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Showing 4,601 through 4,625 of 4,812 results

British Sign Language

by Margaret Deuchar

This first linguistic study of British Sign Language is written for students of linguistics, for deaf and hearing sign language researchers, for teachers and social workers for the deaf. The author cross-refers to American Sign Language, which has usually been more extensively studied by linguists, and compares the two languages.

A Dictionary of Arabic and Islamic Proverbs (Routledge Library Editions: Language And Literature Of The Middle East Ser.)

by Justin Wintle Paul Lunde

One of the quickest ways to understand a people or a culture is to learn their proverbs. This anthology, first published in 1984, compiles in dictionary form proverbs from the Islamic world, particularly the Middle East and North Africa. The Arabs were the first to gather and annotate their own proverbs – the earliest collections date from the n

Essential Dutch Grammar (Dover Language Guides Essential Grammar)

by Henry R. Stern

This is the first Dutch grammar specifically designed for the adult with limited learning time whose objective is broader, more fluent everyday communication. Avoiding archaic, highly literary and seldom-used forms, this grammar helps those with some knowledge of Dutch use phrases and vocabulary more effectively. For the beginner, it provides all the grammar really needed for speech and comprehension.:Based on the premise that systematic study of grammar is a shortcut to language learning, Essential Dutch Grammar helps you acquire fluency by emphasizing the strong similarities between English and Dutch, and by concentrating on essentials: spelling, word order, articles and nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, verbs, conjunctions and prepositions--all illustrated by easy-to-understand examples.While explaining how to avoid complicated sentence constructions, tell time and use idioms, the book provides dozens of useful expressions, four detailed appendices on verbs, and a handy glossary of grammatical terms. Whether you're just beginning the study of Dutch or need a handy refresher course, Essential Dutch Grammar offers a modern, streamlined approach that will enable you to master Dutch in the shortest possible time.

Historia de Mayta (Biblioteca Breve Ser.)

by Mario Vargas Llosa

«La historia de Mayta es incomprensible separada de su tiempo y lugar, aquellos años en que, en América Latina, se hizo religión la idea, entre impacientes, aventureros e idealistas (yo fui uno de ellos), de que la libertad y la justicia se alcanzarían a tiros de fusil.» Mario Vargas Llosa Mario Vargas Llosa nos arrastra con su prosa hacia Mayta, protagonista de una intentona revolucionaria trotskista que en la novela acontece en 1958. La reconstrucción de la historia de este personaje se lleva a cabo mediante los testimonios de aquellos que lo conocieron y la posterior confrontación de este relato, cargado de subjetivismo, con la realidad. El resultado solo podrá tener un claro regusto amargo y tragicómico. Así, aparte de conocer a un hombre, personificación de la marginalidad, hijo de un periodo de pasiones políticas y conflictos ideológicos, sabremos también de un momento clave en el devenir de América Latina, un tiempo sombrío, tiempo de reivindicación violenta de los deseos y los derechos, y, finalmente, comprenderemos las limitaciones de la verdad. Porque la historia procede de las ficciones personales. Y el lenguaje de la ficción traiciona inevitablemente la experiencia real. A menudo infravalorada, esta novela va mucho más allá de las lecturas políticas que en su momento la redujeron. Hoy, además, nos deleita con toda la altura literaria de Mario Vargas Llosa.

Interferenze lessicali

by Marina Sassu Frescura

This workbook deal with lexical interference in Italian and English ? the problem of 'false cognates,' words in one language that resemble words in another language but have different meanings. Aimed at correcting and preventing the most common errors caused by lexical interference and at expanding the student's vocabulary, it is intended for use by students with on or two years' training in Italian in high schools, universities, and community colleges. The workbook contains exercises on specific interferences, twelve recapitulation exercises, a section on interferences of lower frequency, and a set of exercises on which the student can work independently.

