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El arte de la cocina sencilla

by Alice Waters

Durante más de cuatro décadas, Alice Waters ha sido la máxima defensora de los alimentos locales de temporada producidos de forma sostenible. Ha sido aclamada globalmente y ha mostrado al mundo que el verdadero secreto de la buena cocina es comenzar con los ingredientes de mejor sabor. En El arte de la comida sencilla, Alice Waters aplica esta filosofía a 19 lecciones de cocina y a más de 250 recetas cotidianas que ilustran lo fácil que es comer maravi-llosamente bien si se cocina, se come y se vive según estas leyes fundamentales: Comer alimentos locales y sostenibles Comer alimentos de temporada Comprar en los mercados agrícolas Sembrar un jardín Conservación, compostaje y reciclaje Cocinar con simpleza Cocinar juntos Comer juntos Recordar que la comida es preciosa (Spanish translation of "The Art of Simple Food")

El arte de la cocina sencilla: Notas, Lecciones Y Recetas De Una Deliciosa Revolucion

by Alice Waters

Durante mas de cuatro decadas, Alice Waters ha sido la maxima defensora de los alimentos locales de temporada producidos de forma sostenible. Ha sido aclamada globalmente y ha mostrado al mundo que el verdadero secreto de la buena cocina es comenzar con los ingredientes de mejor sabor. En "El arte de la comida sencilla," Alice Waters aplica esta filosofia a 19 lecciones de cocina y a mas de 250 recetas cotidianas que ilustran lo facil que es comer maravi-llosamente bien si se cocina, se come y se vive segun estas leyes fundamentales: Comer alimentos locales y sostenibles, Comer alimentos de temporada, Comprar en los mercados agricolas, Sembrar un jardin, Conservacion, compostaje y reciclaje, Cocinar con simpleza, Cocinar juntos, Comer juntos, Recordar que la comida es preciosa

The Art of Chicago Improv: Short Cuts to Long-Form Improvisation

by Rob Kozlowski

In this book the author traces the history and growth of acting in Chicago.

The Art of Ana Clavel: Ghosts, Urinals, Dolls, Shadows and Outlaw Desires

by JaneElizabeth Lavery

Ana Clavel is a remarkable contemporary Mexican writer whose literary and multimedia oeuvre is marked by its queerness. The queer is evinced in the manner in which she disturbs conceptions of the normal not only by representing outlaw sexualities and dark desires but also by incorporating into her fictive and multimedia worlds that which is at odds with normalcy as evinced in the presence of the fantastical, the shadow, ghosts, cyborgs, golems and even urinals. Clavels literary trajectory follows a queer path in the sense that she has moved from singular modes of creative expression in the form of literary writing, a traditional print medium, towards other non-literary forms. Some of Clavels works have formed the basis of wider multimedia projects involving collaboration with various artists, photographers, performers and IT experts. Her works embrace an array of hybrid forms including the audiovisual, internet-enabled technology, art installation, (video) performance and photography. By foregrounding the queer heterogeneous narrative themes, techniques and multimedia dimension of Clavels oeuvre, the aim of this monograph is to attest to her particular contribution to Hispanic letters, which arguably is as significant as that of more established Spanish American boom femenino women writers.

Art as a Way of Talking for Emergent Bilingual Youth: A Foundation for Literacy in PreK-12 Schools

by Berta Rosa Berriz Amanda Claudia Wager Vivian Maria Poey

This book features effective artistic practices to improve literacy and language skills for emergent bilinguals in PreK-12 schools. Including insights from key voices from the field, this book highlights how artistic practices can increase proficiency in emergent language learners and students with limited access to academic English. Challenging current prescriptions for teaching English to language learners, the arts-integrated framework in this book is grounded in a sense of student and teacher agency and offers key pedagogical tools to build upon students’ sociocultural knowledge and improve language competence and confidence. Offering rich and diverse examples of using the arts as a way of talking, this volume invites teacher educators, teachers, artists, and researchers to reconsider how to fully engage students in their own learning and best use the resources within their own multilingual educational settings and communities.

