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A Father First (Mandarin Edition)

by Dwayne Wade

Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat is one of the superstars of the NBA--and a Gold Medal winner at the Bejing Olympics--but he'sA Father First. In this moving and triumphant memoir, Wade shares his inspiring thoughts about fathers and sons, writing poignantly about the gratifying responsibilities of being a single dad to his two sons, Zaire and Zion, while recounting his own growing up years and his memorable rise to the top echelon of professional basketball. 德韦恩·韦德奇迹般地抓住了篮球生涯中的所有机遇 同时也在寻求他最珍爱的目标 做一个好父亲 经过了漫长,痛苦的离婚和监护权争夺战 他终于获得了儿子们的单独监护权 让爱先行 记录了韦德作为单身父亲的感悟 回忆了那些构成他的梦想,祈祷与承诺的事件 韦德从小父母离异 他的童年是在芝加哥南部度过的 贫穷,暴力,毒品笼罩着这片街区 他的母亲也吸毒成癖 姐姐特拉吉尔做出了英勇的决定 把小德韦恩送到了父亲那里生活 老韦德成了小德韦恩的第一个篮球教练 后来 母亲凭借惊人的毅力戒除了毒瘾 韦德从他们身上学习到 父母对子女无条件的爱是一股强大的引导力 从幼时在芝加哥邻家院子里的投篮练习 到他在马奎特大学的上升星路 再到出乎意料地被迈阿密热火队选中 德韦恩·韦德----世界上最好的篮球手之一 在 让爱先行 里讲述了自己的故事 男孩沐浴着亲人的爱成长为男人 成长为优秀的父亲

Frustration Trains Me and Hope Stimulates Me (Mandarin Edition)

by Geun-Hye Park

The autobiography of the first woman president in Korea 朴槿惠以最平实的笔触 娓娓道出她的过往人生 处处可见她对父母的追慕与怀念之情,对韩国人民怀抱的使命感 以及历经大起大落后的省思与坚韧 全书自朴槿惠的少女时代始 描述了总统府青瓦台中的"第一家庭"如何过着寻常的生活 母亲遇刺后 朴槿惠担当起"第一夫人"的角色 其间得以了解政治的基本议题和国家的基本状况 父亲也遭暗杀后 她与弟妹黯然离开青瓦台 面对种种不堪现实与外界批判 她对人性和权力有了更深入的认识 决心远离政治 1997年韩国陷入经济萧条 朴槿惠眼见民生多艰,国家危殆 毅然重返政坛 书中详细描写了在加入大国家党之后 朴槿惠如何以原则和信念立身 带领大国家党踏上破除陈年积弊,夺取国会议席的征程

Frustration Trains Me and Hope Stimulates Me (Mandarin Edition)

by Park Geun-Hye

The autobiography of the first woman president in Korea 朴槿惠以最平实的笔触 娓娓道出她的过往人生 处处可见她对父母的追慕与怀念之情,对韩国人民怀抱的使命感 以及历经大起大落后的省思与坚韧 全书自朴槿惠的少女时代始 描述了总统府青瓦台中的"第一家庭"如何过着寻常的生活 母亲遇刺后 朴槿惠担当起"第一夫人"的角色 其间得以了解政治的基本议题和国家的基本状况 父亲也遭暗杀后 她与弟妹黯然离开青瓦台 面对种种不堪现实与外界批判 她对人性和权力有了更深入的认识 决心远离政治 1997年韩国陷入经济萧条 朴槿惠眼见民生多艰,国家危殆 毅然重返政坛 书中详细描写了在加入大国家党之后 朴槿惠如何以原则和信念立身 带领大国家党踏上破除陈年积弊,夺取国会议席的征程

All About Particles: A Handbook of Japanese Function Words

by Naoko Chino

Students of Japanese are familiar with the term "particle," and realize that they, like English prepositions, require a special effort to master. This handbook provides all the information one would need on these tricky units of grammar.All About Particles covers more than 70 particles those that are used regularly as well as those used less frequently in more than 200 uses. The book can be approached as a guiding textbook and studied from beginning to end. It is as a reference book, however, thatAll About Particles shines. It is light and easy to carry, slim enough to fit into the corner of a shoulder bag, and concise enough to quickly clarify particle-related questions. It is a priceless tool for any serious student of Japanese.In its previous incarnation as a part of the Power Japanese Series, ISBN 978-0-87011-954-5, and sold more than 40,000 copies worldwide.

