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Decisions For Health (Level Green, Texas Edition)

by Holt Rinehart Winston

When you think of health, you probably think about your physical health. Your physical health is the part of your health that deals with the condition of your body. Things that you can do to maintain your physical health include the following: eating balanced meals, engaging in physical activity, getting 8 hours of sleep every night, maintaining good hygiene


by Valerie Hobbs

Eleven-year-old Toby Steiner wants to do normal things on his vacation. He wants to hike and race his bike down the hill. He wants to learn to fish out on the lake. He doesn't want to return to the children's hospital where his painful cancer treatment finally ended. When Toby starts spending time with Pearl, a spunky old woman who lives on a nearby farm, and Blossom, her broken-down cow, he sees all the more reason to keep the new lump on his side a secret from his parents. From Pearl he discovers the beauty of poetry, and from Blossom he just might uncover the meaning of life.

Déjame que te cuente: Los cuentos que me enseñaron a vivir

by Jorge Bucay

El psicólogo argentino, Jorge Bucay, presenta Déjame que te cuente, un libro que ha vendido más de 2 millones de copias alrededor del mundo desde su publicación en el 2002. Usando su método de contar historias como herramienta para el crecimiento personal, el terapeuta Jorge Bucay comparte una serie de cuentos que sirven como metáforas para situaciones de la vida diaria. Demián es un joven ansioso por aprender cómo enfrentar los obstáculos del día a día, al igual que curioso de conocer mejor al mundo y a si mismo. Él le pide ayuda a Jorge, un psicoanalista, quien aborda el dilema de Demián de manera inusual: cada día, el analista le cuenta una historia a Demián—previamente revisada y reformada–que ayuda a su amigo a vencer sus dudas y encontrar la felicidad. Algunas son fábulas clásicas, otras son historias contemporáneas. Todas son historias que nos ayudan a entender nuestros miedos, nuestras relaciones y a nosotros mismos.

Déjame que te cuente

by Jorge Mauricio Bucay

El psicólogo argentino, Jorge Bucay, presenta Déjame que te cuente, un libro que ha vendido más de 2 millones de copias alrededor del mundo desde su publicación en el 2002. Usando su método de contar historias como herramienta para el crecimiento personal, el terapeuta Jorge Bucay comparte una serie de cuentos que sirven como metáforas para situaciones de la vida diaria. Demián es un joven ansioso por aprender cómo enfrentar los obstáculos del día a día, al igual que curioso de conocer mejor al mundo y a si mismo. Él le pide ayuda a Jorge, un psicoanalista, quien aborda el dilema de Demián de manera inusual: cada día, el analista le cuenta una historia a Demiánpreviamente revisada y reformadaque ayuda a su amigo a vencer sus dudas y encontrar la felicidad. Algunas son fábulas clásicas, otras son historias contemporáneas. Todas son historias que nos ayudan a entender nuestros miedos, nuestras relaciones y a nosotros mismos.

Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most Out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder

by Edward M. Hallowell John J. Ratey

In 1994, "Driven to Distraction" sparked a revolution in our understanding of attention deficit disorder. Widely recognized as the classic in the field, the book has sold more than a million copies. Now a second revolution is under way in the approach to ADD, and the news is great. Drug therapies, our understanding of the role of diet and exercise, even the way we define the disorder -- all are changing radically. And doctors are realizing that millions of adults suffer from this condition, though the vast majority of them remain undiagnosed and untreated. In this new book, Drs. Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey build on the breakthroughs of "Driven to Distraction" to offer a comprehensive and entirely up-to-date guide to living a successful life with ADD. As Hallowell and Ratey point out, "attention deficit disorder" is a highly misleading description of an intriguing kind of mind. Tailored expressly to ADD learning styles and attention spans, "Delivered from Distraction" provides accessible, engaging discussions of every aspect of the condition, from diagnosis to finding the proper treatment regime. Inside you'll discover whether ADD runs in families new diagnostic procedures, tests, and evaluations the links between ADD and other conditions, how people with ADD can free up their inner talents and strengths. ADD is a trait, a way of living in the world. It only becomes a disorder when it impairs your life. "Delivered from Distraction" is a wise, loving guide to releasing the positive energy that all people with ADD hold inside. If you have ADD or care about someone who does, this is the book you must read.

