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Innovative Entwicklungen in den deutschen Staatsanwaltschaften: Aufgaben und Zukunft der Staatsanwaltschaft im gesellschaftlichen Wandel (Edition Forschung und Entwicklung in der Strafrechtspflege)

by Ralf Peter Anders Kirsten Graalmann-Scheerer Jan Henrik Schady

In diesem Band setzen sich Autorinnen und Autoren aus der Wissenschaft und/oder staatsanwaltschaftlichen Praxis aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln mit der Entwicklung, der Rolle, dem aktuellen Zustand und den Anforderungen an eine moderne Staatsanwaltschaft im hierarchischen Gefüge auseinander und versuchen, Wege für eine künftige Ausrichtung sowie eine Absicherung der Staatsanwaltschaft in Deutschland als „Wächterin des Gesetzes“ in einem Rechtsstaat aufzuzeigen.

Untreue zum Nachteil der GmbH: Versuch einer strafunrechtsbegründenden Rekonstruktion der Rechtspersonalität der Korporation

by Ralf Peter Anders

Die Arbeit untersucht Grund und Grenzen der Dispositionsbefugnis der Gesellschafter über das GmbH-Vermögen im Rahmen der sog. Organuntreue. Der normative Zusammenhang zwischen der juristischen Person und ihren natürlichen "Hinterleuten" wird in einem neuartigen und grundlegenden Zugang in seinem spezifisch gesellschaftsrechtlichen Kontext in Beziehung zu rechtsphilosophischen Begründungszusammenhängen gesetzt, indem in Abgrenzung zu insbesondere systemtheoretischen und ökonomischen Ansätzen die Grundbegriffe Person, Institution und Korporation unabhängig von kontingenten funktionalistischen und wirtschaftlich-utilitaristischen Erwägungen über ein freiheitlich-intersubjektives Anerkennungsverhältnis bestimmt werden. Die Grenze einer Dispositionsbefugnis der GmbH-Gesellschafter wird dabei über eine unternehmensbezogene teilhabegerechtigkeitstheoretische Aktualisierung der Kantischen Privatrechtslehre entwickelt.

Corruption and the Secret of Law: A Legal Anthropological Perspective (Law, Justice and Power)

by Gerhard Anders

This volume presents an anthropological perspective on the hidden continuities between corruption and law. The authors argue that the two opposites, corruption and law, are inextricably linked - with the possibility of the former already inscribed into the latter. Taking a critical stance towards the normative good governance agenda spearheaded by institutions such as Transparency International and the World Bank, this volume argues that by uncritically depicting corruption as an absolute evil, these anti-corruption programs disregard the close relationship that exists between corruption and state power. Addressing various aspects of a complex and ambivalent phenomenon, Corruption and the Secret of Law draws on studies from different parts of the world including Burundi, China, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico and the USA and provides a valuable resource for students, researchers and policy-makers working in this area.

European Comparative Company Law

by Mads Andenas Frank Wooldridge

Company law is undergoing fundamental change in Europe. All European countries have undertaken extensive reform of their company legislation. Domestic reform has traditionally been driven by corporate failures or scandals. Initiatives to make corporate governance more effective are a feature of recent European law reform, as are measures to simplify and ease burdens on smaller and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). An increasing EU harmonisation is taking place through the Company Law Directives, and the free movement of companies is also facilitated by the case law of the European Court of Justice on the directives and the right to free movement and establishment in the EC Treaty. New European corporate forms such as the European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) and the European Company (SE) have added new dimensions. At a time of rapid development of EU and national company laws, this book will aid the understanding of an emerging discipline.

