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Showing 78,551 through 78,575 of 78,643 results

Comment économiser de l'argent sur les manuels universitaires: Le guide des étudiants pour obtenir des manuels gratuits ou bon marché

by James Abbott

Un guide étape par étape pour économiser des tonnes d'argent sur les manuels scolaires. -Où trouver des livres gratuits -Où trouver des livres à bas prix -Comment louer des manuels scolaires -Comment voir les manuels scolaires en ligne -Stratégies pour acheter et économiser de l'argent + BEAUCOUP PLUS ! --> Faites défiler jusqu'en haut de la page et cliquez sur "Ajouter au panier" pour acheter instantanément. Avertissement : Cet auteur et ou propriétaire(s) des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie quant à l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou l'adéquation du contenu de ce livre, et décline expressément toute responsabilité pour les erreurs et omissions dans le contenu de celui-ci. Ce produit est destiné à un usage de référence uniquement.

Cómo Ahorrar Dinero en Libros de Texto Universitarios

by James Abbott

Prólogo Queremos tomarnos un momento para agradecerles por comprar nuestra guía en línea. HiddenStuff Entertainment sigue siendo una de las principales editoriales de eBooks y aplicaciones virtuales. Nuestro compromiso es brindar la información más importante para el enriquecimiento de sus vidas. Esperamos, sinceramente, que esta guía les ayude en su búsqueda de superación. Queremos proporcionar a los lectores el conocimiento y desarrollar sus habilidades para que puedan desempeñarse al más alto nivel dentro de sus temas de interés. Esto contribuye a una experiencia más positiva y agradable. Después de todo, creemos que las cosas en la vida deben disfrutarse tanto como se pueda. Si necesitas ayuda o recursos adicionales con respecto a esta guía, no dudes en visitar nuestra página web:

Como Economizar Em Livros Universitários Guia Para Estudantes Obterem Livros Baratos Ou Gratuitos

by James Abbott

Um guia passo a passo sobre como poupar seu dinheiro em livros didáticos - Onde conseguir livros gratuitos - Onde encontrar livros baratos - Como locar livros didáticos – Como visualizar livros universitários on-line - Estratégias de compra poupando seu dinheiro + MUITO MAIS! -> Role até o topo da página e clique em adicionar ao carrinho para comprar automaticamente Aviso Legal: Este autor e detentor de direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou garantias sobre a exatidão, integridade ou aplicação do conteúdo deste livro, e se isenta expressamente da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é apenas para referência. Gênero: NÃO FICÇÃO JUVENIL / Livros & Livrarias Género Secundário: NÃO FICÇÃO JUVENIL / Tutorial de Estudo / Notas de Livros Língua: Português Brasil Contagem de palavra: 2.198 (português) Links de livros: Amazon

The Digital Darkroom: The Definitive Guide to Photo Editing

by James Abbott

Post-production can make the difference between a good image and a great image, not to mention it's an essential process if you shoot in RAW to enjoy the most flexibility and control possible. This book will outline everything you need to know to gain a better understanding of how to apply darkroom style effects to your images using Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo.Through detailed background knowledge designed to make you familiar with the software and to build your confidence, you'll learn a wide range of skills and techniques through step-by-step case studies that will make learning an active experience. Not only will this be a valuable reference resource, it will also be your very own personal tutor giving you everything you need to edit your images like a pro. - Learn the essentials with a complete guide to every tool, filter and effect for both Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo- Get the most out of your RAW files with detailed instructions on processing your digital image- Master basic, intermediate, and advanced editing techniques with easy to follow step-by-step tutorials- Get the best quality images for display with a complete guide to home printing

The Digital Darkroom: The Definitive Guide to Photo Editing

by James Abbott

Post-production can make the difference between a good image and a great image, not to mention it's an essential process if you shoot in RAW to enjoy the most flexibility and control possible. This book will outline everything you need to know to gain a better understanding of how to apply darkroom style effects to your images using Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo.Through detailed background knowledge designed to make you familiar with the software and to build your confidence, you'll learn a wide range of skills and techniques through step-by-step case studies that will make learning an active experience. Not only will this be a valuable reference resource, it will also be your very own personal tutor giving you everything you need to edit your images like a pro. - Learn the essentials with a complete guide to every tool, filter and effect for both Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo- Get the most out of your RAW files with detailed instructions on processing your digital image- Master basic, intermediate, and advanced editing techniques with easy to follow step-by-step tutorials- Get the best quality images for display with a complete guide to home printing

