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Showing 39,051 through 39,075 of 78,712 results

Kompetenzentwicklung mit humanoiden Computern: Die Revolution des Lernens via Cloud Computing und semantischen Netzen (essentials)

by John Erpenbeck Werner Sauter

John Erpenbeck und Werner Sauter analysieren die zukünftigen Entwicklungen im Bereich des betrieblichen Lernens und leiten daraus die Anforderungen an die aktuellen Lernkonzeptionen ab. Das Essential enthält praxiserprobte Anwendungsvorschläge für die Kompetenzentwicklung mit innovativen Lernformen. Lernräume und Lernkulturen in Unternehmen müssen sich schrittweise im Hinblick auf die kommenden Veränderungen entwickeln, humanoide Computer werden die Rolle des ,,Lernpartners Computer" übernehmen. Kompetenz - die Fähigkeit, Problemstellungen im Prozess der Arbeit selbstorganisiert und kreativ zu lösen - wird zum wichtigsten Lernziel.

Kompetenzen von Mitarbeitenden in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt: Chancen und Risiken für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (Kompetenzmanagement in Organisationen)

by Simone Kauffeld Sandra Rothenbusch

Dieses Fachbuch betrachtet aus einer anwendungsorientierten Perspektive aktuelle und zukünftig nötigte Kompetenzen von Mitarbeitenden im Hinblick auf die fortschreitend digitalisierte Arbeitswelt. Es bietet ausgewählte wissenschaftlich fundierte und praxisnahe Einblicke in das Kompetenzmanagement von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, indem es Kompetenzmodelle sowie Unterstützungsmaßnahmen des formalen und informellen Lernens v. a. mittels digitaler Möglichkeiten präsentiert und diskutiert. Die anschaulich beschriebenen Anwendungsbeispiele zeigen innovative Maßnahmen auf, die bedeutsame Impulse für die eigene Praxis bieten können.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.

Kompetenzen für die digitale Transformation 2020: Digitalisierung der Arbeit - Kompetenzen - Nachhaltigkeit 1. Digitalkompetenz-Tagung

by Lisa Lehmann Doris Engelhardt Winfried Wilke

In Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft schreitet die digitale Transformation immer schneller voran, somit wird es immer bedeutender, den Menschen und Organisationen die notwendigen neuen Kompetenzen zu vermitteln. In diesem Zusammenhang muss der Fokus auf die berufliche und akademische Ausbildung von Berufsanfängern sowie auf die Weiterbildung von Mitarbeitenden gerichtet sein. Nur so werden wir den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland nachhaltig sichern. Diese Herausforderung können wir als Akteurinnen und Akteure der digitalen Transformation nur gemeinsam annehmen und gemeinsam lösen. Mit dieser Tagung wird eine Plattform geschaffen, bei der sich alle Prozessbeteiligten austauschen können. Profitieren Sie von den Erfahrungen eines interdisziplinären Plenums aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Bildung, Verwaltung und Politik.

Kompetenz und Kultur: Beiträge zur Orientierung in der Moderne

by Wolfgang Nieke

Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen die Kernthemen 'Kompetenz' und 'Kultur' in ihrer Bedeutung für pädagogische Handlungskontexte. Die verschiedenen Facetten der Thematik werden über den Begriff der Handlungskompetenz entwickelt, wodurch neue Ansätze und Analysemöglichkeiten zu einer interkulturellen Erziehung aufgezeigt werden.

Kompetenz und Kultur

by Wolfgang Nieke

Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen die Kernthemen 'Kompetenz' und 'Kultur' in ihrer Bedeutung für pädagogische Handlungskontexte. Die verschiedenen Facetten der Thematik werden über den Begriff der Handlungskompetenz entwickelt, wodurch neue Ansätze und Analysemöglichkeiten zu einer interkulturellen Erziehung aufgezeigt werden.

