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Showing 51 through 75 of 23,720 results

Environmental Risk Modelling in Banking (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)

by Magdalena Zioło

Environmental risk directly affects the financial stability of banks since they bear the financial consequences of the loss of liquidity of the entities to which they lend and of the financial penalties imposed resulting from the failure to comply with regulations and for actions taken that are harmful to the natural environment. This book explores the impact of environmental risk on the banking sector and analyzes strategies to mitigate this risk with a special emphasis on the role of modelling. It argues that environmental risk modelling allows banks to estimate the patterns and consequences of environmental risk on their operations, and to take measures within the context of asset and liability management to minimize the likelihood of losses. An important role here is played by the environmental risk modelling methodology as well as the software and mathematical and econometric models used. It examines banks’ responses to macroprudential risk, particularly from the point of view of their adaptation strategies; the mechanisms of its spread; risk management and modelling; and sustainable business models. It introduces the basic concepts, definitions, and regulations concerning this type of risk, within the context of its influence on the banking industry. The book is primarily based on a quantitative and qualitative approach and proposes the delivery of a new methodology of environmental risk management and modelling in the banking sector. As such, it will appeal to researchers, scholars, and students of environmental economics, finance and banking, sociology, law, and political sciences.

The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis

by Enrico Zio

Monte Carlo simulation is one of the best tools for performing realistic analysis of complex systems as it allows most of the limiting assumptions on system behavior to be relaxed. The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis comprehensively illustrates the Monte Carlo simulation method and its application to reliability and system engineering. Readers are given a sound understanding of the fundamentals of Monte Carlo sampling and simulation and its application for realistic system modeling. Whilst many of the topics rely on a high-level understanding of calculus, probability and statistics, simple academic examples will be provided in support to the explanation of the theoretical foundations to facilitate comprehension of the subject matter. Case studies will be introduced to provide the practical value of the most advanced techniques. This detailed approach makes The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis a key reference for senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers and practitioners. It provides a powerful tool for all those involved in system analysis for reliability, maintenance and risk evaluations.

STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy

by Cliff Zintgraff Sang C. Suh Bruce Kellison Paul E. Resta

This book addresses how forward-thinking local communities are integrating pre-college STEM education, STEM pedagogy, industry clusters, college programs, and local, state and national policies to improve educational experiences, drive local development, gain competitive advantage for the communities, and lead students to rewarding careers. This book consists of three sections: foundational principles, city/regional case studies from across the globe, and state and national context. The authors explore the hypothesis that when pre-college STEM education is integrated with city and regional development, regions can drive a virtuous cycle of education, economic development, and quality of life.Why should pre-college STEM education be included in regional technology policy? When local leaders talk about regional policy, they usually talk about how government, universities and industry should work together. This relationship is important, but what about the hundreds of millions of pre-college students, taught by tens of millions of teachers, supported by hundreds of thousands of volunteers, who deliver STEM education around the world? Leaders in the communities featured in STEM in the Technopolis have recognized the need to prepare students at an early age, and the power of real-world connections in the process. The authors advocate for this approach to be expanded. They describe how STEM pedagogy, priority industry clusters, cross-sector collaboration, and the local incarnations of global development challenges can be made to work together for the good of all citizens in local communities. This book will be of interest to government policymakers, school administrators, industry executives, and non-profit executives. The book will be useful as a reference to teachers, professors, industry professional volunteers, non-profit staff, and program leaders who are developing, running, or teaching in STEM programs or working to improve quality of life in their communities.

