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Adjuvant Medical Care

by Charles Theisler

Despite tremendous gains in medical knowledge, most conditions are managed, rather than cured, by medications. As a result, countless patients seek supplemental modes of care to better control their symptoms and conditions to improve their overall wellbeing. This reality spotlights the need for adjuvant medical procedures. Adjuvant medical care refers to any supportive therapy that enhances the outcome of medical measures already in place. Adjuvant care does not replace primary or traditional treatments, but instead serves as add-on care to the initial medical treatment plan prescribed by a health care provider. The addition of one or more non-prescription therapies (e.g., nutritional support, over-the-counter remedies, home care, dietary measures, supplements, etc.) to the primary medical management regimen has become increasingly popular and mainstream thanks to scientific studies that have documented favorable outcomes for many patients. The verifiable scientific merit of these additional medical options demonstrates their usefulness in the treatment of many medical conditions. The purpose of this handbook is to provide support to doctors and patients who are interested in safe and effective non-prescription and non-pharmacological medical therapies for specific conditions to minimize symptoms and optimize recovery and quality of life. • Helps doctors and patients discover additional therapies that can reduce pain, advance health outcomes, minimize complications and disability, and extend life. • Presents safe, reliable, and practical options that are available to reduce symptoms, maximize recovery, and positively augment the management of a variety of conditions. • Provides medical insight into less traditional, yet often effective, supportive options for enhancing and optimizing patient response to care. This book is a valuable resource for both doctors and patients who are committed to achieving the best possible medical outcomes through a variety of coordinated approaches.

Adjustment to Adult Hearing Loss (Routledge Library Editions: Aging)

by Harold Orlans

Originally published in 1985, the chapters in this book were, with two exceptions, first prepared for and discussed at a monthly research seminar series on Hearing Loss in Adulthood during the 1983-1984 academic year. One of the exceptions was included to fill a major gap in the literature dealing with the experience of persons who suffer a moderate hearing loss in midlife. The other, by the editor, presents his observations and reiterates significant points made by a number of seminar members. As a whole this book shines a light on the experience of hearing-impaired people, particularly the loss of hearing in later life.

Adipositas- und metabolische Chirurgie

by Jürgen Ordemann Ulf Elbelt

Praxisorientiert und detailliert sind in diesem Buch die chirurgische Therapie der Adipositas und die metabolische Chirurgie dargestellt. Die einzelnen Operationsverfahren mit ihren spezifischen Indikationen, Durchf#65533;hrung und Risiken werden in Wort und Bild ausf#65533;hrlich beschrieben. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Auswahl des geeigneten Operationsverfahrens f#65533;r den einzelnen Patienten gelegt. Neben den Wirkmechanismen, die den Operationsverfahren zugrunde liegen, und der vorangehenden konservativen Therapie werden die vorgeschalteten formalen Schritte, die Operationsvorbereitung und die postoperative Nachsorge erl#65533;utert. Au#65533;er chirurgischen werden auch internistische und psychosomatische Komplikationen ausf#65533;hrlich dargestellt. Informationen zur Gr#65533;ndung und Zertifizierung eines Adipositaszentrums und ein Ausblick auf neue Entwicklungen der bariatrischen Therapie runden den Band ab.

Adipositas bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Grundlagen und Klinik

by Martin Wabitsch Johannes Hebebrand Wieland Kiess Thomas Reinehr Susanna Wiegand

In diesem Buch vermitteln renommierte Spezialisten lückenlos und verständlich den Kenntnisstand zum Thema Kinder und Jugendliche mit Adipositas. Das Standardwerk beantwortet Fragen nach den Ursachen und dem Krankheitswert und erklärt, wie das Körpergewicht des Menschen reguliert wird. Ausführliche Informationen zur Diagnostik und zu therapeutischen Ansätzen werden mit zahlreichen Praxistipps und Beratungshinweisen ergänzt. Zusätzlich bietet das Buch Empfehlungen und Instrumente für die Betreuung Betroffener und ihrer Familien.