Art as a Way of Listening: Centering Student and Community Voices in Language Learning and Cultural Revitalization

by Amanda Claudia Wager Berta Rosa Berriz Laura Ann Cranmer Vivian Maria Poey

Offering a wealth of art-based practices, this volume invites readers to reimagine the joyful possibility and power of language and culture in language and literacy learning. Understanding art as a tool that can be used for decolonizing minds, the contributors explore new methods and strategies for supporting the language and literacy learning skills of multilingual students. Contributors are artists, educators, and researchers who bring together cutting-edge theory and practice to present a broad range of traditional and innovative art forms and media that spotlight the roles of artful resistance and multilingual activism. Featuring questions for reflection and curricular applications, chapters address theoretical issues and pedagogical strategies related to arts and language learning, including narrative inquiry, journaling, social media, oral storytelling, and advocacy projects. The innovative methods and strategies in this book demonstrate how arts-based, decolonizing practices are essential in fostering inclusive educational environments and supporting multilingual students’ cultural and linguistic repertoires. Transformative and engaging, this text is a key resource for educators, scholars, and researchers in literacy and language education.

Arma, tiro, bammm!

by Joan Mari Irigoien Aranberri

?Hamzak, beraz, leherketa hura zuen jada buruan: izango ez zuen, bada, puntuari begira zegoela musika hura etorri bazitzaion, bamm bamm-bamm? musika hura, bai, gorputzean ere sentitzen zuena, bere gorputza zuhaitz bat balitz bezala, zainak adartzat zituena eta bere bihotz hura fruitutzat; bihotz hura, soka bakarreko lautak bezala, bamm-bamm-bamm egiten zuena, sistoleak eta diastoleak bat eginik; musika hura, segundo gutiren buruan erabateko bakera eraman zuena: BAMMM!? Hari bi nobela bakar berean: batetik, Bereibarko familia bat (Gipuzkoa eta Bizkaia arteko alegiazko herria) bizibidez eskopeta-lantegi bat daukana; bestetik, Balad al Xams-eko (Ekialde Hurbileko balizko herrialdea) beste familia bat, gerra ahaztu baten ondorioak nozitu beharko dituena; modu paraleloan kontatzen zaizkigu batzuen nahiz besteen pozak eta nekeak, eguneroko kontu xeheak eta Historia markatzen duten gertakari handiak, XX. mendeko bigarren erdian hasi eta gaur arte. Hari biek, halabeharrez, bat egiten duten arte. Ez da ohikoa arma trafikoa gaitzat hartzea eleberri batean; irakurlearen gogo-bihotzak inarrosteko asmo osoz egin du Joan Mari Irigoienek, eta helburu horri begira erabili bere artearen tresna guztiak. Hiru ezaugarriok nabarmendu daitezke egilearen lanean: hizkuntzaren erabilera zaindu eta ederra, hainbat istorio sortu eta kateatzeko fabulazio-ahalmen itzela, eta gure gizarteko gai minberak ukitzeko kontzientzia etikoa.

Architecture, Travellers and Writers: Constructing Histories of Perception 1640-1950

by Anne Hultzsch

Does the way in which buildings are looked at, and made sense of, change over the course of time? How can we find out about this? By looking at a selection of travel writings spanning four centuries, Anne Hultzsch suggests that it is language, the description of architecture, which offers answers to such questions. The words authors use to transcribe what they see for the reader to re-imagine offer glimpses at modes of perception specific to one moment, place and person. Hultzsch constructs an intriguing patchwork of local and often fragmentary narratives discussing texts as diverse as the 17th-century diary of John Evelyn, Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719) and an 1855 art guide by Swiss art historian Jacob Burckhardt. Further authors considered include 17th-century collector John Bargrave, 18th-century novelist Tobias Smollett, poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, critic John Ruskin as well as the 20th-century architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner. Anne Hultzsch teaches at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.

Architecture of the Periphery in Chinese: Cartography and Minimalism (Routledge Studies in Chinese Linguistics)

by Victor Junnan Pan

Architecture of the Periphery in Chinese offers a comprehensive survey on the fine structure of the sentence peripheral domain in Mandarin Chinese from a cartographic perspective. Different functional projections hosting sentence-final particles, implicit operators and other informational components are hierarchically ordered according to the "Subjectivity Scale Constraint" functioning at syntax-discourse interface. Three questions will be essentially addressed: What is the order? How to determine such an order? Why such an order? This research not only gives a thorough examination of the peripheral elements in Chinese but also improves the general understanding of the ordering issue in the left-periphery crosslinguistically. This book is aimed at scholars interested in Chinese syntax or generative syntax.