The Foreigner’s Guide to German Universities: Origin, Meaning, and Use of Terms and Expressions in Everyday University Life

by Albrecht Behmel Kelly Neudorfer

Figuring out the many new terms confronting international students at German-language universities can be difficult. Even if the degree program is in English, most administrative work has to be done in German, and the bureaucratic university jargon is a language in and of itself. This guide aims to help international students and researchers understand the structures and organization of German universities by providing in-depth descriptions of terms and their origins, allowing for easier integration into the host university and its culture.

Die Förderung interkultureller kommunikativer Kompetenz im aufgabenorientierten Deutschunterricht mit chinesischen Studierenden: Modelle und Herausforderungen

by Mengxing Wang

Dieses Buch widmet sich dem Thema der Förderung interkultureller kommunikativer Kompetenz von chinesischen Germanistikstudierenden im aufgabenorientierten Deutschunterricht. Diese Arbeit, ein Ergebnis auslandsgermanistischer Feldforschung, gliedert sich in einen theoretischen und einen empirischen Teil. Im Mittelpunkt des theoretischen Teils steht die Herausarbeitung der Merkmale von Lernaufgaben, die im Unterricht die Initiierung interkultureller Lernprozesse ermöglichen sollen. Mithilfe der empirischen Forschung wiederum soll ermittelt werden, inwiefern die interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz der Studierenden in drei Dimensionen des Wissens (savoir, savoir faire, savoir être) durch im Unterricht eingesetzte Aufgaben gefördert werden kann.

Deutsch in der Grundschule: Eine Einführung

by Ruth Hoffmann-Erz

Diese Einführung verbindet Themen der Sprachwissenschaft und der Sprachdidaktik und ist speziell auf das Grundschullehramtsstudium Deutsch zugeschnitten. Fachwissenschaftliche Kapitel zu Semiotik, Phonologie, Graphematik, Textlinguistik, Grammatik sind verzahnt mit fachdidaktischen Kapiteln zu Sprechen und Zuhören, Schriftspracherwerb, Lese- und Rechtschreibdidaktik, Texte verfassen und Sprache untersuchen. So wird die Relevanz fachwissenschaftlicher Inhalte für die Lehrerprofessionalisierung ersichtlich. Der Band ist auch für die Fort- und Weiterbildung zu empfehlen. – Im zweifarbigen Layout, mit Definitionen, Beispielen und Aufgaben.

Der Einfluss von Individuation, Suffigierung und Silbenbau auf das niederländische nominale Genus: Eine quantitative Untersuchung

by Davy Henri Mulkens

Wie in vielen anderen Sprachen auch verläuft die Genuszuweisung bei niederländischen Substantiven – im Gegensatz zu dem, was andere Forscher oft behaupten – nicht arbiträr, sondern wird von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst. Für die vorliegende Studie wurde aus mehreren Faktoren jeweils ein semantischer, ein morphologischer und ein phonologischer Faktor zur Analyse ausgewählt und empirisch gewonnene Daten mittels logistischer Regressionsanalyse ausgewertet. Der Einfluss von Individuation, Suffigierung und Silbenbau auf das nominale Genus konnte hierdurch eindeutig nachgewiesen und die Arbiträritätsthese verworfen werden. Somit stellt diese Arbeit nicht nur einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der niederländischen Genusforschung dar, sondern lädt auch zu weiteren Studien im nominalen Genusbereich ein

A Study on Professional Development of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Institutions of Higher Education in Western China

by Yuhong Jiang

This book offers a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the recent professional developments of teachers of English in the western region of China in the context of English language teaching reform and teacher education reform. It discusses a wealth of theories, frameworks, qualitative case studies and quantitative investigations, while also covering a range of key practices that are indispensable. It equips readers with an in-depth understanding of the impact of the current curriculum reform on the promotion of teachers' cognition, emotions, attitudes and awareness of their self-development, as well as teachers' corresponding efforts to update their educational concepts, reassess their teacher roles, enhance their teaching skills, and implement new approaches to their professional development. It is a valuable resource for anyone pursuing research in this field as well as in-service teachers, teacher educators and education administrators. And as it offers practical help for the potential difficulties and challenges they might encounter, it is also a must-read for the student teachers of English.

