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Showing 28,026 through 28,050 of 39,799 results

La dieta de los colores

by Montse Folch

Una dieta sencilla, clara, efectiva y basada en la dieta mediterránea que te ayudará a perder peso mientras incorporas nuevos hábitos alimentarios saludables y luchas contra el envejecimiento. Salud, belleza, comodidad, sentirnos mejor con nuestro cuerpo, rejuvenecidos y más ágiles. Estos son los principales objetivos que nos fijamos cuando empezamos una dieta y, aunque son razones suficientes para comer de forma saludable durante el resto de nuestra vida, muchas veces acabamos arrinconándolas y recuperando las viejas costumbres. La mayoría de nosotros estamos sometidos a un ritmo de vida que nos dificulta prestar la atención necesaria a nuestro organismo y mimarlo para conseguir la mejor recompensa: el bienestar físico y psicológico. A los obstáculos cotidianos (poco tiempo para hacer la compra y cocinar, comer fuera de casa, comidas de compromiso, etc.), se suman unas dietas que, a menudo, exigen un alto nivel de sacrificio y son tan restrictivas que nos empujan a abandonar pronto. Por eso la dieta de los colores es sencilla y variada, porque una de sus máximas es hacer siempre de la comida un acto placentero y no convertirlo en algo penoso, lo que aumentaría mucho nuestras posibilidades de fracaso. El menú de nuestra dieta se divide en cuatro colores: rojo para las proteínas, vegetales y animales; verde para los vegetales; amarillo para el azúcar y los hidratos de carbono; y marrón para las grasas. Además, en el azul incluiremos los líquidos y los condimentos. Las mujeres seguirán la pauta 3 + 3 + 3 (tres alimentos del grupo rojo, tres del amarillo y tres del marrón) y los hombres la de 4 + 4 + 4 (cuatro de cada grupo). Y ahora la buena noticia: el grupo verde es de consumo libre en cantidades y raciones para ambos sexos. ¿A qué esperas para empezar la dieta de los colores y sentirte mejor, estar más delgado y retrasar tu envejecimiento?

La dieta dels colors: Com activar el teu metabolisme i mantenir-te en el teu pes, sa i jove

by Montse Folch

Una dieta senzilla, clara, efectiva i basada en la dieta mediterrània que t'ajudarà a perdre pes al tems que incorpores nous hàbits alimentaris saludables i lluites contra l'envelliment. Salut, bellesa, comoditat, sentir-nos millor amb el nostre cos, rejovenits i més àgils. Aquests són els principals objectius que ens fixem quan comencem una dieta i, tot i que són raons suficients per menjar de forma saludable durant la resta de les nostres vides, la realitat és que en general arraconem i recuperem els vells costums. La majoria de nosaltres estem sotmesos a un ritme de vida que ens fa difícil parar l'atenció necessària al nostre organisme i mimar-lo per aconseguir el benestar físic i psicològic. Als obstacles quotidians (poc temps per comprar i cuinar, àpats fora de casa, de compromís, etc.), s'hi afegeixen dietes que, sovint, exigeixen un alt nivell de sacrifici i són tan restrictives que ens fan abandonar benràpid. Per això la dieta dels colors és senzilla i variada, perquè una de les màximes és fer sempre del menjar un acte plaent i no convertir-lo en quelcom penós, cosa que augmentaria considerablement les nostres possibilitats de fallida. El menú de la nostra dieta es divideix en quatre colors: vermell per a les proteïnes, vegetals i animals; verd per als vegetals; groc per al sucre i els hidrats de carboni i marró per als greixos. A banda, en el blau inclourem els líquids i condiments. Les dones seguiran la pauta 3+3+3 (tres aliments del grup vermell, tres del groc i tres del marró) i els homes la 4+4+4 (quatre aliments de cada grup). I ara la bona notícia: el grup verd és de consum lliure en quantitats i racions per als dos sexes. A què esperes per començar la dieta dels colors i sentir-te millor, perdre els quilos que et sobren i endarrerir l'envelliment?

