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A Little Black Book of Noir Stories

by Tom Piccirilli

Great little book of 7 short stories by a popular writer of crime, mystery and suspense.

The Little Bad Book #3: Your Time Has Come (THE LITTLE BAD BOOK SERIES #3)

by Magnus Myst

In this third book in the Little Bad Book interactive series, yet another secret is revealed to the reader—and this time it's ancient!Hey, you! Good thing you&’re here! See, I need a reader who&’s got some guts. And who&’s brave and clever and cunning—plus also, ideally, super delicious. Uh, no, not delicious. Forget I said that. Brave and smart, I meant to say. Exactly. Are you brave and smart? And do you want to help me? I promise you this: if you read me, it&’ll be the last thing you . . . uh, no, the best time you&’ve ever had in your whole life!So how about it? Do you dare read me? If so, here's a hint . . . be sure to pack a Time Travel Emergency Kit. You might just need it!

The Little Bad Book #2: Even More Dangerous! (THE LITTLE BAD BOOK SERIES #2)

by Magnus Myst

In this second book in the Little Bad Book interactive series, young readers will be dared to solve tricky puzzles and funny riddles and to become part of the plot in eerily funny stories in order to reveal the Little Bad Book's secret!HEY, YOU! PSSST You might not believe this, but I&’ve discovered the biggest secret in the world. Yes, honestly! Should I tell you? Okay. Just be careful! It will be the scariest thing you&’ve ever read! I hope you can take it. Can you?? I bet you can. You&’re brave, aren&’t you? Do you dare to read me? Come on—do it—read me! You are the lucky reader who can discover the secret the little bad book is willing to share. The puzzles and riddles will challenge you, but it is definitely worth it! Go ahead and take a chance! You are the baddest one there is!

The Little Bad Book #1 (THE LITTLE BAD BOOK SERIES #1)

by Magnus Myst

With tricky puzzles, funny riddles, and eerily funny stories, this interactive middle grade book allows the reader to become a part of the plot!This is all about YOU—yes, I am talking to YOU. Your help is needed. Act NOW! Pick up and start this book no matter what else you are doing. Don&’t be a goody-goody and wait for the right time—the right time is this minute! Come on, do it! Make a decision! Who cares what the adults or others say? You can start by helping me be bad—even evil! Yah, YOU! But don&’t worry, because we won&’t get punished—no, we&’ll have fun! Guaranteed FUN. This Little Bad Book you have discovered has dreams and aspirations, but it needs help from YOU, the reader. You will find eerily funny stories packed with challenging puzzles and riddles and fantastic drawings and images. Only you, the reader, can help this little bad book get what you both want—a surprisingly terrific time together. Get started! It&’s up to you, and you can do it!

Literally Disturbed #2

by Adam F. Watkins Ben H. Winters

More scary stories from Edgar Award winner and New York Times bestselling author Ben H. Winters!Chased by wolves,no escape.Monsters screeching,changing shape.Dusty tombstones,bones beneath.Swooping dragons,giant teeth--all things awful, all things wrong,all these nightmares, all night long!Ben H. Winters continues to scare readers in this collection of 30 creepy rhyming stories about the things that haunt your nightmares! Featuring more chilling illustrations by Adam F. Watkins, this book will keep readers awake all night long."Winters gives kids just the right amount of scary (i.e., not too scary) for read-alouds at a sleepover or around the campfire--or even solo under the covers with a flashlight." --Booklist, on Literally Disturbed: Tales to Keep You Up at Night

Literally Disturbed

by Ben H. Winters Adam F. Watkins

Come on up to the attic Come up if you dare Climb up the rickety ladder-- Come up and see what's there... Ben H. Winters brings the fear factor to this collection of thirty spooktastic rhyming stories about witches, zombies, vampires and more! Featuring eerie illustrations by Adam F. Watkins, this book is perfect for nights around the campfire and slumber party ghost stories. Be sure to keep a flashlight close!

Litany of Dreams: An Arkham Horror Novel (Arkham Horror)

by Ari Marmell

Dark incantations expose the minds of Miskatonic University students to supernatural horrors, in this chilling mystery novel of Arkham HorrorThe mysterious disappearance of a gifted student at Miskatonic University spurs his troubled roommate, Elliot Raslo, into an investigation of his own. But Elliot already struggles against the maddening allure of a ceaseless chant that only he can hear… When Elliot&’s search converges with that of a Greenland Inuk&’s hunt for a stolen relic, they are left with yet more questions. Could there be a connection between Elliot&’s litany and the broken stone stele covered in antediluvian writings that had obsessed his friend? Learning the answers will draw them into the heart of a devilish plot to rebirth an ancient horror.


by Camille Oster

Prima di ricevere la risposta alla sua richiesta per una posizione di istitutrice, mai Estelle Winstone aveva immaginato di dover lasciare l'Inghilterra. La sola idea di dover viaggiare fino in Ungheria le provoca una forte tensione allo stomaco, come anche il fatto di dover incontrare il misterioso conte che diventerà il suo datore di lavoro. Sola e senza capire una parola di ungherese, raggiunge la sua nuova casa, un tetro castello nascosto tra montagne abitate da lupi affamati. Un castello perseguitato da una lunga storia e da tragedie recenti.