The Dermadoctor Skinstruction Manual

by Audrey Kunin

The DERMAdoctor is in and she's here to give an informed, friendly, and practical answer to every skin care question you've ever asked! Written by board-certified dermatologist Audrey Kunin, M. D. , The DERMA-doctor Skinstruction Manual is a hands-on, comprehensive guidebook to maintaining healthy, beautiful skin and looking great at any age. The DERMAdoctor Skinstruction Manual goes beyond any other book on skin care you've ever read. In her trademark warm and witty tone, Dr. Kunin frankly discusses the skin conditions we've all had questions about -- including enlarged pores, rashes, discoloration, and more serious concerns like skin cancer -- and provides straightforward explanations about why and how they affect us all. But Dr. Kunin doesn't just explain the problem, she gives unique and useful advice for preventing skin problems before they happen and repairing or reversing them when they do. From head to toe, this book is your indispensable guide to:Glowing, beautiful skin: If you suffer from acne, oily skin, rosacea, or melasma, there are clear-cut steps you can take immediately to repair and rejuvenate your skin for good. A fresh and youthful appearance: Chapters on sun damage, stretch marks, cellulite, and more address the clichés we've all heard and the treatments we've all tried and offer innovative, practical, and medically proven solutions that really work!Healthy skin, inside and out: Dr. Kunin goes beneath the surface to discuss a wide variety of skin conditions that affect many of us, like hives and eczema, offering expert advice for their treatment and prevention. Insightful and engaging, this invaluable handbook delivers noticeable results, with real-world answers to your skin care questions, all with a dose of humor and charm. In addition, there is helpful information on product ingredients, cosmetic treatments, and the beauty products that work best for your skin type. Packed with great advice and easy-to-follow instructions, The DERMA-doctor Skinstruction Manual is your companion for a lifetime of beautiful, healthy, and age-defying skin.

The Dharma of Star Wars

by Matthew Bortolin

Plumbing the Star Wars universe for spiritual lessons is as old as the first Star Wars film released in 1977. The author of this book looks through a specifically Buddhist lens, using Buddhist philosophy to interpret the characters, plots, and dialogue.


by Francine Ratner Kaufman

Experts now predict that more than one-third of American children born in 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime. Written by one of the world's leading authorities on the link between obesity and diabetes, this passionate, frightening-but ultimately hopeful-book points the way to a solution.To enter Dr. Francine Kaufman's clinic is to see the future of America: a 220-pound twelve-year-old boy...a 267-pound thirteen-year-old girl...their concerned but equally overweight parents...the human faces and human suffering behind the epidemic of type 2 diabetes that threatens to overwhelm our health care system. Once a disease of the elderly, type 2 diabetes now strikes adults in their prime-and, increasingly, children. It has nearly doubled in the last decade. The cause? Our soaring rates of obesity.Diabesity takes us to the front lines of the fight against this preventable but deadly disease. Through vivid patient stories, it explains how excess weight destroys the body's ability to process sugar properly-with life-threatening consequences. It shows what happens when the genes that evolved to protect us from famine collide with a sedentary lifestyle that has put bacon cheeseburgers on every corner. And it demonstrates why our usual blame-the-victim response is futile in face of the complex, worldwide forces behind this epidemic.Detailing the tools for change at every level-from families to school systems to government-and reporting on innovative programs that are already making a difference, Diabesity offers a compelling action plan for winning this battle.From the Hardcover edition.

The Diabetes Diet: Dr. Bernstein's Low-Carbohydrate Solution

by Richard K. Bernstein

This low-carb diet book is geared towards diabetics. An engineer by training, Bernstein pioneered blood glucose self-monitoring and the tight control of blood sugar that is now accepted as the standard treatment of diabetes.

Diabetes? No Problema!

by Colberg Sheri R. Villa-Caballero Leonel

From two experts in the field, the first book to present everything Latinos need to know to live well with diabetes?and even prevent it

Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (Revised)

by Zero To Three Staff

ZERO TO THREE'S Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0-3), published in 1994, was designed to address the need for a systematic, developmentally based approach to the classification of mental health and developmental difficulties in the first 4 years of life.