MBA Em Uma Semana Como Fazer Um Curso On-line Da Ivy League Por Pouco Ou Sem Custo

by James Abbott

Até agora, o que muitos sabem é que os programas de MBA são caríssimos e oferecem pouco benefício em comparação ao preço alto que se paga. O que pode ser um desperdício não só de dinheiro, mas também do tempo enorme que é necessário investir. Se você está em busca de um diploma de MBA, mas não quer pagar um valor absurdo para obtê-lo? Se o que você quer é ganhar tempo, obtendo um "MBA da vida real" em menos de uma semana? Se você está procurando um "MBA da vida real" no conforto da sua própria casa, sem sair do seu sofá? Então este livro é para você. Alguns dos tópicos abordados são: - Mini programas de MBA - Cursos on-line - Os melhores programas - Como registrar - Como começar - Cursos gratuitos - Como se preparar para o sucesso -> Role até o topo da página e clique em adicionar ao carrinho para comprar automaticamente Aviso Legal: Este autor e detentor de direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou garantias sobre a exatidão, integridade ou aplicação do conteúdo deste livro, e se isenta expressamente da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é apenas para referência. Gênero: NEGÓCIOS E ECONOMIA Gênero Secundário: EDUCAÇÃO / Métodos de Ensino & Materiais / Geral Língua: Português Brasil Contagem de palavra: 6.526 (português) Links de livros: Amazon

Una settimana per il master in Gestione d’Impresa

by James Abbott

Al momento, molti sanno che i programmi per master in gestione d'azienda sono troppo costosi e offrono pochi benefici in comparazione al costo elevato. Non sono solo un costo economico, richiedono anche un grande investimento di tempo. Stai cercando di avere l'educazione di un master in gestione d'azienda ma non vuoi pagare centinaia di migliaia di dollari per averla? Stai cercando di risparmiare tempo seguendo un "master in gestione d'azienda nella vita vera" in poche settimane? Stai cercando un corso da seguire da casa, senza dover mai lasciare il divano? Se è così, questo libro è per te. Alcuni degli argomenti trattati: - Programmi di mini master - Corsi online - I migliori programmi - Come registrarsi - Come iniziare - Corsi gratuiti - Come impostarti per il successo --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per comprarlo immediatamente <-- Disclaimer: This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only.

The Transformation of Initial Teacher Education: The Changing Nature of Teacher Training

by Ian Abbott Mike Rathbone Philip Whitehead

Tracing the development of initial teacher education since the large-scale expansion of the teaching profession after the Second World War to the present day, The Transformation of Initial Teacher Education explores the changing nature of teacher training. Examining the growth of the ‘teaching industry’, this book addresses key issues including: the return to an apprentice model the growing importance of schools in initial teacher training the continuing decline in the role played by higher education an examination of the broader socio-economic context of increased marketisiation a reconsideration of the international political factors driving the reform process; and interviews with prominent individuals who have been involved with the development of policy Considering the ideas and ideals that have permeated teacher education and how these have shaped the experiences of trainees on a variety of programmes across a broader international context, this book examines the future of teacher education and the changing nature of teaching, providing essential insight for trainee teachers, school staff and any academics involved in teacher education.

How to Make It: 25 Makers Share the Secrets to Building a Creative Business

by Erin Austen Abbott

This is the ultimate tell-all, show-all guide to making a living by making things. Featuring 25 profiles of illustrators, jewelry designers, ceramicists, painters, clothing designers, and printmakers, How to Make It provides a behind-the-scenes look at the daily rituals and best practices that keep these creative entrepreneurs on track. With Q & As, insider tips, and DIYs from each maker, these pages offer guidance and encouragement to artists just starting their careers and to professionals looking to take their creative business to the next level. Brimming with practical advice and inspiration, this book is a perfect gift for anyone interested in making it as a maker.

An Introduction to Bibliographical and Textual Studies

by Craig S. Abbott William Proctor Williams

To a reader of Joyce's Ulysses, it makes a difference whether one of Stephen Dedalus's first thoughts is "No mother" (as in the printed version) or "No, mother!" (as in the manuscript). The scholarship surrounding such textual differences--and why this discipline should concern readers and literary scholars alike--is the focus of William Proctor Williams and Craig S. Abbott's acclaimed handbook.This updated, fourth edition outlines the study of texts' composition, revision, physical embodiments, process of transmission, and manner of reception; describes how new technologies such as digital imaging and electronic tagging have changed the way we produce, read, preserve, and research texts; discusses why these matters are central to a historical understanding of literature; and shows how the insights, methods, and products of bibliographical and textual studies can be applied to other branches of scholarship.