The Arapaho Language: Language And Power Among The Northern Arapaho

by Andrew Cowell Alonzo Moss, Sr.

The Arapaho Language is the definitive reference grammar of an endangered Algonquian language. Arapaho differs strikingly from other Algonquian languages, making it particularly relevant to the study of historical linguistics and the evolution of grammar. Andrew Cowell and Alonzo Moss Sr. document Arapaho's interesting features, including a pitch-based accent system with no exact Algonquian parallels, radical innovations in the verb system, and complex contrasts between affirmative and non-affirmative statements. Cowell and Moss detail strategies used by speakers of this highly polysynthetic language to form complex words and illustrate how word formation interacts with information structure. They discuss word order and discourse-level features, treat the special features of formal discourse style and traditional narratives, and list gender-specific particles, which are widely used in conversation. Appendices include full sets of inflections for a variety of verbs. Arapaho is spoken primarily in Wyoming, with a few speakers in Oklahoma. The corpus used in The Arapaho Language spans more than a century of documentation, including multiple speakers from Wyoming and Oklahoma, with emphasis on recent recordings from Wyoming. The book cites approximately 2,000 language examples drawn largely from natural discourse - either recorded spoken language or texts written by native speakers. With The Arapaho Language, Cowell and Moss have produced a comprehensive document of a language that, in its departures from its nearest linguistic neighbors, sheds light on the evolution of grammar.

Arapaho Historical Traditions: Hinono'einoo3itoono (Algonquian Text Society)

by Alonzo Moss, Sr.

Told by Paul Moss (1911-1995), a highly respected storyteller and ceremonial leader, these twelve texts introduce us to an immensely rich literature. As works of an oral tradition, they had until now remained beyond the reach of those who do not speak the Arapaho language. Here, for the first time, these outstanding examples of indigenous North American literature are printed in their original language (in the standard orthography used on the Wind River Reservation) but made accessible to a wider audience through English translation and comprehensive introductions, notes, commentaries and an Arapaho-English glossary.The Arapaho traditions chosen for this anthology tell of hunting, scouting, fighting, horse-stealing, capture and escape, friendly encounters between tribes, diplomacy and war, conflict with the U.S. and battles with its troops. They also include accounts of vision quests and religious rites, the fate of an Arapaho woman captured by Utes, and Arapaho uses of the "Medicine Wheel"in the Bighorn Mountains.

Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two): An Intermediate Course in Arabic

by Munther Younes Hanada Al-Masri

Arabiyyat al Naas (Part Two): An Intermediate Course in Arabic offers a vibrant course in Arabic as it is written and spoken today by educated native speakers. Not only does it continue the innovative integration of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Levantine Arabic used in Part One of the series, but it does so in a way that supports and develops students’ increased mastery of the language. Combining a greater focus on cultural topics with an increased coverage of MSA, Part Two introduces more sophisticated communication, giving students a deeper awareness of the cultural base of the Arabic language. Features include: Twenty-one theme-based units covering a wide range of relevant and engaging topics, including education and learning, jobs and professions, the Arab woman, religion, money and the economy, politics and government and the environment Thorough coverage of listening, speaking, writing and reading skills in every unit, with lessons structured to provide students with variety, stimulation and further opportunities for practice Humorous, realistic dialogues reflecting everyday educated speech among Arabs to build up strong and practical communication skills A rich variety of reading passages, including poems, short stories, newspaper articles, descriptions of Arab cities and biographies of famous figures, designed to improve comprehension and analytical skills and to deepen students’ knowledge of Arab history, culture, language, and literature An extensive range of appealing exercises and activities, including crossword puzzles, root-and-pattern identification exercises, passage completions, guided and free compositions, and songs Free accompanying CD that includes audio recordings of the listening materials in the 21 units and a number of songs tied to their themes Free companion website ( featuring the texts of the listening passages, the audio recordings available on the CD , a track list of all the audio materials, the answer keys to the crossword puzzles, sample tests and language games. Developed by an experienced and dynamic author team and tested over a number of years at Cornell University, Arabiyyat al Naas (Part Two) will be an essential resource for intermediate-level students of Arabic. While primarily designed for classroom use, the accessibility of the course also renders it highly suitable for independent study. This volume is the second in a pioneering three-part series of Arabic textbooks which together provide a complete three-year undergraduate language program.

'Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two): An Intermediate Course in Arabic

by Munther Younes Hanada Al-Masri Jonathan Featherstone Elizabeth Huntley Makda Weatherspoon

‘Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two) is an Arabic language textbook designed to bring learners from a lower to a higher intermediate level of language proficiency. Using the Common European Framework Reference, it takes the learner from B.1 to B.2 and, in terms of the levels of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, it takes the learner from Intermediate Low to Intermediate High/Advanced Low. The book is a continuation of the first level books in this series (either Arabiyyat al-Naas fii Bilaad al-Shaam or Arabiyaat al-Naas fii maSr ) and follows the Integrated Approach to Arabic instruction. It is a theme-based textbook delivered in the form of a serialized radio drama. Through the lens of journalism and personal interactions modelled by the main characters of this radio drama, learners are equipped to continue developing their spoken and written Arabic skills in the context of authentic dialogues and reading texts. As such, this book reflects cross-dialectal communication as used by native speakers across the Arab world.

'Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two): An Intermediate Course in Arabic

by Munther Younes Hanada Al-Masri Jonathan Featherstone Elizabeth Huntley Makda Weatherspoon

Arabiyyat al Naas (Part Two): An Intermediate Course in Arabic, second edition, offers a vibrant course in Arabic as it is written and spoken today by educated native speakers. It is a theme-based textbook delivered in the form of a serialized radio drama. Through the lens of journalism and personal interactions modelled by the main characters of this radio drama, learners are equipped to continue developing their spoken and written Arabic skills in the context of authentic dialogues and reading texts. As such, this book reflects cross-dialectal communication as used by native speakers across the Arab world.Features include: Twenty-one theme-based units covering a wide range of relevant and engaging topics Thorough coverage of listening, speaking, writing and reading skills in every unit, with lessons structured to provide students with variety, stimulation and further opportunities for practice Humorous, realistic dialogues reflecting everyday educated speech among Arabs to build up strong and practical communication skills Free companion website ( featuring extensive audio recordings of the listening materials in the textbook, videos that supplement the textbook, and texts of the listening passages in the textbook Developed by an experienced and dynamic author team and tested over a number of years at Cornell University, Arabiyyat al Naas (Part Two) will be an essential resource for intermediate-level students of Arabic. While primarily designed for classroom use, the accessibility of the course also renders it highly suitable for independent study. Using the Common European Framework Reference, it takes the learner from B.1 to B.2 and, in terms of the levels of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, it takes the learner from Intermediate Low to Intermediate High/Advanced Low.This volume is the second in a pioneering three-part series of Arabic textbooks which together provide a complete three-year undergraduate language program.

Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One): An Introductory Course in Arabic

by Munther Younes Makda Weatherspoon Elizabeth Huntley Jonathan Featherstone

‘Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One) offers a ground-breaking introduction to Arabic as it is written and spoken by native speakers. It combines a progressive and rigorous grounding in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), the register employed for reading, writing and formal speaking, with an innovative integration of the dominant Egyptian variety. Introducing the two simultaneously and seamlessly building on their shared features, ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One) uses each in its proper context: Egyptian dialect for conversations and MSA for reading and writing activities. In this way, the course efficiently prepares students for the practical realities of learning and living Arabic today. Features include: Expanded grammar explanations and activation drills, including discussions about colloquial and formal similarities and differences A series of authentic video-clips recorded in Egypt to help learners revise the vocabulary and structures then learn unit by unit Extensive classroom activities and homework exercises that provide constant review to reinforce learning Arabic-English and English-Arabic glossaries, reference charts, and a grammar index Songs with simple lyrics tied to the themes of the course to help advance vocabulary acquisition and understanding of basic grammatical structures A companion website ( that features fully integrated interactive, self-correcting exercises, audio and video materials, and additional online course management and grading options for teachers A user-friendly and vibrant text design with full colour, richly illustrated throughout with over two hundred illustrations and photos A teachers manual with an Arabic introduction for the teacher, which lays out the structure of the student course book, its methodology and directions and suggestions for its use. Written by experienced teachers of Arabic and experts in Arabic teaching pedagogy, ‘Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One) is an essential resource for students beginning to learn Arabic.