The Manuscript Tradition of Propertius

by The Estate of James Butrica

The elegist Sextus Propertius (ca 50-ca 16 BC) is generally reckoned among the most difficult of Latin authors. At the root of this difficulty lies a deeply corrupt text and uncertainty over the manuscript transmission; moreover, the manuscripts used in the standard editions of today have been selected without a comprehensive examination of the surviving copies. This study, the fullest survey of the manuscripts so far, considers the affiliation of more than 140 complete or partial witnesses and offers a thorough reassessment of the tradition. The principal novelty is the argument that six Renaissance copies represent an independent third witness to the archetype, revealing passages where corruptions, glosses, or medieval corrections are now accepted as the words of Propertius and suggesting that the archetype was far more corrupt than now commonly supposed. The study is in two parts. In Part One, after a survey of Propertius' fortuna in the Middle Ages, the author considers the affiliation and history of the known manuscripts and editions to 1502, then offers a text and revised apparatus of four elegies; in Part Two he presents detailed descriptions of 143 manuscripts, most of them from personal inspection.

Cathedral (Mandarin Edition)

by Raymond Carver

Cathedral is a collection of short stories that overflow with the danger, excitement, mystery and possibility of life. These similar stories, very skillful within their narrow limits, were written with a dry intensity, and moving, at their climaxes, from the commonplace to the unnerving.雷蒙德·卡弗是近年美国杰出的短篇小说家 六七十年代的美国社会动荡,思潮澎湃 作者从忧患困顿中脱颖而出 十年间发表了好几部集子 都属畅销 他的作品写的几乎全是社会中下阶层 失业无告 婚变心碎 贫病自弃之人 写作手法也颇为独特 人称"极简派"或"峻削派" 其作品曾多次获奖 屡屡被选做经典语文读本 并被译成二十多种文字 大教堂 是卡佛的短篇小说集 1983年出版后,日文版和英国版随即出版并被提名普利策奖 本书中文译本是首次授权出版,由青年作家,芝加哥大学文学博士肖铁倾心翻译

Elementary Modern Standard Arabic

by Peter F. Abboud

The Elementary Modern Standard Arabic Course (EMSA) is the premier introduction, for the English-speaking student, to the active written language of the contemporary Arab world. Expressly designed for the beginning student, the course is written by a team of Arabic language teachers consisting of native and non-native Arabic speakers, linguists and people whose primary interests are literature and allied areas. It implements an audio-lingual approach to language teaching while presenting the elements of Modern Standard Arabic as written and spoken in the contemporary Arab World. Volume 1 is complete in itself and presents a practical introduction to the writing system of Arabic and to its pronunciation, with reading and writing pronunciation drills. Thirty lessons provide a basic working knowledge of Arabic. Each lesson contains a text, a vocabulary, grammar and drills including oral and written comprehension passages. An Arabic-English glossary completes the volume. The co

A Grammar of Mam, a Mayan Language

by Nora C. England

This is the first full-length reference grammar of Mam, a Mayan language spoken today by over 400,000 people in the western highlands of Guatemala and the state of Chiapas, Mexico. The result of over three years of extensive fieldwork in Guatemala, A Grammar of Mam, a Mayan Language is based on the dialect of Mam spoken by 12,000 people in San Ildefonso Ixtahuacan in the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. England organizes A Grammar of Mam according to two complementary principles: to analyze Mam following basically traditional levels of grammatical description and to present material in such a way that the background information necessary for understanding each topic of discussion shall have been previously provided. Accordingly, England's analysis of the sound system and morphophonemic processes of Mam is followed by a description of the characteristics of root, inflectional, and derivational morphology. Chapters on phrase structure precede two chapters on sentence-level syntax. A Grammar of Mam is of particular interest in analyzing a Mayan language that is both syntactically and morphologically ergative and that is innovative in the direction of strengthening the ergative system. Indeed at all levels of linguistic organization Mam is innovative, and for this reason it is uniquely interesting both historically and theoretically.