Adipositas: Ätiologie, Folgekrankheiten, Diagnostik, Therapie

by Alfred Wirth Hans Hauner

Etwa 65 % der Deutschen sind übergewichtig - starkes Übergewicht beeinträchtigt die Lebensqualität und führt häufig zu Diabetes, Stoffwechselstörungen, Hypertonie und Gelenkbeschwerden. Der Band bietet Fachleuten, die mit adipösen Patienten arbeiten, das notwendige Wissen zu Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Therapie der Adipositas und ihren Folgekrankheiten. Die Inhalte sind leicht verständlich dargestellt und an den Leitlinien der Fachgesellschaften ausgerichtet. Mit Praxistipps, Hinweisen auf Fehlerquellen und Kurzzusammenfassungen.

Adipose Tissue Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #456)

by Kaiping Yang

The radical expansion and revision of techniques and experimental approaches employed in the study of adipose tissue are reflected in this revised book. Several updated chapters are combined with many new contributions from internationally recognized experts. Conventional and state-of-the-art methodologies are covered, as well as whole animal, cellular and molecular approaches which have emerged in or been extended to adipose tissue research over the past few years. This revised all-in-one manual is essential reading for newcomers to this burgeoning area as well as a valuable volume for more experienced researchers.

Adipose Tissue In Childhood (Routledge Revivals)

by Fernand P. Bonnet

Published in 1981: The main topic of the book is the growth of white adipose tissue as a whole as well as the level of the local fat depots.

Adipose Tissue Biology

by Michael E. Symonds

This book is designed to provide a comprehensive insight into current perspectives and challenges in adipose tissue biology. In Adipose Tissue Biology, scientists and clinicians discuss adipocyte precursors, differentiation and growth, brown and white adipose tissue, gender, inflammation, dietary and genetic determinants of fat mass, together with evolutionary and developmental aspects of adiposity.

Adipose Tissue and Cancer

by Mikhail G. Kolonin

Recent studies have shown that cells from adipose tissue are capable of trafficking to tumors, thus enabling paracrine action of adipokines from within the tumor microenvironment. Increased tumor vascularization, immune system suppression and direct effects on malignant cell survival and proliferation have been investigated as mechanisms regulated by adipokines. The goal of this book is to discuss data pointing to the role of adipose tissue in cancer and to dissect individual mechanisms through which adipose tissue excess or restriction could influence cancer progression.

Adipose Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

by Aris Sterodimas Yves-Gerard Illouz

The therapeutic potential of the use of adipose stem cells in regenerative medicine has been increasingly recognized, and in recent years concrete clinical benefits have accrued as these cells have been explored for a variety of applications. This readable and informative textbook tracks the progress that has been made in this fascinating new area of biomedicine. All aspects of the subject are considered, with particular attention to adipose cell biology, adipose tissue engineering strategies, and the diverse clinical applications of adipose stem cells. Funding issues, industrial approaches, regulatory challenges, and future directions are also examined. The two editors have vast experience in the field and have chosen leading experts from different countries to write on each topic. This book will excite the interest of all researchers, clinicians, and students wishing to gain an in-depth understanding of adipose stem cells and their flourishing role in regenerative medicine.

Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: Methods And Protocols (Methods In Molecular Biology #702)

by Bruce A. Bunnell Jeffrey M. Gimble

During the past decade, a wide range of scientific disciplines have adopted the use of adipose-derived stem/stromal cells (ASCs) as an important tool for research and discovery. In Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols, experts from the field, including members of the esteemed International Federation of Adipose Therapeutics and Science (IFATS), provide defined and established protocols in order to further codify the utilization of these powerful and accessible cells. With chapters organized around approaches spanning the discovery, pre-clinical, and clinical processes, much of the emphasis is placed on human ASC, while additional techniques involving small and large animal species are included. As a volume in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series, the detailed contributions include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and cutting-edge, Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols serves as a vital reference text for experienced researchers as well as new students on the path to further exploring the incredible potential of ASCs.

