रतिनिधि के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है; भारतीय राजनीति-चिंतन को छिटपुट अध्ययन का विषय बना कर छोड़ दिया गया है। वस्तुतः भारतीय चिंतन की प्राचीन, मध्ययुगीन और आधुनिक धाराओं में राजनीति की बहुत सारी समस्याओं पर इतने सुलझे हुए विचार व्यक्त किए गए हैं जो भूमंडलीय बौद्धिक परंपरा का महत्त्वपूर्ण अंग बनने की क्षमता रखते हैं, परंतु मुख्यतः हमारी उदासीनता के कारण इस क्षमता को सार्थक करने का विशेष प्रयत्न नहीं हुआ है। ‘भारतीय राजनीति-विचारक’ का प्रस्तुत संस्करण पिछले सब संस्करणों का उन्नत रूप है। आशा है, इस रूप में प्रस्तुत कृति अपने पाठक-वर्ग को न केवल भारतीय राजनीति-चिंतन की समृद्ध परंपरा से परिचित कराएगी बल्कि उन्हें मानव-समाज की समस्याओं के बारे में स्वयं चिंतन करने की प्रेरणा देगी।

Bharat Ava Vishva Ka Bhugol: भारत एवं विश्व का भूगोल

by माजिद हुसेन

संघ लोक सेवा आयोग (UPSC) ने वर्ष 2013 में सिविल सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा हेतु अपने परीक्षा पैटर्न और पाठ्यक्रम को पुनरीक्षित किया था। वर्ष 2011 में प्रारंभिक परीक्षा के आकार और पैटर्न में भी परिवर्तन किया गया था। पुनरीक्षित पाठ्यक्रम और विद्यार्थियों से प्राप्त उत्साहवर्धक प्रतिक्रिया के आलोक में “भारत एवं विश्व का भूगोल” पुस्तक को विभिन्न सरकारी और गैर-सरकारी प्रकाशनों से प्राप्त नवीनतम आंकड़ों और सूचनाओं को ध्यानपूर्वक सम्मिलित कर पुनरीक्षित और अद्यतन किया गया है। इस पुनरीक्षित संस्करण में भूगोल, पर्यावरण और पारिस्थितिकी तथा आपदा प्रबंधन के लगभग सभी विषयों को शामिल किया गया है, जोकि प्रारंभिक परीक्षा और मुख्य परीक्षा के सामान्य अध्ययन पत्र—II, III और —IV में निर्धारित हैं।

Bhartiya Arthvyastha: भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था

by संजीव वर्मा

यूपीएससी पाठ्यक्रम के नए पैटर्न के आधार पर पूरी तरह से संशोधित और अद्यतन संस्करण - अब 4 व्यापक खंडों में संरचित- ए। घरेलू अर्थव्यवस्था, बी। बाहरी क्षेत्र- बाहर की ओर, सी। ग्लोबल इकोनॉमी और आउटलुक और डी। इंडियन इकोनॉमी रिविजिटेड, आउटलुक और चुनौतियां। पुस्तक आर्थिक मुद्दे को महान वैचारिक स्पष्टता के साथ रेखांकित करने और आवेदन के हिस्से में लाने और वर्तमान समय में इसकी प्रासंगिकता का प्रयास है। नई पीढ़ी के छात्रों को अर्थव्यवस्था को सही परिप्रेक्ष्य में समझने का प्रयास। निम्नलिखित अध्यायों में अर्थव्यवस्था में भारत सरकार द्वारा शुरू की जा रही नई अवधारणाओं, नीतियों और कार्यान्वयन को अद्यतन करने और जोड़ने के दौरान सीखने की आसानी को ध्यान में रखा गया है: 1. मुख्य विशेषताएं: नया भारत 2. गरीबी और सामाजिक क्षेत्र 3. सरकार फाइनेंसिंग और बैंकिंग 4. विदेश व्यापार नीति ... कुछ का नाम दिया जाना है निम्नलिखित वर्गों को नए संस्करण में डाला गया है: 1. भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था तारकीय प्रदर्शन 2. भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था भर में फैले JAM 3. माल और सेवा कर: एक प्रगतिशील कर व्यवस्था 4 निति आयोग: द प्रीमियर पॉलिसी थिंक टैंक 5. स्टार्टअप इंडिया: विंग्स टू द स्काई ऊपर 6. डिमॉनेटाइजेशन पॉलिसी: काले धन के खिलाफ सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक को कुछ ही समय में अवधारणा (ओं) को सीखने और समझने की सुविधा के लिए आरेखों के साथ समृद्ध किया गया है।

