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Le Canada chez soi: L’Histoire en guise de décor

by Peter E. Baker Jacqueline Dionne Jocelyne Benoit John A. Fleming

Une visite guidée montrant comment l’Histoire peut transformer une maison ordinaire en un chez-soi unique, ainsi qu’un rappel de la force de caractère et de l’ingéniosité qui ont façonné notre pays. Inspiré par le 150e anniversaire de la Confédération canadienne, célébré la même année que le 375e anniversaire de la fondation de Montréal, l’auteur et antiquaire québécois Peter E. Baker donne vie à l’histoire canadienne pour démontrer comment antiquités et art populaire peuvent conférer une identité unique à un intérieur moderne. L’auteur a puisé dans une seule collection pour présenter des objets couvrant trois siècles d’histoire canadienne, depuis l’établissement des premières colonies françaises jusqu’à l’essor créatif des artistes populaires de la fin du XXe siècle. Amplement illustré, rédigé sur le ton de la conversation et facile à lire, le présent ouvrage ne se veut pas une étude technique sur les antiquités d’une région ou d’un type précis. Le Canada chez soi – L’Histoire en guise de décor explique plutôt l’histoire et la valeur artistique de chaque objet choisi.

Healthy Homes: Designing with light and air for sustainability and wellbeing

by Nick Baker Koen Steemers

It is widely acknowledged that there is an urgent need to transform our housing stock to a better energy performance level. However, improving energy performance should not result in a negative impact on the health, wellbeing and the comfort of building occupants. There are many energy-neutral features that can be incorporated at small or zero cost which have a positive effect on wellbeing. This book aims to outline and discuss these aspects of building design. The issue of health and wellbeing has already entered into design advice for the workplace, where productivity and absenteeism are often used as indicators. This book concentrates on residential buildings, notably mass housing and affordable strategies, for which new, more socially and health-oriented indicators are being developed. Provides practical design guidance based on scientific evidence Explores both physical and psychological wellbeing Focuses on the home and immediate domestic environment Structured in an accessible way for architects and designers.

Captured Landscape: Architecture and the Enclosed Garden

by Kate Baker

The enclosed garden, or hortus conclusus, is a place where architecture and landscape come together. It has a long and varied history, ranging from the early paradise garden and cloister, the botanic garden and giardini segreto, the kitchen garden and as a stage for social display. The enclosed garden has continued to develop into its many modern forms: the city retreat, the redemptive garden, the deconstructed building. As awareness of climate change becomes increasingly important, the enclosed garden, which can mediate so effectively between interior and exterior, provides opportunities for sustainable design and closer contact with the natural landscape. By its nature it is ambiguous. Is it an outdoor room, or captured landscape; is it architecture or garden? Kate Baker discusses the continuing relevance of the typology of the enclosed garden to contemporary architects by exploring influential historical examples and the concepts they generate, alongside some of the best of contemporary designs – brought to life with vivid photography and detailed drawings – taken primarily from Britain, the Mediterranean, Japan and North and South America. She argues that understanding the potential of the enclosed garden requires us to think of it as both a design and an experience. Captured Landscape provides a broad range of information and design possibilities for students of architectural and landscape design, practising architects, landscape designers and horticulturalists and will also appeal to a wider audience of all those who are interested in garden design. This second edition of Captured Landscape is enriched with new case studies throughout the book. The scope has now been broadened to include an entirely new chapter concerning the urban condition, with detailed discussions on issues of ecology, sustainability, economy of means, well-being and the social pressures of contemporary city life.

How to Build a House with an Architect

by John M. Baker

Building a house with an architect should be fun. The experience should be one of the most exciting and creative efforts in one's entire life. It can only be so, however, if the client and the architect enjoy that special rapport that comes from understanding how a house is designed and constructed.

Flower Power!: Amazing Tips, Tricks, and Tonics for a Beautiful, Bloomin' Garden All Year Long

by Jerry Baker

Jerry shares his secrets on soil preparation, selection, fertilizing, pruning, composting, and weed and pest control. In addition, you get Jerry's list of favorite tried-and-true plants. You'll also learn about your favorite plant's soil, sun, and watering needs, along with its height, blossom color, and flowering time, all of which will make your garden planting a snap.