The Fight Against Poverty and the Right to Development (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law #52)

by Mads Andenas Jeremy Perelman Christian Scharling

This book conducts a comparative legal study from two analytical points of view. First, it accounts for the legal dimensions of the fight against poverty and the right to development as seen from the perspective of domestic legal law. It examines the domestic legal tools, such as constitutional law, that aim to contribute to the fight against poverty and the right to development. Second, the book accounts for the domestic contributions to the international legal framework and examines cross-cutting themes of the contemporary state-of-play on the fight against poverty more broadly and of the right to development. The book consists of several national and thematic reports, which look at these issues from either a national or a thematic perspective. Its first chapter is a general report, which draws on the national and thematic reports to compare, systematize and question the contemporary features at play within the field of the fight against poverty and the right to development.

EU External Action in International Economic Law: Recent Trends and Developments

by Mads Andenas Luca Pantaleo Matthew Happold Cristina Contartese

The topic of this book is the external action of the EU within international economic law, with a special focus on investment law. The aim of the volume is to provide the reader with an appraisal of the most recent trends and developments that have characterised a field that has been rapidly evolving and in which the EU has imposed itself as a leading actor.The book is aimed at academics, practitioners and graduate students as well as at EU officials and judges, all of whom should find the subject matter discussed useful for keeping updated on a scholarly discussion of relevance to case law.Mads Andenas is Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo in Norway. Luca Pantaleo is Doctor of Law and Senior Lecturer in International and European Law at The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. Matthew Happold is Professor of Law at the Université du Luxembourg in Luxembourg. Cristina Contartese is Lecturer in Law at the European Law and Governance School in Athens, Greece.

Commercial Contract Law and Arbitration: From Assignments to Unfair Terms

by Mads Andenas Maren Heidemann

This book tackles one of the most challenging fields of research and practice in the current global trade environment: integrating doctrines of private and public law for the purpose of international commerce and trade.Traditional concepts of obligatory and proprietary claims and rights reach their limits when placed within an international context of litigation funding, liability and securitisation. Across disciplines, scholars and practitioners are seeking new ways of expanding and reconnecting novel products and services such as data; and the use of international dispute settlement with indispensable constitutional values and democratic processes is also growing. This book combines contributions on current issues in commercial contract and contract law, making an important contribution to the areas of substantive contract law and arbitration procedure that connect issues across disciplines. Exploring both substantive and procedural laws, the book explores unfair terms in non-consumer contracts, which is complemented by a broader contextual discussion of the regulation of platform operators in the European Union; while a discussion of the procedural role of public reporting of investment arbitration awards by the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) expands on the procedural aspects of arbitration within the wider context of the rule of law debate.Debating policy issues in general private law reform, and including a juxtaposition of a traditionalist continuation-oriented approach and a call for radical reform of entrenched and outmoded private law concepts to suit global commerce, this book will be of interest to students, academics and practitioners working in the area of commercial contract law and arbitration.

Quo vadis Commercial Contract?: Reflections on Sustainability, Ethics and Technology in the Emerging Law and Practice of Global Commerce (LCF Studies in Commercial and Financial Law #1)

by Mads Andenas Maren Heidemann

This proceedings volume combines chapters derived from papers presented at the 4th and 5th Annual Conferences on the Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform. This ongoing research project brings together scholars from all over the world at an annual international conference in London. The book focusses on technology in commercial contract law as well as on sustainability in commercial contracts. The latter theme was inspired by the United Nations' climate conference that was to take place in Glasgow in the United Kingdom that same year. The book combines topical current issues in commercial contract law and practice organized in three parts. The first part contains contributions to the area of law and technology. The second part of the book expands on aspects of sustainability understood as environmental reasonableness in the context of commercial contracts. The third part includes several chapters on the topics of supervening events and contractual ethics. This book is therefore part of a coherent line of contributions to the furthering of modern contract theory. The choice of topics is closely following current issues of legal policy and contract practice.

