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Leveraging Action to Support Dissemination of Pregnancy Weight Gain Guidelines

by Food and Nutrition Board Committee on Implementation of the IOM Pregnancy Weight Gain Guidelines Anne Brown Rodgers Ann L. Yaktine Institute of Medicine Board on Children, Youth, and Families National Research Council

Since 1990, when the last guidelines for weight gain during pregnancy were issued, the average body weight of women entering their childbearing years has increased considerably, with a greater percentage of these women now classified as overweight or obese. Women of childbearing age are also more likely to have chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes and to be at risk for poor maternal and child health outcomes. All of these factors increase the likelihood of poor pregnancy outcomes for women and their infants. As part of the continuing effort of The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the National Research Council (NRC) to promote the revised pregnancy weight gain guidelines recommended in their 2009 study Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Reexamining the Guidelines, the IOM and NRC convened a workshop in March, 2013, to engage interested stakeholders, organizations, and federal agencies in a discussion of issues related to encouraging behavior change that would reflect the updated guidelines on weight gain during pregnancy. During the workshop, the IOM and NRC presented newly developed information resources to support guidance based on the recommendations of the 2009 report. Leveraging Action to Support Dissemination of the Pregnancy Weight Gain Guidelines summarizes the workshop's keynote address and the various presentations and discussions from the workshop, highlighting issues raised by presenters and attendees. Interested stakeholders, organizations, health professionals, and federal agencies met to discuss issues related to encouraging behavior change that would reflect the updated guidelines on weight gain during pregnancy. This report discusses conceptual products as well as products developed for dissemination, ways to facilitate and support behavior change to achieve healthy weight pre- and postpregnancy, and how to put the weight gain guidelines into action to implement change.

Deadly Drive (Surviving Southside)

by Justine Fontes

When Rob and Gabi skip school with two friends, the group makes a terrible mistake. Rob and his friends end up in a deadly accident, and suddenly Rob's world has changed. The girl of his dreams is even blaming him for what happened. Will Rob be able to deal with the pain?

How to Teach Meditation to Children: A Practical Guide to Techniques and Tips for Children Aged 5-18

by David Fontana Ingrid Slack Amber Hatch

This is a new edition of the classic guide to teaching meditation to children – one of the first and still one of the best in terms of clarity, practicality and usability. Avoiding religious terminology, it's aimed at both parents and teachers and explains the varying techniques for working with children in different age groups (from 5 upward), offering a wide range of easy-to-follow and effective exercises. The book explains the benefits of meditation for children, from relieving shyness, anxiety and tension to reducing hyperactivity, aggression and impatience. Meditation has also proved helpful when treating asthma, insomnia and depression, and in improving concentration, establishing emotional balance and enhancing imagination and creativity. In fact, meditation is one of the best tools we can offer children to help them cope with the intensity of their feelings and ease the pressures in their lives – among family, with friends and at school. It gives even very young children power over their thinking and emotions through enhanced self-understanding and is incredibly valuable in helping adolescents to navigate the emotional peaks and valleys of the transition from childhood to adulthood. The edition will be given a new foreword by a prominent child psychologist, and a design that highlights the exercises and makes the text even easier to navigate.

Teaching Meditation To Children

by David Fontana Ingrid Slack

"This book is for adults, and explains how to introduce children to meditation. The idea of teaching meditation to children is relatively new to the Western world, but in the East meditation has long been accepted as an essential part of early education, laying down skills which are of lifelong benefit. The book is intended for all adults who wish to teach meditation to children. That includes parents, school-teachers, youth leaders, social workers, psychologists, church workers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and anyone who has contact with children in an official capacity and who wishes to help them make the best use of their extraordinary minds. This book is based upon our own experience as psychologists who have worked extensively with children, and who have written about and taught meditation to all age groups. Children are impressionable human beings, and very much open to direction and influence by adults. Thus any attempt to introduce them to meditation must be done sensitively and wisely (we have more to say about this in Chapter 2), and must empower them not only to meditate, but also to judge the usefulness of meditation for themselves. This ability to judge will allow them to decide whether or not meditation is right for them. Of all activities, meditation is perhaps the one where success most depends upon voluntary participation. In addition, as meditation involves working with one's own mind, children should be given the right to accept or reject it as they think fit. This book is intended to help you to introduce children to meditation easily and effectively, and in the right spirit."

