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Showing 51,401 through 51,425 of 78,739 results

Flipped Learning: A Guide for Higher Education Faculty

by Robert Talbert

Flipped learning is an approach to the design and instruction of classes through which, with appropriate guidance, students gain their first exposure to new concepts and material prior to class, thus freeing up time during class for the activities where students typically need the most help, such as applications of the basic material and engaging in deeper discussions and creative work with it.While flipped learning has generated a great deal of excitement, given the evidence demonstrating its potential to transform students’ learning, engagement and metacognitive skills, there has up to now been no comprehensive guide to using this teaching approach in higher education.Robert Talbert, who has close to a decade’s experience using flipped learning for majors in his discipline, in general education courses, in large and small sections, as well as online courses – and is a frequent workshop presenter and speaker on the topic – offers faculty a practical, step-by-step, “how-to” to this powerful teaching method.He addresses readers who want to explore this approach to teaching, those who have recently embarked on it, as well as experienced practitioners, balancing an account of research on flipped learning and its theoretical bases, with course design concepts to guide them set up courses to use flipped learning effectively, tips and case studies of actual classes across various disciplines, and practical considerations such as obtaining buy-in from students, and getting students to do the pre-class activities.This book is for anyone seeking ways to get students to better learn the content of their course, take more responsibility for their work, become more self-regulated as learners, work harder and smarter during class time, and engage positively with course material. As a teaching method, flipped learning becomes demonstrably more powerful when adopted across departments. It is an idea that offers the promise of transforming teaching in higher education.

The Flipped College Classroom

by Lucy Santos Green Jennifer R. Banas Ross A. Perkins

This book provides a descriptive, progressive narrative on the flipped classroom including its history, connection to theory, structure, and strategies, including questions to consider when evaluating the purpose and effectiveness of flipping. The book also highlights case studies of flipped higher education classrooms within five different subject areas. Each case study is similarly structured to highlight the reasons behind flipping, principles guiding flipped instructions, strategies used, and lessons learned. An appendix that contains lesson plans, course schedules, and descriptions of specific activities is also included.

Flipped Classrooms with Diverse Learners: International Perspectives (Springer Texts in Education)

by Noi Keng Koh Zachary Walker Desiree Tan

This book addresses the background of classroom flipping, explores the theoretical underpinnings for why flipping works, and shares current success stories in practice. It provides diverse international examples of classroom flipping for all ages, includes discussions of the authors’ studies in the context of the existing research, and illustrates the impact that classroom flipping has had across a range of educational settings instead of focusing on a specific domain or learner context. Intended as a handbook for practitioners, the analysis of commonly used, highly effective techniques for learners of various ages fills a major gap in the literature. It offers a valuable resource for educators, helping them make the flipped learning experience an impactful and meaningful one.

Flipped Classrooms for Legal Education

by Lutz-Christian Wolff Jenny Chan

This book discusses comprehensively the use of Flipped Classrooms in the context of legal education. The Flipped Classroom model implies that lecture modules are delivered online to provide more time for in-class interactivity. This book analyses the pedagogical viability, costs and other resource-related implications, technical aspects as well as the production and online distribution of Flipped Classrooms. It compares the Flipped Classroom concept with traditional law teaching methods and details its advantages and limitations. The findings are tested by way of a case study which serves as the basis for the development of comprehensive guidelines for the concept's practical implementation. As Flipped Classrooms have become a very hot topic across disciplines in recent years, this book offers a unique resource for law teachers, law school managers as well as researchers in the field of legal education. It is a must-have for anyone interested in innovative law teaching methodologies.

The Flipped Classroom

by Neville Smith Roger Hadgraft Lydia Kavanagh Carl Reidsema

Teaching and learning within higher education continues to evolve with innovative and new practices such as flipped teaching. This book contributes to the literature by developing a much deeper understanding of the complex phenomenon of flipped classroom approaches within higher education. It also serves as a practical guide to implementing flipped classroom teaching in academic practice across different higher educational institutions and disciplines. Part 1 of this book (Practice) describes the considerations involved in flipped classroom teaching, including the challenges faced in transforming teaching and learning within higher education. Further, it reviews the educational concepts on which the flipped classroom is based, including a selected history of similar innovations in the past. The final sections of Part 1 explore the tools needed for flipping, the design steps, assessment methods and the role of reflective practice within flipped teaching environments. Part 2 of the book (Practices) provides a range of case studies from higher educational institutions in different countries and disciplines to demonstrate the many shapes and sizes of flipped classrooms. Many of the challenges, such as engaging students in their own learning and shifting them from spectators in the learning process to active participants, prove to be universal.