Encoding and Decoding of Emotional Speech

by Aijun Li

​This book addresses the subject of emotional speech, especially its encoding and decoding process during interactive communication, based on an improved version of Brunswik's Lens Model. The process is shown to be influenced by the speaker's and the listener's linguistic and cultural backgrounds, as well as by the transmission channels used. Through both psycholinguistic and phonetic analysis of emotional multimodality data for two typologically different languages, i. e. , Chinese and Japanese, the book demonstrates and elucidates the mutual and differing decoding and encoding schemes of emotional speech in Chinese and Japanese.

The History of Modern Chinese Grammar Studies

by Peter Peverelli

This book discusses the way Chinese scholars developed a national grammar. Chinese didn't develop grammar until China's contact with Western grammar books in the 19th Century. The first indigenous grammar was published in 1889. It included some traditional notions, but mainly imitated European grammar. It was followed by a number of other similar works. To move away from this imitation, a group of grammarians started to look into the Chinese tradition of commenting on classics. This led to a variety of alternative grammars. After the war, Western linguistics started to gain influence in China. With the establishment of the PRC in 1949, efforts began to have a standard grammar adopted nationwide. The first attempt at such a grammar was published in 1956. This book spans the period 1898 - 1956. This book combines historiography and linguistics to distinguish different periods in the timespan covered. It shows how the development of a national grammar cannot be studied separately from language policies and discussions on the national language. The description of each period includes a general introduction of the relevant events in that period and a treatment of the major works of grammar.

Perception and Production of Mandarin Tones by Native Speakers and L2 Learners

by Bei Yang

Tones are the most challenging aspect of learning Chinese as a second language, and L2 learners' perceptual categories differ in important and fascinating ways from those of native speakers. This book explores the relationship between tone perception and production among native speakers and non-native learners as illustrated in the experiments the author conducted with native speakers, true learners and heritage learners, all of whom were tested on their ability to produce tones naturally and to perceive 81 synthesized tones in various contexts. The experiments show that each group processes tones differently with regard to both register (tonal level) and contour (tonal shape). The results also reveal how three types of cues - acoustic, psychological and contextual - influence non-native speakers' tone perception and production.

Verb Sense Discovery in Mandarin Chinese--A Corpus based Knowledge-Intensive Approach

by Jia-Fei Hong

This book applies linguistic analysis to the poetry of Emeritus Professor Edwin Thumboo, a Singaporean poet and leading figure in Commonwealth literature. The work explores how the poet combines grammar and metaphor to create meaning, making the reader aware of the linguistic resources developed by Thumboo as the basis for his unique technique. The author approaches the poems from a functional linguistic perspective, investigating the multiple layers of meaning and metaphor that go into producing these highly textured, grammatically intricate verbal works of art. The approach is based on the Systemic Functional Theory, which aids the study of how the poet uses language (grammar) to craft his text in a playful way that reflects a love of the language. The multilingual and multicultural experiences of the poet are considered to have contributed to his uniquely creative use of language. This work demonstrates how the Systemic Functional Theory, with its emphasis on exploring the semogenic (meaning-making) power of language, provides the perspective we need to better understand poets' works as intentional acts of meaning. Readers will discover how the works of Edwin Thumboo illustrate well a point made by Barthes, who noted that "Bits of code, formulae, rhythmic models, fragments of social languages, etc. pass into the text and are redistributed within it, for there is always language before and around the text. " With a focus on meaning, this functional analysis of poetry offers an insightful look at the linguistic basis of Edwin Thumboo's poetic technique. The work will appeal to scholars with an interest in linguistic analysis and poetry from the Commonwealth and new literature, and it can also be used to support courses on literary stylistics or text linguistics.