Creative Meditation & Visualisation

by David Fontana

The powerful combination of meditation and visualization can be harnessed as an extremely effective tool for achieving your goals in whatever sphere you choose.

Life Beyond Death

by David Fontana

Most people in the world believe in some form of life after death, but what exactly is the nature of the afterlife? David Fontana examines all the extensive evidential material that has been accumulated over time--including communication through mediums and accounts from those who had near-death and out-of-body experiences--and compares them to descriptions found in such mystical texts as The Tibetan Book of the Dead and The Egyptian Book of the Dead. He explores the whole area of human consciousness and considers the question: if the body and the brain perish at death, what remains to survive? From the various ideas of paradise to the very meaning of existence, this is a journey through infinite possibilities.

The Meditation Handbook

by David Fontana

Meditation balances psychological well being and physical health to promote inner peace. The Meditation Handbookoffers a comprehensive overview of both modern and traditional techniques used to arrive at this state of personal harmony. Written in accessible language, this practical guide covers it all: relaxation and dealing with daily stress; attaining greater concentration and awareness; achieving self-discovery and self-acceptance; and spiritual development. A final chapter discusses the nature of enlightenment and the mysteries of life and death. Whether you're just curious or looking to expand your established routine, here you will find the essential details necessary to continue your quest.

You Can Understand Your Dreams

by David Fontana

You Can Understand Your Dreams is a practical, hands-on guide to using our dreams to bring greater fulfilment into our waking lives. Drawing upon traditional Jungian analysis and techniques developed for his dream workshops, Professor David Fontana presents a series of nearly 30 exercises designed to improve the quality of dreams by making them more vivid and revealing, opening a path of step-by-step self-discovery and self-enrichment. His numerous methods include contacting the dream world via the technique of recall or keeping a dream diary, combining extraordinary insight with practicality. Fontana also suggests effective methods for remembering dreams, interpreting them, and decoding the vital messages they bring from the subconscious. He explains how dreams can help you to deal better with anxieties and enhance your personal relationships, and concludes with an A-Z directory of dream symbols and their meanings. This essential book teaches you everything you need to know about the dream world, taking you on an unforgettable journey from learning about the history of dreams to becoming a fulfilled dreamer.

Finding Magic in the Mess: A Path to Greater Presence and More Joy, One Parenting Moment at a Time

by Steven Fonso

A supportive guide for busy parents who want to connect more and stress less.In our stressed-out culture, too many parents are just coping rather than thriving, juggling demands on their time and energy, and tuning out their inner voices and deeper visions for family life in order to keep their heads above water. There is a better way.Coaching parents through his holistic health practice, Dr. Steven Fonso has helped thousands of families reconnect with what matters most: slowing down to savor authentic moments of connection and letting go of the noise and stress that all too often get in the way.In this reflective and heartfelt guide, you'll find insights and advice for bringing your best self to every parenting challenge, great and small, with greater awareness, authenticity, and grace. Topics include: * recognizing our old patterns--and interrupting them * seeing our kids as teachers, and following their lead to experience more presence and joy * letting go of the need to be perfect--and the expectation that our kids should be, too * reframing challenges as an opportunity to grow--within ourselves and together as a familyAs calming as a talk with a dear friend, this deceptively simple book turns parenting "truths" upside down to reveal a path to greater presence and connection.

Alone Together: A Curious Exploration of Loneliness (Orca Think #12)

by Petti Fong

The world is facing an epidemic of loneliness. The COVID-19 pandemic taught us new words, like isolation, quarantine and social distancing. In places like the UK and Japan, governments have appointed ministers of loneliness to examine the problem and find ways to help their citizens. What does it mean to be lonely, and what can we do about it? Alone Together explores what superheroes can teach us about being alone, the ways kids have survived on their own and how activists in the civil rights movement took a stand against loneliness. Discover what comfort foods, sweatpants and being kind to each other have to do with loneliness. Based on the podcast of the same name. Readers will learn about loneliness and how being alone can ultimately bring us closer together.