Entertaining the Idea: Shakespeare, Performance, and Philosophy (UCLA Clark Memorial Library Series)

To entertain an idea is to take it in, pay attention to it, give it breathing room, dwell with it for a time. The practice of entertaining ideas suggests rumination and meditation, inviting us to think of philosophy as a form of hospitality and a kind of mental theatre. In this collection, organized around key words shared by philosophy and performance, the editors suggest that Shakespeare’s plays supply readers, listeners, viewers, and performers with equipment for living. In plays ranging from A Midsummer Night’s Dream to King Lear and The Winter’s Tale, Shakespeare invites readers and audiences to be more responsive to the texture and meaning of daily encounters, whether in the intimacies of love, the demands of social and political life, or moments of ethical decision. Entertaining the Idea features established and emerging scholars, addressing key words such as role play, acknowledgment, judgment, and entertainment as well as curse and care. The volume also includes longer essays on Shakespeare, Kant, Husserl, and Hegel as well as an afterword by theatre critic Charles McNulty on the philosophy and performance history of King Lear.

Hamilton and the Law: Reading Today's Most Contentious Legal Issues through the Hit Musical

Since its Broadway debut, Hamilton: An American Musical has infused itself into the American experience: who shapes it, who owns it, who can rap it best. Lawyers and legal scholars, recognizing the way the musical speaks to some of our most complicated constitutional issues, have embraced Alexander Hamilton as the trendiest historical face in American civics. Hamilton and the Law offers a revealing look into the legal community's response to the musical, which continues to resonate in a country still deeply divided about the reach of the law. A star-powered cast of legal minds—from two former U.S. solicitors general to leading commentators on culture and society—contribute brief and engaging magazine-style articles to this lively book. Intellectual property scholars share their thoughts on Hamilton's inventive use of other sources, while family law scholars explore domestic violence. Critical race experts consider how Hamilton furthers our understanding of law and race, while authorities on the Second Amendment discuss the language of the Constitution's most contested passage. Legal scholars moonlighting as musicians discuss how the musical lifts history and law out of dusty archives and onto the public stage. This collection of minds, inspired by the phenomenon of the musical and the Constitutional Convention of 1787, urges us to heed Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Founding Fathers and to create something new, daring, and different.

Rethinking Chinese Socialist Theaters of Reform: Performance Practice and Debate in the Mao Era

The profound political, economic, and social changes in China in the second half of the twentieth century have produced a wealth of scholarship; less studied however is how cultural events, and theater reforms in particular, contributed to the dynamic landscape of contemporary Chinese society. Rethinking Chinese Socialist Theaters of Reform fills this gap by investigating the theories and practice of socialist theater and their effects on a diverse range of genres, including Western-style spoken drama, Chinese folk opera, dance drama, Shanghai opera, Beijing opera, and rural theater. Focusing on the 1950s and ’60s, when theater art occupied a prominent political and cultural role in Maoist China, this book examines the efforts to remake theater in a socialist image. It explores the unique dynamics between official discourse, local politics, performance practice, and audience reception that emerged under the pressures of highly politicized cultural reform as well as the off-stage, lived impact of rapid policy change on individuals and troupes obscured by the public record. This multidisciplinary collection by leading scholars covers a wide range of perspectives, geographical locations, specific research methods, genres of performance, and individual knowledge and experience. The richly diverse approach leads readers through a nuanced and complex cultural landscape as it contributes significantly to our understanding of a crucial period in the development of modern Chinese theater and performance.

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