Tools für Social Listening und Sentiment-Analyse: Einsatzfelder und Praxisbeispiele für die Analyse deutschsprachiger Online-Textdaten

by Melpomeni Alexa Melanie Siegel

Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, wie Sie Social Listening und Sentiment-Analyse professionell einsetzen können. Der Leser erhält Schritt-für-Schritt-Beschreibungen für verschiedene Einsatzszenarien, gekoppelt mit Übungsaufgaben und nützlichen Materialien, darunter ein Merkblatt für Kennzahlen, eine Checkliste für die Toolauswahl und ein Glossar für Fachbegriffe. Dieses Lehr- und Praxisbuch verdeutlicht anhand von Anwendungsszenarien und Praxisbeispielen, wie Tools und Technologien für Social Listening und Sentiment-Analyse für die Analyse deutschsprachiger Online-Textdaten angewandt werden können und welche Vorteile diese bringen. Der Leser erhält einen Überblick über wichtige Funktionalitäten aktuell verfügbarer Social-Listening-Tools und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten.

Deutsch für Architekten und Bauingenieure: Ein Sprachlehrbuch zur Planung und Durchführung von Bauprojekten mit Vokabeln, Redewendungen und Übungen

by Felix Friedrich Sharon Heidenreich

Ein Sprachlehrbuch, das speziell für Architekten, Bauingenieure und verwandte Berufsgruppen aller Nationalitäten konzipiert ist, die ihre deutsche Kommunikationsfähigkeit im beruflichen Kontext verbessern wollen. Das Buch kann sowohl für das Selbststudium als auch kursbegleitend eingesetzt werden. Nachdem in der 1. Hälfte des Buches viele Grundlagen der Bauwirtschaft behandelt werden, orientiert sich die 2. Hälfte an den Leistungsphasen und der Abwicklung von Beispielprojekten. Pro Kapitel werden Fachvokabular, Redewendungen, Kommunikationsformen und auch Grammatik vermittelt. Übungen und Aufgaben mit Lösungen runden das Werk ab.Nach dem Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER) für Sprachen entspricht das Lehrwerk einem Niveau von B2/C1.

Sentiment-Analyse deutschsprachiger Meinungsäußerungen: Grundlagen, Methoden und praktische Umsetzung

by Melanie Siegel Melpomeni Alexa

Der Zugang zu Information ist durch das Internet erheblich verändert und erleichtert worden. Gleichzeitig gibt es seit dem Web 2.0 die Möglichkeit für alle Internet-Nutzer, selbst Inhalte beizusteuern, indem sie in Foren schreiben, oder Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook oder andere soziale Medien nutzen und auf veröffentliche Posts z. B. durch Kommentare reagieren. Diese Fülle an Informationen und Meinungen ist ein wertvoller und in der Regel sehr großer Datenschatz, den man nur mit automatischen Verfahren sinnvoll nutzen kann.Die automatische Analyse von Meinungsäußerungen gehört in die Anwendungsbereiche Informationsextraktion und Inhaltsanalyse sowie Text Mining. Aus Texten von Internet-Nutzern werden Informationen extrahiert und analysiert, wie sie sich zu bestimmten Themen, Produkten oder Ereignissen äußern.Dieses Buch gibt eine systematische Einführung in Methoden der automatischen Analyse von Meinungsäußerungen und zeigt die Anwendung der beschriebenen Methoden in Programmierübungen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf deutschsprachige Daten, also auf linguistischen Ressourcen sowie Methoden zur automatischen Analyse für die deutsche Sprache. Viele Übungsaufgaben sowie in Python implementierte Programmierbeispiele und -aufgaben machen das Buch zum optimalen Begleiter für Studium und Selbststudium.