Kompass Digitale Bewerbung: Für Student*innen und Absolvent*innen

by Stephan Pflaum

Dieses Arbeitsbuch für Studierende und Absolventinnen aller Fachbereiche führt Sie wie ein Kompass durch den Bewerbungsprozess vom Praktikum bis zum ersten Job nach dem Studium. Zahlreiche Checklisten zum Ausfüllen und Reflektieren erleichtern Ihnen den Prozess.In den letzten beiden Jahren hat sich viel verändert. So schwer die Pandemie die Gesellschaft in allen Teilen getroffen hat, so sehr hat sie auch die Prozesse der Digitalisierung in allen Lebensbereichen weitergetrieben. Auch in Bewerbungsverfahren hat sich vieles geändert. Während die blaue papierlederne Bewerbungsmappe mit goldenen Lettern schon länger der Vergangenheit angehört, hat sich nun auch der übrige Bewerbungsprozess weiter digitalisiert: vom Video-Interview bis hin zur remote Einarbeitung.

Kommunikation zwischen Eltern und elementarpädagogischen Fachkräften im Kindergarten: Relevanz, Beschaffenheit und Einflussfaktoren

by Laura Burkhardt

Kommunikation mit Eltern gilt als herausfordernder Teil der Arbeit frühpädagogischer Fachkräfte – gestiegene Anforderungen an das elementarpädagogische Berufsfeld spiegeln sich in diesem Arbeitsbereich wider. Allerdings sind angenommene positive Wirkungen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen elementarpädagogischen Fachkräften und Eltern auf die kindliche Entwicklung theoretisch und empirisch dünn untermauert. Außerdem ist wenig empirisches Wissen darüber vorhanden, wie Kommunikation (als Grundlage für Zusammenarbeit) in der Praxis beschaffen ist, sowie darüber, welche Aspekte Fachkräfte und Eltern für wichtig halten – insbesondere in Österreich. Vor diesem Hintergrund beleuchtet die Autorin in der vorliegenden Arbeit zum einen die theoretische Bedeutung von Kommunikation zwischen frühpädagogischen Fachkräften und Eltern. Zum anderen untersuchte sie mittels Fragebogen in Tirol (Österreich), in welchen Formen die Eltern-Fachkraft-Kommunikation in Kindergärten wie häufig stattfindet, um welche Inhalte es wie häufig geht, wie relevant die Beteiligten verschiedene Kommunikationsformen und -inhalte finden und welche Merkmale Einfluss darauf haben, welche Inhalte sie als häufig und relevant einschätzen. Die Autorin diskutiert die Ergebnisse im theoretischen Kontext und hinsichtlich ihrer Implikationen für elementarpädagogische Aus- und Weiterbildungen.

KokoCat, Inside and Out

by Lynda Graham-Barber Nancy Lane

One day, KokoCat, a well-loved housecat, sees an open door, a chance to escape her pleasant life, to explore an exciting world outdoors. Once outside, she finds that life is more frightening and less enjoyable than she bargained for. Hungry, lost, and alone, KokoCat takes shelter under a dumpster and dreams of her former life inside. In vibrant images, KokoCat's story shows the reader that keeping a domestic cat indoors is better both for the well being and longevity of the cat as well as for the birds and wild animals on which a cat preys. The book's final page for parents and adults offers important information, provocative questions, and tips to increase young readers' awareness of this important animal health and welfare issue. Lynda Graham-Barber's abiding passions for writing and animals have intermingled for four-decades, as children's book editor, writing teacher, author of thirteen books, and animal rights advocate. The author, who holds an MFA in writing for children from Vermont College, lives in a small stone cottage, which she helped build, situated on 160 wooded acres in the Northeast Kingdom, Vermont, with her artist husband David and their rescued dog Biscuit. Nancy Lane has been an award-winning illustrator for the last twenty years. Her picture books include Call the Horse Lucky and A Home for Dakota (both from The Gryphon Press). She lives in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York with her family and her rescued dog and cats.

Kognitive Verarbeitungsprozesse in der Interaktion mit Strömungsexperimenten in einer Ausstellung: Eine empirische Untersuchung mit Besuchenden an außerschulischen Lernorten im Küstenraum

by Annika Roskam

Der Küstenraum ist ein dynamisches System, welches sensibel auf Veränderungen reagiert. Aufgrund der hohen Dynamik ist das Wattenmeer 2009 zum UNESCO Weltnaturerbe ernannt worden. Um diese besondere Bedeutung auch in außerschulischen Lernorten zu vermitteln, wird eine Ausstellung zu Strömungsphänomenen konzipiert und erprobt. Dabei werden kognitive Verarbeitungsprozesse von Besuchenden in der Interaktion mit Experimenten zu Strömungsphänomenen untersucht. Im Sinne des Design-based Research werden Weiterentwicklungen und Generalisierungen herausgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung sind in dieser Arbeit dargestellt, insbesondere werden Leitlinien für die Konzeption bzw. Weiterentwicklung von interaktiven Ausstellungen abgeleitet.