Complex Network Analysis in Python: Recognize - Construct - Visualize - Analyze - Interpret

by Dmitry Zinoviev

Construct, analyze, and visualize networks with networkx, a Python language module. Network analysis is a powerful tool you can apply to a multitude of datasets and situations. Discover how to work with all kinds of networks, including social, product, temporal, spatial, and semantic networks. Convert almost any real-world data into a complex network--such as recommendations on co-using cosmetic products, muddy hedge fund connections, and online friendships. Analyze and visualize the network, and make business decisions based on your analysis. If you're a curious Python programmer, a data scientist, or a CNA specialist interested in mechanizing mundane tasks, you'll increase your productivity exponentially. Complex network analysis used to be done by hand or with non-programmable network analysis tools, but not anymore! You can now automate and program these tasks in Python. Complex networks are collections of connected items, words, concepts, or people. By exploring their structure and individual elements, we can learn about their meaning, evolution, and resilience. Starting with simple networks, convert real-life and synthetic network graphs into networkx data structures. Look at more sophisticated networks and learn more powerful machinery to handle centrality calculation, blockmodeling, and clique and community detection. Get familiar with presentation-quality network visualization tools, both programmable and interactive--such as Gephi, a CNA explorer. Adapt the patterns from the case studies to your problems. Explore big networks with NetworKit, a high-performance networkx substitute. Each part in the book gives you an overview of a class of networks, includes a practical study of networkx functions and techniques, and concludes with case studies from various fields, including social networking, anthropology, marketing, and sports analytics. Combine your CNA and Python programming skills to become a better network analyst, a more accomplished data scientist, and a more versatile programmer. What You Need: You will need a Python 3.x installation with the following additional modules: Pandas (>=0.18), NumPy (>=1.10), matplotlib (>=1.5), networkx (>=1.11), python-louvain (>=0.5), NetworKit (>=3.6), and generalizesimilarity. We recommend using the Anaconda distribution that comes with all these modules, except for python-louvain, NetworKit, and generalizedsimilarity, and works on all major modern operating systems.

The Meaning of Something: Rethinking the Logic and the Unity of the Ontology (Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning #29)

by Fosca Mariani Zini

This innovative volume investigates the meaning of ‘something’ in different recent philosophical traditions in order to rethink the logic and the unity of ontology, without forgetting to compare these views to earlier significative accounts in the history of philosophy. In fact, the revival of interest in “something” in the 19th and 20th centuries as well as in contemporary philosophy can easily be accounted for: it affords the possibility for asking the question: what is there? without engaging in predefined speculative assumptions The issue about “something” seems to avoid any naive approach to the question about what there is, so that it is treated in two main contemporary philosophical trends: “material ontology”, which aims at taking “inventory” of what there is, of everything that is; and “formal ontology”, which analyses the structural features of all there is, whatever it is. The volume advances cutting-edge debates on what is the first et the most general item in ontology, that is to say “something”, because the relevant features of the conceptual core of something are: non-nothingness, otherness. Something means that one being is different from others. The relationality belongs to something.: Therefore, the volume advances cutting-edge debates in phenomenology, analytic philosophy, formal and material ontology, traditional metaphysics.

Partial Truths: How Fractions Distort Our Thinking

by James C. Zimring

A fast-food chain once tried to compete with McDonald’s quarter-pounder by introducing a third-pound hamburger—only for it to flop when consumers thought a third pound was less than a quarter pound because three is less than four. Separately, a rash of suicides by teenagers who played Dungeons and Dragons caused a panic in parents and the media. They thought D&D was causing teenage suicides—when in fact teenage D&D players died by suicide at a much lower rate than the national average. Errors of this type can be found from antiquity to the present, from the Peloponnesian War to the COVID-19 pandemic. How and why do we keep falling into these traps?James C. Zimring argues that many of the mistakes that the human mind consistently makes boil down to misperceiving fractions. We see slews of statistics that are essentially fractions, such as percentages, probabilities, frequencies, and rates, and we tend to misinterpret them. Sometimes bad actors manipulate us by cherry-picking data or distorting how information is presented; other times, sloppy communicators inadvertently mislead us. In many cases, we fool ourselves and have only our own minds to blame. Zimring also explores the counterintuitive reason that these flaws might benefit us, demonstrating that individual error can be highly advantageous to problem solving by groups. Blending key scientific research in cognitive psychology with accessible real-life examples, Partial Truths helps readers spot the fallacies lurking in everyday information, from politics to the criminal justice system, from religion to science, from business strategies to New Age culture.

