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Showing 39,826 through 39,850 of 39,872 results

The Way of the Wound: A Spirituality of Trauma and Transformation

by Robert Grant

<p>Countless victims of childhood abuse, domestic violence, violent crime, rape, war, life-threatening illness and natural disaster struggle with the impact of their injuries. Former ways of making sense have been injured or destroyed. The lives of many are without meaning or direct. Unless helped to integrate the significance of their traumatic wounds into more comprehensive approaches to self, life and God victims run the risk of addiction, wasted potential, numerous psychological and physical problems, as well as commitments to distorted spiritualities. Victims of trauma are asked to embark on a path of healing that mystics, shamans and mythic heroes have been walking for thousands of years. The only difference is that the path is contemporary and, therefore, potentially more conscious. Trauma provides a modern access to this spiritual path and can initiate powerful experiences of conversion. If properly supported and accompanied trauma has the power to transform all facets of reality. <p><i>The Way of the Wound</i> lays out a path of healing, along with the central issues that survivors encounter at every crucial point along the way. This work offers direction to every victim of trauma wanting to move to the next level of healing. </p>

Chicken Soup for the Soul of America: Stories to Heal the Heart of Our Nation

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Matthew Adams

From the Book Jacket: "Chicken Soup for the Soul of America: Stories to Heal the Heart of Our Nation is an inspiring collection of stories that symbolize the power of diversity in America and our collective will to heal." Ron Nielsen airline captain, speaker and trainer "Chicken Soup for the Soul of America is a collection of vivid snapshots. They remind us what it means to be a hero; of the strength of America's democracy, and that our spirit cannot be destroyed nor our resolve defeated. This compelling book speaks to the kindness of strangers, the courage of ordinary people and what it truly means to be a member of the human family." Lois Capps U.S. Rep. (D-CA) "Chicken Soup for the Soul of America allowed me to reflect on the heroic and extraordinary commitment of people whose lives exemplified love for their fellow man. The truths in this book will inspire and comfort you, and also shed light on the lives of people we lost, whose ultimate sacrifice will live in our hearts forever." Cam Sanchez chief of police, Santa Barbara, California "The events of September 11 left a deep wound in the heart of our country. Chicken Soup for the Soul of America is a wonderful balm of love and hope that will help ease the pain and help our hearts to heal." Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D. television personality and author, Real Moments

Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul: Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit

by Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen Patty Aubery Nancy Mitchell

From the Book Jacket: "What an awesome celebration of God's love for each of his children! Read Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul anytime, but especially when you need a heavenly hug." Joan Wester Anderson author, Where Angels Walk and Where Wonders Prevail "'God created man/" someone once suggested, 'because he liked stories.' When Jesus spoke, he spoke most often in parables. This collection continues the tradition of faithful people telling stories of their experience of God met in the routine of life. I laughed and cried as I read them. In story after story I recognized the thread of divinity woven into the fabric of life. A treasure for Christians who love to hear and tell stories." Michael Lindvall author, The Good News from North Haven "Your walk with Christ will be enhanced every single day as you open the pages of this spirit-filled book." Glenna Salsbury professional speaker, author, The Art of the Fresh Start

Experiencing and Counseling Multicultural and Diverse Populations

by Nicholas Vacc

The purpose of this book is to expose students of the helping professions, counselors, teachers, college professors, mental health workers, and social workers to the unique characteristics of representative American subgroups and to effectively assist these same professionals as they work with clients and/or students from these populations. These are grouped by race, gender, sexuality, age, physical limitations and lifestyle etc. The author of each chapter is both a trained helping professional and a member of the group in question. This unique combination of qualifications lends both an academic and a personal perspective to the understanding of the populations represented.

Good News About High Blood Pressure: everything you need to know to take control of hypertension -- and your life

by Tom Pickering

Describes what high bloodpressure is, it's causes, it's treatments, and it's management.

Merchants of Immortality: Chasing the Dream of Human Life Extension

by Stephen S. Hall

What biologists are doing for immortality.

The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness

by R. D. Laing

Dr. Laing's first purpose is to make madness and the process of going mad comprehensible.

Therapeutic Action: A Guide to Psychoanalytic Therapy

by Enrico E. Jones

Discusses the Q-sort method for quantifying and tracking progress in psychotherapy.

The First Woman Doctor

by Rachel Baker

In 1847, there were no women doctors. Elizabeth Blackwell was however, determined to become the first woman doctor, no matter what everyone else told her.

Easing Aches & Pains

by The Editors of the Prevention Total Health System

How to ease headaches, earaches, toothaches, foot problems, muscle and menstrual cramps, backaches and arthritis.

You're Likely to Live Longer If You Retire After 65

by Chenkai Wu Nicole Torres

"The Research: Chenkai Wu, a PhD student in public health at Oregon State University, teamed up with OSU professors Robert Stawski and Michelle Odden and Colorado State’s Gwenith Fisher to examine data from the Health and Retirement Study, a longitudinal survey of Americans age 50 and over. When they looked at the sample of 2,956 people who had begun participating in the study in 1992 and retired by 2010, the researchers found that the majority had retired around age 65. But a statistical analysis showed that when people retired at age 66 instead, their mortality rates dropped by 11%."

Born To Heal

by Ruth Montgomery

The astonishing story of Mr. A and the remarkable cures he achieves through the ancient art of healing with life energies.