The Foundations and Future of Financial Regulation: Governance for Responsibility

by Mads Andenas Iris H-Y Chiu

Financial regulation has entered into a new era, as many foundational economic theories and policies supporting the existing infrastructure have been and are being questioned following the financial crisis. Goodhart et al’s seminal monograph "Financial Regulation: Why, How and Where Now?" (Routledge:1998) took stock of the extent of financial innovation and the maturity of the financial services industry at that time, and mapped out a new regulatory roadmap. This book offers a timely exploration of the "Why, How and Where Now" of financial regulation in the aftermath of the crisis in order to map out the future trajectory of financial regulation in an age where financial stability is being emphasised as a key regulatory objective. The book is split into four sections: the objectives and regulatory landscape of financial regulation; the regulatory regime for investor protection; the regulatory regime for financial institutional safety and soundness; and macro-prudential regulation. The discussion ranges from theoretical and policy perspectives to comprehensive and critical consideration of financial regulation in the specifics. The focus of the book is on the substantive regulation of the UK and the EU, as critical examination is made of the unravelling and the future of financial regulation with comparative insights offered where relevant especially from the US. Running throughout the book is consideration of the relationship between financial regulation, financial stability and the responsibility of various actors in governance. This book offers an important contribution to continuing reflections on the role of financial regulation, market discipline and corporate responsibility in the financial sector, and upon the roles of regulatory authorities, markets and firms in ensuring the financial health and security of all in the future.

A Farewell to Fragmentation

by Mads Andenas Eirik Bjorge

Fragmentation has been much discussed as a threat to international law as a legal system. This book contends that the fragmentation of international law is far exceeded by its convergence, as international bodies find ways to account for each other and the interactions of emerging sub-fields. Reasserting its role as the 'principal judicial organ of the United Nations', the International Court of Justice has ensured that the centre of international law can and does hold. This process has strengthened a trend towards the reunification of international law. In order to explore this process, this book looks at fragmentation and convergence from the point of view of the centre of the International Court and of the position of other courts and tribunals. Featuring contributions by leading international lawyers from a range of backgrounds, this volume proposes both a new take and the last word on the fragmentation debate in international law.

Pregnant at Work: Low-Wage Workers, Power, and Temporal Injustice (Anthropologies of American Medicine: Culture, Power, and Practice #11)

by Elise Andaya

A compelling analysis of social inequality through the perspective of pregnant, low-wage service workersThe low-wage service industry is one of the fastest-growing employment sectors in the US economy. Its workers disproportionately tend to be low-income and minority women. Service sector work entails rigid forms of temporal discipline manifested in work requirements for flexible, last-minute, and round-the-clock availability, as well as limited to no eligibility for sick and parental leaves, all of which impact workers’ ability to care for themselves and their dependents.Pregnant at Work examines the experiences of pregnant service sector workers in New York City as they try to navigate the time conflicts between precarious low-wage service labor and safety net prenatal care. Through interviews and fieldwork in a prenatal clinic of a public hospital, Elise Andaya vividly describes workers’ struggles to maintain expected tempos of labor as their pregnancies progress as well as their efforts to schedule and attend prenatal care, where waiting is a constant factor—a reflection of the pervasive belief that poor people’s time is less valuable than that of other people.Pregnant at Work is a compelling examination of the ways in which power and inequalities of race, class, gender, and immigration status are produced and reproduced in the US, including in individual pregnant bodies. The stories of the pregnant workers featured in this book underscore the urgency of movements towards temporal justice and a new politics of care in the twenty-first century.

Mexico's Human Rights Crisis (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)

by Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz Barbara Frey

Lawless elements are ascendant in Mexico, as evidenced by the operations of criminal cartels engaged in human and drug trafficking, often with the active support or acquiescence of government actors. The sharp increase in the number of victims of homicide, disappearances and torture over the past decade is unparalleled in the country's recent history. <P><P>According to editors Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz and Barbara Frey, the "war on drugs" launched in 2006 by President Felipe Calderón and the corrupting influence criminal organizations have on public institutions have empowered both state and nonstate actors to operate with impunity. Impunity, they argue, is the root cause that has enabled a human-rights crisis to flourish, creating a climate of generalized violence that is carried out, condoned, or ignored by the state and precluding any hope for justice.Mexico's Human Rights Crisis offers a broad survey of the current human rights issues that plague Mexico. <P><P>Essays focus on the human rights consequences that flow directly from the ongoing "war on drugs" in the country, including violence aimed specifically at women, and the impunity that characterizes the government's activities. Contributors address the violation of the human rights of migrants, in both Mexico and the United States, and cover the domestic and transnational elements and processes that shape the current human rights crisis, from the state of Mexico's democracy to the influence of rulings by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the decisions of Mexico's National Supreme Court of Justice. <P><P>Given the scope, the contemporaneity, and the gravity of Mexico's human rights crisis, the recommendations made in the book by the editors and contributors to curb the violence could not be more urgent. <P><P>Contributors: Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz, Karina Ansolabehere, Ariadna Estévez, Barbara Frey, Janice Gallagher, Rodrigo Gutiérrez Rivas, Susan Gzesh, Sandra Hincapié, Catalina Pérez Correa, Laura Rubio Díaz-Leal, Natalia Saltalamacchia, Carlos Silva Forné, Regina Tamés, Javier Treviño-Rangel, Daniel Vázquez, Benjamin James Waddell.

Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society: The Foundations of the Modern Philippine State

by Anastacio Leia Castañeda

The US occupation of the Philippine Islands in 1898 began a foundational period of the modern Philippine state. With the adoption of the 1935 Philippine Constitution, the legal conventions for ultimate independence were in place. In this time, American officials and their Filipino elite collaborators established a representative, progressive, yet limited colonial government that would modernize the Philippine Islands through colonial democracy and developmental capitalism. Examining constitutional discourse in American and Philippine government records, academic literature, newspaper and personal accounts, The Foundations of the Modern Philippine State concludes that the promise of America's liberal empire was negated by the imperative of insulating American authority from Filipino political demands. Premised on Filipino incapacity, the colonial constitution weakened the safeguards that shielded liberty from power and unleashed liberalism's latent tyrannical potential in the name of civilization. This forged a constitutional despotism that haunts the Islands to this day.

Prison in Iran: A Known Unknown (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology)

by Nahid Rahimipour Anaraki

This book offers a unique look into prisons in Iran and the lives of the prisoners and their families. It provides an overview of the history of Iranian prisons, depicts the sub-culture in contemporary Iranian prisons, and highlights the forms that gender discrimination takes behind the prison walls. The book draws on the voices of 90 men and women who have been imprisoned in Iran, interviewed in 2012 and 2017 across various parts of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It presents a different approach to the one proposed by Michel Foucault in Discipline and Punish because the author argues that Iran never experienced “the age of sobriety in punishment” and “a slackening of the hold on the body”. Whilst penal severity in Iran has reduced, its scope has now extended beyond prisoners to their families, regardless of their age and gender. In Iran, penalties still target the body but now also affect the bodies of the entire prisoner’s family. It is not just prisoners who suffer from the lack of food, clothes, spaces for sleeping, health services, legal services, safety, and threats of physical violence and abuse but also their families. The book highlights the costs of mothers’ incarceration for their children. It argues that as long as punishment remains the dominant discourse of the penal system, the minds and bodies of anyone related to incarcerated offenders will remain under tremendous strain. This unique book explores the nature of these systems in a deeply under-covered nation to expand understandings of prisons in the non-Western world.

The Wretched of the Global South: Critical Approaches to International Human Rights Law (International Law and the Global South)

by Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan Amritha Viswanath Shenoy

The books aims to discuss and present an alternative epistemology of human rights, against the background of the globalization from below. The interdependent network of transnational networks, ranging from social movements, NGOs, and other groupings, questions the neoliberal paradigm and a particular set of human rights. This book wishes to transform this discourse on human rights and amplify the subaltern voices. The book also aims to highlight alternative practices of freedom that decenter human rights as a liberation discourse. Following Julia Suarez-Krabbe in “Race, Rights and Rebels”, the authors aim to amend to practices of freedom that center different orders of knowledge on subjectivity and agency. The proposed book, first, situates the problem of representation of the marginalized voices in contemporary legal and political discourse. Second, it offers critiques in theory, and, third, followed by alternative practices that emanate from marginalized localities. In particular, this book wishes to reflect upon alternatives rooted in legal and non-legal responses to address human rights grievances. In the end, this book envisages, along the lines of Frantz Fanon, to vision the possibility of the human by a new concept, addressing the concerns in various ways: As Fanon argued for “a new start”, “a new way of thinking”, and for the creation of a “new man”, it is pertinent to trigger a human rights project from the below.^