Coltivare La Cannabis Da Zero: Una guida pratica per coltivare piante di cannabis in casa o in giardino

by Jack Baker

Dal fumo al burro alla cannabis, questo manuale facile da seguire ti trasformerà in un perito della coltivazione e del consumo di marijuana. Coltivare marijuana per principianti Stai cercando una guida passo passo per coltivare marijuana in casa o in giardino? Questo libro ti fornirà una conoscenza completa sulla coltivazione della marijuana e ti insegnerà consigli e trucchi per un orto più verde Ti piacerebbe iniziare a coltivare la Marijuana? La coltivazione della cannabis non è mai stata così facile e ottimi risultati sia in casa che in giardino sono alla tua portata. In questa guida per principianti troverai le conoscenze di base sulla cannabis, semi e tutto ciò che è rilevante per avere successo in questo campo di attività. Tieni presente che la cannabis non è legale in tutti gli stati, quindi un capitolo ti guiderà sulle migliori soluzioni a seconda dello stato in cui vivi. (Negli U.S.A. N.d.T.) Scoprirai che questo tipo di coltivazione non richiede molte cure. Hai solo bisogno di preparare bene il tuo ambiente di coltura, avere gli strumenti giusti e mettere un po' di amore nelle piante. Le foglie sono delicate, ma ti ripagheranno alla grande in sapori e aromi. In questo libro imparerai: Le differenze tra le varietà di marijuana Il potere curativo e terapeutico dell'erba di qualità Per impostare una coltivazione di marijuana di successo, in casa o fuori Quali sono gli usi sicuri della marijuana e la legge e la regolamentazione delle piante di marijuana Come utilizzare l'idroponica e il sistema di acquaponica per coltivare marijuana E MOLTO DI PIÙ! Dal fumo al burro alla cannabis, questo manuale facile da seguire ti trasformerà in un perito della coltivazione e del consumo di marijuana. Fai clic su Acquista ora e ricevi la tua copia oggi!

Cultivo de Maconha para Iniciantes: Um Guia Prático para o Cultivo Indoor e Outdoor de Plantas Cannabis

by Jack Baker

Você está procurando por um guia passo a passo para cultivar maconha dentro ou fora de casa? Você anda procurando por um recurso que o ajude a aprender facilmente como cultivar maconha? Se é disso que você precisa, continue lendo! O cultivo de cannabis nunca foi tão fácil, e bons resultados em ambientes internos e externos agora estão ao seu alcance. Neste guia para iniciantes, você encontrará conhecimentos básicos sobre a maconha, sementes e tudo o que é relevante para o sucesso nesta área de negócios. Note que a maconha não é legal em todos os estados estadunidenses, então um capítulo irá guiá-lo sobre as melhores soluções dependendo do estado em que você mora.   Este livro lhe dará conhecimento completo sobre o cultivo de maconha e lhe ensinará dicas e truques para que se tenha um campo mais verde. Independentemente de quem você é e do que deseja realizar, aprender como cultivar cannabis é igual para todos. Este livro irá ajudá-lo a entender tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o cultivo de maconha, incluindo os benefícios e desafios trazidos por essa atividade, e nele eu irei fornecer a você um processo passo a passo para o cultivo de cannabis junto com algumas dicas práticas e truques que você pode colocar em uso agora mesmo. Nessas páginas, você descobrirá: • As Diferenças Entre as Variedades de Maconha • O Poder de Cura e Terapêutico da Maconha de Qualidade • Como Iniciar um Cultivo de Maconha Bem-Sucedido, Seja Indoor ou Outdoor • Quais São os Usos Seguros da Maconha e a Legislação e Regulamentação das Plantas de Maconha • Como Utilizar Sistemas Hidropônicos e Aquapônicos Para Cultivar Maconha   E MUITO MAIS! Não importa quão jovem ou velho, inexperiente ou experiente, ou que nível de educação você tenha, este livro será capaz de ajudá-lo a fortalecer sua compreensão do cultivo de maconha para que vo

