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Fairyland: A Memoir of My Father

by Alysia Abbott

Finalist for a Lambda Literary Award and a San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year In this vibrant memoir, Alysia Abbott recounts growing up in 1970s San Francisco with Steve Abbott, a gay, single father during an era when that was rare. Reconstructing their time together from a remarkable cache of Steve’s writings, Alysia gives us an unforgettable portrait of a tumultuous, historic period in San Francisco as well as an exquisitely moving account of a father’s legacy and a daughter’s love.

The (Mis)Representation of Queer Lives in True Crime

by Abbie E. Goldberg, Danielle C. Slakoff, and Carrie L. Buist

This book examines the representation and misrepresentation of queer people in true crime, addressing their status as both victims and perpetrators in actual crime, as well as how the media portrays them. The chapters apply an intersectional perspective in examining criminal cases involving LGBTQ people, as well as the true crime media content surrounding the cases. The book illuminates how sexual orientation, gender, race, and other social locations impact the treatment of queer people in the criminal legal system and the mass media. Each chapter describes one or more high-profile criminal cases involving queer people (e.g., the murders of Brandon Teena and Kitty Genovese; serial killer Aileen Wuornos; the Pulse nightclub mass shooting). The authors examine how the cases are portrayed in the media via news, films, podcasts, documentaries, books, social media, and more. Each chapter discusses not only what is visible or emphasized by the media but also what is invisible in the accounting or societal focus surrounding the case. Lesser-known (but similar) cases are used in the book to call attention to how race, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, social class, and/or other features influence the dominant narrative surrounding these cases. Each chapter addresses "teachable moments" from each case and its coverage, leaving readers with several considerations to take with them into the future. The book also provides media resources and supplemental materials so that curious readers, including scholars, students, content creators, and advocates, can examine the cases and media content further. The book will appeal to scholars and students of criminology, psychology, sociology, law, media studies, sexuality studies, and cultural studies, and people with an interest in true crime.

Âme sœur disparue

by Myriam Abbas Dirk Greyson

Le loup-garou Falco Gladstone avait su que Carter McCloud était son âme sœur quand ils étaient en cinquième, mais l’école et le système de foyers d’accueil les avaient séparés brutalement. Des années plus tard, Falco est le numéro deux de sa meute dans le Michigan, au service d’un oncle qui se soucie davantage de son pouvoir que du bien-être de leur peuple. L’alpha ordonne à Falco de se marier et d’avoir une descendance – mais Falco a déjà trouvé son âme sœur, et les âmes sœurs sont éternelles. La vie solitaire de Carter est bouleversée quand il détecte une odeur familière apportée par le vent. Les âmes sœurs se sont peut-être retrouvées, mais leur bonheur éternel est loin d’être garanti. L’engagement de Falco envers Carter le met en désaccord avec les plans de son oncle, mais quand un des exécuteurs de l’alpha commence à prendre le couple en filature, quelque chose doit être fait. Quelque chose qui renforcera leur relation ou la détruira une fois pour toutes.

Fuir ou se battre

by Myriam Abbas Dirk Greyson

Le Comté de Hartwick, dans le Dakota du Sud, signifie un nouveau départ pour Mackenzie Redford surnommé « Mack ». La vie dans une grande ville n’a pas été ce qu’il en attendait, et maintenant il est de retour chez lui où il officie en tant que shérif. Brantley Calderone est aussi à la recherche d’une nouvelle vie. Après avoir quitté New York et acheté un ranch, il s’installe et s’habitue à vivre à un rythme différent – jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre un cadavre sous son porche et se retrouve être le principal suspect du meurtre. Mack et Brantley se rendent rapidement compte de plusieurs choses : quelqu’un essaie d’incriminer Brantley ; il n’est plus en sécurité seul dans son ranch ; et il y a une attirance manifeste qui se développe entre eux qui ne fait que croître lorsque Mack propose à Brantley de séjourner chez lui. Mais tandis que leur romance s’intensifie, le tueur en fait de même. Ils devront garder un coup d’avance et découvrir qui veut tuer Brantley avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Ce ne sera qu’à ce moment-là qu’ils pourront commencer la nouvelle vie qu’ils recherchent tous les deux – ensemble.

Faire table rase (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #7)

by Myriam Abbas Charlie Cochet

Il est sexy. Il est dangereux. Et il ne se souvient de rien. En tant que propriétaire d’Apple’N Pies, Joe Applin mène une vie calme et sans histoire, satisfait de passer ses journées à servir des clients qui viennent de partout pour manger ses délicieuses tartes faites maison. Avec sa bande hétéroclite – Bea, Elsie et Donnie – Joe ne pourrait pas être plus heureux dans son petit royaume de pâtisseries et de café. L’expérience a appris à Joe que l’amour est surfait – et parfois, dangereux. Il n’a aucune intention de répéter ses erreurs passées. Mais il rencontre cet homme beau et mystérieux sans nom ni souvenirs, et Joe ne peut nier que quelque chose de doux se trame. Il n’est pas du genre à prendre des risques, pas avec son cœur et certainement pas avec sa vie, pourtant plus il passe de temps avec « Tom », plus il se rapproche de perdre les deux.