Sri Lanka, Human Rights and the United Nations: A Scrutiny into the International Human Rights Engagement with a Third World State (International Law and the Global South)

by Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan

This book examines the engagement between the United Nations’ human rights machinery and the respective governments since Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) joined the United Nations.Sri Lanka has a long and rich history of engagement with international human rights instruments. However, despite its active membership in the UN, the country’s post-colonial trials and tribulations are emblematic of the limited influence the international organisation has exerted on this country in the Global South.Assessing the impact of this international engagement on the country’s human rights infrastructure and situation, the book outlines Sri Lanka’s colonial and post-colonial development. It then considers the development of a domestic human rights infrastructure in the country. It also examines and analyzes Sri Lanka’s engagement with the UN’s treaty-based and charter-based human rights bodies, before offering conclusions concerning the impact of said engagement. The book offers an innovative approach to gauging the impact of international human rights engagement, while also taking into account the colonial and post-colonial imperatives that have partly dictated governmental behaviour. By doing so, the book seeks to combine and analyse international human rights law, post-colonial critique, studies on biopower, and critical approaches to international law. It will be a useful resource not only for scholars of international law, but also for practitioners and activists working in this area.

Climate Change Governance and Adaptation: Case Studies from South Asia

by Anamika Barua, Vishal Narain and Sumit Vij

Climate change adaptation in South Asia is redefining the roles of different actors in the governance processes. The existing governance lack capacity, knowledge, and leadership skills to manage the uncertainties and challenges posed by climate change. This book aims to explain how the governance of climate change adaptation and mitigation is being shaped in the region and how climate change is impacting upon the governance of natural resources. Although the focus is on South Asia, the editors draw a wide range of contributions from northern and southern communities and across various agro-ecological contexts. Climate Change Governance and Adaptation: Case Studies from South Asia sees the changing climate not only as an environmental problem but as a societal challenge and discusses the governance challenges from an interdisciplinary social science perspective across different levels: local, state, and national. Discusses also the challenges and opportunities for increasing the resilience of the society through effective governance around climate change. A top down approach to govern climate change adaptation may not yield desired outcomes; instead the book emphasizes the need to integrate issues of equity, into climate governance and polices. The lessons learned from different cases across South Asia help readers have a better and deeper understanding of the relationships between governance and climate change. Given the diversity of themes covered, this book will appeal not only to researchers and practitioners in the climate change community, but also to those with a broader interest in governance processes.

The European Convention of Human Rights Regime: Reform of Immigration and Minority Policies from Afar (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)

by Dia Anagnostou

Prompted by an unprecedented rise of litigation since the 1990s, this book examines how the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) system and the Strasbourg Court interact with states and non-governmental actors to influence domestic change. Focusing on European Court of Human Rights litigation and state implementation of judgments related to minority discrimination and asylum/migration, it argues that a fundamental transformation of the Convention system has been under way. Repeat and strategic litigation, shifting methods of supervision and state implementation to remedy systemic violations, and above all the growing engagement of civil society and non-governmental actors, have prompted a distinctive trend of human rights experimentalism. The emergence of experimentalism has profound implications for the legitimacy, effectiveness and further reform of the ECHR system. This study provides an original constitutive account of regional human rights regimes and how they are activated by societal actors to claim rights, advance case law, and pressure for domestic legal and policy change. It will be of interest to international law and international relations scholars, political scientists, specialists on the ECHR, the Strasbourg Court, as well as to scholars interested in the human rights of immigrants and minorities.

