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Alliances for Sustainable Development: Business and NGO Partnerships

by Laurence Schwesinger Berlie

A lively and hands-on exploration of corporate-NGO alliances. It offers original insight to understand why alliances exist and to what end. It also looks into the asymmetries between partners and dwells on three crucial aspects of alliances management : alliance capacity development, stakeholder involvement and alliance metrics.

Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie und die Darstellung Schwarzer Löcher in interaktiven Medien: Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Computerspiels „Elite Dangerous“ (BestMasters)

by Rebecca Maksimović

Die Darstellungen von Schwarzen Löcher in Büchern, im Fernsehen und in Computerspielen prägen die Vorstellungen der Öffentlichkeit über Astrophysik und die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (ART). Deshalb stellt sich die spannende Frage, inwiefern die Darstellungen der Wissenschaft entsprechen. Das vorliegende Buch geht dieser Frage nach, indem zwei Effekte der ART an Schwarzen Löchern, die Lichtablenkung und die gravitative Rotverschiebung, exemplarisch in dem Computerspiel „Elite Dangerous“ untersucht werden. Dafür wird zuerst die ART elementar eingeführt und auf Grundlage der Theorie werden schwarze Löcher und ihre Effekte beschrieben. Danach wird dieses Fachwissen auf Bildausschnitte des Computerspiels angewendet und diese untersucht. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf eine möglichst nachvollziehbare kleinschrittige Darstellung mit anschaulichen Beispielen gelegt, sodass die Arbeit auch für Lehramtsstudierende und Lehrkräfte gut verständlich ist.

Alleviating Poverty Through Profitable Partnerships 2e: Globalization, Markets, and Economic Well-Being

by Patricia H. Werhane Lisa H. Newton Regina Wolfe

Poverty is an unnecessary form of human degradation and badly conceived economics. Our thesis is that poverty can be reduced, if not eradicated, both locally and globally. But this will occur only if we change our shared narratives about global free enterprise, remind ourselves that poverty is a system, and conceive of poverty alleviation as a "bottom up" project. There is no "one size fits all" for poverty reduction. Rather, poverty is a system and must be addressed locally. It is our aim, as it is the aim of the United Nations, the World Bank, and many other organizations, to erase it from our vocabulary and from this planet. With a series of case studies that accompany each chapter, this book should assist readers in thinking about poverty alleviation from a number of perspectives, from bottom-up entrepreneurial projects, local-corporate ventures, with public-private partnerships, from focused philanthropy, with education and health care initiatives, and agriculture reforms in rural communities, all with creating a win-win for local and partnership individuals, organizations, and communities.. The book should be useful in various undergraduate and graduate courses on ethics, applied ethics. developing economic systems, and on poverty.

Alleviating Poverty Through Profitable Partnerships: Globalization, Markets, and Economic Well-Being

by Patricia H. Werhane

In this book, the authors approach poverty alleviation from an atypical perspective. The thesis is that poverty can be reduced, if not eradicated, both locally and globally, but this will occur only if we change our shared narratives about global free enterprise, and only if we recalibrate our mindsets regarding how poverty issues are most effectively addressed. They argue that poverty amelioration cannot be effected by the traditional means employed during the last century—foreign aid from developed nations and/or from non-profit international organizations. Rather, the authors present evidence which demonstrates that a mindset embracing initiatives developed by global corporations in response to the poverty challenge is significantly more effective. Global companies can alleviate poverty by seizing market opportunities at the Base of the economic Pyramid (BoP) with the implementation of three key processes: moral imagination, systems thinking, and deep dialogue. This approach to alleviating poverty offers some powerful ideas backed by the support of some of the leading Business Ethics minds in the United States. These scholars, some of whom are on the author team, have created a book that is unique and provocative yet still ideal for courses at the undergraduate level.

