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Showing 23,401 through 23,425 of 24,528 results

Algeria: Statistical Appendix

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Algeria: Statistical Appendix

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Algeria: Statistical Appendix

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Algebras, Rings and Modules, Volume 2: Non-commutative Algebras and Rings

by Michiel Hazewinkel Nadiya M. Gubareni

The theory of algebras, rings, and modules is one of the fundamental domains of modern mathematics. General algebra, more specifically non-commutative algebra, is poised for major advances in the twenty-first century (together with and in interaction with combinatorics), just as topology, analysis, and probability experienced in the twentieth century. This is the second volume of Algebras, Rings and Modules: Non-commutative Algebras and Rings by M. Hazewinkel and N. Gubarenis, a continuation stressing the more important recent results on advanced topics of the structural theory of associative algebras, rings and modules.

Algebras, Quivers and Representations: The Abel Symposium 2011 (Abel Symposia #8)

by Idun Reiten Øyvind Solberg Aslak Bakke Buan

This book features survey and research papers from The Abel Symposium 2011: Algebras, quivers and representations, held in Balestrand, Norway 2011. It examines a very active research area that has had a growing influence and profound impact in many other areas of mathematics like, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups and combinatorics. This volume illustrates and extends such connections with algebraic geometry, cluster algebra theory, commutative algebra, dynamical systems and triangulated categories. In addition, it includes contributions on further developments in representation theory of quivers and algebras. Algebras, Quivers and Representations is targeted at researchers and graduate students in algebra, representation theory and triangulate categories.

Algebras of Holomorphic Functions and Control Theory

by Amol Sasane

This accessible, undergraduate-level text illustrates the role of algebras of holomorphic functions in the solution of an important engineering problem: the stabilization of a linear control system. Its concise and self-contained treatment avoids the use of higher mathematics and forms a bridge to more advanced treatments. The treatment consists of two components: the algebraic framework, which serves as the abstract language for posing and solving the problem of stabilization; and the analysis component, which examines properties of specific rings of holomorphic functions. Elementary, self-contained, and constructive proofs elucidate the explorations of rings of holomorphic functions relevant in control theory. Introductory chapters on control theory and stable transfer functions are followed by surveys of unstable plants and the stabilization problem and its solution. The text concludes with suggestions for further reading and a bibliography.

Algebraisches Denken im Arithmetikunterricht der Grundschule: Muster entdecken – Strukturen verstehen (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)

by Kathrin Akinwunmi Anna Susanne Steinweg

Dieses Buch thematisiert algebraisches Denken in der Grundschule als wesentlichen Kern der übergreifenden Leitidee „Muster, Strukturen und funktionaler Zusammenhang“ in den aktuellen KMK-Bildungsstandards.Für algebraische Lehr-Lernprozesse ist eine Unterscheidung zwischen sichtbaren Mustern und allgemeinen Strukturen wesentlich; eine solche wird hier vorgelegt und an vielen Beispielen konkretisiert: Muster machen aufmerksam und lassen neugierig werden. Die Suche nach Begründungen des Musters erwartet, die Tür zu dahinterliegenden Strukturen zu öffnen. Strukturen, d. h. die mathematischen Eigenschaften und Relationen, können so als ursächlich für die Regelmäßigkeit des Musters erkannt werden.Für die unterrichtliche Förderung und gezielte Unterstützung der algebraischen Denkentwicklung werden in diesem Buch einerseits Grundideen algebraischen Denkens für den Arithmetikunterricht ausgearbeitet und andererseits Prinzipien für Unterricht zu algebraischen Grundideen und ihr Zusammenspiel mit prozessbezogenen, allgemeinen Kompetenzen erläutert. Den vier algebraischen Grundideen folgend werden vielfältige, didaktisch aufbereitete Anregungen zur praktischen Umsetzung sowie jeweils entsprechendes Hintergrundwissen angeboten.Das Buch richtet sich an Lehramtsstudierende, an angehende und bereits praktizierende Lehrkräfte sowie an Personen, die in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung tätig sind.

Algebraische Strukturen: Eine kurze Einführung (essentials)

by Jürgen Jost

Die Konzepte in der Algebra wie Gruppen, Ringe, Körper gewinnen ihre mathematische Bedeutung und Kraft aus der Verbindung von abstrakten Strukturen und wichtigen Beispielen. Dieses essential bietet eine kompakte Einführung in diese algebraischen Strukturen und deren Zusammenwirken beispielsweise in der Galoistheorie. Die zentralen Beispiele, also die ganzen, rationalen, reellen und p-adischen Zahlen und die symmetrischen Gruppen, motivieren und veranschaulichen die abstrakten Konzepte. Die Leser*innen gewinnen eine gute Übersicht über die strukturellen Grundlagen der Algebra und bekommen einen Ausblick auf weiterführende Themen.

