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100 (monologues)

by Eric Bogosian

This new collection by one of America's premier performers and most innovative and provocative artists includes 100 monologues from his acclaimed plays and solo shows including: Drinking in America; Men Inside; Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead; Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll and more. Also included are additional pieces from Talk Radio and Notes from Underground.

100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Write: On Umbrellas and Sword Fights, Parades and Dogs, Fire Alarms, Children, and Theater

by Sarah Ruhl

100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Write is an incisive, idiosyncratic collection on life and theater from major American playwright Sarah Ruhl. This is a book in which chimpanzees, Chekhov, and child care are equally at home. A vibrant, provocative examination of the possibilities of the theater, it is also a map to a very particular artistic sensibility, and an unexpected guide for anyone who has chosen an artist's life. Sarah Ruhl is a mother of three and one of America's best-known playwrights. She has written a stunningly original book of essays whose concerns range from the most minimal and personal subjects to the most encompassing matters of art and culture. The titles themselves speak to the volume's uniqueness: "On lice," "On sleeping in the theater," "On motherhood and stools (the furniture kind)," "Greek masks and Bell's palsy."

10 Days on Earth

by Ronnie Burkett

He lived alone with very little and more than enough, and preferred it that way. "Simply simply," he was oft heard to say. He was alone, on his own, and that was okay... Darrel is a middle-aged intellectually challenged man who lives with his mother. When she dies in her sleep, Darrel does not realize she is gone, and so, for over a week, he lives alone. Tandem to Darrel's day-to-day routine are the adventures of his favourite children's book characters, Honeydog and Little Burp. Their search for a home leads the dog and duck duo to an understanding of family, while Darrel's ease in the world illustrates just how his mother has paved the path for him to be without her. Episodes from the past, like faded colour snapshots from a family album, illustrate this mother's love for her son in all its honesty and fierce, unwavering will. Simple, tender, funny and unapologetic, 10 Days On Earth asks: If you were alone but didn't know it, would you feel lonely?

Дон Кихот [Don Kikhot]: A Dramatic Adaptation (Texts and Translations #29)

by Mikhail Bulgakov

When Soviet censors approved Mikhail Bulgakov's ??? ?????, a stage adaptation of Don Quixote, they were unaware that they were sanctioning a subtle but powerful criticism of Stalinist rule. The author, whose novel ?????? ? ????????? would eventually bring him world renown, achieved this sleight of hand through a deft interpretation of Cervantes's knight. Bulgakov's Don Quixote fits comfortably into the nineteenth-century Russian tradition of idealistic, troubled intellectuals, but Quixote's quest becomes an allegory of the artist under the strictures of Stalin's regime. Bulgakov did not live to see the play performed: it went into production in 1940, only months after his death.The volume's introduction provides background for Bulgakov's adaptation and compares Bulgakov with Cervantes and the twentieth-century Russian work with the seventeenth-century Spanish work.

Η έκκληση του Παύλου

by Erick Carballo

"Η έκκληση του Παύλου" είναι ένα μυθιστόρημα στο οποίο η μοναξιά, ο εκφοβισμός, η κακία και ο εγωισμός ενός πατέρα είναι αλληλένδετα και η αδιαφορία μιας μητέρας που εγκαταλείπει τον γιο της στη μοίρα του για να ξεκινήσει μια νέα ζωή με άνθρωπος που εξασφαλίζει ένα πολλά υποσχόμενο μέλλον. Ο Πάμπλο είναι ένα οκτάχρονο αγόρι που έχει μόνο έναν φίλο που μπορεί να εμπιστευτεί, αλλά μια σειρά από γεγονότα τον οδηγούν σε ένα τραγικό πεπρωμένο.

Επιστολές από την Ανταρκτική

by Federico Romano

Το ταξίδι της ζωής ενός αλτρουιστή και γενναιόδωρου άνδρα μέσα από τον πόνο, τη χαρά, τη φιλία, την αγάπη και το θάνατο. Αυτές είναι οι «Επιστολές από την Ανταρκτική», ένα μυθιστόρημα που η πλοκή του διαδραματίζεται σε ένα φανταστικό νησί που είναι περισσότερο ένα μέρος της ανθρώπινης ψυχής. Συγκεκριμένα, η ανθρώπινη ψυχή που συναντάμε εδώ είναι αυτή του Φρέντερικ Τζόνσον. Οι συναντήσεις που θα κάνει, οι σκληρές εμπειρίες της ζωής που θα μπορέσει να αντιμετωπίσει και να χειριστεί, θα ξεδιπλώσουν τη στιγματισμένη ύπαρξη του από τη στιγμή της γέννησης του. Στην πραγματικότητα, νεογέννητος ακόμα, εγκαταλείφθηκε από τη μητέρα του που δεν θα την ξαναδεί ποτέ.

Συρανό δε Μπερζεράκ

by Edmond Rostand

This is the famous 19th-century play about a great swordsman and poet with the unseemly large nose. Although he is feared by opponents, he cannot court the woman of his dreams, except through anonymously sent poems, which makes for a romantic and adventurous tale.


by Erick Carballo

「ル 命 願 願「 「 パ ブ ロ は 、 信 頼 で き る 友人 が 1 人 し か い な い 8 歳 の 少年 で す が 、 一連 の 出来 事 が 彼 を 悲劇 的 な 運 命 に 導 き ま す。

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