Allergenic Pollen: A Review of the Production, Release, Distribution and Health Impacts

by Mikhail Sofiev Karl-Christian Bergmann

This is the first book to summarize all aspects of allergenic pollen: production, atmospheric distribution, and health impacts, as well as the means of monitoring and forecasting these phenomena. Based on a four-year effort by a large group of leading European scientists, this book highlights the new developments in research on allergenic pollen, including the modelling prospects and effects of climate change. The multidisciplinary team of authors offers insights into the latest technology of detection of pollen and its allergenic properties, forecasting methods, and the influence of allergenic pollen on the population. The comprehensive coverage in this book makes it an indispensible volume for anyone dealing with allergenic pollen worldwide. Readers involved in environmental health, aerobiology, medicine, and plant science will find this book of interest.

The Allegheny Woodrat

by John Peles Janet Wright

A decline in populations of Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) was first noticed in the 1980s. Since that time, woodrats have become extirpated from at least two states and have declined dramatically in several others. Recent evidence suggests that the decline of this species may be proceeding further south to include states where woodrat populations were previously considered to be stable. The Allegheny Woodrat: Ecology, Conservation, and Management of a Declining Species provides a comprehensive summary of research conducted over the past twenty-five years. The book integrates the results of this research into a comprehensive picture of the ecological requirements, conservation principles, and management strategies for this declining species. In addition, general principles learned from the study of woodrats are applied to the conservation and management of other declining species, including other species of Neotoma. The editors and chapter authors are researchers from both academic settings and state management agencies, individuals who have contributed significantly to the study of Allegheny woodrats during the past two decades. The book will be of interest to ecologists, conservation biologists, wildlife professionals, and students.

All You Need to Know About the Next Energy Revolution: Solutions for a Truly Sustainable Future

by Erwan Saouter Thomas Gibon

Climate change is a reality that cannot now be disputed and solutions exist, whether technological or societal. However, it is essential to understand their capacity to meet a demand for energy and resources that will continue to grow. Faced with the confusion of messages, the multiplicity, and, sometimes, the naivety of the roadmaps for achieving a carbon-neutral world, this concise book proposes a return to the fundamentals that we should all know before we can choose the type of development we want. It invites us to move away from dogmatic positions, preconceived, and partisan ideas and to become aware that all the choices available to us have advantages and disadvantages, and that these must be rigorously quantified in order to prevent today's solutions from becoming tomorrow's disasters.

All The Wild That Remains: Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and the American West

by David Gessner

An homage to the West and to two great writers who set the standard for all who celebrate and defend it. Archetypal wild man Edward Abbey and proper, dedicated Wallace Stegner left their footprints all over the western landscape. Now, award-winning nature writer David Gessner follows the ghosts of these two remarkable writer-environmentalists from Stegner's birthplace in Saskatchewan to the site of Abbey's pilgrimages to Arches National Park in Utah, braiding their stories and asking how they speak to the lives of all those who care about the West. These two great westerners had very different ideas about what it meant to love the land and try to care for it, and they did so in distinctly different styles. Boozy, lustful, and irascible, Abbey was best known as the author of the novel The Monkey Wrench Gang (and also of the classic nature memoir Desert Solitaire), famous for spawning the idea of guerrilla actions--known to admirers as "monkeywrenching" and to law enforcement as domestic terrorism--to disrupt commercial exploitation of western lands. By contrast, Stegner, a buttoned-down, disciplined, faithful family man and devoted professor of creative writing, dedicated himself to working through the system to protect western sites such as Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado. In a region beset by droughts and fires, by fracking and drilling, and by an ever-growing population that seems to be in the process of loving the West to death, Gessner asks: how might these two farseeing environmental thinkers have responded to the crisis? Gessner takes us on an inspiring, entertaining journey as he renews his own commitment to cultivating a meaningful relationship with the wild, confronting American overconsumption, and fighting environmental injustice--all while reawakening the thrill of the words of his two great heroes.