Cultivo De Marihuana Para Principiantes: Una guía práctica para cultivar plantas de cannabis en interiores o exteriores

by Jack Baker

¿Estás buscando una guía paso a paso para cultivar marihuana en interior o exterior? ¿Has estado buscando un recurso que te ayude a aprender fácilmente a cultivar marihuana? Si esto te suena, ¡sigue leyendo! El cultivo de cannabis nunca ha sido tan fácil, y los buenos resultados tanto en interior como en exterior están a tu alcance. En esta guía para principiantes, encontrarás conocimientos básicos sobre marihuana, semillas y todo lo que sea relevante para el éxito en este campo empresarial. Ten en cuenta que MJ no es legal en todos los estados, por lo que un capítulo te guiará sobre las mejores soluciones según el estado en el que vivas. Este libro te dará un conocimiento completo sobre el cultivo de marihuana y te enseñará consejos y trucos para un campo más verde. Independientemente de quién seas y de lo que quieras lograr, aprender a cultivar cannabis es igual para todos. Este libro te ayudará a comprender todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el cultivo de marihuana, incluidos los beneficios y desafíos que conlleva, y te proporcionaré un proceso paso a paso para cultivar cannabis junto con algunos consejos y trucos prácticos que puedes poner en práctica de inmediato. Dentro de estas páginas, descubrirás: • Las diferencias entre las variedades de marihuana • El poder curativo y terapéutico de la hierba de calidad • Cómo establecer un cultivo exitoso de marihuana, ya sea en interiores o al aire libre • ¿Cuáles son los usos seguros de la marihuana y la ley y regulación de las plantas de marihuana? • Cómo utilizar los sistemas de hidroponía y acuaponía para cultivar marihuana ¡Y MUCHO MÁS! No importa qué tan joven o viejo, qué tan inexperto o experimentado, o qué nivel de educación tengas, este libro podrá ayudarte a fortalecer tu comprensión del cultivo de marihuana para que puedas utilizarlo en tu vida diaria

Building Simple Furniture: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-06 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser.)

by Cathy Baker

EASY-TO-BUILD PROJECTS FOR THE WEEKEND WOODWORKER! <P><P>Look over the variety of simple wood-working projects in the bulletin and you’ll quickly find something that deserves a place in your home. A small table for the hallway, perhaps, or an Adirondack chair or picnic set for the deck or garden? <P><P>The good news is that you don’t need to be a master carpenter with a basement full of power tools to craft these handsome and practical items. With a few simple hand tools and Cathy Baker’s step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow illustrations and diagrams, you can build sturdy, durable, beautiful wooden furniture that you and your family will enjoy for years to come. <P><P>Projects include:· <br> Wall shelf· <br> Small bench· <br> Picnic table and benches· <br> Adirondack chair· <br> Pump lamp· <br> Step stool· <br> Storage box· <br> Side table

Chair Caning and Seat Weaving: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-16 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser.)

by Cathy Baker

Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.

Sea Salt Sweet: The Art of Using Salts for the Ultimate Dessert Experience

by Heather Baird

Make Your Desserts Even Sweeter--With Salt! If you've ever dipped pretzels in melted chocolate or sprinkled salt over a juicy melon slice, then you’ve discovered the magic alchemy in mixing saltiness with sweetness. The recipes in Sea Salt Sweet take it up a notch, combining these two great tastes in ways you’ve never imagined. Award-winning blogger and master baker Heather Baird teaches you how to use fine artisan salts -- from Maldon Sea Salt and Red Hawaiian Salt, to Himalayan Black and French Grey Salt -- to make mouthwatering desserts for any occasion. From sure-to-please classics like Chocolate Chunk Kettle Chip Cookies and Lemon Pie with Soda Cracker Crust, to more exotic choices like Black Sesame Cupcakes with Matcha Buttercream or Smoke & Stout Chocolate Torte, Sea Salt Sweet offers delectable "must-try” treats for the salty-sweet lover.