FlipchartArt: Ideen für Trainer, Moderatoren und Führungskräfte

by Elke Katharina Meyer Stefanie Widmann

Flipcharts, klassisch auf Papier beim Präsenztraining oder auf digitalen Whiteboards für Online- Training, sind ein sympathisches Medium. Je souveräner und gezielter man Flipcharts nutzt, desto präziser und eindringlicher kann man Botschaften damit transportieren, die Teilnehmenden zum Mitmachen motivieren und nachhaltige Trainingserfolge erzielen. Gute Flipcharts zu erstellen ist eine Kunst ? aber man muss nicht unbedingt künstlerisch begabt sein, um sie zu erlernen. Folgt man den Tipps, Tricks und praxisnahen Hinweisen im erfolgreichen Buch FlipchartArt der Trainerinnen Elke Meyer und Stefanie Widmann, können alle, die Trainings geben oder Workshops leiten, mit ein wenig à bung zu Flipchart-Profis werden. Für die fünfte Auflage dieses Klassikers haben die Autorinnen ein Kapitel zum Thema Flipcharts in Online-Trainings hinzugefügt. Gerade wegen der ?erschwerten Bedingungen? aufgrund der naturgemäà geringeren Interaktion der Leitenden und Teilnehmenden untereinander helfen die erprobten Flipchart-Techniken im Blick auf Visualisierung, Verständlichkeit und Präzision bei virtuellen Trainings und Workshops ebenso wie bei klassischen Veranstaltungen im Konferenzraum. Mit mehr als 200 Bildern bietet das Buch eine Fülle konkreter Beispiele zur Gestaltung von Flipcharts und eine Palette von Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, aus denen jeder Anwender mit wenig Aufwand seinen individuellen Stil ableiten kann. Auà erdem stellt es einen Katalog mit Symbolen zu Verfügung, die jeder für sich modifizieren und einsetzen kann.

Flip the System US: How Teachers Can Transform Education and Save Democracy

by Michael Soskil

This powerful and honest book uncovers how we can flip the system, building a more democratic, equitable, and cohesive society where teacher expertise drives solutions to education challenges. Editor Michael Soskil brings together a team of diverse voices to highlight solutions, spark positive change, and show us the path forward towards a more civil and more peaceful America. In each chapter, inspiring educators describe how we can create lasting and meaningful change by elevating teacher expertise; educating the whole child; increasing teacher morale; and fighting for all of our children to have equitable opportunity and quality schools.

Flip the System Australia: What Matters in Education

by Deborah M. Netolicky Jon Andrews Cameron Paterson

This is a book by educators, for educators. It grapples with the complexities, the humanity and the possibilities in education. In a climate of competing accountabilities and measurement mechanisms; corporate solutions to education ‘problems’; and narratives of ‘failing’ schools, ‘underperforming’ teachers and ‘disengaged’ students; this book asks ‘What matters?’ or ‘What should matter?’ in education. Based in the unique Australian context, this book situates Australian education policy, research and practice within the international education narrative. It argues that professionals within schools should be supported, empowered and welcomed into policy discourse, not dictated to by top-down bureaucracy. It advocates for a flipping, flattening and democratising of the education system, in Australia and around the world. Flip the System Australia: What matters in education brings together the voices of teachers, school leaders and scholars in order to offer diverse perspectives, important challenges and hopeful alternatives to the current education system.

Flip the System: Changing Education from the Ground Up

by René Kneyber Jelmer Evers

Education is threatened on a global scale by forces of neoliberalism, through high stakes accountability, privatization and a destructive language of learning. In all respects, a GERM (Global Education Reform Movement) has erupted from international benchmark rankings such as PISA, TIMMS and PIRL, causing inequity, narrowing of the curriculum and teacher deprofessionalization on a truly global scale. In this book, teachers from around the world and other educational experts such as Andy Hargreaves, Ann Lieberman, Stephen Ball, Gert Biesta, Tom Bennett and many more, make the case to move away from this uneducational economic approach, to instead embrace a more humane, more democratic approach to education. This approach is called 'flipping the system', a move that places teachers exactly where they need to be - at the steering wheel of educational systems worldwide. This book will appeal to teachers and other education professionals around the world.