Arabic Writing in the Digital Age: Towards a Theoretical Framework (Routledge Studies in Arabic Linguistics)

by Saussan Khalil

The written and spoken forms of Arabic have been traditionally viewed as separate forms of the language that rarely overlap in writing, but this book will examine the recently emerged concept of ‘mixed’ writing that combines both written and spoken forms. This book takes a close look at different examples of mixed Arabic writing in modern (twentieth to twenty-firstt century) print and online literature, offering an analysis of this type of mixing alongside a dynamic model for analysing mixed Arabic writing, and the motivations for producing this type of writing. This book further introduces the ground-breaking concept of the seven writing styles for Arabic, ranging from Classical Arabic to ChatSpeak, whilst also offering an overview of early Arabic literacy and children’s literature. Primarily aimed at Arabic researchers and teachers in linguistics, sociolinguistics, identity studies, politics and Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, this book would also be informative for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Arabic as foreign language, Arabic linguistics and dialectology.

Arabic Stories for Language Learners

by Hezi Brosh Lutfi Mansur

Arabic Stories for Language Learners--a language learning experience for beginner to intermediate students.The traditional stories of a country are invaluable at providing insight into understanding the culture, history and language of a people. The sixty-six stories found in Arabic Stories for Language Learners present the vocabulary and grammar used everyday in Arabic-speaking countries. Pulled from a wide variety of sources that have been edited and simplified for learning purposes, these stories are presented in parallel Arabic and English, facilitating language learning in the classroom and via self-study. Each story is followed by a series of questions in Arabic and English to test comprehension and encourage discussion.Arabic Stories for Language Learners brings Arab culture to life in a colorful and immediate way. Regardless of whether or not you have a working knowledge of Arabic, this book gives readers a tantalizing introduction to the wisdom and humor of these ancient desert-dwelling peoples. An audio CD in Arabic and English helps students of Arabic improve their pronunciation and inflection, and immerses non-students into the uniquely Arabic storytelling style.

Arabic L2 Interlanguage: Syntactic sequences, agreement and variation (Topics in Arabic Applied Linguistics)

by Ghassan Husseinali

Arabic L2 Interlanguage is a significant and timely addition to the field of Second Language Acquisition, providing valuable insight into the development of ‘interlanguage’, the interim language of early beginners, in learners of Arabic. This book: Clearly establishes what interlanguage is and why it should form an important part of foreign language teaching Presents the reader with a sequence in which six English-speaking learners of Arabic acquire the language Makes use of the rich morphological and syntactic property of Arabic to offer a new perspective on the field of Second Language Acquisition. Arabic L2 Interlanguage contributes directly towards building a more comprehensive theoretical framework for explaining how L2s are acquired. It will be key text for SLA scholars as well as an important resource for graduate students in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching.

Arabic in the City: Issues in Dialect Contact and Language Variation (Routledge Arabic Linguistics Series #Vol. 5)

by Catherine Miller Enam Al-Wer Dominique Caubet Janet C. E. Watson

Filling a gap in the literature currently available on the topic, this edited collection is the first examination of the interplay between urbanization, language variation and language change in fifteen major Arab cities. The Arab world presents very different types and degrees of urbanization, from well established old capital-cities such as Cairo to new emerging capital-cities such as Amman or Nouakchott, these in turn embedded in different types of national construction. It is these urban settings which raise questions concerning the dynamics of homogenization/differentiation and the processes of standardization due to the coexistence of competing linguistic models. Topics investigated include: History of settlement The linguistic impact of migration The emergence of new urban vernaculars Dialect convergence and divergence Code-switching, youth language and new urban culture Arabic in the Diaspora Arabic among non-Arab groups. Containing a broad selection of case studies from across the Arab world and featuring contributions from leading urban sociolinguistics and dialectologists, this book presents a fresh approach to our understanding of the interaction between language, society and space. As such, the book will appeal to the linguist as well as to the social scientist in general.