Kognitive Aktivität im Sportunterricht: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu den Denkprozessen von Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe I beim Lösen von Aufgaben

by Katja Schönfeld

Aus einer sportdidaktischen Perspektive geht Katja Schönfeld der Frage nach, wie sich kognitive Aktivität von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Sportunterricht charakterisiert. Anknüpfend am Diskurs um kognitive Aktivierung als eines der zentralen Merkmale von Unterrichtsqualität zeigt die Autorin auf, weshalb kognitive Aktivierung auch für den Sportunterricht von Bedeutung ist und welchen Mehrwert die Betrachtung dieses Merkmals aus Sicht der Schülerinnen und Schüler bietet. Dabei beleuchtet sie auch, wie sich kognitive Aktivität von Schülerinnen und Schülern beim Lösen von Aufgaben im Sportunterricht erfassen lässt und präsentiert vier verschiedene Denkmuster (sogenannte Modi der kognitiven Aktivität), welche in der empirischen Untersuchung identifiziert werden konnten.

Koala Makes the Right Choice: A book about choices and consequences (Behaviour Matters #37)

by Sue Graves

Koala Makes the Right Choice offers a gentle introduction to the concepts of choice and consequence.This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to choices, and helps them find ways to make decisions and understand consequences. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children understand their behaviour.The Behaviour Matters series of picture books provide a gentle means of discussing emotions, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing good behaviour. Supports the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Area of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is also suitable for use with children in KS1 and can be used to discuss values. Suitable for children under 5.

Koala Goes on Holiday (Experiences Matter)

by Sue Graves

Koala Goes on Holiday offers a gentle introduction to the experience of being away from home for young children.This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to the experience of being away from their familiar surroundings. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children reflect on their own experiences.Koala is going on holiday, and everyone is very excited - everyone except Koala. She is nervous about being away from home. What if she doesn't like the beach? What if she doesn't like the food? Luckily, her sister is there to reassure her...The Experiences Matter series of picture books provide a gentle means of discussing experiences, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing good behaviour. Supports the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Area of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is also suitable for use with children in KS1 and can be used to discuss values. Suitable for children under 5.

Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity

by Mo Willems

Trixie hurries to school to show off her one-of-a-kind Knuffle Bunny. But an awful surprise awaits her; someone else has the same bunny! Filled with hilarious illustrations, this is a wonderfully true story that will have the whole family laughing.

Knox Knocks: Special Delivery (Highlights Puzzle Readers)

by Judy Katschke

Highlights Puzzle Readers offer an innovative approach to learning that integrates puzzles and stories to develop motivated, confident readers. These Level 2 books are perfect for kids starting to read longer and more complex sentences.Knox, a snail mail carrier, delivers packages with a smile--and a hilarious joke for each recipient. In this pun-filled Level 2 Highlights Puzzle Reader, readers must solve six mazes to help Knox deliver the mail with time to spare so he can celebrate his birthday. With bonus knock-knock jokes, Knox Knocks: Special Delivery is perfect for beginning readers.

Knox Knocks: Hooray for Mail Day! (Highlights Puzzle Readers)

by Judy Katschke

Highlights Puzzle Readers offer an innovative approach to learning that integrates puzzles and stories to develop motivated, confident readers. These Level 2 books are perfect for kids starting to read longer and more complex sentences.Knox, a snail mail carrier, delivers packages with a smile--and a hilarious joke for each recipient. In this pun-filled Level 2 Highlights Puzzle Reader, readers must solve six mazes to help Knox deliver the mail on time for the Mail Day Parade. With bonus knock-knock jokes, Knox Knocks: Hooray for Mail Day! is perfect for beginning readers.