Language, Discourse, and Praxis in Ancient China

by Zhenbin Sun

This book investigates Chinese comprehension and treatment of the relationship between language and reality. The work examines ancient Chinese philosophy through the pair of concepts known as ming-shi. By analyzing the pre-Qin thinkers' discourse on ming and shi, the work explores how Chinese philosophers dealt with issues not only in language but also in ontology, epistemology, ethics, axiology, and logic. Through this discourse analysis, readers are invited to rethink the relationship of language to thought and behavior. The author criticizes and corrects vital misunderstandings of Chinese culture and highlights the anti-dualism and pragmatic character of Chinese thoughts. The rich meaning of the ming-shi pair is displayed by revealing its connection to other philosophical issues. The chapters show how discourse on language and reality shapes a central characteristic of Chinese culture, the practical zhi. They illuminate the interplay of Chinese theories of language and Dao as Chinese wisdom and worldview. Readers who are familiar with pragmatics and postmodernism will recognize the common points in ancient Chinese philosophy and contemporary Western philosophy, as they emerge through these chapters. The work will particularly appeal to scholars of philosophy, philosophy of language, communication studies and linguistics.

Developing Chinese EFL Learners' Generic Competence

by Liming Deng Qiujin Chen Yanyan Zhang

This work investigates the development of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' generic competence in reading, writing and translation within the particular Chinese classroom context. It provides a new perspective for the current teaching and research in reading, writing, translation within the EFL contexts and offers an insightful framework for pedagogical applications in language learning and teaching. Its findings will be extremely valuable not only in local situations, but also more generally in a wider regional and global context as well. The book employs a series of research tools, including pre-research and post-research questionnaires, pre-test and post-test of reading/writing/translation, multi-faceted writing portfolios (including reflection reports), textual analysis and in-depth interviews. It involves 209 participants from a primary university in Wuhan, among whom 171 are undergraduates and 38 are postgraduates. ​And it draws on the analysis of such varied multi-sourced data both qualitatively and quantitatively. Genre-based teaching is playing a critical role in initiating EFL learners into the discourse community of the target language. Developing EFL learners' generic competence is viewed as the ultimate goal in the process of teaching and learning. This monograph effectively demonstrates that like genre-based English for Specific Purposes (ESP) pedagogies, it is also possible to take advantage of already acquired genre knowledge for use in EFL learning contexts. It offers an impressive view of the direction in which genre-based applications are likely to take in the coming years.

Natural Language Processing of Semitic Languages

by Imed Zitouni

Research in Natural Language Processing (NLP) has rapidly advanced in recent years, resulting in exciting algorithms for sophisticated processing of text and speech in various languages. Much of this work focuses on English; in this book we address another group of interesting and challenging languages for NLP research: the Semitic languages. The Semitic group of languages includes Arabic (206 million native speakers), Amharic (27 million), Hebrew (7 million), Tigrinya (6. 7 million), Syriac (1 million) and Maltese (419 thousand). Semitic languages exhibit unique morphological processes, challenging syntactic constructions and various other phenomena that are less prevalent in other natural languages. These challenges call for unique solutions, many of which are described in this book. The 13 chapters presented in this book bring together leading scientists from several universities and research institutes worldwide. While this book devotes some attention to cutting-edge algorithms and techniques, its primary purpose is a thorough explication of best practices in the field. Furthermore, every chapter describes how the techniques discussed apply to Semitic languages. The book covers both statistical approaches to NLP, which are dominant across various applications nowadays and the more traditional, rule-based approaches, that were proven useful for several other application domains. We hope that this book will provide a "one-stop-shop'' for all the requisite background and practical advice when building NLP applications for Semitic languages.

Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge: Changing Ways of Thought (Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context)

by Rudolf G Wagner Milena Doleželová-Velingerová

This is a set of pioneering studies on Chinese encyclopaedias of modern knowledge (1870-1930). At a transitional time when modern knowledge was sought after yet few modern schools were available, these works were crucial sources of information for an entire generation. This volume investigates many of these encyclopaedias, which were never reprinted and are hardly known even to specialists, for the first time. The contributors to this collection all specialize in the period in question and have worked together for a number of years. The resulting studies show that these encyclopaedias open a unique window onto the migration and ordering systems of knowledge across cultural and linguistic borders.

Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN-programme (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing #14)

by Peter Spyns Jan Odijk Linde Van Bosch

The book provides an overview of more than a decade of joint R&D efforts in the Low Countries on HLT for Dutch. It not only presents the state of the art of HLT for Dutch in the areas covered, but, even more importantly, a description of the resources (data and tools) for Dutch that have been created are now available for both academia and industry worldwide. The contributions cover many areas of human language technology (for Dutch): corpus collection (including IPR issues) and building (in particular one corpus aiming at a collection of 500M word tokens), lexicology, anaphora resolution, a semantic network, parsing technology, speech recognition, machine translation, text (summaries) generation, web mining, information extraction, and text to speech to name the most important ones. The book also shows how a medium-sized language community (spanning two territories) can create a digital language infrastructure (resources, tools, etc.) as a basis for subsequent R&D. At the same time, it bundles contributions of almost all the HLT research groups in Flanders and the Netherlands, hence offers a view of their recent research activities. Targeted readers are mainly researchers in human language technology, in particular those focusing on Dutch. It concerns researchers active in larger networks such as the CLARIN, META-NET, FLaReNet and participating in conferences such as ACL, EACL, NAACL, COLING, RANLP, CICling, LREC, CLIN and DIR ( both in the Low Countries), InterSpeech, ASRU, ICASSP, ISCA, EUSIPCO, CLEF, TREC, etc. In addition, some chapters are interesting for human language technology policy makers and even for science policy makers in general.

Asian Punches: A Transcultural Affair (Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context)

by Barbara Mittler Hans Harder

This book deals with Punches and Punch-like magazines in 19th and 20th century Asia, covering an area from Egypt and the Ottoman Empire in the West via British India up to China and Japan in the East. It traces an alternative and largely unacknowledged side of the history of this popular British periodical, and simultaneously casts a wide-reaching comparative glance on the genesis of satirical journalism in various Asian countries. Demonstrating the spread of both textual and visual satire, it is an apt demonstration of the transcultural trajectory of a format intimately linked to media-bound public spheres evolving in the period concerned.

Handbuch chinesische Fusionskontrolle

by Markus Masseli, Dipl.-Kfm., LL.M.eur

Das Handbuch ermöglicht eine Risikoeinschätzung geplanter Fusionen und dient als Argumentationshilfe und Anleitung für Fusionskontrollverfahren in China. Es orientiert sich an den für die Praxis maßgeblichen Gesichtspunkten und geht dabei auf die chinesische Fallpraxis und die Diskussion in der chinesischen Rechtsliteratur ein. Berücksichtigung finden auch die politischen und kulturellen Besonderheiten Chinas. Der Anhang enthält Übersetzungen der wichtigsten Rechtsvorschriften, juristischer Entscheidungen sowie Formulare.

Spanisch lernen in 15 Minuten am Tag für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Hildegard Rudolph

Nur ein Viertelstündchen Spanisch am Tag Sie wollen Spanisch lernen, ohne stundenlang Vokabeln und Grammatik zu pauken? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie! In auf 15 Minuten pro Tag begrenzten Lektionen bringt es Ihnen die spanische Sprache näher. So erfahren Sie im Handumdrehen alles Wichtige über Grammatik und Aussprache und erweitern Ihren Wortschatz. Mit regelmäßigen Wiederholungsfragen können Sie Ihr Wissen testen. Zum Download verfügbares Audiomaterial rundet die Lektionen ab. So werden Sie, wenn Sie nach drei Monaten das Buch durchgearbeitet haben, in der Lage sein, sich auf Spanisch zu verständigen. Sie erfahren Wie Sie in jeder Situation die richtigen Worte finden Mit welchen Redewendungen Sie brillieren Welche Wörter Sie nicht verwechseln sollten Wie Sie das Spanische richtig aussprechen

Dänisch lernen in 15 Minuten am Tag für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Anna Mateeva

Sie wollen Dänisch lernen, aber der Gedanke, stundenlang Vokabeln und Grammatik zu pauken, schreckt Sie ab? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie! In kurzen, auf 15 Minuten pro Tag begrenzten Lektionen bringt es Ihnen auf einfache und unterhaltsame Weise die dänische Sprache näher. So erfahren Sie im Handumdrehen alles Wichtige über Grammatik, Aussprache und übliche Redewendungen. Durch regelmäßigen Wiederholungsfragen können Sie Ihr Wissen testen und mit Hilfe des zum Download verfügbaren Audiomaterials auch die Aussprache üben. Nach nur drei Monaten beherrschen Sie die Grundlagen spielend.

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