Algebraic Topology and Related Topics (Trends in Mathematics)

by Mahender Singh Yongjin Song Jie Wu

This book highlights the latest advances in algebraic topology, from homotopy theory, braid groups, configuration spaces and toric topology, to transformation groups and the adjoining area of knot theory. It consists of well-written original research papers and survey articles by subject experts, most of which were presented at the “7th East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology” held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali, Punjab, India, from December 1 to 6, 2017. Algebraic topology is a broad area of mathematics that has seen enormous developments over the past decade, and as such this book is a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers working in the field.

Algebraic Topology: A First Course (Contemporary Mathematics Ser. #Vol. 58)

by Marvin J. Greenberg

Great first book on algebraic topology. Introduces (co)homology through singular theory.

Algebraic Topology: VIASM 2012–2015 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2194)

by H. V. Hưng Nguyễn Lionel Schwartz

Held during algebraic topology special sessions at the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics (VIASM, Hanoi), this set of notes consists of expanded versions of three courses given by G. Ginot, H. -W. Henn and G. Powell. They are all introductory texts and can be used by PhD students and experts in the field. Among the three contributions, two concern stable homotopy of spheres: Henn focusses on the chromatic point of view, the Morava K(n)-localization and the cohomology of the Morava stabilizer groups. Powell's chapter is concerned with the derived functors of the destabilization and iterated loop functors and provides a small complex to compute them. Indications are given for the odd prime case. Providing an introduction to some aspects of string and brane topology, Ginot's contribution focusses on Hochschild homology and its generalizations. It contains a number of new results and fills a gap in the literature.

Algebraic Topology

by Allen Hatcher

In most major universities one of the three or four basic first-year graduate mathematics courses is algebraic topology. This introductory text is suitable for use in a course on the subject or for self-study, featuring broad coverage and a readable exposition, with many examples and exercises. The four main chapters present the basics: fundamental group and covering spaces, homology and cohomology, higher homotopy groups, and homotopy theory generally. The author emphasizes the geometric aspects of the subject, which helps students gain intuition. A unique feature is the inclusion of many optional topics not usually part of a first course due to time constraints: Bockstein and transfer homomorphisms, direct and inverse limits, H-spaces and Hopf algebras, the Brown representability theorem, the James reduced product, the Dold-Thom theorem, and Steenrod squares and powers.

Algebraic Topology

by Simon Rubinstein-Salzedo Clark Bray Adrian Butscher

Algebraic Topology is an introductory textbook based on a class for advanced high-school students at the Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) that the authors have taught for many years. Each chapter, or lecture, corresponds to one day of class at SUMaC. The book begins with the preliminaries needed for the formal definition of a surface. Other topics covered in the book include the classification of surfaces, group theory, the fundamental group, and homology. This book assumes no background in abstract algebra or real analysis, and the material from those subjects is presented as needed in the text. This makes the book readable to undergraduates or high-school students who do not have the background typically assumed in an algebraic topology book or class. The book contains many examples and exercises, allowing it to be used for both self-study and for an introductory undergraduate topology course.

Algebraic Thinking, Part Two (4th Edition)

by Linda L. Mannhardt Leslie G. Baker Lisa O. Schueren Colleen E. Weld Brian E. Enright

Algebraic Thinking Part 2 equips students to find algebraic answers by thinking and using manipulatives.

Algebraic Thinking, Part One (3rd Edition)

by Linda L. Mannhardt Leslie G. Baker Brian E. Enright

This mathematics book is aimed at helping students improve and understand algebraic reasoning.

Algebraic Thinking Foundations (3rd Edition)

by Brian E. Enright Linda L. Mannhardt Leslie G. Baker

Algebraic thinking is much more than a formal course called Algebra and here it refers to mathematics of the type used every day both in the home and the workplace--from rates of auto fuel consumption to planning budgets.