Lilias! Yoga: Your Guide to Enhancing Body, Mind, and Spirit in Midlife and Beyond

by Lilias Folan

Millions of Americans have turned to yoga to help them feel strong, healthy, and balanced. While traditional yoga poses and stretches can be a problem for stiffer, less pliable bodies, age should not limit your practice. Here, Lilias Folan-America's most beloved yoga teacher-introduces "yin" yoga, a specific, safe, and creative way to stretch and strengthen within each yoga posture. This unique technique can only be found within these pages. Whatever you're looking for at this time of life-wisdom, energy, bliss, or just a chance to feel better-Lilias will show you how to find it.

Lilias! Yoga

by Lilias Folan

Millions of Americans have turned to yoga to help them feel strong, healthy, and balanced. While traditional yoga poses and stretches can be a problem for stiffer, less pliable bodies, age should not limit your practice. Here, Lilias Folan-America's most beloved yoga teacher-introduces "yin" yoga, a specific, safe, and creative way to stretch and strengthen within each yoga posture. This unique technique can only be found within these pages. Whatever you're looking for at this time of life-wisdom, energy, bliss, or just a chance to feel better-Lilias will show you how to find it.

¿Quién dijo ansiedad?: Todo lo que necesitas saber para hacerle frente

by Marta Foix Judit Izquierdo

¿Por qué no me apetece hacer nada?¿Cómo evito estos pensamientos?Siento mucho miedo, ¿qué hago?¿Qué puedo hacer para qué no me afecte tanto la opinión de los demás?¿Por qué me cuesta tomar decisiones?¿Cómo me alejo de las relaciones tóxicas?Tengo mucho estrés en el trabajo, ¿cómo lo puedo gestionar?¿Quién me puede ayudar? Si te haces estas preguntas, esta guía es para ti. Pondrás nombre al torbellino de emociones que sientes. Comprenderás qué te ocurre. Encontrarás soluciones para cada situación. Harás frente a los síntomas. Aprenderás a anticipar las crisis. Y, ante todo, tendrás la oportunidad de conocer recursos y ejercicios prácticos que hasta ahora nadie te había contado.

The Bump Class: An Expert Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

by Marina Fogle Dr Chiara Hunt

"This is one of the best books I have read on the subject" The Sun"Fresh, witty and reassuringly down-to-earth" You MagazineFed up with advice that did not take into account a less than perfect pregnancy, Dr Chiara Hunt and Marina Fogle set up their pregnancy course, The Bump Class, in London in 2013. They wanted to help prepare new mothers thoroughly for the birth of their babies and instil in them the joy and happiness of birth, no matter what the method, time or setting of the labour.This book is a pragmatic and honest look at pregnancy, giving pregnant women and new mothers sensible and practical advice on what is to be expected (as well as the often unexpected!) in a friendly and open manner. Chiara and Marina believe that there is no such thing as a “normal” pregnancy or birth – every woman is different and that should be celebrated, not ignored.The Bump Class is filled with charming illustrations, impartial advice, style tips and hilarious anecdotes from both of the authors, as well as personal stories from the women who have been welcomed onto their course. This book will provide every pregnant woman with the support and reassurance that is so essential at the most crucial time in any woman’s life.

Traveling Blind: Life Lessons From Unlikely Teachers

by Laura Fogg

An Orientation and mobility instructor describes her teaching life and activities with her students.

The Jerusalem Parchment: A Kabbalist’s Search for an Esoteric Map in the Time of the Crusades

