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Zen Pencils: Cartoon Quotes from Inspirational Folks (Zen Pencils Ser. #1)

by Gavin Aung Than

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!Gavin Aung Than, an Australian graphic designer turned cartoonist, started the weekly Zen Pencils blog in February 2012. He describes his motivation for launching Zen Pencils: "I was working in the boring corporate graphic design industry for eight years before finally quitting at the end of 2011 to pursue my passion for illustration and cartooning. At my old job, when my boss wasn't looking, I would waste time reading Wikipedia pages, mainly biographies about people whose lives were a lot more interesting than mine. Their stories and quotes eventually inspired me to leave my job to focus on what I really wanted to do. The idea of taking these inspiring quotes, combining them with my love of drawing and sharing them with others led to the creation of Zen Pencils." "Zen Pencils deftly blends the inspired thoughts of our great creative and moral thinkers with its own fresh visual wit. Because these work as pithy history lessons illuminating timeless human truths, it's no wonder Gavin's engaging comics go viral!" —Michael Cavna, Washington Post's Comic Riffs"Sometimes all it takes is a clear, original vision and a talented hand. Gavin Aung Than and his genius of Zen Pencils gives us that together, and so much more." -–Chris Hadfield, retired astronaut and former Commander of the International Space Station"If you read this book and don't get a lump in your throat and a stirring in your heart at least once, check your pulse. You're dead." —Philip Plait, The Bad Astronomer"Gavin has the amazing ability to make words and ideas come alive. He teaches, inspires, and brings a whole new level of creativity to the quotes that hold a special place in our hearts." —Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW Author of the No. 1 New York Times Bestseller, Daring Greatly"Zen Pencils is a visual demonstration of joy and courage. Buy it for inspiration, and keep it for regular reminders of living bigger." — Chris Guillebeau, New York Times Bestselling Author of The $100 Startup

The Zen of Zombie: (Even) Better Living through the Undead (Zen of Zombie Series)

by Scott Kenemore

While you may struggle to get out of bed each morning, swaying lifelessly across the room, mouth agape, arms hanging slack, and murmuring unintelligibly, take at heart that you are not alone. While many people feel this way, most of those staggering, limp, perpetually drowsy folks just happen to be zombies—and it turns out they can teach us a lot about enjoying life! Zen of Zombie will teach you their secrets to happiness, by learning how to slow down and move at your own pace, become your own boss, and just devour those irritating people who get in your way. And there’s more, because zombies can offer no-nonsense advice on love, playing to your strengths, and on becoming more adaptable. With this recent update, you will learn more about the inner workings of the living dead, and why they do the things they’re known so well for doing . . . including why they always have that glazed over look on their faces. Follow the genius of Scott Kenemore as he leads you through the world that only a zombie could properly understand. Having peace and tranquility in life is the key to success and happiness. Now, with this book by your side, you will be able to not only find spiritual relaxation and chi, but you’ll also be taught how to think less and relax more . . . as zombies have no use for their brains.

The Zen of Zombie: Better Living Through the Undead (Zen of Zombie Series)

by Scott Kenemore

Do you struggle out of bed each morning and sway lifelessly across the room, mouth agape, arms hanging slack, murmuring unintelligibly? Well, take heart: you're not alone! But these other staggering, limp, perpetually drowsy folks just happen to be zombies--and it turns out they can teach us a lot about enjoying life. And only here, between the covers of this book, will you learn their secrets to happiness. Learn how to slow down and move at your own pace, become your own boss, and just devour those irritating people who get in your way. And there's more, because zombies can offer no-nonsense advice on love, playing to your strengths, and on becoming more adaptable.

The Zen of Cat Walking: Leash Train Your Cat and Unleash Your Mind

by Clifford Brooks

Going for a walk is no longer just for the dogs! Experienced cat owner Clifford Brooks is here to teach you and your cat how to enjoy a stroll together. Cats are naturally adventurous creatures, and with the help of a leash and Brooks’s tips, you can indulge those instincts with a sense of security. As any animal trainer will tell you, the magic is in your attitude and sensitivity to your kitty’s needs and subtle reactions to new things. With that in mind, Brooks encourages cat owners to embrace Zen meditation as the foundation for leash training. Benefitting both you and your furry friend, practicing mediation will: • Provide a calm atmosphere in which to learn an enjoyable skill and explore new environments together. • Foster a positive energy between the two of you. • Cultivate patience and appreciation for simple accomplishments. With step-by-step instructions, meditation guidance, and interviews with other successful cat walkers, you’ll learn how cat walking can have a healthy impact on your life and the life of your feline companion. Essentially, you will become a more sensitive cat owner, able to detect when your own presence is affecting your cat’s behavior. Combining a practical skill with a thoughtful approach, Brooks’s advice will do wonders for the time you spend together.