Algebraic Theory of Quadratic Numbers (Universitext)

by Mak Trifković

By focusing on quadratic numbers, this advanced undergraduate or master's level textbook on algebraic number theory is accessible even to students who have yet to learn Galois theory. The techniques of elementary arithmetic, ring theory and linear algebra are shown working together to prove important theorems, such as the unique factorization of ideals and the finiteness of the ideal class group The book concludes with two topics particular to quadratic fields: continued fractions and quadratic forms The treatment of quadratic forms is somewhat more advanced than usual, with an emphasis on their connection with ideal classes and a discussion of Bhargava cubes. The numerous exercises in the text offer the reader hands-on computational experience with elements and ideals in quadratic number fields The reader is also asked to fill in the details of proofs and develop extra topics, like the theory of orders Prerequisites include elementary number theory and a basic familiarity with ring theory.

Algebraic Theory of Numbers

by Pierre Samuel Allan J. Silberger

Algebraic number theory introduces students not only to new algebraic notions but also to related concepts: groups, rings, fields, ideals, quotient rings and quotient fields, homomorphisms and isomorphisms, modules, and vector spaces. Author Pierre Samuel notes that students benefit from their studies of algebraic number theory by encountering many concepts fundamental to other branches of mathematics — algebraic geometry, in particular.This book assumes a knowledge of basic algebra but supplements its teachings with brief, clear explanations of integrality, algebraic extensions of fields, Galois theory, Noetherian rings and modules, and rings of fractions. It covers the basics, starting with the divisibility theory in principal ideal domains and ending with the unit theorem, finiteness of the class number, and the more elementary theorems of Hilbert ramification theory. Numerous examples, applications, and exercises appear throughout the text.

Algebraic Theory of Locally Nilpotent Derivations (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences #136.3)

by Gene Freudenburg

This book explores the theory and application of locally nilpotent derivations, a subject motivated by questions in affine algebraic geometry and having fundamental connections to areas such as commutative algebra, representation theory, Lie algebras and differential equations. The author provides a unified treatment of the subject, beginning with 16 First Principles on which the theory is based. These are used to establish classical results, such as Rentschler's Theorem for the plane and the Cancellation Theorem for Curves. More recent results, such as Makar-Limanov's theorem for locally nilpotent derivations of polynomial rings, are also discussed. Topics of special interest include progress in classifying additive actions on three-dimensional affine space, finiteness questions (Hilbert's 14th Problem), algorithms, the Makar-Limanov invariant, and connections to the Cancellation Problem and the Embedding Problem. A lot of new material is included in this expanded second edition, such as canonical factorization of quotient morphisms, and a more extended treatment of linear actions. The reader will also find a wealth of examples and open problems and an updated resource for future investigations.

Algebraic Theory of Generalized Inverses

by Jianlong Chen Xiaoxiang Zhang

Most of the existing monographs on generalized inverses are based on linear algebra tools and geometric methods of Banach (Hilbert) spaces to introduce generalized inverses of complex matrices and operators and their related applications, or focus on generalized inverses of matrices over special rings like division rings and integral domains, and does not include the results in general algebraic structures such as arbitrary rings, semigroups and categories, which are precisely the most general cases.In this book, five important generalized inverses are introduced in these algebraic structures. Moreover, noting that the (pseudo) core inverse was introduced in the last decade and has attracted much attention, this book also covers the very rich research results on it, so as to be a necessary supplement to the existing monographs. This book starts with decompositions of matrices, introduces the basic properties of generalized inverses of matrices, and then discusses generalizedinverses of elements in rings and semigroups, as well as morphisms in categories. The algebraic nature of generalized inverses is presented, and the behavior of generalized inverses are related to the properties of the algebraic system.Scholars and graduate students working on the theory of rings, semigroups and generalized inverses of matrices and operators will find this book helpful.

Algebraic Theories (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by Leonard Dickson

This in-depth introduction to classical topics in higher algebra provides rigorous, detailed proofs for its explorations of some of mathematics' most significant concepts, including matrices, invariants, and groups. Algebraic Theories studies all of the important theories; its extensive offerings range from the foundations of higher algebra and the Galois theory of algebraic equations to finite linear groups (including Klein's "icosahedron" and the theory of equations of the fifth degree) and algebraic invariants. The full treatment includes matrices, linear transformations, elementary divisors and invariant factors, and quadratic, bilinear, and Hermitian forms, both singly and in pairs. The results are classical, with due attention to issues of rationality. Elementary divisors and invariant factors receive simple, natural introductions in connection with the classical form and a rational, canonical form of linear transformations. All topics are developed with a remarkable lucidity and discussed in close connection with their most frequent mathematical applications.