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis

by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson Katharine K. Wilkinson

Provocative and illuminating essays from women at the forefront of the climate movement who are harnessing truth, courage, and solutions to lead humanity forward. There is a renaissance blooming in the climate movement: leadership that is more characteristically feminine and more faithfully feminist, rooted in compassion, connection, creativity, and collaboration. While it&’s clear that women and girls are vital voices and agents of change for this planet, they are too often missing from the proverbial table. More than a problem of bias, it&’s a dynamic that sets us up for failure. To change everything, we need everyone. All We Can Save illuminates the expertise and insights of dozens of diverse women leading on climate in the United States—scientists, journalists, farmers, lawyers, teachers, activists, innovators, wonks, and designers, across generations, geographies, and race—and aims to advance a more representative, nuanced, and solution-oriented public conversation on the climate crisis. These women offer a spectrum of ideas and insights for how we can rapidly, radically reshape society. Intermixing essays with poetry and art, this book is both a balm and a guide for knowing and holding what has been done to the world, while bolstering our resolve never to give up on one another or our collective future. We must summon truth, courage, and solutions to turn away from the brink and toward life-giving possibility. Curated by two climate leaders, the book is a collection and celebration of visionaries who are leading us on a path toward all we can save. With essays and poems by:Emily Atkin • Xiye Bastida • Ellen Bass • Colette Pichon Battle • Jainey K. Bavishi • Janine Benyus • adrienne maree brown • Régine Clément • Abigail Dillen • Camille T. Dungy • Rhiana Gunn-Wright • Joy Harjo • Katharine Hayhoe • Mary Annaïse Heglar • Jane Hirshfield • Mary Anne Hitt • Ailish Hopper • Tara Houska, Zhaabowekwe • Emily N. Johnston • Joan Naviyuk Kane • Naomi Klein • Kate Knuth • Ada Limón • Louise Maher-Johnson • Kate Marvel • Gina McCarthy • Anne Haven McDonnell • Sarah Miller • Sherri Mitchell, Weh&’na Ha&’mu Kwasset • Susanne C. Moser • Lynna Odel • Sharon Olds • Mary Oliver • Kate Orff • Jacqui Patterson • Leah Penniman • Catherine Pierce • Marge Piercy • Kendra Pierre-Louis • Varshini • Prakash • Janisse Ray • Christine E. Nieves Rodriguez • Favianna Rodriguez • Cameron Russell • Ash Sanders • Judith D. Schwartz • Patricia Smith • Emily Stengel • Sarah Stillman • Leah Cardamore Stokes • Amanda Sturgeon • Maggie Thomas • Heather McTeer Toney • Alexandria Villaseñor • Alice Walker • Amy Westervelt • Jane Zelikova

All Things Reconsidered: My Birding Adventures

by Roger Tory Peterson

Roger Tory Peterson’s unique perspective on birding comes to life in these highly personal narratives. Here he relates his adventures during a lifetime of birding and traveling the world to observe and record nature. Though Peterson was widely known for his illustrations, this collection reminds us to reconsider his accomplishments as a photographer, for Peterson was nearly as passionate about photography as he was about painting. The essays and photographs included here were carefully selected by Bill Thompson III, the editor of Bird Watcher’s Digest, which ran the column “All Things Reconsidered” during the last twelve years of Peterson’s life.

All the Trees of the Forest

by Alon Tal

In this insightful and provocative book, Alon Tal provides a detailed account of Israeli forests, tracing their history from the Bible to the present, and outlines the effort to transform drylands and degraded soils into prosperous parks, rangelands, and ecosystems. Tal’s description of Israel’s trials and errors, and his exploration of both the environmental history and the current policy dilemmas surrounding that country's forests, will provide valuable lessons in the years to come for other parts of the world seeking to reestablish timberlands.