Extreme Medicine: How Exploration Transformed Medicine in the Twentieth Century

by Kevin Fong

Anesthesiologist, intensive care expert, and NASA adviser Kevin Fong explores how physical extremes push human limits and spawn incredible medical breakthroughsLittle more than one hundred years ago, maps of the world still boasted white space: places where no human had ever trod. Within a few short decades the most hostile of the world’s environments had all been conquered. Likewise, in the twentieth century, medicine transformed human life. Doctors took what was routinely fatal and made it survivable. As modernity brought us ever more into different kinds of extremis, doctors pushed the bounds of medical advances and human endurance. Extreme exploration challenged the body in ways that only the vanguard of science could answer. Doctors, scientists, and explorers all share a defining trait: they push on in the face of grim odds. Because of their extreme exploration we not only understand our physiology better; we have also made enormous strides in the science of healing.Drawing on his own experience as an anesthesiologist, intensive care expert, and NASA adviser, Dr. Kevin Fong examines how cuttingedge medicine pushes the envelope of human survival by studying the human body’s response when tested by physical extremes. Extreme Medicine explores different limits of endurance and the lens each offers on one of the systems of the body. The challenges of Arctic exploration created opportunities for breakthroughs in open heart surgery; battlefield doctors pioneered techniques for skin grafts, heart surgery, and trauma care; underwater and outer space exploration have revolutionized our understanding of breathing, gravity, and much more. Avant-garde medicine is fundamentally changing our ideas about the nature of life and death.Through astonishing accounts of extraordinary events and pioneering medicine, Fong illustrates the sheer audacity of medical practice at extreme limits, where human life is balanced on a knife’s edge. Extreme Medicine is a gripping debut about the science of healing, but also about exploration in its broadest sense—and about how, by probing the very limits of our biology, we may ultimately return with a better appreciation of how our bodies work, of what life is, and what it means to be human.

Extreme Medicine

by Kevin Fong

Anesthesiologist, intensive care expert, and NASA adviser Kevin Fong explores how physical extremes push human limits and spawn incredible medical breakthroughs.

Shape Up Sisters!: What It Took for My Town in One of America's Fattest and Poorest States to Lose 15,000 Pounds

by Linda Fondren

Linda Fondren, one of 11 children born to a single mother in the poorest and fattest state in America, watched the consequences of obesity ruin her sister's life—and was motivated to open an all-female gym in her hometown of Vicksburg, MS, with the motto "positively reshaping women." Then, witnessing how many middle- and low-income Vicksburg residents were brought up short in their fitness and health efforts by limited budgets, time, and access to resources, Fondren responded by striking at the root problem. In 2009, she spearheaded Shape Up Vicksburg, a City Hall–supported program in which she convinced the local hospital to offer free health screenings, restaurants to create healthy low-cal menu options, and Walmart to host weigh-in stations. Fondren signed up more than 2,500 Vicksburg residents to take charge of their health and nutrition—many of them for the first time. They lost more than 15,000 pounds.Shape Up Sisters! is a get-healthy prescription for regular people with jobs, budgets, and real-life challenges. Fondren offers tactics to incorporate exercise into daily activities, delicious recipes and menus to for eating healthfully on a budget, and motivation for a major attitude shift. She wraps it all in her empowering personal story and the uplifting tales of women who have changed their lives by following her simple strategies.With Fondren's approachable personality and practical advice, Shape Up Sisters! is both an easy-to-use guide and a bold statement in the greater national narrative about improving health and weight loss across socioeconomic lines.

Chakra Healing for Vibrant Energy: Exploring Your 7 Energy Centers with Mindfulness, Yoga, and Ayurveda

by Michelle S. Fondin

Tap into your body’s vital source of energy and wellness Positioned along the spinal axis, from the tailbone to the crown of the head, the seven main energy centers of the body are called chakras. Author Michelle Fondin explores and explains each one in the seven chapters of this book, demystifying their role in facilitating healing, balance, personal power, and everyday well-being. She offers meditations and visualizations, yoga postures, breathing exercises, and Ayurvedic dietary practices to learn about and work with the chakras. You may choose to follow the healing practices for seven days, devoting one day to each chakra; for seven weeks, focusing on each chakra for a week at a time; or at your own pace, spending as long as you need on each chakra. Whether you are experiencing an illness brought on by imbalance, feeling sluggish because of seasonal changes, or simply wishing to deepen your study of the subtle body, you will find healing and rejuvenation while discovering the power of these vibrant energy vortices, your chakras.