by Tuvia Fogel

A Novel of forbidden love and religious war in the quest to find the mysterious Parchment of Circles • Centers on the search for the Parchment of Circles, an ancient map said to lead to mystical wisdom that challenges the story of Christ’s resurrection, validates the Cathar faith, and serves as the Templars’ blackmail against the Church • Includes a complex cast of characters including a rabbi and nun who fall in love, St. Francis of Assisi, Knights Templar, the Pope, and the Sultan of Egypt Set in the 13th century, this sweeping historical novel opens on the island of Torcello, outside Venice, in 1219, after the Crusaders have lost possession of Jerusalem. Yehezkel, a young yet revered kabbalist and student of Maimonides, is on the island for a secret meeting of rabbis. He is chosen to travel to Jerusalem to seek definitive proof of the Talmud’s antiquity, a search that grows to include the hunt for the mysterious Parchment of Circles. This ancient map could not only help Yehezkel’s quest, but also lead to explosive evidence about Christ’s resurrection that would destroy the Roman Church. Before leaving the island, Yehezkel rescues a young Cistercian abbess from drowning in the Venetian Lagoon. Galatea, the beautiful nun, has been plagued by mystic visions and prophetic dreams throughout her life, leading her to become a devotee of Hildegard von Bingen. Driven by premonitions of an “enigma in Jerusalem,” she abandons her monastic life and the orthodoxy of the Church and joins Yehezkel on his pilgrimage. On the way to Jerusalem, after being shipwrecked on Crete, the two meet St. Francis of Assisi in Cyprus and join him across the lines of the Fifth Crusade in his attempt to convert the Sultan of Egypt. Over the year-long trip, they also fall in love. But the rabbi and the nun are not the only ones seeking the Parchment of Circles: The Pope sends his agents in search of it, and the Knights Templar are also in pursuit of the Parchment, for the ancient map serves as the Templars’ blackmail against the Church. What none of these deadly adversaries know is that the Parchment leads to an even more startling secret with profound religious significance for the future of humanity. It’s not a question of who finds it first, but who survives to unlock the Parchment’s secrets.

Explaining Long-Term Trends in Health and Longevity

by Robert W. Fogel

Explaining Long-Term Trends in Health and Longevity is a collection of essays by Nobel laureate Robert W. Fogel on the theory and measurement of aging and health-related variables. Dr. Fogel analyzes historic data on height, health, nutrition, and life expectation to provide a clearer understanding of the past, illustrate the costs and benefits of using such measures, and note the difficulties of drawing conclusions from data intended for different purposes. Dr. Fogel explains how the basic findings of the anthropometric approach to historical analysis have helped reinterpret the nature of economic growth. Rising life expectancies and lower disease rates in countries experiencing economic growth highlight the importance of improving nutrition and agricultural productivity.

The Green Elephant: The Healthcare Provider's Essential Guide to Understanding and Addressing Medical Cannabis and CBD

by Matthew Fogel Elizabeth Fogel Jean-Paul Dedam

The Ultimate Resource for Cannabis-Based Therapy Backed by extensive research and medical expertise, The Green Elephant is the all-in-one guidebook for healthcare professionals looking to educate themselves on cannabis therapy to better provide guidance to their patients. Delving into the history, biology, chemistry, and pharmacological effects of cannabis and CBD-based therapy, The Green Elephant also explores the equally important areas of ethics in practice, cannabis&’ legal history, and current regulatory status — all to enable healthcare professionals to better serve their patients.The Green Elephant provides healthcare professionals with much-needed information on dosing instructions, potential drug interactions, long- and shortterm treatment plans, and much more. Cannabis therapy has the exciting potential to help millions of patients better manage their symptoms and enjoy a higher quality of life. The time has come for all healthcare professionals to discuss this green &“elephant in the room.&”

Body Sense: The Science and Practice of Embodied Self-Awareness

by Alan Fogel

When we are first born, before we can speak or use language to express ourselves, we use our physical sensations, our "body sense," to guide us toward what makes us feel safe and fulfilled and away from what makes us feel bad. As we develop into adults, it becomes easy to lose touch with these crucial mind-body communication channels, but they are essential to our ability to navigate social interactions and deal with psychological stress, physical injury, and trauma. Combining a ground-up explanation of the anatomical and neurological sources of embodied self-awareness with practical exercises in touch and movement, provides therapists and their clients with the tools to attain mind-body equilibrium and cultivate healthy body sense throughout their lives.