All the Rocks We Love

by Lisa Varchol Perron Taylor Perron

A lyrical and informative celebration of ROCKS and why we love them.Children love rocks. Rocks appear in jacket pockets, on windowsills, in the car, in their hiding places, and most often, in their little grips. Rocks are universal – they can be found in all climates, countries, and communities – making themselves available to anyone who craves the tactile pleasure of holding a perfectly sized, unfragile, unowned object. They can be collected, compared, stacked, plunked into water, painted, and shared. This book is an appreciation of their versatility and appeal, paired with the presentation of real types of rocks and their play-worthy attributes. The backmatter provides just enough extra information about each of the rocks included in the book. Written by a children&’s author and psychotherapist, in partnership with her geologist husband, and illustrated with both warmth and accuracy, this nonfiction ode to rocks will speak to all little hands and hearts.

All the Boats on the Ocean: How Government Subsidies Led to Global Overfishing

by Carmel Finley

Most current fishing practices are neither economically nor biologically sustainable. Every year, the world spends $80 billion buying fish that cost $105 billion to catch, even as heavy fishing places growing pressure on stocks that are already struggling with warmer, more acidic oceans. How have we developed an industry that is so wasteful, and why has it been so difficult to alter the trajectory toward species extinction? In this transnational, interdisciplinary history, Carmel Finley answers these questions and more as she explores how government subsidies propelled the expansion of fishing from a coastal, in-shore activity into a global industry. While nation states struggling for ocean supremacy have long used fishing as an imperial strategy, the Cold War brought a new emphasis: fishing became a means for nations to make distinct territorial claims. A network of trade policies and tariffs allowed cod from Iceland and tuna canned in Japan into the American market, destabilizing fisheries in New England and Southern California. With the subsequent establishment of tuna canneries in American Samoa and Puerto Rico, Japanese and American tuna boats moved from the Pacific into the Atlantic and Indian Oceans after bluefin. At the same time, government subsidies in nations such as Spain and the Soviet Union fueled fishery expansion on an industrial scale, with the Soviet fleet utterly depleting the stock of rosefish (or Pacific ocean perch) and other groundfish from British Columbia to California. This massive global explosion in fishing power led nations to expand their territorial limits in the 1970s, forever changing the seas. Looking across politics, economics, and biology, All the Boats on the Ocean casts a wide net to reveal how the subsidy-driven expansion of fisheries in the Pacific during the Cold War led to the growth of fisheries science and the creation of international fisheries management. Nevertheless, the seas are far from calm: in a world where this technologically advanced industry has enabled nations to colonize the oceans, fish literally have no place left to hide, and the future of the seas and their fish stocks is uncertain.

All That We Say Is Ours

by Ian Gill

Haida Gwaii, also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, is the Galapagos of the north. Famous for their wild beauty, the islands are also the ancient homeland of the Haida Nation. Integral to Haida culture is the relationship to the land, and the Haidas have spent many years trying to protect and recover control of it. Under the leadership of Giindajin Haawasti Guujaaw, the visionary artist, drummer, and orator, the Haida blockaded loggers, joined forces with environmentalists, lobbied political leaders, and in 2004 filed suit against the Canadian government, laying claim to their entire traditional territory. Ian Gill captures the excitement of the Haida struggle and their passion for their culture. He also reveals the making of an artist and political activist: Guujaaw's audacity, eloquence, tactical skills, and deep knowledge of his homeland place him at the heart of this riveting story, and this book reveals his extraordinary role in it.

All That the Rain Promises and More: A Hip Pocket Guide to Western Mushrooms

by David Arora

&“[All That the Rain Promises and More] is certainly the best guide to fungi, and may in fact be a long lasting masterpiece in guide writing for all subjects.&”—Roger McKnight, The New York TimesMushrooms appeal to all kinds of people—and so will this handy pocket guide, which includes key information for more than 200 Western mushroomsOver 200 edible and poisonous mushrooms are depicted with simple checklists of their identifying features, as David Arora celebrates the fun in fungi with the same engaging bend of wit and wisdom, fact and fancy, that has made his comprehensive guide, Mushrooms Demystified, the mushroom hunter&’s bible.&“The best guide for the beginner. I&’d buy it no matter where I lived in North America.&”—Whole Earth Catalog