The Urban Woodsman

by Max Bainbridge

Hand carving is easy, satisfying and therapeutic when guided by Max Bainbridge. Create your own unique pieces and carve with confidence thanks to detailed information on tools, cutting techniques and clear step-by-step photography accompanying each project. Start with basic spoons, cooking spoons and spatulas, before moving onto butter knives, chopping boards and small bowls, with only a few simple tools required. Max also advises on the perfect finish for your projects - how to sand, ebonise, scorch and texture surfaces as well as waxing and oiling your new creations. Whether you are a novice or an experienced carver, this book will inspire you to make something that you will be proud of.

The Urban Woodsman

by Max Bainbridge

Hand carving is easy, satisfying and therapeutic when guided by Max Bainbridge. Create your own unique pieces and carve with confidence thanks to detailed information on tools, cutting techniques and clear step-by-step photography accompanying each project. Start with basic spoons, cooking spoons and spatulas, before moving onto butter knives, chopping boards and small bowls, with only a few simple tools required. Max also advises on the perfect finish for your projects - how to sand, ebonise, scorch and texture surfaces as well as waxing and oiling your new creations. Whether you are a novice or an experienced carver, this book will inspire you to make something that you will be proud of.

Passive Solar Architecture

by David A. Bainbridge Ken Haggard

This pocket reference book provides a wealth of practical information at your fingertips, whenever you need it. Rich in background detail, at-a-glance tables and diagrams, equations, and more, the Passive Solar Architecture Pocket Referenceis a handy resource for architects, engineers and students. Coverage includes: Definitions Load determinants and Responses (including world wide biomes and climates, building metabolism and response, thermal sources and sinks, passive building responses to sources and sinks, tuning the building to the environment, optimizing insulation & thermal mass for comfort) Contextual Aspects (including microclimate and siting, temperatures, humidity, wind, radiation and comfort parameters) Passive Components (including building envelope, passive solar terminology, orientation, apertures and glazing, thermal storage, thermal control and materials Design Tools (including sun path diagrams, sun peg diagrams, air flow relationships, thermal modelling and life cycle design) Specific Functions (including passive heating, passive cooling and ventilation, natural lighting, passive water heating, resource collection and Integrated design)

Gardening with Less Water: Low-Tech, Low-Cost Techniques; Use up to 90% Less Water in Your Garden

by David A. Bainbridge

Are you facing drought or water shortages? Gardening with Less Water offers simple, inexpensive, low-tech techniques for watering your garden much more efficiently — using up to 90 percent less water for the same results. With illustrated step-by-step instructions, David Bainbridge shows you how to install buried clay pots and pipes, wicking systems, and other porous containers that deliver water directly to a plant&’s roots with little to no evaporation. These systems are available at hardware stores and garden centers; are easy to set up and use; and work for garden beds, container gardens, and trees.

Sanctuary: Creating a Blessed Place to Live and Love

by Pamela J. Bailey

Is the place you live truly your home? Is it where you can take refuge from the world and emerge refreshed...a place to nourish your family's dreams and draw strength from what you believe in? Now, inspired by a personal moment of revelation and insight, environment specialist Pamela J. Bailey shows you how to apply biblical principles and prayer to make your house a restful, vital place that fulfills your soul and heart. Learn how to: Find innovative, inexpensive ways to make the most of-and enjoy-wherever you are living, Create a home that reflects your unique interests and values, Develop a personalized "Power Cleaning" routine that makes housekeeping easy-and fun, Set aside time for rest and doing the things you love to do-and reap their God-given benefits to the fullest. Book jacket.

365 Days of Colour In Your Garden

by Nick Bailey Note Bene Limited

A beautifully photographed guide for gardeners keen to attain the elusive colour-packed 'year-round garden'. Covering ideas on how to use, combine, design with and prolong colour, the book focuses on achievable ways of growing plants of every tone through 12 months of the year. It provides gardeners with an inspiring and surprising palette of plants to furnish their plots with sumptuous colour with detailed lists for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Bursting with practical advice on establishment and maintenance, the book also embraces plants for pots, cutting, difficult spaces and tiny gardens, and features long-season gardens from around the world.