Restorative Embodiment and Resilience: A Guide to Disrupt Habits, Create Inner Peace, Deepen Relationships, and Feel Greater Presence

by Alan Fogel

An expanded take on traditional Embodied Self-Awareness therapy, ideal for practitioners in all areas of body-focused work, including yoga, meditation, and somatic psychotherapyEmbodied Self-Awareness (ESA) is a somatic approach to treat trauma and other mental health concerns by helping people connect directly to thoughts, sensations, and emotions as they arise within the body. Here, psychologist Alan Fogel introduces Restorative ESA, an expansion of traditional ESA that incorporates three new and unique ESA states: Restorative, Modulated, and Dysregulated. Using a research-backed approach, Fogel explains their underlying neuroscience with concrete examples to illustrate how these states impact our personal and professional lives. Fogel shows that wellness is more than the ability to moderate one&’s inner state by regulating and tolerating emotions. By shi ing from states of doing to allowing, from activation to receptivity, and from thinking to felt experience, we can access the expansive power of the restorative state and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Real Collaboration: What It Takes for Global Health to Succeed

by William H. Foege Nancy Neill Margaret H. Mcintyre Elisabeth S. Hayes Mark L. Rosenberg

Essential reading for those who work in global health, this practical handbook focuses on what might be the most important lesson of the last fifty years: that collaboration is the best way to make health resources count for disadvantaged people around the world. Designed as a learning resource to catalyze fresh thinking, Real Collaboration draws from case studies of teams struggling to combat smallpox, river blindness, polio, and other health threats. In honest appraisals, participants share their missteps as well as their successes. Based on these stories, as well as on analyses of many other enterprises, this accessible, engaging book distills the critical factors that can increase the likelihood of success for those who are launching or managing a new partnership. * Features a solutions-oriented approach * Covers leadership skills, management approaches and lessons from experienced project teams * Information is clearly presented in graphics, sidebars, checklists, and other useful features * Supplementary teaching aids including a DVD and additional online resources

House on Fire: The Fight to Eradicate Smallpox

by William H. Foege

A story of courage and risk-taking, House on Fire tells how smallpox, a disease that killed, blinded, and scarred millions over centuries of human history, was completely eradicated in a spectacular triumph of medicine and public health. Part autobiography, part mystery, the story is told by a man who was one of the architects of a radical vaccination scheme that became a key strategy in ending the horrible disease when it was finally contained in India. In House on Fire, William H. Foege describes his own experiences in public health and details the remarkable program that involved people from countries around the world in pursuit of a single objective--eliminating smallpox forever. Rich with the details of everyday life, as well as a few adventures, House on Fire gives an intimate sense of what it is like to work on the ground in some of the world's most impoverished countries--and tells what it is like to contribute to programs that really do change the world.

Desperately Seeking Self

by Viola Fodor

This little book is a powerful reminder that your true nature is the most precious resource that you have to help yourself. Presented in the unique form of a dialogue between a therapist and a client, it encourages self-reflection and the daily practice of inner silence as powerful ways to nurture this true self and your full healing capacity. Tenets of psychology, philosophy, and spirituality are subtly woven into easily-understood messages of hope and change.

Minds without Meanings: An Essay on the Content of Concepts (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Jerry A. Fodor Zenon W. Pylyshyn

Two prominent thinkers argue for the possibility of a theory of concepts that takes reference to be concepts' sole semantic property.In cognitive science, conceptual content is frequently understood as the “meaning” of a mental representation. This position raises largely empirical questions about what concepts are, what form they take in mental processes, and how they connect to the world they are about. In Minds without Meaning, Jerry Fodor and Zenon Pylyshyn review some of the proposals put forward to answer these questions and find that none of them is remotely defensible.Fodor and Pylyshyn determine that all of these proposals share a commitment to a two-factor theory of conceptual content, which holds that the content of a concept consists of its sense together with its reference. Fodor and Pylyshyn argue instead that there is no conclusive case against the possibility of a theory of concepts that takes reference as their sole semantic property. Such a theory, if correct, would provide for the naturalistic account of content that cognitive science lacks—and badly needs. Fodor and Pylyshyn offer a sketch of how this theory might be developed into an account of perceptual reference that is broadly compatible with empirical findings and with the view that the mental processes effecting perceptual reference are largely preconceptual, modular, and encapsulated.