Flip the Flamingo: Independent Reading Blue 4 (Reading Champion #138)

by Penny Dolan

Flip is a baby flamingo who discovers it's hard to stand on your own two feet, at first! Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.Independent Reading Blue 4 stories are perfect for children aged 5-6 who are reading at book band 4 (Blue) in classroom reading lessons.

Flip The System UK: A Teachers’ Manifesto

by Lucy Rycroft-Smith Jean-Louis Dutaut

How did we let teacher burn-out happen, and what can we do about it – before it's too late? This brave and disruptive book accurately defines the problems of low teacher morale and offers systemic, future-proof and realistic solutions to bringing hope, energy and joy back to the profession. The simple answer is staring us in the face: increase teacher agency. Our rallying cry: our profession needs a return to values of humanity, pride, and professionalism. From research literacy to a collective voice, better CPD to smarter accountability, contributors to this book demonstrate the huge scope for increased teacher influence at every level of the education sector. Education voices including Sam Twiselton, Alison Peacock, David Weston and Andy Hargreaves, supported by a broad range of academics and policy makers, vouch for increased teacher agency and stronger, more powerful networks as a means of improving practice, combatting teacher disillusionment, and radically improving UK education. This text offers an exciting and hopeful perspective on education; urging teachers to work together to ‘flip the system’ and challenging policy makers to help… or get out of the way. Chapters have been contributed by Tom Bennett, Peter Ford, Jonathan Firth, David Weston, David Williams, Zeba Clarke, Julie Smith, Dr Robert Loe, Jeremy Pattle, Debra Kidd, Steven Watson, Ross Morrison McGill, George Gilchrist, Howard Stevenson, Professor Dame Alison Peacock, d’Reen Struthers, Phil Wood, Rae Snape, Simon Gibbs, Ross Hall, Jackie Ward, Simon Knight, David Frost, Sheila Ball, Sarah Lightfoot, Andy Hargreaves, Darren Macey, Gary Farrell, Julian Critchley, Tony Gallagher, Gareth Alcott, Sam Twiselton, Jelmer Evers, Alma Harris, Michelle Jones, Natalie Scott, Deborah M. Netolicky, Jon Andrews, Cameron Paterson, Per Kornhall, Joe Hallgarten, Tom Beresford and Sara Hjelm.

Flip Flop! (Step into Reading)

by Dana Meachen-Rau

Two best friends ponder over and partake in summer's seemingly endless possibilities. There's fun to be had at the sunny shore, fireworks to watch, and amusement parks to visit. This Step 1 story has big type and easy words, and rhyme and rhythm.

Flip The Flaps: Planet Earth

by Mike Goldsmith Nicki Palin

InFlip The Flaps: Planet Earth by Dr Mike Goldsmith, illustrated by Nicki Palin, children zoom up through protective layers of the atmosphere from the surface to outer space, following the Earth as it makes its yearly journey around the Sun. Young explorers lift the flaps to reveal answers about everything from the inner workings of our planet and why volcanoes erupt to finding animals in the forests and in the sea. Plus, a fun spot-the-difference game suddenly appears as the artwork amazingly changes.


by David Lubar

If you could become anyone in the world, who would you be? Did you ever wish you could be anyone else but who you are? Twins Ryan and Taylor do it all the time. Now their dream is about to come true.

The Flight from Reality in the Human Sciences

by Ian Shapiro

In this captivating yet troubling book, Ian Shapiro offers a searing indictment of many influential practices in the social sciences and humanities today. Perhaps best known for his critique of rational choice theory, Shapiro expands his purview here. In discipline after discipline, he argues, scholars have fallen prey to inward-looking myopia that results from--and perpetuates--a flight from reality. In the method-driven academic culture we inhabit, argues Shapiro, researchers too often make display and refinement of their techniques the principal scholarly activity. The result is that they lose sight of the objects of their study. Pet theories and methodological blinders lead unwelcome facts to be ignored, sometimes not even perceived. The targets of Shapiro's critique include the law and economics movement, overzealous formal and statistical modeling, various reductive theories of human behavior, misguided conceptual analysis in political theory, and the Cambridge school of intellectual history. As an alternative to all of these, Shapiro makes a compelling case for problem-driven social research, rooted in a realist philosophy of science and an antireductionist view of social explanation. In the lucid--if biting--prose for which Shapiro is renowned, he explains why this requires greater critical attention to how problems are specified than is usually undertaken. He illustrates what is at stake for the study of power, democracy, law, and ideology, as well as in normative debates over rights, justice, freedom, virtue, and community. Shapiro answers many critics of his views along the way, securing his position as one of the distinctive social and political theorists of our time.

