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Landmark Essays on Aristotelian Rhetoric: Volume 14

by Richard Leo Enos

There is little doubt that Aristotle's Rhetoric has made a major impact on rhetoric and composition studies. This impact has not only been chronicled throughout the history of rhetoric, but has more recently been contested as contemporary rhetoricians reexamine Aristotelian rhetoric and its potential for facilitating contemporary oral and written expression. This volume contains the full text of Father William Grimaldi's monograph studies in the philosophy of Aristotle's Rhetoric. The eight essays presented here are divided into three rubrics: history and philosophical orientation, theoretical perspectives, and historical impact. This collection provides teachers and students with major works on Aristotelian rhetoric that are difficult to acquire and offers readers an opportunity to become active participants in today's deliberations about the merits of Aristotelian rhetoric for contemporary teaching and research.

Landmark Essays on American Public Address: Volume 1

by Martin J. Medhurst

This volume traces the historical evolution of American academic thought concerning public address -- what it is, how it ought to be studied, and what can be learned by engaging rhetorical texts in an analytical fashion. To begin, one must distinguish among three separate but interrelated uses of the term "public address" -- as practice, theory, and criticism. The essays in this volume represent landmarks in the literal sense of that term -- they are marks on the intellectual landscape that indicate where scholars and ideas have passed, and in that passing left a mark for future generations. It is appropriate to revisit the landmarks that have set public address off as a field of study and it allows readers to remember the struggles that have led to the current situation. Most of the authors of the following chapters are deceased, but their ideas live on -- transformed, adapted, modified, rejected, and reborn. The scholarly dialectic continues. What constitutes a study in public address, how best to approach rhetorical texts, which analytical tools are required for the job, how best to balance text with context and what role ought theory to play in the conduct or outcome of critical inquiry -- these questions live on. To answer them at all is to engender debate and that is how it should be if the intellectual vitality of public address is to be maintained. The papers are a prolegomenon to such studies, for they mark where scholars have been and point the way to where they still must go.

The Land That Time Forgot

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare s finesse to Oscar Wilde s wit, this unique collection brings together works as diverse and influential as The Pilgrim s Progress and Othello. As an anthology that invites readers to immerse themselves in the masterpieces of the literary giants, it is must-have addition to any library.

Land, People, Nation: A History of the United States (3rd Edition)

by Anna Uhl Chamot Kathleen Anderson Steeves

Land, People, Nation: A History of the United States helps English language learners and struggling readers develop academic language skills for learning history and geography. The engaging readings and illustrations, maps, charts, and graphs build valuable interpretive skills for students as they master academic content.

Land of the Permanent Wave: An Edwin "Bud" Shrake Reader

by Steven L. Davis

Edwin "Bud" Shrake is one of the most intriguing literary talents to emerge from Texas. He has written vividly in fiction and nonfiction about everything from the early days of the Texas Republic to the making of the atomic bomb. His real gift has been to capture the Texas Zeitgeist. Legendary Harper's Magazine editor Willie Morris called Shrake's essay "Land of the Permanent Wave" one of the two best pieces Morris ever published during his tenure at the magazine. High praise, indeed, when one considers that Norman Mailer and Seymour Hersh were just two of the luminaries featured at Harper's during Morris's reign. This anthology is the first to present and explore Shrake's writing completely, including his journalism, fiction, and film work, both published and previously unpublished. The collection makes innovative use of his personal papers and letters to explore the connections between his journalism and his novels, between his life and his art. An exceptional behind-the-scenes look at his life, Land of the Permanent Wave reveals and reveres the life and calling of a writer whose legacy continues to influence and engage readers and writers nearly fifty years into his career.

Land of the Dragons

by Rod Morris

Komodo dragons are the world's biggest lizard, and they are just as fierce as the dragons you read about in storybooks. A big male Komodo dragon can be over ten feet long! There are over three thousand of these giant lizards living on Komodo--they really are the rulers of the island.