Revive your Garden: How to bring your outdoor space back to life

by Nick Bailey

'In his excellent and information-packed new book, Revive Your Garden, Bailey shares his tips for container plants - perfect for time-poor, distracted Londoners who still want an Instagram-worthy terrace.' Evening Standard'It's an ideal book for anyone faced with the prospect of restoring a garden. It leaves the reader with a sense of optimism that, no matter how dire the situation appears to be, with the right information you can create a glorious garden.' Gardens Illustrated'In his inspiring new book, Revive Your Garden, Nick Bailey... takes the reader through the process, from assessing what you have to breathing new life into tired planting and landscaping. A highly practical guide by an experienced hands-on gardener.' Country LivingFocusing on simple ideas, techniques and design solutions that anyone can achieve, Nick's guidance will instil the reader with the confidence to tackle restoring any space. His advice will include all the vital steps, beginning with assessing and understanding your site and progressing through the pruning and layering of existing planting, and the shaping of your space, to what to plant in specific areas and how to wow with unusual choices. Nick will also give advice on what to do and when to do it, with seasonal guidance on the best times to undertake basic tasks, so that reviving your garden becomes both satisfying and rewarding.

Revive your Garden: How to bring your outdoor space back to life

by Nick Bailey

'In his excellent and information-packed new book, Revive Your Garden, Bailey shares his tips for container plants - perfect for time-poor, distracted Londoners who still want an Instagram-worthy terrace.' Evening Standard'It's an ideal book for anyone faced with the prospect of restoring a garden. It leaves the reader with a sense of optimism that, no matter how dire the situation appears to be, with the right information you can create a glorious garden.' Gardens Illustrated'In his inspiring new book, Revive Your Garden, Nick Bailey... takes the reader through the process, from assessing what you have to breathing new life into tired planting and landscaping. A highly practical guide by an experienced hands-on gardener.' Country LivingFocusing on simple ideas, techniques and design solutions that anyone can achieve, Nick's guidance will instil the reader with the confidence to tackle restoring any space. His advice will include all the vital steps, beginning with assessing and understanding your site and progressing through the pruning and layering of existing planting, and the shaping of your space, to what to plant in specific areas and how to wow with unusual choices. Nick will also give advice on what to do and when to do it, with seasonal guidance on the best times to undertake basic tasks, so that reviving your garden becomes both satisfying and rewarding.

The Liberty Hyde Bailey Gardener's Companion: Essential Writings

by Liberty Hyde Bailey

"Every family can have a garden." -Liberty Hyde BaileyFinally, the best and most accessible garden writings of perhaps the most influential literary gardener of the twentieth century have been brought together in one book. Philosopher, poet, naturist, educator, agrarian, scientist, and garden-lover par excellence Liberty Hyde Bailey built a reputation as the Father of Modern Horticulture and evangelist for what he called the "garden-sentiment"—the desire to raise plants from the good earth for the sheer joy of it and for the love of the plants themselves. Bailey's perennial call to all of us to get outside and get our hands dirty, old or young, green thumb or no, is just as fresh and stirring today as then.Full of timeless wit and grace, The Liberty Hyde Bailey Gardener's Companion collects essays and poems from Bailey's many books on gardening, as well as from newspapers and magazines from the era. Whether you've been gardening for decades or are searching for your first inspiration, Bailey's words will make an ideal companion on your journey.

Practical Cactus and Succulent Book: The Definitive Guide to Choosing, Displaying, and Caring for more than 200 Cacti

by Fran Bailey Zia Allaway

Choose the right plant from 200 varieties of cacti and succulents, and learn how to grow and show them off with help from this comprehensive guide.How can you encourage your bunny ear cactus to flower and flourish? What is the best method for propagating an Echeveria or Kalanchoe? What exactly are living stones, and where do they grow in the wild?Practical Cactus and Succulent Book is the ultimate reference book for cactus and succulent enthusiasts. An extensive illustrated plant directory profiles more than 200 succulent and cactus varieties, with instructions on how to grow each one, while information dashboards offer fascinating facts and quirky stats about different plant families, such as Euphorbia and Echinopsis. Show off your plants with inspirational display ideas and step-by-step projects. Follow the simple propagation instructions to increase your cacti and succulent collection without spending money. Keep your plants healthy with advice and tips for care and cultivation.Practical Cactus and Succulent Book is everything a cactus lover needs.