The Mind Doesn't Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computational Psychology

by Jerry Fodor

Jerry Fodor argues against the widely held view that mental processes are largely computations, that the architecture of cognition is massively modular, and that the explanation of our innate mental structure is basically Darwinian.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD

by Edna B. Foa Barbara Olasov Rothbaum Elizabeth A. Hembree

An estimated 70% of adults in the United States have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives. Though most recover on their own, up to 20% develop chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. For these people, overcoming PTSD requires the help of a professional. This guide gives clinicians the information they need to treat clients who exhibit the symptoms of PTSD. It is based on the principles of Prolonged Exposure Therapy, the most scientifically-tested and proven treatment that has been used to effectively treat victims of all types of trauma. Whether your client is a veteran of combat, a victim of a physical or sexual assault, or a casualty of a motor vehicle accident, the techniques and strategies outlined in this book will help. In this treatment clients are exposed to imagery of their traumatic memories, as well as real-life situations related to the traumatic event in a step-by-step, controllable way. Through these exposures, your client will learn to confront the trauma and begin to think differently about it, leading to a marked decrease in levels of anxiety and other PTSD symptoms. Clients are provided education about PTSD and other common reactions to traumatic events. Breathing retraining is taught as a method for helping the client manage anxiety in daily life. Designed to be used in conjunction with the corresponding client workbook, this therapist guide includes all the tools necessary to effectively implement the prolonged exposure program including assessment measures, session outlines, case studies, sample dialogues, and homework assignments. This comprehensive resource is an exceptional treatment manual that is sure to help you help your clients reclaim their lives from PTSD. Treatments That Work TM represents the gold standard of behavioral healthcare interventions! All programs have been rigorously tested in clinical trials and are backed by years of research A prestigious scientific advisory board, led by series Editor-In-Chief David H. Barlow, reviews and evaluates each intervention to ensure that it meets the highest standard of evidence so you can be confident that you are using the most effective treatment available to date Our books are reliable and effective and make it easy for you to provide your clients with the best care available Our corresponding workbooks contain psycho educational information, forms and worksheets, and homework assignments to keep clients engaged and motivated A companion website ( offers downloadable clinical tools and helpful resources Continuing Education (CE) Credits are now available on select titles in collaboration with Psycho Educational Resources, Inc. (PER)

Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for PTSD

by Edna B. Foa Barbara Olasov Rothbaum

In the U. S. alone, approximately 1. 5 million adult female survivors of rape are estimated to suffer from chronic PTSD. This invaluable book--informed by the latest research and written by two of the leading authorities in the field--provides a step-by-step guide to proven brief therapy techniques for treating traumatized women. Filling an urgent need of front-line practitioners working within managed care guidelines, the book includes numerous case examples illustrating sensitive and effective information-gathering and intervention, as well as explanations of how to cope with common problems and complications in treatment.

The 3-Apple-a-Day Plan

by Tammi Flynn

Learn the small-town diet secret that is sweeping the nation: add three apples a day to your diet and the weight will drop off! In the little town of Wenatchee, Washington, Tammi Flynn, nutrition director at the local Gold’s Gym, discovered a secret: when one of her clients, who had been stuck on a diet plateau, ate an apple before every meal and didn’t change anything else, she lost one and a half pounds of fat in just one week. Flynn tried it out with her other clients and saw wild results. Three hundred forty-six people lost more than 6,000 pounds in twelve weeks. That’s seventeen pounds per person! The 3-Apple-a-Day Planis a breakthrough weight loss program based on eating well from now on, and not feeling deprived. By combining balanced meals with exercise—and adding the fat-loss accelerator of three apples a day—the plan allows your body to maintain valuable muscle tissue (the key to metabolism) while shedding unwanted layers of fat. It is your foundation for permanent fat loss. The 3-Apple-a-Day Planis easy to read, easy to understand, and most important, easy to customize and incorporate into your lifestyle. Today, more than 150,000 people have lost weight with Tammi’s plan—and so can you! You will discover: -How to plan and prepare quick meals from over 100 delicious recipes -How to increase your metabolism to achieve permanent fat loss -The different between overfat and overweight -How and why apples are used as a fat loss supplement -Why men lose weight faster than women -Why the scale may sabotage your efforts to lose weight -Personal success stories and photos of people who have struggled with weight loss and won