Dialectics of the Body: Corporeality in the Philosophy of Theodor Adorno

by Lisa Yun Lee

The study of Theodor Adorno has largely ignored or dismissed the enigmatic and provocative moments in his writing on the body. Dialectics of the Body corrects this gap by arguing that Adorno's analysis of reified society emanates and returns to the body and that hope and desire are present throughout Adorno's philosophy.

La dieta del sosiego: Comer por placer, para obtener energía y para adelgazar

by Marc David

Nuestra cultura moderna busca atiborrar la mayor cantidad posible de cosas en la menor cantidad de tiempo. Como resultado, la mayoría de las personas van por la vida a un ritmo vertiginoso que es contrario a un estilo de vida sano. Comemos rápidamente, a la carrera, y muchas veces bajo estrés; no sólo eliminamos así la mayor parte del placer que podríamos obtener de nuestros alimentos y nos ocasionamos trastornos digestivos, sino que causamos estragos en nuestro metabolismo. Al terminar el día, muchos nos sentimos malnutridos, insulsos y con exceso de peso. En La dieta del sosiego Marc David presenta una nueva manera de entender nuestra relación con los alimentos, centrada en la calidad y las posibilidades que ofrece el placer de las comidas en cuanto a transformar y mejorar el metabolismo. El autor cita novedosas investigaciones sobre la bioquímica del organismo humano y resultados satisfactorios en sus propias consultas como nutricionista. Además, nos demuestra que somos criaturas de cuerpo, mente y espíritu y que, cuando prestamos atención simultáneamente a esos distintos niveles, podemos deshacernos del peso excesivo, aumentar la energía y mejorar la digestión, hasta el punto de sentirnos rejuvenecidos e inspirados. Marc David presenta un programa de ocho semanas que permite a los lectores explorar su conexión personal con los alimentos, ayudándolos a liberarse de sus temores, sentimientos de culpabilidad y viejos hábitos para que aprendan a tratar a sus cuerpos en forma digna y afectuosa. Revela los puntos débiles de todos los remedios digestivos rápidos y dietas de moda y echa por tierra los mitos comunes sobre la nutrición, como el de que “la mejor manera de bajar de peso es comer menos y hacer más ejercicios”. En lugar de ello, nos muestra cómo reducir la producción de cortisol y otras hormonas relacionadas con el estrés y estimular el poder metabólico a través de la respiración adecuada y estrategias de alimentación que nutren al cuerpo y al alma, demostrando así que el disfrute pleno de cada comida es la manera óptima de mantener la salud. Con más de veinte años de experiencia en el campo de la medicina nutricional, la psicología de la alimentación y la ciencia del yoga, Marc David ofrece a los lectores recursos prácticos que producirán resultados sostenibles que les transformarán la vida.

Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium (Dietary Reference Intakes Ser.)

by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine

As essential nutrients, sodium and potassium contribute to the fundamentals of physiology and pathology of human health and disease. In clinical settings, these are two important blood electrolytes, are frequently measured and influence care decisions. Yet, blood electrolyte concentrations are usually not influenced by dietary intake, as kidney and hormone systems carefully regulate blood values. Over the years, increasing evidence suggests that sodium and potassium intake patterns of children and adults influence long-term population health mostly through complex relationships among dietary intake, blood pressure and cardiovascular health. The public health importance of understanding these relationships, based upon the best available evidence and establishing recommendations to support the development of population clinical practice guidelines and medical care of patients is clear. This report reviews evidence on the relationship between sodium and potassium intakes and indicators of adequacy, toxicity, and chronic disease. It updates the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) using an expanded DRI model that includes consideration of chronic disease endpoints, and outlines research gaps to address the uncertainties identified in the process of deriving the reference values and evaluating public health implications.

Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate

by Panel on Dietary Reference Intakes for Electrolytes Water

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are quantitative estimates of nutrient intakes to be used for planning and assessing diets for healthy people. This new report, the sixth in a series of reports presenting dietary reference values for the intakes of nutrients by Americans and Canadians, establishes nutrient recommendations on water, potassium, and salt for health maintenance and the reduction of chronic disease risk. Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate discusses in detail the role of water, potassium, salt, chloride, and sulfate in human physiology and health. The major findings in this book include the establishment of Adequate Intakes for total water (drinking water, beverages, and food), potassium, sodium, and chloride and the establishment of Tolerable Upper Intake levels for sodium and chloride. The book makes research recommendations for information needed to advance the understanding of human requirements for water and electrolytes, as well as adverse effects associated with the intake of excessive amounts of water, sodium, chloride, potassium, and sulfate. This book will be an invaluable reference for nutritionists, nutrition researchers, and food manufacturers.

Dios mio, ¿por qué siento tanto cansancio?

by Jeffrey Blair

La fatiga es la razón número uno de las visitas a la consulta del médico. A pesar de gastar cada año más dinero en las últimas dietas y medicinas de moda, las tasas de obesidad y enfermedades continúan aumentando. Muchas personas tienen sobrepeso, y padecen cansancio y malestar. La mayoría de las dietas fracasa porque no se dirigen a la causa subyacente del aumento de peso.Las revolucionarias investigaciones del doctor Jefrrey Blair condujeron al descubrimiento de que la mayor parte de las fatigas, el aumento de peso, y las enfermedades relacionadas con el estrés pueden vincularse con el agotamiento de las glándulas suprarrenales. En su libro Dios mio, ¿por qué siento tanto cansancio? El doctor Blair nos presenta su propia batalla contra la fatiga severa, la obesidad y las enfermedades y nos traza un mapa claro para recobrar y preservar una óptima salud.

Disaster in the Indian Ocean: Tsunami 2004

by John Albert Torres

Examines the devastation caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the outpouring of charitable response from around the world, and if a similar incident could happen in the United States.

Discover Atlantis: A Guide To Reclaiming The Wisdom Of The Ancients

by Diana Cooper Shaaron Hutton

During its 1500-year Golden Age, Atlantis was at the height of its spiritual strength. Its inhabitants enjoyed incredible gifts including healing, levitation, clairvoyance and telepathy.Now, for the first time, world-renowned spiritual author Diana Cooper presents us with the first comprehensive guide to understanding the Golden Age of Atlantis. Discover the history and society of this most spiritual place and time, from the origins of Atlantis to the forces that finally caused its destruction. As well as revealing how to understand and use the Atlanteans' spiritual powers, Diana shows us how they lived, with new information about their homes, work, and their religious and social life.Diana reveals new information on the Temple of Poseidon, the Great Crystal of Atlantis and the original Sphinx, as well as on the awesome wisdom of the famous crystal skulls.There are easy-to-follow exercises to develop your spiritual powers, some of which were used by the High Priests and Priestesses themselves.Accessible yet inspirational, this book is the only guide you will need to understand the history of Atlantis - and how to harness its unique powers for yourself.

Discover Yoga

by Elly Lloyd

Lead a healthier lifestyle! By discovering yoga you can help harmonize your body and mind. Yoga is a popular form of exercise and is ideal if you lead a hectic lifestyle because the exercises can easily be done at home.

Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right

by Joel Fuhrman

Disease-Proof Your Child features easy-to-prepare, kid-friendly recipes that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters, and will help your whole family establish life-long healthful eating habits. Harness the power of a nutrient-rich diet to ensure a lifetime free of illness and full of health! In his private practice, Joel Fuhrman, M.D. helps families transform their eating habits and recover their health. His nutrient-rich eating plan can have a significant impact on your child's resistance to dangerous infections, and a dramatic effect on reducing the occurrence of illnesses like asthma, ear infections, and allergies. Dr. Fuhrman explains how you can make sure your children are eating right to maintain a healthy mind and body, and how eating certain foods and avoiding others can positively impact your child's IQ and success in school.He also presents the fascinating science that demonstrates that the current epidemic of adult cancers and other diseases is closely linked to what we eat in the first quarter of life. Eating well in our early years may enable us to win the war on cancer. Bolstered by this scientific evidence, he helps you do everything you can to protect your child against developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, and cancer through a solid nutritional groundwork.

Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia

by Carolyn S. Spiro Pamela Spiro Wagner

Growing up in the 1950s, Carolyn Spiro was always in the shadow of her more intellectually dominant and socially outgoing twin, Pamela. But as the twins approached adolescence, Pamela began to succumb to schizophrenia, hearing disembodied voices and eventually suffering many breakdowns and hospitalizations. Divided Minds is a dual memoir of identical twins, now in their fifties, one of whom faces a life sentence of schizophrenia, and the other who becomes a psychiatrist, after entering the spotlight that had for so long been focused on her sister. Told in the alternating voices of Carolyn and Pamela, Divided Minds is a heartbreaking account of the far reaches of madness, as well as the depths of ambivalence and love between twins. It is a true and unusually frank story of identical twins with very different identities and wildly different experiences of the world around them.

Doctor, What's Wrong?: Making the NHS Human Again

by Sophie Petit-Zeman

Does your doctor really care about you? Do you have time to care about your patients in the middle of all the red tape? Can we claw back tender, loving healthcare before losing sight of what it is? The medical machine is spinning out of control. Making the NHS better is about people, not about politics and posturing. It’s about recognising that, well or ill, we’re in it together. Being promised we’ll be able to choose our hospital tomorrow is cold comfort when fighting to see a doctor today. From the pitfalls of communication to waiting lists, MMR to MRSA, this book discusses things we know of but may know little about; the ins and outs, drivers and obstacles, to treating each other well. The first half is a novel, an engaging story set across doctors’ surgeries, cafes, pubs and homes. A story about a woman with a neurological illness who also has depression, her conscientious consultant who worries too much about everything while his GP wife anguishes over MMR, an oncologist with terminal cancer, a hospital manager with a heart, even a love-life. A series of accessible, informative essays then explores the ‘big issues’ that beset the NHS today, from the political football of choice, to jargon, mistakes and superbugs. Essential and enjoyable reading for anyone who uses or works in healthcare, this book argues that it can be rescued, become human again, if we all help.

The Doctor's Guide to Gastrointestinal Health

by Paul Miskovitz Marian Betancourt

"This is the reference guide you dream about--answers to all your important questions written in a language you can understand. For everyone who wants better health and peace of mind. " --Diane Sawyer, Co-anchor of ABC News' Good Morning America and PrimeTime Thursday "An important, practical, easy-to-read, and easy-to-understand source of information for anyone with a chronic gastrointestinal problem. " --Isadore Rosenfeld, M. D. , Rossi Distinguished Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University and bestselling author Digestive ailments, whether mild or life-threatening, are a major concern for millions of people--and they can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Now, in this essential reference book, Dr. Paul Miskovitz, a physician at one of the world's top medical institutions, helps you understand the causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and medical treatments for a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders--everything from heartburn to IBS to hepatitis C. This comprehensive, user-friendly guide begins with an overview of how your gastrointestinal system works and how it is affected by lifestyle, age, and emotions. Dr. Miskovitz then explains the disorders that can affect your esophagus, stomach, intestine, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, colon, and abdominal cavity--revealing how to identify and treat problems and, in most cases, prevent them. You'll also learn how to: * Maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system through diet, exercise, checkups, and screenings * Find the right gastroenterologist for you * Identify symptoms and get an accurate diagnosis * Prevent gastrointestinal problems when you travel Complete with a list of organizations that provide information and support, The Doctor's Guide to Gastrointestinal Health is the ultimate resource for you and your family.

Don't Eat This Book: Fast Food and the Supersizing of America

by Morgan Spurlock

For thirty days, Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald’s as part of an investigation into the effects of fast food on American health. The resulting documentary earned him an Academy Award nomination and broke box-office records worldwide. But there’s more to the story, and in Don’t Eat This Book, Spurlock examines everything from school lunch programs and the marketing of fast food to the decline of physical education. He looks at why fast food is so tasty, cheap, and ultimately seductive—and interviews experts from surgeons general and kids to marketing gurus and lawmakers, who share their research and opinions on what we can do to offset a health crisis of supersized proportions. Don’t eat this groundbreaking, hilarious book—but if you care about your country’s health, your children’s, and your own, you better read it.

Don't Eat This Book: Fast Food and the Supersizing of America

by Morgan Spurlock

"Benevolent muckraker" Morgan Spurlock debuts a wry investigative voice that will appeal to anyone interested in the health of our country, our children, and ourselves.

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