All Over the Map: A Cartographic Odyssey

by Betsy Mason Greg Miller

Created for map lovers by map lovers, this rich book explores the intriguing stories behind maps across history and illuminates how the art of cartography thrives today. <p><p>In this visually stunning book, award-winning journalists Betsy Mason and Greg Miller--authors of the National Geographic cartography blog "All Over the Map"--explore the intriguing stories behind maps from a wide variety of cultures, civilizations, and time periods. Based on interviews with scores of leading cartographers, curators, historians, and scholars, this is a remarkable selection of fascinating and unusual maps. This diverse compendium includes ancient maps of dragon-filled seas, elaborate graphics picturing unseen concepts and forces from inside Earth to outer space, devious maps created by spies, and maps from pop culture such as the schematics to the Death Star and a map of Westeros from Game of Thrones. <p><p>If your brain craves maps--and Mason and Miller would say it does, whether you know it or not--this eye-opening visual feast will inspire and delight.

All of Creation: Understanding God’s Planet and How We Can Help

by Betsy Painter

From conservation to protecting endangered species to sustainable living, All of Creation offers young readers accessible and fascinating information on the challenges our planet faces and practical ways we can care for the magnificent world around us.Drawing on science and Scripture, this hope-filled and kid-friendly guide to planet Earth addresses our most pressing questions about caring for and respecting God's world, such as:What are the biggest challenges our planet faces, and what impact do they have on our lives?What guidance does the Bible offer to help us navigate environmental issues such as pollution, food shortages, and deforestation?What simple choices can we make to help restore and protect God's creation? Gorgeously detailed illustrations throughout highlight the beauty of the natural world, while practical tips and activities at the end of each chapter show how we can become better stewards of the Earth and support efforts that make a positive difference in the world.All of Creation is ideal for:Readers ages 8-12 who are interested in conservation and the environmentYoung people who want to get involved but don&’t know where to startGift-giving occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and other holidays

All Natural*: *A Skeptic's Quest to Discover If the Natural Approach to Diet, Childbirth, Heal ing, and the Environment Really Keeps Us Healthier and Happier

by Nathanael Johnson

In this age of climate change, killer germs, and obesity, it's easy to feel as if we've fallen out of synch with the global ecosystem. This ecological anxiety has polarized a new generation of Americans: many are drawn to natural solutions and organic lifestyles, while others rally around high-tech development and industrial efficiencies. Johnson argues that both views, when taken to extremes, can be harmful, even deadly.Johnson, raised in the crunchy-granola epicenter of Nevada City, California, lovingly and rigorously scrutinizes his family's all-natural mindset, a quest that brings him into the worlds of an outlaw midwife, radical doctors, renegade farmers and one hermit forester. Along the way, he uncovers paradoxes at the heart of our ecological condition: Why, even as medicine improves, are we becoming less healthy? Why are more American women dying in childbirth? Why do we grow fatter the more we diet? Why have so many attempts to save the environment backfired?In All Natural*--a sparklingly intelligent, wry, and scrupulously reported narrative--Johnson teases fact from faith and offers a rousing and original vision for a middle ground between natural and technological solutions that will assuage frustrated environmentalists, perplexed parents, and confused consumers alike.

All Natural: A Skeptic's Quest to Discover if the Natural Approach to Diet, Childbirth, Healing, and the Environment Really Keeps Us Healthier and Happier

by Nathanael Johnson

In this age of climate change, killer germs, and obesity, it's easy to feel as if we've fallen out of sync with the global ecosystem. This ecological anxiety has polarized a new generation of Americans: many are drawn to natural solutions and organic lifestyles, while others rally around high-tech development and industrial efficiencies. Johnson argues that both views, when taken to extremes, can be harmful, even deadly. Johnson, raised in the crunchy-granola epicenter of Nevada City, California, lovingly and rigorously scrutinizes his family's all-natural mindset, a quest that brings him into the worlds of an outlaw midwife, radical doctors, renegade farmers and one hermit forester. Along the way, he uncovers paradoxes at the heart of our ecological condition: Why, even as medicine improves, are we becoming less healthy? Why are more American women dying in childbirth? Why do we grow fatter the more we diet? Why have so many attempts to save the environment backfired?In this sparklingly intelligent, wry, and scrupulously reported narrative, Johnson teases fact from faith and offers a rousing and original vision for a middle ground between natural and technological solutions that will assuage frustrated environmentalists, perplexed parents, and confused consumers alike.