The Wheel of Healing with Ayurveda

by Michelle S. Fondin

Build Optimal Energy and Health in Body, Mind, and Spirit Ever wondered why you're feeling out of balance, stressed-out, sick, and exhausted but still can't sleep? Western medicine often ignores the underlying issues that can lead to fatigue, illness, and disease, but there is a way to revitalize your body and mind without drugs or dangerous side effects. Ayurveda, the "science of life," is a complete wellness system that includes all that we associate with medical care -- prevention of disease, observation, diagnosis, and treatment -- as well as self-care practices that are generally absent from Western medicine. This truly holistic approach considers not just diet, exercise, and genetics but also relationships, life purpose, finances, environment, and past experiences. In this thorough and practical book, Michelle Fondin guides you gently through self-assessment questions designed to zero in on your needs and the best practices for addressing them, such as eating plans, addiction treatment, detoxification, and techniques for improving relationships. She outlines easy steps you can take, with minimal cost, to heal common ailments such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, excess weight, anxiety, and depression. These time-tested methods for body, mind, and spirit wellness offer benefits to anyone at any age.

Where Wonder Lives: Practices for Cultivating the Sacred in Your Daily Life

by Fabiana Fondevila

Take a journey by map through your inner landscape to discover a life of awe, enchantment, and radical aliveness • Explains how experiencing awe and wonder can transform our lives, leading us to feel more satisfied, peaceful, and open to others • Offers contemporary and time-honored practices--from mindfulness to dreamwork and working with plants--that help you reconnect with Nature and your imagination, open your heart, and find vitality and enchantment • Explores ways of examining and embracing our shadow, deepening our relationships, and creating meaningful personal rituals Where Wonder Lives invites you on a journey, an expedition through your own inner landscape to reawaken to the mystery of life. The travels are by way of an imaginary map through 9 distinct territories. In each, you explore the terrain, then are led to a rich set of contemporary and time-honored practices--from mindfulness to dreamwork, cloudscapes, and working with plants--that help you rebuild a life of vitality, connection, and enchantment. There is no prescribed order in which to explore the map. Rather, the invitation is to begin at the territory that calls to you, or perhaps that which is most challenging. Each territory reflects and amplifies the others, and you will instinctively arrive at the practices that you need most. The Jungle delves into our original deep kinship with Nature and helps you rekindle your inner wildness. The Garden takes you on a journey through your senses, and the River unfurls your imagination. The Mountaintop presents a bird&’s-eye view of your life, while the Swamp delves into your inner shadow and delivers gold. The Village helps us deepen our bonds and relationships, the Lighthouse teaches us to quiet our minds, and the Fire inspires us to create meaningful ceremonies and personal rituals. The Ocean looks into the topography of the heart and offers practices to awaken the heart&’s most powerful emotions: awe, joy, compassion, gratitude, and love, the mother of them all. Throughout the journey you are immersed in a world of wonder and awe, discovering new possibilities for learning and expansion in ordinary life. Face to face with the mystery of life, Where Wonder Lives makes you feel at once both infinitely small and part of a vast, unfathomable universe--all while helping you to see the world anew.

Being a Teen

by Jane Fonda

This thorough, concise guide offers straight talk about: * The male and female body as it changes and matures. * Teen relationships: what it takes to create happy, supportive, positive, and meaningful connections with family, friends, and others. * Identity empowerment: how to be authentic and thrive in today's world. * Sex and sexuality for boys and girls: how teens should take care of their bodies, embrace their experiences, and strengthen self-esteem. * Strategies for working through the toughest challenges, including bullying, sexual abuse, eating disorders, pregnancy, and more.