Land of Sunshine: Race, Gender, and Regional Development in a California Periodical

by Sigrid Anderson

Although denied the right to vote, late nineteenth-century women writers engaged in debates over land settlement and expansion through literary texts in regional periodicals. In &“Land of Sunshine&”: Race, Gender, and Regional Development in a California Periodical, Sigrid Anderson uncovers the political fictions of writers Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Mary Austin, Constance Goddard DuBois, Beatriz Bellido de Luna, and Edith Eaton (Sui Sin Far), all of whom were contributors to the Southern California periodical Land of Sunshine. In this magazine, which generally touted the superiority of the West and its white settlers, women authors undercut triumphalist narratives of racial superiority and rapid development by focusing on the stories of hardship experienced by the marginalized communities displaced by white expansion. By telling stories from the points of view of marginalized peoples who had been disempowered in the political sphere and shaping those stories to offer solutions to land settlement questions, these women writers used literature to make a political point. &“Land of Sunshine&” unpacks the competing visions of Southern California embedded in this periodical while revealing the essential role of magazines in place-making.

The Land of Rowan Oak: An Exploration of Faulkner's Natural World

by Ed Croom

The plants and landscape at Rowan Oak are the “little postage stamp of soil” that William Faulkner owned, walked, and tended for over thirty years during the writing of many of his short stories and novels. Faulkner saw and smelled the earth and listened to sounds from the cultivated grounds and the surrounding woods. This is the place that offered him refuge for writing and provided him food from its garden, fruit and nut trees, and pasture for his horses and a milk cow. Rowan Oak boasts a diverse landscape, encompassing an aristocratic eastern redcedar-lined drive and walk as well as hardy ornamental shrubs, trees, pastures, and a hardwood forest with virgin timber. More than fifty years after Faulkner's death, Rowan Oak remains a sanctuary and a place of mystery and beauty nestled in the midst of Oxford, Mississippi. The photographs in The Land of Rowan Oak are botanist Ed Croom's exploration and documentation of the changes in the plants and landscape over more than a decade. Croom encountered early morning mists, the summer heat and haze, and even rare snowfalls in his near-daily walks on the grounds. His photographs record a decaying fence line, trees and plants that have since disappeared, and the newly restored sunken garden. This book honors the land Faulkner loved. While Faulkner's novels have left an indelible legacy in southern and American letters, the landscape of his beloved home also serves as a record of the botanical history of this most storied corner of the American literary South.

The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in the Archaic Period

by Alan M. Greaves

Incorporating over a century of archaeological research, Greaves offers a reassessment of Archaic Ionia that attempts to understand the region within its larger Mediterranean context and provides a thematic overview of its cities and people. Seeks to balance the Greek and Anatolian cultural influences at work in Ionia in this important period of its history (700BC to the Battle of Lade in 494BC) Organised thematically, covering landscape, economy, cities, colonisation, warfare, cult, and art Accesses German and Turkish scholarship, presenting a useful point of entry to the published literature for academics and students

The Land Before Her

by Annette Kolodny

To discover how women constructed their own mythology of the West, Kolodny examines the evidence of three generations of women's writing about the frontier. She finds that, although the American frontiersman imagined the wilderness as virgin land, an unspoiled Eve to be taken, the pioneer woman at his side dreamed more modestly of a garden to be cultivated. Both intellectual and cultural history, this volume continues Kolodny's study of frontier mythology begun in The Lay of the Land.

The Land Before Her: Fantasy and Experience of the American Frontier 1630-1860

by Annette Kolodny

Preface The purpose of this study is to chart women's private responses to the successive American frontiers and to trace a tradition of women's public statements about the west. The attention accorded letters and diaries should not suggest that this is a study of the daily lives of pioneer women, however. Nor should the analysis of three centuries of published materials suggest that I have attempted any definitive literary history. Although I have made extensive use of letters and diaries composed between 1630 and 1860, I have not attempted a revisionist history of the westward movement as seen through the eyes of women. Such a history is nonetheless long overdue, and I sincerely hope my chapters may encourage further work toward that end. In that event, my contribution may be the reminder that white women began as pioneers to this continent in the seventeenth century. Only by acknowledging the fullness of that history will we be able to grasp the continuities linking later generations with what had gone before.