Inclusive Language Education and Digital Technology

by Chris Abbott Elina Vilar Beltran

This volume brings together chapters which collectively address issues relating to inclusive language education and technology. Topics include language teaching to the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and students with dyslexia, benefits of multimodal approaches for language learning, examples of software use in the language classroom, and copyright matters. The book demonstrates not only a commitment to inclusive practices but suggests practical ideas and strategies for practising and aspiring language teachers and those in support roles. The book also provides case studies and relates the issues to theoretical and policy frameworks. In drawing on different European perspectives, the book aims to promote discussion and collaboration within an international community of practice, especially about the role of technology in widening and strengthening opportunities for teachers and pupils alike and ensuring more effective Modern Foreign Language teaching, learning and assessment for all learners.

ICT: Changing Education (Master Classes In Education Ser.)

by Chris Abbott

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is changing the face of education. In this timely and accessible book, Chris Abbott examines the process by which ICT, and in particular its role in relation to literacy, has become central to national educational policies.The author traces the history of computer use in schools and examines the concept of virtual learning communities using case studies involving learners, parents and educationalists. The role of the Internet is considered along with the differing national policies on its adoption and on developing online context. ICT: Changing Education reveals the development of open and flexible learning as the next stage of ICT's involvement with education.

Special Educational Needs and the Internet: Issues for the Inclusive Classroom

by Chris Abbott

With Internet access for every school now a reality, teachers are beginning to explore the use of the Internet in the education of children with special needs. This book describes its benefits for children across the spectrum of special educational needs, from those with physical disabilities or sensory impairment to those with learning or social difficulties.With contributions from leading practitioners in the field, this book addresses the huge range of possibilities the Internet and associated technology offer for these pupils. Combining current theory and debate with practical guidance and inspiring case studies, this book considers:* how the Internet can be used to gather and publish information* how to communicate effectively through technology* policy and management issues for schools* the continuing challenges for access and inclusion.This book will be of interest to all teachers involved in special education needs, in both mainstream and special schools.

Colorado: A History of the Centennial State, Fourth Edition

by Carl Abbott Thomas J. Noel Stephen J. Leonard

Since 1976 newcomers and natives alike have learned about the rich history of the magnificent place they call home from Colorado: A History of the Centennial State. In this revised edition, co-authors Carl Abbott, Stephen J. Leonard, and Thomas J. Noel incorporate more than a decade of new events, findings, and insights about Colorado in an accessible volume that general readers and students will enjoy. The fourth edition tells of conflicts, new alliances, and changing ways of life as Hispanic, European, and African American settlers flooded into a region that was already home to Native Americans. Providing balanced coverage of the entire state's history - from Grand Junction to Lamar and from Trinidad to Craig - the authors also reveal how Denver and its surrounding communities developed and gained influence. While continuing to elucidate the significant impact of mining, agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism on Colorado, this edition broadens its coverage. The authors expand their discussion of the twentieth century with several new chapters on the economy, politics, and cultural conflicts of recent years. In addition, they address changes in attitudes toward the natural environment as well as the contributions of women, Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans to the state. Dozens of new illustrations, updated statistics, and an extensive bibliography of the most recent research on Colorado history enhance this edition.

Educational Sovereignty and Transnational Exchanges in Post-Secondary Indonesian Education

by Anita Abbott

This book examines the effects of education exchange on educational sovereignty in Indonesia. Since independence, Indonesia has increasingly relied on the education programs of foreign providers. The author draws from critical education, dependency, and transnational and interdependence theories to highlight the defining features of educational sovereignty and demonstrate the role of state and non-state actors in its maintenance.