Flight English Reader class 9 - S.C.E.R.T. Raipur - Chhattisgarh Board

by Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad Raipur C. G.

Flight English Reader text book for 9th standard from Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad, Raipur, C.G. in English.

Flight English Reader class 10 - S.C.E.R.T. Raipur - Chhattisgarh Board

by Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad Raipur C. G.

Flight English Reader text book for 10th standard from Rajya Shaikshik Anusandhan Aur Prashikshan Parishad, Raipur, C.G. in English.

Flight (Exploring Play)

by Sue Sheppy

This exciting topic-based series offers early years practitioners collections of activities based on familiar themes. The activities can be easily implemented and readily incorporated into curriculum planning through links made to the Foundation Stage curriculum. Each book includes: activities that can be used on their own or as part of a themed program ideas for enjoying an all round curriculum approach guidance on expanding existing ideas and resources linked ideas to be carried out at home. Flight includes birds, airplanes, helicopters, magic carpets and fairies. It has strong ties with the science curriculum as well as linking with a variety of story books.

Fliegen lernen: Flugsimulation mit Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, AeroflyFS und FlightGear

by Mario Donick

Fliegen fasziniert Menschen seit Angedenken. Seit es Computer gibt, versuchen Menschen das Fliegen am Computer nachzustellen – zur Ausbildung, aber auch zur Unterhaltung und um hinter die Geheimnisse der Luftfahrt zu blicken.Mit dem neuen Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 begann im August 2020 ein neues Kapitel der Flugsimulation an PC und Spielkonsole: Noch nie war die Weltdarstellung so realistisch, noch nie das simulierte Wetter so plausibel, noch nie die Simulation so zugänglich. Doch auch X-Plane, AeroflyFS und das kostenlose FlightGear sind ideale Werkzeuge zur persönlichen Weiterbildung und zum virtuellen Erkunden unserer Erde.In diesem Buch lernen Sie Flugsimulation von Grund auf und dabei auch einiges über die Luftfahrt selbst: Warum fliegt ein Flugzeug? Welche Rolle spielt das Wetter? Wie finden Pilot*innen ihren Weg? Was geschieht bei Notfällen? Diese und weitere Themen werden praxisnah abgehandelt, sodass Sie alles selbst ausprobieren können – egal welchen der genannten Simulatoren Sie nutzen.Die Website zum Buch finden Sie unter

The Flickering Mind

by Todd Oppenheimer

The Flickering Mind, by National Magazine Award winner Todd Oppenheimer, is a landmark account of the failure of technology to improve our schools and a call for renewed emphasis on what really works. American education faces an unusual moment of crisis. For decades, our schools have been beaten down by a series of curriculum fads, empty crusades for reform, and stingy funding. Now education and political leaders have offered their biggest and most expensive promise ever—the miracle of computers and the Internet—at a cost of approximately $70 billion just during the decade of the 1990s. Computer technology has become so prevalent that it is transforming nearly every corner of the academic world, from our efforts to close the gap between rich and poor, to our hopes for school reform, to our basic methods of developing the human imagination. Technology is also recasting the relationships that schools strike with the business community, changing public beliefs about the demands of tomorrow’s working world, and reframing the nation’s systems for researching, testing, and evaluating achievement. All this change has led to a culture of the flickering mind, and a generation teetering between two possible futures. In one, youngsters have a chance to become confident masters of the tools of their day, to better address the problems of tomorrow. Alternatively, they can become victims of commercial novelties and narrow measures of ability, underscored by misplaced faith in standardized testing. At this point, America’s students can’t even make a fair choice. They are an increasingly distracted lot. Their ability to reason, to listen, to feel empathy, is quite literally flickering. Computers and their attendant technologies did not cause all these problems, but they are quietly accelerating them. In this authoritative and impassioned account of the state of education in America, Todd Oppenheimer shows why it does not have to be this way. Oppenheimer visited dozens of schools nationwide—public and private, urban and rural—to present the compelling tales that frame this book. He consulted with experts, read volumes of studies, and came to strong and persuasive conclusions: that the essentials of learning have been gradually forgotten and that they matter much more than the novelties of technology. He argues that every time we computerize a science class or shut down a music program to pay for new hardware, we lose sight of what our priority should be: “enlightened basics. ” Broad in scope and investigative in treatment, The Flickering Mind will not only contribute to a vital public conversation about what our schools can and should be—it will define the debate. From the Hardcover edition.