Adipocytokines, Energy Balance, and Cancer (Energy Balance and Cancer #12)

by Nathan A. Berger Ofer Reizes

Adipocytokines provide the circuitry by which adipose tissue communicates among its component cells which include adipocytes, stromal cells, immune cells and vascular elements, with adipose tissue depots in other locations throughout the body and with other tissues in order to regulate physiologic processes of energy intake, utilization, and distribution. Since disturbances, both qualitative and quantitative, in adipocytokine function contribute significantly to many of the comorbidities associated with obesity, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, this volume, which discusses most of the major adipocytokines independently and collectively and their roles in normal and pathologic processes, should be useful to all individuals seeking a deeper understanding of these processes. Moreover, it provides a valuable complement to the series on Energy Balance and Cancer, in which each volume is focused on a specific aspect of this process, which now constitutes an expanding problem as the obesity pandemic continues and more of the population reaches the age where cancer is most prevalent. This volume should provide a valuable resource to all clinicians and scientists engaged in caring for susceptible patients and in exploring the relation between energy balance and cancer as well as an important platform to providing the background for research development.

Adipocytic, Vascular and Skeletal Muscle Tumors: A Practical Diagnostic Approach (Current Clinical Pathology)

by Raf Sciot Clara Gerosa Gavino Faa

This book focuses on the subsets of soft tissue tumors that show adipocytic, vascular or skeletal muscle differentiation. It reviews the surgical pathologists’ approach to diagnosing soft tissue tumors guided by vital morphological and immunohistochemical data in the differential diagnosis of this family of tumors. Written by experts in the field, the text contains a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that helps guide diagnosis and patient management, and stimulates investigative efforts. The book is filled with high-quality drawings of the salient histologic features of these various tumors, alongside photomicrographs and tips and tricks that help the relatively untrained or inexperienced eye to recognize the various structures or cell types that comprise each of these lesions. This innovative approach seeks to make recognition of these tumors easier.Adipocytic, Vascular and Skeletal Muscle Tumors serves as a valuable resource for pathologists, oncologists, surgeons, and researchers dealing with and interested in these complex and challenging tumors.

Adhunik Bharat ka Itihas - Ranchi University, N.P.U: आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास - राँची यूनिवर्सिटी, एन.पी.यू.

by Vipin Chandra

आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास यह पुस्तक इतिहास के उस काल का वर्णन प्रस्तुत करती है जिसे ब्रिटिश भारत के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह वर्णन मुख्य रूप से भारत में राष्ट्रवाद और उपनिवेशवाद पर मेरे शोध और इस काल पर प्रकाशित विभिन्न ग्रंथों पर आधारित है। पुरातन साम्राज्यवाद और राष्ट्रवाद के इतिहासलेखन की चुनौती के साथ पुस्तक ऐतिहासिक-राजनैतिक वर्णन से आगे बढ़कर इतिहास, राजनीति, अर्थशास्त्र, समाजशास्त्र और अन्य संबंधित विषयों के पारस्परिक अंतर्संबंधों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करती है। पुस्तक में व्यापक सामाजिक बलों, आंदोलनों, संस्थानों और व्यक्तियों का अध्ययन इस उद्देश्य के साथ किया गया कि कुछ घटनाएं क्यों घटित हुई और इस तरह की घटनाओं के परिणामों का वर्णन कालक्रमानुसार किया गया है। पुस्तक में अठारहवीं सदी में भारत की सामाजिक, आर्थिक और राजनीतिक परिस्थितियों के आधार पर बताया गया है कि क्यों भारत ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी और बाद में ब्रिटिश शासन के अधीन हो गया। इसमें भारत पर ब्रिटिश शासन के राजनैतिक, प्रशासनिक और आर्थिक प्रभावों का सविस्तर वर्णन शामिल है। अंतिम पांच अध्याय भारत में राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन से जुड़े हैं, जिनमें भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस के गठन से लेकर भारत द्वारा स्वतंत्रता की प्राप्ति का वर्णन है। राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन की नरमपंथी, गरमपंथी और क्रांतिकारी जैसी विभिन्न विचारधाराओं का विस्तृत विवेचन किया गया है।