Zen Master Raven: The Teachings of a Wise Old Bird

by Jennifer Rain Crosby Nelson Foster Robert Aitken

A uniquely playful and incisive collection of Zen teaching stories from a beloved American master.A Modern Classic. In the tradition of the great koan collections and the records of ancient masters, Robert Aitken distills a lifetime of teaching down to its essence. Intriguing and deceptively simple, Zen Master Raven is a brilliant encapsulation of Zen in over a hundred koan-like encounters alongside many charming illustrations. Featuring curious beginners like Mallard and Mole and profound teachers like Brown Bear, Moose Roshi, and Zen Master Raven himself, this classic of contemporary Zen and will inspire seekers for generations to come.

Zen Judaism

by David M. Bader

Few spiritual practices are more intriguing or elusive than those of Zen Judaism," says David M. Bader in the foreword to Zen Judaism. "This growing movement offers a unique way to follow in the footsteps of the Buddha, ideally without gaining quite so much weight." These nearly 100 sacred teachings are capable "of bringing about an enlightenment experience so pure, so elevating, and so intense, you could plotz." For you, some samples:To know the Buddha is the highest attainment. Second highest is to go to the same doctor as the Buddha.Be here now. Be someplace else later. Is that so complicated? There is no escaping Karma. In a previous life, you never called, you never wrote, you never visited. And whose fault was that?If there is no self, whose arthritis is this? Be patient and achieve all things. Be impatient and achieve all things faster.From the Hardcover edition.

Zen Confidential: Confessions of a Wayward Monk

by Leonard Cohen Shozan Jack Haubner

These hilarious essays on life inside and outside a Zen monastery make up the spiritual memoir of Shozan Jack Haubner, a Zen monk who didn't really start out to be one. Raised in a conservative Catholic family, Shozan went on to study philosophy (becoming de-Catholicized in the process) and to pursue a career as a screenwriter and stand-up comic in the clubs of L.A. How he went from life in the fast lane to life on the stationary meditation cushion is the subject of this laugh-out-loud funny account of his experiences. Whether he's dealing with the pranks of a juvenile delinquent assistant in the monastery kitchen or defending himself against claims that he appeared in a porno movie under the name "Daniel Reed" (he didn't, really) or being surprised in the midst of it all by the compassion he experiences in the presence of his teacher, Haubner's voice is one you'll be compelled to listen to. Not only because it's highly entertaining, but because of its remarkable insight into the human condition.

Zen Cat

by Judith Adler

How often have we seen cats watching us with intense focus, playing obsessively with a toy, comforting us as they cannily assess our moods, lying calmly in a patch of sunlight? Cats exemplify the essential tenets of Zen philosophy and the desire to find the simple and spiritual in everyday life. They embody utter grace, nonjudgmental devotion, and a sense of spontaneous whimsy. What's more, as we interact with cats, these qualities are reflected back in us.Zen Cat pairs more than 50 charming black-and-white photographs of cats with simple and inspiring quotes from a variety of sources: A fat cat lying on the floor evokes the statement "A hand-rolled dumpling of heaven and earth; I gulped it down and easily it went"; a picture of a cat up for adoption is accompanied by Buddha's question "If we fail to look after others when they need help, who will look after us?" This ingenious coupling of concepts and images reminds us that even the most finicky of our feline friends have a lot to teach us, if only we take the time to learn.

Zen Bender: A Decade-Long Enthusiastic Quest to Fix Everything (That Was Never Broken)