Young People in Out-of-Home Care: Findings from the Ontario Looking After Children Project (Health and Society)

by Robert J. Flynn Meagan Miller Tessa Bell Barbara Greenberg Cynthia Vincent

La maltraitance est généralement considérée comme étant la forme d’adversité la plus grave à laquelle peuvent être confrontés les enfants et les adolescents. Les jeunes victimes de mauvais traitement qui présentent le niveau de risque le plus élevé sont susceptibles d’être prises en charge dans des structures extrafamiliales – familles d’accueil, soins intrafamiliaux, foyers de groupe ou vie autonome – pour leur propre protection. Young People in Out-of-Home Care est le compte rendu des travaux de recherche appliquée et d’évaluation effectués depuis plus de 20 ans dans le cadre du programme S’occuper des enfants en Ontario (SOCEN), qui a vu le jour en 2000.Le programme SOCEN est fondé sur une nouvelle approche en matière d’aide sociale à l’enfance appelée « S’occuper des enfants » (Looking After Children) développée au Royaume-Uni à la fin des années 1980 et dans les années 1990. Cette approche visait à réformer et à améliorer les services offerts aux enfants et aux jeunes vulnérables qui étaient pris en charge dans des structures extrafamiliales. Lors de son démarrage en 2000, le programme SOCEN a « canadianisé » l’approche britannique et a établi des partenariats avec l’Association ontarienne des sociétés de l’aide à l’enfance et une vingtaine de sociétés d’aide à l’enfance de la province. Depuis 2007, le gouvernement de l’Ontario exige que les sociétés d’aide à l’enfance de la province utilisent la méthode SOCEN dans la planification de leurs services et le suivi des résultats.Depuis l’an 2000, le programme S’occuper des enfants en Ontario (SOCEN) a recueilli des données sur les résultats et le bien-être en interviewant plus de 35 000 jeunes pris en charge ainsi que leurs soignantes et soignants et leurs intervenantes et intervenants en services d’aide sociale à l’enfance. Young People in Out-of-Home Care présente les principales conclusions et recommandations du programme qui permettront d’améliorer l’éducation, le développement, la santé, les relations sociales et familiales de même que la santé mentale des enfants et des jeunes, ainsi que leur transition vers la vie communautaire.

The Big 10 Paleo Spiralizer Cookbook: 10 Vegetables to Noodle, 100 Healthy Spiralizer Recipes, 300 Variations

by Megan Flynn Peterson

1 Spiralizer. 100s of Mouthwatering Recipes. Goodbye pasta cravings, hello zoodles. The Big 10 Paleo Spiralizer Cookbook helps you make the most out of the fresh, scrumptious vegetable noodles you'll be creating with your spiralizer. Featuring a heaping helping of healthy (and delectable) paleo recipes, this spiralizer cookbook makes sure you'll never miss pasta again. Split into 10 chapters—each focusing on a different vegetable—The Big 10 Paleo Spiralizer Cookbook makes picking the right recipe easy. Clear nutrition facts simplify macronutrient balancing, while convenient labels let you know if a recipe is vegan, raw, dairy-free, or more at a glance. The Big 10 Paleo Spiralizer Cookbook includes: 10 Vegetables—Go beyond zucchini and summer squash—spiralize beets, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, turnips, cabbage, and bell peppers. 100 Recipes—From Creamy Fettuccini Alfredo to Turnip Curly Fries, this spiralizer cookbook reimagines classic dishes with a delightful and delicious paleo twist. 300 Variations—This spiralizer cookbook spices things up with flavorful variations for every dish, ensuring you have plenty of ways to prepare every plate. Discover why the spiralizer is a fantastic paleo partner with The Big 10 Paleo Spiralizer Cookbook.