Prime Time. Mis mejores años: Love, Health, Sex, Fitness, Friendship, Spirit - Making The Most Of All Of Your Life

by Jane Fonda

Aprovecha al máximo tu vida. En este libro inspirador y sincero, Jane Fonda, la exitosa actriz y autora, nos brinda una guía para sacar lo mejor de nosotras mismas y de nuestra vida, sobre todo, en su segunda mitad. Prime time cubre todos los temas que necesitas para sentirte joven y feliz: amor, sexo, alimentación, ejercicio, vida espiritual y autoconocimiento, de la A a la Z. Jane Fonda explora cómo a partir de los 50 años, las mujeres pueden seguir siendo enérgicas, amorosas y rodeadas de gente que las aprecia. Un libro con imágenes inspiradoras de los mejores momentos de Jane Fonda, sobre todo, durante su vida adulta. Enfocada en nuevas investigaciones y en experiencias de su vida y la de sus seres queridos, Jane Fonda explora cómo los años críticos en la vida de una mujer -de los 45 a los 50 y, especialmente a partir de los 60- pueden convertirse en una etapa llena de energía, amor y completa, junto a las personas que más queremos. Al hablar de los once ingredientes vitales para llevar una buena vida, Jane Fonda invita a las lectoras a llevar una vida más intuitiva, sana e integrada; una vida más profunda y en contacto con nosotras mismas, con nuestros cuerpos, mentes y espíritus pero de igual forma, con nuestro talento, nuestras amistades y nuestras comunidades. Mientras escribía este libro, Jane Fonda descubrió dos metáforas que se convirtieron en visiones de vida: el arco y la escalera. Jane enseña a las lectoras cómo vivir en un continuo ascenso, como una escalera pero también, cómo entender las décadas tempranas de tu vida a partir de un repaso de nuestra vida, a manera de un arco. El tiempo, dice Jane, es un regalo y este libro es una herramienta para responder a la pregunta, ¿qué hacer con ese regalo que nos da la vida?

The Economics of Health and Health Care: Pearson New International Edition

by Sherman Folland Allen Charles Goodman Miron Stano

For courses in Health Economics, U.S. Health Policy/Systems, or Public Health, taken by health services students or practitioners, the text makes economic concepts the backbone of its health care coverage. Folland, Goodman and Stano's book is the bestselling Health Care Economics text that teaches through core economic themes, rather than concepts unique to the health care economy. This edition contains revised and updated data tables, where applicable. The advent of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in 2010 has also led to changes in many chapters , most notably in the organization and focus of Chapter 16.

The Economics of Health and Health Care: International Student Edition, 8th Edition

by Sherman Folland Allen Charles Goodman Miron Stano

Folland, Goodman, and Stano’s bestselling The Economics of Health and Health Care text offers the market-leading overview of all aspects of Health Economics, teaching through core economic themes, rather than concepts unique to the health care economy. The Eighth Edition of this key textbook has been revised and updated throughout, and reflects changes since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In addition to its revised treatment of health insurance, the text also introduces the key literature on social capital as it applies to individual and public health, as well as looking at public health initiatives relating to population health and economic equity, and comparing numerous policies across Western countries, China, and the developing world. It provides up-to-date discussions on current issues, as well as a comprehensive bibliography with over 1,100 references. Extra material and teaching resources are now also available through the brand new companion website, which provides full sets of discussion questions, exercises, presentation slides, and a test bank. This book demonstrates the multiplicity of ways in which economists analyze the health care system, and is suitable for courses in Health Economics, Health Policy/Systems, or Public Health, taken by health services students or practitioners.

The Economics of Health and Health Care (Seventh Edition)

by Sherman Folland Allen C. Goodman Miron Stano

A text that covers core economic themes as they relate to health care.

Positively Unstoppable: The Art of Owning It

by Mick Foley Diamond Dallas Page

World-renowned WWE Hall of Famer turned fitness guru Diamond Dallas Page wants to transform your life.After decades of helping others make radical transformations in health and fitness, Diamond Dallas knows what is really holding you back from profound life change. He has watched countless people take ownership of their lives, physically, mentally, and emotionally—and he has witnessed, time and again, the precise instant when a real and massive shift occurs in a person’s attitude. In Positively Unstoppable, he brings his understanding of what really moves people to change and own their lives. It begins when we discover what we really want, and then commit to follow the steps that will turn that goal into a reality. Regardless of where we are at in our lives, it’s possible to have a breakthrough. Filled with lessons from Page’s life that share his own struggle to find his calling, overcoming one obstacle after another, Positively Unstoppable is a bible for anyone who needs to be re-inspired to follow their dreams and take real action towards the things that matter most to them. Page’s gift of authenticity has helped him motivate those who may have lost hope, because he truly understands the incredible power of self-belief. Page includes powerful transformation stories, goal-setting guides, as well as a sample workout, eating plans and delicious gluten-free, non-GMO recipes from his wildly popular fitness program, DDPY. Positively Unstoppable is your roadmap to getting “unstuck” and taking the steps needed to create a healthy, magnificent life.