Algebraic Techniques and Their Use in Describing and Processing Uncertainty: To the Memory of Professor Elbert A. Walker (Studies in Computational Intelligence #878)

by Vladik Kreinovich Hung T. Nguyen

This book discusses heuristic methods – methods lacking a solid theoretical justification – which are ubiquitous in numerous application areas, and explains techniques that can make heuristic methods more reliable. Focusing on algebraic techniques, i.e., those that use only a few specific features of a situation, it describes various state-of-the-art applications, ranging from fuzzy methods for dealing with imprecision to general optimization methods and quantum-based methods for analyzing economic phenomena. The book also includes recent results from leading researchers, which could (and hopefully will) provide the basis for future applications. As such, it is a valuable resource for mathematicians interested in potential applications of their algebraic results and ideas, as well as for application specialists wanting to discover how algebraic techniques can help in their domains.

Algebraic Structures in Natural Language

by Jean-Philippe Bernardy

Algebraic Structures in Natural Language addresses a central problem in cognitive science concerning the learning procedures through which humans acquire and represent natural language. Until recently algebraic systems have dominated the study of natural language in formal and computational linguistics, AI, and the psychology of language, with linguistic knowledge seen as encoded in formal grammars, model theories, proof theories and other rule-driven devices. Recent work on deep learning has produced an increasingly powerful set of general learning mechanisms which do not apply rule-based algebraic models of representation. The success of deep learning in NLP has led some researchers to question the role of algebraic models in the study of human language acquisition and linguistic representation. Psychologists and cognitive scientists have also been exploring explanations of language evolution and language acquisition that rely on probabilistic methods, social interaction and information theory, rather than on formal models of grammar induction. This book addresses the learning procedures through which humans acquire natural language, and the way in which they represent its properties. It brings together leading researchers from computational linguistics, psychology, behavioral science and mathematical linguistics to consider the significance of non-algebraic methods for the study of natural language. The text represents a wide spectrum of views, from the claim that algebraic systems are largely irrelevant to the contrary position that non-algebraic learning methods are engineering devices for efficiently identifying the patterns that underlying grammars and semantic models generate for natural language input. There are interesting and important perspectives that fall at intermediate points between these opposing approaches, and they may combine elements of both. It will appeal to researchers and advanced students in each of these fields, as well as to anyone who wants to learn more about the relationship between computational models and natural language.

Algebraic Structures and Applications: SPAS 2017, Västerås and Stockholm, Sweden, October 4-6 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #317)

by Sergei Silvestrov Anatoliy Malyarenko Milica Rančić

This book explores the latest advances in algebraic structures and applications, and focuses on mathematical concepts, methods, structures, problems, algorithms and computational methods important in the natural sciences, engineering and modern technologies. In particular, it features mathematical methods and models of non-commutative and non-associative algebras, hom-algebra structures, generalizations of differential calculus, quantum deformations of algebras, Lie algebras and their generalizations, semi-groups and groups, constructive algebra, matrix analysis and its interplay with topology, knot theory, dynamical systems, functional analysis, stochastic processes, perturbation analysis of Markov chains, and applications in network analysis, financial mathematics and engineering mathematics. The book addresses both theory and applications, which are illustrated with a wealth of ideas, proofs and examples to help readers understand the material and develop new mathematical methods and concepts of their own. The high-quality chapters share a wealth of new methods and results, review cutting-edge research and discuss open problems and directions for future research. Taken together, they offer a source of inspiration for a broad range of researchers and research students whose work involves algebraic structures and their applications, probability theory and mathematical statistics, applied mathematics, engineering mathematics and related areas.

Algebraic Structure of String Field Theory (Lecture Notes in Physics #973)

by Martin Doubek Branislav Jurčo Martin Markl Ivo Sachs

This book gives a modern presentation of modular operands and their role in string field theory. The authors aim to outline the arguments from the perspective of homotopy algebras and their operadic origin. Part I reviews string field theory from the point of view of homotopy algebras, including A-infinity algebras, loop homotopy (quantum L-infinity) and IBL-infinity algebras governing its structure. Within this framework, the covariant construction of a string field theory naturally emerges as composition of two morphisms of particular odd modular operads. This part is intended primarily for researchers and graduate students who are interested in applications of higher algebraic structures to strings and quantum field theory. Part II contains a comprehensive treatment of the mathematical background on operads and homotopy algebras in a broader context, which should appeal also to mathematicians who are not familiar with string theory.

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