Land and Nationalism in Fictions from Southern Africa (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures #Vol. 24)

by James Graham

In this volume, Graham investigates the relation between land and nationalism in South African and Zimbabwean fiction from the 1960s to the present. This comparative study, the first of its kind, discusses a wide range of writing against a backdrop of regional decolonization, including novels by the prize-winning authors J.M Coetzee, Nadine Gordimer, Bessie Head, Chenjerai Hove, and Yvonne Vera. By employing a range of critical perspectives—cultural materialist, feminist and ecocritical—this book offers new ways of thinking about the relationship between literature, politics and the environment in Southern Africa. The return of land has been central to the material and cultural struggles for decolonization in Southern Africa, yet between the advent of democracy in Zimbabwe (1980) and South Africa (1994) and Zimbabwe’s decision to fast-track land redistribution in 2000, it has been limited land reform rather than widespread land redistribution that has prevailed. During this period nationalist discourses of reconciliation and economic development replaced those of revolution and decolonization. This book develops a critique of both forms of nationalistic narrative by focusing on how different and often opposing idea of land and nation are reflected, refracted and even refused in the fictions.

Land and Book

by Scott Thompson Smith

In this original and innovative study, Scott T. Smith traces the intersections between land tenure and literature in Anglo-Saxon England. Smith aptly demonstrates that as land became property through the operations of writing, it came to assume a complex range of conceptual values that Anglo-Saxons could use to engage a number of vital cultural concerns beyond just the legal and practical - such as political dominion, salvation, sanctity, status, and social and spiritual obligations.Land and Book places a variety of texts - including charters, dispute records, heroic poetry, homilies, and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - in a dynamic conversation with the procedures and documents of land tenure, showing how its social practice led to innovation across written genres in both Latin and Old English. Through this, Smith provides an interdisciplinary synthesis of literary, legal, and historical interests.

The Lancelot-Grail Cycle: Text and Transformations

by William W. Kibler

Composed in Old French between about 1220 and 1240, the Lancelot-Grail Cycle is a group of five prose romances centered on the love affair between Lancelot and Guenevere. It consists of an immense central core, the Lancelot Proper, introduced by The History of the Holy Grail and The Story of Merlin and concluded by The Quest for the Holy Grail and The Death of Arthur. <P><P> This volume brings together thirteen essays by noted scholars from the first symposium ever devoted exclusively to the Lancelot-Grail Cycle. Exploring the cycle's evolution across the literatures of medieval France, Italy, Spain, Catalonia, and England, the authors take a variety of approaches that highlight a broad range of cultural, social, historical, and political concerns and offer a comparative and interdisciplinary vision of this great romance.

Lancelot and Guinevere: A Casebook (Arthurian Characters and Themes #Vol. 4)

by Lori J. Walters

Beginning with an introduction that examines the portrayal of the characters of Lancelot and Guinevere from their origins to the present day, this collection of 16 essays-five of which appear here for the first time-puts particular emphasis on the appearance of the two characters in medieval and modern literature. Besides several studies exploring feminist concerns, the volume features articles on the representation of the lovers in medieval manuscript illuminations (18 plates focus on scenes of their first kiss and the consummation of the adultery), in film, and in other visual arts. A 200-item bibliography completes the volume.

A Lancastrian Mirror for Princes: The Yale Law School New Statutes Of England

by Rosemarie Mcgerr

This seminal study addresses one of the most beautifully decorated 15th-century copies of the New Statutes of England, uncovering how the manuscript's unique interweaving of legal, religious, and literary discourses frames the reader's perception of the work. Taking internal and external evidence into account, Rosemarie McGerr suggests that the manuscript was made for Prince Edward of Lancaster, transforming a legal reference work into a book of instruction in kingship, as well as a means of celebrating the Lancastrians' rightful claim to the English throne during the Wars of the Roses. A Lancastrian Mirror for Princes also explores the role played by the manuscript as a commentary on royal justice and grace for its later owners and offers modern readers a fascinating example of the long-lasting influence of medieval manuscripts on subsequent readers.

Lana Llama's Little Lamb (Animal Antics A to Z)

by Barbara deRubertis

Lana Llama loves little Lucky Lamb. But Lucky has a problem—the sly and sneaky wolf down the lane! Luckily, Lana and her teacher, Alpha Betty, know just what to do!