ADHS: Ressourcen und Stressbewältigung für betroffene Erwachsene und Jugendliche

by Astrid Schütz Tina Horlitz

Selbsthilfe bei ADHS/ADS: zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration Wer unter dem Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom leidet, erlebt Stress im Beruf, kann sich auch im Privaten nicht konzentrieren, braucht einen Plan, hält ihn nicht ein. . . Während bei Kindern die Diagnostik standardmäßig beachtet wird, gibt es zahlreiche Erwachsene, die die Ursachen ihrer Beeinträchtigung nicht kennen. Sie haben dennoch gelernt, mit wechselnden Eindrücken umzugehen und Ziele mit Ausdauer zu verfolgen - oft ist der sog. Hyperfokus zu ihrer Ressource geworden. In diesem Buch erfahren Betroffene und Interessierte, was das Besondere an Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit AD(H)S ist und welche Belastung, aber auch welches Potential in ihrem Leben zwischen einem weiten Himmel und ihrem empfundenen Druck stecken können. Hilfreich für Betroffene von 18 bis 100 Jahren Im ersten Teil des Buches wird anhand eines fiktiven Gesprächs zwischen Anny (einer Betroffenen) und einem Psychologen dargestellt, welche typischen Fragen Betroffene stellen, was sie von sich erzählen können und welche Hilfsmöglichkeiten bestehen. Dieser Teil des Buches ist abwechslungsreich geschrieben und leicht lesbar. Im zweiten Teil werden Ressourcen greifbar: praktische Selbsthilfeübungen und Arbeitsblätter, Reflexionsfragen und Strategien zur Bewältigung von Stresserleben bei AD(H)S. Alle Arbeitsblätter finden Sie zusätzlich kostenlos zum Download im Internet. Die Übungen sind leicht umsetzbar. Geschrieben für Erwachsene und Jugendliche mit ADHS, ihre Angehörigen und Freunde

Adhesive Interactions in Normal and Transformed Cells

by Yury A. Rovensky

Adhesive Interactions in Normal and Transformed Cells describes the basic mechanisms of the ability of tissue cells to attach to each other and to the extracellular matrix. These adhesive interactions are pivotal regulators of main cellular functions, such as proliferation, survival and migration. The adhesive interactions are involved in embryonic development, regeneration, and also in inflammation and degeneration processes, which are at the basis of many diseases. Serious alterations in cell adhesion caused by the oncogenic transformation play a key role in cancer invasion and metastasis. This volume provides comprehensive information about structural, mechanistic and signaling aspects of adhesive interactions in both normal and cancer cells in comparison. Integration of such aspects of the adhesive process as structure, relation to cell systems of receptors and cytoskeleton, function, signaling pathways, and the alterations in tumor cells constitutes the strongest point of this work. The results of the long-time author's research are included in the book. The author was one of pioneers, who used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study the cell surface morphology of normal cultured cells and the cells underwent the oncogenic transformation, processes of their attachment to and spreading on the surfaces of a solid substratum, and also surprising ability of the cells to respond to various geometric configurations of the substrata surfaces. Adhesive Interactions in Normal and Transformed Cells has both biological and medical aspects and, therefore, it can be interesting not only for cell biologists, developmental biologists and cancer researchers, but also for physicians. It is intended for researchers, postdocs, undergraduate and graduate students.

Adhesion Molecules in Allergic Disease

by Bruce S. Bochner

This unique resource-the first book of its kind exclusively devoted to the subject-offers timely coverage of the cells, mechanisms, and proteins involved in allergic inflammation, emphasizing the latest advances in local cell recruitment.