Einführung in die Mathematische Optimierung

by Uwe T. Zimmermann Rainer E. Burkard

Mathematische Optimierung spielt aufgrund der verbreiteten Anwendung des Verfahrens und seiner raschen wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung eine wichtige Rolle im Mathematikstudium. In dem Buch führen die Autoren in die Lineare und Konvexe Optimierung ein und vermitteln darauf aufbauend Fragen der Diskreten und Nichtlinearen Optimierung. Vorausgesetzt werden nur Grundkenntnisse der Linearen Algebra und Analysis. Alle Verfahren werden anhand von ökonomischen Beispielen dargestellt, die einzelnen Schritte im Open-Source-Programm Scilab sind dokumentiert.

So viel Mathe muss sein!: Gut vorbereitet in ein WiMINT-Studium

by Marc Zimmermann Rita Wurth Karin Lunde Matthias Gercken Wolfgang Erben Rolf Dürr Klaus Dürrschnabel

Mithilfe dieses Arbeitsbuchs wird der Leser auf die mathematischen Herausforderungen in einem WiMINT-Studium vorbereitet. Kurze, verständlich formulierte Texte frischen Schulwissen wie logisches Begründen, Bruchrechnen, Differenzialrechnung oder lineare Gleichungssysteme wieder auf. Hierbei helfen eine Vielzahl an Beispielen und Aufgaben mit Lösungen sowie Selbsttests am Anfang jedes Kapitels, mögliche Stolperfallen schon frühzeitig zu identifizieren. Thematisch orientiert sich das Arbeitsbuch am sogenannten cosh-Mindestanforderungskatalog, welcher von Lehrenden aus Schule und Hochschule gemeinsam entwickelt wurde. Dieser hält nach übereinstimmender Meinung vieler deutscher Hochschulen, Dachverbände und Dozenten das für ein WiMINT-Studium notwendige mathematische Vorwissen fest. Neben allgemeinen mathematischen Kompetenzen werden elementare Algebra, Geometrie, Analysis, lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie abgedeckt.

Abzähltheorie nach Pólya (essentials)

by Karl-Heinz Zimmermann

Im Zentrum dieses essentials steht der gefeierte Abzählsatz von Pólya. Damit lassen sich kombinatorische Objekte mit Symmetrien abzählen, wie etwa Halsketten mit bunten Perlen und Würfel mit gefärbten Seiten, aber auch Graphen und Bäume. Die Gruppentheorie wird dafür benutzt, die Symmetrien der abzuzählenden Figuren zu beschreiben. Darauf aufbauend kann anhand der Operation der jeweiligen Symmetriegruppe auf den gefärbten Figuren die Anzahl der verschiedenen Muster ermittelt werden. Grundlegend hierfür ist das Lemma von Burnside. Aus seiner gewichteten Fassung wird unter Einbeziehung der Zyklenindexpolynome von Symmetriegruppen der berühmte Pólyasche Satz hergeleitet. Einige Beispiele runden die Darstellung ab.

Berechenbarkeit: Berechnungsmodelle und Unentscheidbarkeit (essentials)

by Karl-Heinz Zimmermann

In diesem essential werden wesentliche Konzepte der Berechenbarkeitstheorie erörtert. Zunächst werden unterschiedliche Modelle der Berechenbarkeit eingeführt und ihre semantische Gleichwertigkeit gezeigt. Dieses Resultat steht in Einklang mit der Church-Turing-These, nach der jede intuitiv berechenbare Funktion partiell-rekursiv ist. Neben zentralen Instrumenten der Berechenbarkeit, wie etwa der Gödelisierung von berechenbaren Funktionen und der Existenz universeller berechenbarer Funktionen, stehen unentscheidbare Probleme im Fokus, wie etwa das Halteproblem sowie das Wortproblem für die Term-Ersetzung. Semi-entscheidbare Mengen werden beleuchtet und die zentralen Sätze von Rice und Rice-Shapiro werden skizziert.