The Listener

by Robert McCammon

The New York Times–bestselling author &“masterfully combines historical thriller and supernatural horror . . . [for] fans of occult thrillers like those by Dean Koontz&” (Booklist, starred review). Economic collapse. Crushing unemployment and breadlines crowding city streets as crime spirals out of control. The Great Depression has enough misery for all, and some to spare. But for angel-faced grifter John Partlow, the American South in 1934 is a land of opportunity. The small-time confidence man stumbles into the big leagues when he partners up with beautiful hustler Ginger LaFrance. Seduced into her high stakes plot to kidnap the young children of a New Orleans shipping magnate, John realizes he&’s in over his head when Ginger&’s fierce desire to see her scheme succeed could mean a gruesome end for their innocent victims. Unless young Nilla can wield her secret gift in time. Though she&’s never heard the term, nine-year-old Nilla is a Listener—someone who can telepathically pick up on the thoughts of others like themselves. Nilla has started to communicate with another Listener—a young black man struggling to find his way as a porter at the Union Station. Their lives couldn&’t be more different, and though they have never met, their shared bond is so strong that Curtis is ready to risk it all to answer her cry for help. But will it be enough to save two children from the merciless hands of hardened criminals? &“Race relations are one subject of this seductive slice of supernatural noir set in 1934 New Orleans . . . McCammon conjures believable characters whose sympathetic plight pulls the reader headlong into the novel&’s volatile mix of crime and fantasy. Its tense finale, paced at breakneck speed, will have readers turning pages until its surprise-packed end.&” —Publishers Weekly

Listen for the Whisperer

by Phyllis A. Whitney

A reclusive actress is brought back into the spotlight—by murder—in this novel by a New York Times–bestselling and Edgar award–winning author. Leigh Hollins had no choice but to honor her father’s dying wish: that she find her estranged mother, now living in seclusion in Norway, and reconcile with her. Leigh’s mother, Laura Worth, was once one of the most dynamic movie stars in the world, her films eclipsed only by her real life, which was filled with intrigue, scandal, and romantic melodrama. Then, after the mysterious death of the director on her final film, Laura slipped away from the Hollywood limelight. All she wanted was to be alone—but her daughter is about to shatter her solitude. When Leigh arrives at her mother’s isolated hillside home in Bergen, she’s met with both guarded joy and trepidation. Gunnar, a family friend, is a welcoming figure who sparks an unexpected attraction. But when Leigh reunites with the mother she once longed to know, she discovers a weakened recluse, a woman living in fear. As Leigh opens old wounds, draws out long-buried secrets, and unwittingly invites the dreadful past back into both of their lives, she learns that not everyone is a fan of Laura Worth. Someone wants her dead—and Leigh herself has also been targeted for a killer fade-out. From the Edgar Award–winning author Barbara Michaels hailed as “the Grand Master of her craft,” Listen for the Whisperer is a novel of illusions and deadly family secrets. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Phyllis A. Whitney including rare images from the author’s estate.

La Lista del Diablo

by Terry M. West

"Cuando se trata de escenas de horror brutal y narración tan penetrante como el filo de un machete, Terry M. West es uno de los maestros". -Bob Milne, Beauty in Ruins La Lista del Diablo es una oscura historia de locura y horror de Terry M. West. En el pequeño pueblo Pleasant Storm en Texas durante el verano de 1985, Chuck Beall se embarca en un viaje de brutalidad y locura. Convencido de que está poseído por un demonio que lo obliga a matar, la asesina atención de Chuck cambia de transeúntes al azar, a aquellos a quienes más culpa por su pasado abusivo.

La lista de Schindler (Biblioteca De Bolsillo/ediciones B Ser. #Vol. 8)

by Thomas Keneally

Quien salva la vida de un hombre salva al mundo entero. La novela que inspiró la película de Steven Spielberg. Él era Oskar Schindler. Un empresario alemán, miembro del partido nazi, que, con osadía e ingenio, se convirtió en un héroe en medio del horror de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En este gran hito de la literatura sobre el Holocausto, Thomas Keneally recrea magistralmente sus peligrosas proezas y cómo utilizó su fortuna para comprar una fábrica cerca de un campo de concentración y así salvar la vida de más de 1.300 judíos. La crítica ha dicho...«Una asombrosa historia... en este caso la verdad es mucho más poderosa que cualquier producto de la imaginación.»Newsweek «Un relato extraordinario.»The New York Review of Books «Una magnífica narración sobre la grandeza del alma humana.»Los Angeles Times Book Review