Inquiries into Life's Secrets, General Biology for Majors I, Bio 181

by Terry Ponder Peter Brown Linda J. Wegener Ronald K. Dinchak Lewis Obermiller

The book introduces you to basic procedures that will apply to all laboratory exercises in General Biology for Majors I, Bio 181.

The Road to Health

by School Aid

2nd Grade Health textbook for Home Shool

When Rabbit Howls

by Truddi Chase

This is the true story of Truddi Chase, a woman who developed more than ninety personalities in order to cope with the horrendous abuse she suffered at the hands of her stepfather.

FACS Basics: Building Skills to Last a Lifetime

by Oklahoma Department of Career Technology Education

Text book to cover basic life skills like:<P><P> * Personality, Dating and Close Relationships<P> * Communication and Conflict Resolution<P> * Physical Development<P> * Making Families Stronger <P> * Caring for Children<P> * Applying Design<P> * Sewing Basics<P> * Choosing and Caring for Clothing<P> * Promoting Good Health<P> * Nutrition<P> * Exploring Careers


by Paul Dowswell Tony Allan

Is there really such a thing as a true ghost story? The strange tales in this book are all based on actual reports by people who believed they had been haunted by ghosts or poltergeists.

Stress Without Distress

by Hans Selye

STRESS IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE AVOIDED The only way to avoid stress would be to do nothing at all. Virtually all human activity involves stress--from a game of backgammon to a passionate embrace. But this can be defined as the stress of pleasure, challenge, fulfillment. What we all want is the right kind of stress for the right length of time--at a level that is best for us. Excessive or unvaried stress, particularly frustration, becomes distress. And this, in turn, can lead to ulcers, hypertension, and mental or physical breakdown. In this marvelously wise and helpful book, Dr. Hans Selye, the world's leading authority on stress, gives us his prescription for minimizing the psychic insults to the nervous system, mobilizing stress for creative and idealistic purposes, and enjoying a full life in harmony with the laws of Nature.

Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market

by Eric Schlosser

Essays explore the social and economic effects on groups and individuals of our underground economy. The underground economy has subtle and surprising effects on the United States as.

Composing Myself: A Journey through Post-Partum Depression

by Fiona Shaw

Following the birth of her second child the author was hospitalized for two months with a severe postpartum depression. She was treated with electroshock therapy which left her with large gaps in her short-term memory. In an effort to make sense of what had happened to her she set out to write about her own life. She further launched an exploration of the literature about post-partum depression, and interviewed other women who had experienced this frightening and little-understood illness.

Turnabout Children: Overcoming Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities

by Mary Maccracken

After receiving her masters degree in special education, the author decides to go into private practice as a learning-disabilities specialist. In this book, she tells of five of the children she worked with, and the techniques she used to help each child overcome his or her unique set of difficulties.

The Profile of a Wise Man

by Swami Suddhanada

Swamiji unfolds many facets of Wisdom like petals of a flower. Wisdom does not lie in searching for a wise man. Wisdom is when you stop blaming others for your problems. Wisdom is when we stop having double standards. Wisdom is becoming happiness. Wisdom is not searching for happiness in other things. A scientist in one who challenges the perception. If doubting the perception is the beginning of science, doubting the perceiver - I the individual, is the beginning of wisdom. Swamiji also explodes many common myths convincingly with sheer directness. Engineers do not know engineering, those who know engineering are engineers. You have a limitation but you are not limited. The body has no fear; body does not know; it has no sense of 'I'. A thought reminds you of the object but does not produce the object. The relevance of knowledge is facing life, not in keeping ideas in your head. Anytime you are with yourself you are happy. Whenever you are happy: unconsciously you are with yourself.

How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States

by Joanne Meyerowitz

How Sex Changed is a fascinating social, cultural, and medical history of transsexuality in the United States. Joanne Meyerowitz tells a powerful human story about people who had a deep and unshakable desire to transform their bodily sex. In the last century when many challenged the social categories and hierarchies of race, class, and gender, transsexuals questioned biological sex itself, the category that seemed most fundamental and fixed of all. From early twentieth-century sex experiments in Europe, to the saga of Christine Jorgensen, whose sex-change surgery made headlines in 1952, to today's growing transgender movement, Meyerowitz gives us the first serious history of transsexuality. She focuses on the stories of transsexual men and women themselves, as well as a large supporting cast of doctors, scientists, journalists, lawyers, judges, feminists, and gay liberationists, as they debated the big questions of medical ethics, nature versus nurture, self and society, and the scope of human rights. In this story of transsexuality, Meyerowitz shows how new definitions of sex circulated in popular culture, science, medicine, and the law, and she elucidates the tidal shifts in our social, moral, and medical beliefs over the twentieth century, away from sex as an evident biological certainty and toward an understanding of sex as something malleable and complex. How Sex Changed is an intimate history that illuminates the very changes that shape our understanding of sex, gender, and sexuality today.

Past Lives, Future Lives

by Bruce Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg writes of his findings regarding reincarnation and karma. Not only does he do past life regressions, but he finds that he can do future life progressions as well.

Ice Bound: A Doctor's Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole

by Jerri Nielsen Maryanne Vollers

Dr. Jerri Nielsen accepts an assignment as a physician for the American research base in Antarctica. This is the story of her discovery that she has breast cancer, and a risky air lift of Nielsen for treatment.

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Showing 39,826 through 39,850 of 39,872 results