Das Hidden-Markov-Modell: Zufallsprozesse mit verborgenen Zuständen und ihre wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischen Grundlagen (essentials)

by Karl-Heinz Zimmermann

Im Mittelpunkt dieses essentials steht eine Einführung in ein bekanntes statistisches Modell, das Hidden-Markov-Modell.Damit können Probleme bewältigt werden, bei denen aus einer Folge von Beobachtungen auf die wahrscheinlichste zustandsspezifische Beschreibung geschlossen werden soll.Die Anwendungen des Hidden-Markov-Modells liegen hauptsächlich in den Bereichen Bioinformatik, Computerlinguistik, maschinelles Lernen und Signalverarbeitung.In diesem Büchlein werden die beiden zentralen Problemstellungen in HMMs behandelt.Das Problem der Inferenz wird mit dem berühmten Viterbi-Algorithmus gelöst, und das Problem der Parameterschätzung wird mit zwei bekannten Methoden angegangen (Erwartungsmaximierung und Baum-Welch).

Representation Theory

by Alexander Zimmermann

Introducing the representation theory of groups and finite dimensional algebras, first studying basic non-commutative ring theory, this book covers the necessary background on elementary homological algebra and representations of groups up to block theory. It further discusses vertices, defect groups, Green and Brauer correspondences and Clifford theory. Whenever possible the statements are presented in a general setting for more general algebras, such as symmetric finite dimensional algebras over a field. Then, abelian and derived categories are introduced in detail and are used to explain stable module categories, as well as derived categories and their main invariants and links between them. Group theoretical applications of these theories are given - such as the structure of blocks of cyclic defect groups - whenever appropriate. Overall, many methods from the representation theory of algebras are introduced. Representation Theory assumes only the most basic knowledge of linear algebra, groups, rings and fields and guides the reader in the use of categorical equivalences in the representation theory of groups and algebras. As the book is based on lectures, it will be accessible to any graduate student in algebra and can be used for self-study as well as for classroom use.

Spatial Linear Models for Environmental Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Environmental Statistics)

by Dale L. Zimmerman Jay M. Ver Hoef

Many applied researchers equate spatial statistics with prediction or mapping, but this book naturally extends linear models, which includes regression and ANOVA as pillars of applied statistics, to achieve a more comprehensive treatment of the analysis of spatially autocorrelated data. Spatial Linear Models for Environmental Data, aimed at students and professionals with a master’s level training in statistics, presents a unique, applied, and thorough treatment of spatial linear models within a statistics framework. Two subfields, one called geostatistics and the other called areal or lattice models, are extensively covered. Zimmerman and Ver Hoef present topics clearly, using many examples and simulation studies to illustrate ideas. By mimicking their examples and R code, readers will be able to fit spatial linear models to their data and draw proper scientific conclusions. Topics covered include: Exploratory methods for spatial data including outlier detection, (semi)variograms, Moran’s I, and Geary’s c. Ordinary and generalized least squares regression methods and their application to spatial data. Suitable parametric models for the mean and covariance structure of geostatistical and areal data. Model-fitting, including inference methods for explanatory variables and likelihood-based methods for covariance parameters. Practical use of spatial linear models including prediction (kriging), spatial sampling, and spatial design of experiments for solving real world problems. All concepts are introduced in a natural order and illustrated throughout the book using four datasets. All analyses, tables, and figures are completely reproducible using open-source R code provided at a GitHub site. Exercises are given at the end of each chapter, with full solutions provided on an instructor’s FTP site supplied by the publisher.

Linear Model Theory: Exercises and Solutions

by Dale L. Zimmerman

This book contains 296 exercises and solutions covering a wide variety of topics in linear model theory, including generalized inverses, estimability, best linear unbiased estimation and prediction, ANOVA, confidence intervals, simultaneous confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and variance component estimation. The models covered include the Gauss-Markov and Aitken models, mixed and random effects models, and the general mixed linear model. Given its content, the book will be useful for students and instructors alike. Readers can also consult the companion textbook Linear Model Theory - With Examples and Exercises by the same author for the theory behind the exercises.