Reason and Analysis in Ancient Greek Philosophy

by Georgios Anagnostopoulos Fred D. Miller Jr.

This distinctive collection of original articles features contributions from many of the leading scholars of ancient Greek philosophy. They explore the concept of reason and the method of analysis and the central role they play in the philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. They engage with salient themes in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and political theory, as well as tracing links between each thinker's ideas on selected topics. The volume contains analyses of Plato's Socrates, focusing on his views of moral psychology, the obligation to obey the law, the foundations of politics, justice and retribution, and Socratic virtue. On Plato's Republic, the discussions cover the relationship between politics and philosophy, the primacy of reason over the soul's non-rational capacities, the analogy of the city and the soul, and our responsibility for choosing how we live our own lives. The anthology also probes Plato's analysis of logos (reason or language) which underlies his philosophy including the theory of forms. A quartet of reflections explores Aristotelian themes including the connections between knowledge and belief, the nature of essence and function, and his theories of virtue and grace. The volume concludes with an insightful intellectual memoir by David Keyt which charts the rise of analytic classical scholarship in the past century and along the way provides entertaining anecdotes involving major figures in modern academic philosophy. Blending academic authority with creative flair and demonstrating the continuing interest of ancient Greek philosophy, this book will be a valuable addition to the libraries of all those studying and researching the origins of Western philosophy.

Socratic, Platonic and Aristotelian Studies: Essays in Honor of Gerasimos Santas

by Georgios Anagnostopoulos

This volume contains outstanding studies by some of the best scholars in ancient Greek Philosophy on key topics in Socratic, Platonic, and Aristotelian thought. These studies provide rigorous analyses of arguments and texts and often advance original interpretations. The essays in the volume range over a number of central themes in ancient philosophy, such as Socratic and Platonic conceptions of philosophical method; the Socratic paradoxes; Plato's view on justice; the nature of Platonic Forms, especially the Form of the Good; Aristotle's views on the faculties of the soul; Aristotle's functionalist account of the human good; Socratic, Platonic, and Aristotelian views on the nature of desire and its object. The volume will be of interest to students and scholars of ancient philosophy and classics.

Sport Governance Insights (Sport Business Insights)

by Christos Anagnostopoulos Dimitra Papadimitriou Terri Byers Grzegorz Botwina

This book introduces the fundamentals of sport governance, assuming no prior knowledge on the part of the reader. It explains to students and practitioners alike why governance matters and how it can be better practiced in sport organizations. Introducing key concepts and the micro-processes of implementation, the book explains what governance is and why it has become increasingly important. It explains what sport boards do, and how they should function for sport organizations to be effective, and it provides practical tools to help ensure good governance. Full of insights from cutting-edge research and real-world cases, this is essential reading for any student or practicing sport manager, administrator, or policy-maker who needs a concise introduction to this important topic.

Housing in the United States: The Basics (The Basics)

by Katrin B. Anacker

Housing matters to people, be they owner, renter, housing provider, homeless individual, housing professional, or policymaker. Housing in the United States: The Basics offers an accessible introduction to key concepts and issues in housing—and a concise overview of the programs that affect housing choices, affordability, and access in the United States today. Part I covers the fundamentals of housing: households, housing units, and neighborhoods; housing as basic need vs. human right; supply and demand; construction, rehabilitation, and renovation; and demographic, socioeconomic, and cultural trends. Part II focuses on housing policy and its evolution from the early 20th century, through the Great Recession to the present day; policies related to owner- and renter-occupied housing; tax policies and expenditures; place- and people-based programs; and shortages of affordable housing.Written in a clear and engaging style, this guide allows readers to quickly grasp the complex range of policies, programs, and factors that shape the housing landscape. Essential reading for students, community advocates, homebuyers/renters, and professionals with an interest in housing, it also serves as an ideal text for introductory courses in urban planning, urban studies, sociology, public administration, architecture, and real estate.This book provides a valuable and practical foundation for informed housing discussions at the kitchen table, in the classroom, at work, or on Capitol Hill.