All-Inclusive Engagement in Architecture: Towards the Future of Social Change

by Farhana Ferdous and Bryan Bell

Should all-inclusive engagement be the major task of architecture? All-Inclusive Engagement in Architecture: Towards the Future of Social Change presents the case that the answer is yes. Through original contributions and case studies, this volume shows that socially engaged architecture is both a theoretical construct and a professional practice navigating the global politics of poverty, charity, health, technology, neoliberal urbanism, and the discipline's exclusionary basis. The scholarly ideas and design projects of 58 thought leaders demonstrate the architect's role as a revolutionary social agent. Exemplary works are included from the United States, Mexico, Canada, Africa, Asia, and Europe. This book offers a comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of all-inclusive engagement in public interest design for instructors, students, and professionals alike, showing how this approach to architecture can bring forth a radical reformation of the profession and its relationship to society.

All Hell Broke Loose: Experiences of Young People During the Armistice Day 1940 Blizzard

by William H. Hull

(Introduction) After going through all the thousands of hours it takes to write a book, an author sometimes asks himself why he did it? That's a fair question. I wasn't even in the state of Minnesota on that fateful day of November 11, 1940. I was a graduate student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and a steady reader of the Dallas Morning News. The story must have been covered by that fine newspaper but, if so, it made no impression on me. Later when I became a Minnesotan I began to hear stories of this horrible storm that killed so many people. Through the 39 years I have considered myself a Minnesotan I have frequently thought what a shame that all of those stories about this particular storm weren't written, so I decided to act for the good of history and before these people died. After all, that storm was 45 years ago at this writing. It seemed to me that people would want to know what it was like to be living on a farm with cattle and chickens to take care of, to be facing possible death on a small island in the Mississippi while duck hunting, to fight for survival in snow that seemed to be up to the armpits in northern Minnesota while deer hunting, and to be immovably caught in the "loop" of a big city like Minneapolis or St. Paul with no place to spend the night and no way to get home. These are the experiences about which these many Minnesotans have written. Speaking for all of them, I hope you enjoy their tales and realize how agonizing it was for many people- those who were fortunate enough to live through it. My only regret is that so many of the 500 + experiences received and edited had to be eliminated to restrict the physical size of the book. After repeatedly selecting from the anecdotes received, the final cutting eliminated sixty percent of those I wished to include. William Hull

All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon's Perspective On Climate Change

by Michael T. Klare

All Hell Breaking Loose is an eye-opening examination of climate change from the perspective of the U.S. military. The Pentagon, unsentimental and politically conservative, might not seem likely to be worried about climate change―still linked, for many people, with polar bears and coral reefs. Yet of all the major institutions in American society, none take climate change as seriously as the U.S. military. Both as participants in climate-triggered conflicts abroad, and as first responders to hurricanes and other disasters on American soil, the armed services are already confronting the impacts of global warming. The military now regards climate change as one of the top threats to American national security―and is busy developing strategies to cope with it. Drawing on previously obscure reports and government documents, renowned security expert Michael Klare shows that the U.S. military sees the climate threat as imperiling the country on several fronts at once. Droughts and food shortages are stoking conflicts in ethnically divided nations, with “climate refugees” producing worldwide havoc. Pandemics and other humanitarian disasters will increasingly require extensive military involvement. The melting Arctic is creating new seaways to defend. And rising seas threaten American cities and military bases themselves. While others still debate the causes of global warming, the Pentagon is intensely focused on its effects. Its response makes it clear that where it counts, the immense impact of climate change is not in doubt.