Linear Model Theory: With Examples and Exercises

by Dale L. Zimmerman

This textbook presents a unified and rigorous approach to best linear unbiased estimation and prediction of parameters and random quantities in linear models, as well as other theory upon which much of the statistical methodology associated with linear models is based. The single most unique feature of the book is that each major concept or result is illustrated with one or more concrete examples or special cases. Commonly used methodologies based on the theory are presented in methodological interludes scattered throughout the book, along with a wealth of exercises that will benefit students and instructors alike. Generalized inverses are used throughout, so that the model matrix and various other matrices are not required to have full rank. Considerably more emphasis is given to estimability, partitioned analyses of variance, constrained least squares, effects of model misspecification, and most especially prediction than in many other textbooks on linear models. This book is intended for master and PhD students with a basic grasp of statistical theory, matrix algebra and applied regression analysis, and for instructors of linear models courses. Solutions to the book’s exercises are available in the companion volume Linear Model Theory - Exercises and Solutions by the same author.

Global Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications

by Zachary Zimmer

Population ageing - a growth in the proportion of a population that is in older age - is now occurring in every region and nearly every country of the world. Indeed, the growth of older populations is among the important global phenomena of the twenty-first century. It poses both opportunities and challenges for societies and policy makers, but these are far from uniform worldwide. Dynamic factors are at work impacting on how ageing will influence people, places and policies and there are large variations in the rate and timing of population ageing across countries, owing to differing social, health and economic circumstances and a variety of policy options from which to choose. Given this variation in the context of global ageing as a backdrop, this edited book focuses on three overarching themes that are among the most critical to understand if societies are to age successfully in the twenty-first century and beyond: Healthy ageing and health care; the ageing workforce, retirement and the provision of pensions; shifting intergenerational relations. These three themes are cross-cut by other dimensions that are intertwined with the dynamic processes of ageing, such as immigration/emigration, contrasting policy regimes and global and national economic forces. This ground-breaking book will be of interest to all scholars, students and policy-makers working within this area of study.

Group Actions in Ergodic Theory, Geometry, and Topology: Selected Papers

by Robert J. Zimmer

Robert J. Zimmer is best known in mathematics for the highly influential conjectures and program that bear his name. Group Actions in Ergodic Theory, Geometry, and Topology: Selected Papers brings together some of the most significant writings by Zimmer, which lay out his program and contextualize his work over the course of his career. Zimmer’s body of work is remarkable in that it involves methods from a variety of mathematical disciplines, such as Lie theory, differential geometry, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, arithmetic groups, and topology, and at the same time offers a unifying perspective. After arriving at the University of Chicago in 1977, Zimmer extended his earlier research on ergodic group actions to prove his cocycle superrigidity theorem which proved to be a pivotal point in articulating and developing his program. Zimmer’s ideas opened the door to many others, and they continue to be actively employed in many domains related to group actions in ergodic theory, geometry, and topology. In addition to the selected papers themselves, this volume opens with a foreword by David Fisher, Alexander Lubotzky, and Gregory Margulis, as well as a substantial introductory essay by Zimmer recounting the course of his career in mathematics. The volume closes with an afterword by Fisher on the most recent developments around the Zimmer program.

Business Intelligence: Third European Summer School, eBISS 2013, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 7-12, 2013, Tutorial Lectures (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #172)

by Esteban Zimányi

To large organizations, business intelligence (BI) promises the capability of collecting and analyzing internal and external data to generate knowledge and value, thus providing decision support at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels. BI is now impacted by the "Big Data" phenomena and the evolution of society and users. In particular, BI applications must cope with additional heterogeneous (often Web-based) sources, e. g. , from social networks, blogs, competitors', suppliers', or distributors' data, governmental or NGO-based analysis and papers, or from research publications. In addition, they must be able to provide their results also on mobile devices, taking into account location-based or time-based environmental data. The lectures held at the Third European Business Intelligence Summer School (eBISS), which are presented here in an extended and refined format, cover not only established BI and BPM technologies, but extend into innovative aspects that are important in this new environment and for novel applications, e. g. , pattern and process mining, business semantics, Linked Open Data, and large-scale data management and analysis. Combining papers by leading researchers in the field, this volume equips the reader with the state-of-the-art background necessary for creating the future of BI. It also provides the reader with an excellent basis and many pointers for further research in this growing field.

Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews

by Dennis G. Zill Jacqueline M. Dewar

Perfect for the one-term course, Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews, Fifth Edition provides a complete, yet concise, introduction to precalculus concepts, focusing on important topics that will be of direct and immediate use in most calculus courses.

Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews

by Dennis G. Zill Jacqueline M. Dewar

Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews, Sixth Edition, is an ideal undergraduate text to help students successfully transition into a future course in calculus. The Sixth Edition of this best-selling text presents the fundamental mathematics used in a typical calculus sequence in a focused and readable format. Dennis G. Zill’s concise, yet eloquent, writing style allows instructors to cover the entire text in one semester. Essentials of Precalculus with Calculus Previews, Sixth Edition uses a vibrant full-color design to illuminate key concepts and improves students' comprehension of graphs and figures. This text also includes a valuable collection of student and instructor resources, making it a complete teaching and learning package.

A First Course In Differential Equations With Modeling Applications

by Dennis G. Zill

Straightforward and easy to read, A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, 11th Edition, gives you a thorough overview of the topics typically taught in a first course in differential equations. Your study of differential equations and its applications will be supported by a bounty of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, ""Remarks"" boxes, definitions, and more.

Differential Equations With Boundary-value Problems

by Dennis Zill

Master differential equations and succeed in your course DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS with accompanying CD-ROM and technology! Straightfoward and readable, this mathematics text provides you with tools such as examples, explanations, definitions, and applications designed to help you succeed. The accompanying DE Tools CD-ROM makes helps you master difficult concepts through twenty-one demonstration tools such as Project Tools and Text Tools. Studying is made easy with iLrn Tutorial, a text-specific, interactive tutorial software program that gives the practice you need to succeed.

The cult of statistical significance

by Stephen T. Ziliak Deirdre N. Mccloskey

The Cult of Statistical Significance shows, field by field, how “statistical significance,” a technique that dominates many sciences, has been a huge mistake. The authors find that researchers in a broad spectrum of fields, from agronomy to zoology, employ “testing” that doesn’t test and “estimating” that doesn’t estimate. The facts will startle the outside reader: how could a group of brilliant scientists wander so far from scientific magnitudes? This study will encourage scientists who want to know how to get the statistical sciences back on track and fulfill their quantitative promise. The book shows for the first time how wide the disaster is, and how bad for science, and it traces the problem to its historical, sociological, and philosophical roots.

Modern Real Analysis

by William P. Ziemer

This first year graduate text is a comprehensive resource in real analysis based on a modern treatment of measure and integration. Presented in a definitive and self-contained manner, it features a natural progression of concepts from simple to difficult. Several innovative topics are featured, including differentiation of measures, elements of Functional Analysis, the Riesz Representation Theorem, Schwartz distributions, the area formula, Sobolev functions and applications to harmonic functions. Together, the selection of topics forms a sound foundation in real analysis that is particularly suited to students going on to further study in partial differential equations. This second edition of Modern Real Analysis contains many substantial improvements, including the addition of problems for practicing techniques, and an entirely new section devoted to the relationship between Lebesgue and improper integrals. Aimed at graduate students with an understanding of advanced calculus, the text will also appeal to more experienced mathematicians as a useful reference.

Information Technology for Management: 15th Conference, ISM 2020, and FedCSIS-IST 2020 Track, Held as Part of FedCSIS, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 6–9, 2020, Extended and Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #413)

by Ewa Ziemba Witold Chmielarz

This book constitutes revised selected and extended papers presented at track 4 of the Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, FedCSIS 2020, which took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, during September 6–9, 2020. The FedCSIS Information Systems and Technologies Track included AIST 2020, DSH 2020, ISM 2020, and KAM 2020. For this track, a total of 29 submissions was received from which a total of 5 full and 3 short papers was accepted for publication in this volume. The papers were organized in topical sections named: improving project management methods; numerical methods of solving management problems; and technological infrastructure for business excellence.

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