by Stephanie Krikorian

&“The book is filled with humor and soul-baring honesty, as Krikorian describes her adventures down just about every self-help road there is.&” —The Independent When the recession turned her life upside down, Stephanie Krikorian had to reinvent her life—and fast. She started ghostwriting self-help books for women. Between writing and researching she realized that everywhere she looked there was AFOG. Another freaking opportunity for growth. Soon she wasn&’t just writing each book; she was living them. This was the start of a ten-year zen bender of dieting, dating, journaling, meditating, and Marie-Kondo-ing on a quest for that ultimate self-help high. Stephanie Krikorian spent her forties trying all of the dating hacks to find love and respect, all of the diets to build self-esteem in a new body, and all of the spiritual guidance to become centered through self-care. On the brink of turning fifty she realized that being better wasn&’t what she craved; it was something else altogether. Zen Bender is the story of one woman&’s journey to radical acceptance, with some questionable advice along the way. A witty, moving, insightful story, the woman behind bestselling celebrity self-help books shares her story of being hooked on the self-help fix for a decade before learning that all the self-help in the world won&’t help you trust gut. &“A wise, witty and thought-provoking book that tends in just the place you&’d hope it would. A great read whether you have a Reiki healer on speed dial, or, well, not.&” —Marianne Power, author of Help Me!: One Woman&’s Quest to Find Out if Self-Help Really Can Change Her Life

Zen and the Art of Faking It

by Jordan Sonnenblick

From masterfully funny and poignant Jordan Sonnenblick, a story that will have everyone searching for their inner Zen.Meet San Lee, a (sort of) innocent teenager, who moves against his will to a new town. Things get interesting when he (sort of) invents a new past for himself, which makes him incredibly popular. In fact, his whole school starts to (sort of) worship him, just because he (sort of) accidentally gave the impression that he's a reincarnated mystic.When things start to unravel, San needs to find some real wisdom in a hurry. Can he patch things up with his family, save himself from bodily harm, stop being an outcast, and maybe even get the girl?

Zeke Meeks vs. the Putrid Puppet Pals

by D. L. Green

Puppet Pals are out to get Zeke! Puppet Pals are taking over the third grade. Zeke doesn't understand what the excitement is all about. The silly finger puppets are just plain boring. Will Zeke ever learn to love these putrid pals?

Zeke Bartholomew: Superspy!

by Jason Pinter

Zeke Bartholomew has always dreamed of being a spy. But when a case of mistaken identity goes horribly wrong, he's thrust into a world of real-life espionage beyond his wildest dreams. Soon this 7th grade nobody finds himself hunted by the lava-powered behemoth Ragnarok, aided by a mysterious butt-kicking girl who goes only by the codename 'Sparrow', while trying to stop the evil mastermind Le Carré from unleashing a device that will turn millions of kids around the world into brainwashed zombie minions. Zeke has always been a zero, and unless he can fumble his way towards becoming a hero, the world is doomed...Full of action, humor, suspense, and more impractical spy gadgets than you can imagine, Zeke Bartholomew is a hero for a new generation. The fate of the world is in his hands! (uh oh...)

Zed: A Novel

by Joanna Kavenna

From the winner of the Orange Award for New Writing comes a blistering, satirical novel about life under a global media and tech corporation that knows exactly what we think, what we want, and what we do—before we do. One corporation has made a perfect world based on a perfect algorithm . . . now what to do with all these messy people? Lionel Bigman is dead. Murdered by a robot. Guy Matthias, the philandering founder and CEO of the mega-corporation Beetle, insists it was human error. But was it? Either the predictive algorithms of Beetle's supposedly omniscient 'lifechain' don't work, or, they've been hacked. Both scenarios are impossible to imagine and signal the end of Beetle's technotopia and life as we know it. Dazzlingly original and darkly comic, Zed asks profound questions about who we are, what we owe to one another, and what makes us human. It describes our moment—the ugliness and the beauty—perfectly. Kavenna is a prophet who has seen deeply into the present—and thrown back her head and laughed.


by Kes Gray

Meet Zebracadabra, master of magic. Watch as he transforms his animal friends before your very eyes!"ZEBRACADABRA!"Pink flamingos turn into... black-and-white stripy flamingos!"ZEBRACADABRA!"A green alligator turns into... a black-and-white stripy alligator!"ZEBRACADABRA!"Colourful chameleons turn into... you guessed it - black-and-white stripy chameleons!How does Zebracadabra do it? By being the best magician in the world, of course! Or he would be, if only he knew how to turn the animals back to their original colours...A laugh-out-loud picture book from Kes Gray, author of Oi Frog, with gloriously silly illustrations by Fred Blunt.