La Lista de la Bruja

by Andrew Cairns

Sandy Beech no cree en brujas y en lo supernatural. Sin embargo, ocurren ciertos extraños eventos que ponen a prueba su escepticismo: un libro en llamas, un crucifijo que se cae, una enfermedad misteriosa y un incendio en un convento que mata a las doce monjas. En su lecho de muerte, Bernardette, la última monja sobreviviente, le advierte que controle sus deseos y evite a las mujeres africanas. A Sandy le resulta difícil, ya que se siente atraído por las mujeres exóticas y de piel oscura y, después de un año de intercambio universitario hedonista en París, se casa con Rocky de Costa de Marfil. Cinco años después, sin hijos y con el matrimonio zozobrando, deciden visitar el país de origen de Rocky. Sandy se ve arrastrado a un mundo de creencias y prácticas extrañas: se entera de la Lista de las brujas, una lista de personas destinadas a morir, y es atacado por varios animales, comenzando con un perro feroz en Abiyán. Profundiza más y más en el ámbito de la brujería africana, pero la horrible verdad sigue siendo oscura…

A Lista da Bruxa

by Andrew Cairns

Sandy Beech não acredita em bruxas e sobrenatural. No entanto, certos eventos estranhos ocorrem e põem à prova seu ceticismo: um livro em chamas, um crucifixo em queda, uma doença misteriosa e um incêndio em um convento que mata todas as doze freiras. No leito de morte, Bernadette, a última freira sobrevivente, adverte-o para controlar suas luxúrias e evitar as mulheres africanas. Sandy acha isso difícil, já que ele é atraído por mulheres exóticas de pele escura e, após seu ano hedonista de intercâmbio universitário em Paris, casa-se com Rocky, da Costa do Marfim. Cinco anos depois, sem filhos e com o azar do casamento, eles decidem visitar o país natal de Rocky. Sandy é atraído para um mundo de estranhas crenças e práticas: ele descobre a Lista das Bruxas - uma lista de pessoas destinadas a morrer e é atacado por vários animais, começando com um cão feroz em Abidjan. Ele mergulha cada vez mais no reino da bruxaria africana, mas a verdade horrível permanece obscura ... A Lista das Bruxas é o primeiro de uma trilogia.

The List of Unspeakable Fears

by J. Kasper Kramer

The War That Saved My Life meets Coraline in this chilling middle grade historical novel from the author of the acclaimed The Story That Cannot Be Told following an anxious young girl learning to face her fears—and her ghosts—against the backdrop of the typhoid epidemic.Essie O&’Neill is afraid of everything. She&’s afraid of cats and electric lights. She&’s afraid of the silver sick bell, a family heirloom that brings up frightening memories. Most of all, she&’s afraid of the red door in her nightmares. But soon Essie discovers so much more to fear. Her mother has remarried, and they must move from their dilapidated tenement in the Bronx to North Brother Island, a dreary place in the East River. That&’s where Essie&’s new stepfather runs a quarantine hospital for the incurable sick, including the infamous Typhoid Mary. Essie knows the island is plagued with tragedy. Years ago, she watched in horror as the ship General Slocum caught fire and sank near its shores, plummeting one thousand women and children to their deaths. Now, something on the island is haunting Essie. And the red door from her dreams has become a reality, just down the hall from her bedroom in her terrifying new house. Convinced her stepfather is up to no good, Essie investigates. Yet to uncover the truth, she will have to face her own painful history—and what lies behind the red door.

The List of 7

by Mark Frost

Dark BrotherhoodAs the city of London slumbers, there are those in its midst who conspire to rule the world through the darkest and most nefarious means. These seven, seated in positions of extraordinary power and influence, marshal forces from the far side to aid them in their fiendish endeavor.Force of OneIn the aftermath of a bloody séance and a terrifying supernatural contact, a courageous young doctor finds himself drawn into a malevolent conspiracy beyond human comprehension.All or NothingThe future is not safe, as a thousand-year reign of pure evil is about to begin, unless a small group of stalwart champions can unravel the unspeakable mysteries behind a crime far more terrible than murder.