Arabic in Israel: Language, Identity and Conflict (Routledge Studies in Language and Identity)

by Muhammad Amara

In Arabic in Israel, Muhammad Amara analyses the status of Arabic following the creation of the State of Israel and documents its impact on the individual and collective identity of Israel’s Palestinian Arab citizens. The interplay of language and identity in conflict situations is also examined. This work represents the culmination of many years of research on Arabic linguistic repertoire and educational policy regarding the language of the Palestinian citizens of Israel. It draws all of these factors together while linking them to local, regional and global developments. Its perspective is interdisciplinary and, as such, examines the topic from a number of angles including linguistic, social, cultural and political.

Arabic in a Flash Volume 2

by Fethi Mansouri Yousef Alreemawi

Arabic in a Flash: Volume 2 is an excellent language learning resource for beginning-intermediate students of Arabic.Hot on the success of Volume 1, Arabic in a Flash Volume 2 continues to develop the language skills of the beginning students and others interested in learning Arabic. While Volume 1 has a strong focus on basic communication and vocabulary-building, Volume 2 works to further develop vocabulary and introduces everyday activities, travel and leisure and economic and employment issues.Contains 448 flash cards plus a 48-page index booklet.Learn 448 main words plus 1,792 related words and phrases-2,240 basic vocabulary items.Arabic script, romanized forms and English meanings given for all items.A sample sentence in Arabic with its English translation shows how the main word is used.

Arabic in a Flash Kit Volume 1

by Fethi Mansouri

Arabic in a Flash: Volume I is an excellent new language learning resource for beginning students of Arabic.This unique set of flash cards enables learners to acquire basic Arabic words and their derivatives in an easy-to-use manner at whatever pace the learner prefers. Each card has Arabic script on one side, with romanized forms and English meanings/derivatives agiven on the other. Contains 448 flash cards plus a 32-page index booklet.Learn 448 main words plus 1,792 related words and phrases--2,700 basic vocabulary items.Arabic script, romanized forms and English meanings given for all items.A sample sentence in Arabic with English translation shows how the main word is used.

Arabic Grammar in Context (Languages in Context)

by Mohammad Alhawary

Arabic Grammar in Context offers a unique and exciting approach to learning grammar. It presents grammar as a necessary and essential tool for understanding Arabic and for developing comprehension and production skills. Features include: authentic texts from a rich variety of sources, literary and non-literary, used as the starting point for the illustration and explanation of key areas of Arabic grammar clear and authoritative demonstration of the relevance of grammar for understanding and interpreting Arabic a wide range of appropriate exercises designed to consolidate learning fully vocalized exercises and texts a glossary of vocabulary and expressions provided at the end of the book audio readings of the texts available online for additional listening practice. Suitable for class use and independent study, Arabic Grammar in Context is ideal for intermediate to advanced learners of Arabic.

Arabic Genre Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Assessing in Context (Topics in Arabic Applied Linguistics)

by Myriam Abdel-Malek

Arabic Genre Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Assessing in Context views Modern Standard Arabic and all spoken varieties of Arabic as one system and offers genre-based instructional resources grounded in systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and genre theory. Divided into three parts, this book explores the Theoretical and Instructional Framework, Spoken Genres, and Written Genres with chapters focusing on everyday social genres including exchanging information, chit-chat, and complaints. This book is aligned with the ACTFL framework and the instructional goals for each genre are articulated in terms of the ACTFL Can-Do Statements. Designed to support instructors of Arabic novice-intermediate learners, the chapters offer step-by-step lessons with practical classroom activities on how to make the language related to each genre explicit to students. Arabic Genre Pedagogy serves as a valuable guide and professional development resource for instructors of Arabic as a world language and for researchers of SFL-informed genre-based approach.

Arabic For Dummies

by Amine Bouchentouf

Start reading and speaking Arabic Arabic For Dummies helps readers start speaking Modern Standard Arabic in no time. Whether you’re a student, traveler, or work in business or government, you’ll find this title to be packed with practical lessons, cultural facts, and handy references. Inside, you’ll find guidance on basic grammar, as well as the necessary vocabulary to make introductions and greetings, use proper etiquette, make small talk, make transportation arrangements, order food and beverages, ask directions, deal with money, shop, access recreation, and handle an emergency. Features new and revised content Offers a revamped, user-friendly design to both pedagogy and organization Includes expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations, and pronunciations Get free access to conversational audio tracks online If you want to start speaking Arabic, this go-to book is packed with practical instruction, cultural facts, and handy references you won’t want to be without!

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