Adhesion G Protein-coupled Receptors: Molecular, Physiological and Pharmacological Principles in Health and Disease (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology #234)

by Tobias Langenhan Torsten Schöneberg

Latest research on Adhesion GPCRs has unearthed surprising revelations about the events that govern the signal transduction of these receptor molecules and the cellular and organ requirements for these signals. Unexpected and unprecedented findings suggest that Adhesion GPCRs constitute a group of receptors that sense mechanical stimuli and transcode them into metabotropic signals through the action of a novel activation paradigm. Interdisciplinary efforts transcending many areas of biomedical research including pharmacology, physiology, genetics, cell biology, structural biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics were necessary to unveil these fundamental properties. The scientific leaders in the field that carried this research effort have teamed up here to provide a comprehensive overview of our current understanding, how Adhesion GPCRs signal and how these receptors shape organ structure and function.

Adherens Junctions: From Molecular Mechanisms To Tissue Development And Disease (Subcellular Biochemistry #60)

by Tony Harris

Cell-cell adhesion is fundamental for the development and homeostasis of animal tissues and organs. Adherens junctions (AJs) are the best understood cell-cell adhesion complexes. In this volume, a group of internationally recognized experts reviews AJ biology over a wide range of organization; from atoms to molecules, to protein complexes, molecular networks, cells, tissues, and overall animal development. AJs have also been an integral part of animal evolution, and play central roles in cancer development, pathogen infection and other diseases. This book addresses major questions encompassing AJ biology. * How did AJs evolve? * How do cadherins and catenins interact to assemble AJs and mediate adhesion? * How do AJs interface with other cellular machinery to couple adhesion with the whole cell? * How do AJs affect cell behaviour and multicellular development? * How can abnormal AJ activity lead to disease?

Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology)

by Michael A. Rapoff

It used to be called noncompliance, and the patients themselves referred to as difficult. But regardless of the terminology, children's reluctance or failure to commit to prescribed regimens reduces the effectiveness of treatment, often leading to additional care, higher costs, and serious, even deadly, complications. Reflecting a single, authoritative voice, the Second Edition of Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens analyzes in comprehensive clinical detail the factors that affect children's and teens' commitment to treatment - from developmental issues to the influence of parents, peers, and others in their orbit - and offers empirically sound guidelines for encouraging adherence. It cautions against viewing young clients as miniature grownups or scaling down adult data, advocating instead for a more nuanced understanding of the population and a collaborative relationship between practitioner and client. Critical areas of interest to clinicians and researchers in pediatrics are brought into clear focus as the book: Provides an overview of adherence rates to chronic and acute disease regimens and examines common adherence problems in children and adolescents. Details consequences of nonadherence and correlates of adherence. Critiques major adherence theories and their clinical implications. Discusses the range of adherence assessment measures. Reviews educational, behavioral and other strategies for improving adherence. Offers ways to translate research into pediatric medical adherence. This updated edition of Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens is an essential reference for anyone concerned with improving health outcomes in young people, especially clinicians, researchers, and graduate students in psychiatry as well as pediatric, clinical child, and health psychology.

Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology)

by Michael A. Rapoff Christina Duncan Cynthia Karlson

The third edition of this book provides comprehensive coverage of pediatric medical adherence, including such important topics as the extent of nonadherence and medical consequences, predictors of adherence, theories about adherence and clinical applications, and assessment strategies for adherence and health outcomes. In addition, chapters describe strategies for improving adherence, review research studies on improving adherence, and address ways to improve research on adherence for children and adolescents with chronic diseases. The new edition also examines the developmental aspects of adherence assessment and intervention as well as cultural, ethical, and legal issues in adherence research and practice. Key areas of coverage include: Consequences of nonadherence and correlates of adherence. Developmental aspects related to assessing and improving pediatric medical adherence. Assessing pediatric disease and health status. Cultural, ethical, and legal issues related to pediatric medical adherence. Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens, Third Edition, is an essential reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other practitioners in developmental, clinical child and school psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, pediatrics and pediatric psychology, social work, public health, health psychology, and all interrelated fields.

Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among Perinatal Women in Guyana: Challenges and Lessons for Developing Nations

by Debbie Vitalis

The book documents the history of the prevention-of-mother-to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) program in Guyana, as well as the impact of HIV on pregnant and postpartum women’s adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART). The book shows research work by reviewing the literature to investigate relevant adherence studies, presenting in-depth interviews on adherence perspectives of clinic patients and healthcare providers, and a cross-sectional descriptive study of pregnant women that investigated general adherence to pregnancy-related behaviours and ART, and the efficacy of a theoretical model (Health Belief Model) to understand and predict ART adherence within this group. Author discusses the factors affecting ART adherence among pregnant and postpartum women, since existing studies may not account for cultural and other local variations. The findings provide insight into the local situation, and will also inform policy and practice in Guyana, and the wider Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

Adherence in Dermatology

by Scott A. Davis

An essential, comprehensive, and practical guide to understanding, measuring, and modifying patients' adherence behavior to optimize treatment outcomes, this book covers all major aspects of adherence in dermatology. The first section describes current knowledge on the magnitude and impact of nonadherence; the second outlines measuring adherence in the context of databases, trials and practice. The third section addresses adherence in key skin diseases and the fourth covers numerous strategies to improve adherence by mitigating specific patient barriers. All sections emphasize ways to optimize communication with patients: the foundation for producing successful health behavior change. Low adherence helps explain why, despite effective treatments existing for all major dermatologic conditions, many patients still fail to improve. When clinicians endeavour to maximize adherence, with the aid of evidence-based strategies, these drugs will often realise their potential. This book devotes special attention to understanding why individuals may be nonadherent, so that each patient can receive a suitable treatment regimen, with a personalized plan of action. This book is designed for clinicians at all levels, serving as both introductory training for medical students and residents, and an update on the field for experienced practitioners. Researchers and policymakers will also benefit from its coverage of research methods and the impact of nonadherence in specific diseases. Adherence in Dermatology bridges the gap between outcomes researchers and clinicians by explaining the latest findings in plain language, with examples from everyday dermatologic practice.

Adherance to Treatment in Medical Conditions

by Lynn Myers

Poor adherence or compliance to treatment has major medical, psychological and economic consequences. This monographs provides comprehensive coverage of issues and research in the area of adherence and treatment in medical conditions. It covers all aspects within this field and includes chapters on the role of doctor-patient communications; memory; adherence in specific groups, such as children and the elderly; adherence to different treatments, such as diet and exercise; and reviews of adherence in specific conditions, such as diabetes and asthma.

ADHD-vragenlijst AVL: Avl

by J.D. van der Ploeg E. M. Scholte

De ADHD vragenlijst (AVL) is ontwikkeld om bij kinderen in de leeftijd van 4 tot 18 jaar de (gedrags)symptomen van ADHD te kunnen bepalen. Daarbij verwijst ADHD naar de volgende drie basisvormen van probleemgedrag bij kinderen: a aandachtstekort (snel afgeleid en weinig taakgericht)b hyperactiviteit (overbeweeglijkheid en motorische onrust)c impulsiviteit (ongecontroleerd en ongeremd gedrag).De AVL is een vragenlijst met totaal 18 vragen op bovengenoemde gebieden. Het invullen neemt max. 15 minuten in beslag. De AVL is bruikbaar in diverse speciale zorgsituaties voor kinderen, zoals de ambulante en residentiele jeugdzorg, de daghulp, de pleegzorg en het (speciaal)onderwijs. Daarbij kan hij ook worden gebruikt om de effecten van de behandeling van ADHD te evalueren.De AVL voldoet ruimschoots aan de kwaliteitseisen van de COTAN en staat op de lijst van aanbevolen tests voor indicatiestelling voor het speciaal onderwijs.

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