Known by Name: In the Face of Rejection, God Says I’m Significant (Known by Name)

by Kasey Van Norman Jada Edwards Nicole Johnson Karen Lee-Thorp

The women in the Bible asked the same three questions we all still ask today: How does everyone else see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?Hagar’s story, found in Genesis 16, is a story of cultural victimization. She was betrayed, abandoned, and scorned. Her response? She did what most of us would do when deeply hurt by someone we trust–she ran away. She got defensive. She retreated to a place where she felt safe. She felt justified in her anger and hurt. But deep in her core was a woman who longed to be seen and hoped for redemption.This Bible study will take you through Hagar’s story as she learns from hurt and heartache that what is unresolved is not unseen by God. The lack of finality in Hagar’s story teaches us to trust God with the ending–believing he sees us and he knows.This study guide features video notes, group discussion questions, and between-session activities like reflecting on the drama and teachings, studying the character story in Scripture, memory verses, and journaling.Sessions include:Exposing the Lie of ShameRejected to AcceptedTrusting after BetrayalTransformed and SeenDesigned for use with Known By Name: Hagar Video Study (9780310096498), sold separately.

Known by Name: When I Feel Worthless, God Says I’m Enough (Known by Name)

by Kasey Van Norman Jada Edwards Nicole Johnson Karen Lee-Thorp

The women in the Bible asked the same three questions we all still ask today: How does everyone else see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?Naomi’s story, found in the book of Ruth, is a story of lost identity. She lost her husband and her sons, which in her culture left her completely without a home or a means to support herself. She was a Hebrew woman in Moabite territory, alone among strangers. She reacted by letting her circumstances define her. But even in her angry, fearful, rather dramatic season of feeling like the victim, God kept showing his faithfulness.This Bible study will take you through Naomi’s journey from comfort and security to despair and bitterness; from hopeless drifting to faithful obedience; and from loss to redemption in one short lifetime. We’ll learn that when we go through trauma, loss, and hardship, it’s normal to feel Just. So. Done. Yet God remains close. He is not done. He can and will redeem even in our darkest circumstances.This study guide features video notes, group discussion questions, and between-session activities like reflecting on the drama and teachings, studying the character story in Scripture, memory verses, and journaling.Sessions include:When Hard Times HitBehind the ScenesBetter than Being FixedFrom Bitter to BlessedDesigned for use with Known By Name: Naomi Video Study (9780310096597), sold separately.

Known by God: A Biblical Theology of Personal Identity (Biblical Theology for Life)

by Jonathan Lunde Brian S. Rosner

Who are you? What defines you? What makes you, you?In the past an individual's identity was more predictable than it is today. Life's big questions were basically settled before you were born: where you'd live, what you'd do, the type of person you'd marry, your basic beliefs, and so on. Today personal identity is a do-it-yourself project. Constructing a stable and satisfying sense of self is hard amidst relationship breakdowns, the pace of modern life, the rise of social media, multiple careers, social mobility, and so on. Ours is a day of identity angst.Known by God is built on the observation that humans are inherently social beings; we know who we are in relation to others and by being known by them. If one of the universal desires of the self is to be known by others, being known by God as his children meets our deepest and lifelong need for recognition and gives us a secure identity. Rosner argues that rather than knowing ourselves, being known by God is the key to personal identity.He explores three biblical angles on the question of personal identity: being made in the image of God, being known by God and being in Christ. The notion of sonship is at the center - God gives us our identity as a parent who knows his child. Being known by him as his child gives our fleeting lives significance, provokes in us needed humility, supplies cheering comfort when things go wrong, and offers clear moral direction for living.X

Knowledge Worlds: Media, Materiality, and the Making of the Modern University

by Reinhold Martin

What do the technical practices, procedures, and systems that have shaped institutions of higher learning in the United States, from the Ivy League and women’s colleges to historically black colleges and land-grant universities, teach us about the production and distribution of knowledge? Addressing media theory, architectural history, and the history of academia, Knowledge Worlds reconceives the university as a media complex comprising a network of infrastructures and operations through which knowledge is made, conveyed, and withheld.Reinhold Martin argues that the material infrastructures of the modern university—the architecture of academic buildings, the configuration of seminar tables, the organization of campus plans—reveal the ways in which knowledge is created and reproduced in different kinds of institutions. He reconstructs changes in aesthetic strategies, pedagogical techniques, and political economy to show how the boundaries that govern higher education have shifted over the past two centuries. From colleges chartered as rights-bearing corporations to research universities conceived as knowledge factories, educating some has always depended upon excluding others. Knowledge Worlds shows how the division of intellectual labor was redrawn as new students entered, expertise circulated, science repurposed old myths, and humanists cultivated new forms of social and intellectual capital. Combining histories of architecture, technology, knowledge, and institutions into a critical media history, Martin traces the uneven movement in the academy from liberal to neoliberal reason.