Phonological Interpretation of Ancient Greek, The: A Pandialectal Analysis

by Vit Bubenik

This volume treats systematically the variation found in the successive stages of the development of all ancient Greek dialects. It combines synchronic approach, in which generative rules expound phonological divergencies between the systems of different dialects, with a diachronic statement of unproductive and mostly pan-Hellenic shifts.Professor Bubeník presents a phonetic description and structural phonemic analysis of the best-known variant--Classical Attic of the 5th century B.C.--and displays and contrasts the vocalic and consonantal inventories of all the other dialects classified according to their major groups. Derivational histories of individual dialects are examined in their juxtaposition, to ascertain which rules are shared by various dialects and which are dialect-specific. The pandialectal framework enables Bubeník to capture various relationships among genetically related dialects which are missed in atomistic and static treatments, and to show more convincingly the extent of their similarity and their systemic cohesion.This volume makes a significant contribution to both classical scholarship and current theory of language change by offering new analyses of a variety of phonological and morphophonemic problems presented by a dead language and its dialects.

Rainbow Troops (Mandarin Edition)

by Andrea Hirata

Ikal is a student at the poorest village school, which is under constant threat of closure. Ikal and his friends--a group nicknamed the Rainbow Troops--face threats from every angle: skeptical government officials, greedy corporations hardly distinguishable from the colonialism they've replaced, deepening poverty and crumbling infrastructure, and their own low self-confidence.But the students also have hope. 天虹战队小学 讲述了一个励志故事 在南太平洋上 有专为穷人而建的学校 条件简陋 资源匮乏 破洞比砖瓦还多 下雨天 老师要撑着香蕉叶上课 校长要卖菜为学生买课本 天才学生每天得游过鳄鱼栖息地上学 最有艺术细胞的孩子用零成本打造狂欢节演出......但他们的老师 拒绝了"前途美好"的工作 到这里教书 没有工资 靠做针线活赚取生活费 孩子们和老师一起 为了理想向命运宣战 亲身践行那句古老的格言 "那些没把你击垮的 最终只会让你更强大 "

Say It in Finnish (Dover Language Guides Say It Series)

by Dover

Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and other situations. Gives the English phrase, the foreign equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Also includes many supplementary lists, signs, and aids. All words are indexed.

Say It in Hungarian (Dover Language Guides Say It Series)

by Dover

Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and other situations. Gives the English phrase, the foreign equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Also includes many supplementary lists, signs, and aids. All words are indexed.

Say It in Japanese (Dover Language Guides Say It Series)

by Dover

Compact and comprehensive, this handy guide belongs in the pocket of every traveler. Built to hold up to years of use, it offers the easiest method ever devised for quickly finding the words, phrases, and sentences you need to communicate clearly. The book features over 2,200 up-to-date entries for any occasion; simple pronunciation transcriptions; numbered and indexed entries; quick word substitutions; and a handy bilingual glossary.

The Borrowers Avenged (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家逃离了阁楼里的囚禁生活 回到了模型村庄里的家 因为害怕普拉特夫妇再度前来 他们在斯皮勒的带领下搬迁到了教区长住宅 并遇到了一直居住在那里的博学多才的小人皮尔格林 在大家的帮助下 他们重新找到了适合居住的家园 和亨德瑞利舅舅一家比邻而居 普拉特夫妇心有不甘地继续到处搜寻小人的下落 复活节快到了 阿瑞埃蒂吃惊地发现普拉特夫妇来到了教堂 小人能逃过他们的追捕吗 那贪婪残酷的一对是如何受到惩罚的呢

English-Greek Dictionary: With a Supplement of Proper Names Including Greek Equivalents for Famous Names in Roman History

by S. C. Woodhouse

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Herodotus and Greek History (Routledge Revivals)

by John Hart

Herodotus has shaped our knowledge of life, religion, war and politics in ancient Greece immeasurably, as well as being one of the most entertaining of all Classical Greek authors: fascinating, perceptive, accessible and not at all pretentious. Herodotus and Greek History, first published in 1982, examines the themes and preoccupations which form the basis for Herodotus’ style of history. The Athenian nobility, important protagonists in the context of what we know of his sources; the human and divine forces, which Herodotus understood as influencing the course of history; and the concepts of character and motivation are all discussed. Herodotus’ treatment of religious belief and oracles, politics and war, and his portrayal of certain prominent individuals are specifically investigated. The final chapter situates Herodotus in his historical context. John Hart’s lucid, well-informed and lively discussion of Herodotus will be value to A-level candidates, school teachers, undergraduates, lecturers and curious non-classicists alike.