The Zebra Derby: A Novel

by Max Shulman

Home from the war, a veteran finds that his battles have only just begun in this zany and irreverent satire from the author of Rally Round the Flag, Boys! Last seen gallivanting on a college campus in Barefoot Boy with Cheek, Asa Hearthrug traded in his varsity jacket for khaki and fought his way across the Pacific. Now he's back in his hometown of Whistlestop, Minnesota, eager to share his war stories, but no one wants to listen--they've already seen the movies. Postwar America is a brave new plastic world, and Asa's girlfriend dreams of settling down in a house made entirely of the synthetic material. To help make Lodestone La Toole's fantasy a reality, Asa seeks his fortune in vitamin-infused cookie cutters, junkyard fan lamps, airplane fishing trips, and mobile culture emporiums. A failed capitalist, he flirts with communism but decides to rededicate himself to college instead. If only his professors didn't expect every veteran to be a window-busting, wall-chewing, bloodthirsty maniac, he might actually get some studying done.


by Vanessa Veselka

From the author of the National Book Award longlisted epic The Great Offshore Grounds, here is the debut novel that launched her career—a story of activism, police violence, and white guilt in a not so distant dystopian America. &“An ambitious encapsulation of our modern times, Zazen tackles counterculture hipsters, geology, Buddhism, consumerism, terrorism, veganism, family drama, and, above all, love." —Judges' Citation, PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize The world is on fire, and Della doesn&’t know what, if anything, she should do about it. The country is poised on the brink of war. Curfews and other restrictions give the police an excuse for violence. Customers at the vaguely vegan cafe where Della is working after dropping out of grad school debate which foreign countries are the best to flee to: Costa Rica? Bali? Della&’s parents—former revolutionaries—are more excited at the idea of her brother and his Black wife giving them biracial grandbabies than in engaging in any new actions; her nominally activist coworkers are mostly devoted to planning a massive sex party. Della floats between them, lost and numb. Then a bomb goes off: some shallow place of capitalistic worship demolished. Inspired, for reasons not entirely clear to herself, Della calls in a second—fake—bomb threat. But a bomb goes off there, too, and soon Della finds herself pulled in by a group of people who, for once, are promising to actually do something. No matter the consequences. Prescient when it was first published, Vanessa Veselka&’s debut novel is even more revolutionary now. A VINTAGE ORIGINAL.

¡Zas! (Mundodisco #Volumen 34)

by Terry Pratchett

¡Zas! es el golpe de un mazo de troll cayendo en seco sobre el casco de un enano, también es un juego de mesa y la 34ª entrega de Mundodisco. ¡Zas! es el golpe de un mazo de troll cuando cae en seco sobre el casco de un enano; también es un juego de mesa en el que se enfrentan las dos tribus... Y es la historia de una descomunal bronca milenaria que amenaza con estallar de nuevo. Terry Pratchett se confirma una vez más como un narrador único, más divertido, agudo y brillantemente original que nunca.


by A. M. Willard Stephanie Kotz

Morgan Lewis, eine hoffnungslose Romantikerin und die temperamentvolle Besitzerin der Polka Dot Bäckerei, konnte es nicht erwarten, den Mann ihrer Träume zu heiraten. Als sie euphorisch und ihr wunderschönes Hochzeitskleid über der Schulter tragend durch den Park läuft, sieht sie etwas, das keine zukünftige Braut jemals sehen sollte. In diesem Moment wird ihre Traumhochzeit zu einer Geschichte, die Teil eines Klatschmagazins sein könnte. Während Tränen über ihr Gesicht strömen, fragt sie sich, wem sie zuerst absagen soll: der Kirche oder dem Partyservice? Da erscheint Jayden Rivers auf der Bildfläche, den sein Beruf in der Filmproduktion nach Atlanta geführt hat. Seine Mutter hatte immer gesagt, dass nur eine besondere Frau ihn von seiner Arbeit weglocken könnte, aber als er sie sah…die süß riechende Göttin, die ein Hochzeitskleid durch den Park trug, fühlte er sich, als hätte ihm jemand einen Schlag in die Magengrube verpasst. Wird es Jayden gelingen, die Kamera zur Seite zu legen und Morgans Glaube an die Liebe wiederherzustellen? „Zartschmelzend“ von der internationalen Bestseller Autorin A.M. Willard vereint eine Prise zeitgenössischen Liebesroman, einen Spritzer romantischer Komödie und einige Streusel Chick Lit in einem köstlichen Leckerbissen.