The Knowledge Web: Learning and Collaborating on the Net (Open and Flexible Learning Series)

by Eisenstadt, Marc Vincent, Tom

Featuring contributions from staff and associates of the Knowledge Media Institute at the UK Open University, this text provides a glimpse into the wide variety of projects undertaken in the development and assessment of distance learning technologies.

Knowledge, Values and Educational Policy: A Critical Perspective (Critical Perspectives On Education Ser.)

by Harry Daniels Hugh Lauder Jill Porter

Knowledge, Values and Educational Policy focuses on what schools are for and what should be taught in them, how learning is possible across boundaries, and issues of diversity and equity. Policies and practices relating to schools are also considered. Within this volume, internationally renowned contributors address a number of fundamental questions designed to take the reader to the heart of current debates around curriculum, knowledge transfer, equity and social justice, and system reform, such as: What are schools and what are they for? What knowledge should schools teach? How are learners different from each other and how are groups of learners different from one another, in terms of social class, gender, ethnicity, and disability? What influence does educational policy have on improving schools? What influence does research have on our understanding of education and schooling? To encourage reflection, many of the chapters also include questions for debate and a guide to further reading. Read alongside its companion volume, Educational Theories, Cultures and Learning, readers will be encouraged to consider and think about on some of the key issues facing education and educationists today.

The Knowledge Triangle: Changing Higher Education and Research Management Paradigms (Science, Technology and Innovation Studies)

by Dirk Meissner Leonid Gokhberg Yaroslav Kuzminov Mario Cervantes Sylvia Schwaag Serger

This book helps readers understand how universities position themselves in the innovation landscape and the implications for national policies. It provides a scholarly discussion and best practice–based insights to help answer questions like: To what extent do funding and governance policies support activities within the knowledge triangle? How should policies for universities be designed in countries with different industrial and higher education structures? Are there ways to effectively link universities with regional enterprises and social actors? And finally, what are the new institutional models and best practices for overcoming obstacles to interaction, collaboration, and co-creation?

Knowledge Translation in Context

by Anne Marshall Bonnie Leadbeater Elizabeth M. Banister

The main goal of knowledge translation (KT) is to ensure that diverse communities benefit from academic research results through improved social and health outcomes. But despite growing interest in researcher-user collaborations, little is known about what makes or breaks these types of relationships. Knowledge Translation in Context is an essential tool for researchers to learn how to be effective partners in the KT process.Drawing on expertise and studies from across the globe, Elizabeth Banister, Bonnie Leadbeater, and Anne Marshall outline a variety of perspectives on KT processes. Case studies outline the uses of KT in many contexts, including community, policy, Indigenous, and non-profit organizations. While recognizing the specificity of each situation, Knowledge Translation in Context highlights the most important elements that have led KT to succeed (or fail) as a dynamic, multidirectional process.

Knowledge Transformation in Health and Social Care: Putting Mindlines to Work

by John Gabbay Andrée Le May

The term ‘mindlines’ has become common currency in the world of research implementation and evidence-based practice. This book updates, develops and applies the mindlines model more widely. It sheds light on how we can realistically mobilise and transform research-based evidence into practice in context. This illuminating book shows how the mindlines model can be put to work. It highlights how practitioners collectively share and internalise implicit, flexible ways of rapidly handling complex clinical situations. Drawing on research and reflective studies from practice, education, and guidelines-development across a wide range of international health and care settings, the authors unpack the general components of mindlines. They find practical ways to uncover, bring together and apply specific mindlines to improve practice; and to develop evidence-based healthcare policy, practice and education in ways that capitalise on the crucial role of mindlines. Closely edited by the originators of the mindlines model, this book brings together the work of a cohesive group of researchers and practitioners to showcase and develop its theory and consequences. It is an essential read for all those interested in knowledge mobilisation, evidence-based practice, and research implementation both within healthcare and beyond.

Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education

by Lisa Mooney Smith

A presentation of four years of close observation of research and knowledge transfer practices in a university. It attempts to contextualise knowledge transfer within the arts and humanities, as well as situate learning about the reception and adoption of it by the individual scholar and the organisation in which they operate.

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