The Hardcore Diaries (Wwe Ser.)

by Mick Foley

The New York Times bestselling author Mick Foley returns to his fans favorite subject: Mick Foley and wrestling!What was I thinking? Another autobiography? A third? Who did I think I was, Winston Churchill? Why would I want to set my pen loose on hundreds of sheets of notebook paper unless I really felt I had something worth writing about? Besides, I had a wrestling comeback to prepare for, mentally and physically, provided I could get Vince McMahon and the WWE creative staff to embrace what I was sure was the single greatest storyline of my career. Then it hit me: the storyline. I would give WWE fans unprecedented access to World Wrestling Entertainment, covering everything from conception to completion. I would recount how I felt about specific interviews and matches, whether they helped or hurt. I would expose the backstage politics, shed some light on my rocky relationship with Vince McMahon, offer insights into my personal dealings with WWE Superstars, and tell stories about my favorite Divas. But I wasn't interested in writing just a wrestling book. I wanted to share moments from my personal life as well, from a humorous look at my unlikely dinner with polarizing neocon Paul Wolfowitz, to my haunting meeting with a severely burned boy in Afghanistan, to my peculiar obsession with a certain jolly old elf. I knew I could make the fans care about this storyline, provided I could once again find the passion to make the story come to life in arenas around the country and on television sets around the world. Most importantly, I had to ask myself a vital question, one upon which this whole idea, and therefore the book you hold, hinges: Was I willing to become the first voluntary member of the Vince McMahon "Kiss My Ass Club"? I sat on the idea for a few days, to let the idea ripen and mature in my mind, like a fine vintage wine, and to figure out if I was really willing to kiss his ass. I mean, literally kiss a man's ass. Sure, I'd been kissing the same guy's ass figuratively for a decade. But this was different. Did I really have the testicular fortitude required for such a task? In front of millions? Including my wife and kids? I made the call.

Skinny Cocktails

by Jaclyn Wilson Foley Ray Foley

More than 250 Tasty Low-Cal Cocktail Options There's nothing better than letting loose with friends and a few drinks, but whether you're planning on kicking back after a hectic day or glamming it up for a night out, the last thing you want to do is obsess about calories. Enjoy The Low-Cal Frangelini Melt My Heart Mojito Seven Skinny Sparkling Summer Spritzer Dandy ShandyWith no-fear recipes, easy-access calorie counts, and minimaldamage mixers, Skinny Cocktails is the must-have companion to a stress-free skinny life.

The Law of Life and Death

by Elizabeth Price Foley

Are you alive? What makes you so sure? Most people believe this question has a clear answer—that some law defines our status as living (or not) for all purposes. But they are dead wrong. In this pioneering study, Elizabeth Price Foley examines the many, and surprisingly ambiguous, legal definitions of what counts as human life and death. Foley reveals that “not being dead” is not necessarily the same as being alive, in the eyes of the law. People, pre-viable fetuses, and post-viable fetuses have different sets of legal rights, which explains the law's seemingly inconsistent approach to stem cell research, in vitro fertilization, frozen embryos, in utero embryos, contraception, abortion, homicide, and wrongful death. In a detailed analysis that is sure to be controversial, Foley shows how the need for more organ transplants and the need to conserve health care resources are exerting steady pressure to expand the legal definition of death. As a result, death is being declared faster than ever before. The "right to die," Foley worries, may be morphing slowly into an obligation to die. Foley’s balanced, accessible chapters explore the most contentious legal issues of our time—including cryogenics, feticide, abortion, physician-assisted suicide, brain death, vegetative and minimally conscious states, informed consent, and advance directives—across constitutional, contract, tort, property, and criminal law. Ultimately, she suggests, the inconsistencies and ambiguities in U.S. laws governing life and death may be culturally, and perhaps even psychologically, necessary for an enormous and diverse country like ours.

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