Seven Signs of Life: Unforgettable Stories from an Intensive Care Doctor

by Dr. Aoife Abbey

For Readers of Paul Kalanithi’s​ When Breath Becomes Air, an Intensive Care Doctor Reveals How Everyday Emotions Are Taken to Extremes in the ICU Dr. Aoife Abbey takes us beyond the medical perspective to see the humanity at work inside our hospitals through the eyes of doctors and nurses as they witness and experience the full spectrum of human emotion with every shift. It is their responsibility to mitigate the grief of a family in mourning, calm a patient about to die, and confront their own fear of failure when lives are on the line. Whether they're providing hospice care, tending to victims of car accidents or violent attacks, determining the correct treatment for someone displaying signs of a heart-attack or stroke, and managing staff, stress is a doctor's number one companion. Cycling through the whirlwind of emotion that accompanies every case isn’t only exhausting—it can be fatal. Told throughseven key emotions—fear, grief, joy, distraction, anger, disgust, and hope—Seven Signs of Life opens the door, and heart, of the hectic life inside a hospital to reveal what it means to be alive and how it feels to care for others.

AWS Certified Data Analytics Study Guide: Specialty (DAS-C01) Exam

by Asif Abbasi

Move your career forward with AWS certification! Prepare for the AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty Exam with this thorough study guide This comprehensive study guide will help assess your technical skills and prepare for the updated AWS Certified Data Analytics exam. Earning this AWS certification will confirm your expertise in designing and implementing AWS services to derive value from data. The AWS Certified Data Analytics Study Guide: Specialty (DAS-C01) Exam is designed for business analysts and IT professionals who perform complex Big Data analyses. This AWS Specialty Exam guide gets you ready for certification testing with expert content, real-world knowledge, key exam concepts, and topic reviews. Gain confidence by studying the subject areas and working through the practice questions. Big data concepts covered in the guide include: Collection Storage Processing Analysis Visualization Data security AWS certifications allow professionals to demonstrate skills related to leading Amazon Web Services technology. The AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty (DAS-C01) Exam specifically evaluates your ability to design and maintain Big Data, leverage tools to automate data analysis, and implement AWS Big Data services according to architectural best practices. An exam study guide can help you feel more prepared about taking an AWS certification test and advancing your professional career. In addition to the guide’s content, you’ll have access to an online learning environment and test bank that offers practice exams, a glossary, and electronic flashcards.

Ethnicity, Religion, and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Schooling in the UK (Routledge Research in Religion and Education)

by Tahir Abbas Karamat Iqbal

This novel and contemporary anthology brings important topics about race, religion, and identity to the foreground to address the challenges facing Muslim schoolchildren today.Through interviews and case studies, the chapters explore topics such as multiethnic education, teacher diversity, and culturally responsive pedagogy, providing insights into necessary changes and ways to enhance schools. Taking into account cultural touchstones such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the Trojan Horse affair, the book argues for an urgent, transformative accommodation of Muslims to take place within schooling in order to improve the educational standards of Muslim children within the United Kingdom, including several chapters that focus on Muslim education in locations such as Yorkshire, Peterborough, High Wycombe, and Tower Hamlets, and further afield.This book will be of importance to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students studying religious education, secondary education, and multicultural education more broadly. Policymakers interested in education policy and politics, as well as race and ethnicity in educational contexts, may potentially benefit from the volume.

My Revision Notes: Edexcel A level Psychology

by Ali Abbas

Manage your own revision with step-by-step support from experienced teacher and examiner XXX. Use a selection of examples activities to improve your understanding of psychological concepts. Apply psychological terms accurately with the help of definitions and key words.- Plan and pace your revision with the revision planner- Use the expert tips to clarify key points- Avoid making typical mistakes with expert advice- Test yourself with end-of-topic questions and answers and tick off each topic as you complete it- Get exam ready with last minute quick quizzes at

My Revision Notes: Edexcel A level Psychology

by Ali Abbas

Manage your own revision with step-by-step support from experienced teacher and examiner XXX. Use a selection of examples activities to improve your understanding of psychological concepts. Apply psychological terms accurately with the help of definitions and key words.- Plan and pace your revision with the revision planner- Use the expert tips to clarify key points- Avoid making typical mistakes with expert advice- Test yourself with end-of-topic questions and answers and tick off each topic as you complete it- Get exam ready with last minute quick quizzes at

The Effectiveness of Educational Policy for Bias-Free Teacher Hiring: Critical Insights to Enhance Diversity in the Canadian Teacher Workforce (Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity)

by Zuhra E. Abawi

This volume offers a critical examination of educational policy in Ontario, Canada, and critiques the success of such policies in ensuring diversity and equity of access in teacher hiring. Providing comprehensive coverage of historical marginalization in the Canadian education system, the book explains the rationale and objectives of policies enacted with the aim of ensuring "bias-free", or "colourblind" hiring. Drawing on qualitative data to illustrate how educators’ lived experiences often sit at odds with the inclusivity that such policies claim to achieve, the book presents the "Equity Hiring Toolkit" as a practical framework enabling educational administrators to recognize how unconscious biases and relative positions of power can implicate hiring decisions. This text will benefit researchers, doctoral students, and academics in the fields of teacher education, educational policy, and multicultural education more broadly. Those interested in the school leadership and management, as well as race and ethnic studies will also enjoy this volume.