Flexing Interculturality: Further Critiques, Hesitations, and Intuitions (New Perspectives on Teaching Interculturality)

by Hamza R'boul Fred Dervin

This book continues the two scholars’ endeavours for opening up more spaces for alternative perspectives, analyses and praxis in interculturality. The main text features fragments that bear relevance to a wide range of topics including education, politics, personal experiences, social realities, hierarchies, self-critique, language and locus of enunciation. The book takes a step forward by using fragments as an alternative way of doing research and writing scholarship. The premise here is that fragments are human and they reflect our fleeting, inconsistent and unsystematic production of knowledge that today’s scholarship has presented to be linear, structured and aligned. The authors draw on fragments to make their points as forcefully as possible by constructing sentences that destabilize themselves and readers to consider other paths and perspectives. That is, writing otherwise may propel thinking otherwise since the very bases, upon which we push our insights to mould through and by, are shaken and ultimately transcended. The chapters include questions with (temporary) answers as an attempt to induce readers to think for themselves and to move beyond what this book has to offer. This book will be a great read to scholars and students in the field of interculturality, education and sociology. The authors hope that this book will be seen as a genuine example of de-linking from mainstream writing and thinking conventions about interculturality in communication and education without compromising epistemic depth and nuance.

The Flexible Workplace: Coworking and Other Modern Workplace Transformations (Human Resource Management)

by Vanessa Ratten Marko Orel Ondřej Dvouletý

With current socio-economic development trends and changing work landscapes, modern workplaces are progressively becoming a subject of flexibilisation and hybridisation. Contemporary office environments are commonly adapting to the needs of the flexible labour markets by offering the non-territorial and rotation-based practice of allocating desks to workers on dynamic schedules. This book explores this growing trend by offering different perspectives on the benefits and challenges of the flexible workplace phenomena. Topics discussed range from defining and comparing flexible, coworking and corpoworking spaces, policies made in local environments, and the flexible working taxonomy.

The Flexible SEL Classroom: Practical Ways to Build Social Emotional Learning in Grades 4–8

by Amber Chandler

Help middle school students tackle daily challenges both in and out of the classroom. In this new co-publication from Eye On Education and AMLE, author Amber Chandler offers practical strategies for incorporating social emotional learning into your instruction so students can learn to successfully manage their emotions, set goals, build relationships, and make good decisions. Grounded in classroom experience, her advice can be adapted to suit different needs, so you can create a Flexible Classroom and reach all learners. Topics include: Encouraging academic risk-taking without causing stress or fear of failure; Helping students to self-manage through technology and other tools; Teaching self-awareness through solution statements, metacognition, and effective communication; Modeling responsible decision-making and empathy to create a more tolerant classroom environment; Building relationship skills and encouraging students to be Upstanders; and Emboldening students to become more socially aware and cognizant of bias. Bonus: Downloadable versions of some of the handouts in this book are available on the Routledge website at, so you can print and distribute them for immediate classroom use.

The Flexible SEL Classroom: Practical Ways to Build Social Emotional Learning

by Amber Chandler

Social emotional learning is more than just helping students be social. In this co-publication from Routledge and AMLE, Amber Chandler shows how middle and high school educators can be intentional about seeing their students for who they are, growing relationships, and building community. Grounded in classroom experience, Chandler's practical strategies can be adapted to suit different needs, so you can create a Flexible Classroom and reach all learners. Topics include encouraging academic risk-taking without fear of failure, helping students self-manage, teaching self-awareness, modeling responsible decision-making and empathy, building relationship skills, and emboldening students to become more socially aware. This updated second edition features new chapters on running Restorative Circles and focusing on resilience instead of deficit analysis. There is also a special section with post-pandemic takeaways, as we learn new ways to help students thrive.

The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society

by Rolf van der Velden Jim Allen

Higher education policy has increasingly gained a European dimension, with its own distinct influence over national education policies. Against this background, a major project was launched, the REFLEX project, which aims to make a contribution to assessing the demands that the modern knowledge society places on higher education graduates, and the degree to which higher education institutions in Europe are up to the task of equipping graduates with the competencies needed to meet these demands. The project also looks at how the demands, and graduates' ability to realise them, is influenced by the way in which work is organised in firms and organisations. The REFLEX project has been carried out in sixteen different countries and consisted of a large scale survey among some 70.000 graduates. This report presents the major findings and draws important policy implications.

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