Nachhaltigkeit heißt für uns Verantwortung: Tipps und Mut machende Erzählungen von erfolgreichen Unternehmer:innen und Gründer:innen

by Anabel Ternès von Hattburg Wolfgang Grenke

Die 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung der UN, auch bekannt als 17 SDGs, Leitlinien für ein nachhaltiges Leben und Arbeiten auf diesem Planeten sind umfassend und sprengen für viele das, was sie privat oder beruflich umsetzen können. Sie bieten aber gute Anregungen, das eigene Leben neu zu gestalten und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine enkeltaugliche Welt zu leisten.Viele Unternehmer:innen und Gründer:innen sind nicht nur wirtschaftliche Wegbereiter:innen, sondern auch nachhaltige Vorreiter:innen, denn sie denken und handeln ressourcenorientiert und mit Weitblick und das beruflich und privat. Sie sind deshalb so erfolgreich, weil sie so langfristig und werteorientiert denken und handeln. Erfolgreiche Unternehmer:innen und Gründer:innen erzählen in diesem Buch, was sie geprägt hat, wie sie nachhaltig leben und dabei bewusst oder fast unbewusst, viele der 17 SDGs umsetzen. Ihre Geschichten erzählen vom Mut, es zu versuchen, vom Probieren, Gestalten, Bewegen, Tun, Integrieren, Optimieren – denn nachhaltiges Handeln gewinnt mit Erfahrung. Neben Erzählungen sind es die Tipps aus ihrem Alltag, die den Leser:innen Ideen geben und Mut machen, ebenso Nachhaltigkeit in ihr Berufs- und Privatleben zu integrieren.

Brexit and Energy Law: Implications and Opportunities (Legal Perspectives on Brexit)

by Ana Stanič and Silke Goldberg

Bringing together leading experts from across the UK and Europe, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of Brexit on the energy sector in the UK and in the European Union and its Member States. In recent decades, the trend within the EU has been towards greater integration and liberalisation of energy markets. Through the development of the Union’s internal energy market and the funding of cross-border energy infrastructure, EU membership facilitates cross-border trade in energy, promotes security of energy supply, and, via the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), allows EU Member States to trade in nuclear material for energy production. Brexit changes all of this. The significant level of integration and interdependence in EU energy policy means that the UK’s departure from the Union poses many challenges for the UK, the EU, and EU Member States. While certain energy-related arrangements have been addressed, the relationship between the UK and EU in the energy sector has been changed fundamentally. In this context, important and interrelated questions arise, such as the following: Under what terms will energy trading between the EU and UK now take place? What access will the UK have to EU energy markets? What does Brexit mean for the security of energy supply? What does the UK’s departure from Euratom mean for nuclear research? Can the crossborder single energy market (SEM) on the island of Ireland continue following Brexit? What implications does Brexit have for renewables, the environment, and climate change? Brexit comes at a time when the European energy sector is undergoing the processes of decarbonisation and energy transition. This book offers researchers, legal practitioners, and policy advisers in-depth understanding of the interplay between these challenges and Brexit.

Equity Valuation and Negative Earnings

by Ana Paula Matias Gama Liliane Cristina Segura Marco Antonio Figueiredo Milani Filho

Building upon Feltham and Ohlson models, this book examines positive loss-earnings within the context of the dot. com bubble during the boom years of the late 1990s bull market. The strong demand for equity financing captured the imagination of investors from Europe and U. S. like never before. With a focus on U. S. Internet companies, the book explores both the birth and the death of the new economy, and how negative earnings and losses still garnered large investments and successful IPOs (Initial Public Offerings). As Internet based ventures and the digital economy keep attracting large amounts of equity financing, this book explains that there is something unique in the valuation and pricing of tech companies. The book was written for corporate financiers, capital market professionals, and academics to further their understanding of equity valuation and the effects of equity trading.

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