All The Dark Secrets: The First Heartwarming, Heartrending Saga In The Beloved Families Of Fairley Terrace Series (The\families Of Fairley Terrace Ser. #1)

by Jennie Felton

All The Dark Secrets is a powerful saga in the Families of Fairley Terrace series from Jennie Felton, in the grand tradition of Katie Flynn, Dilly Court and Josephine Cox, of one woman's quest for happiness after a bitter tragedy, filled with romance, drama and triumph in adversity.Shattered by tragedy, can the Donovan family find happiness again?When terrible tragedy strikes at the local colliery, the residents of Fairley Terrace's ten houses suffer more than one loss and, for Maggie Donovan at number six, the world turns upside down. Turning for comfort to the one man she can trust, she finds a sudden and undeniable passion instead. But any future with Josh Withers seems a betrayal of her past, and Maggie realises the only way to survive is to conceal a very dark secret of her own...*Includes a preview of the next book in the series and bonus material from the author.*Don't miss Jennie's Families of Fairley Terrace series, which began with Maggie's story in All The Dark Secrets and continued with Lucy's story in The Miner's Daughter, Edie's story in The Girl Below Stairs, Carina's story in The Widow's Promise and Laurel's story in The Sister's Secret.

All The Dark Secrets: The first heartwarming, heartrending saga in the beloved Families of Fairley Terrace series (The Families of Fairley Terrace #1)

by Jennie Felton

The compelling first book in the beloved classic series from 'one of the nation's favourite saga author' (Lancashire Post) in the grand tradition of Katie Flynn, Dilly Court and Josephine Cox.Jennie's heartwarming and heartrending sagas are richly praised!'Jennie Felton knows how to tell a cracking story and keep the reader gripped... if you enjoy reading books in the style of Catherine Cookson then this one is for you' Books With Wine and Chocolate'Another superbly woven and character-rich story from a saga author who writes from the heart' Peterborough Telegraph'Packed full of Jennie's signature strong heroines, this book will keep you guessing' MNR JournalShattered by tragedy, can the Donovan family find happiness again?When terrible tragedy strikes at the local colliery, the residents of Fairley Terrace's ten houses suffer more than one loss and, for Maggie Donovan at number six, the world turns upside down. Turning for comfort to the one man she can trust, she finds a sudden and undeniable passion instead. But any future with Josh Withers seems a betrayal of her past, and Maggie realises the only way to survive is to conceal a very dark secret of her own...*Includes a preview of the next book in the series and bonus material from the author.*Don't miss Jennie's the rest Families of Fairley Terrace series, which begins with Maggie's story in All The Dark Secrets and continues with Lucy's story in The Miner's Daughter, Edie's story in The Girl Below Stairs, Carina's story in The Widow's Promise and Laurel's story in The Sister's Secret.Plus look out for Jennie's page-turning standalones - The Stolen Child, A Mother's Sacrifice and The Smuggler's Girl - coming soon!

All The Dark Secrets: The first heartwarming, heartrending saga in the beloved Families of Fairley Terrace series (The Families of Fairley Terrace #1)

by Jennie Felton

A powerful new saga in the grand tradition of Katie Flynn, Dilly Court and Josephine Cox, of one woman's quest for happiness after a bitter tragedy, filled with romance, drama and triumph in adversity.When terrible tragedy strikes at the local colliery, the residents of Fairley Terrace's ten houses suffer more than one loss and, for Maggie Donovan at number six, the world turns upside down. Turning for comfort to the one man she can trust, she finds a sudden and undeniable passion instead. But any future with Josh Withers seems a betrayal of her past, and Maggie realises the only way to survive is to conceal a very dark secret of her own...For more of the Families of Fairley Terrace, look for the next compelling saga in the series, The Miner's Daughter.(P)2014 Headline Digital

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