The Healing Power of Plants: The Hero Houseplants That Will Love You Back

by Fran Bailey

From an award–winning horticulturist, a guide to how to use houseplants to promote health and wellness.Plants don’t only beautify your home —they promote healing too. For example, the luscious scent of lavender aids in a good night’s sleep, while the kentia palm controls humidity levels that increase mold and mildew. This lushly illustrated guide explains the properties of the most beneficial species, from plants that lower stress and provide a breath of fresh air to ones that bring joy, boost brainpower, and help you communicate. It explains how to choose the right plants for your specific needs, where to place them in your home and office, which ones are pet friendly, and how to make sure they thrive—so you will too.And if you don’t have a green thumb, you’ll find a guide to 10 easygoing plants that are perfect for starting your indoor garden.

The Kindred Life: Stories and Recipes to Cultivate a Life of Organic Connection

by Christine Marie Bailey

Even though technology makes us more &“connected&” than ever, we still hunger for authentic relationships—with the natural world, our creator, and one another. But how do we find them, especially when we&’ve lost touch with many of the foundational rhythms that draw us together?The Kindred Life is a rallying cry for real connection in a time when we need to re­capture what&’s been lost. In this collection of stories, photos, and recipes from her home on Kindred Farm in Santa Fe, Tennessee, sustainable farmer Christine Bailey shares both the beautiful and gritty moments as she grew from a hopeful urban gardener to co-owner of a farm full of produce, bees, chickens, and flowers that provides meaningful experiences for friends, family, and hundreds of guests each year.Kindred means &“tribe&” or &“family,&” and at the center of The Kindred Life is an invita­tion to pursue the experiences that unite us, like spending time in the dirt, slowing down, and joining in a simple meal under the stars. We were all created with the ability to carve out a life of connection, and it&’s worth every bit of sweat it takes to get there. We can slow down. We can step forward in bravery to do hard things well. And we can be intentional about gathering with and investing in others.Discover the beauty of community, the magic of coming together around the table, and the lessons the land can teach you as you unearth your very own Kindred Life—right where you are.

Gated Communities: Social Sustainability in Contemporary and Historical Gated Developments

by Samer Bagaeen Ola Uduku

Gated Communities provides a historic, socio-political and contemporary cultural perspective of gated communities. In doing so it offers a different lens through which to view the historical vernacular background of this now global phenomenon. The book presents a collection of new writing on the issue by an international and interdisciplinary group of contributors. The authors review current thinking on gated communities and consider the sustainability issues that these contemporary 'lifestyle' communities raise. The authors argue that there are links that can be drawn between the historic gated homesteads and cities, found in much of the world, and today's Western-style secure complexes. Global examples of gated communities, and their historical context, are presented throughout the book. The authors also comment on how sustainability issues have impacted on these communities. The book concludes by considering how the historic measures up with the contemporary in terms of sustainability function, and aesthetic.

365 Ways to Save the Planet: A Day-by-day Guide to Living Sustainably (365 Series)

by Nergiz De Baere

ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE THE WORLD?365 WAYS TO SAVE THE PLANET is a full year's worth of daily wisdom, carefully selected to inspire you to take the urgent action our very existence desperately needs. You'll find actions and challenges, surprising facts about the climate crisis, templates for writing to political representatives, scientific explanations of important concepts, popular misconceptions about sustainability, and much more. 365 WAYS TO SAVE THE PLANET goes way beyond predictable sustainability advice about how to recycle. Here you'll discover the small stuff you can do every day to change the world. Because when you get the little things right, the big things follow.

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