Hunger Of Memory: The Education Of Richard Rodriguez

by Richard Rodriguez

Hunger of Memory is the story of Mexican-American Richard Rodriguez, who begins his schooling in Sacramento, California, knowing just 50 words of English, and concludes his university studies in the stately quiet of the reading room of the British Museum. Here is the poignant journey of a "minority student" who pays the cost of his social assimilation and academic success with a painful alienation - from his past, his parents, his culture - and so describes the high price of "making it" in middle-class America. Provocative in its positions on affirmative action and bilingual education, Hunger of Memory is a powerful political statement, a profound study of the importance of language . . . and the moving, intimate portrait of a boy struggling to become a man. From the Paperback edition. Note: The author uses British punctuation.

Hunger of Memory: An Autobiography

by Richard Rodriguez

Here is the poignant journey of a "minority student" who pays the cost of his social assimilation and academic success with a painful alienation -- from his past, his parents, his culture -- and so describes the high price of "making it" in middle-class America.

Say It in Russian (Dover Language Guides Say It Series)

by Dover

Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and other situations. Gives the English phrase, the foreign equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Also includes many supplementary lists, signs, and aids. All words are indexed.

The Chinese Particle Le: Discourse Construction and Pragmatic Marking in Chinese (Routledge Studies in Asian Linguistics)

by M.E. van den Berg G. Wu

Ever since the start of Chinese linguistic studies, the description of the Chinese particle LE has remained elusive. The classification has evolved from a listing of sentences and the discussion of contrastive pairs to a more context and discourse-oriented analysis. The development in recent years of inferential models and situation semantics has opened the way for a renewed study of the use of the Chinese particle LE. This book discusses the Chinese data from a 'mental space' perspective and finally reveals the role so-called Chinese 'sentence LE' plays in the construction and maintenance of discourse.

English Made Simple: A Complete, Step-by-Step Guide to Better Language Skills (Made Simple)

by Arthur Zeiger Arthur Waldhorn

For almost four decades, Made Simple books have set the standard for continuing education and home study. In answer to the changing needs of today's marketplace, the Made Simple series for the '90s presents a thoroughly up-to-the-minute portfolio of skills, information, and experience, with revised and updated editions of bestselling titles, plus a whole range of new subjects from personal finance to office management to desktop publishing.

French Made Simple

by E. Jackson A. Rubio

This is as complete beginner's course in French which covers the requirements of the various GCSE examination syllabuses, and provides a good background to the language for students on RSA and other similar courses. The approach is designed to be of particular value for further education and self-study purposes.

Say It in Hindi (Dover Language Guides Say It Series)

by Dover

Contains over 1,000 useful sentences and phrases for travel or everyday living abroad: food, shopping, medical aid, courtesy, hotels, travel, and other situations. Gives the English phrase, the foreign equivalent, and a transliteration that can be read right off. Also includes many supplementary lists, signs, and aids. All words are indexed.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (Mandarin Edition)

by Raymond Carver

In his second collection of stories, as in his first, Carver's characters are peripheral people--people without education, insight or prospects, people too unimaginative to even give up. Carver celebrates these men and women. 当我们谈论爱情时我们在谈论什么 是雷蒙德·卡佛优秀的短篇小说集 由17篇短篇小说组成 讲述了如餐馆女招待,锯木厂工人,修车工,推销员和汽车旅馆管理员等社会底层的体力劳动者的生活 这些普通人有着普通人的愿望 做着再普通不过的事情 但他们发现自己在为生存而挣扎 无法达到在常人看来并不远大的人生目标 他们的生活中充满了窘困和不如意 婚姻破裂 失业 酗酒 破产 卡佛用"极简"的遣词,冷静疏离的叙事 表现了现代社会中人的边缘性以及现代人脆弱的自我意识 本书的出版 为美国短篇小说写作注入了新的生命 并为卡佛赢得了"美国的契诃夫"的称号 使他成为美国继海明威之后受到模仿最多的作家

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