The List

by Steve Martini

A bold and successful scheme to outwit the biggest players in publishing and film animates this novel by the bestselling author of The Judge--a suspenseful thriller in which the price of fame becomes terror.Gable Cooper has penned a novel to kill for. Six million dollars in book and film rights are looming just off the table for this unknown author. But there is a problem: Gable Cooper doesn't exist.Abby Chandlis is an attorney turned novelist and the creator of Gable Cooper. In an age when glamour, not grammar, is often the secret to selling books, Abby has an intriguing plan to keep her writing career alive: find a charismatic male face to pose as the phantom author for the knock-dead thriller she has written.Jack Jermaine is a man with dangerous good looks and a shadowy past. Trained by the military to kill, his obsession is to pen a blockbuster book. He has a trunk filled with rejected manuscripts and a gnawing problem that has turned him bitter: Jack can't write.Desperate to find a man to play the role of Gable Cooper, Abby is about to give up when Jack forces his way into her life. Reluctantly she is convinced that Jack's humor and looks will clinch success for her novel. She uses her legal wits and makes a deal with the devil. Jack becomes Gable Cooper.When Jack is propelled into the orbit of celebrity, Abby finds herself at once seduced and trapped by her own creation. Success turns to terror. The story careens from the Pacific Northwest to New York City and finally through the islands of the Caribbean as Abby races for her life to the one person she can trust--the one person who can prove to the world that she wrote the novel, and put an end to the nightmare that was once her dream, the dream of making The List.

L'isola del tumulo maledetto

by William Meikle Ilaria Grandi Myeditor

Alcune leggende sono vere... Una vecchia storia narra di un'entità maligna radicata nelle viscere della terra. Quando una spedizione di archeologi ignora la saggezza degli abitanti e dischiude un vecchio tumulo su una remota isola nelle Ebridi scozzesi, si scatena un orrore che va ben oltre i loro incubi più oscuri. Qualcuno sopravvivrà al massacro di Island Life? William Meikle racconta una storia terrificante che vi impedirà di chiudere il libro finché non volterete l'ultima pagina!

L'isola Bishop

by Fabio Costantino Luke Shephard

Condurre la vita come un guardiano di un faro in una isoletta remota della Scozia non È un’esperienza emozionante. Specialmente dopo essersi separata dal marito, Mark. Ma nonostante ciò, Holly ama il suo lavoro e la sua vita sull’isola Bishop. Finché un giorno, cose strane iniziano a giungere a riva. Cose pericolose che non ha mai visto in vita sua. Cose spaventose che nessun altro abitante dell’isola riesce a spiegare. Adesso, Holly deve affrontare un turbinio di guai ed usare il suo faro per provare a cercare aiuto, nella speranza che qualcuno accolga la sua disperata preghiera e quella dell’isola.

Los lisiados serán los primeros (Flash Relatos)

by Flannery O'Connor

Este relato perturbador, donde los límites entre el bien y el mal no son tan claros como parece, es una muestra más del indiscutible talento de Flannery O'Connor. Sheepard, viudo, trabajador social y padre de un niño de diez años, se empeña en la tutela de Rufus Johnson, un adolescente inadaptado salido del reformatorio que no duda en afirmar que Satán lo tiene en su poder. El esfuerzo de Sheppard por reformar al chico y las grandes expectativas y buenas intenciones que pone en él acabarán por empujarlo hacia el despertar de una cruda realidad. «Los lisiados serán los primeros» aparece enCuentos completos de Flannery O'Connor (Lumen, 2009)

Lisey's Story

by Stephen King

INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH STEPHEN KING AND APPLE TV +Perhaps Stephen King's most personal and powerful novel and audiobook, LISEY'S STORY is a beautifully textured suspense narrative about the wellsprings of creativity, the temptations of madness and the secret language of love. Read by Mare Winningham.Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark.Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure.Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality.Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive.(P)2006 Simon and Schuster Audio

Lisey's Story

by Stephen King

*Soon to be an Apple TV+ limited series starring Julianne Moore and Clive Owen*INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH STEPHEN KING AND APPLE TV +Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark.Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure.Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality.Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive.

Lion Hearted: Book One in The Divination Falls Trilogy

by Sommer Marsden

Tryg Avondale is the muscle for his pride, and when he’s called upon to hunt down two missing teens, he sees the job for what it is – a chance to give his pride a break from him and his “nature”. Tryg is a gay lion and it’s not something his “family” seems to embrace.He takes with him Luke Dorchester – an empath and the perfect travel companion. Luke can feel and soothe every emotion that coils deep inside Tryg, and the sex between them is the hottest Tryg has ever known. Tryg has no intention of letting his emotions go any further when it comes to this brand new man. But he also has zero intention of letting him go. What follows is a road trip from campground to campground, hot nights in hotel rooms and close encounters spent together as they follow the scent of the two abducted shifters. A scent that takes them to Divination Falls, a haven for shifters and associated magical folk; a place where an old evil will surface and Tryg will learn just how far his love for lion-hearted Luke must take him.


by Elaina J. Davidson

Lei sceglierà il proprio destino. Chloe scappa dalla sua casa di famiglia perché si rifiuta di sposare l'uomo che suo fratello ritiene adatto. Dopotutto, nel 21° secolo, la scelta è sua. Impronte fangose rivelano che viene seguita. È l'uomo che suo fratello ha scelto per lei? È uno sconosciuto che va a caccia di donne sole? O è un fantasma?

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