The Big 15 Paleo Cookbook: 15 Fundamental Ingredients, 150 Paleo Diet Recipes, 450 Variations

by Megan Flynn Peterson

Keep paleo simple and scrumptious—150 recipes focused on 15 ingredients. You don't have to be on a paleo diet to enjoy the recipes in The Big 15 Paleo Cookbook—you just have to enjoy eating real, healthy food. Though if you do follow a paleo diet, you'll really enjoy this book. I love that all of the recipes contain whole ingredients and are easy to prepare, with variations to suit your taste buds.—Michelle Bianchetto, author of the blog Unshelled Going Paleo doesn't have to mean going crazy. Wasting time, energy, and money on expensive ingredients and difficult recipes is the last thing anyone needs when trying to adopt a new way of eating. But knowing how and where to start can be a challenge. In The Big 15 Paleo Cookbook, Megan Flynn Peterson shows you how to get everything you want in a healthy diet, and avoid everything you don't. Megan's journey into eating paleo started in 2011 after a year of unexpected weight gain, anxiety, and a slew of other issues that affected her overall well-being. The results of her new paleo diet were so transformative that she began helping others find their own liberation through following a paleo diet and lifestyle. Now, with The Big 15 Paleo Cookbook, Megan delivers fantastic, simple recipes that won't break the bank or take over your life. OVER 150 PALEO RECIPES are well rounded, easy, and delectable—many of which can be made in 30 minutes or less 10 MUST-MAKE RECIPES PER CHAPTER use one of the 15 foundational Paleo ingredients, along with a couple of variations to give you even more options ALLERGEN LABELS indicate which recipes are dairy-free, nut-free, and vegan LEARN-BY-DOING FUNDAMENTALS help you cultivate your own repertoire of fun Paleo recipes, rather than just learning a select few recipes Baked Eggs in Tomato Sauce * Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Thighs * Burger Bowls * Báhn Mí Tacos * Fish Stew * Coconut Shrimp with Mango Sauce * Cauliflower Fried Rice * Sausage and Kale Soup * Crustless Broccoli Torte * Stuffed Squash * Beet-Noodle Salad * Curried Sweet Potatoes * and much more!

Inhalants & Solvents: Sniffing Disaster (Illicit and Misused Drugs)

by Noa Flynn

You can buy many of them in the supermarket--so how dangerous can inhalants be? Very. Just ask the parents of Kyle Williams, or of Dave, whose portrait hangs in an exhibition about the dangers of using drugs. Both boys died as a result of using inhalants. Inhalants and Solvents: Sniffing Disaster tells the story of these two individuals as well as others who have sniffed, bagged, or ingested inhalants in other forms. You'll also learn how inhalants and solvents act on the brain and body, producing the feelings sought by their users. Treatment can be difficult for those who abuse inhalants and solvents, but Inhalants and Solvents: Sniffing Disaster provides you with factual and up-to-date information about how to live a life free of abuse.

Dances with Werewolves

by Niki Flynn

'Wolfgang tied my wrists to the iron beam against the wall. His rough hands were all over me even before Ben had started photographing. His presumption was exhilarating. I struggled, relishing my helplessness as he lifted me from the hips like a dancer and forced me to straddle him. It was a fantasy come true. Suddenly his hand connected sharply with my bottom and I yelped. He shoved me back against the wall and tore my dress open at the front, exposing me. I trembled with excitement, every nerve in my body awake and wildly alive.'Niki Flynn tells her story in Dances with Werewolves - a real-life Fifty Shades of Grey that dares to go even further. This is a no-holds-barred account from the ultimate submissive - and every word is true. Niki is a young woman on a thrilling journey into the dark heart of sexual fantasy. This is her stunningly explicit and searingly honest memoir about her erotic life. But Niki is not just any submissive, keeping her fantasies hidden behind closed doors. She's the girl the whole world wants to dominate. And she is all too willing to please...After her first discovery of her submissive desires as a young girl at college, Niki finds herself addicted to the rush her forbidden fantasies give her, and starts off down a dark, dark path. Her cravings lead her into the secretive underground of taboo film-making. Niki is an instant hit - worldwide. From schoolgirl canings in England to spankings in California, from a Stasi interrogation in Germany to a forced haircut in Prague, Niki can't get enough. But it is when she meets Cameron, her ultimate master, that he unlocks her darkest desire of all...

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