La lámpara maravillosa

by William Ospina

En estos cuatro ensayos, William Ospina da un análisis sobre laeducación actual y un elogio de la lectura. «Nuestro tiempo es paradójico y apasionante, y de él podemos decir loque Osear Wilde decía de ciertos doctores: "lo saben todo pero es loúnico que saben". El periodismo no nos ha vuelto informados sinonoveleros; la propia dinámica de su labor ha hecho que las cosas sólonos interesen por su novedad: si no ocurrieron ayer sino anteayer ya notienen la misma importancia.Por otra parte, la humanidad cuenta con un océano de memoria acumulada;al alcance de los dedos y de los ojos hay en los últimos tiempos undepósito universal de conocimiento, y parecería que casi cualquier datoes accesible; sin embargo tal vez nunca había sido tan voluble nuestrainformación, tan frágil nuestro conocimiento, tan dudosa nuestrasabiduría. Ello demuestra que no basta la información: se requiere unsistema de valores y un orden de criterios para que ese ilustre depósitode memoria universal sea algo más que una sentina de desperdicios.»

L'Ameto: La Fiammetta, L'ameto, Il Corbaccio, Lettera Consolatoria A M. Pino De' Rossi (classic Reprint) (Routledge Revivals)

by Giovanni Boccaccio

Originally published in 1985, this book contains a full translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's L'Ameto, alongside textual notes.Giovanni Boccaccio is famous for his great collection of short stories, the Decameron, but his other literary accomplishments are generally less well-known. Yet he helped revive the Latin eclogue and epistle and fostered the study of Greek; he made the major Renaissance compilation of classical myths, established the pastoral romance, and began formal Dante criticism. Among his more minor works belongs the Ameto, the first moden pastoral romance, translated here.

Lambent Traces: Franz Kafka

by Stanley Corngold

On the night of September 22, 1912, Franz Kafka wrote his story "The Judgment," which came out of him "like a regular birth." This act of creation struck him as an unmistakable sign of his literary destiny. Thereafter, the search of many of his characters for the Law, for a home, for artistic fulfillment can be understood as a figure for Kafka's own search to reproduce the ecstasy of a single night. In Lambent Traces: Franz Kafka, the preeminent American critic and translator of Franz Kafka traces the implications of Kafka's literary breakthrough. Kafka's first concern was not his responsibility to his culture but to his fate as literature, which he pursued by exploring "the limits of the human." At the same time, he kept his transcendental longings sober by noting--with incomparable irony--their virtual impossibility. At times Kafka's passion for personal transcendence as a writer entered into a torturous and witty conflict with his desire for another sort of transcendence, one driven by a modern Gnosticism. This struggle prompted him continually to scrutinize different kinds of mediation, such as confessional writing, the dream, the media, the idea of marriage, skepticism, asceticism, and the imitation of death. Lambent Traces: Franz Kafka concludes with a reconstruction and critique of the approaches to Kafka by such major critics as Adorno, Gilman, and Deleuze and Guattari..

Lalo Alcaraz: Political Cartooning in the Latino Community (Tom Inge Series on Comics Artists)

by Héctor D. Fernández L’Hoeste

Amid the controversy surrounding immigration and border control, the work of California cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz (b. 1964) has delivered a resolute Latino viewpoint. Of Mexican descent, Alcaraz fights for Latino rights through his creativity, drawing political commentary as well as underlining how Latinos confront discrimination on a daily basis. Through an analysis of Alcaraz's early editorial cartooning and his strips for La Cucaracha, the first nationally syndicated, political Latino daily comic strip, author Héctor D. Fernández L'Hoeste shows the many ways Alcaraz's art attests to the community's struggles. Alcaraz has proven controversial with his satirical, sharp commentary on immigration and other Latino issues. What makes Alcaraz's work so potent? Fernández L'Hoeste marks the artist's insistence on never letting go of what he views as injustice against Latinos, the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States. Indeed, his comics predict a key moment in the future of the United States--that time when a racial plurality will steer the country, rather than a white majority and its monocultural norms. Fernández L'Hoeste's study provides an accessible, comprehensive view into the work of a cartoonist who deserves greater recognition, not just because Alcaraz represents the injustice and inequity prevalent in our society, but because as both a US citizen and a member of the Latino community, his ability to stand in, between, and outside two cultures affords him the clarity and experience necessary to be a powerful voice.