Empantallados: Cómo educar con éxito a tus hijos en un mundo lleno de pantallas

by Mª José Abad Villagra Mª del García de Leániz Luisfer Martínez Alhama José Martín Aguado

La guía más completa para cuidar de nuestra salud digital y educar a nuestros hijos en un uso responsable de la tecnología. Las pantallas no solo afectan a la seguridad, sino también a la personalidad, sociabilidad y creatividad de nuestros hijos. Es hora de ponerse manos a la obra: la tecnología ha llegado para quedarse, así que aprovechémosla como una oportunidad para educar. Empantallados es un libro práctico, al mismo tiempo que atemporal. Es un manual que no se limita a las modas o tendencias actuales, sino que sirve para cualquier padre o madre que quiera educar mejor a sus hijos en el entorno digital, con ejemplos de casos reales y un lenguaje comprensible para todos. Una guía, en defi nitiva, imprescindible para una buena salud digital. Las primeras lectoras han dicho:«Un libro que recomendaría a todos los padres y madres para tener en casa. Creo que se convertirá para ellos en un manual de consulta continua.»Paloma Blanc (@7paresdeKatiuskas), madre de familia numerosa «Una gran ayuda para encontrar pautas sobre por dónde empezar y qué es importante tener en cuenta para promover un uso saludable de la tecnología en niños y adolescentes.»Charo Sádaba, decana de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Navarra y ranking TOP 100 mujeres líderes en la categoría de pensadoras y expertas

Doctoral Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies: Second Doctoral Symposium, DSICT 2022, Manta, Ecuador, October 12–14, 2022, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1647)

by Karina Abad Santiago Berrezueta

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Doctoral Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, DSICT 2022, held in Manta, Ecuador, in October 2022. The 15 full papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 72 submissions. The papers present research in areas of intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, ICTs and their applications to the real world.

Shifting Self and System: How Educational Leaders Propel Excellence for Achieving Equity

by Ruby Ababio-Fernandez Courtney Winkfield

The pathway to equity begins with YOU. Good intentions are not enough. To dismantle the structural inequities that continue to plague our schools, dedicated leaders must move beyond buzzword rhetoric to a place of action, where concrete steps trace a path to strategic action and sustainable impact. The authors of this book have made that shift. Drawing from their experiences leading the educational-equity agenda for the nation’s largest school district, they present their model for practical, outcome-oriented antiracist leadership. Features include An original framework built on five interdependent pillars: Self Mastery, Adaptive Leadership, Racial Literacy, Emergence, and Whole-Body Healing Real-life vignettes providing insights into the pillars and how they work together Structured opportunities and tools that support processes at the individual and collective development levels Disrupting and dismantling inequities is a complex, yet urgent, process. If you’re ready to meet this moral leadership challenge, Shifting Self and System will equip you with the knowledge, disposition, and capacity to create equitable schools and systems for all the students you serve.

Shifting Self and System: How Educational Leaders Propel Excellence for Achieving Equity

by Ruby Ababio-Fernandez Courtney Winkfield

The pathway to equity begins with YOU. Good intentions are not enough. To dismantle the structural inequities that continue to plague our schools, dedicated leaders must move beyond buzzword rhetoric to a place of action, where concrete steps trace a path to strategic action and sustainable impact. The authors of this book have made that shift. Drawing from their experiences leading the educational-equity agenda for the nation’s largest school district, they present their model for practical, outcome-oriented antiracist leadership. Features include An original framework built on five interdependent pillars: Self Mastery, Adaptive Leadership, Racial Literacy, Emergence, and Whole-Body Healing Real-life vignettes providing insights into the pillars and how they work together Structured opportunities and tools that support processes at the individual and collective development levels Disrupting and dismantling inequities is a complex, yet urgent, process. If you’re ready to meet this moral leadership challenge, Shifting Self and System will equip you with the knowledge, disposition, and capacity to create equitable schools and systems for all the students you serve.

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