Zappy Holidays: The Secret World of Alex Mack Super Edition (The Secret World of Alex Mack #10)

by Diana G. Gallagher

Holiday spirit has hit an all-time low in Paradise Valley this year. Everyone is too worried about other things. The town can't afford to light the big tree in the park, and even worse, it looks like the annual toy drive for needy kids is off. Things aren't much better at the Mack house. Alex is the only one who seems to remember what the holiday season is all about. She's determined to inject some Christmas cheer back into the season. But it looks like it would take a miracle....


by Catharina Valckx

Achille LeBlab, special correspondent, knocks at Zanzibar’s door. He wants to write an article about an exceptional character. Is Zanzibar exceptional? The lizard seems to doubt it. “Aside from your poetic name, I’m afraid you’re a very ordinary crow.” That night Zanzibar decides: “I haven’t done anything remarkable yet, but it’s never too late!” He comes up with an idea for an incredible feat. First he must find a camel...


by Kris Saknussemm

WHO IS ELIJAH CLEARFATHER?Futuristic bioweapon or good old-fashioned messiah? Reincarnated ex-porn star or mutant information-age revolutionary? The man who awakens in New York City's Central Park with no memory of his identity and the enigmatic message FATHER FORGIVE THEM F carved into the flesh of his back may be all of these things and more.Taken in (and then expelled) by a group of freedom fighters battling the soul-deadening Vitessa Cultporation, Clearfather is a stranger in an even stranger land. Following tantalizing clues that point to the gnomic Stinky Wiggler, and pursued by murderous Vitessa agents, Clearfather embarks on a surreal odyssey of self-discovery across an America that resembles a vast amusement park designed by some unholy trinity of Walt Disney, Hunter S. Thompson, and Hieronymus Bosch. Accompanying Clearfather is an unforgettable cast of characters-including Aretha Nightingale, an ex-football-playing drag queen; Dooley Duck and Ubba Dubba, hologram cartoon characters sprung outrageously to life; and the ethereally beautiful Kokomo, whose past is as much a mystery as Clearfather's own.By turns hilarious and deeply moving, a savage, fiercely intelligent satire that is also a page-turning adventure and a transcendent love story, Zanesville marks the arrival of a brilliant new voice in fiction.From the Trade Paperback edition.


by Kris Saknussemm

Who is Elijah Clearfeather? Futuristic bioweapon or good old-fashioned messiah? Reincarnated ex-porn star or mutant information-age revolutionary? The man who awakens in New York City's Central Park with no memory of his identity and the enigmatic message FATHER FORGIVE THEM F carved into the flesh of his back may be all of these things and more.Taken in (and then expelled) by a group of freedom fighters battling the soul-deadening Vitessa Cultporation, Clearfather is a stranger in an even stranger land. Following tantalizing clues that point to the gnomic Stinky Wiggler, and pursued by murderous Vitessa agents, Clearfather embarks on a surreal odyssey of self-discovery across an America that resembles a vast amusement park designed by some unholy trinity of Walt Disney, Hunter S. Thompson, and Hieronymus Bosch. Accompanying Clearfather is an unforgettable cast of characters-including Aretha Nightingale, an ex-football-playing drag queen; Dooley Duck and Ubba Dubba, hologram cartoon characters sprung outrageously to life; and the ethereally beautiful Kokomo, whose past is as much a mystery as Clearfather's own.By turns hilarious and deeply moving, a savage, fiercely intelligent satire that is also a page-turning adventure and a transcendent love story, Zanesville marks the arrival of a brilliant new voice in fiction.

Zack Files 30: It's Itchcraft!

by Dan Greenburg

Zack is nervous about the fifth-grade Halloween dance. He doesn't know how to dance and he doesn't have a date! When Zack meets Prudence, a beautiful girl who speaks with a funny accent and dresses in old-fashioned clothing, he's smitten. He thinks he's found the perfect date for the dance! Prudence is so different from the rest of the kids he knows. She's actually come from the past-the year 1692 to be exact-and she's fleeing the Salem witch trials! Will Zack and Prudence even make it to the dance, or will she have to return to the past? Read on to find out! Illustrated by Jack E. Davis

Zack Files 29: Just Add Water and....Scream!

by Dan Greenburg

When Zack and Spencer get the late-night munchies at a sleepover, they curb their hunger with some freeze-dried food that Zack got at the Air & Space Museum. After devouring freeze-dried ice cream and pizza, they come across an extra package of freeze-dried something. When opened and wet, the shriveled mass starts growing, and growing and growing! How will the boys stop an out-of-control blob from eating everything in sight before it's too late? Illustrated by Jack E. Davis.

Zack Files 28: Tell a Lie and Your Butt Will Grow

by Dan Greenburg

Zack's classmate Andrew Clancy is always bragging. Everyone knows he's a big liar. But suddenly, Andrew is having trouble hiding the fact that he isn't telling the truth, and every time he tells another whopper, his butt grows bigger-will it ever stop?

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