Lakshmi’s Footprints and Paisley Patterns: Perspectives on Scoto-Indian Literary and Cultural Interrelations

by Bashabi Fraser Deb Narayan Bandyopadhyay

Lakshmi’s Footprints and Paisley Patterns: Perspectives on Scoto-Indian Literary and Cultural Interrelationships is a unique collection of essays that comprehensively discusses the nature of interrelationship of India and Scotland spread over the last two centuries. It covers areas such as nature writing with an emphasis on Alexander Hamilton and Patrick Geddes, role of the formative history of Scottish Churches College, Disruption Movement in Scotland and Calcutta, rise of surveillance literature, dichotomy of Homeland and Hostland, Vidyasagar and Scottish transactions, Scottish missionary movement in Kalimpong, Scottish war literature, and interface of Scottish and Indian legal systems. Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan or Bhutan)

The Lake Michigan Mermaid: A Tale in Poems (Made in Michigan Writers Series)

by Anne-Marie Oomen Linda Nemec Foster

The Lake Michigan Mermaid is a new tale that feels familiar. The breeze off the lake, the sand underfoot, the supreme sadness of being young and not in control—these sensations come rushing back page by page, bringing to life an ancient myth of coming of age in a troubled world. Freed from the minds of Linda Nemec Foster and Anne-Marie Oomen, the Lake Michigan mermaid serves as a voice of reason for when we’re caught in the riptide. This is a gripping tale in poems of a young girl’s desperate search for guidance in a world turned upside down by family and economic upheaval. Raised in a ramshackle cottage on the shores of Lake Michigan, Lykretia takes refuge in her beloved lake in the face of her grandmother’s illness and her mother’s eager attempts to sell their home following her recent divorce. One day Lykretia spots a creature in the water, something beautiful and inexplicable. Is it the mythical Lake Michigan mermaid, or an embodiment of the stories her grandmother told as dementia ravaged her mind? Thus begins a telepathic conversation between a lost young girl and Phyliadellacia, the mermaid who saves her in more ways than one. Accompanied by haunting illustrations, The Lake Michigan Mermaid offers a tender tale of friendship, redemption, and the life-giving power of water. As it explores family relationships and generational bonds, this book is an unforgettable experience that aims to connect readers of all ages.

Ladybugs, Tornadoes, and Swirling Galaxies: English Language Learners Discover Their World Through Inquiry

by Brad Buhrow Anne Upczak Garcia

You will see how the authors blend comprehension instruction and ELL best practices to explore inquiry as a literacy pathway for English language learners. As teachers and students engage in learning science and social studies content they also discover multiple ways to make meaning. The book is full of photographs of student artwork--including a color insert--that reveals the children's inquiry process, and demonstrates the important role of art as a sign system in ELL literacy and language acquisition. Brad and Anne provide explicit detail on the process they use as they move step-by-step with students from personal narrative through the independent inquiry process. They also discuss use of the Gradual Release Model, authentic assessment, and bilingual identities. Appendices in Spanish and English help to round out this informative and charming resource.

The Lady in the Van

by Alan Bennett Nicholas Hytner

The screenplay edition of the major motion picture adaptation, starring Maggie Smith, of Alan Bennett's acclaimed story "The Lady in the Van"From acclaimed author and playwright Alan Bennett, whose smash hit The History Boys won a Tony Award for Best Play, comes the screenplay of The Lady in the Van-soon to be a major motion picture starring Dame Maggie Smith.The Lady in the Van is the true story of Bennett's experiences with an eccentric homeless woman, Miss Mary Shepherd, whom he befriended in the 1970s and allowed to temporarily park her van in front of his Camden home. She ended up staying there for fifteen years, resulting in an uncommon, often infuriating, and always highly entertaining friendship of a lifetime for the author.Read the screenplay of the film destined to be among the most talked about of the year, and discover the unbelievable story of one of the most unlikely-yet heartwarmingly real-relationships in modern literature.

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