Prayers for Bobby

by Leroy Aarons

Bobby Griffith was an all-American boy ...and he was gay. Faced with an irresolvable conflict-for both his family and his religion taught him that being gay was "wrong"-Bobby chose to take his own life. <p> Prayers for Bobby, nominated for a 1996 Lambda Literary Award, is the story of the emotional journey that led Bobby to this tragic conclusion. But it is also the story of Bobby's mother, a fearful churchgoer who first prayed that her son would be "healed," then anguished over his suicide, and ultimately transformed herself into a national crusader for gay and lesbian youth. <P> As told through Bobby's poignant journal entries and his mother's reminiscences, Prayers for Bobby is at once a moving personal story, a true profile in courage, and a call to arms to parents everywhere.

Prayers for Bobby: A Mother's Coming to Terms with the Suicide of Her Gay Son

by Leroy Aarons

Bobby Griffith was an all-American boy ...and he was gay. Faced with an irresolvable conflict--for both his family and his religion taught him that being gay was "wrong"--Bobby chose to take his own life. Prayers for Bobby, nominated for a 1996 Lambda Literary Award, is the story of the emotional journey that led Bobby to this tragic conclusion. But it is also the story of Bobby's mother, a fearful church goer who first prayed that her son would be "healed," then anguished over his suicide, and ultimately transformed herself into a national crusader for gay and lesbian youth. As told through Bobby's poignant journal entries and his mother's reminiscences, Prayers for Bobby is at once a moving personal story, a true profile in courage, and a call to arms to parents everywhere.

All I Want for Christmas… Is No Christmas (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Colton Aalton

Alec Ryder's arrest in Aspen, early on the morning of December twenty-fifth, is the latest disaster in his series of unhappy Christmases. He's dreaded the holiday since being subjected to endless church services as a child. Being kicked out on Christmas Day after he came out to his parents, followed by an improbable series of yearly yuletide trips to the emergency room, haven't made his Christmases any merrier. But getting busted for prostitution is the worst catastrophe; it means Alec's dream of a college degree is gone, replaced by the specter of jail time. Just when Alec thinks things can't get worse, Hayden Adler shows up to interrogate him. Hayden is a glamorous attorney who also happens to be Alec's college roommate's cousin. Alec's had a crush on Hayden for years, but whatever miniscule chance Alec might've had is now history--just like the life he's been trying to build for himself. But things aren't quite what they seem. In a long line of miserable Christmases, Alec will never forget this one, although not for the reasons he suspects.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."


by C. S ルイス

少し危険な仕事のために軍を離れたのは、ネイサン·マンソンが探していた全てだった。強くて時々横柄なネーサンは、すぐに彼が頭の上にいるのに気づいた。製薬業界の巨人である強力なアーサー·マディソンに雇われ、彼はアーサーの最大の資産の最高の責任者に置かれました:アーサーの一人息子、クリスチャン、マディソンの財産の相続人を保護します。    相続人の邸宅への攻撃はすぐに彼の人生とクリスチャンを危険にさらします。ネイサンは跡取り相続人を救うために、彼の訓練と技術をすべてテストに入れなければならない。ネイサンは能力があり準備ができているにもかかわらず、彼が若い男に対して感じる感情と愛情は、彼を殺すのに間違いない。    彼はクリスチャン、彼の心を盗んだ人を救うために、これらの非常に感情を脇に置く必要があります。

Trans Historical: Gender Plurality before the Modern

Trans Historical explores the plurality of gender experiences that flourished before the modern era, from Late Antiquity to the eighteenth century, across a broad geographic range, from Spain to Poland and Byzantium to Boston. Refuting arguments that transgender people, experiences, and identities were non-existent or even impossible prior to the twentieth century, this volume focuses on archives—literary texts, trial transcripts, documents, and artifacts—that denaturalize gender as a category. The volume historicizes the many different social lives of sexual differentiation, exploring what gender might have been before modern medicine, the anatomical sciences, and the sedimentation of gender difference into its putatively binary form.The volume's multidisciplinary group of contributors consider how individuals, communities, and states understood and enacted gender as a social experience distinct from the assignment of sex at birth. Alongside historical questions about the meaning of sexual differentiation, Trans Historical also offers a series of diverse meditations on how scholars of the medieval and early modern periods might approach gender nonconformity before the nineteenth-century emergence of the norm and the normal. Contributors: Abdulhamit Arvas, University of Pennsylvania; Roland Betancourt, University of California, Irvine; M. W. Bychowski, Case Western Reserve University; Emma Campbell, Warwick University; Igor H. de Souza, Yale University; Leah DeVun, Rutgers University; Micah James Goodrich, University of Connecticut; Alexa Alice Joubin, George Washington University; Anna Kłosowska; Greta LaFleur; Scott Larson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Kathleen Perry Long, Cornell University; Robert Mills, University College London; Masha Raskolnikov; Zrinka Stahuljak, UCLA.

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